#the defy one made me gasp 😭
themightymoose ¡ 2 months
Lotsa Luck
Pepper being called a perfectionist already off to a good start I see :)
Lol Pepper's eyes
Feral screeching
Girlie are you okay I don't think you should be bouncing on your head like that
Pepper's so exciteddddddd
Flashback time
Baby Pepper looks.... I dunno
I mean she apparently had freckles so that's a bonus
Wait.... So this is Pepper as a teenager????
Why does she have braces
Damn you killed Zoe
Goddammit guys why do you have to keep dying
I remember the whole Kungfu Quilt thing
The lore is loreing
Russell looks so proud of Pepper
Girlie almost got hit in the head. Dumbass
I feel like Pepper might be setting herself up for disappointment here. Which could only mean one thing
✨A N G S T✨
"And then the world will be my TOASTER!" Pepper I love you
Penny putting in a good word for Pepper
This guy is going to end up to be an asshole isn't he
Pepper I think you made them question the meaning of life
Is Pepper trying to hide behind her rubber chicken
Damn dude
Fuck you
Pepper is so fucking dorky I love her
Pepper LPS they could never make me hate you
Sunil falling onto his back from laughing so hard
These jokes suck ass. They have abysmal senses of humor
Fuck now Pepper's sad so that makes ME sad
I legit thought Penny was gonna say, "He's so much funnier than Pepper!"
Oh yeahhhhhhhh
This song is bopping
Love it. Badass
"Everything on TV is real!" ..................... girl-
You really think someone would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?
Arthur reference
Russell is judging her so hard
Ohhhhhh lore is loreing
I'm just waiting for when the guy ends up calling Pepper "Pepsi"
Please I need this more than you will ever understand
Yes Pepper accept your idol's word as absolute law that has never gone wrong in real life before
"Turns out he was a godawful doctor-"
She's such a badass
Oh no
People care more about Mrs. Twombly's retirement than the first moon landing
I can honestly see why
Russell doing the drum roll
He's so supportive and encouraging
This is making me cringe ngl
96? Okay
He's reading a book right now
I love how he's messing with Sunil's fur
Girl is exhausted
Sunil shaking him awake
Everything Sunil does is fucking adorable I don't make the rules
I love Mrs. Twombly so much
She cares more about animals than the fame
Let's ignore the fact she wasn't happy okay
I forgot Blythe was supposed to be watching the comedy show thingie
Poor Pepper
Vinnie and Minka are intrigued probably because they can relate
Blythe's relationship with the pets are so important to me I don't think you understand
She made the grumpy man laugh hooray
He's still getting her name wrong 💀
This dude is actually pretty cool
Ignore my previous middle finger
Also he got her name right :)
Okay him giving her noogie while she giggles is really cute
Girlie just defied the laws of physics right there
Pepper is such a sweetie :)
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countrymusiclover ¡ 1 year
16 - I'm the Loophole
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Part 17
Family is More than Blood
Season 2 here we come 😁 😭 ❤️
Once we made it back to the school Hope was on a mission to rescue her boyfriend Landon. Raf, Kaleb, Josie and Lizzie met up with her. Henrik wasn't allowed to come since it was safer if he was there to watch Rapunzel and Charming. Hayley, Jacob and Andrea were remaining behind too. Leaving me, Klaus, Alina, Missy to follow them. Our group walked out the door where I halted in my tracks seeing people with weapons pointed at us. One in particular caught my attention where I growled through my teeth. "Burr, what the hell are you doing here!"
"Sorry we were about to knock." He responded simply.
Lizzie scoffed in question. "Who the hell are you?"
"Names Burr. Triad Industries." He said back to the blonde siphon witch.
Hope didn’t waste a moment attempting to do a spell that would launch them into the air. "Propellere." But nothing happened.
Kaleb started vamping forms until his daylight ring didn't work and his skin burned until he got back in the shade. "I got this…ah what."
"What you don't got is magic. Which is why your daylight won't work. And what we have are stakes, wolfsbane..and other things. So I think you should invite us inside.” Burr explained before we were all tasked with finding something that Triaid needed and we didn’t have our supernatural abilities for the time being.
Klaus and I put our younger kids up in their rooms, while we met the triplets and the Saltzman twins inside the office looking for the phone. Hope hung up the second we got there with Lizzie asking. “So, what do we do now?”
Hope replied. “Now... we figure out a way to get our powers back, and we kick some paramilitary ass.”
Josie warned. “Wait, Dad said not to do anything crazy.”
She snapped back before the door opened and Burr walked inside. “Me defying your dad isn't crazy. It's consistent.”
“Well, at least we know where you stand.” He drew out a silver gun.
