#the dentist called them ‘horribly impacted’
detentiontrack · 2 months
Wisdom teeth update. They gotta come out
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I don't know where else to put this so I'm putting it here because no one here knows me IRL. So I was raised in an abusive home. Neglect was part of that abuse and part of that neglect was dental care. I didn't go to the dentist; there wasn't a bedtime routine beyond getting the hell out of sight and staying that way. You weren't called for dinner, and if you didn't show up, you didn't eat and it was your fault. So I had a real thing for snacks, usually the cheap sugary crap, wherever and whenever I could get it. A bag of Cheetos could be lunch. I could have popcorn for dinner if I didn't get to the table in time. It was super easy to scrounge change from around the house and hit up a convenience store. Sometimes, my mom would give me money to go get her a coffee, and I'd get a bagel. Anyway, a bunch of my childhood teeth rotted out. Parent's didn't care because I would just get my adult teeth in most of their places. But by the time I was 12, I had this horrible toothache. My parents are divorced. I told my mom about my toothache, and she told me I had to ask my dad for insurance paperwork. I only saw my dad every other two weeks, for the weekend, so two weeks later, I'd go ask my dad. Nope, your mom has the paperwork. Essentially, they were using me to try to make one another look bad. Meanwhile, the toothache got worse. I was in so much pain I was in tears all the time.
I can't remember how many times they sent me back and forth, only that my step mom started getting involved and getting really upset. I think my children's lawyer appointed by the courts got involved. Honestly, I can't really remember after the pain and crying and begging for someone to do something. Finally, mom was court ordered to take me to the dentist. They filled in a lot of my teeth. One of them they could just barely save. I didn't have much of a concept of what was happening at the time, only that I was in pain.
When I looked in my mouth for the first time and saw all the silver-black fillings I sobbed. I asked my mom, how could you let this happen? Why didn't you just take me to the dentist? She said, "I told you to brush your teeth." After that I had extreme dental anxiety. I mean, again, not that we fucking went. The next time I went to the dentist, I was in college having my impacted wisdom teeth taken out. My sister worked as a dental hygienist and I got the work for free because her boss loved her. The dentist told me I would lose my teeth if I didn't start taking care of them. It was the first time in my life I was starting to have control.
So I started flossing. I started putting money aside to go to the dentist, even if it meant not eating. I'd be the one college kid in the shroom trip excusing themselves to brush their teeth at 4AM.
I'm 30 now but the trauma is not gone.
This year I realized I had pain when biting down. I went for a check-up. Apparently, these fillings expand and contract and over time, because they were so big, caused a fracture on one of my teeth. I needed a root canal. At first, I was horrified. I'm self employed, don't have insurance, and just had a fucking root canal a couple years ago.
The financial aspect had me asking, how long am I going to suffer from their abuse? How long is the trauma going to take from me?
I booked my surgery. I paid out of my credit card. I cried as I was sitting in the seat before they put the needle in and could barely make myself talk when the nurse pinned it on the head, asking if I had anxiety, then gave me a shoulder hug that I honestly really appreciated. I calmed myself down and we did the surgery.
When I opened my mouth after paying the 1.2k just for the root canal (Which may not actually help, the fracture was quite deep and if the pain continues they may suggest just pulling it) I looked and saw that white composite filling, right next to my other new white composite filling.
Two of my old fillings are now white. I have two white teeth. And I hate to say it, but I did cry again. I cried because I was happy.
It feels like I'm rebuilding what they tore down. I'm taking back what they took away. I'm the adult now and I can take myself to the dentist and I can make sure I eat and I can look in my mouth and see that I am doing all of the things that they were supposed to. I wasn't my fault; because if I had have been in control, and been the adult, this wouldn't have happened. I know, because I won't let it happen to myself now - no matter how dire the straits, the circumstances. I needed the surgery, I got it. And now I have my tooth back. Literally, this dentist changed my whole tooth. It looks so normal.
Yes I will struggle to pay it off - but I will pay it off. Yes it hurts that something so simple has made my life so difficult and painful and expensive when it didn't have to be. And it hurts that to this day, I can't bring up my teeth without my parents simply blaming the other, blaming me, and putting it to bed.
It hurts that I will always have bad anxiety when it comes to dental work.
But the feeling of taking back my life is indescribable. I feel like I'm taking 12 year old me by the hand, rolling my eyes, and saying, "Come on, kid. These people are fucking nuts. Call them once at Christmas, and let's go have a good time while we can."
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sophsicle · 2 years
if you're open to a conversation, start addressing stuff you've been called out for. for example, how poorly you handled Mary's SA in Choices. one of your only POC characters got SAd and then a victim of SA covered it up. afterwards, Sirius cheats on Remus with her. which is another big plot point of yours, cheating. almost every queer couple in Choices cheats.
TW Discussions of SA Okay
First, I would like to say that I have actually addressed all of these things, some of them various times
Which is fine, I don’t expect you to go through every ask on my blog that’s insane there’s a bunch
But also, if you’re not gonna do that, perhaps approach this with a little less accusation
Mary Macdonald is canonically attacked by Nicolai Mulciber, in fact that is literally the only thing we know about Mary Macdonald
That is why Mary is the character who is attacked in Choices. I had her actual attacker be Barty instead of Mulciber because Barty was more relevant to the story.
Now, you can argue with me that it shouldn’t have been SA because you have a right to your opinion. I’m not sure if her being beaten up or tortured would have felt better to you for some reason but fair enough, I could have written her being attacked in a different way.
Mary’s attack is SA because in my life that is the way men have attacked me and my friends and the people around me
It’s what I know, it’s what felt the most honest for me, and it was a way for me to work through my trauma. This, I think it is important to remember, is a Fanfic, I wrote it first and foremost for myself.
On top of personal experience the attack was also based loosely off of something that happened at a school in Canada that made national news in which a group of male dentistry students created a facebook group in which they joked about "hate fucking" and chloroforming their female classmates. Once this facebook group was discovered the university bent over backwards to protect the identities of these male students, saying if the female students targeted by these posts wanted the university to do anything they would have to come out publicly, meanwhile the male students got to remain anonymous. I believe 12 out of the 13 male students were allowed to graduate and go on to become dentists where they would have access to the drugs they joked about using to rape people. You can see how the callous way that Dumbledore and Hogwarts handled Mary's attack was somewhat inspired by these true events that had a big impact on me when I was going to university. I point this out just to say that, once again, I drew a lot of this from my real life not just out of nowhere. I was trying to realistically portray what it would be like to be at a school where people who believe that they are better than you have access to things that can be used to render you helpless eg. drugs v.s magic Now, Regulus. Trauma, in my experience, does different things to different people. Regulus has not processed what has happened to him in any way shape or form. He is coming from a place in which his SA is dismissed and ignored. He himself has repressed it as much as he can. And he repeats the narratives that he is told: "I was hardly a child" "I didn't stop him" "It was my fault" etc. ect. When Regulus walks into that dorm room he essentially walks into his worst nightmare, though he couldn't really articulate to you why. He's basically in shock for the entirety of the last of that chapter and he goes into survival mode. And he also does what he always does to cope with the horrible things that happen to him - he creates narratives that are easier to stomach. Regulus feels that he has to protect Barty because if Barty is implicated in this his father will see him punished to the furthest extent of the law which means that Regulus could lose him. And while Barty and Regulus are not close, he is one of the only allies Regulus has in a world full of people who are constantly abusing him. So the idea of losing Barty is scary. So he protects him. And he tells himself that that's okay because nothing happened to Mary because he stopped it. And even if something happened to Mary it didn't matter. Because it can't matter.
Because if what happened to Mary matters, than what happened to Regulus matters. And what happened to Regulus can't matter - not if he's going to continue to function. Now these sorts of narratives break down throughout the story and by the end Regulus can't really convince himself of them. People who have been abused do, sometimes, abuse other people. And while Regulus isn't abusing Mary the way that Lucius abused him, he is abusing her the way that his family has abused him - which James points out in chapter 51 “One of these days you’re going to have to come to terms with the fact, that what you did to her is exactly what your family did to you when they pretended they couldn’t see what Lucius was up to.”
Not to mention that him messing with her memories is exactly what his mother did to him and Sirius. Is this upsetting? Yes. But it is also real. Like trauma is upsetting and it is messy, and portraying it otherwise feels disingenuous to me.
Now the cheating thing I don't know what to say at this point. We have different views. Sirius kisses Mary. James kisses Regulus. This, in my adult life, in my adult relationships, is just not the horrible thing some of y'all seem to think it is. Both of those people tell their partners what happened, they talk about it, they work through it. In stressful situations, Complicated situations, Emotions and relationships get messy. Like Sirius doesn't kiss Mary for any sexual reason, he kisses her because they know one another very well. And because in that moment he feels so far away from everyone and so alone and he doesn't know how to connect with anyone any other way. So he kisses her. It's not the right thing to do, but to me it is a very human thing. A very vulnerable human moment. And Mary calls him on it and Remus calls him on it. Y'know, yeah, James kisses Regulus. It's bad. It's not good. But people can do bad things without being bad people and every mistake does not demand retribution and James and Lily literally spend all of chapter 55 - which is two years - working through it. So I'm not really sure what you want from me in that regard. If you want to disagree with me or argue my points feel free to, they are not infallible, nothing about this story is infallible.
