#the claws are easy if not loud [You bang a Blunt Force Object against the shell.] I do not enjoy the Opening of the Crab Body though
euclydya · 1 year
my god. crabs r hell
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blastingxff · 7 years
Fate that Binds 14
This part: Everything is going well before it doesn’t. (FYI: This fic actually isn’t crack like please proceed with caution. And yes I am aware this tells you nothing about the part in question.)
first part // previous part // next part Series: Pokemon Characters: Jessie, James, Meowth, Pikachu, Ash, Brock, May, Max, Jessebelle Ships: hints of rocketshipping if you read it that way, mostly just friendshipping though Summary: It had been a throwaway wish, something made out of the frustration of the moment- it wasn’t actually supposed to happen. But the magic of a well haunted by a pokemon’s spirit ended up altering reality. Now, Jessie, James, and Meowth aren’t in Team Rocket. They don’t even know each other. And it’s created far darker a world for the TRio than Ash could have ever imagined, and now he and his friends want nothing more than to change things back to how they were. Genre: Friendship, hurt/comfort, so much angst, all the angst, drama, butchered canon, Words: 1,398 / part 14 out of 16 Trigger Warnings (this part): injuries, violence Notes: This popped into my head and didn’t get out until I wrote it down. It’s 16 chapters, and entirely written already in about three days. So that will explain a helluvalot. Like the bus-sized plotholes. I just wanted to be mean to my favorite characters, geeze, is that so bad? XP Also can be read on Ao3.
Chapter 14 The Wedding
Every minute that passed was another minute that one more drop of hope left James’ heart. There had been a moment there when the limo’s tires went flat, his breath had caught and anxious eyes met the tinted windows, searching for those faces. The meowth and the woman who would come to his aid and sweep him away from this Hellish nightmare. They would have rescued him. Or maybe the twerps would have figured out how to save him and they would stand between him and this dreaded fate.
But when the flat tires were little more than a half-hour distraction, time already allotted for their own parading around town in a show of wealth and ‘joy’ on the day when two families would become one, James had let out a heavy sigh of mourning.
They were a few blocks from the cathedral when he saw his mother get a call. By the look on her face, something had happened. He vaguely heard the words ‘missing’ and ‘escaped’ – but his mind refused to allow him to fill in the rest with his own desires. When his mother hung up the phone, the chauffeur was told to hurry. The wedding was to be moved up.
Which is what led him to his position now: Standing at the front of the isle, his hands in front of him, his eyes on the doors at the back of the long, beautifully decorated, rose-petal laden carpet. With dramatic flair the doors opened and even he had to admit, for a moment, that Jessebelle looked like an angel.
One of those evil angels that feasted on children and turned people to stone, but an angel nonetheless.
The sight did little to excite him for his lifetime of imprisonment, and he could only listen dully as the priest went on and on about how this moment was one the nuptials would share for their lifetime. If genetics were any indicator, James’ shoulders dipped, it would be a long, long lifetime.
It was loud and muffled, coming from beyond the double doors that had been locked once the final guest had been admitted. Fists were banging, echoing off the high ceiling.
“THIS ISN’T OKAY!” the woman’s voice was sharp. He recognized it.
Jessebelle recognized it as well, her face turning red with anger before the voice began to fade, as though being dragged away. James didn’t realize he had held any hope still, but how his stomach dropped told him he had very much desired the interruptive chaos.
The priest, despite the commotion, continued without so much as a glance towards the door. He had been paid far too handsomely to even consider responding to any concerns about the wedding. So when he spoke the line “Speak now, or forever hold your peace” out of obligation, he moved on without taking so much as a breath.
That is, until the lights in the cathedral went out.
There was a chorus of mumbles and mutters from the guests, and even the choir behind the priest began to grow restless. In the darkness, no one noticed as a female choir member on the end of one of the bottom rows stood out before a spotlight found her like a moth to a flame. Her head was down, as though reading the choir book in front of her, almost waiting for the audience to settle.
