#the countercurse ritual also involved being bitten by a spider but my sister is scared of spiders so they substituted it with a wasp
bluntshavingrazor · 8 months
My sister announced she was getting married, but when we went to the wedding we discovered that her husband was not actually her real life, waking world boyfriend but instead a random guy we'd never met before. I tried to be friendly with him and his two friends but they were just huge dicks back at me. When I tried to tell my sister that her fiancé was a tool, she told me to mind my own business.
Turns out that the four of them had fallen under an evil curse and the marriage was part of a ritual to undo it. But because I had interfered, the witch who cursed them from beyond the grave came back to curse them again so we had to run. They they explained the curse to me by giving me a pamphlet with all the info, which was very handy.
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