elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      her eyes narrow as a huff crawls out her throat.  standing up straighter  ,  ellie watches as he lingers near the front door.  ellie had thought it was just a rude customer who couldn’t read the CLOSE sign on the door.  she hadn’t realised it was jesse who had found her bakery until she looked up  ,  almost jerking back at the sudden appearance of the man.  eyes had then drifted out the window to see if barricade was lingering out on the street.  it didn’t look like it  ,  but that not cop was a sneaky little shit. 
                         she had been too busy cleaning the tables to even yell at him to leave.  she had ignored him for a couple of minutes.  still mad at him.  until he spoke.  her brows raised high into her hairline.  “  right.  ”  she mumbled making her way back behind the counter.  placing the cleaning bottle back in its proper spot.  “  i think working for evil aliens bent on destroying the world to be the definition of a bad guy  ,  jesse.  ”  looking back him  ,  she rests her hands on the counter  -  keeping the bench between her and him.  and barricade.  “  how’d you even find me  ?  ” 
╰   ––––––– ✧   @decepticonranks​​      :      asked      ❨        “Look. I’m not the bad guy here! All I do is work for them!” A pause. “That could have came out better!”          ❩˙
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mastermegatron · 2 years
❛ i don’t need your permission. ❜
Odd. The voice seems to have come from beneath him. Megatron turns and looks, scarcely able to see the human over the bulk of his own armor. However, the presence of a human is more startling than the defiance.
"My permission?" he glances around, wondering if there might be someone else the other could possibly be talking to; Autobots, perhaps. Detecting no one else, he narrows his gaze back down at his unexpected guest. "Humor me; what could you possibly need my permission for?"
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fryordie · 2 years
@decepticonranks​ |  starter call
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Upon first glance, the situation appeared dire; a metal giant towered imposingly before him, exuding a palpable threat, whilst a human male, presumably affiliated with it, lingered at its feet. Not knowing the purpose of their visit, but intent on discovering it, he slowly lifts himself off the boulder that had been his perch, uru-hand tightly gripping the shaft of his axe, its weight a small comfort.
“Who dares disturb mine rest?” Using an alternative name for the isolation he had purposely sought out in coming to these woody hills, he levels the tip of his weapon at the unknown mortal. “Do you speak for this one?” Sky-blue hues dart to their metallic accomplice, though from the way the air seemed to settled between the pair of interlopers, he would guess that the two weren’t exactly the closest of allies.         “State thine business with the Odinson. And be brief.” For this encounter bore familiar stylings; that his help was sought after, to be used in some unknown capacity.
Why couldn’t the mortals just leave him in peace.
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risenwings · 2 years
@decepticonranks started following you!
Skywarp flicks his wings, when the newcomer approaches. "Sup?"
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decepticonranks · 2 years
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                      ❝ Dark is the night when moral choices become irrelevant. ❞
Jesse Anderson, Decepticonranks, Bayverse + G1 & Comic influences, Mutuals only, 18+,   Triggering content, Penned by André
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      her body rests against the front door frame.  her brows raised ever so slightly  ,  as jesse stood in the hallway of her apartment.  ellie hadn’t expected him to show up.  but she wasn’t letting him in  ,  not just yet anyway.  there’s that little mean streak in her that makes her want him to beg  ,  especially after what the decepticons did to her bakery.  she still isn’t over that.    “  so you should be.  ”  she replied  ,  arms crossed over her chest.  “  what happened this time  ?  ”  she had been trying to keep low and out of the decepticons radar  ,  but being involved with their human  ,  it was really hard to keep being a nobody.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @decepticonranks​    :      asked      ❨        hi, welcome to i feel guilty.           ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      his voice catches her off guard and causes ellie to yelp slightly.  stumbling back away from her car  ,  the heavy box in her arms almost teetered over  ,  but she managed to steady it.  blue eyes focused on the man who had appeared at her right seemingly out of nowhere.  “  oh.  ”  she started  ,  a blush crossing her cheeks as she cleared her throat.  the day was bright  ,  sunny even  -  but it was warm.  her little bakery sat proudly just to her left and she was finally moving in.  she stared for a couple of seconds longer  -  before she remembers that the box was heavy.  very heavy.  full of freshly picked ingredients.  “  uh yeah  ,  yeah sure  ,  thanks.  ”  came her hurried reply (feeling like her face was catching on fire)  ,  holding the box out for the man to take.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @decepticonranks​      :      asked      ❨        i'll help you with that.         ❩˙
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decepticonranks · 2 years
Welcome to DECEPTICONRANKS, a rp blog for Jesse Anderson, with appearances from Barricade and Remix. All with Bayverse & G1 influences.                 Est. September 7th 2022. Prev on Chokethelight.
The content of this blog is restricted to 18+ due to the nature of the content located here, the themes that are present and my personal comfort.
My name is André, my pronouns are They / Them, I am 30 years old and a full time college student. The activity on this blog will vary, but you can usually find me on Discord (Mutuals  only).
My rules are & about are here . Coming soon.
*Eventually switching to the ‘new’ editor, but will use Legacy if it’s an option.*
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