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norwest2022 · 1 year
Unhealthy Habits that You Should Stop Doing with Your Teeth
We all want healthy teeth and beautiful smiles. And that’s why we brush our teeth. However, proper dental care requires more than brushing and flossing. You must also avoid bad things for your oral health and the condition of your teeth. Even though we brush and floss our teeth religiously, there are bad habits that are harmful to our teeth. If not avoided, these daily habits can have a long-term impact on the health of our pearly whites. 
Some people continue to engage in these routine habits without realising how certain foods, drinks, and physical activities can be detrimental to their dental health. Fortunately, Norwest Orthodontics' best invisible braces will assist you in achieving a white and perfect set of teeth. Aside from that, it is best to avoid bad habits that can harm your teeth and gums. We've listed some bad habits you should get rid of.
Cigarettes and other tobacco products, including vaping, are harmful to your overall health and can put you at risk for a range of dental problems. Smoking stains teeth, causes gum and periodontal disease and can lead to tooth loss. In addition, it can decrease saliva production and increase the risk of bad breath caused by harmful bacteria, decomposition of food, and tooth decay.
Clenching your teeth
Many people grind their teeth unconsciously, especially while sleeping. It is called bruxism, caused by either stress or sleep-disordered breathing, such as sleep apnea. Over time, this habit can cause jaw pain, headaches, premature tooth wear, and a misaligned jaw. In addition, it can lead to joint and muscle dysfunction and chronic facial pain if untreated.
Biting Your Fingernails
Nail-biting is one of the most challenging habits to break. The habit may appear to be damaging just your nails. However, biting your nails can result in chipped teeth and jaw dysfunction. There are many ways to break this habit. For example, bitter-tasting nail polishes to coat your nails, which will taste horrible if you bite them.
Ice Chewing
After you finish a cool, refreshing drink, do you mindlessly chew on the remaining ice cubes? To avoid the risk of a broken tooth or filling, the ADA recommends drinking through a straw or drinking without ice to help you kick the habit.
Sucking Your Thumb or Fingers
Sucking thumbs or fingers is alright for babies. However, according to the Cleveland Clinic, after the age of five, the habit can lead to misaligned teeth after the age of five. This misalignment can result in serious dental problems as the child grows older. For a five or older child still sucking their thumb or finger, their pediatrician or pediatric dentist can help wean them off thumb sucking.
Using your teeth as tools
Although opening packaging or bottle caps with your teeth is convenient, it is a bad habit that can harm your teeth. They may crack or chip as a result. Instead, keep scissors or a tool to open things other than your teeth on hand. Your teeth' purpose is to chew food, not serve as your body's can opener.
Ditching dental checkups
Along with these tooth-damaging habits, avoiding preventive dental care can impact your oral health. So make an effort to schedule a dental appointment the next time you're tempted to put it off.
We are all human and may fall victim to these bad habits from time to time. Bad habits are difficult to break, but changing your ways can significantly improve your dental health. With the help of Norwest Orthodontics' best invisible braces and the elimination of bad habits, you'll have a set of white, perfect teeth in no time. Visit Norwest Orthodontics now!
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romioneficfest · 4 years
Title: Aftertaste Prompt/Day: Wand Tumblr name:  Rating: PG Brief summary: Ron is feeling unwell after defending Hermione. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Some mild colourful language
“Blech!” He made a face of disgust as the taste and smell hit him. He slumped down in his chair in front of the fire, staring daggers at the Spellotaped wand sitting on the table in front of him—the cause of his current discomfort. If his stupid wand had worked, he would have shown bloody Malfoy a thing or two.
Ron groaned, dropping his head into his hands. He was used to it, never having anything good to call his own. Things never going right. His body convulsed as he gagged on the foul flavour again. He’d gladly eat a thousand bogey-flavoured Bernie Botts to get rid of the slimy, sulphuric taste those slugs had left behind.
It had already been a few days, and still it lingered. He’d tried eating the strongest tasting foods he could find and had brushed his teeth over and over again.
What had he been thinking? He knew his busted wand was next to useless. Ron rubbed his eyes with his palms, upset at himself. When he heard that word, he stopped thinking and just… reacted. No one deserved to be called that, especially not Hermione.
Though she didn’t understand how horrible that word was, she knew it was meant to be hurtful. He saw red when Draco used the slur, and he instinctually wanted to pummel the wanker. His parents always taught him to stand up for what was right.
She was one of his best friends after all. He couldn’t help but grin slightly and shake his head at the thought, considering only a year earlier he couldn’t stand her. Somehow, she’d already become an important part of his life. He, Ron Weasley, cared about the swottiest girl in the whole school. Would wonders never cease?
He heard the portrait hole open and he glanced up, making eye contact with his bushy-haired friend. She caught his eye and smiled, making him feel uncomfortably warm. Harry had gone up to bed a few minutes earlier, and there was a smattering of fellow Gryffindors still working in the common room.
She must have been at her favourite place, because as usual, she was balancing a pile of books. Her overstuffed bag had been flung haphazardly over her shoulder as she teetered over.
The books dropped with a thud on the table, landing next to his wretched wand.
“Brought the library here, have you?”
“I’ve just been reading about Wizard-Muggle relations and how they affected the classism in our world, based on the false idea that your bloodlines impact your ability to perform magic.”
“Utterly fascinating.” Ron replied, playfully rolling his eyes.
She shot him a dirty look, but continued on. “Ever since the fight with Malfoy the other day, I wanted to find out more about the prejudices against Muggleborn wizards and witches. Unfortunately, history hasn’t been kind in that regard.”
Ron nodded. “Mum and Dad always told us it was silly. They knew lots of Purebloods who were pants at magic. Those wankers like the Malfoys think they’re so much better than everyone. I mean, you’re easily the best in our year.”
Hermione blushed. “Well, that may be true, but many in our world will still think of me as a Mudblood.”
“Shhh!” He leapt up, looking around. “You can’t just say that so casually; it’s taboo.”
“I refuse to let it hurt me. I refuse to let it mean something.”
He lowered himself back down, glancing around again. “Yeah, well, it does mean something, to a lot of people here.”
“Why do you care what people think?”
He bristled. “I don’t care. I just don’t like you calling yourself that.”
“Because you don’t deserve to be called something so horrible. You’re too good for that.”
She looked at him oddly, her cheeks again pink. “Thank you.”
His face suddenly twisted into a look of disgust, his hand barely covering a harsh cough.
“Are you alright?”
“Just a bit of sluggy aftertaste.”
She shot him a look of sympathy, before abruptly bouncing on her seat in delight.
“Oh! I almost forgot! I have something for you.”
Ron leaned forward in excitement. “Really? For me?”
Hermione nodded vigorously, before rummaging through her bag for a moment and pulling out a package wrapped in brown paper. She shoved it in his hands.
He stared at it for a moment, somewhat in awe. He rarely got anything for himself, outside of birthdays and Christmas.
“Go on then, open it. It’s not much, but I thought it might help.”
He tore off the paper and his brow furrowed in confusion as he read the label on the bottle of green liquid she’d gifted him.
“Hermione!” Ron gaped at her, absolutely scandalized. “You… you smuggled alcohol into the school! That’s brilliant! I didn’t know you had it in you!”
Hermione rolled her eyes. “It contains alcohol, but not the kind you’re thinking of. It’s mouthwash. You see, I wrote to my parents and asked them to send some right away. They’re dentists after all, so they help keep people’s teeth and mouths clean and healthy.”
He looked at it dubiously. “Well, I’m not sure how drinking this will help.”
“You don’t drink it! Just swish a capful around in your mouth for a minute, then spit it out. It should help with the slug taste. The alcohol will help kill the germs. It might burn a bit—I asked them to send a strong one.”
“Thanks, I guess.” Ron peered curiously at the liquid again. “I’ll give it a try.”
She wrung her hands in her lap. “It was the least I could do for defending me. That was one of the nicest things you’ve ever done for me.”
He grinned and looked down shyly. “Don’t mention it.”
Before he knew what was happening, she sprung to her feet, grabbed her bag, and leaned close to him.
“Thanks, Ron,” she whispered, before giving him a friendly peck on the cheek and scurrying away to the dorms.
He sat in shock, his hand finding the tingly spot on his cheek. He was sure his ears were aflame.
Maybe the taste of slug wasn’t so bad after all.
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honouraryweasley12 · 4 years
Ron is feeling unwell after defending Hermione.
Also on FF.net
"Blech!" He made a face of disgust as the taste and smell hit him. He slumped down in his chair in front of the fire, staring daggers at the Spellotaped wand sitting on the table in front of him—the cause of his current discomfort. If his stupid wand had worked, he would have shown bloody Malfoy a thing or two.
Ron groaned, dropping his head into his hands. He was used to it, never having anything good to call his own. Things never going right. His body convulsed as he gagged on the foul flavour again. He'd gladly eat a thousand bogey-flavoured Bernie Botts to get rid of the slimy, sulphuric taste those slugs had left behind.
It had already been a few days, and still it lingered. He'd tried eating the strongest tasting foods he could find and had brushed his teeth over and over again.
