#tcw sphere of influence
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pffff wow, i love these disasters
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voidartisan · 8 months
My siblings are home sick and watching tcw, and they got to Sphere of Influence and I now have so many questions???? About baron papanoida????
Like, the guy decided independently to investigate his daughter’s kidnapping with no outside help, knew exactly how to work jabba’s throne room, was casually carrying a switchblade and two blasters, and neither he or his kids seemed to even bat an eye at getting into a shootout in a bar in mos eisley outnumbered two to one.
what are you sir
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ebisul · 2 months
TCW Rewatch: Season 3 Episodes 1-4
Not much to say about these episodes but I love the clones and Riyo Chuchi so it’s nice to see them.
Episode 1: Clone Cadets
* Echo and Fives Kamino backstory episode
* Why does cutup have such a wildly different accent
* Dont be mean to 99
* Or Echo
* No wonder you fucking suck, you all treat eachother like shit
* Shaak ti vouching for domino squad and the humanity of the clones <3
* I love Shaaki Ti
* The interaction between cutup and brick is my favorite bc hes so snarky toward him and has like zero respect for him
Episode 2: ARC Troopers
* Is this episode another flashback episode? It ties into the Rishi Moon episode in season one i think
* The Hevy tribute on their armor is such a great detail
* Kamino was already having an issue stretching Jango’s dna and now the dna is getting targetted, is it not possible to clone the clones? Or use one of the unaltered clones dna? How does cloning work?
* Oh no not Colt:(
* Love to see Obi Wan throwing Grievous around
* Oh no…
* Rex comforting Cody after 99 is so sweet
* I do like that we get more clone episodes this season
Episode 3: Supply Lines
* Separatists attacking Ryloth
* Naming him Ima-Gun Di is cruel amd hilarious
* The Jedi Council are contacting Bail to help get supplies to Ryloth due to the Separatists destroying the fleet protecting Ryloth and breaking their supply lines
* Why would anyone ever send JarJar to do any negotiations
* I still dont totally understand Dooku’s motives, I want to study him like a bug
* Toydaria is closed to outsiders, for what purpose? Like specific reason, other than the ongoing war.
* I thought Toydaria was one of the Republics allies??? That was liek the whole first episode of this series?
* Toydaria already sided with the republic over the separatists in the very first episode what changed?
* The freedom fighters are losing faith in the Republic to help them
* The Trade Federation is arguing against helping the Twileks
* Toydaria denies Organa the formal base to transfer supplies, but allows them to transfer what they have behind the trade federation’s back
* JarJars only skill is circus tricks?
* Cpt Keeli has a sick ass design
* Oh :(
* Oh shit hes.. oh no hes dead dead this time
* I should stop liking side clones
* If I ever have to see Cody die i think I would actually mourn irl
* “The Republic has heart, my friend, but I am not convinced it has the strength to prevail”
* King of Toydaria is reconsidering his neutrality and sets up a meeting with the Jedi?? Why not the Senate? Or something like that?
* Actually the Senate’s whole issue is that its ineffective because procedures and such slow all progress to a halt, so i kinda get it
Episode 4: Sphere of Influence
* The Riyo Chuchi episode!
* Trade federation has blockaded pantora, causing political unrest and rallying pantorans against the Senate. Dooku offers aid in exchange for and alliance with the Separatists
* Its well known that the Trade Federation is aligned with the Separatists, so says riyo, but last episode it was treated like it was meant to be uncertain in universe
* Ok no i get it, the TF trades with both republic and separatists and claims to be neutral although they have a clear bias and repeatedly blockade republic worlds
* I love Riyo so much
* The new pantoran chairman is pushing to ally with the separatists to aid their people
* Its an interesting tactic the separatists keep using, to blockade a world with a “neutral” party and then offer their assistance in exchange for an alliance, using the issues of the Senate to their advantage bc the Senate would never vote to help in time.
* Its very “cause problems to set yourself up as a hero” of them especially after the kidnapping
* I do really enjoy the political espionage episodes i think theyre so enjoyable
* I have a really ungood feeling about today, i just got wild deja vu from this episode
* How old is Riyo Chuchi? She looks to be slightly older than ahsoka by maybe a few years? But the youngest Senators were mon mothma at 19 and leia at 18 so she must be older
* The Pantoran Chairman is friends with Jabba??? How?
