#the composition on this really is just adhd made visual. there so much going on
hatsoffiguess · 5 years
Writeblr(?) Introduction
Hello! My name's Mikhael, I'm 20, generally summarise myself as an artist, and I've got a heap of story based peojects in different formats that I'm working on. Most of them aren't directly text-based, so I hope other writeblrs don't mind me shuffling in with my webcomic plans and what not...
About me
My favourite colour is orange and I see self-serve desert places as a personal challenge to eat enough chocolate for the next month. I really like science, both the factual side and the cool aesthetic and sci fi potential side. I'm in love with Solarpunk, which is a broad genre/movement? About looking after everyone in society, looking after the planet, and having a pro-active, optimistic approach to the future. Also the visuals are really pretty. So while almost none of my works are planned to be outright centered around Solarpunk, there'll definitely be a massive influence in the themes, designs, and world building in my projects.
I'm queer and disabled, and I have a lot of struggles with mental illness, dissociation, physical pain, I'm autistic and I've got ADHD. My disabilities have long time made it incredibly hard to work on my projects, to communicate with people, to remember things, or to see something through. So, my goals have been to work with these problems to be able to do what I want, even if I have these things making it difficult. That said, there's a big chance I'll drop off the face of the earth at some points, take forever to respond, or be a bit all over the place.
What I do
The projects I have ideas for or partly planned, or slightly started, include comics, videogames, 2D animation, a couple of novels and some short stories, and even some musical-style pieces that are basically short animated films with music and lyrics to tell a bit of a story. There might be stuff I'm forgetting. So, not everything I work on it necessarily going to come under the writeblr umbrella, but a lot of it is going to overlap.
I'll do digital art a lot, mainly painting style, but I also do drawings and pixel art sometimes! I'm building up a portfolio of a wide but organised range of styles and such, it's been a lot of fun learning new things in the process. I also do traditional art, mostly drawings and ink works. I do some painting too, mainly watercolour and some acrylic. I make small clay sculptures, too! And I'm sort of getting into small scale metal work. I can do some 2D animation, but only frame by frame stuff because I don't have software that lets me generate inbetween frames. I can play piano to a point, and I've got one song composition to my name. I'm kind of learning 3D modelling/animation and also how to make games with Unity. It's going... slow. I write fanfiction, in theory. I have this one Pokemon fanfic that's been without updates for a few years, but I'm just not in a place to work on it right now, so that's on hold. I've mainly got a bunch of little snippets and dot points for different fics apart from that.
Some of my projects
My main creative baby lately is COLOURS, which is on hiatus but getting more developed in the background. It's a webcomic about a world that's in greyscale, where the apocalypse, having been slowly encroaching as of late, is beginning to accelerate.
My main fanfic is called Like No Other, it's a pokemon fanfic. It's basically a rewrite where I focus on the plot as if it were part of one big arc with an end game instead of an ongoing, may never end series.
A novel I'm planning is called Walk With Me to Our Goodbyes; where a young man struggles with pressure, stress, loneliness, and slowly learns to make connections, use healthy coping mechanisms, and finds enjoyment in life again.
Those are my main three right now. I have a bunch more, a bunch a bunch. Tens. But they're not at the top of the priority list so I'll leave them alone for now.
Some of my OC's
Gemma Faringway- the main protagonist of COLOURS.
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Puppet - I'm only in the early stages of planning for the story she's in, but I love her so much I do a lot of art with her
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Pyke - they're the first original character I made! They're a super silly and goofy person that likes to annoy people a bit. They're pretty straight forward in general, but they also can be really deep- they have a lot of questions about who they are- not just their identity, but their history, origins, and future. They'll be part of a story I'm still planning, but like Puppet I enjoy finding ways to work with them in the meantime.
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Well, that's all I can think to add to this. I'll probably post some of my short writing pieces on here tomorrow, maybe make a page for my WIPs. In the meantime, thanks for checking this out! I'm super interested in connecting with some other creatives, and I'll be def checking out the people that reblog this!
Ah, the person that's inspired me to kinda join in on the writeblr community is @pens-swords-stuff , thank you for enriching the community so much!
