#the dragneel scrapbook
thenalu · 1 year
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Fairy Tail : 100 Years Quest
Chapter 005
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tokkias · 11 months
sugar, spice, and everything nice ship: natsu dragneel x lucy heartfilia summary: All Lucy had wanted was to do something nice for Natsu, to make something nice for him, show him she cares. Unfortunately for her, that doesn't exactly go to plan when her talents don't exactly lie within a bag of flour and cocoa powder. ao3
happy birthday to @kaleighkarma loml!!! 💛💛💛
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Somewhere in the drawers of her kitchen lay a scrapbook of all of the recipes Lucy had scrounged from recipe books and magazines over the years. Cooking had been a hobby that she had picked up out of necessity when she left home. Though it hadn’t been a skill that came easy to her, it was one that she had refined to the point where she felt her skills to be at the very least slightly above average.
Lucy felt that she had mastered the skill of cooking, but baking… well, baking was different. If cooking was an art, then baking was a science. It was a lot more precise; there was much less leeway and forgiveness when it came to following the recipe. Lucy was known to measure with her heart on occasion, and that wasn’t exactly transferrable to baking (something she had learned the hard way). As such, Lucy didn’t find herself baking too often, but while flicking through the pages of a magazine, she came across a recipe that caught her attention—not for herself but rather for someone she knew would appreciate it much more than she could.
They had been aptly named “inferno brownies”, no doubt because of the absurd amount of spice the recipe called for. They sounded insane—repulsive, even—but she knew Natsu, and she knew that this would be something he needed to try.
She’d ripped the page out and tucked it away for a rainy day, and no less than a week later, Lucy found herself stocking up on the ingredients she lacked at home. Her cupboards were already stocked with spices galore—a consequence of being Natsu’s favourite home cook—but she was sure to pick up a few extras: bittersweet chocolate, cocoa powder, and eggs.
Having each ingredient laid out in front of her shouldn’t have been as intimidating as it was. Really, it was no different from how she prepped her ingredients for cooking, but maybe it was the lingering trauma from her last baking attempt and the accidental omission of baking powder that had left her with a very flat, very sad-looking cake. But she had learned from her mistakes (and this recipe thankfully hadn’t called for any), so she was hopeful that this time around she might come out with better results.
With her oven preheating and her baking pan greased, Lucy got to work melting together her chocolate and butter. She made sure to watch closely, stirring slowly and evenly as the ingredients softened in the heat before melding together into a smooth, glossy mixture.
She didn’t quite have the sweet tooth that her armoured teammate did, and when she did crave sweets, it was often for macarons or pastries, both of which she knew were far beyond her skill range. As such, she didn’t find herself baking that often. The last time she had tried her hand at baking had been for Erza’s birthday, and while everyone had all politely had their slice (and Natsu had not-so-politely eaten the entire rest of the cake), it had been clear that her baking didn’t hold a candle to her cooking.
There was no special occasion this time around. The occasion was just another Monday passing them by. She simply just saw the recipe and knew that she had to make it for Natsu.
She had just imagined the look on his face as she gave them to him, seeing the way his eyes would light up when he caught a whiff of the treats inside. It wouldn’t matter if they turned out well or not—he was a black hole made for food, after all, and he would inhale them whole if she would let him. Just the thought of his bright eyes and toothy smile—the thought of doing something to make him happy—was more than enough reason to get over her culinary fears.
She lifted her spatula out of the saucepan and watched as a smooth river of chocolate flowed off and back into the pan. Glancing over at the recipe, Lucy took the pan off the heat, dragged her finger through the mixture on the spatula, and licked her finger clean.
Putting her dirty utensil to the side, Lucy grabbed her sugars; white and brown, as per the instructions, and poured each into her pan before stirring to incorporate. Watching as the sugar dissolved into the chocolate made her practically salivate. Though she wasn’t much one for sweets (and really, neither was Natsu), she couldn’t help the craving that was beginning to gnaw at her stomach.
The pictures had looked so decadent, so fudgy, that she couldn’t help but want to try the final product, despite the recipe title and her poor spice tolerance. She hoped, at the very least, that Natsu would find that they tasted just as good as those pictures made them look.
Following the instructions to let the mixture cool, Lucy moved on to the next and, thankfully, least daunting part—the dry ingredients. Mixing together the dry ingredients was the easy part. She’d already measured out her ingredients, done by weight this time thanks to some sage advice from Mira, and perhaps the reason why each time she had dipped her toes into baking had ended so poorly. All she had to do now was ensure everything was incorporated before adding to the wet.
That wasn’t so hard, was it?
Carefully, she tipped each of her ingredients into the bowl, forming a mountain of flour, cocoa powder, and salt before she reached out for the ingredient that had drawn her to the recipe in the first place—chili powder.
Cinnamon, cayenne pepper, perhaps she could have understood—but chili powder? She couldn’t understand how putting that in a browenie could be appealing to anyone but a certain dragon slayer. Even the slightest amount of the stuff made her mouth burn, but Natsu could practically inhale it, so she always ensured to stay stocked up for just that reason.
She flicked open the cap and held her measuring spoon over the bowl before gently tipping the bottle so a soft stream of powder came pouring out into her spoon.
That was her cardinal mistake.
Before she could even comprehend what had happened, the lid of her chili powder fell off the bottle and into the mixture, taking the rest of the contents of the bottle with it, and all Lucy could do was stand and watch in abject horror.
The recipe called for a teaspoon. She had intended to double it for Natsu.
Somehow, she ended up putting half a bottle in there.
She stood slack jawed and stared at the mess she had made. The absolute mountain of red powder stared back at her, mocking her as it stood glaringly obvious against the white and brown of the rest of the bowl.
She sucked in a breath to try and stop the panic that was threatening with the shake of her hands.
It would be fine—she could just dig out the cap and scrape most of it off the top, right?
Steeling her nerves, Lucy dug into the bowl in search of the lid, trying not to grimace as she watched more of the spice incorporate with the flour and cocoa powder. Once she found the bright red cap back in her possession, she placed it on the kitchen counter next to her before grabbing her spoon and trying to salvage as much as she could by scraping off the top.
Though she managed to save a few spoons worth, dumping it back into the container, much of it still managed to incorporate into the mixture to the point where she couldn’t separate it from the ingredients underneath.
She wasn’t sure how much had made it in there, but she was sure that it was far more than even her doubled measurement called for.
With a heavy sigh, Lucy held her head in her hands and let her elbows fall onto the counter with a thunk in her grief.
Should she cut her losses and start from scratch? She had plenty of cocoa powder left, but she wasn’t certain that the amount of flour that remained would be sufficient to make another batch, and it would be such a shame to let it all go to waste.
With a dreary expression, Lucy looked over at the bowl and began to weigh her options.
Natsu wouldn’t mind, would he? He’d probably enjoy it, if anything.
If there was anyone who wanted half a bottle of chili powder in their baked goods, it was probably Natsu.
Of course, this was just the universe doing her a favour. Her poor decision to not measure out the spice beforehand was a happy accident, and she certainly wasn’t being delusional about this at all.
With newfound confidence, Lucy grabbed her whisk and began to incorporate the ingredients with intention this time. As she stirred, the bright red of the chili powder disappeared into the dark brown of the cocoa, and at least for now, she could pretend the whole problem didn’t exist for now, at least.
Once her dry ingredients were incorporated and her chocolate mixture had cooled, Lucy cracked her eggs into the chocolate, ensuring she didn’t accidentally get any shell (of which she was less certain that Natsu would be okay with), before adding the vanilla and whisking together. She revelled in the scent of vanilla as she reached for her dry ingredients and carefully tipped them in with her wet, though she scrunched her nose slightly as particles of chili powder wafted into the air.
As she mixed the ingredients together into a thick batter, she found herself surprised by just how… normal it looked. Had she not been there for the incident itself, Lucy might not have known that there was a stupid amount of chili powder in it.
It gave her some sense of hope that maybe these could turn out like normal brownies, that the cocoa and the vanilla would equalise out to make it just a normal brownie with a slight kick.
The batter went into her greased pan, and her greased pan went into the oven, and now all she could do was wait.
Given her previous experience with baking, she watched the oven like a hawk. The recipe said it would take 40 to 45 minutes, which, in Lucy’s uneducated opinion, sounded like far too long, and she lived in fear that she would burn the damn things. She had already worried enough that she’d screwed things up; she didn’t want to let them char to a crisp as well.
To be honest, even though she had tried to stay self-assured, Lucy wasn’t entirely sure this whole process would be worth it in the end. She had just wanted to do something nice for Natsu, to show him she cared, but maybe there had been better ways to do that. Perhaps she should have stuck to cooking where she was comfortable, where she knew exactly what he liked, even if it was a little predictable.
With a sigh, she tried to push those doubts to the back of her head and find something to occupy herself while she waited.
The sound of the oven timer rang out just as Lucy made it to the end of the chapter, and she quickly placed her book to the side as she rushed to the kitchen to check on her work.
Throwing on her oven mitts, she opened the door, pulled the pan out, and placed it on the countertop. As it turned out, Lucy had no reason to doubt her recipe, as they came out a perfect, rich brown with no signs of charring. The surface was perfectly crackled on top with a glossy sheen, just like in the picture.
She almost couldn’t believe it.
Even after cutting them up, the inside looked just as fudgy and tender as it looked in the recipe.
They just looked like normal brownies, and Lucy would call that a success.
She didn’t bother to hold back the cry of excitement she let out in celebration. After all of her past attempts were thwarted, she had finally conquered her biggest fear in the kitchen! She had followed all the instructions, and she had created something that looked the way it should, and now all that was left was to make sure it tasted as such too.
Picking out a piece from the middle, Lucy brought it up to her lips and took a bite, utterly unprepared for what she was about to experience.
If inferno brownie had been an appropriate name for this recipe when it had a reasonable amount of spice in it, then Lucy was entirely unsure what an apt name for her variation of it was.
She coughed and sputtered at the horrible taste, her face scrunching up in disgust as she tried to keep it down. Her face was growing red, as was the heat in her mouth.
How the hell did Natsu eat fire when too much chili powder tasted this bad?
She knew her spice tolerance was low, but right now she genuinely felt like she was going to die.
Tears were beginning to well up in her eyes from the spice gnawing at her mouth, and she stumbled around the kitchen to find herself something—anything—to ease her pain.
She pulled a glass off the shelf and frantically filled it with water until it nearly overflowed. She drank so voraciously that a good few mouthfuls of water didn’t even make it into her mouth, dribbling down to her shirt instead. At that point, she was well beyond caring about trivial things like that.
She’d been in the depths of combat alongside Natsu; she had felt his flames lick her body, her skin had sizzled and burned against his own.
This somehow felt worse than that.
Her tongue was beginning to grow numb from the pain, and she had to wipe away the snot that was beginning to drip down her face. How this experience could be enjoyable to anyone was beyond her.
With another pitiful sniff, Lucy tossed her half-eaten treat straight into the garbage. Bringing her hand up to her face, she wiped away the tears that stained her cheeks, no longer certain if they were from the pain from the brownies or the pain of knowing she had failed to meet her culinary expectations once again.
She knew it was dramatic, but she just couldn’t help it. It was never good to fail, but it was even worse knowing that this failure was supposed to be a gift, something that would make her best friend happy, and instead she had created an absolute abomination that she was certain was going to taint that baking pan forever.
She barely held back a sob as she removed the brownies from the pan and placed them in the little cellophane bag she had prepared for them.
They looked so unassuming stacked in there, tied up nice and neat with her pretty red ribbon. They looked like normal brownies, not at all like the atrocity they were.
She couldn’t give this to him.
She knew he would smile and play along to make her feel better, because that’s what Natsu did—he wouldn’t want to see her sad, even if it meant eating perhaps her worst baking attempt yet, but that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted to do something to make him smile—really, truly, genuinely—not out of obligation, not because he felt he had to, but because what she had done had made him happy.
She feared that this would not be it.
Rather than gifting it to him, they would instead stay hidden away in her kitchen as her deepest shame.
When the pair arrived home to Lucy’s apartment post-job, Natsu had unsurprisingly made a b-line for the kitchen. Having learned that this was simply a part of being best friends with the most insatiable man in Magnolia, Lucy did not protest. Her home had long been stocked with every snack of his preference for days like these, her couch having not seen a crumb-free day since the day he first walked through her door.
She tossed her own bag over the back of her chair as she heard her partner rummage through her food.
“Hey Lucy,” he called out to her. “What are these?”
Poking her head into the kitchen, Lucy’s heart dropped slightly as she realised that she had left her “gift” right on her countertop and were now in Natsu’s grubby little hands.
“They’re brownies,” she replied, a little apprehensive but not seeing no reason to lie about something so obvious.
“Where’d you get ‘em from?”
“I made them,” she sheepishly confessed.
“What for?” He asked, examining the intricate bow she had tied around the bag.
“For you.”
His attention flicked from the brownies to her, brows raised in surprise.
“Yeah, I- I wanted to do something nice for you, but I didn’t give them to you because they’re-” She paused in search of perhaps a more delicate and less self-deprecating word to describe them, but ultimately there was only one word befitting of what she had created. “Bad.”
“What? You’re great at baking, though,” he shot back, genuine confusion in his voice.