* Pantorans have better aim than most droids or soldiers we see
* Girlboss Chuchi is one of my favorite characters
* So the trade federation is just allowed to blockade whoever? That can’t possibly be legal
War Crime Counter
Separatists: 13
Republic: 7
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morethansky · 5 months
You're actually so mean for having so many wips I want to know about. I want them all.
But I will settle for two. Because I NEED a Crosshunt, but I also really want that Anakin/Ahsoka one??? Holy shit yes??
So I would like to know more about "Departure" and "tantiss amnesia" plz :3
I'm also mad at myself for having so many wips I want written already!
I answered the "tantiss amnesia" one here! Feel free to ask another Crosshunt if you like :D
Yesss, I love Anisoka! My OG TCW ship. "Departure" is about Anakin leaving with Ahsoka after "The Wrong Jedi." They go on a self-discovery road trip and end up freeing enslaved beings and assassinating renowned slave masters while awkwardly navigating their feelings, now that they're living together but no longer master and padawan. Also Ahsoka starts to really pay attention to the dark side flaring up in Anakin, but the situation also removes him from Palpatine's sphere of influence. Eventually Fives and Rex get in touch with them and tell them about the chips, and soon there's another slave master they're going to have to assassinate!
"I understand, more than you realize. I understand wanting to walk away from the Order." "I know," Ahsoka said. She hesitated, his brokenhearted expression making her resolve to figure this out for herself, by herself, crumble. From the start, just being in Anakin's orbit had made her put aside all the rules and boundaries she had set for her life. So she did what she always did in these situations: She improvised. "You know, it's funny," she said. "I spent all my life thinking I was one of them—hoping to become a Jedi Master one day, to sit on the very council that cast me out. But you and I—we're not like them, are we? We stand by our friends. We feel and we hurt and we love, and no matter what we do, we can't find it in ourselves to be sorry for it." She exhaled, suddenly feeling as if the galaxy was hanging in the balance. "So I've been thinking, maybe I could do more good from outside of the Order." She looked up at Anakin. "Maybe...we could."
Feel free to ask about more of my terrifying number of WIPs here!
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queen-of-mandalore · 3 days
Em’s Star Wars Rewatch: part 25
The Clone Wars #23 - Politics and Pursuit of Peace
3x04: Sphere of Influence
I actually really enjoy the more political episodes
I love Senator Chuchi - she is very strong in her convictions and is very brave
I also love her friendship with Ahsoka - I wish we got more of it (honestly I wish we got more of all the female friendships in the show)
Rex just casually walking a few steps behind Anakin and Padme as they flirt - poor guy must have been so sick of being the third wheel
Anakin’s glee about talking about disobeying the council
‘I can’t believe they let you teach’ - same Padme, same
3x10: Heroes on Both Sides
I’ve always wondered why they decided to do the time jump with Ahsoka and not try and show her growing up more gradually. I love her later outfit and thank god she’s finally out of a tube top.
Not many kids shows would have an episode focusing on whether to deregulate the banks or not but TCW never treats itself as a kids show. It shows corruption and the ugly side of politics.
I love Padme and I love how quickly Ahsoka agrees to smuggle her illegally into enemy territory. Anakin being mad at her is so funny - he literally taught her to be like that.
There is always two sides to every war and I think it’s good that it was highlighted. I also like that we see Ahsoka readjust her view on the war - it’s interesting character growth.
I feel like the Corrie guard shouldn’t be so trusting of droids even if they do appear to be only maintenance droids. Honestly the way they transformed into fighting droids and then became bombs was very clever.
The people who want peace like Padme and Bail stand no chance, not when Palpatine and Dooku are manipulating everything. Every step forward they make is undermined.
3x11: Pursuit of Peace
I like these political episodes because they show that it takes as much bravery to stand up for your principles as it does fighting in battle.
The clones not being treated as people will forever piss me off
This episode was a big moment for Padme - she stepped up in Bail’s absence and earned a lot of respect. I think a lot of the other senators underestimated her and maybe she even underestimated herself but as the series goes on we see her growing in confidence.
2x15: Senate Murders
This is one of my lesser favourite episodes
The inspector is annoying and why does he sound like he is from the 1930s?
The reveal of the murderer always seems clunky to me.
I do love seeing Padme and Bail working together - plus Padme dragging Bail into risky situations against his better judgement.
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mandulorian · 5 years
Riyo: It’s dark in here…
Ahsoka: Don’t worry, I got this!