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davidsilvercloud · 7 years
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Terry David “Butch/Butch Naked” Silvercloud
"Step aside!  I shall perform the necessary heroics"  Comic Book Guy/The Simpsons
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T. S. Eliot
11.8 Million photo views, to date at http://ButchNaked.com.  Thank you.  At this time I'm getting about 100,000 photo views a week.
Again... thanks for the visits.
TELL EVERYONE.  Free photo downloads at BUTCHNAKED.COM
My homepage is http://ButchBoard.com
I'm not your average worn old towel. . Now keep reading.
Sunday, 3 Dec., 2017.  A mix of sun and clouds, chilly, in Vancouver.  I wuz up around 11am after staying up very late.  Painted, watched TV, smoked pot, drank coffee and eggnog, did some selfies.
It upsets me to see people spending good money on 1% or 2% Milk.  Companies take all the good stuff out of the milk to make butter and cream and charge you for water and chalk.  Fat is good for you.  All milks contain sugar... even the 1% which has just as much Lactose as whole milk... all the sugar, all the FAT MAKING stuff.  Fat does not make a lot of fat.  Fat is slow to digest.  Sugar is digested quickly, or immediately.  Lactose has to be converted to sucrose by way of enzymes in your stomach (why some people are Lactose intolerant... they can't digest that sugar).  Calves grow up on whole milk to be strong young cows or veal.  Yup, Veal is baby cow, enjoy your roast veal.
Chlorestorol is not good for us, but it doesn't come from milk.  You are more likely to have high cholesterol levels from eating red meats and not enough fiber foods.  If you are overweight, already, your hormones will not be handling things properly and you begin to store MORE fat, not less.  One way to fix that is to reduce the number of meals you have a day... cut out snacks and wait until dinner time to eat.  If you become tired, try eating some fruit which is very high in sugar and will give you an immediate sugar fix.
There are some fats that are not good for you to eat in excess... think potato chips.  You are mixing fats and carbohydrates together... high-calorie foods.  Your body will store sugars from the potatoes while having a long time to digest the fat in the chips.... ie the combo is fat making for you. .....
I'm feeling well, lately.  I'm lonely but try to keep busy to keep time flying by.  The pot helps.  I'm running on the assumption my health will remain stable for the next two years and I'll still be above ground at age 75, just less than two years from now.  So, I'm working on my present projects and making plans, asking myself what's important and what's not.  What to put the most energy into.
I have a large number of incomplete oil paintings... ones I worked on while trying to figure out how to paint.  The compositions are established and it should be easy to finish them up.  Finishing the oil paintings is on top of the list.  I have some videos I want to make about the cause of the Speed of Light, but that should be fairly easy and will get done shortly.
After the oil paintings, and starting new works, I have thousands of negatives I'd like to scan and upload to the net.  I need a good scanner for that which I can't afford.  But, it's on my list.  My negatives and transparencies are, mainly, 6x6cm as well as a large number of 35mm film and transparencies.  A good scanner is still a few thousand dollars.
I'm a bit OCD and ADHD and go on like a dripping tap.  Think Sheldon Cooper, if that rings some kind of bell.  I quite simply assume everyone around me is a complete idiot.
http://DavidSilvercloud.com (Blog)    (http://David_Silvercloud.Tumblr.com)
http://ButchNews.com (Video)     (http://YouTube.com/ButchNews)
http://ButchNaked.com (Photo Stream)    (http://Flickr.com/David_Silvercloud)
http://SeriousThunder.com (Art)
...(Physics... The Speed of Light, Grand Unified Theory, Gravity, Dark Matter, Dark Energy... how the physical size of the Electron is the clock that sets the speed of light.  Gravity is motion and a product of the fact that nothing ever sits still, combined with the magnetic properties of Dark Matter/Energy.  Nothing can ever move in an absolute circle and rest is a relativity illusion.
