#the colors and patterns rahhh
rewatching ATSV!!!!
i'm just gonna post the screenshots I think are pretty to here (I'm just starting it as i'm writing this, and I'm gonna be screen-shotting things I haven't really seen floating around before, so uncommon rarity ATSV screenshots from me???) i'll go from the drum scene to the scene right before the confrontation w the vulture
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i LOVE LOVE LOVE gwen's drum scene so much. i'm prolly gonna use the picture above for my pfp
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i'm sorry while I was pausing through the scene (its the scene where the collider is like about to explode and then it goes dark) that hobie pic made me laugh
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this is genuinely so so beautiful. you can tell how much love the animators put into this movie ugh
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do your guys's colliders ever just collapse... :(
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mountain dew gwendy is so silly
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i literally love all of their outfits so much RAHHH the mary jane's solo
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gwen looks so silly right here, she's so me she's literally a silly goose
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i cannot for the life of me remember the members's names but i love all of their hair and designs!!!
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gwen has her nails painted!!! (or that's the colorings. could very much be either or)
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i love her so much rahhhhhhh
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oh yeah btw 65 Peter is literally me./j
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that dangerous menace is a SILLY GOOSE. :)
the saying grace scene is sick and twisted I'm going to ruin my storage./hj so i'm just gonna like find the scenes with like silly things
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BIRTHDAY GWEN!!!!!!! (also, great to mention, the grace scenes are AWESOME for figuring out gwen's general casual outfit style for art/drawing when you don't want to just use her main outfits)
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whoever put Peter in the dinosaur costume is evil frfr./hj
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christmas!!! (also uncle ben in the far right corner..) side note: I thought gwen's white square on her sweater was cake with trees and candles. I was like: "do people have ... cake for Christmas??" but no, it is just a pattern
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dude pushing someone into a wall so hard that their glasses break is crazy.
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the people saying hi to Gwen are the Mary Jane's members :(( (they do look very nice though)
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crying, peter was trying to take off gwen's mask to see her face one last time. EPRF&YEJVHIUHREHJBUEGIRJFUGREH
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PETER NOOOOOOOO (and then there's captain george stacy.)
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i love this movie so much ugh
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i am a whole-hearted believer in trans gwendy btw to have a trans flag on a her dad (who is a cop)'s uniform is just like a telltale sign also I think 65 Peter is trans as well so it counts for both of them
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gwen being nearly entirely blue in the otherwise pink apartment is eryniurtngireksv
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gwen has freckles!!
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she runs out of the panel so fast it doesn't have time to dissipate. crying
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..and then everything goes downhill from here
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also tumblr won't let me have more than 30 images on one post but the last one I was going to show was the protect trans kids poster screenshot, not because it's not been shown (because it definitely has for better or worse) but it just makes me happy :)
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rougepancake · 1 year
Ship in a bottle
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Ft. Merman!Yoshikage Kira x F!Reader
Please you guys I love this idea so much you have no idea. I will defend merman Yoshikage with my life 😩. I was also terrified to post this but YOLO AHAHA SELF INDULGENCE 😔
Warnings: slight gore, mentions of killing, interspecies relationship (???), MONSTER FUCKING RAHHH (implied rahhhh), Kira’s hand fetish (also rahhhh), mating??. He’s a beautiful merman leave him be 😭
Summary: You and your fellow researcher Jotaro Kujo are out on the hunt for merfolk, legendary and beautiful creatures that have been believed to be nothing more than a legend. But they are in fact real. And they are twice as beautiful as the stories say.
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It was gloomy, as to be expected whilst out on the open ocean. The wind whipped around you, howling softly as you observed the waves rocking against your cabin cruiser. Your fellow researcher, Jotaro Kujo, was standing beside you, his eyes transfixed on the radar screen in his hands.
So far there had been no sign of any large fish, which bummed you out to no avail. You had all day out here, which meant there was definitely bound to be something. Even if you didn’t catch a glimpse of what you were looking for, you might get to see a humpback whale or something.
That would make up for it… right?
Wrong. Even if the sight of the whales was beautiful on its own, you were out here looking for something specific. Something so specific that it made searching for it nearly impossible.
Especially since most people didn’t believe in mermaids.
“Hey do you see that?” Jotaro’s voice pulled you from your trance, forcing you to look over at the radar monitor. “I wonder if it’s a school or something.”
“No way.” You rushed over to him, doing your best to contain your excitement. “Do you want to get the diving gear?”
“No thanks.” He shrugged, shaking his head as he put away the monitor. “Just look at this weather. Plus there’s a chance that it’s not even them.” He sighed and looked at you, challenging your will. “Are you really willing to risk it? What if it is them and they’re hostile? What would you do then? Die?”
“I suppose I would.” You crossed your arms. “It’s in the name of science, so I wouldn’t mind dying if it meant that some of our questions would be answered.”
Jotaro opened his mouth to argue with you further, but stopped himself when he caught a glimpse of a uniquely patterned purple fishtail.
“Holy shit.” He rushed over to the side and you followed him.
“Don’t just stand there! Get the camera!” You grabbed his arm and shook him, only to be pushed to the side with a huff from him. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
A lavender colored tail, winding across the surface of the ocean. It looked to have some markings on it, but you were unable to tell what they formed due to how far away it was.