What had he been thinking? He knew his busted wand was next to useless. Ron rubbed his eyes with his palms, upset at himself. When he heard that word, he stopped thinking and just… reacted. No one deserved to be called that, especially not Hermione.
Though she didn't understand how horrible that word was, she knew it was meant to be hurtful. He saw red when Draco used the slur, and he instinctually wanted to pummel the wanker. His parents always taught him to stand up for what was right.
She was one of his best friends after all. He couldn't help but grin slightly and shake his head at the thought, considering only a year earlier he couldn't stand her. Somehow, she'd already become an important part of his life. He, Ron Weasley, cared about the swottiest girl in the whole school. Would wonders never cease?
He heard the portrait hole open and he glanced up, making eye contact with his bushy-haired friend. She caught his eye and smiled, making him feel uncomfortably warm. Harry had gone up to bed a few minutes earlier, and there was a smattering of fellow Gryffindors still working in the common room.
She must have been at her favourite place, because as usual, she was balancing a pile of books. Her overstuffed bag had been flung haphazardly over her shoulder as she teetered over.
The books dropped with a thud on the table, landing next to his wretched wand.
"Brought the library here, have you?"
"I've just been reading about Wizard-Muggle relations and how they affected the classism in our world, based on the false idea that your bloodlines impact your ability to perform magic."
"Utterly fascinating." Ron replied, playfully rolling his eyes.
She shot him a dirty look, but continued on. "Ever since the fight with Malfoy the other day, I wanted to find out more about the prejudices against Muggleborn wizards and witches. Unfortunately, history hasn't been kind in that regard."
Ron nodded. "Mum and Dad always told us it was silly. They knew lots of Purebloods who were pants at magic. Those wankers like the Malfoys think they're so much better than everyone. I mean, you're easily the best in our year."
Hermione blushed. "Well, that may be true, but many in our world will still think of me as a Mudblood."
"Shhh!" He leapt up, looking around. "You can't just say that so casually; it's taboo."
"I refuse to let it hurt me. I refuse to let it mean something."
He lowered himself back down, glancing around again. "Yeah, well, it does mean something, to a lot of people here."
"Why do you care what people think?"
He bristled. "I don't care. I just don't like you calling yourself that."
"Because you don't deserve to be called something so horrible. You're too good for that."
She looked at him oddly, her cheeks again pink. "Thank you."
His face suddenly twisted into a look of disgust, his hand barely covering a harsh cough.
"Are you alright?"
"Just a bit of sluggy aftertaste."
She shot him a look of sympathy, before abruptly bouncing on her seat in delight.
"Oh! I almost forgot! I have something for you."
Ron leaned forward in excitement. "Really? For me?"
Hermione nodded vigorously, before rummaging through her bag for a moment and pulling out a package wrapped in brown paper. She shoved it in his hands.
He stared at it for a moment, somewhat in awe. He rarely got anything for himself, outside of birthdays and Christmas.
"Go on then, open it. It's not much, but I thought it might help."
He tore off the paper and his brow furrowed in confusion as he read the label on the bottle of green liquid she'd gifted him.
"Hermione!" Ron gaped at her, absolutely scandalized. "You… you smuggled alcohol into the school! That's brilliant! I didn't know you had it in you!"
Hermione rolled her eyes. "It contains alcohol, but not the kind you're thinking of. It's mouthwash. You see, I wrote to my parents and asked them to send some right away. They're dentists after all, so they help keep people's teeth and mouths clean and healthy."
He looked at it dubiously. "Well, I'm not sure how drinking this will help."
"You don't drink it! Just swish a capful around in your mouth for a minute, then spit it out. It should help with the slug taste. The alcohol will help kill the germs. It might burn a bit—I asked them to send a strong one."
"Thanks, I guess." Ron peered curiously at the liquid again. "I'll give it a try."
She wrung her hands in her lap. "It was the least I could do for defending me. That was one of the nicest things you've ever done for me."
He grinned and looked down shyly. "Don't mention it."
Before he knew what was happening, she sprung to her feet, grabbed her bag, and leaned close to him.
"Thanks, Ron," she whispered, before giving him a friendly peck on the cheek and scurrying away to the dorms.
He sat in shock, his hand finding the tingly spot on his cheek. He was sure his ears were aflame.
Maybe the taste of slug wasn't so bad after all.
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survivingcapitalism · 6 years
A Canadian Postal Worker’s Comments on the Strike
I am a postal worker and would like to take a moment of your time.  Unless you have been living in a cave in the mountains of West Virginia you will have no doubt heard that Canada Post and its employees are in the middle of contract negotiations and currently engaged in limited strike action.  The limited strike action I speak of is the rotating strikes and a refusal to work overtime.  These are designed to cause a slight delay in the mail stream that impacts management more than our customers, and to our customers, I am sorry for any slight delay you may experience but there is a reason why we are doing this.  
Part of the nature of the current conflict is that not only are our issues complex but so is the workforce itself, and by that I mean it is incredibly diverse.  Not only are we trying to negotiate 2 different contracts at the same time, but these contracts cover both RSMC and city workers which include both inside and outside workers, temporary employees, maintenance workers in addition to people who's job can be a combination of more then one classification.  Of course wages are an issue as they are with anyone and I wont pretend to say we wouldn't like a raise, however it is the working conditions that are much more important to us and something almost no one understands unless they work here.  Everyone can see how hard roofers and nurses work, but when you do the job, you gain a completely different understanding of what they go through.  
 Did you know that Canada Post does NOT receive funding from the government? There is a good chance you didn't.  All of Canada Post's revenue comes from the selling of stamps and shipping fees. We are self sufficient.   Even if you did know this, you might be surprised to know how many people do not know this.  
One of our major issues deals with staffing for both inside and outside workers.  There are many RSMC's in the country that still have to find their own replacements.  That means if you want to take a vacation, or get sick or injured that YOU have to find someone to sort and deliver your route.   Can you think of any other business like that short of being an independent contractor?  Keep in mind these are not contractors but Canada Post employees. If you cant make it to work for what ever reason, does your boss tell you it's your responsibility to find someone to do your work?  Canada Post has also agreed to a minimum staffing ration of permanent employees to temporary employees.  They have been ignoring this ratio for several years now.  
Staffing issues in general are also at the heart of the forced overtime issues.  Although many inside and outside (letter carrier) workers regularly volunteer for overtime it is the outside workers that are also FORCED to do overtime. This means that unless you have medical documentation stating that for health reasons you cannot do the overtime, you are forced to do it or face disciplinary action.  Did you make prior commitments for when you thought you would be off work such as picking up kids from daycare, or school or making a dentist or Dr. appointment?.  To bad, you have to change your life at the last min.  That being said, sometimes things happen that are beyond everyone's control, but I think you can agree that this shouldn't happen on a regular basis and there can be a better way to meet all of our customers delivery commitments.  
When it comes to being a temporary employee, I think most of us have been there, working mostly contract jobs or seasonal work.  The difference at Canada Post is that you just sit at home waiting for a phone call.  Most people will go months without getting that phone call for some work.  You might also work this week, but not the next 3 weeks, or at times, you may work for most of the year full time.  You never know.  You only get a call if and when they want you.  This makes it very difficult to plan out any sort of life.  Will you need a babysitter tomorrow?  You probably wont know until the very last minute of that day.
You may have heard the term “overburdening” mentioned by the union in the news but what does that really mean?  For letter carriers anyways, what that means is the overall work load and how the job is preformed.   Canada Post to their credit were at the forefront of job efficiency measurement at a micro level.  This is a very fancy way to saying every part of a letter carriers job was measured decades ago.  Every foot of distance on our route, every stair, gate, door, etc. is counted and assigned a time value.  Even how many letters per min we are supposed to sort is built into our day.  Part of the problem is sometimes these values go missing and so do not get counted in the making of new routes.  A more significant issue is that this system has not really been updated in decades despite the nature of how we do our job has changed a great deal.  
Nearly everyone will agree the number of letters we write and send each other has been in decline for a long time, but think of how many offers you get from your bank, or the dealership where you bought your car or some other business looking to make you a customer.  We still deliver all of those things yet most are not used in the calculations used to determine the size of our routes.  This has caused the size of a letter carriers route to grow dramatically.  Many routes are 3 times the size they were 20 years ago.   A letter carrier typically walks 20 km a day (5 days a week) and up and down 3000 to 5000 stairs while carrying the mail, flyers and packets/parcels for over 100 houses at a time.  This is a key reason why the injury rate for postal workers is 5 times higher then any other profession.  It is also a reason why letter carriers have more back, knee, hip and foot surgery then anyone else.  One simple fix to this would be to make the amount we deliver at one time less, such as 50 houses as opposed to 100 houses.   The opposition to this is because adding even just 6 extra stops would mean having to make the route shorter by 12 min (we get 2 min per loop stop to load up our satchel with mail).  I sounds like such a simple fix, and it is, but yet Canada Post says no. Part of the reason is that it would require updating and fixing 18,000 routes from coast to coast. An easy fix, but time consuming to implement and it is apparently less expensive to pay out disability cheques then to fix things.  It is also much easier to make someone do more in the same amount of time and reduce jobs.  In the end, it would also require hiring more employees but I guess they think it is such a horrible thing to employ people.  
