#the clone wars 3x04
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pffff wow, i love these disasters
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a-menaceinpink · 2 years
Star Wars Chronology
ok i think this is all of the star wars visual content (didn't include the novels or the comics even though some of them fuck because that would make this so much worse) see below the cut!
Tales of the Jedi: Episode 2-4
Tales of the Jedi: Episode 1
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Episode II: The Attack of the Clones
Clone Wars: Seasons 1-2
The Clone Wars: Season 2 Episode 16
The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 16
The Clone Wars Movie
The Clone Wars (See Detailed TCW Order Below)
Tales of the Jedi: Episode 5
The Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 1-8 (See Detailed Order Below)
Episode III: the Revenge of the Sith
The Clone Wars: Season 7 Episode 9-12
Tales of the Jedi: Episode 6
The Bad Batch: Season 1-2
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Andor: Season 1
Star Wars Rebels: Season 1-4
Rogue One
Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI: the Return of the Jedi
The Mandalorian: Seasons 1-2
The Book of Boba Fett
The Mandalorian: Season 3
Star Wars Resistance: Season 1
Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Episode VII: The Last Jedi
Star Wars Resistance: Season 2
Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
+ TCW Watch Order because why release a show in chronological order
1x01 - 1x15
1x17 - 1x21
2x01 - 2x03
2x17 - 2x19
2x04 - 2x14
2x20 - 2x22
3x05 - 3x07
3x09 - 3x11
3x13 - 3x22
Season 4
5x02 - 5x13
5x14 - 5x20
Season 6
7x05 - 7x08
7x01 - 7x04
7x09 - 7x12
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queen-of-mandalore · 3 days
Em’s Star Wars Rewatch: part 25
The Clone Wars #23 - Politics and Pursuit of Peace
3x04: Sphere of Influence
I actually really enjoy the more political episodes
I love Senator Chuchi - she is very strong in her convictions and is very brave
I also love her friendship with Ahsoka - I wish we got more of it (honestly I wish we got more of all the female friendships in the show)
Rex just casually walking a few steps behind Anakin and Padme as they flirt - poor guy must have been so sick of being the third wheel
Anakin’s glee about talking about disobeying the council
‘I can’t believe they let you teach’ - same Padme, same
3x10: Heroes on Both Sides
I’ve always wondered why they decided to do the time jump with Ahsoka and not try and show her growing up more gradually. I love her later outfit and thank god she’s finally out of a tube top.
Not many kids shows would have an episode focusing on whether to deregulate the banks or not but TCW never treats itself as a kids show. It shows corruption and the ugly side of politics.
I love Padme and I love how quickly Ahsoka agrees to smuggle her illegally into enemy territory. Anakin being mad at her is so funny - he literally taught her to be like that.
There is always two sides to every war and I think it’s good that it was highlighted. I also like that we see Ahsoka readjust her view on the war - it’s interesting character growth.
I feel like the Corrie guard shouldn’t be so trusting of droids even if they do appear to be only maintenance droids. Honestly the way they transformed into fighting droids and then became bombs was very clever.
The people who want peace like Padme and Bail stand no chance, not when Palpatine and Dooku are manipulating everything. Every step forward they make is undermined.
3x11: Pursuit of Peace
I like these political episodes because they show that it takes as much bravery to stand up for your principles as it does fighting in battle.
The clones not being treated as people will forever piss me off
This episode was a big moment for Padme - she stepped up in Bail’s absence and earned a lot of respect. I think a lot of the other senators underestimated her and maybe she even underestimated herself but as the series goes on we see her growing in confidence.
2x15: Senate Murders
This is one of my lesser favourite episodes
The inspector is annoying and why does he sound like he is from the 1930s?
The reveal of the murderer always seems clunky to me.
I do love seeing Padme and Bail working together - plus Padme dragging Bail into risky situations against his better judgement.
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garelloswatch · 2 years
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3x04 "Sphere of Influence" ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
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fernandabarrera · 6 years
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The sequel trilogy meets The Clone Wars.