“Place your bets Kujo.” You breathed out, still in awe at the sight of the tail. “Maid or man?” You held out your hand and Jotaro immediately slapped 2,836 yen (equivalent to $20 usd) on it.
“Maid. Just look how elegant that tail is.” He paused, lowering the camera and staring out at the ocean in awe. “It’s too beautiful to belong to a man.” You scoffed and pulled out the same amount of yen, turning around and placing it underneath a nearby cup.
“I think it’s a man.” You sighed and leaned against the railing, watching as it faded out of sight slowly. “I mean did you see those markings? And the sheer size of it too. In the legends it’s said that mermaids are more delicate, as if to seduce the sailors. So it just makes more sense for it to be a man.”
“This isn’t some fantasy novel, L/n. They’re real, and we’ve officially spotted one. Forget everything you’ve ever read about them. We are now rewriting that, got it?” He scoffed and walked past you into the cruiser. You could hear your cat meow as the door opened, a signal that he was scared of the weather. Poor thing.
“Fine. It’s getting late anyways.” You sighed and followed after Jotaro. “I’ll take you back to shore since I know you’re not too fond of boats.”
“Gee you’re too kind.” He said sarcastically and lay down on the couch, his arms resting behind his head as he propped up his feet. Your cat, Killer Queen, eyed him warily before hopping up onto his chest. “It’s that I don’t like them, it’s just that I don’t come out on the water often.” Reluctantly, he pet KQ. “I’m based on the shore, you know that.”
“Yeah yeah.” You rolled your eyes and set things to head back to the shore. It was only about fifty miles back, which was roughly a two and a half hour ride. You looked over your shoulder once you finished programming the location into the gps system. “Be gentle with KQ.” You warned. “He’s a bit of a biter.”
“Yeah.” Jotaro scoffed in response and used his hat to cover his face as he drifted off to sleep.
You went back to the deck and continued to watch the surface, hoping to catch another glimpse of the tail from earlier. Not even that. You just wanted to see at least one of the creatures you had been looking so long for.
Then you saw it.
The same tail from before, which was surprisingly close to your boat. It was surprising, since most sea creatures were scared by the churning water, but this one seemed to not care.
You watched it closely, pulled into a trance by the way it swirled around as it swam. It was beautiful.
And of course, this one was a killer.
Blood tainted the water’s surface, and the tail wriggled back into the water, disappearing from your sight entirely.
“Shit! Come back!!” You swore and leaned over the side, and right as you did the boat rocked and you fell over and into the water. You let out a scream, internally fearful of the beautiful beast that had just vanished from sight.
The harsh waves forced your head under, and you struggled against the current. Occasionally you’d resurface, and each time your boat was farther away.
You struggled and kicked violently, doing your best to fight against the strength of the current. But you were just pushed back under again.
However, this time you were met the face of a merman, who was staring at you rather intently.
He was even more beautiful than his tail, his blueish purple eyes staring deep into yours as you held onto him for dear life. His hands rested on your waist, his tail swirling around you as you began to feel lightheaded.
It was like he was able to sense that you were in need of air, and he took you up to the surface, holding you tightly so you wouldn’t be washed away by the current.
With a frantic gasp for air, you looked around for your boat, which appeared to be miles away now, just barely a spec in the distance. You felt your heart sink as you turned back to the creature that was holding you.
His eyes were focused on your hands, observing them as if they were the best thing he had ever laid his eyes on.
“Thank you!” You shouted, your voice being whisked away by the harsh winds. It was about to storm, and that scared you even more. You patted his shoulder so he would look at you, and once you made eye contact, you pointed at the boat in the distance. “I need your help getting to the boat!” You made sure to speak slowly and clearly, but he just stared at you with wide eyes.
Shit. Did he not understand you??
“Boat…” He repeated you, his voice deep and raspy. Your eyes lit up and you began to nod enthusiastically.
“Yes! Yes! Boat! I need to get back to my boat!” Thunder roared in the distance and you shivered, wincing at the sound. “Can you help me?”
His eyes had trailed down to your hands once again, his own hands meeting yours. You wriggled your fingers and he snapped back to reality, his expression unreadable.
“Please…” Your voice was weak, and you felt yourself getting lightheaded once again.
Then- everything faded to black. The last thing you remembered was the salty cold water washing over you as you clung to your inhuman savior.
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“L/n what the hell?” Jotaro grumbled as he picked you off of the deck, stumbling slightly as the boat rocked harshly. The shore was in sight now, and you were only about fifteen minutes away from the base, which meant that Jotaro would be getting off and you’d be heading right back out to sea. “Don’t tell me you tried to swim in these conditions.”
“Oh fuck off.” You rolled your eyes and pushed past him, shakily walking into the cabin of the boat. “I fell in. And you owe me 2,876 yen.” You grabbed a towel and began to dry yourself off, turning your back to him to give yourself some privacy.
“What? Why-“ He stopped. “You saw the merperson from earlier??” His tone changed entirely, seemingly more excited now. “Wow. I can’t believe-“ Jotaro shook his head and sighed. “Never mind that. Your dumbass fell into the water during a storm. How did you even get back to the boat??”
“Pay up.” You looked over your shoulder with a smirk, sticking out your hand expectantly. “I fell in while observing him, and he saved me. Simple as that.”
