#the clothing thing varies across japan btw
nordic-language-love · 10 months
summer in the uk vs japan
uk: it is hot. it is humid. outside i wear the shortest shorts i can get away with and spaghetti strap top. my thighs stick together and my armpits leak like taps. i get home, strip naked, turn on my tiny electric fan and starfish, but it is little solace. there is no air con. there is no escape. i have to change my sweat-soaked bedsheets almost nightly. 3 days later it is 15ºC and i turn the heating on.
japan: it is hot. it is humid. outside i wear jeans and a t-shirt because showing your shoulders/any semblence of cleavage/shorts higher than knee-high is frowned upon and what ever will my students' parents think if they see me in such scandalous clothing. i have to take a spare t-shirt everywhere with me because the one i'm wearing will be soaked through by the time i get where i'm going. once i get home i peel my clothes off my body and bask in the air con. 3 days later it buckets down with rain and the rain is warm. i am soaked in both sweat and rain. the cycle is endless.
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