#the colouring could be better but I don't have the emotional strength to spend more time
onaperduamedee · 1 year
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"Was it hard?" "What?"
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side A, Match 9
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propaganda under the cut!
1. THEY ARE SO FUCKING FLUFFY AND COLOURFUL AND PURE AND ADORABLE AND—*chokes on emotions* anyways they're literally the most wholesome and supportive of all ships like i can't even begin to summarize how much they care for each other
2. THEY CANONLY CALL EACH OTHER SOULMATES and even if clara and azz don't understand what a soulmate is (they're demons) they're just happy to be close to iruma. 
3. whenever one of them is upset or bothered, the other two form a team and they go ALL OUT to lift the third person's mood!!! they try to solve the problem but if that's not possible, they just stay with that person and try to make them feel better so that they can face their problem with a better mood and more strength
4. they're ALWAYS together. and none of them are bothered by it!! and instead of being toxic about the need to stay close, they establish boundaries! like they have their own secrets they can't tell the others and that's totally fine! no pressure at all in their squad
5. listen these three help each other become better people!! like they bring out the best in each other and it's the most wholesome, encouraging, healthy, lovey dovey ship ever!!! like clara becomes more responsible despite her need for chaos bc she wants to make sure azz and iruma can depend on her! azz stops putting up walls and allows people to approach him because he wants to get involved in the other two's lives! and iruma learns how to set boundaries with these two where he could never say no to anyone!! like if that isn't the most awesome and perfect relationship idk what is!!!
6. one tol and two smols that's all.
ok listen their relationship is extremely important to the plot of the game so they get a lot of focus and a lot of the stuff they say abt each other is like????? bro thats kinda fruity ngl??????? theres like. a lot of stuff i could say about them. like a lot. too much actually
so instead ill just, idk summarize their relationship and then give some fun facts abt them
Sunny and Basil are best friends! They're shown to be very close to each other, closer than they are to the rest of their friends. They rely on each other to listen when they need to vent, and like to read books together! Before the events of the game, Sunny and Basil become involved in an incident that basically tears their friend group apart. Basil keeps the secret of their involvement from everyone because he cares too much about Sunny to let him get in trouble. They then don't talk for four years, and spend the entire time pining for each other!
Basil hopes for four years that Sunny will finally come back to him, meanwhile Sunny has retreated into a perfect dreamworld he uses to cope. All of his friends are there, and everyone is happy, and the dreamworld is full of things Basil loves. The most common food item is tofu(Basil's favorite food),  there's an entire race of plant creatures that adore tofu(Basil likes to garden + his favorite food), his garden in the dreamworld is huge and has lots of flowers that represent each of his friends! Also, an important NPC says this abt Sunny and Basil's relationship: "He is special to you. A string of fate ties you together." A string of fate you say? Hmmm, I wonder why they phrased it like that...
Also, when Sunny and Basil finally do start talking again, Basil says stuff like this: "W...Wait... P-Please, SUNNY... Don't leave me... Not again..." "After all this time... you've finally come back for me. But... tomorrow... you're going away. H-HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?!? That's mean, SUNNY. That's so mean!" Yeah... he's not doing too well...
But don't worry! After a year or two of therapy I'm sure these two can have a happy, healthy relationship!
Obviously I have a lot more to say abt them but it's all literary analysis and context clues and stuff, I just wanted to point out the more obvious stuff!
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helpicant-stop · 2 years
all of the ask emojis for c!hannah <3
omfg 😭 well alright strap in i guess
[send me character headcanon asks!]