“No. It’s not that simple.” He argued, handing you the money with a sigh. “Merfolk tend to make promises, something similar to a contract.” He paused and sat down on the couch, petting KQ gently as he spoke. “That merman you ran into will expect something from you in return, especially since he saved your life.”
“Aren’t you the one who told me to forget everything I’ve ever read about merfolk?” You turned around, giving him a glare. The boat rocked, a sign that you were now back at the base. “Whatever. We’re at the dock, so get off and log our information.” You waved him away.
“I’m serious L/n. You’d better be careful.” He began to pack up his things. “Just don’t die. You’re the only field operator that I can tolerate.” He grumbled and headed off the boat.
You sighed and began to strip yourself of your wet clothes, tossing them into the hamper as you made your way to your room. Once you pulled out a dry change of clothes and got changed, you programmed the location you were at earlier back into the navigational system and waited.
KQ seemed restless, but you couldn’t blame him. The wind was howling outside, forcing your boat to rock against the violent waves as you sailed back to where you had seen that merman.
You had some music playing in the background to ease your mind, but you just couldn’t stop thinking about what Jotaro had warned you about.
Merfolk wanting something in return? It was odd but you weren’t overly surprised. You just wanted to know if it was true.
Just then, something hit the side of the boat, resulting in a hiss from KQ. You hopped up from your seat and ran out to the deck, searching for what had just hit your boat, and sure enough, you were met with the face of your mer-savior.
“Well hello.” You let out a slight sigh of relief and walked over to where he was laying, his tail draped over the side and floating atop the water. Now you were allowed a better look at him, and oh boy was he a looker.
You debated on helping him onto the deck, but he seemed content sitting there, staring at your hands as if they were his next meal.
“Can you understand me?” You leaned down to his eye level, bracing yourself just in case the boat were to rock again. If he couldn’t understand you right now, then that’d be fine since you were bilingual.
However if he spoke his own language then you’d be fucked in terms of trying to understand his species.
Thankfully, he nodded, his gaze returning to your hands.
“Great! Oh uh…” You trailed off and put your hands in your pockets, hoping he would then be able to focus on your words. But as soon as you did so, he glared at you. “S-Sorry! I just want to as you a couple of things! That’s all..!” You stammered and brought your hands to your sides.
And like clockwork, his eyes returned to them.
You watched as he slowly reached out and took one of your hands in his, bringing it to his lips and kissing the top of his softly. Then, he moved to kiss your fingertips, closing his eyes with a sigh as he allowed his tongue to graze your skin.
“H-Hey.” You tried to pull your hand away but he stopped you, crawling up further onto the deck and looking you in your eyes.
“Quiet.” He spoke, seemingly annoyed by your response to his actions. You huffed and shut your mouth, watching in slight fear as he ran his tongue along your fingers.
His eyes met yours once again as he sucked on your fingers, letting out a pleased hun as he removed them from his mouth. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but struggled to find the right word to do so.
“Is this about you helping me earlier..?” You asked slowly, inching away from him slightly. He gave you a ‘how did you know’ type of look and nodded slowly, pulling himself closer to you. “U-Uh… so you like my hands..?”
He nodded enthusiastically, his eyes shining at the mention of your hands.
“What’s your name?” You paused and searched his eyes. “Do you have a name?”
He nodded again and made some form of clicking noise, as if trying to communicate with you in his own language. He then realized you couldn’t understand him and stopped halfway.
“Yoshikage.” He sounded unsure of his human pronunciation, but felt relieved when you nodded in understanding.
“Well Yoshikage, my name is Y/n-“ You brought your hand to your chest to emphasize your name belonged to your face- something similar to what a mother would do to a learning child.
But he stopped paying attention at the movement of your hand. And to your surprise, he reached out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to him without a second thought. He brought your hand to his face and forced you to caress his cheek, relishing in the warmth of your touch.
“You see Yoshikage, I have some questions about your kind.” You began to go along with him, your thumb gently rubbing against his cold skin. “Would you be willing to answer them for me?”
He ignored you.
“Yoshikage?” You stopped moving your thumb and he gave you an annoyed huff. “Fine, fine.” You continued to pet him, your hand moving up to his damp hair, your fingers running through it in a calming manner. Yoshikage let out a pleased sigh and leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut.
You opened your mouth to speak again, but you were interrupted by him pushing you to the floor of the deck. And naturally, it was wet, which meant your fresh change of clothes was too.
“Quiet.” He repeated the same word from earlier and began to strip you of your clothes.
“H-Hey wait if this is about you saving my life and all then maybe we can talk about this-“ You put your hands on his chest and pushed him back, but he resumed his position and stared into your eyes.
“Quiet.” He repeated, and this time it sounded like he was trying to… comfort you..? Either way it was odd, but you couldn’t help but shiver as his cold hand met your bare stomach, slowly trailing up to your breasts.
“Well I’ll admit you are quite handsome.” You sighed and relaxed slightly. “But I have to ask- do merfolk go out before they get busy or do they just get right to business?” You teased and brought your hand up to his cheek, watching his face flush with a smirk.
“Quiet…” his voice was softer, but still stern, as if his resolve was slowly slipping away. It was as if he didn’t know what to do as far as your body. He really only seemed to want your hands, but hey, if he was willing to take more then you’d let him.
