#the collective anxiety in the kaiba household must be through the roof get these kids some good kush
kaibacorpintern · 2 years
mokuba: there's a spider in my shower.
mokuba: i should ask niisama to kill it. he promised to protect me. he told me he was my father now. i can't hold him to that, he was ten. he's failed in so many ways, and he's succeeded in so many others. and we're happy now. we're safe. we have everything we need. there are kaibalands all over the world. still, i need him to prove he's looking out for me. if only to know if he's changed. but maybe i should just kill it myself. he worries so much. if he thinks i don't even have the guts to kill a spider, how will he ever trust me to strike out on my own? could i ever leave him anyway? should i? will we ever feel safe enough to leave each other? i don't want to leave him. he's my brother. he's the only person i love. i wish i had more friends, like real friends, like whatever yuugi and his little geeks have. they're so lame. but they stick up for each other. they're nice because they want to be. i don't really get it, honestly. do yuugi and his friends kill spiders for each other? isn't that what we all want - to cry for help, and hear someone answer us? sometimes seto couldn't answer me. sometimes he refused. it's not his fault. it's never been his fault. but he hates it when i say that. he's doing better. he really is. do i really need him to prove it? it's not even a big spider. i can squish it myself. i'm not even that scared. i'm not a little kid. i'm the fucking vice president of kaiba corporation, for fuck's sake.
mokuba, at the top of his lungs: NIISAMA? CAN YOU KILL THE SPIDER IN MY SHOWER?
seto: yeah where is it
seto, internally: is base violence the only proof of love i can give my brother? is that what he wants from me?! we're more poisoned than i thought! the spider isn't doing anything to hurt us. it's just sitting there! struggling to survive, like all of us are! but gozaburo would tell me strength is th -
with thanks to @danieco
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