🏳️‍🌈: sapphic aro (qpr ctinarose supremacy 🙏🙏)
🏳️‍⚧️: she's a #girl but like with a little extra flavour. spicy cisgender if you will (ie she uses nature-related neopronouns because she thinks they add to the aesthetic)
😇: standard twitch prime practitioner like most on the server, but she has more faith in the inherent laws of nature and fairy magic. also the egg but that was like a year ago people change man🙄 /j
🧸: in her early childhood she lived mostly in the forest with other fairies, but started spending most of her time in hypixel during her teenage years
👻: i don't think channah's outright afraid of many things (that she'd admit), but i also think she was scared of the egg returning after she finally broke free of the "possession" thing; it's an unexplained vaguely divine entity that goes againsf the laws of nature and makes everything around it rot and change colour, of course it'd be a bit intimidating
🎶: channah likes metal but like not the screamy kind like the operatic rock ballad kind, and she almost exclusively listens to women artists. also she's a big fan of 90s riot grrl
👽: carries a bag of rose seeds/sprouts wherever she goes, not just for personal strength and aesthetics but because rapidly growing rosevines make great distractions in a fight
💤: i think pre-egg she'd have mostly scent/touch/sound related dreams that are mostly just sensations or vague events, and sleep really soundly. during the eggpire she'd go days without sleep before dropping randomly and waking up hours later in another location. i think the only dreams she'd have then would be quiet whispering or distant shouts she couldn't quite hear properly. post-egg she can't quite fall asleep or wake up as easily anymore, and she doesn't even remember if she has dreams or not
🦾: blind with roses where her eyes should be, because nature fairies don't need eyes unless the thing they represent does. when she moved to the dream smp, an eye sprouted out of one of the flower petals and gave her sight on one side (because the laws of nature or something were different there bitch idk). it doesn't feel natural (?) and is prone to random phantom pains/sensations and honestly isn't that useful so she'd rather be without it.
during the egg, vines and leaves grew through her and replaced the flowers in her eyes with those little glowing red sprouts. i actually made an art about this (*cough cough* @yesican-stop *cough cough*)
💝: acts of service but as in she will be your number 1 apologist and defender and take you places. i also think she's very on gift giving and enjoys gifting flowers and pets (the latter only to people she think can take care of them)
🫂: i think she's extremely loyal to her friends which i think makes the red banquet betrayal such a Thing™ because like. you know she's far gone
💔: insert "hehehe yes... yes!!!!" sickos comic panel here. when she was infected, one of her biggest guilts was going against cpuffy, but she couldnt really ruminate or reflect on that at all because the egg would always cover up her thoughts with its own, and even after they made up they were never quite the same afterwards. ahaha fboy face emoji
🪢: she has no recalled family except for nature, her friends and tina, which to her is better than any related associations she could hypothetically have
📓: bit of projection here but i think she'd have several phases of learning several different fighting styles/martial arts and gettign moderately good at all of them before developing her own unique style. aside from that (projection 2 electric boogaloo) she also seems like the type to sculpt or sew or make dioramas or just create art in general, and i think a lot of it would be really emotional theme-wise tbh. also she organises all her stuff by colour and helps tina farm fungi at kinoko
👗: she'd definitely love to mix style with practicality, like i think she'd have miniskirts with shorts sewn on underneath so she could fight, and blouses that can be tied back with buttons so she can get her hands dirty. one thing that is not practical at all are her reproduction white 1960s gogo boots. nobody questions the reproduction white 1960s gogo boots.