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Episode 3x04: Sphere of Influence
There is trouble on Pandora once again. When Chairman Papanoida's daughters are kidnapped, Ahsoka and Riyo Chuchi team up to help the chairman rescue his family and prevent the Trade Federation from influencing the future of Pandora.
Spoilers after the cut.       
The episode begins with Riyo Chuchi trying to convince the Senate not to listen to the Trade Federation, who are trying to interfere with Pandoran politics by blockading Pandora. Afterward, Padme comes up to her and assures her that the Senate will support Pandora (I’m not so sure of that myself). 
We also get our first look at the chairman and his family. The daughters go off to their room, while the chairman and his son stay behind to chat with the Senator of Pandora. In a chilling moment, the two daughters are kidnapped. One daughter manages to injure the abductor, by hitting him with a small statue. This becomes important later in the episode. 
Next, we come to an Anakin/Padme moment. :’) Padme shows concern about what’s happening on Pandora, because it reminds her of her own planet’s past trouble.  
Anakin responds: “Well, that blockage wasn’t that bad.” 
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That blockade wasn’t that bad? Anakin, you probably shouldn’t make light of something like that, especially since it’s clearly something that Padme takes seriously. Also, look at Padme’s face in that screenshot. Just look at it.
(On another note, Anakin looks so damn adorable. He is so child-like at times, and right now with Padme standing next to him you can truly see the child in his heart.)   
Anakin continues: “It’s where I met you, after all.”
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Just look at this adorable face! :’)
Aw, what he says is kinda sweet. Padme seems to think so too, though at the same time she still seems a bit unhappy. It does look like she at least understands that he’s trying to be supportive (or at least cheer her up), even if it’s not working that well.
When moments like this come up, I get why some fans think that their relationship is unhealthy and should never have happened. But, Padme does see something in Anakin and chooses to remain with him when she could just ditch him and make life easier for them both. And I don’t think she’s the type to stay inside a relationship if she doesn’t really want to. 
Padme: “You certainly have a unique way of looking at things, Ani.”
Yes, he certainly does! ;)
Now, Ahsoka arrives with the news that the chairman’s daughters have been abducted. It’s hero time! 
Padme: I was afraid something like this would happen.
Okay, then why didn’t you warn them and put protective measures in place?? 
Anakin: The Jedi can’t get involved. This is a job for the local police.
Since when does Anakin care about the Jedi getting involved in anything? He’s the one who loves breaking the rules.
So Anakin gives Ahsoka permission to go behind the council’s back and help Senator Chuchi investigate the abduction. Anakin will stay at the Temple and make sure the Council doesn’t find out about it.
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Anakin’s habit (and love) of rule-breaking has to be part of why Padme loves him. Just look at her face in this image! :’)  
Padme: “Should you really proceed without the Council’s approval?”
Anakin: “We do it all the time. Don’t we, Snips?”
And then...
Padme: “I still can’t believe they let you teach.”
Dear god.
Well, at least it’s made clear she’s teasing him.
And look at Anakin’s face:
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The scene changes to Riyo Chuchi, the chairman and his son. They receive a message from Count Dooku who offers to help them find the chairman’s daughters. Senator Chuchi insists that the Separatists were involved in the abduction. At the same time, Ahsoka arrives to give her aid. 
What I really like is that the chairman and his son aren’t fooled by Count Dooku/the Separatists and realise that the Separatists are probably holding the daughters hostage to force Pandora into joining them.
Thinking that the daughters might be being kept on one of the ships blockading Pandora, Chuchi and Ahsoka go there on a ‘diplomatic visit’ while the chairman and his son stay on Coruscant and follow the police investigation. The chairman and his son discover blood on one of the mini-statues in the daughters’ room and identify it as that of a Rodian called Greedo, who resides on Tatooine. Hell yes! :) I love it when victims are actually smart and help themselves. I’ve seen too many shows in which this is not the case. 