She snapped standing in front of Alina and Missy. “You're damn right we do.”
He asked the group looking at me. “Your mother has already seen what I will do to any supernatural creature. And yet You're not very scared of me, are you? How about now?”
Hope chuckles. “That's your plan? You're gonna shoot a kid?”
Burr held up one of the bullets where I could see it was a wooden one that looked as black as mud. “This gun would never harm a human child. You three, however...These bullets were formed from the mud of the Malivoire pit and weapon by Triad scientists. They can break the skin of any supernatural like a hot Knife through butter. Fester. Infect them. Disintegrate them from the inside out.”
Josie said to him. “We don't know where the chalice is.”
Burr responded by putting the bullet back inside the weapon. “I believe you. This is just for fun, really.”
“You really are just being an asshole!” Alina cursed towards him.
Burr slowly moved his gun over each of the five girls. Until he stopped on Alina who was standing beside Lizzie who finishes his sentence about to jump in front of the werewitch to take the bullet. “Eeny......meeny......miney…”
Lizzie declared but Josie suddenly jumped in front of her sister taking the bullet for both of them. “Moe.”
Missy cried out when Hope caught Josie’s body lowering her to the ground. “Josie!”
Klaus turned his hands into fists wanting to rip him apart for what he just did. I wanted the same thing but I sent him a look of angry sympathy knowing until we got our powers back we couldn’t do anything. Two triadid guards came in moving us into the cells down in the basement. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Lizzie snapped at her sister who was gasping for breath.
She said back. “With me? You practically begged him to shoot you.”
Lizzie explained. “Because, if I'm destined to die in my prime, it may as well be in a blaze of hero glory.”
Josie rolled her eyes. “You are unbelievably selfish.”
The blonde siphon looked over at Alina. “Who took it upon herself to dive in front of my bullet? I thought that your codependent days were over….besides I wasn’t going to let someone shoot Lina when I could die a hero.”
Josie grumbled. “A regrettable relapse. Ow!”
A soldier guarding us hit the cell wall. “Hey! Keep it quiet in there.”
“We're not in the prison yard, asshat.” Lizzie growls back at the guard when he walks away.
Running my hands through my hair Klaus was leaning against the wall. Missy leaned against the metal bars eyeing the guard. Leaving me and Alina to just stand beside the twins until Hope bent down on her knees. “You guys, I'm so sorry. I mean, I dragged you both into this, and I have absolutely no idea how to get us out of it.”
“Well, that is just not good enough, Hope.” Lizzie glanced between her sister and her oldest cousin. “My sister is clearly dying, and we did not wait ten years to become friends with you for you to not come through with your annoyingly perfect Hope Mikaelson heroics when we need you the most.”
Josie offered her hand to both of them. “She's right, for a change. It's hero time, Hope.” Whipping my head around the guard came back but he collapsed to the floor where we saw MG standing there holding a gun.
Slumping my shoulders in relief Klaus sent him a proud smile. “You are now my favorite mate, Milton.”
He told us that his mother showed him how they were blocking our magic. Apparently it was something that the people who created the anti magic barrier years ago also created this problem too. Hope was charged with rescuing Landon leaving the rest of us to come up with a plan to fix this. Jackson came down one of the hallways. “Henrik is with Rapunzel and Charming. Safe and sound so I came to help you fight.”
“Looks like we’re ready.” Alina lifted her head seeing MG standing with Raf.
The young vampire gave the signal before I gasped feeling my magic running through my veins again. “Salvatore Stallions! Let's ride!”
Kaleb called to Pedro who gave him a golden metal plate. “Pedro, now.” He knocked out some of the guys.
Jed the werewolf caught the weapon when he threw it and tripped some of the others. Klaus shook his head, sending me a look making me smirk when I saw his werewolf eyes beside Jackson and Alina. “This is going to be fun.”
Vamping down to the floor Missy was at my side watching one of the witches do a stink spell on Burr. She vamped forward tripping some of the guards while I raised my hands launching them up into the air and harshly back on the ground. “Propellere.”
Klaus slammed most of his guys around with his strength. Jackson and Alina linked hands before they both transformed into wolves tackling the Triad men and clawing at them. All the other kids we’re fighting around the room now have the advantage. Klaus and I somehow stood back to back where he snapped one of the guys' necks looking back at me. “I must say I have missed a good fight with you now and then.”
“Motus…I must say I agree with you.” Grunting I eyed some men by Burr thinking of an idea. “I’m going to need your help for an old goody.”
He nodded in agreement lowering himself on a knee beside me intertwining our hands together. “I’m glad to be on the other side of this one, little heretic.” Placing my freehand on the wooden floor it turned red before all the triaid men got thrown down to the floor holding their heads like the Mikaelson’s had.
