#the closest is like. admiral sarpedon.
lastflowerofyourhouse · 7 months
i think it's funny that tamsyn muir can concieve of and convincingly write so many different types of people. a downtrodden jock with self-esteem issues. a twitchy little nerd with layer upon layer of self-hatred and guilt. a slimy, power-hungry princess desperately trying to escape the shadow of her sister. a middle-aged biologist who accidentally became God. the soul of a murdered planet with amnesia. so many types of people, with so many neuroses and hangups and hopes and tragedies informing characterization so layered and complex it can take hours to unpick. to say nothing of the way she writes the relationships between those characters. and through all of that. through all of the flashbacks and hints and unreliable narrators and infinitely suggestive lines of dialogue. she has yet to create a single one of them who is not attracted to women.
think about it. some of them are bisexual. but that's as far as it goes in the other direction. some of them are unconfirmed. but there is not a single character whose sexuality or romantic history is explored in any detail, who is not attracted to women. i find that extremely funny.
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