I’m going to ignore the fact that they’re technically ruining the crime scene by moving the statue back onto the shelf, because the police look useless anyway.
Chuchi and Ahsoka arrive on the Trade Federation ship. Ahsoka is hidden underneath a cloak, presumably to hide the fact that she’s a Jedi. Um, if I were the Separatists/Trade Federation, I’d be immediately suspicious if I saw someone cloaked like that, especially if there’s another person with them who isn’t cloaked. Chuchi better have a good explanation for this.
 But apparently they don’t suspect anything? :/ Hmm, maybe it’s typical for servants to be cloaked on Pandora.
Meanwhile, the chairman and his son go to Tatooine to investigate Greedo. I love that they’re helping themselves like this. :) 
Chairman: “Be careful. The Hutts are the only law that matter on Tatooine.”
Son: “I don’t scare that easily.”
This might spell disaster... :( 
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Hooray, we get to see Stinky again! :’)
Also, I can’t believe how sweet it is to see the tyrannical Jabba behaving like a doting father. 
That chairman is a total badass. :’) I love him! 
On the Trade Federation ship, Ahsoka and Chuchi do some of their own badass investigating. They overhear two Trade Federation leaders talking about the kidnapping, proving that the Separatists (and the Trade Federation) are behind it. Unfortunately, Chuchi lets out an ill-timed gasp after hearing where the daughters are being kept, and that almost alerts the Trade Federation of their presence. I say almost, because the two of them escape just in time, with help from Ahsoka’s Jedi-powers. Having the info they need now, they go looking for the daughters.
Back on Tatooine, we finally get a look at Greedo. The female (not sure of her species, sorry!) that the chairman talked to tells Greedo about the Pandorans. He leaves to ‘settle things permanently’. Hopefully that’s part of the chairman’s plan...
On the ship, Chuchi and Ahsoka have to get past a guard, via jedi-mind-trick.
Chuchi: “Have you done this before?”
Ahsoka: “No, but I’ve been practicing.”
Well, I guess it isn’t the right time to admit that you tried once before and failed at it.
I lol at Ahsoka forgetting to mind-trick the guard into letting Chuchi pass too. She ends up having to mind-trick him again for it to work.
On Tatooine, Greedo seizes the chairman and his son. The chairman is awesomely calm about it, and demands to know where Greedo is keeping his daughters. The son is less sanguine.
Son: “I don’t want to die on this dust-ball!”
Shut up, son!
I’m starting to wonder whether the chairman’s plan was a terrible idea after all...
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I take it back. This is one of the most badass things I’ve seen so far. The chairman flies into action, takes out a knife and holds it at Greedo’s throat, taking down a few of Greedo’s henchmen in the process. He then insists on talking to Jabba the Hutt about this.
Back on the ship, Chuchi and Ahsoka have had no luck in finding the daughters. Even worse, it looks like the Separatists have realised that they are snooping around. 
 On Tatooine, the chairman and his son and now standing before Jabba. The chairman appeals to Jabba, saying that he is only trying to get his daughters back, and that Jabba, being a father himself, should know that he would do anything for his children. 
Jabba is clearly swayed:
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Aw, I really like how this series gives another dimension to Jabba. It makes me feel a little bad for him, knowing that Leia kills him in ROTJ. But only a little! 
The chairman wants to take a blood sample from Greedo, to see if it matches the blood seen on the statue. Jabba agrees to it, but Greedo resists, which only makes his guilt more clear. Greedo is so afraid of having his blood taken that he admits to abducting the daughters, the very crime he’s being accused of. I guess he just hates needles? 
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Chairman: “Where are my daughters, you slime?” 