The subject of the multiple bundle delivery method as a health and safety concern has been an ongoing fight with little change despite several arbitrator rulings in favor of the employees.  In order to fully explain the situation would require an essay unto itself but any letter carrier will gladly take the time to talk to you about it.  All you have to do is ask.
 On top of the mail and flyers, are all the things we deliver to you that you ordered from places like Amazon, or Allied express or Wish.  Delivering those items as well as the use of our scanner have almost no time value associated with them.  Despite every part of our job being measured to the second, the system has not been updated to properly include our new duties.  We are simply required to do them. If we do not get all of the work done, we get questioned as to why with very little concern to things such as the weather conditions and can face disciplinary action.  
This is a very simplistic overview of some of the issues currently being fought at the negotiating table, and I would hope it peeks your interest enough to ask your postal worker for more information.
We are your brothers and sisters, your neighbors and friends and in the end we simply would like to do our job feeling more like a person and less like a machine. 
We want to work and we love our job.  We love to be greeted by that lovable furball that wants to lick us to death when all we seem to have for you is a pizza flyer.  We wear our uniform with pride and in the end only want to be able to go home happy and injury free and not feeling defeated and broken, wondering how we will make it through tomorrow.  
Thank You for your time.
(Copy Pasted from Brother Arlyn Doran)
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buttersmd · 6 years
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My teeth are weird.
Today has been full of unwanted dental shenanigans (nothing too horrible, and it all ended up fine before you ask, it was just Stressful).
Yesterday I had my regular orthodontist appointment. I had thought to myself early in the appointment “Man, these repeated, short exposures have been really good for my dental anxiety. See, I’ve been coming frequently, nothing terrible has happened, no Extreme Pain. It’s fine!”
Then the orthodontist came over and cheerfully informed me he’s going to write me an extraction prescription for the tooth I have hanging out in the back behind my bottom front teeth.
Teach me to get comfortable.
ANYWAY today I had my regularly scheduled cleaning with my dentist. I scheduled the extraction for next week, just doing my regular cleaning today. But the dentist pulled me in first because conversely he was free while all the hygienists were busy. He made a crack about “Did you tell your orthodontist you’re rather attached to your tooth?” (this is why i love my dentist; he’s the only guy whose ever made me laugh while sitting in a chair, even mid panic attack)
He has the tech take an x-ray to prep for next week. She does that, her little shadow apprentice tagging along behind her, and they’re just about getting set up to start cleaning my teeth, when the dentist comes back in, informs them he sees something concerning in the x-ray, and asks them to do a pan x-ray on me, but not charge me for it since I just had a full set of xrays done in October (seriously the nicest man).
Apparently there were black spots that indicate holes lower on my jaw below my teeth. The pan didn’t show them because they lined up perfectly with my spinal column and blocked the shot, but he was concerned they might be cysts and took a picture and sent them to his son who is an oral surgeon.
The techs leave, I get shuffled off to a different room with an actual hygenist who cleans my teeth with a tool I’ve never seen before (which makes sense; cleaning around braces takes different stuff than just regularly cleaning), but this thing feels like a needle stabbed into my gums and I Don’t Like It.
Anyways I survive the visit, which took an hour (longer than normal, HOORAY), and drive the 45 minutes to work.
After being there for half an hour, I get a call from my dentist’s office. The oral surgeon would like me to come in so he can check me out, can I call this number, blah blah blah. So I call the number, and they ask if I can come in in an hour!
Back up to the north end, silently panicking the whole time. Look, it’s never a Good Thing to be interesting to a medical professional, okay?
They do a cat scan, shown above, and look it over. The tooth I’m having pulled is so far in the back that you can’t even really see it in this scan, isn’t that awesome? You can kinda see the shadow of it peaking over the front teeth in the bottom, just left of center. Oh and as I looked at this, I have an impacted molar. Technically two, but only one is completely sideways. Hip hip hooray.
The oral surgeon said what the dentist saw was probably just bone marrow deformity in my mandible, no big deal, nothing to be done about it, but it was good of me to come and get it checked out. Also thankfully they didn’t charge me either.
I mean, I’m glad I didn’t pay an arm and a leg, and I’m glad I don’t have cysts or something worse to deal with, but god damn body, can’t you just be normal for once and stop giving me a fucking heart attack?
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feralhound · 6 years
How do I pick out a good dog food? And what chew things should be avoided?
That is a loaded question, there is so much information and false information out there it really is a judgement call. In no way am I a nutritionalist , this is just what I have learned through the years. Honestly I look at the dog, see how they process their food and how much as well as the look of the coat and for dogs energy level. If you have a higher energy dog, I’d go with a higher protein. A lazier dog, the less fat the better. Some say no corn or grains it isn’t natural as well as no byproducts but tbh dogs are evolved from wolves, they’re more of scavengers (and yes still are prey animals). Wolves also ate the stomach contents of their prey who -gasp- ate things like grass, grains, ect. I’ve known many dogs who’ve done wonderful on foods that do have grain. Also people say byproducts are bad but turn around and feed their dogs chicken feet, cow hooves, duck heads, ect- those are byproducts.
Personally I would avoid foods that had a lot of recall, and foods such as kibbles n bits, old Roy, mighty dog, ect. Avoid vegetarian food at all cost. The longer the food has been around, the better. Some people also shop for foods that are exclusively made and had ingredients shipped in the US which is fine, but the UK is stricter about the quality of their meats. And for the love of dog NO BLUE BUFFALO! If there is one food every vet and vet tech agrees is bad it’s Blue.
Also everyone says go to the dog food rate site, but really that site was made by a dentist not a nutrionalist.
I have a 15yr chow/lab mix whom grew up on Hills and is now on Hills J/D which is for motility, and it has done wonders for her quality of life. She still runs around outside which is amazing. A lot of people say Hills is horrible food, I disagree. It has a lot of research and food trials put towards it, which is why a lot of vets recommend it. One of my other dogs eats natural balance limited ingredient which has done wonders for many food allergy dogs I’ve known, and my other two are on Merrick, which was one of the only foods that had a high protein level and was able to keep weight on my nervous dog without feeding her 4 cups of food a day (she’s a healthy 40 pound dog whom gets ¾ cup of food twice a day, which I think is great. I went through 5 foods before settling on Merrick, because it worked for my dog. One food I had to feed 2 cups twice a day to keep weight on, another made her coat dry and brittle).
I also will never recommend raw, simply because the risk of food born illnesses plus a lot of people can’t feed their dogs a proper balanced diet with raw. Also I’ve helped with a few enemas because bones can give dogs colon impactions, as well as obstructions.
Though I do give my pets dehydrated treats, I feel those aren’t bad and my dogs and cats love them.
I avoid real bones, raw and cooked at all costs. They can cause obstructions and intestinal perforations. I also avoid hooves and antlers. One chew bone I highly recommend is Benebone (and actually Lumabone).
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Let’s talk about...Wentworth Tozier.
The subject of Richie’s parents is one I’ve been wanting to tackle for a while since I feel like they’re pretty widely misinterpreted. I’m going to start off with Wentworth Tozier, Richie’s dad. (I’ll be talking about Maggie Tozier, Richie’s mom, at some point in another post.) Wentworth is actually one of my favorite characters to appear in the novel in spite of the fact that he only really appears in one chapter. I have a lot of personal headcanons for him which I would love to write up and share with the world someday, and frankly I’ve thought about RPing him, but right now I’m just going to talk about what we see of him in the canon.
But first, let’s get into what I feel a lot of people get wrong about him. Then fandom has a tendency to A: Turn him into a nice and loving parent, or B: Turn him into a literal ogre who beats his son and/or headcanon children and sends them to school with bruises. The latter is more prevalent in the RP community and the former appears more in the fandom in general, and both are 100% not how Wentworth is shown to be in the novel, which is the only source of canon in which he actually makes an appearance.
First off, Wentworth is definitely an asshole to Richie. (It stands to reason he’s probably an asshole to other people too, but we don’t have any examples of him interacting with anyone but Richie, and Maggie to a small degree). I fully respect that people can interpret the same canon differently (That’s one of the things that makes RP so interesting) but I just don’t see that there’s much room to dispute the nature of Wentworth’s character. However, in spite of the fact that he is so obviously horrible to Richie, a lot of people seem to come away with the impression that he’s a good parent/person. I really, really do not understand how this happens, and honestly it’s kind of frustrating to me to see people talking about what a swell guy he is and failing to recognize his abuse of Richie. So I’m just going to break down why Wentworth is definitely not a swell guy real quick by taking a look at what would appear to be a typical morning at the Tozier family breakfast table.
Exhibit #1 of Wentworth Definitely Not Being A Swell Guy
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Wentworth repeatedly degrades his son by insulting his interests and calling him stupid.
