#the decepitcons destroying her bakery in mission city.
elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      her eyes narrow as a huff crawls out her throat.  standing up straighter  ,  ellie watches as he lingers near the front door.  ellie had thought it was just a rude customer who couldn’t read the CLOSE sign on the door.  she hadn’t realised it was jesse who had found her bakery until she looked up  ,  almost jerking back at the sudden appearance of the man.  eyes had then drifted out the window to see if barricade was lingering out on the street.  it didn’t look like it  ,  but that not cop was a sneaky little shit. 
                         she had been too busy cleaning the tables to even yell at him to leave.  she had ignored him for a couple of minutes.  still mad at him.  until he spoke.  her brows raised high into her hairline.  “  right.  ”  she mumbled making her way back behind the counter.  placing the cleaning bottle back in its proper spot.  “  i think working for evil aliens bent on destroying the world to be the definition of a bad guy  ,  jesse.  ”  looking back him  ,  she rests her hands on the counter  -  keeping the bench between her and him.  and barricade.  “  how’d you even find me  ?  ” 
╰   ––––––– ✧   @decepticonranks​​      :      asked      ❨        “Look. I’m not the bad guy here! All I do is work for them!” A pause. “That could have came out better!”          ❩˙
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