MG vamped beside Missy who was close to Burr. “Kaleb, get the kids to the bus. Witches......make it rain.” Kaleb went off where the other witches raised their hands chanting.
“Their magic's back. Somebody get to the tunnels and fix this!” Burr gasped when the remaining members with weapons lost them in the air and they turned into flowers dropping down on them.
Missy called MG’s name when he wasn’t looking, seeing Burr coming towards them. “MG, watch out!”
“So you think you're a superhero or something?” He walked up the stairs.
MG shrugs his shoulders. “Honestly? Kind of.”
Burr was close to shooting him until he started puking up goo. “Too bad I got Kryptonite.”
MG smiled seeing Josie and Lizzie siphoning off one another proudly. “Too bad I got Super Friends.”
Lizzie took her sister upstairs since she wasn’t feeling any better. Rushing back to our bedroom I quickly opened the door where Henrik tackled me in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me crying happily. “Sssh baby. Everyone is okay. Let’s go watch Alaric’s speech.” Klaus and I stood off to the side while our kids except for Hope watched their headmaster.
“I failed you. You see, my purpose in founding this school was to create a safe space for my daughters and for supernaturals like them. But today, I fell short of that goal, while all of you exceeded every expectation I had ever set for you. Because today, you were confronted by the worst monster you've faced yet: ignorant human beings.
Sadly, I am one of them. The plans and methods that Triad used to infiltrate our school and endanger your lives were mine. A contingency plan that I had developed and shared with concerned parents over the years, including Veronica Greasley. You see, the dark object that she used to disarm your unique abilities was put in place by me, in the secret tunnel that only I had known about, because I thought that, perhaps one day, it was the world that would need to be protected from your gifts, rather than the other way around. The only way I can atone for this breach of trust is to leave it up to you to decide whether I should remain as your headmaster. The honor council will convene, they will vote, and I will respect whatever decision that they make. ” Alairc turned in our direction where he gestured to Klaus and I. Reaching for my husband's hand I almost couldn’t believe that he trusted us more than anyone else to be put in that high of a position.
“Whatever the council decides should take into consideration that I understand if they replace me. And if they choose to do so you should have someone who is like you. Two people who have been viewed as monsters by the world but have decided to know how to help shape all of you. So I want to suggest that Klaus and Raelyn Mikaelson possibly take over my position. Whichever way this goes, I want to thank you, all of you, for making me understand that the world my daughters inherit will be in better hands.” He walked off the stand leaving the room in silence until we followed after him until we were back in his office.
Shutting the office door behind me with a wave of my hand I recognized Hope’s voice. “Fort Valley, Georgia. Landon's gonna need you when I'm done. You have to write it down.”
Alaric asked her, looking between me and Klaus. “Wait. You're at Triad Headquarters?”
She responded. “Yeah. Uh, don't worry, though. Everyone here is dead.”
He shook his head putting her on speaker phone. “Okay, listen, you're not making any sense. Just put Landon on the phone.”
She stuttered on her words. “I can't. Uh, he would have tried to stop me, so I had to kill him, too. He'll come back. Don't worry. Even if I don't.”
He spoke to her. “Hope, tell me what the hell you're about to do right now before you do it.”
“Clarke won. He found the final artifact, and he tossed it into the pit, which is Landon's father, by the way. And now Malivore's gonna rise unless I stop him.” My eldest daughter became frantic with her words.
Klaus came closer to my side with concern in his tone. “Hope, what exactly are you thinking of doing right now?”
She explained through the phone where I felt my entire body go stiff at her words. “Landon got all the answers, but, basically, Malivore was created by the blood of a werewolf, a witch and a vampire. It used to be that only they could destroy what they created, but nature found a loophole. By making me. The Tribrid. I'm the loophole.”
“Hope, this is a theory. It can’t be your destiny to die. You are my daughter and I refuse to lose you like this!” I growled struggling through tears knowing where she was going with this.
Klaus added on quickly seeing where I was going. “You don’t have a death destiny, little wolf. You are my daughter. You are a Mikaelson, not just some girl who is supposed to defeat some goo.”
Alairc entered the conversation. “You just sit tight and wait for us to get there!”
“I'm the answer to all of this. I can remember things about Malivore that no one else can. That Triad weapon didn't affect me. Did my blood heal Josie?” She ignored our worries, spitting off facts that we all knew.
Her uncle Alairc trails off. “I am not okay with this.”
“I know. But you will be, because once I toss myself into that pit, no one at school will remember me. Including you….my siblings…and…” She sniffed through heavy tears that almost broke my heart knowing there was nothing we could do.