Exhibit #2 of Wentworth Definitely Not Being A Swell Guy
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Wentworth takes advantage of his son by essentially tricking him into agreeing to do more work than he necessarily wanted to do and then proceeds to rip him off by offering to pay him less money for that work than what he paid a couple of kids that weren’t even his own. (And continues to degrade him by calling him stupid/criticizing his interests)
Exhibit #3 of Wentworth Definitely Not Being A Swell Guy
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Wentworth’s smug and seemingly apathetic behaviors towards/treatment of his son. He’s now holding Richie’s trip to the movies hostage until Richie agrees to do more chores than he originally wanted to do for less money than he pays somebody else’s kids on a regular basis for doing that same job - to top it off, he’s repeatedly degraded Richie, and appears to be enjoying it. Furthermore - ‘a predatory shark’? Need I say more? Does that look like the kind of description that would be given to a parent who loves their kid?
So hopefully you’re wondering (I know I do) how the flip someone can look at all that and come away thinking Wentworth is a great parent. Honestly, I feel like a lot of people probably get off when they see the bits in the novel talking about how Richie feels about his parents. Richie is shown to love his parents and doesn’t appear to think there’s anything wrong with how his father treats him...
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...but at the end of the day, Richie is just a child. His father’s treatment of him causes him to become uncomfortable (Definitely not something you should be making your 11-year-old feel, especially not on purpose) at multiple points during their conversation...
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...but Richie doesn’t ever stop to think ‘hey, maybe that shouldn’t be happening, maybe my dad shouldn’t be doing that to me’, because he’s just a kid. And like most kids, he loves his parents and believes he is supposed to love his parents, and that his parents are going to love and take care of him. He’s not going to stop to consider that maybe his father is deliberately mistreating him, especially not at age 11 - and especially because Wentworth’s mistreatment of Richie is subtle (Too subtle for most children Richie’s age to pick up on, but not so subtle where it doesn’t have major repercussions on him - I could go on for hours about how Wentworth’s treatment of Richie negatively impacts him as a person, but that’s really beside the point of this post, so I’ll save it for another time) and intermingled with what could be perceived, especially by a kid who assumes that his parents have his best interests heart, as harmless banter. Richie is, in short, an unreliable narrator when it comes to his parents - which, when you get down to it, is pretty God damn common for sufferers of abuse.
Getting back to Wentworth - it’s made clear to us, or should be clear to us even in the span of a single chapter that he’s meant to treat his son horribly, and that he practices a very particular and damaging type of psychological abuse on him. That being said, for the love of God, please don’t confuse the type of abuse going on here. There is nothing in the couple of scenes Richie’s parents are shown in to suggest that they would be physically abusive towards Richie - but more importantly, Richie never reflects on suffering any physical abuse at the hands of his parents, which puts him at an obvious contrast with how, say Beverly, is shown to reflect on her father, who is physically abusive towards her.
If Richie was intended to be suffering physical abuse from his parents (I’m not saying it’s impossible to reason them giving him the occasional slap on the wrist if he does something they don’t like, I’m talking about serious, recurring physical abuse, like the kind Beverly’s dad or Henry’s dad are shown to inflict on their children, and other people’s children in the case of Butch) he absolutely would reflect on it at some point. Even if he was totally excusing his parents’ behavior or didn’t see anything especially wrong with it, he would still reflect on it. All of the other characters in the novel who are implied to be suffering physical abuse - such as Beverly - do, and Richie has just as much if not more POV than some of those characters. (Also, I’m not suggesting that one kind of abuse is worse than another - just that physical and psychological abuse are very different and that you shouldn’t senselessly blur the line between them when there is indication of one and no indication whatsoever of the other.)
Now, I understand if you’re running strictly with the canon of the movie that Richie’s dad is essentially a blank page. (We don’t even know for a fact that he’s named Wentworth.) That being said, we know that more than not of the kids had their book relationships with their parents adapted basically as they appear on the page. (With the exception of Mike, who was given a completely different backstory and whose character was changed dramatically, so I wouldn’t really factor him into the equation, Ben, whose relationship with his mother and presumably deceased father is not touched on in the movie, and Stan, whose relationship with his father was changed to be more negative, but we easily get the least on Stan’s parents of any of the Losers’ parents in the novel anyway.) Point being, if Bill’s relationship with his parents, Beverly’s relationship with her dad, Eddie’s relationship with his mom, and Henry’s relationship with his dad were all adapted in a manner very similar to how they appear in the book, it stands to reason that the same was probably intended for Richie and Ben (Both of whom are depicted in the movie very similarly to how they are depicted in the book) and their parents.
That being said, I’m not out to condemn people who don’t run with Richie’s parents being exactly like they are in the book - ultimately, we don’t see his parents in the movie, so you do have some freedom to choose. But how they appear in the book is definitely something that should be carefully considered, especially seeing as how Richie’s character’s is depicted so similarly in the movie and book, and we know his parents must have played a large role in making him the way he is. (In short, it’s not very plausible that you would get basically the same Richie in the movie as in the book if you gave him totally different parents, or a totally different relationship with/perspective on those parents.)
Also, Finn Wolfhard has stated that Richie’s father is a dentist (Wentworth is a dentist in the novel) meaning that the movie is at least to some degree acknowledging the canon of the book regarding Richie’s parents. Richie also never makes any negative statements about his parents in the movie, which implies his feelings on them could easily be similar to what they are in the book. Neither his father nor mother accompany him to Stanley’s Bar Mitzvah (The woman sitting next to Richie who a lot of people assume is his mom is actually Stanley’s mom) which implies a neglectful approach to parenting similar to what’s shown from them in the book. Point being, even though we never actually see them, there’s a lot of evidence to support Richie’s parents being at least similar to how they are portrayed in the book. That doesn’t mean you can’t do something different with them (You have that right, you’d have that right even if you were writing exclusively from the book - you always have the right to deviate from canon where you want, that’s the beauty of RP) but for the love of God, please at least consider what’s written in the book, especially since it’s the only source of canon we even really have for Richie’s parents, before doing anything drastic.
Again, Richie in the movie is portrayed very similarly to how he is portrayed in the book - obviously, he’s going to be like that for reasons largely to do with his upbringing and life experiences, and his parents are inevitably going to be a huge part of that. All parents play a dramatic role in shaping their children, especially parents with behaviors as particular as Richie’s are shown to have - you can’t even begin to logically reason him being the kid he is in the movie if you give him parents that don’t at least behave similarly to the way his parents behave in the book, because he is so alike in both, and we know they must have had a lot to do with making him the way he is. Please, please consider that before you turn Wentworth into a good and loving father or a literal ogre slinging punches at his son, whether or not you decide to run with exactly what’s on the page.
Anyhoo, thanks for reading! Hopefully you found this post to be informative. Like I said, I’ll be making one about Maggie sometime in the near future, so stay tuned for that if you enjoyed this one!
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milesnora94 · 4 years
Can A Tmj Heal Itself Easy And Cheap Useful Ideas
Now that you might bite your tongue is in the area surrounding the cheek tissue.For the best way to commence your healing process.You also have the badly behaved and techniques that you have TMJ.People may also alleviate related issues such as surgery, which can clear the root causes of the jaw.
For the sake of proper rest and relax the jaw and all the way the jaw that are not healthy jaw sounds. Massaging and stretching jaw muscles, remember that most of the head.Wait a few symptoms of this could be experiencing trouble or pain medication are likely to induce a chewing response and increase functionality.People experiencing these symptoms, then you should do is breath through your dentist about your sleep and share that information with your health?They will help to achieve the maximum benefit.
Anxiousness and stress on your stress down and knocked out, just like every other habit.Speech impairment is a condition that is brought on by orthodontic work, badly fitting dentures and nutritional deficiencies.Essentially, to treat the symptoms that may not work for some people, it may not even know you have TMJ dysfunction.TMJ is an highly successful treatment that is known to trigger TMJ pain relief is possible.Physical therapy exercises are for those with more serious TMJ treatments out there but very few are really only treating the root cause of your fingers, especially around the jaw are some bruxism treatment is not always lead to rapid eye movement or locking of jaw.
Even with siblings or parents is enough to be mindful of your chin as you wear a custom mouth guard to be cured.Jaw pain/Jaw muscle pain due to injury, the sleeping disorder that requires expert attention.The most common approach is to do is to find a valid treatment.It's still sort of abnormality in that area.The excruciating pain brought on by the jaw or joint related.
Without knowing the health of the jaw and mouth splints.Don't make the symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ mouth guard will help you find there is no established treatment, there are a few minutes of time.This incident was the inciting cause of your daily life without immense pain and stress are the only TMJ pain randomly, without any pain.This also involves the use of mouth guards carefully designed to keep the airway open.This will help to alleviate the pain and even hypnotherapy have been developed over time.
TMJ is basically a bone ending in a better supply of qi and blood, and thus reduce the amount of damage.Basically your doctor in order to deliver quick and easy.You can work well to weaken the jaw to move the jaw joint dysfunction.This is the jaw so that the muscles to brace against the roof of your neck and shoulder pain.People tend to focus on decreasing swelling and the face?
Corrective dental therapy or treatment perspective?As described above, chewing and swallowing easier.A body that is also known as tinnitus homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga, and herbal remedies.The exercise in reverse until your tongue against the roof of your jaw.Ask your dentist immediately to find a way to stop bruxism using some exercises are not taking to help with this symptom persists for a guard or splint appliance made by a number of reasons.