It’s in the name of science, of course, so you don’t mind it one bit.
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hawaiiparty2 · 1 month
*sigh* Okay, its time for me to be cringe. who wants to see my shitty ass wwattw ocs (more like humanizations but whatevs) true GS remember Earl
this is Earl (self-ish) and.. idk, his non-biological cousin Jimmy? (everything is a lot) I still dont know what should i name mr.skelebones. ignore how i suck at drawing literally anything
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Earlie's skin (if you can even call it skin) pattern and colors used (funfact: it can eat whatever you feed it or finds, includes dead animals, alive animals, bones, and human flesh) (it can also emmit practically any noise just like a parrot. Honk honk)
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why does bro have a tapeworm in his eye get it out of there i dont like it stop stop the suffering
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Funfact: Jimmy (?) is an arsonist that escaped jail!!! (I dont like how Earl looks in this drawing, pls ignore if you dont want me to bite your ear RAHHH)
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Sillies!!!!! They both need to be locked up on a mental institution <3
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hopefuladdictions · 6 months
Hopey. Make. References.
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For Siren AU Renkaza that you and Kaz are writing. Illustrate the lads. You must. I implore you. I MUST KNOW. Even if they're very sloppy guidelines. I need the refs. Don't ask me why. Specifically color/pattern placement on Kyo and what his frills look like and then if Hakuji's eyelashes were left pale like in canon or they're pink now like his hair in your AU.
I have some doodles already if you'd like to see them 😭😭 I'm very torn on how to convey kyos coloring so thats stumped me a bit !
Alright so here is a little doodle of what I was playing with!
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ID LIKE TO POINT OUT ! THAT THIS IS NOT LIKE. CONFIRMED WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE YET! IM PLAYING AROUND WITH IT! I want his frills to be a mix of black and dark red to sort of break up all the orange and yellow that he has going on, I think it'll offer nice contrast. For his scales I obviously gotta do Flame colors! But I was thinking of throwing in random black scales as a nod to his mother! Sirens tend to be a bit more colorful so its rare to have like. All black scales. So I like to think ruka was very special and beautiful looking for having that! Some maroon and black...mmmm. anyways! I think kyo should have some sprinkled around ! Kyo needs to have his big bug eyes ofc. Hakuji notices that kyo doesn't seem to blink alot and kyo was like, this human...something is off about the eyes (no extra eyelid) and they blink frequently. How odd. Anyways, as far as patterns and what the coloring looks like DRAWN? Still figuring that out !
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As far as tail shape I think I like this last one the best? Kind of a nod to the Flame haori but not TOO much ya know? Kyo is very large and very long and I also am playing around with other fin placements! Like on his hips, down the sides of his tail, he has spines on his back, like, dorsal shit going on, but how far down does it go? Are the fins more flowy or sharp? RAHHH still figuring it out !
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As far as hakuji goes, he looks like he would in Canon but he dyes his hair pink. This makes a very. Interesting (read: frustrating to look at) color pallete for his face. I know in my heart of hearts this guy does not give a fuck about dying his eyebrows. So he has pink hair (roots showing but I don't know how to convey that on his short hair) (he will re dye it soon, TRUST) and black eyebrows, plus the light eyelashes and those damn blue eyes 😭😭😭 he has three arm band tattoos but thats about it in terms of his Canon markings ? He also has several piercings. An eyebrow, tongue, and several in his ears!
This is all I have in terms of doodles, but TRUST !!! I WILL WORK ON IT MORE AND TRY TO FIGURE THIS SHIT OUT!!! Kaz is absolutely NO help 😒 just tells me "whatever you prefer or like the best !!" Smh.
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acheronist · 11 months
ok here's my player fansign event gossip
i was running a teensy bit late so i didn't get to say hi to rasmussen but he did look VERY handsome and looked a bit afraid LMAO. my sweet moose was probably out of his depth.. socially awkward darling
debrincat came out second and he was so so so so kind to fans. he was taking a ton of time to stop and sign something for EVERYONE who wanted something signed. about 8 or 9 guys passed him and went inside before he was nearly done walking thru the crowd to sign stuff... :'-) welcome home kitty we love u + it was so nice to see him recognize how excited we are for him too rahhh
i honestly dont remember seeing andrew copp at all but he must have walked by lol
berggren was sooo 🤏🏻🤏🏻 and cute and polite. he signed things very neatly and small and carefully (literally just JB48 in like a 1" square. its ok baby u can take up more space) + we congratulated him on getting called up again because we all love to see him skate and he seemed really genuinely surprised/pleased to hear it
it seemed like ville was bouncing back and forth between both sides of the walk a ton... also just trying to sign everything for everyone who wanted it... he was so 🙂 shaped though.. and he really is pale as fuck i think my guy was refracting sunlight as he walked by. i liked his signature a lot though it was very tight + angular + neatly written. big emphasis on the double Ls in his name. I dont even remember if he spoke though i'll be real.