 The Chairman is definitely a Papa Wolf. :D
Turns out one of the daughters is in Mos Eisley. The other one is on the ship Ahsoka and Chuchi are searching, and they find her just after the chairman and co go off the Mos Eisley to get the other daughter. There’s a fight, and Greedo escapes, but the chairman has his daughter back. :’) 
One of the defeated enemies tries to shoot at the daughter when no one is looking, but this happens:
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This girl can look after herself. :D
 Back on the ship, Ahsoka and co have gotten the other daughter, but are found by the Separatists as they are escaping. Ahsoka does a great job in trying to take them down (she destroys a whole group of attacking droids), but she is forced to back down when reinforcements arrive. Another Trade Federation politician is with them, and he is not pleased by what he sees. Senator Chuchi uses her diplomatic skills to force him into letting them go and ending the blockage surrounding Pandora.
The episode ends with said Trade Federation politician officially renouncing Nute Gunray and the Separatists and announcing the end of the blockade surrounding Pandora and resuming of trade between the Pandorans and the Trade Federation.
Previous: ARC Troopers Next: Evil Plans!  
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The Clone Wars Bechdel Test Rewatch- 3x04 “Sphere of Influence”
Chi Eekway and Che Amanwe, Chairman Papanoida's daughters, are kidnapped and held for ransom. Ahsoka Tano teams up with the Senator from Pantora, Riyo Chuchi, to aid the new chairman in recovering his family before the Trade Federation can unduly influence the future of his planet.
The Chairman and his son, Ion, track down the kidnapper—Greedo—on Tatooine, and rescue Che Amanwe. Meanwhile, Ahsoka and Chuchi find Chi Eekway held captive aboard a blockading Trade Federation battleship over Pantora, and expose Trade Federation officer Sib Canay as a Separatist conspirator.
Female Identifying Characters: 5
Riyo Chuchi, Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Chi Eekway Papanoida, Che Aamanwe Papanoida
Male Identifying Characters: 8
Chairman Papanoida, Ion Papanoida, Greedo, Anakin Skywalker, Jabba the Hutt, Count Dooku, Lott Dod, Sib Canay
Does it pass?
Yes, this episode does really well. It is also the episode with the most female identifying characters to date and the first Season 3 episode to pass. Padmé congratulates Riyo Chuchi after her speech in the senate. Ahsoka has a short scene with Padmé and Anakin. We find out her and Riyo are friends somehow, and Ahsoka teams up with her to track down the Chairman’s missing daughters. 
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Okay, I got tagged to do so many tags and have I done any of them? No, but @the-wingway​ tagged me to do this one and I’ve actually been wanting to do this particular tag for a while, so I’m doing it. 
The rules are as follows: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag some people.
1: The Clone Wars
2: Gotham
3: Marvel Netflix (RIP)
4: Fringe
5: Alias
Who is your favorite character in 2? Selina Kyle, whom I love dearly
Who is your least favorite character in 1? Yoda. I can’t stand the guy.
What is your favorite episode of 4? 2x13, What Lies Below. I’m a sucker for any plot line dealing with viruses/contagions, which is not a great thing to advertise right now.
What is your favorite season of 5? Season 2. 
Who is your favorite couple in 3? Danny and Colleen, though Matt and Karen are a close second. 
Who is your favorite couple in 2? Batcat, no competition.
What is your favorite episode of 1? 2x04, Senate Spy. It’s literally a Star Wars AU of my all-time favorite movie and I’m been losing my mind over it since it first aired in 2009.
What is your favorite episode of 5? 3x04, A Missing Link. It is to this day one of the most cathartic episodes of TV I have ever seen.
What is your favorite season of 2? 4, but ideally it’d be the second half of season 4 and the first half of season 5, which would combine to make the ideal season.
How long have you watched 1? Since it premiered in 2008, so 12 years.
How did you become interested in 3? I remember seeing a gifset of the scene in the Daredevil premiere where Matt says they’ve been practicing law for a couple of hours and HAD to know what that was about.
Who is your favorite actor in 4? I don’t really know. Anna Torv maybe? John Noble is probably the one I would say does the best job.
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? It has to be Clone Wars. It’s my comfort show. (Though Alias is also a comfort show.)