Lucy let out an amused scoff at his declaration. Sure, Natsu was a black hole for food, but even he could admit that this was not something she exactly excelled at.
“I’m serious,” he doubled down. “‘Sides, it doesn’t matter if they’re good—you didn’t have to make anything for me, but you baked me brownies. That’s the coolest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
He hadn’t even tried them yet, but he was beaming down at her like she herself had put the sun in the sky. Maybe she had failed in her baking attempt, but she certainly hadn’t failed in achieving what she set out to. He looked so happy that it almost made her heart hurt, looking at her with that bright, sunny Natsu smile.
Without the words to convey how she felt, instead, she practically threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his chest and burying her face in his shirt. In turn, Natsu wrapped his own around her, squeezing her just a little too tight, but she didn’t have it in herself to mind.
It wasn’t until she realised that Natsu was the one waiting for her to pull away that she finally released her grip and stepped away. Looking up at him, he still had that same smile on his face that almost made her forget all her woes entirely.
“Enough of the sappy shit; I wanna try one!” He grinned.
“No! Don’t!” She cried, suddenly remembering why she hadn’t given it to him in the first place.
“Why not?” He asked, brows furrowed in confusion.
Lucy let out a soft sigh as she realised that she was going to have to recount the shameful story that got her into this situation in the first place.
“I kind of maybe put too much chili powder in there…” She said, her voice practically a mumble, but not going unheard by Natsu’s keen hearing.
“You always say that, but you never put in enough,” Natsu dismissed with a shrug.
“No, I’m serious,” she warned. “They’ll be too hot.”
Her warnings remained unheeded as Natsu pulled on the tail of the ribbon, unravelling it and opening the bag.
“Natsuuuu,” Lucy whined in a last-ditch effort to keep him from eating her greatest shame as a baker.
That did not stop him from pulling a piece out and shoving it in his mouth whole.
Lucy grimaced as she watched him eat the whole thing, fearing for his poor reaction, but it never came. She cautiously examined his face for any slight indication of what he thought, but his expression remained entirely inscrutable. At the very least, it was reassuring that he hadn’t spat the damn things out immediately, but the nervous shake in her hand failed to cease.
“Lucy, are you kiddin’?” He asked, though her heart was still racing as her eyebrows rose at his vague response. “These are incredible!”
“They’re the best brownies I’ve ever had!”
“But, I-” She stammered around her words for a moment as she struggled to comprehend what exactly he could enjoy about them. She knew he was a spice guy, but she really thought that was pushing it. “There’s half a bottle of chili powder in there!”
Natsu simply cocked his head to the side slightly, as if to say, So?
“Did you hit your head or something? Is that why you’re acting all weird?”
“I’m not the weird one here!” She exclaimed.
Those brownies had single-handedly left her tongue and mouth completely numb for hours on end, tears streaming down her face as she experienced some of the worst bodily sensations of her life, and yet here Natsu stood, unaffected, enjoying them.
“You really mean it? You’re not just saying that to spare my feelings?” She asked.
“‘Course not, I wouldn’t just say somethin’ I didn’t mean,” Natsu replied.
She knew she shouldn’t ever doubt his words—Natsu was earnest; he wouldn’t lie straight to her face like that—but it was just a little difficult to believe when the brownies were just so terrible. And yet he still stood before her, unaffected by her wretched creation, smiling.
After all, wasn’t that exactly what she had been hoping for all along?
All the grief and stress she had felt completely melted away, making it truly and wholly worth it to see Natsu be so happy.
There wasn’t a lot she wouldn’t do if it meant making Natsu smile. She supposed
She returned his smile with a gentle one of her own, hoping her expression would get across the soft fondness she felt for him and only him in a way that words could not adequately convey. Based on the way he threw his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side, where she nestled perfectly against him, she could confidently assume he understood.
Though Lucy felt that she had a particular way with words, sometimes they never felt like enough. For moments like that, all she could do was hope that her actions would carry her feelings across as she let her head rest gently on his shoulder.
“Ya want one?” He offered, looking down at her, grin still plastered across his face, though this time she wasn’t too sure if it was in earnest or if he was just messing with her.
Unimpressed (and mildly repulsed) by his offer, Lucy shook her head, her face scrunched up in disgust as she recalled the numbing sensation in her mouth the first time she tried one.
“No thanks,” she grimaced. “They’re all yours.”
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sidusgladii · 5 months
FT Next Gen Masterlist
Below is my masterlist of my Fairy Tail Next Generation characters + headcanons! Sorry for the wait @noodlelove3000 !
Orsa Redfox
She is 21 years old (Virgo).
Magic: Requip Magic, Scripture Magic
Likes: abandoned buildings, humming.
Hobbies: exploring, practicing guitar skills.
Has a serious or stern personality.
Is polite and respectful.
A slight germaphobe.
She can be described as “cute” and “intimidating”.
She is five feet and three inches tall (or about 160 centimeters).
An S-Class mage.
Unintentionally insensitive.
Not a fan of household pets, but finds an interest in wild animals.
Owns a bunch of stuffed animals.
She refuses to take responsibility for something she was, indirectly, tasked to do.
Piercings: Earlobes, Left Double Helix, Right Orbital, Right Daith, Vertical Labret, and Double Cheek Dermal.
Guildmark Location: Left Shoulder (Orange).
Timur Redfox
He is 21 years old (Virgo)
Magic: Transformation Magic, Matter Manipulation
Likes: nature, anti-jokes.
Hobbies: reading, sculpting.
Timur is pansexual (attracted to anyone regardless of gender identity).
Unintentionally insensitive.
Tries to be responsible, and is responsible! He tends to be overbearing at times.
An amazing singing and instrumental talent.
He claims to have no dignity left in his body and soul, so he is shameless in many ways.
He was born with sharp canines.
Piercings: Vertical Left Eyebrow, Bridge, Septum, Smiley, Snake Bites, Belly Button, and Triple Earlobes.
The sight of blood fuels his determination to defeat an opponent. He turns into a different person.
He draws and writes on his bedroom walls (not in an aesthetic way, like a maniac).
Guildmark Location: Right Shoulder Blade (Blue).
Kieron Fullbuster
He is 19 years old (Sagittarius).
Magic: Water Body, Matter Make
Likes: trying new recipes, sunshine.
Hobbies: baking, star-gazing.
His love languages are Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation.
Being possessive is not something he wants to be, so he works on himself for the betterment of his loved ones.
Warm weather > cold weather.
Time seems to drag longer than it used to. Kieron isn't sure why.
SUPER ticklish!
Low pain tolerance.
He cares for his little sister and prides himself on being an older brother.
Only uses unscented lotions and body soap to maintain his soft and sensitive skin.
Guildmark Location: Left Pectoral (Green).
Raev Fullbuster
She is 12 years old (Aquarius).
Magic: None.
Likes: cold weather, dancing.
Hobbies: people watching, crafting.
Raev is the most respectful child in Fairy Tail.
Her love language is Acts of Service.
She likes to have small talk with strangers (without weirdo vibes).
Juvia, her mother, has had the biggest impact on her life and view on the world that surrounds her.
Sees no real need or motivation to learn magic. She prefers to stay out of danger or risks.
Raev sleeps with a Rain Doll that her father, crudely, made her as a toddler.
Pet Peeve: loud or obnoxious mouth sounds.
Guildmark Location: Right Hand (Blue).
Kay Fernandes
She is 18 years old (Cancer).
Magic: Telekinetic Weaponary, Enchant Magic
Likes: fashion, journaling.
Hobbies: scrapbooking, playing cards.
Super sweet, but also a hardass.
She knows her worth.
LOVES silence or quiet time.
Inherited her mother’s glare.
She braids her hair for a simple go-to hairstyle.
An S-Class mage.
Kay is lesbian (attracted to non-men).
Her favorite memory is when she “won” a “battle” against her mother and father as a young child. It motivated her to become a great mage.
The water fountain in the center of Magnolia is her happy place!
A garden with a variety of flowers, and the occasional edible fruit or vegetable, is in plan after hearing it would make Chimera visit her more often.
HORRIBLE handwriting. Kay tries her best.
Guildmark Location: Right Shoulder (Dark Purple).
Lunaria Dragneel
She is 17 years old (Capricorn).
Magic: Celestial Fire
Likes: sweets, shiny items.
Hobbies: treasure hunting, sparing.
She sleeps in the starfish position (ever since she was a baby).
A ring of pure gold and jewel accents belonging to her grandfather, Jude, was sold by Lunaria after learning of the mistreatment her mother faced from him.
The attention she receives during her birthday makes her feel conceited and uncomfortable.
Her favorite book is the first, award winning, book her mother wrote.
Her speech is clear and sweet to the ear, despite the foul language she, often, uses.
While her father is on missions, she is an innocent angel with the guild; however, when her mother is away, she is a true carbon copy of her father.
She has stolen the prized crown of Fiore once for a quick ego boost (it did not end well for her).
Guildmark Location: Right Hand (Red).
Ilyana Dreyar
She is 18 years old (Gemini).
Magic: Energy Manipulation
Likes: games, collecting crystals.
Hobbies: hiking, drawing.
Daddy’s Girl.
Socially awkward.
She either doesn’t speak or rambles.
Labeled as a “dumb blonde” (and she DEFINITELY is not).
She plays dumb when convenient (and it works).
Her hairstyle intentionally has “horns” and a “halo”.
Ilyana has a big, fat crush on Timur. She does her best to hide it (and fails).
Such a pretty doll when outside, an average young adult inside her home.
The relationship with her parents is a bit strained since her true colors are shown with them and not others. Her outbursts and mood swings worry her parents.
Any emotionally charged image or video WILL make her cry and sob.
After her great-grandfather's death, Makarov, she felt the pain and anguish her father felt.
She does not know she has a grandfather. Laxus plans on keeping it that way.
Guildmark Location: Left Shoulder Blade (Black).
Viktor Dreyar
He is 13 years old (Leo).
Magic: Healing Magic
Likes: spreading rumors, organizing.
Hobbies: socializing, basketball.
He is much taller than your average pre-teen.
Viktor does know he has a grandfather, yet has no interest in learning more of him. Laxus does not know this.
His favorite holiday is Valentine's Day, because of all the drama and breakups that occur (free entertainment).
His attention has gradually been more fixated on his guildmate and best friend, Lianne.
Tomi, a young bulldog, is his pet. Viktor would risk his life for Tomi.
Surprisingly, or maybe unsurprisingly, his room is the neatest of the FT Next Gen.
The veins in his body are vibrant and clearly shown on his skin. He was teased for it during grade school.
Guildmark Location: Right Forearm (Brown).
Chimera Strauss
She was born during the Fall, but her favorite season is Spring (despite being allergic to pollen).
Horrified and entranced by the ocean.
Cares about the environment and cringes when someone litters.
Her mother brags that Chimera got her charm and looks from her, meanwhile, her father insists that Chimera got her strength from him.
She loved playing pretend and dressing up with Ilyana when they were kids.
Her bad habit is picking the dead skin off the sides of her nails.
Mourning doves are her favorite animal.
She wears reading glasses when needed.
She is 17 years old (Libra)
Magic: Aera, The Golden Giant
Likes: fruits and berries, stuffed toys.
Hobbies: working out, gardening.
Can be nasty and mean if provoked.
She finds a lot of things cute.
People like to look at her.
She can be described as “the epitome of beauty and grace”.
She is an S-Class mage.
Chimera is bisexual (attracted to two or more gender identities).
Guildmark Location: Right Thigh (White).
Not the sharpest tool in the shed, but is an excellent liar excuse maker.
Uses spare time to play with makeup or apply it to her brothers, organizing her jewelry, or appreciating scenic views.
Bonds with her mother by going on mommy-daughter trips.
She HATES finding hair on her tongue and starts to gag and cough for a good while.
She never bickers with her brothers, but does put her foot down when necessary.
Uses fruity scented perfumes.
She also hates animal print fabric and leather items.
She is 16 years old (Aries).
Magic: Mind Control, Telekinesis
Likes: fireflies, playing with makeup.
Hobbies: meditating, cooking.
TOO sweet.
She wishes the best for her enemies.
Can be vain.
She looks at the bright side of things.
Inherited a goddess-like nose (hooked).
Deidre has multiple mirrors in her room
She is AroAce (little to no romantic or sexual attraction).
Guildmark Location: Tongue (Light Blue).
Nasty attitude and softens after a good while of knowing someone (tsundere).
When nervous he bounces his leg and pinches his skin.
Most would state Giacomo has a "punk soul".
He is a stereotypical, moody teenager.
He is so so nosy observant and notes what people do.
Never takes advice from others and regrets it.
Does not like smiling or even being in pictures, but is in them for his parents' sake.
He respects the entities he communicates or interacts with.
He is 15 years old (Scorpio).
Magic: Entity Communication, Possession
Likes: wind chimes, soap operas.
Hobbies: being nosy observing, sleeping.
A severe case of resting bitch face.
He has the same nose as his father (a hooked nose).
He does love his family and Fairy Tail.
Giacomo gets along well with his siblings and cousins, especially Perkeo.
He has a crush on Aneira, but will not admit it.
Guildmark Location: Right Hip (Black).
He is quite the happy and chipper child!