ben chiarot looked sharp as FUCK. he had a turtleneck on under his suit jacket and his hair all slicked back..... he was serving sexy team dilf without children realness. so my bestie asked him if he just got done at a GQ model shoot while he was signing her shirt and he smirked and laughed under his breath a bit. whore <3
fischer was really fun to look at irl. his face is crazy i want 2 draw him. thats all i got LMAO. i dont remember anything else sorry to the christian fischer stans of tumblr dot com
compher was very polite too but he was moving thru the crowd really quick.. again i think he was just awkward and a little out of his depth w the crowd in the same way ras was? but he was very polite + nice + softspoken tho and i took a selfie w him for @comphy-and-cozy because she's violently in love with him but couldn't be there LOL
ghost looked SAUR sexy.. dark green suit well tailored very kind and polite.. i like that boy ! he was really softspoken too which surprised me because he's been such a freaky bitch on the ice lately
i also dont remember sprong at all but i do remember thinking it was kind of a #serve to match the toque to be the same burgundy color as his suit (also extremely well tailored. everyone looked very handsome). creative ways to make early male pattern baldness be kind of cunty + well dressed for the weather.
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he was so so lovely.. definitely doing the same move as debrincat where he was just taking his damn time to sign smth for everyone who wanted smth. he was kind of in Good Captain Autopilot Mode it really reminded me of clips of stevie from the 90s... hockeytown loves our captains so much its unreal. but he signed my jersey and said hi to our little group and i sooo shaky lmao. but i handed him the art & he started to sign the plastic sleeve it was in? and I went no it's for you! and he kind of checked back into real life and went oh OH!!!!! and smiled when he actually looked at it and carried it w him thru the rest of the line :'-) idk i feel like he must get a lot of gifts from fans? but he definitely looked at it inside the doors of the LCA and he definitely carried it w him and didn't throw it away immediately so. big win for people who are me.
lucas and mo were funny asf they made it about 75% of the way thru the line and then the sun came out and was in their eyes and they both said ok i'm done now thank u and left. #respect
joey was so cute.. my bestie made a sign calling him a himbo last year and (then) he asked what a himbo was so we said Lmao google it, and this year he was signing stuff and talking to us and we were like "did you ever google what a himbo was" and he went huh. ohhh yeah lol like he was somehow both Pleased and Very embarrassed about it . cutesie.
newsy came out too!! and his daughter was with him and it was so cute they had matching friendship bracelets and newsy was like (to us the crowd) omg guys can we take a selfie ? can we do that?? and we were like Dawg you're head coach you can do anything you want..... so we all got a selfie w him LMAOOOO and he was so sweet and gently spoken and kind to fans. which still is crazy. i get whiplash every time how different he is to blash (the old coach who was a bitch and looked like he wanted to call people slurs but knew better) its unreallll
i think all the interviews where walman's said how much he likes detroit + feels wanted here weren't lies or exaggerations at all.... he stuck around so long to sign things for everyone (like dylan and debrincat did) and I think he was the last guy on the walk? and he was so funny and smiley and happy to be there.. my fucking GUY!!!!
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Chapter 10: Flames that Burn, Flames that Bind (Tamarind)
The sun’s rays were gentle the next morning and barely touched Tamarind’s scales. Who was he to complain? Little sunlight was better than no sunlight. 
He felt the grass moist with morning dew but he made sure to not lie in any exposed spots of dirt. For the Fuecoco, the mud of the earth was a dangerous element that would put out his body warmth and blind his eyes. But not as dangerous as water, the only element that could dowse his flame and could make him freeze. Yet he knew as long as stayed away from those dangers he would be safe to enjoy the luxuries the world had to offer. 
That’s the spot, Tamarind thought as he felt as light intensify on his back, Sweet, sweet, sunshine. But then a familiar stench entered his nose.
“Don’t I get enough of you snoring at night?!” Kombucha interrupted.
Tamarind opened one eye and saw that the Lechonk’s wrinkled face was smushed with anger. 
“Get up!” Kombucha snorted, “I need your help with something!”
“Okay…” Tamarind said as he stretched his lower back, “What da need me for?” Guess sunbathing can happen later. 
“I heard you know Disarming Voice,” the hog grunted, “You think you can help me practice mine?”
The Fuecoco nodded back and gave his teammate space to perform his attack. Kombucha turned himself back and repositioned himself in his usual fighting stance.
 He took in a large breath and belted out a lousy scream, “BRAHHHH!”, a single heart-shaped soundwave emitted from his mouth. The pink outline of it shook and fell apart as soon as it grew larger.
Tamarind didn’t need a visual soundwave to hear such an off-key note, Baritones don’t know their own strength. 
“Here…” the Fuecoco rolled his throat, “It goes like this,” he sang in a soft pitch, “Rahhh…ahhh,” he let out his disarming voice and emitted a pattern of soundwaves that were bold and brighter in color. “Try not to raise your voice so much. A disarming voice should be dulcet.”    
Taking in Tamarind’s criticism, Kombucha kept his voice quieter and mimicked the way he harmonized, “Rahhh…” First, the soundwave was more of a heart, but the second one he made seemed to shatter by the weight of his groggy voice. 
Yeesh, Tamarind cringed, he needs a lot of work.
“This is stupid,” Kombucha snuffed, “Lechonks are supposed to learn this move naturally, why is it so easy for you?”
Tamarind immediately thought back to memories of his mother singing lullabies to him and his brothers every night. Her voice carried a soothing decrescendo that cradled his mind. Sing like your mother? He proposed to himself. 