she is also a big fan of natural tones but FUCKING HATES FLOWER PRINT because it's not even close to the real thing at ALL. she used to wear a lot of bright rose red, but the egg kind of spoiled that for her, so now all the red she wears is dark or muted. also all her outfits would be self made, 100% biodegradable and sustainable and usually have living plants integrated within the outfits
🔪: come on. you already know this one. channah pvp queen girlboss etc. ok but in all seriousness i think her fighting style would be very swift and graceful, and she'd talk a lot during fights, whether to herself or the opponent/s. during emotional fights especially she gets surprisingly better rather than slipping up. one of her mottos is "use words, until that doesn't work, then use violence"
🌟: i think prior to the smp most of her goals would be very short-term/impulsive/quick-passing without really thinking of the future or consequences. but now ?? dude she just wants to be happy and live a nice fun life with all her friends and probably do nature activism on the side. why is the dream smp so trauma girl /: girlphobic if you will ,,oh wait that's just misogyny isn't it 💀
🥇: at heart she's just a rose fairy and that's what she's best at. she can cultivate rosebushes so cool looking the gardeners at the queen of hearts' castle would CRY
🍫: she doesn't like sweets that much but would KILL for a well-made steak like srsly it's so hard to find nowadays everyone either overcooks the outside and undercooks the inside or overcooks the whole thing or adds bad seasoning but come on how hard can it be. she eats at mcpuffy's (but begrudgingly) because it's cheap and moderately average but las nevadas has better food, they're just too overpriced for her taste and she partially works there anyway so why would she need to in the first place
🎭: totally a casual liar, but she doesn't lie about anything severe *when she can*. but yeah she would tell a child that santa is real without flinching or tell someone she's working on the thing they asked her to work on when she's not
❤️‍🔥: she's aro and #Not Interested moving on (however if i ignore this and make it about qprs then she's totally super sappy with tina and more giggly around her than like bad or sam)
💄: she's made of soil and plants and roses grow out of and around her arms like climbing vines. also she wears makeup that she grinds out of plant dye and charcoal
🖕 (funnieat emoji choice ever btw): she gets more irritated than angry, but when she does get angry she Gets Angry™. she's the type of guy to utilise insults and threats really effectively before even fighting
😺: she's a "dog person" but is a fan of most animals anyway. her favourite amphibian is either an axolotl or salamander; her favourite reptile is snakes but specifically like the small 5-6 ft ones that can curl around your arms, and she prefers their natural morphs rather than the eye-catching artificially selected ones and can you tell i know way more about snakes than any other animal yet; her favourite bird is the lovebird because she likes their call and also thinks the fact that they come in pairs is adorable; her favourite mammal would probably be dogs or capybaras; her favourite fish would be a parrotfish and tbh idek why she just seems like she would and i don't know shit about fish; and her favourite invertebrate would be butterflies or any insect that disguises itself as another animal because she loves the ingenuity and the naturally formed patterns
😬: i think her betrayal and murder really hangs over her head, but she doesn't like being reminded about it (and anyway she considers it fine since she was literally possessed and couldn't do anything about it) so she chastises the people who do bring it up
😭: i think the inciting incident/first few weeks of the infection were the most hard-hitting because she'd feel physically bad all the time with seemingly no source and hallucinate sounds that didn't exist and get terrible intrusive thoughts. i think once it really started growing and getting a hold of her she just started getting numb to it
😶: she once ate a butterfly on accident and felt incredibly bad about it. also i think her wings had rose patterns on them like stained glass
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yea-baiyi · 2 years
Hi again...... How are you? I love reading your answers and your blog.....Make me want to re-read the book TGCF (again) and re-watch CQL (again)....😄
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Word of Honor? And your top 5 favorite moments from the drama? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
HI MY BELOVED yes please keep asking me things i love coming up with answers!!!
ngl i’ve not watched WOH/SHL in a while, i’ve been planning to rewatch soon but i’ll do my best here!! let’s see how long this post gets :^)
top 5 favourite characters:
1. zhou zishu. i am so weak for zhang zhehan and his pretty face and his glorious side profile and all the little details that he put into this character. his slow smiles of wonderment as he’s falling in love. god. i’ll admit, it took me a while to like him as much as i liked wen kexing, but ultimately zzs is THE backbone of the show, it’s his story of finding love, regaining the desire to live, and finding meaning in having someone that you want to spend your life with. after reading qi ye i also appreciate zzs’s backstory more and i’m rooting for him!!! to find love and be free from the world of politics and corruption!!!