He loves to mess with his father by misplacing items or trying to trick him into doing a chore that Perkeo did not want to do.
100% a Mama's Boy.
He is the "baby" of Fairy Tail, for now, and he relishes every second of it.
He sleeps in a fetal position or on his back (like a mummy).
He never swears in front of his parents.
Has a lisp.
He is 12 years old (Pisces).
Magic: Mimicry
Likes: horror, antique items.
Hobbies: collecting stickers, doing math.
He has a crush on Raev.
Guildmark Location: Right Side of Neck (Dark Blue).
He somehow knows every rumor, piece of gossip, and new information before anyone else.
His dreams often lead him to the truth or best ending of a situation.
Socially awkward.
His parents encourage him to be himself.
Does not have close friends, or so he thinks, but he manages to get along with everyone.
Physical touch makes him uncomfortable.
He somehow sees the strangest moments occur within and outside the guild and no one believes him.
He is 17 years old (Cancer).
Magic: Telepathy, Sensory Manipulation
Likes: small spaces, taxidermy.
Hobbies: caring for his insects, collecting insect models.
Keeps to himself.
His love for bugs started as a child.
He deals with constant bed-head.
He works out with his father.
A generally anxious person.
Guildmark Location: Middle of Back (Red).
Lianne Groh
She isn't much of a drinker like her parents. She prefers water or pink lemonade over beer.
She has her grandfather's ex-metal arm in her room, which she stole after Guildarts was given a newer, better arm.
She is calm now, but as a toddler she was trouble at home and in school.
Her room and closet are disorganized enough that she finds items she believed she lost MONTHS later.
For comfort, she goes to her parents (who are emotionally present).
Her first memory is celebrating her fourth birthday surrounded by loved ones.
She is 13 years old (Taurus).
Magic: Trick Items, Reverse Magic
Likes: water, switchblades.
Hobbies: re-organizing her room, going out.
Guildmark Location: Left Ankle (Red).
Aneira Vastia
She is gullible.
Her head is, often, in the clouds.
Speaks three languages: Japanese, English, and Latin.
She is dubbed the most intelligent in her guild (Lamia Scale).
The ability to be evil is in her and no one wants to provoke her.
She does not like being called a liar or dishonest.
Her voice is squeaky and gentle.
Sees Gray Fullbuster like her uncle.
She smells like spearmint.
She is 17 years old.
Magic: Environmental Control, Ice Make
Likes: coffee, ice cream.
Hobbies: learning languages, daydreaming.
Aneira sees past Giacomo’s tough exterior and finds him attractive.
She is in Lamia Scale.
Guildmark Location: Left Hip (Dark Green).
Tiffany Lates
Such a cunt.
She is 17 years old (Aquarius).
Magic: None.
Likes: photography, work.
Hobbies: hosting photoshoots, competitive eating.
She has a romantic interest in Barnard.
Takes candid photos of her guild members, and other mages, to sell them to Sorcerer Weekly.
Math is not her strong suit, but somehow memorized multiple mathematical formulas.
She is in Blue Pegasus.
Guildmark Location: Right Pectoral (Pink).
Gaur Cheney
He is 14 years old (Scorpio).
Magic: Palm Magic
Likes: butterflies, music boxes.
Hobbies: practicing tarot, exercising.
Small talk, awkward conversations, and uncomfortable silences are what he dislikes about public gatherings.
He maintains his long, natural nails with manicures.
He is in Sabertooth.
Guildmark Location: Left Arm (White).
Eris Eucliffe
Not emo.
She is 13 years old (Leo).
Magic: Solid Script, Doll Attack
Likes: poetry, dinosaurs.
Hobbies: baseball, origami.
Skin care is important to her, so she does what she can to maintain a healthy glow.
Red is her least favorite color (unless it's the shade of red Gaur’s eyes are).
She is in Sabertooth.
Guildmark Location: Right Forearm (Dark Blue).
Gajeel dubbed his children the “Trouble Twins”.
Orsa and Timur sleep with a sleep mask on.
Viktor and Ilyana play video games together (and encourage their parents to join in).
Chimera noted her feelings for Kay before Kay came to the realization of how she felt about Chimera.
Ilyana and Barnard are besties despite not interacting too much; what is awkward silence to others, is comfortable silence with each other.
Ilyana and Tiffany can not stand each other. Tiffany tries to embarrass Ilyana when she can, but fails every time. Ilyana strains a smile when she has to interact with Tiffany.
Nashira and Timur often spar. Sieron watches them from a distance, rooting for Nashira.
Deidre, Chimera, and Ilyana enjoy having sleepovers and talk about their personal lives. It’s a manner of coping and venting about whatever is troubling them.
Laxus is in denial about Ilyana having a crush on Timur, so he often sends Timur away on important missions to keep him away.
Erza worries about her daughter pushing herself too much for the sake of living up to her “Fairy Princess” name. Jellal has similar concerns, but trusts that Kay can come to her senses when necessary, and if not, he will talk and guide her to inner peace.
Natsu loves his daughter to death and has coddled her a bit too much in the past, which led to Lunaria being bratty till she was humbled by Orsa and Chimera (multiple times).
The Redfox twins see Lucy and Juvia like their second mothers, while Pantherlily is seen as their gentle and trustworthy uncle. Jet and Droy are strange, yet kind, family friends.
Milianna has babysat Kay in the past. Kay would be elated whenever Milianna came over to watch over her. Milianna considers Kay dear to her and will protect her no matter the circumstance.
Gaur and Eris are good friends with Viktor, so much so that Viktor shares intel about Fairy Tail without realizing that information should not be shared (and vice versa).
Erik (Cobra) and Kinana love their son, so they show their love through leniency and giving Barnard a lot of freedom, which he doesn’t use much.
Lianne spends her time with her mother at Fairy Tail, but occasionally visits her father in Quarto Cerberus.
Happy tries to be wise with Lunaria, but it is not in his nature, so he ends up encouraging risky behavior.
Timur and Lunaria shared their first kiss with each other (accidental). No one knows about this kiss...yet.
I will come up with more headcanons! Please give me time to think of more OR please share your ideas with me!
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superfreakerz · 5 years
TDS 13
“The Dragneel Scrapbook”
Rated M for smut.
Summary: They’ve loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family life.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
Art by @ccrispy :D she says she doesn't like this drawing because it was rushed since she's been busy but it's awesome sooo ;)
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Chapter 13
Babysitter Pt. 2
"We have to go home right now," Lucy said the moment they left the restaurant.
"I'm sure everything will be fine!" Natsu replied, trying to calm his frantic wife. "Gray can handle it. And Happy will be there to help too!"
"No, Happy is spending the night with Wendy and Charle, remember? It's just Gray."
"Well he has the rest of the guild to help him!" Natsu grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks. He brought a smile to his face, hoping it would ease her mind. "Look, I trust Gray. You do too, right? So let's just go back to the hotel and I'll start a bath for you."
"What happened to you not wanting to leave Nashi either?"
"Yeah, it was hard at first. But now that I'm out, I'm glad we left! We have the whole day to ourselves, Luce! No changing diapers, no screaming children, just us! Let's enjoy it and then spoil the hell out of Nashi when we get home!"
Lucy took a deep breath before smiling at him. "You're the only one that spoils her."
"Oh please," Natsu replied, nudging her. "I can already tell you're gonna buy her a shit ton of expensive clothes when she's older."
"Yeah, with your money. So you better get to work once we get home."
"Which will be tomorrow, right? Not tonight?"
Lucy nodded. "Yeah. We can do this. It's just one night! Gray probably has everything under control."
"Shit, shit, shit," Gray muttered as he held Nashi in one of his arms while he tugged on his hair with his other hand. It had been a straight hour of nonstop crying. He tried everything to calm Nashi down. He rocked her in his arms, which had done nothing. He tried giving her some milk, which she pushed away with her surprisingly strong, tiny hands. He even tried singing her a lullaby- and everyone knows Gray Fullbuster does not sing.
"Why are your parents such idiots?" Gray mumbled. "'Oh, there's a note, Gray! It'll tell you everything you need to know!' Yeah, as if. Where's the damn note, huh Lucy!?"
Gray needed to figure out something soon, lest his ears start bleeding. Nashi was just as loud as her mother back when she was pregnant. It must've ran in the Heartfilia blood.
Settling the wailing baby in her crib, Gray winced as she started to cry even louder- which he didn't even know was possible. He tried everything that normal parents did, it was time to bring some magic into this.
Holding his hands above the crib, he created a Happy-shaped ice cube, which was Lucy's favorite to munch on during her pregnancy. Nashi's eyes widened, her mouth forming a tiny 'o' as she watched in awe. The air around the ice was cold, visible. Tiny specks of ice sparkled underneath the light as they fell slowly like leaves in the wind.
Gray stifled a sigh of relief, not wanting to jinx his good luck. He had finally managed to get Nashi to stop crying, he couldn't lose that now. So, he created more ice, changing the shape. He went with flowers, the other exceeds of the guild, and even recreated ice versions of Natsu and Lucy, which he could've sworn Nashi recognized by the way she held her hand out towards them.
"You know, this ain't so bad," Gray said, a lazy grin spread over his face as he entertained Nashi. Still, he knew one thing for sure now.
He could wait a little longer before having kids.
Lucy and Natsu stumbled into the hotel room, the latter shutting the door closed behind them. Their hands moved quickly, exploring the other's bodies. Lucy's hands splayed against Natsu's chest, leaning into him and causing him to stumble back against the door. Her lips locked with his.
"I've been waiting to do this all day," Natsu said, his breath hot against her neck before he helped himself to her flesh.
"Me too," Lucy replied, her voice airy and light, her eyes rolling back in her head as his lips worked wonders on her.
With Nashi crying through the night most of the time, the two rarely had time to indulge themselves. But now, they were finally alone and able to do whatever they wanted.
Natsu's hand traveled underneath her shirt, his thumb smoothing over her nipple, which was only covered in a thin lacy bra. He pulled away, a smirk on his face.
"You're wearin' my favorite bra of yours, aren't you?" he asked. He could tell just by the feel of it.
Lucy smiled coyly at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing him closer. "Not just the bra."
His eyes flickered down to her skirt. His hand moved to take it off when she grabbed his wrist.
"Nope. Not yet," she said. "You have to earn it first."
Natsu grinned, crashing his lips against her neck again. His hands latched onto her hips, squeezing the plentiful flesh. He'd always loved Lucy's curves. Trailing butterfly kisses down her neck and onto her shoulder, he moved his hands up to her breasts. Squeezing the mounds, he felt himself growing beneath his pants.
Lucy smirked as she felt something hard prodding her thigh.
"That was fast," she teased.
"Shut up," Natsu replied. He pulled away from her and tore off her shirt, leaving her in her red, lacy bra. His eyes were trained on her breasts, so voluptuous that they barely fit in the measly piece of cloth. With eager hands, he massaged the soft skin, watching as her nipples grew erect under the thin fabric.
His warm mouth covered one of her hardened nubs while he ran his thumb over the other. Even through the lace, Lucy squirmed from the touch. Her hands wound up in his hair, tugging on it as she needed to do something with her hands.
Natsu slid his unoccupied hand over her bum, squeezing it before trailing it up her back. Skillfully, he unhooked her bra with one hand. Tugging on the fabric, he pulled it off with ease, leaving her chest exposed.
Hoisting her up by her thighs, he carried her to the bed, dropping her onto it. He watched as her breasts bounced from the action, stirring a wild hunger within him. He grabbed the hem of her skirt, giving her a mischievous grin.
"I think I've earned it now," he said before tugging it off of her. Just as she said before, she was wearing his favorite underwear of hers. It was small and red, made up of see-through lace. The borders were outlined in black lace as well. His two favorite colors.
Taking off his pants, Natsu positioned himself over her, allowing his cock to rub against her underwear. Even through the material, he could feel how wet she was and couldn't wait to feel all of it. A shaky breath slipped past his lips as Lucy's legs hooked around him, pushing his length harder against her.
He grinded against her, the friction causing his gut to tighten in his resolve to wait it out as long as he could. Not having been able to pleasure himself in a while, he knew that he would finish soon if he didn't control himself.
Lucy's hands splayed against Natsu's biceps, loving the feel of his muscles. His cock was warm against her, the friction alone bringing her close to climax.
"N-Natsu," she breathed out. "I'm already close."
He stopped his movements but didn't pull away from her. "How do you want it?"
Lucy tapped his lips, giving him the answer he needed. With an eager grin, Natsu repositioned himself, leaving butterfly kisses down her body until he landed at her underwear. In the blink of an eye, he tore off the fabric, leaving her naked.
He took a moment to admire her bare body. Her face was flushed with heat, strands of her golden hair plastered to her face with sweat. Red splotches covered her neck, signs that he had left his mark on her. Her large breasts led way to the curve of her hips, which he loved to run his hands along. Her belly still had a small pocket of fat and stretch marks, the effects of bearing his child.
"You're beautiful, Lucy," he whispered, his voice laced with adoration.
"Prove it," she replied, her lips tugged into a coy smile.
Natsu nodded, not needing to be told twice. His mouth left kisses along her thighs before landing on her clit. He sucked on her flesh lightly, amused when he heard a sharp intake of breath coming from Lucy. Her hands landed in his hair, tugging on it.
