#the dealer โ€” ibuki ๐ŸŽธ
mxfia-kingpins ยท 1 year
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The street was dead silent as you came around the corner, pausing when you overheard a conversation between two very sinister individuals. A girl was smoking a cigarette, and bouncing around from side to side, and a boy was leaning against the stone wall behind them.
"Oh, heya, Kichi! What're you doing here? This is usually Ibuki's corner!"
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"Don't call me that. My name is Kokichi. Nicknames are reserved for my partner and my family. And you are neither of the above. And as for what I'm doing here, I'm waiting for a client who wants a contract killing. What's your excuse?"
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"Out here selling drugs, just like every other day! I can always pick up on who wants some goodies versus who'd just rat me out to the feds! Besides, watching 'em zoink out makes Ibuki's day full of laughter!"
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"Whatever. Hey, give me one."
The girl nodded and reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. She pulled one out of the box, and threw it to the boy, who quickly caught it. His reflexes must be on point in order to catch something so small so easily.
"God, that'll be better. I won't want to vomit half as hard."
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"Hm? What do you mean by that?"
The girl tilted her head, swaying a little bit as she tucked her arms behind her back in a display of faux curiosity.
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"Nevermind, it's nothing. Just let me focus on whacking someone and get in the zone before you ruin what relatively good mood I was in before this godawful conversation."
He lifts the cigarette to his lips, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and lighting the end of the object as he takes a long drag.
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"Hm? Ibuki thinks she's super fun and not awful! Kichi-Chan is just a big ol' meanie who's too focused on his crime career to even think about just letting loose and having fun!"
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"Shh. Quiet. We have an audience."
He rounds the corner, facing you as the girl follows him. The second they spot you, the boy scowls and the girl appears giddy.
"Gah, great."
The boy reaches into his back pocket and aims a pistol at you, while the girl draws a knife from her jacket with an elated expression.
"Right, well. Can't have this getting back to the feds. No hard feelings. So... any last words?"
Perhaps he can be reasoned with... What do you do?
@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @i-spy-with-my-lethal-eye @pizza-for-my-friends @king-babyface @pink-cross-nurse @lil-yandere-darlin @sleepless-v3 @pr1nce-0f-lust @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer and anyone else, the mod sucks at tags. ;w;
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mxfia-kingpins ยท 1 year
Ibuki Mioda โ€” The Druggie
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Name: Ibuki Mioda
Age: 21
Birthday: November 27th
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 5'3
Weight: 92 lbs
Personality: Ibuki is loud and cheerful, perfect for her occupation as the lead drug runner of the group, especially considering she's always got all kinds of goodies on her. She's almost always seen with a cheerful smile on her and she looks fragile and dainty in stature, but don't be fooled. She always has both a hunting knife and a .42 caliber pistol on her, and she's very well-versed in using both.
Role: Drug Dealer
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"You think I'm one big nutcase.
I think you look so dumb sane."
- HalaCG, My Turn To Burn
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