“How about this?” he suggested, “Try doing some vocal warm-ups, mi mi mi mi mi!” 
“Whatever,” Kombucha rolled his eyes, “How about I practice my tackles, instead? Care to spar with me?” 
Kombucha was always outspoken for his love of battling or “wrangling” as he called it. Tamarind figured that it came from a need to prove himself strong in front of their trainer, but maybe there was more to it than that.  
“Alright, sure…” Tamarind sighed, “You need me to attack back?”
“Please do,” Kombucha smiled. 
The two backed away from each other for proper space. I better not use my embers, Tamarind reminded himself looking upon the flammable grass, our trainer is in enough trouble as it is. 
“Ready!” The Fuecoco announced. 
Without speaking Kombucha began to dash toward Tamarind, his hooves pattering against the ground.
“Rah, Ahhhh,” Tamarind chanted another disarming voice.
His singing was enough to stumble the Lechonk back a little bit, but he kept on determined as ever. Oh boy, here he comes! Tamarind held his claws out to brace the impact. Then he felt Kombucha’s body stroke against his chest.
“Oof!”  the Fuecoco was thrown aback, “Not, ba-OW!” a shocking surprise attack pelted his head and it was wet.
Tamarind got up and wiped something goopy off his face, and it came off dirty and brown on his red hand. Oh no Mud! 
“I thought you said you were gonna practice your Tackle, not your Mud Slap?!” Tamarind yelled, a little irritated.
“That wasn’t my Mud Slap…” Kombucha sniffed the ground.
He could here something rustling through the grass and a familiar voice, “Shree-he-he!” 
“Arturo?” Tamarind asked the grass, “Was that you?!” 
The little Shroodle sprang out of the grass with a sneering remark, “I gotcha!”
“Please don’t use ground-type moves against me, they could kill me!” Tamarind lectured him.
Arturo was mischievous but playful. Tamarind understood that he didn’t know any better, and that he was just another little brother to look after.
“But Kombucha did it yesterday!” The little shrew wined.
“Save it for the battlefield, kid!” Kombucha retorted.
“I like battling!” Arturo squeaked scampering around the Lechonk in circles, “It’s so much fun!”
“Wrangling, ain’t play!” Kombucha rambled on, “It’s about dominating your opponents and teaching 'em who’s boss!”
“So like a game?” Tamarind teased.
The Lechonk scowled back, “You know, I could hit you again?” 
Maybe Kombucha is a little brother too! He joked to himself, it was like he never left the Academy Sanctuary. Tamarind was the oldest of his bask so he was the first to be selected for Uva’s Starter Program. Yet he had to be glossed over by at least three students before ending up with Patch. 
“Alright, team!” Patch announced from afar, “Sage’s ready for battle training!”
“About time,” Kombucha remarked. 
“Yippee!” Arturo cheeped.
Tamarind made sure Flumpfy didn’t get left behind. He saw the black Mareep lying next to Kapheria a few tail lengths away.  They’ve known each other for two days yet they’re inseparable. I wonder if it’s an electric thing?
“Hey Flumpfy, Kapheria, time to train!” Tamarind reminded them.
“We’ll be right there!” Flumpfy baaed back. 
Flumpy twinkled the amber orb on the end of his tail as he stood up. Then he and Kapheria followed the group down the moist Pasteur to the battlefield. 
“So Tamarind,” Arturo chimed in, “Do you think battling is fun?” 
“Huh, good question,” The Fuecoco wondered, “Never really thought about it. I think it’s a good way to get my fire out. If I don’t let out an ember once in a while, I feel weird.”
“I’d love to battle if it means I get stronger,” Flumpfy sighed, “The sooner I can evolve, the better!”
“Same here!” Kombucha nodded.
Flumpfy pointed his tail up to Kapheria and flickered another light. He wagged back and forth, flickering in a pattern.
Upon arriving at the battlefield, Dahlia brushed her fluffy tail, whisking leaves for the breeze to carry. Zia shook herself to generate sparks that coiled over her pelt. Both were warming up to fight.
“Hello, boys!” Dahlia mewed, “Which one of you is going to be sparing with us?”
“Me me!” Arturo volunteered.
“You have to wait until Patch chooses you to battle!” Tamarind explained, remembering his mother’s wisdom.
“I fight when I want,” Kombucha protested, sticking his pink nose in the Fuecoco’s face.
He got a whiff of the Lechonk’s rancid breath, which reeked of red peppers and beetroots. 
Their trainer’s hands clapped, “Okay, Team!” Patch declared, “We are in a lot of debt! So let’s work hard to… fight hard! Let’s earn enough money to… get out of debt!”   
The human’s awkward speech made even Flumpfy roll his eyes. Their trainer wasn’t the best at public speaking but no trainer was perfect. 
“Tamarind!” Patch called on him, “Why don’t we practice with you first?”
The Fuecoco stepped forward, feeling honored by his Patch’s decision. At the same time, he wished he was glossed over. Everyone else seemed more enthusiastic about battling than he did, he rarely ever fought.
As he stood on the half of the battlefield, he met the dark red eyes of Dahlia. She was his opponent. A Fire-type against a Grass type? This can’t end well! He pressed his jaw tight.
“Don’t worry about me,” Dahlia seemingly read his mind, “I can handle a bit of heat!” she smiled.