2. wen kexing. MY BOY HE WAS MY FAVE THE MOMENT HE STEPPED OUT ON SCREEN. ok ngl rewatching is kinda hard bc i keep noticing all the ways gong jun is a less experienced actor, but god when i first saw him. i thought he was SO beautiful it was such a perfect casting. i love his stupid pretentious flirting and his corny attitude and his fake fake smiles that only barely hide his feelings. the way he simply does not process emotions. what a ridiculous man. i want 20 of him
3. ye baiyi YOOOOOOO INSTANT CLASSIC. BEST CHARACTER EVER WRITTEN FOR TELEVISION. seriously though i am obsessed with this horrible little man??? the important thing to understand, ye baiyi in the novel is an 80 year old man stuck in a 20 year old body. that’s funny on its own, but ye baiyi in the show is a 20 year old guy who has lived for 80 years. imaging being gay and in your twenties forever. fuck. i too would be petty, exhausted, constantly pissed, and constantly roasting the shit out of baby gays. he’s just so funny oh my god. what a legend
4. gu xiang. my girlbossssssss i am very partial to the colour purple and so she gets points for that. also i love her outfits. i love that zhou ye added so much more dimension to ah xiang in her portrayal. gu xiang is someone who grew up around trauma and violence, yet she chooses to be good and kind and optimistic in her own way. i love the sibling/master dynamic with wkx, her relationships with the other members of ghost valley, her entire romance with cao weining. god that romance—the awful vulnerability of that scene when he saw her kill the beggar (who turned out to be an assassin). the fear of showing someone what you had to become to survive. you’re not proud of it, but you’re not the least bit ashamed, and yet it’s terrifying that they could reject you for it. god. god. god. they. her. ahuggh
5. gao xiaolian. maybe a surprising one but this girl just stuck in my head so much. this show really did so well with its women??? gao xiaolian initially exemplifies a sort of “ideal” weak, pure, feminine stereotype, a first in contrast to the many dangerous and colourful women of ghost valley and the scorpions. and yet her strength stands out immediately — her care for her father, her sense of duty, her no-nonsense approach to things. she’s remarkably clearheaded, and i love that she chose mercy over revenge in the end; it’s not necessarily what the show agrees is right, but because it’s her stance. and she’s sticking to it.
honorarable mentions: shen shen, xie’er, chengling, jby and wu xi because i’m BIASED, also helian yi deserved better <3
top 3 scenes:
1. wenzhou saying each other’s names three times — will anything ever match this moment. i still get chills thinking about that scene holy shit. i watch it over and over it haunts my dreams how could they even come up with this scene let alone film it and show it to the world. something shl drives home is the simplicity of real happiness (“only when i met you did i discover what a simple thing it is to be happy” screaming crying choking) and this scene says it all. “to be able to sit here, in the daylight. have someone call my name like that. that would be good.” and zzh’s line delivery. drives me nuts
2. the confrontation with ye baiyi. another iconic scene for the ages. the way they had the exact same plan because they’re zhiji. the way wen kexing runs because he’s feeling too much and he’s scared. this scene is zhou zishu grabbing him by the shoulders and saying—it doesn’t matter to me. it doesn’t matter. i knew all along and i loved you anyway. i love you and i am with you; your fate will be my fate now. my favourite thing about the scene has to be after the confrontation, when the tension is gone. and they go right back to bickering and teasing each other. zhou zishus exasperated “what do you think i was gonna do”. the bitching and complaining. yeah i’d die with u. but i’m gonna remind u that you’re a lotta work. chefs kiss perfection
3. gu xiang going apeshit after cao weinings death. zhou ye’s florence pugh Acting moment. god. so good. holy shit. u simply don’t get that in historical dramas especially from female characters. jesus fucking christ holy shit. i was sobbing. the grief and shock and rage and outrage; like, she loved cao weining and cao weining was such a good boy, but it just boils down to. how could they do that??? how could they just do that???? they just came in and destroyed something that was good, that was their plan all along and that’s it and his life is just over and now there’s just nothing???? and gu xiang just rages and rages and it’s about revenge but it’s barely even about that, she doesn’t even get to make the murderer pay, it’s just lashing out against the absolute senseless violence that just happened here. catharsis, my literature teacher might say. oh god i am tearing up
honourable mention: that scene where wen kexing goes apeshit and monologues over someone’s grave. i cannot for the life of me remember when that happened but i remember watching that when the episodes were coming out and being THRILLED bc that kind of scene has to be a theatre kid’s DREAM to perform. anyway i need to rewatch shl
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How to be happy Happier: 6 Habits to Adopt for a Happier You!
