#fizzy plays: sdv
fizzytoo · 4 months
i think you guys need to see my sdv farmer 🫵🏽
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dollfaced-erin · 3 years
Not So New Afterall (Sdv Sebastian x F!Reader)
A/n: and i thought this was gonna be a short chapter. There was lots more I wanted to include, but it might bore you guys from the looooong story!! (s if it wasn’t already long in the first place.)
The game was set up, and both players stood at their point. Clutching the cue stick tightly in her hand, Sebastian briefly explained the rules to the new girl. She knew the main basics of the game, but she wasn’t sure if she would be able to beat Sebastian. Not while he was looking as smug as he was now.
It was sure who had the most experience here.
Being a good sport, Sebastian gave her the first turn to hit the cue ball. The said female scattered all the balls across the board. Turns began exchanging between the two competitors, and the spectators by the side were literally on their toes.
“What’s got Sebastian so worked up all a sudden?” Abigail said, whispering into Sam’s ear. The blonde shrugged, speechless towards Sebastian’s sudden change from his signature cold and reserved to jealous and competitive.
“Is it because (Y/n) came and everyone liked her?” Sam asked, pulling out one of the most logical reasons he could find. Abigail shook her head, “I don’t think he’ll be affected by that. Was it something between Robin or Maru, perhaps?”
Sam really had no idea. “I really have no idea, but that actually makes sense, or he just wants to show off his moves,” he whispered again. “But do you remember how Sebastian started playing pool?” he asked the dyed- haired girl.
“Quite long ago, actually. It was when we were still kids. Probably when the old farm had the owner before (Y/n). You remember the old man had...a relative was it? And he taught us how to play pool with...that...girl,” Abigail trailed off, her thoughts and memories muddled up in her mind. 
“He really liked to play pool after being taught. Especially when he played around with the girl. Kept playing even though she already left till he became the him now,”
“Really? I don’t really remember, but it must’ve that far away. I think the time you’re talking about was when I just moved here,” Sam replied. “Little girl, you said?” he asked her once more.
“Hm..it seems vague to me, but it feels like a dream too.”
The players ignored the topic the two were discussing, currently trying to focus on their game of pool. But apparently the topic was quite sensitive to Sebastian, making him accidentally hit cue ball too hard, resulting the white ball going off the board and smacking (Y/n) square in her right collarbone.
“Ah!” the girl yelped in pain, her features morphing into one of shock. Sebastian was shocked with what happened and immediately placed the cue stick down, rushing over to the girl he accidentally injured. 
The two gasped at the commotion and leapt of their seats, heading towards the girl. She was wincing slightly at the pain, but most likely from the shock.
“I’m sorry, are you okay?!” he bombarded her with questions, grabbing the arm he hit, pulling the collar of her shirt slightly to get a better look at the injury. He winced. It was starting to redden, most likely about to bruise.
The loud thump from collision of the heavy ball and the bone and the gasps from the game room raised suspicion from the others in the main hall. Even over the music, (Y/n) could grasp the number of eyes being turned in her direction.
“It’s okay! It doesn’t hurt at all!” (Y/n) assured, panicking at the crowd of friends that started to swarm her. This isn’t good. If word gets out from the others in the main hall of the Saloon, who knows what mean rumors would spread out.
“Are you su--” “Let’s take five, alright? Boy, I think I need a drink!” (Y/n) said a little too loudly and off. Abigail realized her eyes were wide and her skin was paling. Her earlier frown was stretching into a stiff smile. 
As things began to settle down once more, the (h/c) girl went to the vending machine and pulled out a grape-flavored fizzy drink. Popping the lid, spun around, glancing at the main hall as she did. Less eyes have been looking at her now. She sighed and unscrewed the cap of the drink, making her way to the bright red sofa Sam previously sat on.
“Come on, guys!” Abigail called, making a face at the males’ questionable expressions, signaling that they should go on with what she had started. Abigail was a quick one to catch on, following the suit and plopping herself on the blur sofa next to (Y/n).
Resting her right arm on the plush armrest, she raised an eyebrow at the guys who hadn’t moved an inch. Sam blinked before letting out a boisterous laugh, heading over to the girls, sitting next to Abigail, the latter bouncing from the force used to sit on the sofa.
Sebastian sighed and tailed after Sam, sitting next to (Y/n), since that was literally the only empty spot left. Guilt was eating away at him, especially when he looked at the angry red mark that imprinted itself on the delicate bone.
“Sorry, Sebastian,” the girl apologized, making Sebastian raise an eyebrow at her sudden apology. “You know that I’m the one that has to apologize, right? But why’d you pretend you were okay?” he asked, leaving the two speechless.
“Bold of you to assume I’m not okay,” the girl said, making all of them crack up at her reference on a certain homework meme. “No really,” Sebastian spluttered between laughs. “Anyways, why’d you do that?”
“I realized that when you crowded me, lots of eyes started to turn. Like, I didn’t want any commotion, not when I’ve just moved here. Sounds cliche, but I am afraid that people will talk bad about you,” she said, a small smile on her face. “I’ve had enough experience with gossip and crowds.”
Sebastian behind (Y/n) wasn’t any better. He looked as if guilt was about to eat him alive. He never knew his strength would accidentally hurt her directly. It’s time he man up for the consequences.
“Anyways, how is your collarbone?” asked the dark-haired male, making the female turn over to him. “Here, let me take a look,” he said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
(Y/n) seemed to have froze at this point. Not even daring to do so much than breathe. Earlier she had the confidence to push him off since there were so many eyes on them, but now? Now she’s just stuck in place as she finally processed that...that...he’s actually touching her!
“Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?” he asked as he tugged the collar of the shirt, getting a closer look at the forming bruise. “Y-yeah!” (Y/n) said, averting her gaze as an embarrassed smile made its way on her lips and her face burned red hot.
Holding the shirt down with his left hand, his right lightly stroked over the internal injury, pressing it slightly with a finger. The pressure made the girl yelp in pain, and he panicked asking over and over if she was alright. 
As much as Abigail was amused with all this, she couldn’t help but feel a little jealous at how he could casually touch the (h/c) girl. She was friends with her first, and she wasn’t about to back off easily.
Deciding to ditch the game they were playing, they called it a night. Robin popped up ‘round the corner. “Sebby! Me and Demetrius are heading back first!” she chirped before her green eyes landed on the farmer. 
“Oh! While you’re at it, maybe walk (Y/n) home! It’s dangerous at night!” she said, nodding over to (Y/n) before she left with her husband...and four speechless young adults.
“It can’t be helped, then,” Sebastian sighed. “(Y/n), Abigail, lets go,” he said, getting up as the two females followed the suit, leaving the place with Sam behind them.
It was a kind of routine, where they’ll part at the Saloon, Sebastian dropping of Abigail at Pierre’s before making his way back home up in the mountains. It used to make him have a...uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, where he’d feel all...embarrassed and flustered. But now? Now he just felt...neutral towards her. Like...he had no feelings for her anymore. He didn’t have ‘the one’ feeling anymore.
But the silence between him and (Y/n) as he walked her back...it was...content. It wasn’t awkward like he initially thought it was. Scratch it. He felt that this was quite nice. A quite walk in the night, no words needed between them, no awkward silence, just....peaceful. But something was bothering his mind.
“Hey, (Y/n),” he started, just as the two had parted ways with Abigail. The girl let out a hum, ensuing him to continue. “I think I’m the only one who noticed, but...when Abby and Sam started to crowd you, you seemed quite...scared,” the girl visibly tensed. “If it’s not too much, what’s up?”
(Y/n) let out a nervous laugh as they walked through the dark bus stop. “Ah, you’re quite sharp, aren’t you?” she remarked. “But...I’ve had my fair share of gossips and crowds. And maybe...they were bad experiences for me. I felt so...not pathetic, but...suffocated,” she trailed off, only to flip back to Sebastian. “I don’t mean that you guys were suffocating! I meant--”
“You meant that the atmosphere of people watching was suffocating, wasn’t it?” he finished for her, making her look down and nod in agreement. The light of the farmhouse began to enter their vision. 
As the two climbed the porch of the house, Sebastian placed a hand on her shoulder once more. “Before I go back, I want to see the bruise once more. Is that okay?” he asked, and the girl nodded.
The two entered the home, and it was a whole lot tidier than the last time Sebastian stepped into the wooden structure. Unlike the last time, it was cold and dusty, but now, it was bright and warm. Almost inviting. For a person who lives in the basement, he wasn’t sure which one he preferred.
(Y/n) shrugged of the jacket and sat on the chair located in the middle of the room, tucked next to a dining table. Sebastian took his eyes off his surroundings and approached the (h/c) girl. Like before, he nudged the collar of the shirt off of her shoulder to get a better look. “I’ll get some ointment for you tomorrow, (Y/n). Sorry again,” he said.
“You don’t need to, Sebby,” she said before she shut her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry. That was really rude of me. Anyways, this is a pinch unlike the monsters in the caves!” she laughed off, waving her hand. 
That’s when Sebastian saw a faint scarred line dragged around the tip of her shoulder to her back, concealed by her clothing. He stepped forward, grabbing her shoulder once more. An old scar.
“Where’d you get this, (Y/n)?” he said, referring to the scar that imbedded itself into her joint. He really wasn’t one to go on about something small. So what if she had scars here and there? It couldn’t matter to him. She could’ve been injured a while back, right?
 But this...was something he had seen before. And it was in his nightmare. Even before she moved here. But if he remembered right, then the girl in his dream...
“I...I got it when I was a kid. Long time ago really. Doctor said it should go away soon,” she said, a bright smile on her face. But that didn’t satisfy Sebastian. “I said, where did you get this, (Y/n)?” he said, his grip on her shoulder tightening slightly.
(Y/n) trembled in fear at his sudden change of attitude. Panic swirled in her chest. He wasn’t like this. This was so rare of him. “I...I was in an accident when I was younger,” she said. And to him, that was enough.
Sebastian moved (Y/n)’s bangs a little to reveal a jagged line from the hairline and led on into a thin straight line. He knew it. But it couldn’t be the same person in his dream. The girl in his dream died. And he never knew her name or anything.
“Sorry for overstepping, (Y/n)” Sebastian said, releasing her limb, realizing how hard he grabbed her. “I’ll be on my way now,” he said as he turned around. (Y/n) thought that she might’ve triggered him, but Sebastian replied, “If you want, come over to my room tomorrow before 10. I’ll be on my way to Sam’s then,” he said before ultimately leaving.
“Night, (Y/n). Sweet dreams.”
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fizzytoo · 4 months
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the prettiest spot on her farm is reserved for the chickens <3
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fizzytoo · 4 months
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fizzytoo · 1 month
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fizzytoo · 2 months
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theyre in a polycule
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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if you think im pretty then say that :3c
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fizzytoo · 11 months
my home in my year 7 stardew valley save on my switch :3c
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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at the club w my girls <3
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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kissing in the dark room <333
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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haley bbg come look at this :3 that's not the only thing 17inchs :3c
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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move peg boy i have my eye on someone else
transcript: “Heh… fast drinker, huh? Woman after my own heart..”
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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this leah mod...
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