He continued to suck on her folds, knowing that it drove Lucy crazy. He could hear her breaths getting louder and louder. His tongue darted out, sliding against her lips and eliciting a whimper from the girl. He licked her clit, his ministrations slow and steady.
A moan slipped past Lucy's lips as Natsu's tongue grazed her entrance. Finally, it delved deep within her, moving in circles.
"Oh god," she breathed out, her hands tightening on his hair. "It f-feels so good, Natsu."
"Oh yeah?" he replied, a smug grin on his face before he continued pleasuring her. He enjoyed hearing her moan, and he especially loved hearing her scream his name.
He shoved his tongue as far as it could within her, exploring every inch of her. He pushed his tongue in and out of her, picking up speed. He could tell that she was nearing her climax by the way her breaths grew quicker and louder.
Pulling out his tongue, he flicked it over her clit, skillfully moving his tongue quickly against her. Lucy moaned, rolling her hips and grinding against his face.
Lucy grabbed his head, pulling him harder against her as she grinded against him. She could feel his warm tongue glazing over every inch of her. His lips sucked at her flesh, tugging on her clit. Pleasure built up within the pit of her stomach, her toes curling until finally, ripples of ecstasy washed over her. Her body shattered against him as she screamed his name.
Natsu didn't stop there. He continued to pump his tongue in and out of her while using his finger to massage her clit. Every breath Lucy released was more like a moan. Only once her legs fell limp at his sides, he withdrew. Lifting his head, he smiled at her.
"Well?" he asked. "Sounds like you had a good time, Luce."
"Shut up," she replied between pants. Her face was red with heat.
Natsu chuckled, moving beside her and brushing some of her hair out of her face. He watched her chest rise and fall as she panted, still trying to catch her breath. He trailed a finger over her stomach, tracing her stretchmarks.
"You know it drives me crazy when you keep going after I finish," Lucy said, drawing his attention.
"I know," he replied, his lips curling into a smug grin. "That's why I do it."
"You're evil."
"Don't act like you don't love it."
Lucy pushed him onto his back, mirroring his expression. "Well, time to return the favor then."
She moved down the bed, positioning herself between his legs. She eyed his cock, admiring its length before wrapping a hand around his shaft. She pumped up and down, slow but hard. She stretched his skin, enjoying the velvety feel against her hand.
She watched as Natsu released a shaky breath and closed his eyes. She picked up the pace, jerking him harshly. She knew he loved when she pulled on him hard.
She could feel the vein on his shaft bulging out. Her thumb grazed his head, pushing on it as she pumped up and down.
Natsu inhaled sharply. He knew he was reaching his climax already. It had been a while since they indulged each other, he couldn't help it!
Lucy slowed her movements, knowing that Natsu was going to finish soon. She wanted him to enjoy it as long as she was able to, so she refrained from making him climax. Not yet, at least.
She leaned over, pressing her lips softly against the tip. Her tongue darted out, sliding over his length before she pushed it deep within her mouth. He was warm sliding against her tongue. She tightened her mouth against his shaft, tugging at his skin as she bobbed her head up and down.
"God, Lucy," Natsu breathed out between clenched teeth.
She ignored him, continuing with the task at hand. Wrapping a hand at the base of his shaft, she worked her mouth over the top as she simultaneously pumped up and down. His hand landed on her head, tugging at her hair. She didn't mind. In fact, she liked it rough.
Natsu's gut tightened as he was on the brink of climax. Lucy quickened her pace with her hand and kept up with her ministrations. Knowing that Natsu was about to finish and knowing what he liked, she removed her hand from his shaft and shoved him as deep as she could into her mouth. Her gag reflex nagged at her, but she pressed on to keep pleasuring him. She went as fast and as deep as she could until she felt him shatter.
Profanity flew past his lips, his hands clenching the sheets as proof of his climax came in liquid form that landed on Lucy's breasts. He forced his eyes open to take in the view. He had a love for finishing either in or on her body, and his wife knew that.
"Well? Sounds like you had a good time, Natsu," Lucy teased, repeating his words from earlier.
"Shut up," Natsu groaned. He ran a hand through his hair to get his pink bangs out of his face.
Lucy giggled, watching as her husband's eyes zoned in on the liquid dripping down her breasts. Grabbing his hand, she pulled him out of bed with her.
"Come on, let's go wash up," she said, leading the way towards the bathroom.
Natsu squeezed her bum and gave her a grin. "Wanna go for round two in the shower?"
"Yep. We've only got tonight, after all."
The next morning, Lucy and Natsu shared a worried glance before opening the door to the cottage. That trip was their first time being away from Nashi, and they left her with Gray, who was inexperienced. They expected the place to be a mess with Nashi crying her lungs out and being held by Gray with bloodshot eyes.
And yet, as they stepped foot into their home, they found the place was spotless. There was no crying baby, spilt food, nothing. In fact, the place looked even cleaner than they left it.
"Gray?" Lucy called out.
"Over here!" they heard the boy shout back.
The couple stepped into Nashi's nursery, finding Gray standing by the crib. He was using his magic to entertain the baby.
"How is everything?" Lucy asked, her brows raising in surprise. She really expected things to be a disaster.
"Fine," Gray answered with a shrug. "Nashi slept like an angel the whole time. Didn't cry once. Looks like someone as inexperienced as me can take care of a baby just fine, huh?"
Natsu rolled his eyes, stepping forward and picking up Nashi. He smiled wide and held her close to his chest, poking her chubby cheek with a finger.
"You just got lucky," Natsu told him.
"Nope, I'm just that skilled," Gray replied.
"I'm sorry for not leaving the note by the way," Lucy said. "I thought I left it on the counter but it turns out I packed it with me."
"No worries. I didn't need it. Like I said, it was smooth sailing."
"In that case, would you like to watch her again on Thursday while Natsu and I go for a job? We were going to have Mira do it, but you're amazing with her!"
Gray's proud smirk faltered. "Uhh, sorry. No can do. I'm busy. But have fun on your job! I'm gonna head home now. Bye!"
With that, the boy practically ran out of there.
Natsu and Lucy shared a puzzled look.
"Wonder what that was about," Lucy said.
"Who cares?" Natsu replied with a shrug. "That guy's just weird. Though, not as weird as you."
"Oh hush!"
Gray stumbled into his home, falling onto the carpeted floor the moment he stepped inside. In truth, he was up all night without a wink of sleep just trying to entertain Nashi to keep her from crying. He used up all of his magical power just from making ice sculptures.
"Yeah, I can wait a while before having kids."
He was about to crawl towards the couch when someone's voice called out to him.
"Gray-sama?" Juvia's voice rang out. "Is that you?"
"Juvia? You're home already?" he asked, forcing himself back up to his feet to go meet up with his wife. He found her sitting at the kitchen table, her cheeks rosy. "You're back early."
"Yeah. Juvia found out something and came home right away…"
"What is it?"
The girl walked over to him, grabbing his hands and giving them a squeeze.
"Juvia is pregnant."
Gray's mouth hung on its hinges, his eyes wider than golf-balls and glazed over with fresh tears. Unable to say anything, he wrapped his arms around his wife and brought her in for a tight hug. Together, they cried tears of joy.
"Looks like I can't wait to have kids like I thought."
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celestialflamesme · 3 years
FINALLY!! I'm going to begin writing a complete series about FTNG (do not ask when I will finish, that is up to the anime gods)
And now for the reveal...... Here are my OCs (credit to@kkumri for a few of these character names and personas and for being 14 year old me's hero!!!) Nashi Layla Dragneel
Parents: Natsu Dragneel , Lucy Heartfilia
Magic: Fire Dragon slayer and Celestial Requip Mage (also known as Swiper for her ability to teleport zodiac weapons straight out of the hands of the zodiacs)
Age: 22 years She's overall the friendliest and most confident person you'll meet. Sometimes a little too stubborn for her own good though. She'd walk through hell and back for her friends, but is hesitant to ask for help, because she feels she is a burden, as untrue as it is. She loves reading like her mom, and missions involving patterns, spells and puzzles are her favorite kind.
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Storm Ur Fullbuster
Parents: Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser
Magic: Ice Mage, Weather Manipulation Mage
Age: 22 years He's almost as reckless as Nashi but at the same time, he's as calm as they come (which is more than what he can say about his siblings) and has the world's worst sweet tooth. He can be counted on to make a reasonable decision, and is the first person his friends go to for advice. He'd take your secrets to the grave. His food is to die for.
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Gale Metalicana Redfox
Parents: Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden
Magic: Archive Mage
Age: 23 years Twin to Genesis Redfox. He's the brains of every operation and can be counted on to produce blackmail info on any of his friends. He's a secret romantic, and once in a while one can find him and Nashi hunched over, discussing crazy theories over milkshakes. He will end your universe if you hurt any of his friends. He plays the guitar like his dad (only infinitely better).
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Genesis Lily Redfox
Parents: Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden
Magic: Iron Dragon Slayer
Age: 23 years She's the crazy one of the group and is always on the lookout for chaos. She and Nashi together make up FT's Demolition Duo, with the record of most number of buildings destroyed in their pocket. She's the shortest Faerie (damn her brother for abandoning her!) and can kick butt and take ass like no other. She is ridiculously good at playing the drums.
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Reiki Simon Fernandes
Parents: Jellal Fernandes, Erza Scarlet
Magic: Requip Mage
Age: 22 years He's the most responsible (and daresay, terrifying) Faerie. He loves training with his friends and has a big heart. He doesn't break rules persay, but a loophole or two never hurt anyway, although most of the time he's forced to string along on the gang's crazy shenanigans to check on them. He is a bear-hugger (and spine-cracker) and is sometimes very oblivious to the things right in front of him.
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Kai Makarov Dreyar
Parents: Laxus Dreyar, Mirajane Strauss
Magic: Take Over Mage
Age: 24 years He is S-class but seldom found in the guild as he prefers being alone in his apartment (if only, but unfortunately Genesis and her exceed Frankie seem to consider it their second home) He is very protective of his guild and even in long absences, somehow knows everything that has transpired in the guild and with his friends (Gen is to blame) He takes S-class missions with Gale and Gen sometimes.
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Nova Mavis Dreyar
Parents: Laxus Dreyar, Mirajane Strauss
Magic: Lightning Dragon Slayer
Age: 22 years She works part-time at the guild bar with Asuka after she turned 18. Loves scrapbooking, bopping to music and matchmaking. Sweetest of all the Faeries like her mom, always manages to get dragged into Gen and Nashi's crazy schemes (more than often, she's the ring leader but shh, nobody has to know...) Her hair frizzes up whenever she's upset (perks of being a lightning slayer, ugh.)
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naluslayers · 5 years
As you know most of us can’t go out bc of Covid-19 and I want to share my favorite fanfics with you.
* I often read from Wattpad too I”ll let you know if it’s from Wattpad , I will put a”W” * Also can be rated as M /
By the way no worries all of them are completed except one I”ll let you know
Long Chapter FanFics:
Ignite : Basically Natsu’ gets horny?!
The Dragneel Scrapbook: Cute and uwu one-shots from Dragneel family
Till Death Do Us Part: Okay this is my favorite, it’s not finished but when I asked the author, she said that it’s not discontinued but she is writing an another fanfic so yeahh, BUT DEFINITELY READ IT
Better Together: This is one of my first fanfics so it holds a special place in my heart . It’s kind of a Lucy leaves and Nashi comes but I still love it.
The flaming key: A really cute Soulmate tattoo au that is again one of my first fanfics
W His Secret: Okay this is some nice piece of Angst in modern au and I’m addictive to this one
W Her Protector : So this one is great too , let me spoil you that Natsu is a celestial spirit
W Married at Eighteen: So I will guess that everyone has an idea from the title :p Also this one has a sequel!
The first one:
W The Geek’s Game : A modern au which I really love *again*
W Yes, My Lady: Kind of a Black Butler au I didn’t watch Black Butler but I hella love this one
W Okay, Master Natsu: our lovely mafia boss x slave , and yes I love this from the very bottom of my heart
That’s it for now fellas please reblog or tag me if you make a fanfic recommendation !
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ccrispy · 5 years
when’s the next TDS out? i really love themmmmm!
@superfreakerz is always posting it on her ff.net account
unfortunately i wasnt able to draw for the fic anymore because i had some real life problems and im also working on my webtoon comic
you can find the last 2-4 chapters here
i will keep drawing for it dont worry, right now im just busy with  my webtoon and also my fairy tail motivation is equal to 0. but ill make up to it i promise :)
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superfreakerz · 5 years
TDS 11
"The Dragneel Scrapbook"
Rated M.
Art by @ccrispy
Summary: They've loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family life.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
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Chapter 11
Sleepless Nights for All
Being able to hold Nashi in her arms made the nine months of cravings, mood swings, and aches worth it. Lucy smiled down at her baby, cradling Nashi against her chest. After giving birth, she and Nashi were forced to stay at the infirmary for a few days to recuperate, but now it was finally time to go home.
Gently getting out of bed, trying not to wake Nashi, Lucy slipped on her shoes and headed to where the rest of the guild was. She recalled the day Nashi was born, when everyone was finally allowed to see her.