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Over the last few days, I’ve really been thinking about how much my mindset has changed for the better since the start of this year and how much happier it has made me! This in turn has inspired me to write about it, and while I’m no expert on these things, I think it can be useful to know that you’re not alone in how you feel and there are ways to help make it better! Obviously, if you feel that you may have a mental illness or something similar, it is definitely best to seek professional care.
Before my “big change”, I almost constantly felt stressed, anxious and was pretty much always putting myself down for my looks, how much work I did (or didn’t do), what other people thought of me etc etc etc especially since going to university. I think I fell into a bit of a rut, particularly in my first year, going through the ordeals of living in a new city where I didn’t know anyone, trying to cope with the seemingly endless deadlines and trying to balance work and studying whilst still maintaining a social life…Honestly it’s all harder than it looks!
So, on New Year’s Eve, I made myself a resolution to start focusing more on myself and improve the way I dealt with things that came my way.
Here are the 6 ways I went about helping myself live a happier life…
Be grateful
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Now this isn’t the kind of “Get over it, there are kids starving in the world” grateful that some people tend to force on you when talking about your problems. I’m talking about being grateful for the things that personally affect you.
By focusing on what is going well in your life and savouring those moments, even for just a minute, it can really put things into perspective. I’ve found keeping a log of things I’m grateful for every time I feel sad or anxious has really settled my moods… it could be something as simple as a comfy bed or being able to spending time with your pet but it just goes to show that more often than not, the good outweighs the bad that’s going on.
Meditation- particularly self-love courses and positive affirmations
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While meditation may not be for everyone, it’s definitely worth a try! Over the last 7 months, I’ve followed many meditation courses but the one that struck home the most was the self-love courses.
I feel like self-love is something everyone has struggled with at some point in their lives. I’ve been really trying to change the way I see myself and how I talk to myself (I promise I’m not a crazy woman) and by following these mediations, I’ve really noticed a huge difference in my self-esteem. Granted, there are still off days, it wouldn’t be human to feel amazing all the time! But it’s about learning that we are more than just our clothes, our looks and our thoughts and learning how to put distance between those negative thoughts and ourselves in order to have a more rested and confident mind state.
In my opinion, changing that little voice in our heads from “I’m so ugly” to “Everyone is beautiful in their own way” or “I’m not as smart as them” to “I might not understand X , but I know a lot about Y” is such a life changing skill and allows you to accept those “flaws” as new strengths.
Acknowledging bad moods
A bad mood isn’t like a cut or scrape that you can just cover up temporarily with a plaster, it’s more than that. You have to address these emotions! Of course, the only reasonable solution seems to be avoiding negative emotions because well they don’t feel good but in the long term it only makes these problems much bigger.
Now, what I’m about to say may shock you but in my experience, feeling bad can actually be a good thing! Once you come to terms with what triggers these feelings and understanding what your coping mechanisms are, it becomes much easier to learn how to control your moods and change up how you cope if it’s something that could be more damaging than helpful.
One of the ways I’ve learned to do this, is by visualising my problems as a different person. By giving it an identity that wasn’t my own, I’ve been able to distance myself from it and make better judgements on how to deal with said problem as well as being able to comfort and give advice to myself as I would if it were one of my friends.
Music – make happy playlists
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When I was feeling sad, I would instinctively put on a sad playlist and just wallow in it. Unsurprisingly, this never made me feel better. Even on the average day I listen to music 24/7 and never really stopped to notice how it made me feel until one day when boredom struck me and I decided to organise my one giant “songs I like” playlist into separate mood-themed playlists. Who knew that upbeat music stimulates your brain to release those feel-good hormones? (Just common sense that passed me by? Okay then…)
Whether you’re into pop, rock, EDM or alternative genres, you can rely on your favourite song to make you feel happier, even if you’ve had the worst day.