Which show have you seen more episodes of - 1 or 3? Well, even if I’d seen every episode of every one of the six Netflix shows, I still don’t think it would equal the number of Clone Wars episodes there are.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Astrid. She gets to have fun too, but her life seems much more simple than everyone else’s. Or Altliv because I love her. 
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Yeah, I think it would end up turning out very, very weird but you could definitely try it.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? Hondo and Obi-Wan is one of the funniest and most unlikely pairing this fandom has churned out and I’d lose it if it ever happened. 
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Neither? They all have a tendency to start really strong but to kind of fall apart by the end. I guess Alias manages to have a good plot for longer than any of the Netflix shows, but it also bombs way worse at the end than any of them ever did. Frankly, these are the only two shows on this list where I honestly have to say neither deserves to be told they have a good storyline because both have committed unpardonable sins (except Daredevil, but there are always at least two episodes a season for that I think are insanely boring, so I’m hesitant to say it has a great storyline).
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? Fringe. Gotham’s theme music is barely existent and Fringe has those amazing bells that go hard as all get out.
I’m tagging: @ironwingblog​, @claraaoswald​, @marthaskane​, @brvceselina​, @gothamstreetcat​, and @bpdanakins​. 
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petesmediadiary · 4 years
May 30th 2020
Podcasts: The Phantom Podcast -- 4 Commentary Stay F Homekins -- 11 Sorry In Advance My Brother, My Brother, and Me -- 432 Hand Dog and Face Cat The Phantom Podcast -- 5 Our Performance Review TV: Space Force -- 1x02, 1x03 NXT -- 13x564 5/27/20 Star Wars: Clone Wars -- 3x02, 3x04 Good Girls -- 3x11
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doopcafe · 4 years
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The Clone Wars: Sphere of Influence (3x04)
Summary: Pantora is blockaded and the daughters of their new leader kidnapped for some reason.
Comments: What is it with this show and blockades bringing an entire planetary system to its knees? What did the planet’s inhabitants do before they had access to “space supplies?” Why is everyone so reliant on commerce with the Trade Federation? Why can the entire planet of Pantora not feed itself for longer than a day when there are like, twelve ships in orbit? 
Ahsoka---who we haven’t seen in several episodes---announces to Padme and Anakin that the Pantoran Senator’s daughters have been kidnapped. Anakin claims, “the Jedi cannot get involved. This is a job for local police.”
Uhm, what? Why? The OP!Jedi have stuck their figurative dick in everything for two seasons. Immediately after he says that, he allows his obnoxious little pet to run off with Senator Chuchi to unofficially investigate. So I guess, after all, the OP!Jedi can get involved? 
Then... the fan service starts. Turns out, one of the kidnappers is Greedo. Turns out, he’s based on Tatooine... And of course they go to Jabba’s Palace. It’s all so cringeworthy, but it gets worse: Jabba has a son. And then the Chairman appeals to Jabba’s as one father to another. Jabba the Hutt is a father. He’s got like a small, Jabba-looking slug cradled in his tail. 
Let that sink in for a moment.
Next of course they go to Mos Eisley, which of course means they need to go into the cantina... it’s just all so... ugh... Are the writers incapable of original thought?
About Greedo: The writers forgot he spoke in Rodian and instead had him speak English. Second, he’s portrayed as blundering and incompetent. The girl he’s kidnapping gets the best of him, hitting him over the head with a blunt object. The blood left on the object allows the Chairman to track him down. When we next see Greedo, he’s losing at dice to a pair of mercenaries. Then, he’s shown as a coward in front of Jabba, refusing a blood test, and is taken at gunpoint to reveal the location of the kidnapped girl. 
What is the point of having Greedo as a character here? What value does it add? His role in the plot could have just as easily been served by another Rodian with another name. There was nothing unique about his character that meant the role needed to be filled by Greedo. So why? To put the events of A New Hope into a different perspective? Turns out Han Solo wasn’t a bad ass for shooting this bounty hunter under the table. It was just another example in a long history of Greedo being incompetent. Was this episode written by Rian Johnson? 