Before he could ask anymore questions, Patch commenced the battle, “Tamarind use Round!”
In very little preparation, the Crocodile hastly sang, “Rahhhh!” He made rings of red sound waves from his well tuned voice.
While all of his contraction was focused onto his attack, he wasn’t aware of Dahlia herself. 
With a Swift Quick attack, her paws pressed into Tamarind’s throat, “Greck!” He gagged as his vocal cords were hit.
The yellow Sprigatito leaped away gracefully, giggling over her successful move. He tried to cough away the pressure and hot cinders flew free from his mouth. 
“Try, Disarming voice!” Patch hollered.
He sang once again but with his throat burning from damage he quavered with an off key disarming voice, “Reeeaaahh!” His sound waves shook barely holding Dahlia off balance.
Come on, I can do this! He pursued another disarming voice, “Rah-ack!” He unintentionally hacked an ember. 
Without her trainer saying a thing, Dahlia hurdled the sudden attack with only her tail tip catching flame. She lashed off the fire before it could spread, leaving a brown mark.
“C’mere, Dahlia!” Her trainer called her over.
“Tamarind, over here,” He was beckoned by his trainer.
He shuffled over with his claw shielding his throat. Patch had a potion ready for him, he opened his mouth and was spritzed with the taste of oran berry juice. 
As he gargled the potion he could hear Kombucha murmur, “What are you waiting for?! Knock that grass type out before I do it myself!” 
Give me a minute, Tamarind thought, I only landed one hit. He swallowed the juice, and he felt a cooling relief in his throat. Here goes nothing. 
After a quick recovery, he and Dahlia made their way back to the frontlines. He could tell that his opponent was also given a potion, as the burnt tip had vanished. I guess she wasn’t kidding. 
Sage made the first move, “Tail whip!” 
“Use Disarming voice!” Patch commanded. 
He began to warble a tune. Instead of attacking, the Sprigatito affectionately rubbed up against his hyde, brushing her tail against his snout. Huh… what is she? His nose was met with a delightful floral fragrance that eased his mind. Wow, that’s pretty good! He could just imagine the fields of Cortondo blooming with spring flowers. Almost inviting him to bask in the sun. 
Then Tamarind was awoken from his trance with a surprising chomp on his tail. 
“Y’ow!” he screamed.
Dahlia bounded from behind him, “Wake up, Tamarind!” She teased. 
The battle was only heating up and he was already out of breath, “Give me a second!” he panted. 
“Are you okay to keep going on?” she asked politely, “You can surrender if it’s too much.” 
“Sorry, I don’t battle much,” The fire croc admitted, “You seem to be holding yourself well.”
“But of course,” she meowed flatteringly, “Sage and I have been training for quite some time. And you’re not the first Fuecoco I fought.”
Dang other Fuecocos? They probably did much better than me. 
“I think Tamarind is too exhausted to keep fighting,” Sage pointed out, “Maybe we can consider this one a draw?”
“It’s alright,” his trainer replied passively, “I can choose someone else to battle.” 
Yeah, I could sure use a rest! He sighed in relief. 
“Well if you’re gonna pay off your debt, you’re gonna need to train your Fuecoco a little more,” Sage explained, “Most of the village will be participating in the tournament and most of them use bug types! Having a fire type is your best way out.”
Oh man now I can’t let them down. Tamarind understood how fretful his trainer was over the slightest of things. He want the weight of debt to worry them forever. If only Patch could take it easy and enjoy the sunshine. 
“Why don’t we try battling some wild Pokemon instead, it might be better,” Sage recommended.   
“Sounds good,” Patch nodded.
“Good battle, Tamarind!” Dahlia kindly congratulated, “I wish you well in the Tournament!” 
As the Sprigatito padded beside her trainer, the rest of the Fuecoco’s teammate surrounded him.
“Wow, you sucked!” Arturo laughed jeeringly. 
“For once he’s right,” Kombucha oinked with criticism, “You act too slow in a fight, you had the type advantage and you still lost!” 
Flumpfy kept quiet, he too was aware of Tamarind’s shortcomings but didn’t want to address them. As the Shroodle and Lechonk insulted him, the black mareep slowly backed away. 
“I’m trying my best, you guys,” Tamarind said passive-aggressively, “It’s just one battle I’ll get better.” 
“If our trainer loses its, on you!” Kombucha trotted off.
Tamarind was rather surprised by Kombucha’s response, usually he desired to command the situation. This time something about him seemed unsure. Did he have faith in the Fuecoco? Was he jealous that he didn’t have a type advantage? Did he realize that there were fights even he couldn’t win? There were too many possibilities and not enough answers.
Both teams of Pokemon and their trainers strolled down to the pastures outside of the village. As the coolmorning passed, then came a warmer midday. For once, Tamarind felt too ashamed to enjoy some sun. Everyone was counting on him and he could not disappoint.
 He scanned the grassy area for bug pokemon, but all he saw were Figdoughs and Igglybuff. How am I supposed to fight bug types if their arent any around? They have to be somewhere!
While Sage’s team stayed behind to catch a wild Fletchling, Patch’s team began attacking the nearby Pokemon. Arturo sprayed the Igglybuffs with colorful acid, Kombucha kicked any Pokemon he saw with mud, and Flumpfy shocked the rest. Tamarind tried to participate with embers but his small flames were too easy to dodge. Regardless he kept spitting fire until his throat was dry.