“Us.” Klaus and I responded back in unison where he grasped my hand tighter, crying now at the thought.
Hitting my freehand on the desk I raised my voice at my first born child. “Hope Andrea Mikaelson, you listen to me. You will not jump into a pit to save the others on a theory. You will come back home to us. You will come back…because you are my child. You are a miracle that I didn’t think I could have become of my crazy family until I held you for the first time. From that moment on I couldn’t imagine not ever having kids. I don’t care if you’re being a hero…you have to come back to me and your father. You…have to still be my baby girl!”
“Mom, there’s no other way. You have taught us since we were little to fight for our family. The school is my family. I am the only one who can protect them.” Hope spoke back to me.
Siphoning magic from the desk I throw my hands out smashing stuff around the room in anger and sadness wanting to hold her one final time. “I will burn Triad to the ground before I let them do this to our family!”
“Rae..” Klaus called my name slowly, turning away from Alaric.
Settling the bookshelf on fire with a wave of my hand I collapsed onto the ground flashing my vampire fangs at my husband not being able to control my emotions. “No Niklaus. I won't allow this to happen. She is our daughter. She's…my child. I birthed her…I raised her….I loved her….I won't let Triad rip that all away from us!"
"Raelyn…ssshhh come here. We have to let her go. Yes we will hate it…but we can’t doom the world." Klaus tugged me into his chest just holding my frail form while I clutched onto him for comfort that wouldn't come. "She is being the hero we raised her to be, Rae. We have no choice."
Lifting my head up I sobbed through tears to my daughter. "Hope, I love you forever."
Her father did the same clinging onto me for strength too. "I love you forever too, littlest wolf."
"I love you mom and dad. Always and forever." She responded by hanging up the phone.
At first all I felt was pain and sorrow for my daughter and then it was like that feeling was ripped away. Breaking the embrace with Nik I sent him a confused look. "Why was I crying on the floor, Nik?"
"I have no idea why, Rae." He shrugs his shoulders seeing Alaric reading a note. "What's going on?"
The former vampire hunter handed me a note that said Landon needed help. "I don't know, I just found this beside my phone. We have to go get him. But I have no clue who left it." Klaus and I intertwined hands leaving him to go find our…five children downstairs.
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Anyway here are my #thots after the Wicked tour:
Apparently Hadestown is coming through Charlotte!
.....in November 2022 😭 Well, it gives us something to look forward to!
Our Elphie and Glinda were Talia Suskauer and Allison Bailey. Idk them, but they were both great, of course.
I love the Time Dragon Clock thematics, like the gears and stuff, but if you haven't read the book, I wonder what people think the dragon is. Like it lights up and moves and is probably very expensive, but even the direct dialogue lines about it don't... actually explain what it is.
Our Wizard (Cleavant Derricks) has a Tony! He won for Supporting Actor for the original Dreamgirls.
Both Mack and I agree that the two women were definitely leaning into the Gelphie thing. Like I know it's been a thing since I got into theatre, but, sitting right there with the show directly in front of my face... it was so hard to ignore the queer narrative happening.
The Wizomania dancing heads are—well, they are certainly something, aren't they? What a bizarre little bit! I wonder what it's like; "Come on, honey, it's time for Wizomania!" "Yes, backstage assistant..."
Defying Gravity made me CRY! Like just hearing the opening NOTES! And "It's the wizard who should be afraid—of me!" And then when she starts flying, it was so OVER. It was THRILLING and the image of Elphie in the air really is so powerful.
Act 2 flies by. It's SO fast and there's so little room for applause. We had so much applause and so many little buttons in act 1, but act 2 seamlessly flows from one part into the next.
Speaking of applause, Mack said I was consistently one of the first to applaud, which... yeah, I guess! I am particularly proud that I got the audience going on what I'm sure isn't a usual applause spot. "We can't all come and go by BUBBLE!" got a laugh and I gave it a little applause and it turned into a whole thing. Which I'm sure was nice for them.
I don't remember how it is in the boots I've heard, but the dance tag on Wonderful isn't in the show, right?
Doing the flying monkey bit just suspended on a wire sounds terrifying.
It was fun to hear the people behind us suddenly gasp and whisper "Oh he's the Scarecrow!" late in act 2. Like OH you have never interacted with this property before and it's so cute!
There were so many little moments where I had the instinct of "How would I direct this? How would I edit it?" which brings me to the point of:
I know I don't blog about theatre anymore much but..... gosh, I just love theatre and performance and everything. And talking it over with Mack in the car ride back from Charlotte, it's like, yes, I do still have so many opinions and thoughts and impulses. Like I just love theatre and film and music and it's just 😭💛
Anyway I had a wonderful time.
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