Absolute rest is not possible... ever.  The universe can not end.  Time is change and is an illusion.  It is always now, everywhere, all at once, all of the time. Proof of that is that ANY object MUST be HERE and THERE at the SAME time, no matter how large... even a Galaxy.  It is always NOW on both sides... here and there, in space,  of the Galaxy... all galaxies, everywhere.  Waves can be either physical or electronic.  The duality of the universe keeps it ongoing.  DNA is the battery of life.  When the chains can no longer co-operate, life ceases in the body.  Life, itself, is a duality.  Time measurement is a relativity convenience.)  Time travel is impossible because time is not a place and nothing stays where it was.  One year from now the Solar System will have moved about seven BILLION kilometres through space and will NEVER return to where it was... ever.
Earth travels through space like a long wave... it has NEVER, ever made an actual circle, nor ellipse, in space.  The circle/ellipse is an illusion of relativity.  Nothing can ever travel in an actual circle in space... NOTHING.  Nothing can ever go backward.  Backwards motion is an illusion of relativity.  Time is a repercussion of change and has no fixed rate... things explode or move like a glacier.  At best we can only compare rates of change.  Our rate of change is called the second/minute/hour/day/month/year system.
Earth moves about 7 billion kilometers through space, each year... in a long wave.  Earth NEVER returns to where it was before.  Earth is NOT an island in space... one of the reasons why time travel is impossible.  If you take a trip through space, outside the Solar System, Earth will NOT be there when you return... it will be far, far away.  You will have to return to where it will BE when you arrive... remember, it's moving very, very, very fast through space in a long wave... never a circle, or ellipse.
http://The-Shape-Of-God.Tumbler.com   Manuscript of my book... The Shape of God.
Butch, himself.  Visual Artist, Photographer, Physicist (Particle, Sub/Atomic Physics/Relativity)
Inhibitions are just so inhibiting, I avoid them.
I'm a friendly, but pretty blunt, kind of guy.  No time for beating around the bush.  I like to say what I mean and mean what I say.  I'm 73 years old.  Time is not on my side.  You don't have to like me.  I'm a social recluse, anyway.  I share my life, in photos, video, and words, to let you into my life and hope to inspire you to be a productive and useful human.  I have old age issues but will continue to post, here, while I'm well and able.  I talk a lot... I'm told it's part of my OCD and ADHD.  Come direct at http://ButchNaked.com  Sign in if you wish to see me naked.
If you don't know me, the following might help you get to know what kind of person I am.  I don't expect you to understand me.  I can be a bit OCD and ADHD.
"They've already got more blowjobs than we'll ever get"  Steve Smith (American Dad), talking about college jocks.
"Now let us touch testicles and mate for life"  Alien on The Simpsons
"It never hurts to have a second set of prints on a gun"  Nelson Muntz, The Simpsons.
I'm here to teach you things.  While I appreciate other people's opinions, I really don't much give a crap what anyone thinks.  Until you prove your worth, I will be nice but you have to earn my respect. The moment you say a word, I'll be figuring you out really, really fast.  You should assume that I don't trust anyone.  I've not met a single trustworthy person in my entire life.  I've met lots of nice people who aren't too bright... well-intentioned folk who know little about anything, people who are nice, most of the time until you say something that offends them.  Honourable people agree to disagree.
Look up the phrase "CRITICAL THINKING" then learn to practice it.  Most people leap before they look and judge before they listen to the facts.  Most don't have enough knowledge, nor experience, to be experts in much of anything.  You don't know what you don't know.  I like to remind you of that, often.
The only other REALLY IMPORTANT thing to know about me is that I, totally, despise all religions, the teaching of religion, and religious institutions... I despise them as the evilest things on the planet.  If you follow a religion, you CAN NOT BE MY FRIEND.   THAT'S THAT.  You are an ignorant idiot who is an ever-present danger to yourself and everyone and everything around you.  Nothing, absolutely NOTHING, is eviler than religion.  I don't stand for, nor sing, our National Anthem because it praises a fictitious and superstitious being called 'God'.  Only a brain dead moron bonehead ignorant idiot would believe such a thing.