Ahsoka: [stomps light up sketchers]
Riyo: woah
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hugsforvillains · 4 years
On today’s episode of Weirdly Cute Star Wars Babies,
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Rotta the Hutt. A head with arms.
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theclonewarsdaily · 5 years
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the clone wars chronological watch: #50 ➡ Sphere of Influence
Pantora in peril! The newly elected Chairman of Pantora, Baron Papanoida, is caught in a deadly political game. The Trade Federation has blockaded Pantora and suspended all commerce with the system. Isolated from the rest of the Republic, the people of Pantora are beginning to rally against the Senate, who have seemed unsympathetic to their plight.
To make matters worse, Count Dooku has come forward offering aid if Pantora joins the Separatist Alliance. Chairman Papanoida has dispatched Senator Chuchi to Coruscant with the hope that she can motivate the Senate to act in favor of Pantora before Lott Dod can legitimize the blockade…
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countessofbiscuit · 3 years
I’m new to shipping and curious why you like Commander Fox and Riyo Chuchi together? Some ships make sense, but I’m trying to understand this side of fandom. Thanks in advance.
Hi there — and uh, welcome! I’ll try to explain, though ‘sense’ is often not the first consideration in shipping characters -- mostly it’s just fun and we can so we do :p
I’m guessing if you’re unfamiliar with the habits and norms of transformative fandom, then your struggle with Foxiyo (ship names are usually some portmanteau, for easy tagging) is that they never meet in canon. (Have you come from Reddit? This is a common bugbear there.)
But Star Wars is infamous for being a small world in big galaxy. Often characters appear on screen together, and part of the fandom will argue that it never should have happened. Fox and Riyo are a logical inverse of that: they never share screentime, but it’s very hard to argue that they never would have met.
Fox commands the Coruscant Guard; he is shown to be a participant in incidents involving senators, in more than one medium. Riyo is a senator, with some presence on Coruscant.
So we have, at its most basic, a big boy and a little lady (aka, Lorge & smol — a trope with widespread appeal in shippy fandom) who occupy the same workplace, with like two small degrees of separation. 
And surely any canon-respecting fan can acknowledge their third basic feature: potential. Because they have so little screentime singly, there’s so much ~safe~ room in which to play.
Riyo’s character develops quite dramatically between her first and second episodes (‘Trespass’ and ‘Sphere of Influence’). She is very insecure in her first appearance, her body language deferential, her statements timid. She is relentlessly bullied by Chairman Cho. Nevertheless, encouraged by Obi-Wan, Riyo instigates a legislative coup with the Speaker of the Assembly and her sound advices regarding the Talz ultimately prevail (helped along by Cho’s convenient death). (I have a lot more meta about what we can infer about Riyo’s position in the Pantoran political apparatus from her episodes, but that’s for another time.)
By Season 3, Riyo is considerably more self-assured. Indeed, she appears in full Amidala anger to denounce the Trade Federation before the Senate and conducts blatant espionage with little regard for her own safety (and very likely at the risk of her career).
There are plausible explanations for this: though still young, Riyo has matured in her role and gained confidence from experience. But it’s also fun to don the shippy glasses and imagine how other factors might have influenced her development …
What if the Commander of the Coruscant Guard fell in love with her, and she with him?
Fox has less airtime than Riyo and remains utterly faceless throughout. His character is unknown beyond what tie-in media tells us about him (“fearless”, “highly decorated”, “bound by duty”, etc.), and what people choose to infer from his few infamous actions. (sidenote: I entirely reject Fox’s role in the events of “Heroes on Both Sides”; Fox was used because he was an existing and recognizable asset of someone with security authority on Coruscant in a kids’ TV show. Even in a universe as disdainful of military norms and chains of command as TCW, it’s stupidasfuck for a commander to be doing checkpoint duty. Fox had no place there and I will abstain from any discussion of his character that cites that episode.)
At the fundamental level, Fox is a young man who was groomed for an unenviable position with enormous responsibilities. Riyo is a young woman who might have undergone something of the same (obviously with worlds more agency). This somewhat shared experience could see them confiding in one another, beyond mutual attraction.
Much like Darman’s belief in Etain because she is a Jedi buoys Etain’s flagging confidence in Republic Commando, Fox’s respect for Riyo as a senator — however simple, indoctrinated, and unjaded at first — perhaps helps Riyo see herself from a new perspective. She admires Fox as a man of action and endeavours to live up to what Fox believes she is, and, in so doing, reaches new potential. 