Here’s some links to my personal favourites for feeling good, getting motivated and even having a little boogie in the shower:
They are collaborative so if you feel like I’ve missed something significant from them, add them on!
Get into nature
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I’ve always loved going for walks and more recently running. Just being outside in the fresh air and exploring the world around us. This has only grown over the course of lockdown as I’ve found myself going out much more frequently and for much longer periods of time in order to combat anxieties about the uncertainty of the world right now.
I find that going with friends/family, is a real mood-booster as you get to spend quality time together and really focus on what matters to you but sometimes you just need that all important alone time, and there’s nothing better than taking a stroll alone!
When everything is quiet you can just take in what is surrounding you and your mind goes blank, completely at ease. It becomes hard to focus on those problems that were buzzing around in your head 5 minutes ago.
However, from time to time, these thoughts might not go away so easily, and that’s okay! Even in this situation, going for a walk/run or whatever allows you more space (literally and mentally) to think about how to deal with the issue and come up with more rational solutions.
Self-care routines
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Who would you say you spend the most time with? Your parents? Friends? Well you’d be wrong…it’s yourself! Day in, day out you are the one who experiences your life, your attitudes, your feelings, and everything else so it’s super important to keep yourself healthy!
In case you’ve been living under a rock, self-care is anything we do deliberately to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Pretty vague huh? This could be anything from a bit of exercise to knitting yourself a jumper.
In my opinion, self-care is such a simple concept, yet I believe it can be harder to put into practice than it seems. Sometimes I feel like I’m wasting my time trying to follow my self-care routine, as it’s time I could be spending working or studying and I don't doubt that many other people feel the same. However, it is so important to understand that self-care is an UNSELFISH act that we all need in order to look after ourselves and avoid burning out.
I think many people do want to focus on their self-care, but find it difficult to know how, so these are some of the ways I have found that effectively allow me to practice self-care. Although, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are right for everyone, but just because something doesn’t work doesn’t mean you should give up! It’s a total trial and error to find what personally helps you!
My top self-care strategies:
Luxurious bubble baths with relaxing music and maybe even some candles if I’m feeling in an extra “treat yourself mood”
Yoga classes – My friend had got me into this around November time and I haven’t looked back! It was such a relaxing way to destress for an hour.
Mindfulness meditation – My words of advice, don’t give up if you still feel your mind races rather than settles… it takes time and practice to be able to meditate!
Mindful colouring – This is one of my absolute favourites, it’s such a satisfying activity! Stick on some instrumental music and get the mood lighting going for optimal relaxation…
Watching a sitcom – Something that is light, funny, and doesn’t require too much attention is perfect for quick mood improvements!
If you still don't know what to do, I hugely recommend following BlessingManifesting on instagram/twitter whatever social media platform you have or go to her website! It's full of info/challenges you can follow for example this nice and easy one here:
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I’ve tried to keep this as short and sweet as possible as I know how overwhelming it can be to read pages and pages of info that ultimately just falls out of your head and this is one of those topics I could probably talk about for days because of its importance.
I hope this has inspired you a bit to reflect on your current state of mind.
Maybe you’re already on your pursuit of further happiness or you’re just starting, but I’d love to hear about your journey! What’s been working best for you?
𝒰𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓁 𝒩𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒
Bethany x
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gwyn-jemima-blog · 6 years
Journal #1
sWrite about an experience in 2018 that you won’t forget. Why?