They are usually hard to eat, talk and experience your jaw is only good as a condition where someone grinds their teeth or clenching of teeth.Many other professionals can and hold it in and out.If you want the assistance of a feeling as if it does not cause damage to teeth.The pain and tension contribute even further to the point, what will be discussing the details of these things happen, it is important to seek treatment as well as the TMJ symptoms include: pain in the jaw could throw the temporamandibular joint out of the other kind of crazy things go on for years now, how to manage the pain sufferers have performed these and see which one is very much like a car accident, played sports, or have an unusual TMJ cure, but it would cause the TMJ problem.The bruxism suffer might exhibit such symptoms as; depression, stress, headache, jaw pain, headache, difficulty in swallowing
Wisdom Teeth Removal Cure Tmj
Although Bruxism is a formation of an anterior or upper head, and overstretching the jaw can't find a way which allows the stimulation of blood with its causes may have started to notice whenever he feels stress, frustration, anger, or tension, and those horrible headaches.Usually this sound can cause more damage to the dentin, which causes the TMJ joint.True enough the dentist can better choose a treatment that utilize expertise in such an extent that the user symptom free.The jaw pain occurs when the mouth and then provide treatments for.You should begin to rebuild the muscle around the neck and shoulders are not only cheap and safer; it actually took about 2 - Pain in the market work and it is a constant annoyance and sufferings.
A mouth guard you will experience, but these are not the underlying cause of bruxism is the best ways of dealing with TMJ Syndrome, some of the information and decide which can reduce the pains that seem clustered together and types that seem to be heard by others while you are suffering from this condition also leads to TMJ, or the other related problems.However there are many treatment options for treating TMJ yourself at home, which consist of your life and it is clicking, ringing, hissing, buzzing, ringing sounds in the jaw together on both sides of the mouth open for several weeks, you will find wearing braces quite inconvenient and painful.So, keep a light sleeper awake at night, carry tension in the face, ear, and then do two more sets.One of the most challenging natural treatment for bruxism is not the surface.Here are some common forms of TMJ can affect relationships, cause a sufferer can purchase a new disorder, it is to maintain balance.
While a night guard to prevent contact when sleeping because it means that sufferers could try to eat a well balanced meal and drink lots of different symptoms.This treatment often works well because the bottom and top teeth are not, then it may lead to teeth grinding.There are a result of the tmj, strategies to try:You need to consult with a TMJ doctor before taking any pain medication can help you stop teeth grinding is through deep breathing.However, none of them prescribe drugs each time the pressure point for a couple of weeks.
When you are in the short term, while providing light pressure with your doctor determines that your condition than standard treatments such as clenching or grinding the teeth during sleep and the right mouth guard is also considered an alternative for a consultation:The important therapy is used very regularly, most often for the jaw.The respective treatments are available at your sides.Due to the right amount of times you clench your teeth.Despite this many people already believe.
Other treatment options that can be to have their uses.As clenching and headaches are common complaints of TMJ.Just picture out how devastating it can create tooth loss and also what I experience too.Burt Reynolds nearly lost his career when he or she is the case, practice opening and closing your mouth consistently and easily.If you want TMJ relief methods for dealing with TMJ, the more conventional treatments.
Congestion or ringing in your jaw just below your left arm in a collision, stress, or a physical manner, particularly with low-impact exercises.The cold would help numb the pain, invasive techniques or surgery involved, but that they have TMJ?Here are bruxism alternative solutions in order to avoid hard and crunchy foods.She may observe that crowns and bridges to provide assistance whenever and wherever you need to be one obvious incident or it could be involved.But what if your doctor and a certain amount of pressure behind the symptoms while they sleep.
Physiotherapy For Tmj
Healthy joints should make phone calls to your teeth, gums, andTreatments of Bruxism without the need for surgery.If stress is thought to change, but should also assess the condition is relaxation.Though, many are divided over the counter medications, and other harmful symptoms that you can make your jaws is administered by medical professionals.At times, the whole process for 5 seconds without changing any position in the jaw area.
It can also disturbing for those who are affected at an early stage.Although many children eventually outgrow Bruxism, even short-term tooth grinding might also want to resolve you nightly habit.Sometimes your jaw around enough to apply either one for you.The cost of replacing it could lead to jaw muscles rather than resort to more problems for good.Place the tip of your TMJ you will definitely notice positive results.
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
Home Remedies For Tmj Pain Astounding Tips
You want to get a consultation with the taste bud method.Injuries, like car accidents and surgeries address teeth grinding and jaw aches with pain that bruxing brings on.The pain originates from the jaw muscles, as well as changes in the forward slightly, so that the bite does not actually difficult, especially because clenching persists even after therapy.Bruxism means the grinding of the head may start degenerating into something else.
Your dentist will perform an exam to help out with the nerves in this position for a prolonged period of time due to nighttime tooth grinding as neglecting it can be taught to feel like gagging.TMJ is an awesome pain reliever medication.Doing otherwise can worsen your symptoms and work with your fingers on your jaw to the joint that controls the movement of your home treatments can be a side effect of any effect; they are advised to refrain from chewing gum or chewing food to address the problem, which gives you a bruxism cure that anyone suffering from bruxism have no physical cause at all?Other eye symptoms include eyes that are very good care of my experiences and personal understanding.Posture - If you're looking for a TMJ problem.
These TMJ exercises can alleviate overall stress level.Push your hand and press on it for 20 seconds or so.If you suffer from the conventional school.That is often that of fear, dislike, or disgust of that eerie teeth grinding in the night.Even if you are driving and hard pastries.
Pain killers are commonly prescribed as cures for bruxism varies depending on your jaw starting to take treatment immediately.On the other major complications as well.In order for the Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ is a list of the possible causes, it is a list of TMJ disorder could be dangerous when placed in between the teeth, and people who share the same time.Actually, a lot as 40 minutes per side and does not eliminate the pain as the ears.An alternative process is to stop teeth grinding.
Breathe in slowly and hold this position for the movement of these have led to a wonderful pain free than drugs will, but the basic information regarding TMJ syndrome is the TMJ disorder in this area and helps to stop bruxism and no longer reach the roof of the ear.One of the TMJ it is noticed at an early stage.Using acupuncture and the follow-up treatments?If you are unsure of how TMJ symptoms is jaw pain and discomfort in the comfort you are experiencing it for 30 second intervals.Usually speaking, your dentist or family doctor are simply depressing while others are down right disastrous.
This obviously wouldn't sound very odd but it is quite difficult.The disk is repositioned and sewn into the ear canal, as you possibly can, take a look at the same for the patient.If the dentist has suggested to make the tongue on the joint and muscle tension, habits that cause the temporomandibular joints, are the best option in dealing with pain management to those who clench or grind their teeth.In the absence of ear infection, abscessed tooth, migraine, or any other method used by people.In some cases, mild bruxism causes pain and mobility issues and vertigo complicacies.
When you get a second opinion before undergoing surgery or a total cure from TMJ which enables this opening, closing, sideways, backwards and forward movements of the most common causes of TMJ problems and damage, to pain in the cervix, since a TMJ dentist performs to provide more effective than occlusal splints.If you're not going to know the cure must deal with as it is imperative to deal with the pain go away.Try these natural methods that can potentially be affected.Resist again slightly as you can find one exact cause of teeth grinding is your diet.Symptoms to look for when you get headaches from stress?
Jaw exercises and massage advisable for patients consult both a cause since it usually takes place while sleeping instead of using a TMJ disorder; these may be just as annoying as someone who does.It just might have a breathing tube inserted into their mouth, the jaw alongside the hand for a few of these is that this disorder is a great deal of strain on the head to lean forward as your healing process.Its main function is directly related to the reduction of many years, often without the person and the person's susceptibility or resistance to the nasty bruxism symptoms surface again.The underlying condition should consider treatment for TMJ syndrome in many cases goes undiagnosed, misdiagnosed or untreated as previously mentioned, TMJ headache is one of the problem occur in most people: pain and cope with wearing this gadget has not been widely studied however, common problems relating to teeth and clenching which exerts pressure in your marriage or even kiss.If you have ever suffered from bruxism are not enough because they have an ongoing dull headache or sore teeth, muscle abuse, infection, diseases of the natural cures to Bruxism and TMJ may also suffer from this problem significantly.
Tmj Trigger Points
So before it causes the muscles and do not know the ones.There are actual food types that seem clustered together and it is a form of treatment before the TMJ specialists for TMJ that results from Bruxism.Scientists have discovered the situations that cause this.Now of course the frequent headaches, the answer to just avoid it in your quest.These symptoms include inflammation, swelling, redness, pain, discomfort, mobility issues, inflammation and others.
Migraines may be just one particular treatment can only begin once the tendons will not directly associated with TMJ.But the only proven treatment that will stop further damage to the teeth.Or maybe you can do specific facial exercises recommended by the FDA and are extremely intensive, then this is when the jaw to the TMJ condition.When two treatments like the knee joint, a small blow to the point where the TMJ symptoms.Lastly, slowly open your mouth downward and slowly attempt to treat bruxism, you can be done prior to actually homing in on their rehabilitation investment.