There’s also the matter of just being emboldened by secret romance. I’ve tried to keep this explanation unobjectionable, but at its heart, Foxiyo appeals to me because Fox is a handsome fox and Riyo is a cute bird and they should definitely fuck :)
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lightoflothalsmoons · 4 years
So anyway, I ranked every Clone Wars storyline
I finished rewatching TCW (for about the 9th time lol) recently and decided I'd try to rank every "storyline" as I went. I mostly did this by arcs, but there were a few arcs that I decided to split up because the episodes either seemed minimally related, or differed vastly in enjoyment level for me. This is based on nothing besides my own personal opinion. I'm not doing commentary because I'm far too lazy for that, but I did split this up into tiers. (And please excuse some of these arc names; this is just how I refer to them in my head.) Enjoy!
Not for me, sorry
60. Water Wars (S4 E1-3)
59. "Nomad Droids" (S4 E6)
58. "Blue Shadow Virus" (S1 E17)
57. Droid Spy (S1 E6-7)
A Good Time
56. "Senate Spy" (S2 E4)
55. "Cloak of Darkness" (S1 E9)
54. "Sphere of Influence" (S3 E4)
53. "Grievous Intrigue" (S2 E9)
52. "Hostage Crisis" (S1 E22)
51. "Heroes on both Sides" (S3 E10)
50. "A Friend in Need" (S4 E14)
49. "Cat and Mouse" (S2 E16)
48. "Evil Plans" (S3 E8)
47. "Trespass" (S1 E15)
46. "Mercy Mission" (S4 E5)
45. Aayla and the Lemurs vs Kim Jong Un (S1 E13-14)
44. Malevolence (S1 E2-4)
43. "Lair of Grievous" (S1 E10)
42. "Shadow Warrior" (S4 E4)
41. Banking Clan (S6 E5-7)
40. Toydaria (S3 E3 + S1 E1)
39. "Bombad Jedi" (S1 E8)
38. Satine (S2 E12-14)
37. The Zillo Beast (S2 E18-19)
The Really Good Stuff
36. "Assassin" (S3 E7)
35. Zygerria (S4 E11-13)
34. Korkie and Co (S3 E5-6)
33. Senate Murders (S3 E11 + S2 E15)
32. Cad Bane Steals Children (S2 E1-3)
31. "The Hidden Enemy" (S1 E16)
30. The Citadel (S3 E18-20)
29. Colonel Meebur and His Droid Friends (S5 E10-13)
Favorites Start Here
28. "Mystery of the Thousand Moons" (S1 E18)
27. "Hunt for Ziro" (S3 E9)
26. "The Disappeared" (S6 E8-9)
25. Dooku Captured (S1 E11-12)
24. Ryloth (S1 E19-21)
23. The Bad Batch (S7 E1-4)
22. "Lightsaber Lost" (S2 E11)
21. The Clone Wars Movie
20. "The Lost Ones" (S6 E10)
19. "Bounty Hunters" (S2 E17)
18. Lizard Rifle Association (S3 E21-22)
17. Martez Sisters (S7 E5-8)
16. Younglings (S5 E6-9)
Excellence Achieved
15. Geonosis (S2 E5-8)
14. "The Deserter" (S2 E10)
13. Delta Squad/ARC Troopers (S3 E1 + S1 E5 + S3 E2)
12. Ahsoka Leaves (S5 E17-20)
Elite Territory
11. Deception (S4 E15-18)
10. Young Boba Fett (S2 E20-22)
9. Onderon (S5 E2-5)
8. Nightsisters (S3 E12-14)
7. Ventress's Journey/Maul's Return (S4 E19-22)
The Supreme Rulers of all Clone Wars Perfection
6. Fives (S6 E1-4)
5. Umbara (S4 E7-10)
4. Siege of Mandalore/Order 66 (S7 E9-12)
3. Maul's Mandalore Machinations (S5 E1 + S5 E14-16)
2. Yoda's Journey (S6 E11-13)
1. Mortis (S3 E15-17)
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prncefinn · 7 years
riyo chuchi: breathes
me: wonderful. miraculous. *takes a thousand screenshots* beautiful, iconic. a materpiece. i feel so blessed so moved, my skin is clear my crows are flourishing, 
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bo-katan · 5 years
Arc Troopers is the best tcw episode, i said what i said.
also, Anakin was straight up flirting with padme right in front of rex in Sphere of Influence im dying xD
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pomrania · 7 years
TCW episode guide links
From the horribly-organized official site; thought it might be useful to have them all in one place, and easy to find what you’re looking for.