Not wanting to fill the tiny room with the whole guild, they decided to introduce her in small segments, starting with their closest friends. The rest of Team Natsu along with Gajeel, Levy, and Juvia filed into the room, circling around the small family.
"She's beautiful, Lu-chan," Levy breathed out. "Congratulations!"
"Thanks, Levy-chan," Lucy replied with a smile. "Do you want to hold her?"
"Of course!"
Lucy gently handed Nashi to Levy, who was already familiar with holding babies. With that, everyone started demanding for their turn to hold the child. Even Gajeel had gruffly stated that he should be able to hold Nashi to show Gray how it's done.
Gray took Nashi into his arms, albeit awkwardly. A warm smile spread over his face as he took in the child's features. Nashi's looks, just like her name, were a mix of Lucy and Natsu's. With light pink hair and those big brown eyes, her resemblance to her parents was striking.
Even though Nashi wasn't his child, he already loved her enough like she was. They weren't related by blood, but he'd be damned if she wasn't his niece.
"Thank god," he breathed out, gaining everyone's attention.
"For what?" Erza asked.
"Thank god she's not ugly like her dad."
Everyone besides Natsu, even Lucy, had to stifle their laughter so as not to wake Nashi.
"If you weren't holding my kid right now, I would beat the hell out of you," Natsu said, glaring at his friend.
"I'd like to see you try, Ash for Brains."
"Oh yeah? Then hand Nashi over to Juvia and let's settle this. Unless you're too much of a wimp."
"Will you shut up already?" Lucy said with a sigh. Rubbing her temples, she glared at the sources of her oncoming headache. "No fighting around the baby. Got it?"
"Yes, ma'am!"
Opening the door, Lucy padded over to the guildhall where everyone else was. Well, save for Natsu and Happy. They were at home making sure everything was nice and tidy before Nashi arrived.
All eyes landed on her immediately and soon enough, she was surrounded by her guildmates.
"It's Nashi!" a few of them cried, gushing over the infant.
"Yes, yes," Lucy replied. "We're finally allowed to go home, so we were heading there now."
"Oh, I'll walk you there," Gray said. Knowing that the blonde was going to protest, he cut her off with, "It doesn't feel right lettin' you walk home alone, so no complaining. Wanna come too, Juvia?"
His wife nodded, and soon enough, all of their friends took it upon themselves to walk Lucy and Nashi home. Lucy sighed, though really it made her happy. Everyone in the guild cared about her and her daughter. It warmed her heart.
Reaching the cottage, Gray opened the door for everyone. Lucy was hesitant to enter, knowing that cleaning was not Natsu and Happy's forte. She really couldn't trust them with the task.
Walking into the small home, Lucy was blown away with how clean it was. Despite being away for days, the place was spotless thanks to Natsu and Happy's efforts. The dishes weren't piled up in the sink, there weren't any fish bones stashed in weird places, and she could actually see the floor.
"Lucy's home!" Natsu exclaimed from the other room. In the blink of an eye, the dragon slayer was bouncing in front of them, his eyes glued to his daughter. "Nashi, Nashi, Nashi!"
Lucy giggled, handing Nashi over to Natsu. Whenever he was at the infirmary, he insisted on holding Nashi the entire time, cradling her close to his chest with a bright grin plastered to his face. Since they were adding a new member to their family, Natsu, Happy, and the rest of the gang decided to renovate their cottage while she was stuck in the infirmary, extending it and adding two new bedrooms, one for Nashi and one for Happy.
"This place looks amazing!" Lucy exclaimed, walking past Natsu to check out the rest of their house. Opening the door to one of the newer bedrooms, she knew right away that it was Happy's based on the pile of fish bones stacked on the floor. She would've been disgusted, but considering it was his room, she didn't mind so much. At least he kept the rest of the house cleaned.
Walking to the adjacent room, she swung the door open. Her jaw dropped on its hinges as she took in the sight. The walls were a pastel yellow with pink stripes. In a corner of the room stood Nashi's crib, which was covered with pink blankets and stuffed animals. Even the floor was covered with toys that were given to them by their guildmates.
"It's so nice," Lucy breathed out.
"I know, right?" Natsu replied, standing beside his wife with a toothy grin. "She's three days old and already has a nicer bedroom than her parents!"
"You can say that again! Thanks a lot, you guys. It means a lot that you helped us with all of this while I was away."
Their friends smiled back at her.
"Don't mention it," Gray said, ruffling the blonde's hair. "I'm just glad that I'm back at home instead of sleeping on your couch."
"I think I'm going to miss bugging you for ice."
"I won't."
With that, the group situated themselves in the living room, chatting softly to keep from waking Nashi. Lucy suggested that Natsu put her in her crib, but the boy refused. It was impossible to tear him away from Nashi.
Once the sun was replaced with the moon in the sky, everyone took it upon themselves to leave. Lucy cracked a yawn, excited to finally be able to sleep in their bed again. The infirmary bed was uncomfortable with loose springs and scratchy blankets.
"Alright, Natsu," she called out. "You really have to put Nashi in her crib now. It's time for bed."
Her husband frowned but nodded nonetheless. Happy flew over the baby, smiling at her sleeping face.
"It's a good thing she doesn't snore like you, Lucy!" he teased.
"I do not snore!" Lucy cried.
"Yeah you do," Natsu replied, laughing at the blonde's misery. "Louder than me and Happy put together!"
Knowing that it was time for bed, Natsu kissed Nashi gently on the forehead before leaning down and placing her in the crib. He and Lucy stood by the crib while Happy flew above them. It was finally their first night at home together as a family.
"Goodnight, Nashi," Natsu whispered. "We love you."
Lucy smiled fondly at her daughter, smoothing a hand over her pink hair before walking out of the bedroom with everyone else. With that, she plopped in her bed, ready to get a full night of sleep.
Or so she thought.
It was only an hour into the night when the whole house was woken up by blood curdling screams. She and Natsu shot up in bed, sharing a quick glance before rushing into Nashi's room. There, they found their daughter yelling, her face red as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Why is she crying?" Natsu asked, his voice laced with concern.
"I'm not really sure," Lucy answered. A frown spread over her face. Only days into being a mother and she was already hit with a problem she didn't know how to solve. "Levy told me that the twins cried a lot through the night."
"So this is normal?"
"I'm pretty sure."
"So what do we do?"
"I have no idea."
Natsu bent over the crib and scooped Nashi into his arms. Rocking gently in place, he hoped to soothe the girl's crying. Eventually, Nashi's cries turned into faint sniffles before she was back to sleep.
"We did it!" Natsu exclaimed, sharing a high-five with Lucy. With slow steps, he walked back towards the crib and lowered Nashi back in.
"Good job. Now let's go back to sleep," Lucy replied, leading the way back to their bedroom.
Forty minutes passed when they were woken up yet again by Nashi's cries. With half-lidded eyes, the couple went back to her room, their feet dragging as if tied to bricks. Wordlessly, Lucy picked up their daughter and bounced in place, calming her down. Once she stopped crying, they left again.
The next time they were woken up, they were surprised to find that only twenty minutes had passed since they last pacified Nashi. As the intervals got shorter and shorter, so did their time of sleep. The parents looked exhausted with crust in the corners of their eyes, disheveled hair, and sluggish movements.
"Please, Nashi," Lucy whispered as she rocked the child. "Your mom needs her beauty sleep."
"And your dad needs to sleep so he can have the energy to beat up your Uncle Gray tomorrow," Natsu added.
But of course, their pleas fell on deaf ears and almost ten minutes after they got back into bed, Nashi started screaming once again.
"Stay," Natsu told Lucy. He yawned, running a hand through his hair to push his bangs out of his face. "I got it this time. You can just go back to sleep."
Lucy, in her tired state, simply nodded and mumbled a word of thanks before passing out right before his eyes. Natsu smiled down at his wife. After all of her hard work in the last few days, she deserved at least one night's rest.
Walking back to Nashi's room, he peered into the crib. Nashi's tiny hands were balled into loose fists. Despite being dark in the room, he could still make out the red tinge on her face.
"Your crying is loud enough to wake up all of Magnolia, you know that?" Natsu whispered. Smoothing a hand over his daughter's forehead, he smiled. "You just want some company, don't you? That's why you keep cryin' when your mom and I put you back in the crib."
Instead of cradling Nashi, Natsu moved her over to the side a bit before gently swinging his leg over the crib's posts. Hoisting himself inside the tiny crib, he bent his knees so that he could fit beside Nashi. He knew his body was going to ache all over tomorrow, but holding Nashi in his arms and hearing her stop crying made it worth it. Together, the two drifted off into sleep.
The next morning, Lucy was surprised to find that Natsu wasn't beside her. Getting out of bed, she headed straight for Nashi's room, expecting to find him standing up and still rocking her. Not finding anyone once she swung the door open, she was about to check the living room when she heard faint snores.
With an arched brow, Lucy approached the crib, peering in to find Natsu snuggling with Nashi, both of their mouths parted with drool dripping down their chins. Natsu's body was bent no doubt in an uncomfortable position.
A smile graced Lucy's face as she stared lovingly at the two. Natsu may not have always vocalized how he felt, but his actions always made his feelings clear. And in that moment, it was clear as day that he loved their daughter more than words could ever describe.
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superfreakerz · 5 years
TDS 10
"The Dragneel Scrapbook"
Rated M for smut.
Summary: They've loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family life.
Wonderful art by @ccrispy :D
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
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Chapter 10
Labor was hell, to say the least. Not only were Lucy's contractions getting worse by the minute, but little Nashi or Lucas decided to take their sweet time making their grand appearance. Natsu sat by Lucy's bedside while Porlyusica inspected her tools and explained everything to Wendy, who was going to be helping the older woman with their birth. She'd been there to watch Porlyusica handle the twins' births, and now she was going to get some hands-on experience of her own with their child. He trusted Wendy. He knew she'd do great.
Natsu glanced back towards Lucy with a frown. Her face was scrunched up and red in color, her brows furrowed. Sweat coated her entire body and she looked downright miserable. He moved some stray hairs that were stuck to her forehead out of her face and let her hold his hand and squeeze it whenever a contraction came.
Other than that, he had no idea how to help her.
Lucy groaned in pain, squeezing his hand hard enough he was a little worried she'd break it.
"W-Why can't we just do this already!?" Lucy gritted out, glaring at Porlyusica. She'd been in labor for hours now.
"We can't," the older woman replied. "Not until you are dilated enough."
"I-I can't w-wait! Do it now!"
Natsu frowned, his brows drooping as he rubbed a hand over Lucy's head. "Just try to endure it a little longer, Lucy."
"Easy for you to say! You aren't the one-!" She groaned, squeezing his hand as another contraction overcame her.
"I know, I know. I'm not the one going through it. But please, Lucy, be patient just a little longer. Then we'll have Nashi here!"
Natsu smiled. "Or Lucas, you're right. Do you think you can be patient a little longer?"
Lucy nodded through her pain. As much as it hurt, he was right. After all of this, they were finally going to be with their child.
Luckily, it was only half an hour later when Porlyusica announced that she was dilated enough.
Unfortunately, it actually got harder after that.
Lucy felt like she was being torn apart every time she pushed. To make things worse, she couldn't even push as hard as she wanted yet. She wanted to push as hard as she could so that it would be over quicker, but Porlyusica told her she had to wait.
"You can do it, Lucy!" Natsu told her, placing a hand over her forehead. "Stay strong!"
Lucy ignored him and continued to scream as she pushed. Even through all of her battles, she'd never endured such pain before. Her body was exhausted.
"Push, Lucy," Porlyusica instructed.
"I-I can't," Lucy replied, her voice just a whisper.
"You have to."
Tears flowed freely down the blonde's face as she shook her head. "I can't do it. I can't."
Natsu's heart felt like it was beating a mile per minute as he watched the two's interaction. Why couldn't he be the one to give birth? Why did Lucy have to go through this? It was unbearable to watch. Tears pricked his eyes watching Lucy suffer.
"Lucy, you have to push for your baby," Wendy said, only to be ignored.
Natsu smoothed his hand over Lucy's head over and over again to try and calm her down. It was clear that she was reaching her limit, but she had to keep pushing herself for their child's sake.
"Don't forget our bet, Lucy," he said, plastering a smile to his face. "Nashi or Lucas, which will it be?" Lucy whimpered, shaking her head. "Don't give up now, Luce. We're so close. This is what we've been waiting for for nine whole months. You can do it. I know you can."
Lucy squinted up at her husband. Squeezing his hand, she nodded. She pushed again, not using her whole strength. A loud scream escaped her lips, but she didn't even hear it. She couldn't hear anything anymore, too distracted by the pain.
"We're almost there, Lucy!" Wendy announced. "I see the head!"
"Just a little more," Porlyusica stated.
Natsu wanted to watch their baby come out, but he chose to stay by Lucy's side instead. She needed him, and he wasn't going to leave her when she was in pain. Tears slid down his cheeks. It was really happening. He was going to be a father soon.
"I love you so much," he whispered to his wife, his voice shaky and filled with raw emotion. "Thank you so much for giving me a child, Lucy." She didn't reply, not that he expected her to. She was a bit preoccupied at the moment anyways.
"This is it. Push as hard as you can!" Porlyusica instructed.