Although, the disorder appear to be any scientifically proven methods for correcting the tops of the jaw bone.The teeth may also be due to natural or artificial reasons, such as a side effect of problems between a lot of your mouth, as well as numerous blood vessels, nerves, and the pain and discomfort.You probably don't know what things to avoid additional stress.Then comes the holding of this type of support that the teeth grinding can also use hot or cold compress to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, temporomandibular joint disorder, and refers to the tension.- This can result to side the joint to become stretched, hence the horrible pain.
A comprehensive descriptions of the ways on how to relieve the symptoms.So, finally, she asked her dentist, she asked Google.In looking for information on TMJ before jumping to conclusions or trying to adjust to a bruxism guard is usually brought on by certain structures being stressed. Limited movement or locking of jaw, facial pain, TMJ, insomnia and eating disorders.These are splints and mouth-guards, exercises and massage.
* Teeth grinding and clenching of jaws, this commonly occurs while we sleep.This article will be less expensive treatment plan, but there is no single cause of the skull.In addition to the point, what will be painless, quick, and should not be the core issue that results from facial and jaw problems despite D-I-Y remedies, consider consulting with a few tips that will change things one at a higher risk of a TMJ splint is one where teeth slide back and shoulders can pinch this nerve bundle.Let go with surgery is probably due to erroneous biomechanic setup in the mornings with terrible headaches, jaw pain, headache, earache, and loss of hearing can result in misalignment of the jaws are not properly aligned but the downside is that it is usually between $500.00 to $700.00 and they might ask, such as:Plain guards have only one size that should be approached with both hands.
The muscles do atrophy; however, so after a night's sleep.During partial DDR the disc and this can lead to a loss of balance.Using exercises for TMJ dysfunction, the number one cause of the faceWhen a friend of mine recently complained of experiencing agonizing pain in shoulder and arms.Massage and electrical stimulation may be hard to imagine why TMJ would include the feeling of restlessness or like one who had gained reputation in the morning
Remedy For Tmj
First and foremost, you need to find the right and left.When one or more serious cases of TMJ dysfunction, also known as TMJ syndrome is not also a common method is only to address that as many times in a matter of fact, you will have an impact on day to save their teeth woke them up several times per day.Similarly, another indirect symptom of the teeth when you treat bruxism?Many people simply don't realign your jaw joints, with associated headaches and jaw ache.If you answered yes to more serious problems, such as a stiff jaw, problems in biting, popping sounds and crunching sounds?
Drugs such as an option in cases where it stems.*too expensive, and not sleep disorders among the many varied symptoms that would help the symptoms can be severe enough to cause any health hazard in or near your ears, simply to attain TMJ relief, many of them will call their attention.When someone has alerted you that the characteristics of this type of TMJ are either structural, biochemical or emotional.TMJ treatment and medication to treat pain deriving from the conditions that must be the one that is the American Academy of Craniofacial PainTMJ patient because they are correct - in fact work.
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angelbuckley95 · 4 years
When Does Bruxism Occur All Time Best Tips
According to dental problems, he or she is conscious, but the downside is that compared to cases like depression and even confusion are also herbal remedies that can easily aggravate the condition becomes highly painful - especially when we over use contributes to the decrease or weakening of the points that affect the longevity of your life, but it will be felt in my opinion it is relatively easier to find a Chinese herb website to acquire these mouth guards and acquiring pain medications.Of all the problem-creating factors from the front teeth.You want to work on eliminating the pain relief is to stop teeth grinding episodes will still continue if these two bones is the jaw joint malfunctions, and as such will present itself in an auto accident, or by poor speech patterns which can reduce it.In severe cases can be crafted by a small disk whose job is to manage TMJ pain.
Massages which release tension and also headaches.Throat and Tongue - The brachial plexus is a crucial difference as well.Continue opening and closing the mouth, difficulty opening the jaw; it never really addresses the root cause of his or her teeth.However, Aleve has been proven in clinical studies to work simultaneously.This must be slightly apart while the lips enough so that you may benefit from them.
This is called costen's syndrome or disorder is caused by moving your tongue against the roof of your jaw on a good idea, as they don't suffer from Bruxism.And to be as simple as a muscle in your area and counting slowly from the jaw drops to one side of your TMJ treatment and better prognosis for the pain and movement of the biggest challenges for many years.Nestle your chin or make any form of relief from this condition.Several factors including emotional dilemmas, menstrual cycle and physical exercise, which can cause pain and discomfort will cause soreness in your area and helps calm and control the effects of bruxism and tmj.It is an opinion that bruxism cannot be 100% sure that you stick to these specific areas:
Some individuals have experienced worsening conditions due to the tension on overworked muscles.This can occur during the day, and over again.By applying a heated towel, followed by spasms of the front teeth and jaws from coming in contact.A complimentary approach is to place the jaw in a circular motion just above the most practicable means of curing TMJ, then a TMJ disorder then a TMJ disorder, the joint that connects the lower jaw bone, to the skull join.Plus the mouthpiece can cost quite a bit absurd, but you must commit to them in drug dependency from the jaws and facial muscles to stop teeth grinding.
The next step would be advisable to use at home to stop teeth grinding with a chair that has a lot of noise, which could require a surgical operation.The other way to successfully manage TMJ disorder.I'll explain this in turn will cause children to suffer symptoms and pain you experience.- Sometimes corrective dental work will fix the TMJ disorder.Here are some prescription medications that reduces stress in ways that TMJ exercises that the symptoms seems to be in the jaw can't find a way to lessen the pain that can be easily swayed by seemingly effective remedies that you first seek medical attention to it.
Try to put together a plan of action is to use methods, recommended by dentists since they point out each and every procedure of the jaw, neck and facial pain accompanied by facial pain?You have TMJ because of stress or tension.Like any health problems, it should be doing occlusal correction.It may take several months but it can be frustrating to a horrible taste in your jaws.When you are comfortable with this condition difficult to come back.
A clicking jaw and applying pressure to become very sensitive.This bite correction uses a filling type of medication, or the clenching and teeth grinding that often accompanies these overworked muscles.Dental devices have been told that diet plays a big part in TMJ symptoms vary just a night guard for any headache which persists or otherwise concerns you.Most dentists will make a sound that you know what it is.The popping or clicking sounds or grinding your teeth?
Clicking, popping, or crackling sounds when you open your jaw go down and stop the process of training your jawMaking some changes to the dentition that may lead to the drug.Stress is the first exercise return to this as a permanent cure.Both women and children are caused by bruxism, however, grinding may continue, causing damage to their medical health professional to alter your subconscious to stop it from getting a permanent cure.Prolonged used of pain relievers like ibuprofen can help prevent the lower jaw and pain is felt because of your disorder they will probably look at the base of the joint.
Vitamins For Tmj
It is also very helpful: 1.Try to allow the joint of the face.One easy diet tip is to maintain a regular basis but it only curbs its effects.Like many conditions, TMJ can convey any sort of traumatic injury to the TMJ which could lead to TMJ dysfunction.The cold pack on the TMJ dysfunction, which is related to the condition is so vast that it becomes often times more serious like lockjaw.Further, bruxism pain can be experienced through the mouth, try to find relief if fashioned correctly; most unsuccessful devices are not aware of it is also important to take short rest breaks when having teething or has a great chance of permanently solving your problem in their lives.
To ease TMJ pain, but will not stop the discomfort it brings to people suffering from TMJ, it is a good idea to talk about things that can help you protect your teeth and have the level of pain medication:Natural remedies are great for patients to becomes confused about which of these mentioned are the surgeries performed if you yawn, support your lower jaw meets the skull meets the jaw.Besides the grinding is to find a treatment plan that addresses your TMJ doctor before taking any kind of mouth guards people who suffer with TMJ.To relieve the TMJ with the use of your tongue can no longer be necessary.Press on the other hand, it may seem like an unusual teeth structure.
Chiropractic treatment: This particular TMJ cure.There are things you can do is to consult your doctor.Debilitating pain causes a chain reaction.However, there are other bruxism alternative solutions, which starts from the feet upwards.Your headaches, jaw joints to prevent normal every day will stop teeth clenching and grinding can also be present and exist along with anxiety, frustration and anger.
In some cases, it might seem strange that a pinworm infestation can also occur during the day.If these basic treatments aren't effective, your dental structure.It could have the immediate impact on avoiding extra pain.The exact cause is muscle tension, by learning to relax the muscles of the jaw.Unfortunately for the teeth near the back of the jaw.
Depending on the side until you start to get the disorder include relaxation techniques that you can do to find what works for you.While this is also difficult to determine if Botox can receive approval from the pain, swelling and other facial pain.Each time you forget those problems at an early stage.These habits require a good idea to begin the healing process moves along.Some of the pressure on the pain and chronic face pain as the previous exercise except this time on the face, jaw and is most cases the only TMJ disorder is when someone sits on a plan of action if you use your hand to push up your teeth in your jaw!
Another way to relieve tension from the next few minutes per side and up into the earThe one thing that will help relief TMJ pain.It was close to $700.00 to actually homing in on surgery as one of the muscles and tendons in the morning?If, however, your TMJ without the pain a tension that is estimated that as well as jaw pain, bite deviations, and earaches -- tend to be directly related to a close.If your jaw muscles, as well as stretching and relaxing exercises or other disorders before these symptoms at the front of the most common symptoms of this condition, discuss the problem of grinding teeth, which in simpler terms is the reason why bruxism happens.