In conclusion, this show is stupid.
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karrock · 4 years
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I'm watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3x04 "Sphere of Influence"
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signsportals · 4 years
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I'm watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3x04 "Sphere of Influence"
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canmom · 8 years
How long is a full Star Wars marathon?
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace: 136 minutes Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones: 142 minutes
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (all episodes): 2760 minutes
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: 140 minutes
Star Wars: Rebels (all episodes to date): 1156 minutes
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: 133 minutes
Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope: 121 minutes (124 minutes SE) Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: 124 minutes (127 minutes SE) Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi: 131 minutes
Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens: 136 minutes
total: 3 days 11 hours
full episode listing (in chronological order, not counting credits which add about 30s per episode, and not including unfinished episodes of The Clone Wars later released as story reels, novels and comics) below the cut
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace: 136 minutes Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones: 142 minutes
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x16 Cat and Mouse: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x16 Hidden Enemy: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008): 98 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x01 Clone Cadets: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x03 Supply Lines: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x01 Ambush: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x02 Rising Malevolence: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x03 Shadow of Malevolence: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x04 Destroy Malevolence: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x05 Rookies: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x06 Downfall of a Droid: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x07 Duel of the Droids: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x08 Bombad Jedi: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x09 Cloak of Darkness: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x10 Lair of Grievous: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x11 Dooku Captured: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x12 The Gungan General: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x13 Jedi Crash: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x14 Defenders of Peace: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x15 Trespass: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x17 Blue Shadow Virus: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x18 Mystery of a Thousand Moons: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x19 Storm over Ryloth: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x20 Innocents of Ryloth: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x21 Liberty on Ryloth: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x01 Holocron Heist: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x02 Cargo of Doom: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x03 Children of the Force: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x17 Bounty Hunters: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x18 The Zillo Beast: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x19 The Zillo Beast Strikes Back: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x04 Senate Spy: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x05 Landing at Point Rain: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x06 Weapons Factory: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x07 Legacy of Terror: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x08 Brain Invaders: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x09 Grievous Intrigue: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x10 The Deserter: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x11 Lightsaber Lost: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x12 The Mandalore Plot: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x13 Voyage of Temptation: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x14 Duchess of Mandalore: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x20 Death Trap: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x21 R2 Come Home: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x22 Lethal Trackdown: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x05 Corruption: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x06 The Academy: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x07 The Assassin: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x02 ARC Troopers: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x04 Sphere of Influence: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x08 Evil Plans: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x22 Hostage Crisis: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x09 Hunt for Ziro: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x10 Heroes on Both Sides: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x11 Pursuit of Peace: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x15 Senate Murders: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x12 Nightsisters: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x13 Monster: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x14 Witches of the Mist: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x15 Overlords: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x16 Altar of Mortis: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x17 Ghosts of Mortis: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x18 The Citadel: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x19 Counter Attack: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x20 Citadel Rescue: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x21 Padawan Rescue: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x22 Wookiee Hunt: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x01 Water War: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x02 Gungan Attack: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x03 Prisoners: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x04 Shadow Warrior: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x05 Mercy Mission: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x06 Nomad Droids: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x07 Darkness on Umbara: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x08 The General: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x09 Plan of Dissent: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x10 Carnage of Krell: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x11 Kidnapped: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x12 Slaves of the Republic: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x13 Escape from Kadavo: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x14 A Friend in Need: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x15 Deception: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x16 Friends and Enemies: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x17 The Box: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x18 Crisis on Naboo: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x19 