Lucy did as she was told. Shouting, she squeezed Natsu's hand as tightly as she could to try and distract herself from the pain that was taking over her whole body at this point. She pushed as hard as she could, praying that her baby would come out safe and sound.
And finally, it was over.
"Your child is healthy," Porlyusica stated. Glancing towards Natsu, the older woman noticed his eyes were shut. "Would you like to see your child?"
"Not yet," he answered. He was dying to, really, but he wanted to see their baby for the first time with Lucy. "Not until Lucy is ready."
"What about holding it?"
"Let Lucy hold them first. She deserves it after all of that."
Lucy panted, forcing her eyes open. They were half-lidded and hazy, but she forced them to stay open to see her baby.
"I-I'm ready, Natsu," she breathed out.
Gazing at their child together, the first thing they saw was a head of pink hair, lighter than Natsu's. It was a pale pink, the color of cherry-blossoms. It instantly became Lucy's favorite color. Their baby's face was red as they wailed loud enough to wake up all of Magnolia. They were swaddled in a white towel so they couldn't tell its sex.
"Are you ready to finally know the gender of your baby?" Porlyusica questioned, a rare smile spread over her face. They were the first couple she knew who actually managed to wait until the birth of their child to find out its gender.
Lucy and Natsu shared a glance, eager grins stretched over their faces. Squeezing each other's hands in anticipation, they nodded.
Porlyusica carried the baby to Lucy's bedside, gently handing it over. Lucy's lips quivered as she took her baby into her arms, tears sliding down her cheeks- though these tears were of mirth. Natsu wasn't faring any better. His face was coated in salty tears of his own.
Lucy held her baby close to her chest, amazed at how it suddenly stopped crying. Just like Natsu, their little one had an abnormal body heat.
Lucy glanced up at Wendy, smiling at her.
"Well, Wendy?" she asked. "What's the name of our child? Is it Nashi or Lucas?" She felt Natsu's hand tighten around hers in anticipation.
Wendy wiped away the tears in the corners of her eyes and beamed at the happy couple.
"Your baby's name is Nashi. Nashi Dragneel."
Natsu covered his hand with his mouth. His eyes stung with how much he cried that day, but he didn't care. He had a baby girl of his own to raise.
"A girl…" he breathed out, his voice shaky.
Lucy smiled down at their daughter, kissing her forehead lightly. Then, she glanced towards her husband. Even though she usually hated losing, she didn't mind losing their bet. Nashi was perfect.
"It's your turn to hold her," she said quietly so as not to startle the baby.
Natsu sat beside her on the bed and held his arms out. Lucy handed her over to him gently. His body trembled and he found that he couldn't stop crying. There in his arms was none other than their baby.
"I'm going to love you forever," Natsu whispered, placing a gentle kiss on his daughter's head. "I love you so much, Nashi."
Nashi's eyes opened for the first time, revealing orbs of rich brown, making Natsu feel like he was drowning in chocolate. They were just like her mother's. The same eyes he'd fallen in love with.
"She has your eyes," he choked out with a sob, showing Lucy. "I was really hoping she would."
"And she has your hair," Lucy replied, resting her head on his shoulder.
"I was hoping she'd have your hair, but she's perfect."
"She is."
"We'll let you two- or three, I should say- get some rest," Porlyusica said, heading towards the door.
"Wait," Natsu called out. "Can we have people in here yet?"
"Fine. But not too many. And make sure they are sanitized first before they touch Nashi."
"We only want one person in here for now," Natsu said, sharing a glance with Lucy. "Wendy, can you bring Happy in here?"
The girl nodded with a smile, hurrying off to fetch the exceed, who had waited patiently outside the door for hours. Bringing him into the room, she made sure he sanitized his paws before approaching them. Happy flew towards them slowly, his eyes wide and his mouth parted.
"Well, buddy? What do you think of your new niece?" Natsu asked, grinning at their partner.
"Niece? It's a girl!?" Happy exclaimed.
"Yep. Meet Nashi Dragneel, Fairy Tail's future dragon slayer!"
"And celestial mage," Lucy added.
Happy flung himself at Lucy's chest, hugging her tightly. "You did it, Lucy! Everyone was worried about you. We could all hear you screaming."
"It was worth it," the girl replied with a smile.
Natsu nodded, gazing at their daughter. Her eyes were closed as she had drifted off into sleep and her tiny mouth was opened slightly.
Glancing towards Lucy, a rush of emotions overcame him. Even with a flushed face dotted with sweat and messy hair, she still looked as beautiful as ever.
"I love you, Lucy," he said, not caring if Happy was there to hear him. He wasn't sure Lucy heard him say it earlier, so he was going to say it again. He'd say it many times after, too. "Thank you so much for giving me a child."
His wife gave him a warm smile. "I love you too. And thank you for giving me a child as well."
Natsu sat on the bed beside Lucy while Happy laid on the other side of her. Together, the four of them dozed off into sleep as a family.
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superfreakerz · 5 years
TDS 18
"The Dragneel Scrapbook"
Rated M.
Summary: They've loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family life.
In collaboration with my girl @ccrispy​ :D
Also sorry I'm a day late okay here we go read earlier chapters on FF.net
Chapter 18
Nashi's First Word
Ever since Nashi took her first steps without her parents around, the two made sure they weren't going to miss anything else. They took a hiatus from going on jobs with the rest of their team. There was no way in hell they were going to miss Nashi's first word.
Nashi had been babbling for months, a sign that soon enough, a word would form right before their eyes. Everything was on track. She reached for things that she wanted, she was able to walk- though her steps were still unsteady- everything was going fine.
All that was left was her first word.
And Lucy would be damned if it wasn't some form of 'Mama.'
Nashi had almost said the word 'Dada' once. The first syllable slipped out, and it looked like she was going to follow it with the next. Tears sprung to Natsu's face, and while Lucy was jealous, she was also excited that her baby was going to be saying her first word. Only for Nashi to close her mouth and give them a smug grin, as if knowing that was what they wanted. Since then, it was back to babbling.
Lucy grabbed a bowl of seedless watermelon slices, bringing them to the living room where Natsu and Nashi sat at the couch. Nashi was exploding in a fit of laughter as her father bent over and blew raspberries over her belly. At the sight of the watermelon, however, the child used her surprisingly strong hands to shove Natsu's head away from her and crawled towards Lucy.
"Ma…" she sounded out.
Lucy nearly dropped the bowl as she whipped her head towards her daughter. The child was crawling towards her, her eyes big and brown as she stared at the watermelon and reached towards it.
"What was that?" Lucy asked, struggling to get the words out.
Natsu sat up, staring at Nashi. "Is she about to say her first word?"
"I think so! C'mon, Nashi! You can do it! Just say 'Mama!'"
Nashi tilted her head to the side. "Ma…"
"That's it! Just finish it!"
In the blink of an eye, Natsu snatched the bowl of watermelon, taking Nashi's attention with it. The baby turned towards him, extending her chubby hand out.
"Da," she said, gesturing for him to give her the bowl.
"That's it, Nashi! Say 'Daddy!'" he exclaimed. His lips curled into a face-splitting grin as he waved the watermelon in front of his daughter's face. "Say it, then I'll give you the watermelon!"
"Hey! No fair!" Lucy shouted. "I had it first!" She went to grab the bowl back, only for Natsu to hold it away from her. "Give it back, Natsu!"
"No way! I want 'Dada' to be her first word!"
"No! I already called her first word!"
"You can't call her first word!"
"Yes I can! Now give it!"
Nashi glanced between her parents as they fought over the bowl. Every time the fruit was just within reach, one of them would snatch it away, forcing her to crawl once again.
"Want the watermelon, Nashi?" Lucy asked, shaking the bowl. "Then say 'Mama!' C'mon, you can do it!" She noted that it sounded like she was trying to train a dog, but she shrugged it off. Whatever worked. She'd been dreaming of this moment for so long, and it was finally within reach! She wasn't going to let Natsu take it from her!
"Nashi, look at Daddy!" Natsu called out. He stood up from the couch and engulfed his body in flames to snare his daughter's attention. "Look at me! It's Daddy! Daddy! Say it with me! Da-ddy!"
A bubbly laugh slipped past Nashi's lips as she watched the flames flicker. "Da!"
Tears welled in the dragon slayer's eyes as he nodded his head frantically. "That's it! Finish it now!"
Instead, Nashi burst into a fit of giggles.
Her parents' shoulders slouched.
"Why do I get the feeling she's just messin' with us?" Natsu asked, stopping his magic.
Lucy sighed. "Because she probably is. She gets it from you."
He clutched his chest in mock pain. "Me? I'm hurt, Luce. Hurt."
"Whatever. Between you and Happy, it's no wonder she's so mischievous. Maybe I should start fearing for myself. After all, I'm stuck in the same house as all three of you. I'm doomed."
Natsu chuckled, sitting on the couch and bringing Nashi onto his lap. "I can't wait until she's old enough to talk and walk right. That way, we can all start pullin' pranks on you together!"
Lucy paled. "I will just remind her that I carried her for nine months."
"You really think that'll stop her?"
Lucy grabbed a watermelon slice and handed it to Nashi. The child lit up, munching on it with ease.
A warm smile bubbled up to Lucy's lips.
"Hey, Natsu," she began, rubbing Nashi's cheek fondly. "Do you remember when I first told you I was pregnant?"
Natsu grinned at his wife. "'Course I do, weirdo. Like I'll ever forget that day."
"I remember being so scared."
"I was a little scared too."
"Really?" Lucy asked, arching a brow at him.
Natsu shrugged. "Yeah. Maybe not a lot, but I was a little. I was only with Igneel for a short time, so for the most part, I was raised without a dad. I didn't know how I was supposed to be one."
"I was worried for the same reason. My mom passed when I was really little, so I was scared I wouldn't know what I was doing. But now look at us," Lucy said, a smile gracing her face. "She's learning to walk and talk, I'm so proud of her and us."
"Me too," Natsu replied, reaching over to ruffle his wife's hair. "It's good we have Fairy Tail helpin' us. Even though I'll never say it aloud, watching Lug Nuts raise the twins helped a lot."
Lucy smirked at him. "I'm going to tell him you said that."
"You better not, Lucy!"
"I'm going to!"
"If you do that, I'm gonna tell the guild about the story I saw you writin' the other day," he said, his lips curving into a smirk.
Lucy turned red in the face before nodding. "Okay, okay. I won't tell him." There was no way in hell she was going to let Levy find out that she was in the middle of writing a smutty story. Or worse. Cana.
The front door creaked open, drawing everyone's attention to find Happy flying inside. While the parents decided not to go on jobs for a while, he made sure to go so that he could keep up his fish funds.
"Hey, Happy! How was your job with Wendy and Charle?" Natsu asked.
Happy flew onto the couch between them. "Easy. It was just a couple of bad guys. Wendy beat them no problem. How was staying home? Nashi say her first word yet?"
"Not yet," Lucy answered with a drawn-out sigh. "She came close a couple of times, but in the end she just started laughing."
"She really is just messing with you guys."
"Believe me, we know."
Nashi gave a wide smile as she crawled off of Natsu's lap and sat beside Happy on the couch. She wrapped her tiny arms around the exceed in a hug.
The room went deadly silent, everyone's bodies still.
"L-Lucy…" Natsu breathed out. His mouth was dry as it was gaping open like a fish out of water. "Was that you?"
The girl shook her head, her eyes bugging out of their sockets. "No, it wasn't. Was it you?"
"'Course it wasn't me!"
Everyone glanced down at Nashi, who was still latched onto Happy.
Her tiny, pink lips moved as she said, "Happy! Happy!" Her voice was bubbly and bright. It was a sound that could stop wars, a sound that could put a smile on anyone's face. It was their daughter's voice, clear as day.
Lucy's shaky hand flew up to her mouth.
"She's talking!" she exclaimed, tears pricking her eyes. In that moment, she didn't even care what Nashi's first word was.
Natsu swallowed thickly, his throat tight as he held back tears of his own. He couldn't help but get emotional any time he saw Nashi growing up right before his eyes. That was his own daughter, after all.
"C'mon, Nashi! Keep going!" he said.
Happy pulled away from the hug to watch as Nashi reached towards him again.
"Happy!" she chirped, trying to hug him. "Happy!"
Lucy fanned herself, trying to stop the tears that were streaming down her face. "Oh jeez, the tears won't stop."
"She's the cutest thing in existence," Natsu said, clutching his chest.
"I was her first word!" Happy chimed in. "Me!"
Nashi pressed her chubby cheek against the exceed's as she hugged him once more. "Happy!"
Lucy and Natsu shared a watery smile. They didn't care anymore that they weren't their daughter's first words. In fact, her first word was very fitting, because in that moment, they'd never been happier.
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superfreakerz · 5 years
TDS 17
"The Dragneel Scrapbook"
Rated M.
In collaboration with @ccrispy :D
Summary: They've loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family life.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
Chapter 17
Come Here!
Mira sat Nashi in one of the guild's booths before grabbing a tray stacked with booze-filled mugs. She carried it with such skill and grace, making it look easy to balance all of the cups without spilling an ounce of liquid. She had offered to watch Nashi at the guild so that Lucy and Natsu could both go on a job with the rest of their team.