If you have a religion, I will not associate with you... period.  You are a danger to be around.  Yes, I insult religions... they are extraordinarily evil.  I said it, I mean it.  You have a right to be an idiot, but not around me.  I have a right to defend myself against the horrors of religion and I will.  Religion is evil.  I can't say it enough times.
I keep a homepage at http://ButchBoard.com
My main video page is http://YouTube.com/ButchNews  go direct at http://ButchNews.com
You may come directly to my photostream at http://ButchNaked.com
You must sign in to see me naked.  You may download and share nude photos of me... go nuts.
GOOGLE my name (Terry David Silvercloud or David Silvercloud) for more information.
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davidsilvercloud · 7 years
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Terry David “Butch/Butch Naked” Silvercloud
“Step aside!  I shall perform the necessary heroics”  Comic Book Guy/The Simpsons
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T. S. Eliot
12.6 Million photo views, to date at http://ButchNaked.com.  Thank you.  At this time I’m getting about 100,000 photo views a week.
Again… thanks for the visits.
TELL EVERYONE.  Free photo downloads at
“That’s a great title.  It jumps out at you like a rat in your underwear drawer”   Moe Sizlack/The Simpsons
My homepage is http://ButchBoard.com
I’m not your average cow in the field.
“I’ve come to hate my own creation.  Now I know how God feels.”  Homer Simpson
Now keep reading.
Monday, 18 Dec. 2017
A cool, grey and rainy kind of day.  Got lots of painting done, exercises, selfies.  Had the Seattle News Station on TV because of the train wreck just south of the border, here.
I went to bed by 10pm.  I'm adjusting my meds program and taking Diclofenac in the mornings, now, to see how that goes.  The stomach issues (side effects) have subsided.  I don't eat early in the day and it is to be taken with food.  The hard part, for me, is eating something in the morning when I have zero hunger for anything but a cup of coffee.
I've been sleeping a bit more trying to adjust my sleep pattern so I go to bed early and get up early... opposite to what I've done much of my life.  Days are very short in winter and I want to have as much daylight as I can for painting.  Painting in artificial light is difficult to get the colours right.
My painting has undergone rapid change and improvement over the past year as I gain more knowledge and control of the colours.  Green is particularly hard to control as there are no artist's green pigments... pure pigment.  Greens are made by mixing various blue pigments and yellow pigments.  The only natural and reasonably permanent green pigments for artists are rather crappy greens.  So, the brightest and most permanent green is Cadmium Green, often called Permanent Green, made by mixing Cadmium Sulfide and one of the blues, usually Cobalt Blue, but sometimes Phalocyan Blue.  The best brand, I've found, is Stevenson's Cadmium Green.  It can be used right out of the tube and not look pukey when dry.
The shadows of trees are extremely hard to do.  Often most painters just let it go black or dark brown.  Dark Green is very difficult.  I've finally found a mix that dries near black but shows enough nice green to be green.  It's a complex mix but uses Liquitex Sap Green fluid body paint to darken a mix of greens made from Permanent Green, Phalo Blue Green, Cadmium Yellow Light.  I've done it enough I can tell where the mix is going by looking at the colour I'm seeing.  With Acrylic Paints, the wet colour IS NOT THE DRY COLOUR.
While there are lots of Industrial Green Paints, and Dyes, painters require pigments which are both permanent... don't fade easily with light over a long time, and which can be reduced to powder form that mixes with the medium.  For instance, you can't get Veridian Green in Acrylics except as a 'hue' (mix) colour... made from several pigments.  Veridian pigment simply does not like acrylic medium and goes lumpy.
Veridian is a great 'distance' shade of green when mixed with white... distant trees.  Liquitex makes a very nice Veridian Hue in fluid body paint.  It dries black but is a blue/green as soon as any white is added.
I'm making adjustments to a number of paintings to incorporate new ideas about contrast and colour I've had.  I'm working hard every day on my art to try to get a large number of landscapes completed which I have been working on for a  number of years... working out the compositions and building up the paintings.  I don't use photos or real life and make up my scenes.  Sounds easy but it has a lot of issues to resolve.  I've learned it's better to begin with a rough sketch of my idea, then block out the values a bit.  I'm a lot better at dreaming up compositions because of 15 years of practice.
