((I think I'm gonna go on full hiatus. I have 0 interest in maintaining this blog at the moment, and until I feel otherwise, I'm not even going to touch it.))
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Lawful Good: Libra
Neutral Good: Cancer
Chaotic Good: Aries, Gemini
Lawful Neutral: Pisces
True Neutral: Taurus, Virgo
Chaotic Neutral: Leo
Lawful Evil: Capricorn, Aquarius
Neutral Evil: Scorpio
Chaotic Evil: Sagittarius
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Semi-Hiatus (OOC)
Yeah, you read that right. I'm going to be on a semi-hiatus until further notice. The main reason why I'm not calling it a full-blown hiatus is because I feel like that would imply that I'll be totally inactive on it, which could be misleading. Since this is a sideblog, I can still keep up with the shenanigans easily--I just won't be doing it at my usual pace. My reasoning for this boils down to two things, which overlap pretty strongly. The biggest one is burnout. Running this blog requires me to keep track of not only RPs, but also a main story and imaginary game mechanics, all of which tend to border on convoluted. I was expecting this to happen, yet I went ahead and did it, anyway, and sure enough, it's beginning to have an effect on me. If you've been following this blog from its inception, you'll probably understand where I'm coming from. The other reason is a lot more simple and relatable: shifts in interests. After about a year of nonstop obsessing over fictional turtles and Nintendo franchises, I'm honestly sort of feeling stunted creatively. Before a couple of weeks ago, I was happy drawing my favorite Koopas and indulging in a reformed version of my childhood. But lately, I realize I'm kind of short on ideas and inspiration. This I was far more afraid to admit because many of my current friends I met through this mutual interest, and I didn't want to start losing them because of a lack of something in common. As a result, I tried to put on a smile and get hyped like everyone else, but with no new interesting games until next year, it's becoming harder. Plus, thanks to my sister irl, something that was just a secondary interest had slowly become my new current interest. Whether that would stick around for long, it's too early to tell, but since I'm actually starting to draw and even ship again little by little, it has to mean something. Whatever the case, the fact of the matter is my reason for doing the things I enjoy doing have changed. I know I'll never stop being a Nintendo fan--I spend way too much money and time on their stuff--but I do want to move past that and do other things for the sake of my own sanity and creativity. I hope you all understand that, and I'm sorry if I let you down.
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Kurtis said nothing, but nodded in response. As he was taking in the conversation, the waitress approached their table. "Would you like any drinks," she asked, notepad at the ready.
"Tasty Tonic, on the rocks."
"Okey-dokey, and what will you boys be having? Oh, my name's Koopie Koo, by the way. I'll be serving you tonight."
A symbiotic relationship. This is certainly interesting. “That’s incredible,” he responded with a grin. “I bet the two of you have experienced many things together. But I have to ask: if circumstances force you apart, could either of you survive for long?” A pause, then: “Aw, sorry ‘bout my wording there. I must’ve sounded quite morbid. Though the question of your individual competences still stands.”
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INs Flirting
INTP: SO. MANY. WITTY. PUNS. Either that or a solid minute of blushing and stammering.
INFP: “You make my heart blossom like a poetic flower under the incandescent glow of the moon.”
INTJ: Will probably compliment the other person on their intelligence. 
INFJ: *makes long, meaningful eye contact then looks away as if nothing has happened*
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Reblog if you give permission for other characters to:
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Reblog this if..
…You are alright with RPing with a multifandom + multimuse blog!
I am looking for more RP partners!
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For @supersullenrpg for being awesome. Junior wearing his @wacky-war-machine attire~
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Signs in a movie theater
3 drinks and a XXL popcorn: Virgo, Taurus, Sagittarius
Shushing the annoying people: Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio
Soaking up the feels: Cancer, Pisces, Libra
Criticizing the stupidity of the characters: Aquarius, Leo, Gemini
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(Lemmy/Parith) Cue some fighting in the background going on as it seems that an ambush has occurred with the attack of Mektoh's soldiers were coming after this stranger as he was fighting back in defense.
Parith had been occupied by the group of Robo-Bandits and Cyboshis approaching him when he heard the sounds of another battle occuring. After quickly dispatching the mounted units, he turned to find someone attacking the ambushers. Something about the rainbow-colored hair struck him as familiar.
"Master Lemmy," he cried out as he dealt a killing blow to a spear-wielding android about to attack from behind. Fighting side-by-side, he continued the conversation between blows, too focused to notice the difference. "Master Lemmy, what are you doing? You should be back in the airship with Kammy and Master Ludwig. You're always up to some sort of trouble, aren't you?"
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More BJ doodles.
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I wanted to draw kid!Junior for once.
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Larry and Lemmy doodles.
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A symbiotic relationship. This is certainly interesting. "That's incredible," he responded with a grin. "I bet the two of you have experienced many things together. But I have to ask: if circumstances force you apart, could either of you survive for long?" A pause, then: "Aw, sorry 'bout my wording there. I must've sounded quite morbid. Though the question of your individual competences still stands."
With a spin of his cane and a “tally ho”, the Koopa led the boys into a casual-but-upscale restaurant. The place, normally catering to rich families in daylight, was currently occupied by couples and small groups, most of them unrelated by blood. He found them a free table in a far-off corner–his usual spot in most places like this–and as soon as the waiter gave them their menus and left their sight, the conversation resumed.
“According to my source, you two have a special gift about you. Is this true?”
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"Boys, boys! I'm sure you're both special in your own way. There's a use for many things, even if it doesn't seem obvious at first." His eyes on Videl, he asked, "Your brother says your abilities are more technical. Would you mind elaborating?"
With a spin of his cane and a “tally ho”, the Koopa led the boys into a casual-but-upscale restaurant. The place, normally catering to rich families in daylight, was currently occupied by couples and small groups, most of them unrelated by blood. He found them a free table in a far-off corner–his usual spot in most places like this–and as soon as the waiter gave them their menus and left their sight, the conversation resumed.
“According to my source, you two have a special gift about you. Is this true?”
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I want to remind every roleplayer of a few things that we tend to forget far too often.
You don’t have to have good edits to be a good roleplayer.
You don’t have to have small font to be a good roleplayer.
You don’t have to do quick replies to be a good roleplayer.
You don’t have to impress everyone and be popular to be a good roleplayer.
You don’t have to be multi-ship or single-ship to be a good roleplayer.
Roleplay to be happy and write for your love of the character and for your love of writing. In fandoms, you get caught up in popularity and quality. Quality doesn’t come with fancy themes, fonts, paragraphs, words, edits, etc, etc.
It comes with your personality as the mun, your appreciation for the character, your love for your followers and your friendliness as a fellow roleplay partner. So, next time you feel the urge to bow to someone else for their ‘quality,’ just take a moment and think about what you’re doing. You’re just as good as they are.
You have your own style. You have your own way. I love you just as much as I love the ‘quality’ roleplayers, and your most loyal and loving followers will feel the same way. Do your best at all times and that’s all that matters!
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I’m just about all drawn out for the night, so to finish things off, have @askfuturekoopz and @wacky-war-machine Iggies in human form. There’s nothing bad going on between the two (not at the moment anyway), I just wanted to make the pic look cool. XD
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