Once a confused hush fell, a furious Jessebelle shaking, the choir member’s eyes shot up, catching James’. He felt his heart in his throat as he caught those piercing blue eyes. Red lips spoke in no uncertain terms, “Prepare for trouble, I object to this scene.”
James couldn’t hide the excitement on his face, frozen in his spot. His heroine gave a nod, and he realized she was prompting him. Oh right! What was his line again? “Make it double… it is quite obscene!”
“I’m here to protect your world from devastation,” and with that the choir robe rolled off her shoulders, the woman in a black shirt and torn shorts stood tall despite the still-open wounds on her body.
“She is the last I want to be united with in the nation.”
“I denounce this façade in the name of love.”
“I’m just thanking the heavens above.”
“Jessie, the handsome rogue here to save the day.”
“James, the princess more than ready to be taken away.”
“We may not be Team Rocket, but let’s get out of here at the speed of light.”
“Mother, father, Jessebelle, I refuse to surrender, instead I choose to fight!”
“Meowth, let’s get the heck out of here!” The light turned off, leaving the cathedral darkened. Paws thumped against the ground, echoing up the aisle.
“Okay, Meowth, you’re supposed to rhyme- we were doing so well,” Jessie spoke flatly to the darkness, she had already reached for James’ hand and he gripped onto her desperately. She turned on her heels and pulled him along, the trio escaping the altar area before Jessebelle and James’ parents could quite grasp what had just happened.
“We found a back way,” Jessie explained in a hushed voice as she rushed to the darkest part of the building, “We can get outside, into the woods. We’ll go through the graveyard. They won’t find us, just keep moving!”
They hustled through the older building, picking up speed. Jessie saw the simple, small wooden door leading to the outside that they had come through. So close to freedom-
Until she realized the two large men who had bound her the night before were standing in front of the doorway, halting the three escapees in their tracks.
But Jessie was absolutely fed up with rich people getting to screw her over. She was sick and tired of money being a get-out-of-jail free card. She would destroy the illusion that money was everything with a mix of snark, sass, and success. With a popped hip and a fierce glare she lifted both hands and raised both middle fingers, “You think I’m against desecrating a church? Bitch, I licked a tombstone.”
With that she grabbed the nearest blunt object. A book. Either a hymn or a Bible but right now it was going to be the wrecking ball that would break them out via the beautiful, elaborate, probably older than the city, stained-glass window. She was sure whatever God there was would, while not appreciating the action, would appreciate the sentiment. What’s more holy than risking your own ass to save a friend’s?
Putting all her body’s force behind it, she hit the hard binding against the window- only to have it bounce off, reverberating painfully through her arm. The glass shook but didn’t break. Disdain dressed her face as her eyes went from her book to the glass, “Okay, that didn’t go as planned… Meowth, any ideas?”
“On it!” Meowth jumped into the air, once again displaying his quick thinking and intelligence to his two destined friends. With glowing claws he fury swiped the stained glass. He landed, the window still intact but he didn’t seem concerned, “Try again!”
This time, the window shattered perfectly.
“Okay, princess, up and out,” she pushed James towards the window, hoisting him up so he could make his escape. Meowth was already on the other side, the jump easy work for the cat pokémon.
“Vileplume! Use vine whip to keep my dear from escaping!”
Jessie saw the vine whip coming, “Sorry James,” she shoved him unceremoniously out the window- blocking his body with her own so he had time to fully make it through the frame. James could only watch out of the corner of his eyes as he saw the vine whip wrap mercilessly around her. The hit on the ground did little to calm the pain from the previous night’s abuse, but his fear for Jessie made him move to his feet despite his body’s protests.
He was just in time to watch Jessebelle’s evil glint.  The pokémon’s vine was around her body, one around her throat.
“Vileplume,” the name of her beloved pokémon sharp ice on her tongue. James knew what would be coming next, he swallowed. If she used stun spore… there was no way they could escape fast enough. His mind started working on plan B. But then this new world was shattered in two words, “Poison powder.”
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