The SWR episode guide links post is here.
Ambush (1.1) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/ambush-episode-guide Rising Malevolence (1.2) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/rising-malevolence-episode-guide Shadow of Malevolence (1.3) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/shadow-of-malevolence-episode-guide Destroy Malevolence (1.4) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/destroy-malevolence-episode-guide Rookies (1.5) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/rookies-episode-guide Downfall of a Droid (1.6) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/downfall-of-a-droid-episode-guide Duel of the Droids (1.7) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/duel-of-the-droids-episode-guide Bombad Jedi (1.8) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/bombad-jedi-episode-guide Cloak of Darkness (1.9) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/cloak-of-darkness-episode-guide Lair of Grievous (1.10) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/lair-of-grievous-episode-guide Dooku Captured (1.11) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/dooku-captured-episode-guide The Gungan General (1.12) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/the-gungan-general-episode-guide Jedi Crash (1.13) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/jedi-crash-episode-guide Defenders of Peace (1.14) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/defenders-of-peace-episode-guide Trespass (1.15) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/trespass-episode-guide The Hidden Enemy (1.16) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/the-hidden-enemy-episode-guide Blue Shadow Virus (1.17) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/blue-shadow-virus-episode-guide Mystery of a Thousand Moons (1.18) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/mystery-of-a-thousand-moons-episode-guide Storm Over Ryloth (1.19) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/storm-over-ryloth-episode-guide Innocents of Ryloth (1.20) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/innocents-of-ryloth-episode-guide Liberty on Ryloth (1.21) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/liberty-on-ryloth-episode-guide Hostage Crisis (1.22) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/hostage-crisis-episode-guide Holocron Heist (2.1) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/holocron-heist-episode-guide Cargo of Doom (2.2) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/cargo-of-doom-episode-guide Children of the Force (2.3) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/children-of-the-force-episode-guide Senate Spy (2.4) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/senate-spy-episode-guide Landing at Point Rain (2.5) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/landing-at-point-rain-episode-guide Weapons Factory (2.6) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/weapons-factory-episode-guide Legacy of Terror (2.7) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/legacy-of-terror-episode-guide Brain Invaders (2.8) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/brain-invaders-episode-guide Grievous Intrigue (2.9) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/grievous-intrigue-episode-guide The Deserter (2.10) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/the-deserter-episode-guide Lightsaber Lost (2.11) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/lightsaber-lost-episode-guide The Mandalore Plot (2.12) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/the-mandalore-plot-episode-guide Voyage of Temptation (2.13) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/voyage-of-temptation-episode-guide Duchess of Mandalore (2.14) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/duchess-of-mandalore-episode-guide Senate Murders (2.15) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/senate-murders-episode-guide Cat and Mouse (2.16) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/cat-and-mouse-episode-guide Bounty Hunters (2.17) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/bounty-hunters-episode-guide The Zillo Beast (2.18) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/the-zillo-beast-episode-guide The Zillo Beast Strikes Back (2.19) 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Plans (3.8) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/evil-plans-episode-guide Hunt for Ziro (3.9) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/hunt-for-ziro-episode-guide Heroes on Both Sides (3.10) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/heroes-on-both-sides-episode-guide Pursuit of Peace (3.11) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/pursuit-of-peace-episode-guide Nightsisters (3.12) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/nightsisters-episode-guide Monster (3.13) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/monster-episode-guide Witches of the Mist (3.14) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/witches-of-the-mist-episode-guide Overlords (3.15) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/overlords-episode-guide Altar of Mortis (3.16) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/altar-of-mortis-episode-guide Ghosts of Mortis (3.17) http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/ghosts-of-mortis-episode-guide The Citadel (3.18) 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bedlamsbard · 9 years
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PANTORA IS, LIKE, STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL AND WELL-DECORATED?  I can’t believe we only saw this during an opening voice-over, it’s gorgeous.
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prncefinn · 7 years
riyo and ahsoka introducing each other/talking abt each other as “my good friend” i’m sobbing
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bedlamsbard · 9 years
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No reason.
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