I want to work in oils and have many, many unfinished works... I know enough now to complete them fairly rapidly.  I'll do that once I complete the 25, or so, Acrylic works I've been working on the past 5 years.
“it’s time to go home.  The insurance company said you’re as well as they’re going to pay for” Doctor Hibbert/The Simpsons
"People who have never seen a movie say it's a great movie"  Apu/The Simpsons
"There is no God, Ned.  It's just an empty meaningless void"  Maude Flanders' ghost/The Simpsons
I repeat myself, a lot, because I know humans are really bad at paying attention, and understanding much of anything they read.  Quite, bluntly, I consider most humans to be walking, talking idiots.  I'm doing as best I know how to save you from your stupidity.
I’m a bit OCD and ADHD and go on, and on, like a dripping tap.  Think Sheldon Cooper, if that rings some kind of bell.  I gather it’s some kind of need I have to be, constantly, in complete control of everything.  I quite simply assume everyone around me is a complete idiot.  The humans aren’t doing a very good job of convincing me otherwise.  You must prove yourself to me.  Seriously, I mean it.  I expect to be disappointed.   Show me what you’ve got and back it up with proof.
http://DavidSilvercloud.com (Blog)    (http://David_Silvercloud.Tumblr.com)
http://ButchNews.com (Video)     (http://YouTube.com/ButchNews)
http://ButchNaked.com (Photo Stream)    (http://Flickr.com/David_Silvercloud)
http://SeriousThunder.com (Art)
http://ElectronSpeed.Tumblr.com     The Electron sets the speed of light… yup.  Physics… The Speed of Light, Grand Unified Theory, Gravity, Dark Matter, Dark Energy… how the physical size of the Electron is the clock that sets the speed of light.  Gravity is motion and a product of the fact that nothing ever sits still, combined with the magnetic properties of Dark Matter/Energy.  Nothing can ever move in an absolute circle and rest is a relativity illusion.
The ENTIRE universe is based upon a simple fact... it must have TWO parts.  It can not be otherwise and is impossible to be otherwise.  This is because of what a physicist calls "spin".
If you had only one substance to make the universe with and it could be broken down to as small as it needed to be at any time... i.e. it could be so small it barely exists, at all, there will STILL be TWO different types... that is because one can choose to spin LEFT or RIGHT in space.  Even turning yourself upside down will not change that fact because there is no up, nor down, in space.
The fact that everything SOLID must have spin, either left or right, introduces opposite forces.  Things which spin the SAME way repel each other, those that spin the OPPOSITE way attract each other... clumping begins and so does a universe.  Another thing comes into being... what we term magnetism.  There MUST be opposite POLES... magnetism comes into being with spin.  Spin creates opposites, including North/South polarity.  In Atoms, any atom that isn't in balance... has an equal number of left and right spinning Electrons, will be affected by magnetism... and radio waves.
Absolute rest is not possible… ever.  The universe can not end.  Time is change and is an illusion.  It is always now, everywhere, all at once, all of the time. Proof of that is that ANY object MUST be HERE and THERE at the SAME time, no matter how large… even a Galaxy.  It is always NOW on both sides… here and there, in space,  of the Galaxy… all galaxies, everywhere.  Waves can be either physical or electronic.  The duality of the universe keeps it ongoing.  DNA is the battery of life.  When the chains can no longer co-operate, life ceases in the body.  Life, itself, is a duality.  Time measurement is a relativity convenience.)  Time travel is impossible because time is not a place and nothing stays where it was.  One year from now the Solar System will have moved about seven BILLION kilometres through space and will NEVER return to where it was… ever.
Earth travels through space like a long wave… it has NEVER, ever made an actual circle, nor ellipse, in space.  The circle/ellipse is an illusion of relativity.  Nothing can ever travel in an actual circle in space… NOTHING.  Nothing can ever go backward.  Backwards motion is an illusion of relativity.  Time is a repercussion of change and has no fixed rate… things explode or move like a glacier.  At best we can only compare rates of change.  Our rate of change is called the second/minute/hour/day/month/year system.