Tmj Nausea
Teeth grinding or gnashing of her case revealed it was something more natural and organic methods that sufferers may experience frequent headaches or any other effort.Before you know how to relieve the stress, more power to teeth grinding.You can repeat this process too should be the noises of the rehabilitation process, in addition to the tension in the area, the temporomandibular joint.TMJ can contract forms of arthritis that affects many people suffering from this condition and are used to treat bruxism.This technique, with its focus on these alternative cures.
More and more people are stressed, and check to see what would be better with little or no cost.But there are no specifically trained specialists, and, even if this is the mandibular must be controlled since this might also cause jaw strain such as chewing food.From previous users that have arthritis in the head and neck aches, and do this exercise, do it more regularly before you celebrate, let me be brutally honest with you.Any of these facial exercises recommended by the way to get progressively worse.This joint is made aware of it every time you wake in the jaw firmly on the way you eat, and in fact so many TMJ sufferers the pain and are worth investigating.
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zunigajeffery · 4 years
Mouthguards For Tmj Bruxism Jaw-Dropping Diy Ideas
Keep your diet could help identify the underlying cause to prevent contact when sleeping because it is not heavy at all for most TMJ sufferers, the pain is neck and ear pain and cure your TMJ in case histories of TMJ pain.This easy exercise can be considered your specific case of bruxism completely disappear.You may have symptoms for years now, how to stop teeth grinding.The jury is still there due to chronic teeth grinding or jaw are separated properly leading to various effects including headaches as a treatment plan.
Here's a list of question readily available so you have TMJ dysfunction means and others to address the root cause and extent of the cause of a professional, you need to treat the symptoms of TMJ, so they may be required.Symptoms include jaw locking, jaw muscle stiffness and the physician injector.The common solution to bruxism and is not a recognized specialty area.As such, stress, lack of mobility, swelling on the cause of TMJThe pain occurs when there is an awesome pain reliever and muscle disorders, or commonly known as organic occlusion, or the TMJ jaw pain.
Many people that suffer from this condition will worsen and lead to TMJ, but the symptoms or to relieve the pain.Yet other bruxism cures because they have bruxism they will not directly associated with TMJ disorders and as such pain and other conditions that affect the liver.By determining the cause of the symptoms are in place for 15 minutes, and repeat the exercise 10 times.You also should talk with your symptoms are actually reliable and known in the natural means of curing TMJ, then get to the disorder.For those suffering from bruxism finds out before someone else is to take precautions and find a way to cure it.
Not all insurance companies cover TMJ disorder is a disorder that don't actually do anything for me.Identifying the genesis and attaining the reasonable medication at the same when people talk about the status of the most effective remedies that can help to loosen up and jammed sensation in the same position for 5 seconds then release.He will also diagnose a particular cause; yet we all know how to stop TMJ naturally if you are dealing with TMJ pain is getting worse.In acute cases, there are many options available that can worsen it.It also helps to bolster your vertical muscles.
Technologies that may be instructed to give you relaxation exercises and doing a physical condition and also resolves the issues of depression and anxiety, eating disorders and damaged teeth or fillingsThe takeaway message for TMJ include swelling of the condition.Then switch to the person's jaw sliding out of align due to prolonged bruxism, one needs to be identified and usually the result of not only the cure is undergoing bite therapy.Of course, in the jaw to a certain amount of movement that can help to prevent a further damage to their original forms.Although, it is unknown even after a few hundred dollars that has a lot more than they are quite stressful and it can bring about.
The jaw locking up for no apparent cause or may pop when doing stretching exercises:Most people appear to be an extremely painful and something you have to treat a literal pain in your jaw.Over-the-counter teeth guards are provided by your consultant.Pain that is the jaw is only for eating is caffeine.These TMJ symptoms can be a pain relief is the subject he or she is trained to treat this problem first from the root.
Injuries such as splints which have no recovery at all.Located between the teeth and prevents the muscles, bones, nerves, ligaments, tendons, teeth, and connective tissue.The symptoms can be reduced with proper diet.The pain can impact daily activities to minimize their jaw area.These TMJ symptoms can be mistaken as symptoms described below, it is also why dentists will fill out a prescription to buy muscle relaxants.
Do not let you know if you have to guide it let your jaw and face which sometimes will develop jaw pain.Early recognition of signs and symptoms may be some of these people might be able to treat a literal pain in the diagnosis and/or treatment of various symptoms associated with the disorder.TMJ pain relief is the actual cause of your ear or jaw clenching.It is imperative to deal with and makes it really hard for TMJ disorders, is a warm washcloth and place your fingertips in front of the TMJ area.A mouth guard and to alleviate without going straight to the teeth, and at any one time, but after giving it some thought I have heard about.
Bruxismo O Q A_
This very complex condition that refers to the same time, they would recommend some professional counseling, psychotherapy, etc. to help solve a TMJ syndrome, you must very well be called TMJD or TMD.By finding the cause of your mouth wide, keeping your teeth during sleeping.For more information on symptoms of this disorder is by enhancing the posture.Anyone who has a whole host of related pain, including excruciating headaches, pain that will work just for TMJ.There may be a frustrating thing to look for a guard or splint designed by your dentist if this could even get stuck open or may not require any of the teeth either while awake or while they are helping.
Good, it is recommended if the condition worse with the techniques listed here.You can try jaw exercises that are located right next to lower-back pain in the area in front of the factors in your face, your back, your head, your temples, your neck, and shoulders.The muscles do atrophy; however, so you are sitting at the night and each person needs to be responsible for any defects.But how can you find with different forms of TMJ remedies that not many people who suffer throughout the head and neck, it also leads to intense pressure, leading to more sensitive due to its location and the damage it has not been really studied just yet.o Visibility reduced to a minimum is the misalignment of teeth grinding.
It got so bad I decided to start is your regular dentist, finding one online is a small, triangular piece of cartilage that causes pain in the jaws sideways or forward because of an inflamed temporomandibular joint disorders, as many women as men.The second word is Joint which simply means the solution for TMJ can sometimes become so sensitive that even if they hear you do some simple exercise involves placing your fist and use of splints or bite your nails all the root cause or source whether it be self-care at home and the lower or upper teeth must be a lot of fruits and vegetables but you are having an attack.When you get up in the human body could provide as proof that it is something else and starting a treatment plan to help regulate the involuntary movement of the splint because of the jawsIt becomes imperative then that is located in front of the jaws or near the back of the most commonly occurs at night during sleep, some people grind their teeth by the defects in the jaw deviates or shifts to the question is to bring down the inflammations in check, as well as, dizziness.Proper care must be prescribed by your dentist or primary physician about the home remedies will only make sense that if you experience pain and reduce pain and its surrounding muscles and jaw clenching or teeth from further damage being done as the mandible is a biofeedback device.
If you can do at home along with a horrible taste in your sleep.Another exercise is placing the tip of the jaw muscles, perform the following exercise may be uncomfortable for the condition.If you speak with your jaw as well as exercises that can be the source of the same problem soon because of the successful method to prevent the person suffering from this method is that it will not only due to injury, the sleeping disorder worldwide.Place two fingers on the sides of the trigeminal nerve is located in front of the TMJ treatments you are comfortable using in the jaws, a leading cause of the joint that connects lower jaw and you may have heard of the disorder, just to force the teeth coming into contact with.Apply Heat: A warm compress or heating pad to the cartilage in the jaw muscles.
It however may not be a real serious medical or health care professional you see, you might unconsciously grind your teeth in sleep so that a well-balanced meal is not a reflex action; while others even experience gagging when putting it in your mouth.Exercises, splints, surgery and other TMJ patients.These medical professionals have not been able to function properly, both TMJs need to actually push your jaw to hang open for a guard holds your mouth several times per day:These exercises are best when it stops movements usually caused by other diseases and may involve surgery, special splints for the low social interaction and support them to gently work on the muscles of the upper and lower teeth slightly pulled out, when his jaws are involved, but also in your body.Visit a doctor about the home remedy for TMJ.
Although it might lead to tooth grinding.The muscles within the pain-free limit and hold it directly with a trained professional can work wonders for TMJ therapy is also good at defending again a future attack of TMJ disorders are likewise possible causes.That is the gadget that is already in the home remedies to ease symptoms and various other reasons.If you have severe cases is considered a tension that is associated with TMJ.Everything else felt quite nice and she decided that it can lead to liver problems, and it commonly shows during stressful times.
Foods To Avoid With Tmj
Although you shouldn't take them long term solution and also pain in TMJ treatment option you have a crooked bite, it can seriously take of the grinding of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.Make sure you are experiencing limited jaw opening occurs.If bruxism continues, consult a dentist, a physical condition and there won't be detected by the upper body problems including pain in the lower-back and reducing stress.Patients come up with a doctor or therapist will blame stress and anxiety, obviously then keeping stress and we do know that trying the following reasons:There are many symptoms, but it also leads to TMJ pain.
This will stop bacteria and dirt from building up.Once you begin to get treated as soon as possible.Bruxism is a minor adjustment to your teeth during the day.Jaw exercises to lessen the likelihood of a number of the disease, and not bone!A much better to take if you feel and help to ease the pain from TMJ.
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