Watching Nashi was easy for her. Not only did her cooking manage to sedate her when she was crying her lungs out, her magic also managed to amaze her. Cana had told her that Nashi wasn't quiet in awe, and that she was quiet out of fear thanks to her Satan Soul causing a shiver to run down anyone unlucky enough to be close by. The girl dismissed her. Her magic wasn't scary. It was impressive!
After handing everyone their orders, Mira made her way back to Nashi, who was munching happily on chicken- Mira had removed the bone to make sure the child wouldn't choke. Mira would never forget the day Nashi was old enough to consume normal food. Natsu and Lucy had busted inside the guild, ordering one of everything. Tears were streaming down their faces, glad to finally be able to eat anything other than mashed potatoes.
Nashi was growing up right before everyone's eyes. They were scared that if they blinked, Nashi would turn into a full-sized adult. Instead of needing to be put in a highchair, she could sit in normal seats. She didn't need her head to be supported anymore because she could do it herself, she knew how to stand, and she could finally eat solid food thanks to the tiny, sharp teeth that she now had. She had even hinted at taking her first step. It hadn't happened yet, but it was sure to happen soon.
Nashi was a pink-headed ball of curiosity, constantly crawling around and exploring her surroundings. At the guild, she and the twins were always traveling together. They would wait for her to catch up while she faithfully crawled after them.
Mira glanced at Nashi in the corner of her eye to make sure she wasn't venturing off to places she shouldn't be. Last time, she nearly crawled right out the door.
"It's so crazy to think that Natsu and Lucy have a kid now," Cana said, grabbing the girl's attention.
"You think so?" Mira asked, a pleasant smile forming over her face. "I knew they would get together from the start."
"Well yeah, we all did. Hell, remember the betting pool we had for them? I just meant that it's weird how much time has passed. We were all just kids before, and now some of us are raising our own!"
"What about you? When are you going to settle down and start a family?"
Cana gave a face-splitting grin and lifted her booze. "Never! That just ain't me, you know that. I don't wanna settle down or nothing. I'd rather be the cool aunt that slips these kids some booze behind their parents' back when they wanna party or something. What about you? You don't strike me as the typa girl who doesn't want kids."
Mira shrugged. "I wouldn't mind if it happened, but I'm not actively planning for it either. I think after raising Lisanna and Elfman, I did my fair share. Besides, babysitting my OTP's kid is enough for me! Nashi is proof that I finally managed to get them together!"
Speaking of Nashi, Mira glanced towards the child again. She was sitting with the Jutla and Yajee, all the while babbling words that nobody could understand. It would take a while longer before she would be able to say her first real word.
As Yajee left the table, Jutla followed closely behind. The two always shadowed each other and were never found without their counterpart. Nashi's mouth parted before she carefully climbed off the booth. Wobbling unsteadily, the child got down on all fours and crawled after them.
However, the twins were moving too fast for her to catch up. Releasing a frustrated noise, Nashi stood back up on her feet. She swayed as if she was going to fall over, but she managed to keep balanced.
Mira's eyes went wide at the scene.
"I think Nashi's about to take her first step!" she exclaimed. At this, the entire guild stopped what they were doing and whirled their heads to find the child shakily lift her right foot.
"Oh no! Lu-chan and Natsu aren't here! They're going to miss it!" Levy said with a frown.
"Do we stop her then?" Cana questioned.
But it was too late. Right in front of their eyes, Nashi swung her foot forward and took her very first step. The guild roared with cheers, nearly scaring her enough to make her fall back on her bum. After the first step, she went for another.
"Oh my gosh, she's doing it!" Levy said. "Good job, Nashi!"
"Come here, Nashi!" Mira exclaimed, holding her arms out in front of her. Nashi glanced towards her, lifting her foot to take another step when someone else shouted.
"No, come here!" Cana said.
Rerouting directions, Nashi took a step towards the brunette.
"No fair! I want her to walk to me!" Macao protested. "Come here, Nashi! Come on!"
And with that, war had begun.
"She's gonna come to me!" Cana shouted. "Just watch!"
Levy furrowed her brows and shot back, "No, she's going to come to me!"
"You know what this calls for?"
"Betting pool!" everyone shouted in unison. They threw together a large sum of money before they resumed beckoning towards Nashi.
"I bet she'll choose me," Cana said, a wide grin on her face.
"No, she will come to Juvia!" the blue-headed girl replied. "Nashi spends much more time with Juvia!"
"Well she spends even more time with me!" Levy argued.
Mira flashed them all a smile. "There's no point in trying. She'll come to me."
"What makes you say that?"
"Because she's got Natsu's genes in her, and if there's one thing Natsu loves almost as much as he loves his family, it's food. I am the one who feeds Nashi."
Everyone else shared a worried glance. She had a point. Nashi may not have even been a year old, but her appetite rivaled those of Fiore's championship eaters who competed in shoveling large amounts of food down their gullets. It didn't help that Mira's food was to die for.
"Come to your Aunt Mira," the woman calmly said. She knew there was no way she could lose. Sure, Levy may have spent more time with her, but food was the way to the child's heart.
Sure enough, Nashi tilted her head to the side before taking a wobbly step towards her.
"No fair!" Cana shouted. "You're the babysitter! You can't be part of the bet!"
"Says who?" Mira replied. She crouched down to Nashi's level, wiggling her fingers in an attempt to make the child go faster and end their bet already.
Everyone groaned, watching as Nashi took step after step towards the take-over mage. Curse her and her insane cooking abilities.
Just as Nashi was right within reach, the grand doors to the guild swung open, revealing Team Natsu.
Natsu roared his typical greeting as they all entered. Immediately, their eyes landed on the large pile of money that sat on one of the tables. They then looked at all of the adults in the guild crouched down with their arms held in front of them. Then, their gazes traveled to where Nashi stood with one leg dangling in the air as if she was going to take a step.
Lucy pushed Natsu out of her way as she took a step closer towards Nashi.
"Wait! Is Nashi walking!?" she shouted. "Tell me we didn't miss her first step!"
"Sorry, Lu-chan," Levy replied, followed by an awkward chuckle. "If it makes you feel better, Nashi is really good at walking!"
Natsu and Lucy fell to the ground, their faces pale.
"I can't believe we missed it!" Natsu cried, tears flowing down his cheeks.
"We'll never get to see that moment!" Lucy joined in. Before she could really start the waterworks, her eyes darted to the pile of money again. Then it hit her. "Wait a second, are you all betting on something?"
The guild froze, sweat dripping down their foreheads.
"N-No! Of course not!" Macao answered.
"He's lying," Natsu said. "His heartbeat is going crazy. What's the bet this time? Who're you guys tryin' to get together?"
"That's not it," Lucy replied, her brows furrowing. "They're betting on who Nashi is going to walk to!"
"Oh, I want in on this," Gray said, tossing some jewels to the pile. Holding his hands out in front of him, he created a Happy-shaped ice cube. "Come to your Uncle Gray, Nashi! Remember how I always babysit you? Time to return the favor!"
Erza cleared her throat before casually placing some of her own money in the pile. She hadn't spent as much time with Nashi as Gray had, but she'd be damned if she lost a competition of any kind.
"Nashi," she called out, her voice stern. "Come."
Before Lucy could protest, a light appeared out of nowhere as Loke stepped through his gate on his own accord.
"Hey, Lucy. Don't mind me, just joining this bet really quick," he said. At her bewildered look, he held his hands up in surrender. "Can you blame me? It's easy money! Nashi loves me. Besides, I'm the lion spirit with cat ears, kids can't resist!"
"Will you guys quit betting on our family!?" Lucy demanded, planting her hands on her hips.
"Yeah!" Natsu chimed in. "Besides, we're the ones who're gonna win this bet!"
"Huh?" Lucy watched as Natsu threw all of their earnings from the job they just returned from into the pile. "Natsu! That's all of our money!"
"Exactly!" the pink-headed boy replied, a toothy grin stretching over his face. "Don't worry, Luce! We're gonna win this for sure!"
"What makes you so sure?"
"We're Nashi's parents! 'Course she'll come to us!"
Lucy blanched as Natsu crouched down and started calling for their daughter. There went their money for the week. Well, there was no going back now, and she was not about to let everyone else win a bet based off of her family anymore.
"Come to Mama!" Lucy said, waving frantically. The child glanced at her before taking a step towards her. "That's it, Nashi! You can do it!"
As everyone beckoned for the child to come their way and used magic or food in an attempt to lure her, Nashi only took straight steps towards her parents. Natsu and Lucy watched in awe as she walked. She was really walking!
"I can't believe she's walking already," Lucy said, tears pricking her eyes. It felt like only yesterday when she was sporting a baby bump.
"Yeah, I know," Natsu replied. His heart was full of warmth as he took in the happy smile on his daughter's face. "She's growin' up so damn fast. She needs to stop!"
"I agree! But at the same time, I'm so proud of her!"
"I know! Look at her go!"
Finally, the bet ended as Nashi took the last step towards her parents. They wrapped her up in a tight hug, both of them praising her.
"Good job, Nashi!" Natsu exclaimed, planting a kiss on the girl's forehead. "You did it!"
"We're so proud of you," Lucy added. She knew that Nashi couldn't understand a word they were saying, but she refused to go without praising her daughter.
Natsu gave his wife a wide grin. "Told ya she'd come to us! She'll always come to us because she's our little girl!"
"Until she's old enough to get a boyfriend," Happy said, flying over them.
"Or a girlfriend," Lucy added with a shrug.
Natsu furrowed his brows at the two and clutched Nashi close to his chest. "She's not allowed to have either!"
Mira and Cana watched as the family began to bicker and tease Natsu.
"You know," Cana began, leaning against the bar and taking a swig of alcohol before continuing, "I don't think I mind losing the bet this time."
"Me neither," Mira replied with a smile. "What a happy family."
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superfreakerz · 5 years
TDS 12
"The Dragneel Scrapbook"
Rated M for smut.
Art by @ccrispy :)
Summary: They've loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family life.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
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Chapter 12
Babysitter Pt. 1
Raising Nashi was like having a fulltime job on top of the jobs they took at the guild. She required constant care and attention, leaving little to no time for her parents to go out like they used to. Not that they were complaining. It was worth it, of course, to have their child out in the world with them after nine months of waiting. They just missed having some time to themselves.
And finally, two months after Nashi's birth, they were going to take a day for themselves.
Which meant they had to find a babysitter. That couldn't be too hard considering they were part of Fairy Tail. There were countless of people they trusted to watch Nashi.
Their first choice was Alzack and Bisca, but they were busy taking Asuka on a job. Lucy's next choice was Levy and Gajeel since they were already experienced parents as well, but she didn't want to overwhelm them when they already had twins to take care of. She could only imagine what it would be like to raise two Nashis at the same time.
Lucy's next choice was Erza. The redhead was a mature woman who still had a playful side to her. She trusted Erza with her life, she knew she could trust her with Nashi as well. Natsu, however, went on and on about how cruel Erza was when she was teaching him how to read and that he didn't want Nashi's first time without them to be anything like he went through.
Next in line were Gray and Juvia.
Lucy trusted those two just as she trusted everyone else in the guild. Juvia was a kind woman who loved kids. And Gray, while he was awkward and inexperienced around children, loved Nashi like she was his own.
"Yeah sure, we can watch Nashi for you," Gray said with a shrug. It was just one day, what could go wrong?
"Actually, Juvia can't," the blue-headed girl cut in. "Juvia is going on a job with Cana."
"Oh, shoot," Lucy said. "Well, I can just go ask Mira-!"
"Oi, why can't I watch her?" Gray asked, narrowing his eyes at the blonde, who chuckled nervously.
"Well, it's just that you aren't really experienced when it comes to kids," she replied. "Juvia is."
"Then I'll figure it out! I'm not an idiot, you know."
"I never said you were! Babies are just really complicated and-!"
"I've got it, Lucy! Sheesh, have more faith in me, will ya? I promise I'll take perfect care of her. Don't worry about it."
Lucy sighed. "Fine. You're right. I trust you, Gray, so you better not screw up." She gently placed Nashi in his arms, gnawing on her lower lip in worry. It wasn't that she didn't trust Gray with her… Well, okay, maybe that was a teensy-tiny part of it. But the main reason she was so anxious was because it was her first time away from her daughter.
"Alright, I better get going now. Natsu is waiting for me at the station," Lucy stated, giving Nashi one last look-over. "You already have a key to our place so you can just head over there whenever you're ready. There's a list of everything you need to do and some helpful hints on the counter. If you're confused, read the list. Or ask someone from the guild."
"I know, I know, Lucy," Gray said with a sigh. "Now hurry up. Knowing Natsu, he's gonna run away from the station if you don't get there soon."
Lucy laughed. "You're right." Leaning over, she kissed Nashi's forehead and brushed some hair out of her face. "Bye, Nashi. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." With a quick wave, the girl headed towards the exit, walking briskly before she could change her mind.
Gray smiled down at Nashi, gently poking her chubby cheek. "Looks like it's just you and me today."
Meeting her husband at the station, Lucy found Natsu and Happy sitting on a bench, the latter patting his back comfortingly. It was nearly impossible prying Nashi from his hands. Even though he was the one to suggest going away for the day, when it came down to it, he didn't want to leave Nashi at all. Hence why he said his goodbyes earlier and let Lucy go to the guild herself. He knew that if he went, he would change his mind, snatch Nashi, and run back home.