2018 was indeed a year full of surprises. It was indescribable. Honestly, it was enjoyable and confusing at the same time. There were moments wherein one day you have this very positive outlook in life and then the next day you doubt the worth of your existence. But, it’s better not to dwell on the past anymore. 2018 might have given me a lot of struggles, but on the bright side, it made me realize that there’s always going to be a rainbow after the rain.  I have a lot of experiences last year, both good and bad. And if I were to cite one which I could never forget, then I’d say it’s the first 5 months of my Grade 10 life.  I will never forget how I started Grade 10 with the people I’ve been with for years. Even before the school year started, I have been so emotional when the idea that this would be our last year together comes to my mind. I could not imagine a classroom without my supportive and energetic batchmates, a class period without my passionate and kind teachers, a school hallway without my friendly and approachable schoolmates, and of course a building without the teachers who saw me grow and become this person I am right now.  I will never forget all the stressful weeks we had when we made our projects. We do struggle but in the end, we always are able to finish it.  I will never forget how we always had a birthday party to celebrate for 3 consecutive months. Our galas which most of the time end up to thinking how we would be able to go home. We did not fail to make the most out of our 2018. We had good laughs to share with each other.  And we were always there for each other.
What are the most important lessons you learned in 2018?
Learning has always been a part of every year I face. I’d gladly share with you the most important lessons I learned from my 2018.
First, I learned how time is so important that we should not dare to waste even a second of it. We might not know it, but we could have done so much more with all the time we waste just to use it doing things that make us a silly git.  Second, I learned how important it is for us to appreciate reasonable ideas/people that are usually considered pariahs. We are so blinded with absurd bases offered by the society, where in fact we should be focusing to be catalysts of equality. Third, I learned that you could overcome all the trials and hardships as long you don't lose your trust for yourself. We easily get stressed when it’s that time of the quarter where teachers give tasks simultaneously and it seems like we’re losing our head due to so much pressure. But the more you think of it, the more you won’t be able to do it. You have to face it as if you’re eating a fish. Take small parts first and then remove the bones then swallow. Who eats the whole fish all at once? You have to take it in slowly and identify how you could do it and what could possibly interrupt you from doing it. After that, you do the task and KALAS. Lastly, I learned that God will always be there for you no matter what. When I felt so alone and helpless. It was Him who helped me. That’s why let’s always have faith in Him, and trust Him with what He has for us. 
What are your hopes, dreams, and goals for 2019?
This 2019, I want to become a person carrying no heavy feelings at all. I want to become the person I thought I’d be by 2018. I know it’s too hackneyed when I say I want to become a better version of myself, but it’s true. I really do. Although it’s hard, I’m willing to take all the chances just to improve myself. I’m not perfect and I know that, but I won’t give up until I become the person I want myself to be.
My hopes for this year are genuine happiness and peace of mind. I know that it might sound impossible, but then I realized that you could always be happy if you see things in an optimistic way and you don’t overcomplicate it. But then life isn’t always about constant happiness, right? We do not always get what we want because if we did then we wouldn’t learn the importance of balancing everything in life. That’s why I’m hoping that this 2019 whatever obstacles that come my way, may God grant me strength and enlightenment to overcome it. 
I only have one dream. And this has been my dream for years already. This 2019, I dream that I’d be able to achieve my ambitions in life. First is to be a professional. Second is to have my own properties. The third is to give my parents a trip to countries they’d like to visit. Fourth is to travel the whole world. And lastly, to be able to perform in front of big crowds in an arena.  I know I said I only have one dream, that’s because the 5 dreams I mentioned is part of the package called “Gwyn’s Dreams”. I would really like to achieve all these that’s why I’m going to do all the things I can with the best of my abilities to achieve it all. 
Now for my goal this 2019. I really do have just one goal for 2019. And it’s not a package anymore. My greatest goal for 2019 is to graduate junior high school with flying colours. I want to spend my last months as a grade 10 student wonderfully. I want to graduate without failing marks and I want to come up on stage with my batchmates. The first time I experienced to graduate was back when I was in grade 6, and I could hardly tell how it felt. That’s why I can’t wait for the graduation ceremony this 2019. I know it’s sad because it means we’re all going to take different paths. But I know that there will still be happiness because we did make it upto that point. 
May this 2019 be a blessed one for all. 
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