The day was nearly concluded, and much like the setting sun Tamarind was ready to retire for the night. All that hard work has to pay off, he thought, I can’t be slow anymore. I should be able to earn our team some money. He was so exhausted it was hard to keep his eyes shut. All he could do was lie motionless as his trainer set up camp for the night.
Tournament’s tomorrow, he heavily blinked, I can’t lose… I can’t…  
“AGRIASSS!” Kapheria cried.
Tamarind's eyes shot straight open and he was shaken awake.
“It’s okay, it's okay, it’s okay,” Patch pleaded over Kapheria’s heavy wailing, “You're safe now.”
The fire croc saw his trainer wiping mud off of her metallic, violet body. Even though it merely but a splatter of mud, it had the dragon was in full distress.
“Argh, argh…rgg” she winced. 
“WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?” Flumpfy's voice grew loud.
“HEY, THAT HURTS!” Arturo wined. 
He felt his head spinning with all the commotion happening around him, One problem at a time, Tamarind. One problem at a time. 
He heard the buzz of electricity and turned to see Arturo trying to pelt Flumpfy with more mud. Oh goodness, Tamarind recognized the situation, he had seen it before, a quarrel between brothers. 
“AHH!” Flumpfy bounded out of the way, “ARTURO, CUT IT OUT!”
Tamarind got up and bolted into action. Before any more mud could spill he picked up the small Shroodle by the belly which immediately squirmed. 
“HEY!” Arturo complained, “LET ME GO!”
“Stop it both of you!” he spoke with the sternness of a mother, “What’s going on, why are you two attacking each other?”
“I didn’t attack at all,” Flumpfy retorted. 
“Did too!” The Shroodle hissed, “He tried to shock me!”
 “I did not!” The Mareep spat immaturely.
“One at a time!” Tamarind commanded, “Flumpfy, what happened?”
“That little pest splashed Kapheria with mud!” Flumpfy furled his striped tail, “And he frightened her!”
That's what the other thing was about. Makes sense, Kapheria startles easily. 
“Nuh-uh,” Arturo retorted, “I was trying to play with her, but she ran off! And then Flumpfy tried to shock me!”
Okay…Arturo does have a strange idea of playing. 
Flumpfy lashed back, “It was an accident! It happens when I’m-”
“ENOUGH!” Tamarind roared, “ATTACKING EACH OTHER ISN’T THE ANSWER!” He cleared his throat, “Arturo, you can only attack your teammates when we train and they say it’s okay. Attacking someone when they're unprepared makes them think you’re trying to hurt them!”
Arturo had some remorse behind his cyan eyes, “It was just a game…” he whispered. 
“Flumpfy…” He turned to the Mareep, “It’s sweet of you to think of Kapheria, but that doesn’t mean you should stoop so low! Arturo’s only a kid!”
Flumpy’s power began to charge with sparks crackling against his wool, “But I didn’t do it on purpose! I’m telling you was an accident!”
“Liar, liar, liar!” Arturo chanted brashfully.  
Flumpfy began to puff out as if he couldn’t handle the light insults of a child. His golden eyes twitched at the Fuecoco. Tamarind misread this situation; it wasn’t only Arturo’s jeering, he did something wrong.  
He needed to make things right, “Fluh-”
“Hmph!” Flumpfy stormed off with a trail of golden static behind him. His tail bulb flickering with frustration. 
Arturo wriggled out of Tamarind’s claws and scampered away into the tall grass. He allowed the weight of his mind to plant him into the ground. Whenever he settled a quarrel between his brothers, they would forgive each other easily. Brotherhood burned deeper than any heated argument. Flumpfy and Arturo only new each other for a few days so it was up to them to kindle their own bond.
All the while Tamarind stared desperately at the stars coming into view of the iridescent sky. How am I supposed to be a good brother to my team, if they can’t act like one? 
<- Chapter 9 - Chapter 11 ->
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kxmikomrade · 11 months
since you liked my last amigurumi
here's the one im making rn!! >:)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
it's jolyne cujoh from jojo's bizarre adventure for my dear friend @twigsalot!
that's a picture of her body and her little hair buns, the body took around 3 hours to make and the buns took around 45 minutes.
I'm working on a ponytail that I'm gonna restart because it looks gross lol
I'm gonna embroider her face on, but twig asked for the bead eyes. i think they're cute :)
i relearned how to crochet in rows! it was hard, but i got it.
i had the pattern (that I made myself!) for the body and limbs, but I've just been making everything else as i go. it's worked out quite well so far.
i bought four colors, yellow, the color of her skin (from a brand that makes a bunch of skin colored yarn! they're really good colors, and the yarn is nice), green, and navy.
I'll make sure to keep you updated <3
(i wish i could make you and the moots little amigurumi friends but i have no way to get them to you </3)
WOAHH :00 thats so cool with all da stuff u gotta do to make it, tbh idk if i have the patience but i wanna try making a plush sum day and give it to a friend (MAYBE U?? WHEN WE MEET??? MWEHE)
crochet in rows?? :00 that does sound pretty hard SO WOOOOOOOOHOOO!! U GOT IT!!! PAT PAT FOR U <3
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