Massacre: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x20 Bounty: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x21 Brothers: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x22 Revenge: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x02 A War on Two Fronts: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x03 Front Runners: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x04 The Soft War: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x05 Tipping Points: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x06 The Gathering: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x07 A Test of Strength: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x08 Bound for Rescue: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x09 A Necessary Bond: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x10 Secret Weapons: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x11 A Sunny Day in the Void: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x12 Missing in Action: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x13 Point of No Return: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x01 Revival: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x14 Eminence: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x15 Shades of Reason: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x16 The Lawless: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x17 Sabotage: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x18 The Jedi Who Knew Too Much: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x19 To Catch a Jedi: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x20 The Wrong Jedi: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x01 The Unknown: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x02 Conspiracy: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x03 Fugitive: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x04 Orders: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x05 An Old Friend: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x06 The Rise of Clovis: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x07 Crisis at the Heart: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x08 The Disappeared: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x09 The Disappeared Pt. II: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x10 The Lost One: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x11 Voices: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x12 Destiny: 22 minutes Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x13 Sacrifice: 22 minutes
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: 140 minutes
Star Wars: Rebels: 0x01 The Machine in the Ghost: 3 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 0x02 Art Attack: 3 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 0x03 Entanglement: 3 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 0x04 Property of Ezra Bridger: 3 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x01 Spark of Rebellion: 44 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x02 Droids in Distress: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x03 Fighter Flight: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x04 Rise of the Old Masters: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x05 Breaking Ranks: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x06 Out of Darkness: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x07 Empire Day: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x08 Gathering Forces: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x09 Path of the Jedi: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x10 Idiots Array: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x11 Vision of Hope: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x12 Call to Action: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x13 Rebel Resolve: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 1x14 Fire Across the Galaxy: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x01 The Siege of Lothal: 44 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x02 The Lost Commanders: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x03 Relics of the Old Republic: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x04 Always Two There Are: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x05 Brothers of the Broken Horn: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x06 Wings of the Master: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x07 Blood Sisters: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x08 Stealth Strike: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x09 The Future of the Force: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x10 Legacy: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x11 A Princess on Lothal: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x12 The Protector of Concord Dawn: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x13 Legends of the Lasat: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x14 The Call: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x15 Homecoming: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x16 The Honorable Ones: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x17 Shroud of Darkness: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x18 The Forgotten Droid: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x19 The Mystery of Chopper Base: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 2x20 Twilight of the Apprentice: 44 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x01 Steps into Shadow: 44 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x02 The Holocrons of Fate: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x03 The Antilles Extraction: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x04 Hera’s Heroes: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x05 The Last Battle: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x06 Imperial Supercommandos: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x07 Iron Squadron: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x08 The Wynkanthu Job: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x09 An Inside Man: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x10 Visions and Voices: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x11 Ghosts of Geonosis, part 1: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x12 Ghosts of Geonosis, part 2: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x13 Warhead: 22 minutes Star Wars: Rebels: 3x14 Trials of the Darksaber: 22 minutes (much more Rebels to come here...)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: 133 minutes
Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope: 121 minutes (124 minutes SE) Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: 124 minutes (127 minutes SE) Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi: 131 minutes
Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens: 136 minutes
16 notes · View notes
garelloswatch · 2 years
Tumblr media
I'm watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3x04 "Sphere of Influence"
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petesmediadiary · 4 years
July 1st 2020
Podcasts: Hollywood Handbook Pro Version -- 131 Our Groundbreaking Innovation Hey Riddle Riddle -- 102 We’re Buying The Knicks Best Friends with Nicole and Sasheer -- 55 Nicole Is Still Thinking About The Zombie Apocalypse Teacher’s Lounge -- 9x40 Epilogue: All Will Be Revealed R U Talkin’ RHCP RE: Me? -- 1 The Red Hot Chili Peppers + Freaky Styley Never Not Funny -- 26Q DeAnne Smith (video) TV: Great British Baking Show -- 3x02 Star Wars: Clone Wars -- 5x12, 5x13 The Politician -- 2x04 Dummy -- 1x06, 1x07, 1x08, 1x09, 1x10 Doom Patrol -- 1x09 Search Party -- 3x04 Bojack Horseman -- 4x12, 5x01 Music: Miel -- Must Be Fine
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