Earth moves about 7 billion kilometers through space, each year… in a long wave.  Earth NEVER returns to where it was before.  Earth is NOT an island in space… one of the reasons why time travel is impossible.  If you take a trip through space, outside the Solar System, Earth will NOT be there when you return… it will be far, far away.  You will have to return to where it will BE when you arrive… remember, it’s moving very, very, very fast through space in a long wave… never a circle, or ellipse.
http://The-Shape-Of-God.Tumbler.com   Manuscript of my book… The Shape of God.
Butch, himself.  Visual Artist, Photographer, Physicist (Particle, Sub/Atomic Physics/Relativity)
Inhibitions are just so inhibiting, I avoid them.
I’m a friendly, but pretty blunt, kind of guy.  No time for beating around the bush.  I like to say what I mean and mean what I say.  I’m 73 years old.  Time is not on my side.  You don’t have to like me.  I’m a social recluse, anyway.  I share my life, in photos, video, and words, to let you into my life and hope to inspire you to be a productive and useful human.  I have old age issues but will continue to post, here, while I’m well and able.  I talk a lot… I’m told it’s part of my OCD and ADHD.  Come direct at http://ButchNaked.com  Sign in if you wish to see me naked.
If you don’t know me, the following might help you get to know what kind of person I am.  I don’t expect you to understand me.  I can be a bit OCD and ADHD.
“They’ve already got more blowjobs than we’ll ever get”  Steve Smith (American Dad), talking about college jocks.
“Now let us touch testicles and mate for life”  Alien on The Simpsons
“It never hurts to have a second set of prints on a gun”  Nelson Muntz, The Simpsons.
I’m here to teach you things.  While I appreciate other people’s opinions, I really don’t much give a crap what anyone thinks.  Until you prove your worth, I will be nice but you have to earn my respect. The moment you say a word, I’ll be figuring you out really, really fast.  You should assume that I don’t trust anyone.  I’ve not met a single trustworthy person in my entire life.  I’ve met lots of nice people who aren’t too bright… well-intentioned folk who know little about anything, people who are nice, most of the time until you say something that offends them.  Honourable people agree to disagree.
Look up the phrase “CRITICAL THINKING” then learn to practice it.  Most people leap before they look and judge before they listen to the facts.  Most don’t have enough knowledge, nor experience, to be experts in much of anything.  You don’t know what you don’t know.  I like to remind you of that, often.
The only other REALLY IMPORTANT thing to know about me is that I, totally, despise all religions, the teaching of religion, and religious institutions… I despise them as the evilest things on the planet.  If you follow a religion, you CAN NOT BE MY FRIEND.   THAT’S THAT.  You are an ignorant idiot who is an ever-present danger to yourself and everyone and everything around you.  Nothing, absolutely NOTHING, is eviler than religion.  I don’t stand for, nor sing, our National Anthem because it praises a fictitious and superstitious being called ‘God’.  Only a brain dead moron bonehead ignorant idiot would believe such a thing.
If you have a religion, I will not associate with you… period.  You are a danger to be around.  Yes, I insult religions… they are extraordinarily evil.  I said it, I mean it.  You have a right to be an idiot, but not around me.  I have a right to defend myself against the horrors of religion and I will.  Religion is evil.  People who are into religion are, either, brainwashed or extraordinarily ignorant, not very intelligent, a danger to themselves and everyone around them, and must be avoided.  I can’t say it enough times.  If you have a religion you are brainwashed or too fucking stupid to associate with.  Brainwashed, or stupid… either way you are too dangerous to be around.  Religion is the number one problem in the world.
I keep a homepage at http://ButchBoard.com
My main video page is http://YouTube.com/ButchNews  
go direct at http://ButchNews.com
You may come directly to my photostream at http://ButchNaked.com You may download and share nude photos of me… go nuts.
I have zero inhibitions about nudity and sex.  You must sign in to see me naked.  I talk, openly, about sex.  You may download and share nude photos of me… go nuts.
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