"You ready?" Lucy asked.
Natsu grinned at her, feeling better now and excited to have some much-needed alone time with his wife. "Yeah! I'm all fired up! Let's go!"
Happy snickered behind his paws. "Bye, guys. Don't have too much fun."
Lucy rolled her eyes at the exceed. "Bye, Happy!"
"See you tomorrow, buddy!" Natsu added.
With that, the pair were on the train, headed to Hargeon for the day.
Once the sun began to set, Gray took that as his cue to head home. Well, to the Dragneel home, which was his home as well for a short time when Lucy was having her ice-cravings. Since Juvia was out on her job, he was all alone for the night since Happy was going to be staying at Wendy's place. Mira had offered to help him, but he turned her down. He wanted to prove to everyone that he could handle it on his own.
A pleasant smile stretched over his face as he hummed to Nashi, who looked up at him with her brown, doe eyes. Though he hadn't told anyone yet- including his wife- he'd been thinking about kids a lot lately. Seeing Gajeel and Natsu become complete puddles of goo over their kids was fascinating, and he was starting to want children of his own.
What good would he be as a father if he couldn't even watch Nashi for one night?
Reaching the cottage, Gray laid Nashi in her special baby seat- he had no idea what it was called. Okay, maybe he was more inexperienced than he thought, but who cared? Everything was going according to plan; Nashi was sitting peacefully while he was able to relax.
"This is easy!"
A faint sniffle caught his attention. Glancing towards Nashi, he found her lower lip jutted out in a pout, her brown orbs watery. Her cute, button-nose was red.
And so it began.
Without giving Gray even a second to prepare, Nashi started to wail, her cries startling him.
"Oh shit," Gray muttered. He then slapped a hand over his forehead. "Shit, don't curse in front of the kid. Oh, I did it again."
Nashi continued to cry. She was crying so much, Gray was worried she forgot how to breathe during it.
"Uhh, okay, what do I do?" he asked, pacing around the room. He leaned over, gently picking Nashi up and rocking back and forth. Bouncing in place, he glanced around worriedly, trying to find anything that would calm the screaming baby.
"Uhh, don't cry! Don't cry, Nashi! It's okay, your Uncle Gray is here! There's no need to cry!"
His words fell on deaf ears as she continued to wail.
"Oh no. Oh no, no, no."
Gray then remembered Lucy mentioning a list to refer to if he needed help. Hurrying towards the counter, he searched for any piece of paper. The marble surface was smooth and completely void of any sort of list. He sifted through their mail, hoping that it just got mixed up. He searched inside their pantries, thinking perhaps it got stuck in their food.
There wasn't a list anywhere.
Lucy sat across from Natsu. They were dining out at a restaurant, which they hadn't been able to do since having Nashi.
"I've missed going out!" Lucy exclaimed, digging into the heavenly pasta she ordered.
"Me too!" Natsu replied with a mouth full of food.
"How do you think Nashi's doing?"
"I'm sure she's doin' fine. Then again, Gray's takin' care of her. She's probably crying her eyes out right now because of it."
Lucy sighed in relief. "I'm glad we aren't there then. We deserve a break."
"Damn right we do!"
Once they finished their food, Lucy paused Natsu from grabbing his money.
"I'll pay for this one," she said with a smile. "You can pay for breakfast tomorrow."
Natsu smirked at her. "Wow, two dates right off the bat! It's been so long since we've been able to go out like this."
"Yep. And we're going to use that time as productively as we can."
"Productively, hmm?" Natsu's smirk deepened as his eyes glazed over Lucy, lingering on her chest.
Lucy blushed, though she didn't deny it. After having Nashi, their sex drive admittedly declined over the past couple of months. But now that they were alone and didn't have to deal with Nashi yelling through the night, well… She was going to do some yelling of her own.
Fishing inside of her purse, Lucy was going to grab some money when a piece of white paper caught her attention. With an arched brow, she pulled it out and unfolded it to see what it was. Her eyes widened and her face went pale as she recognized her writing in an instant.
It was the list that she made for Gray. She could've sworn she put it on the counter, but apparently she packed it in her purse instead.
"Well shit."
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superfreakerz · 6 years
"The Dragneel Scrapbook"
Rated M for smut.
Summary: They've loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family life.
Wonderful art made by @ccrispy :D It's one of my favorites for this story so far lol I love it.
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Chapter 5
Lucy should've known better that pregnancy was no walk in the park. In the back of her mind, she'd known that. After all, she'd seen Levy go through much pain during her pregnancy. But in her excitement of having a child, the girl had conveniently forgotten about the downsides that were soon to come.
And when those downsides did come, they hit her like a brick.
It all started with soreness. A month into her pregnancy, Lucy's breasts were tender, aching as they began to swell. Then, the rest of her body followed suit, aching from head to toe. Her most problematic areas were here back, head, and breasts. Her stomach also cramped, but it wasn't as bad as the others.
Luckily, Natsu was right there at her side, offering to do anything she asked for. Whether it was to get her food or rub her back, the boy would always happily oblige with a huge smile plastered to his face.
And now, her body had a new symptom to surprise her with.
Lucy was a little excited for this part of her pregnancy. Watching Levy crave the weirdest foods, some that she didn't even like before, made her curious to see what she would be craving. Would she prefer salty snacks? Or perhaps meat? What if she only wanted to eat pickled plums? Poor Wendy would pass out just watching her.
In the end, Lucy's cravings came in waves. Some were longer than others, lasting for months, while others only lasted a few days. She knew that she'd entered this new round of pregnancy when all she wanted to eat were pickles. Dill pickles, to be exact.
Lucy quickly realized that her cravings were also oddly specific. During the pickle wave, Natsu had rushed to the store in the middle of the night to get her a jar. When he returned, he proudly held up a jar of sweet pickles, which she turned down immediately. Apparently, her stomach required dill pickles only. Whether it was the whole pickle, slices, or even frozen like a popsicle- which was actually Lucy's favorite version- so long as they were the sour kind, she would devour them all.
That wave lasted for about a week. The next was ice cream. But not just any kind of ice cream. It had to be sherbet. She'd woken up at four in the morning with an insatiable hunger for the damn ice cream but seeing Natsu so peacefully asleep- he'd been exhausted throughout her pregnancy as well- she knew that she should let him get her rest.
And that was how Lucy, at three months pregnant, took a lovely stroll in the middle of the night to get a whole tub of ice cream and scarf it down while sitting on the kitchen floor. Natsu had woken up the next morning, scared when he saw she wasn't in bed with him and went out to the kitchen to find her laying on the floor, hugging the empty carton to her chest.
The worst craving of all, however, was the spicy food. One day, Lucy had watched Natsu stuffing his mouth with the guild's famous fire chicken. Before, she would never even dream of taking a tiny bite of it, knowing that it would set her mouth on fire. But seeing her husband enjoying it, she wanted some for herself.
Lucy wanted anything spicy she could get her hands on. Peppers, hot wings, that blasted fire chicken, she wanted it all. And while Natsu was excited about this, exclaiming that nobody ever ate spicy food with him before, she wasn't looking forward to it. Even though her pregnant belly demanded to be fed spicy food, her mouth still couldn't handle it. So, every time Lucy ate something spicy, she would also have to chug down a glass of milk while tears clouded her eyes. Yet she found that she couldn't stop eating it.
Unfortunately, that wave lasted the longest, three months to be exact, leading the way to the next craving.
Despite being pregnant, Lucy refused to stop going on jobs. She had more of a sideline duty now, and everyone was more adamant on keeping her away from the enemies, but at least she got to be there with her team.
On one of their jobs, she'd watched Natsu fight some robber. Flames lit up his fists as he delivered fiery punch after punch. Usually, Lucy's eyes would be glued to his toned, tanned arms and the way his muscles would be flexed, but she found her gaze occupied with something else.
Natsu's fire.
Drool gathered in the corner of her mouth as she watched, mesmerized by the way the fire flicked around his hand. It was so bright, so inviting, it had her mouth going dry. She'd seen her husband eat fire countless of times and she always wondered what it tasted like. And now, her curiosity had grown to a desperate need.
Once they apprehended the criminals, Lucy walked over to Natsu and the rest of their team. Grabbing his wrist, she gained his attention.
"What's up, Lucy?" he asked.
"Use your fire," she ordered, to which he quickly obliged. He took any chance he could get to use his magic.
Lucy's eyes sparkled at the sight of the orange fire dancing over his fist. The drool that had collected in the corner of her mouth now dripped down her chin, but she didn't bother wiping it away.
"I'm going to eat it," the girl said.
"Wait, what?" Gray asked. "Are you talking about Natsu's fire?" She nodded.
"Lucy, you can't eat that," Erza said, sweat-dropping. "Only Natsu can because he's a dragon slayer."
"I don't care. I'm going to eat it."
"Oh no, Lucy's having another weird craving!" Happy cried, flying all around them. "What do we do!?"
Natsu awkwardly chuckled while studying his wife. Cutting off his magic and ignoring the glare she gave him for doing so, he wrapped an arm around her. Honestly, pregnant Lucy was a bit scary. Saying no to her was worse than saying no to Erza. But eating fire would only hurt her, and he didn't want to see her hurt.
"Sorry, Luce. No fire for you," Natsu said, his face growing pale as she gave him an icy glare.
"I want fire," she replied, lifting his hand to her face. "Give me fire."
"Luuucy, that'll only hurt you!"
"We don't know that for sure."
Gray went to shove his hands in his pockets, realizing that he'd discarded his pants somewhere along the way. "Shit, where'd my pants go? Anyways, we do know that for sure, Lucy. You aren't a dragon slayer. You can't eat fire."
The team watched as angry pregnant Lucy turned into something much worse.
Crying pregnant Lucy.
In seconds, the blonde was bawling her eyes out, falling to her knees and covering her face with her hands. Her wails were loud enough to startle the birds from their trees. Everyone shared a worried glance, unsure of how to fix it.
"D-Don't cry, Lucy!" Natsu exclaimed, his voice higher-pitched in his panic. "You might not be able to eat fire, but I can get you a substitute! How's that sound?"
"A substitute?" she questioned, peeking at him through the cracks of her fingers.
"Yeah! I can give you something that fire tastes like!"
"What does fire taste like?"
Natsu opened his mouth to reply, but the words died in his throat. What did fire taste like? Honestly, he didn't have a clue. Fire tasted like fire, there really was no substitute. He just said that to get her to stop crying. But if she found out that he lied to her…
He was a goner.
Thinking of something quick, Natsu shouted, "S'mores! Fire tastes like s'mores!"
"Why does it taste like s'mores?"
"I have no idea, but it does! Wanna go home and make some?"
The rest of the team watched, sweat dripping down their foreheads while they bit their fingernails. If Lucy didn't believe him, they were screwed.
Luckily, the girl's lips curled into a wide grin.
"Yeah! I love s'mores!"
And that was how they were able to save themselves that day.
Once the fire craving ended, it was time for the last wave. Similar to when Lucy craved Natsu's fire, now all she craved was Gray's ice.
She was in the third trimester of her pregnancy now, her belly bulging out as if she had stuffed a watermelon underneath her dress. With all of her symptoms hitting her at once, nobody had it in them to say no to the girl.
So, whenever she walked up to Gray, asking for ice, he would always oblige, making her a small chunk of ice she could munch on. She would always thank him and walk off with a pleasant smile on her face, informing the guild that the beast had been sedated for now. The process repeated multiple times throughout the day.
And it didn't stop outside the guild, either. One night, during the middle of the night, Gray's door was being banged against nonstop until he opened it to find Natsu and Lucy, the former's hair disheveled as he looked utterly exhausted.
"Gray…" Natsu croaked out. "Ice."
"Right now?" the ice-make mage asked, cracking a yawn. "It's like two in the morning!"
"The cravings don't stop for sleep. The cravings are forever."
Lucy held a hand out, demanding to be fed. Gray obliged, making another chunk of ice for the girl before opening the door wider.
"Why don't you guys sleep here for the night?" he suggested. "You're already here and I have a feeling these cravings aren't over just yet."
Natsu thanked him, taking a step into the house before collapsing on the floor, knocked out immediately. Meanwhile, Lucy sat beside Gray, humming as she munched on her 'meal.'
It only got worse from there. Every night after that, the two showed up outside their house, asking for ice. It got to the point where Natsu asked Gray to move in with them during the last month of the pregnancy so that they didn't have to walk to their house every night.
And so, after asking Juvia if it was alright, Gray found himself sleeping on the Dragneels' couch for the rest of the pregnancy. It turned out that even Juvia could be apart from him so long as it meant being apart from Lucy as well. With them banging on their door every night, Juvia wasn't getting any sleep either.
Lucy stepped out of the bedroom, holding a hand out.
Gray sighed, making her a Happy-shaped ice cube. As the girl thanked him and went on her way, he prayed that the cravings would end soon.
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superfreakerz · 6 years
"The Dragneel Scrapbook"
Rated M for smut.
Summary: They've loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family life.
In collaboration with @ccrispy​ :)
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
Chapter 6
Smells and Kicks
Another symptom Lucy was experiencing was her heightened sense of smell. This was worse than her cravings, in her opinion, as she couldn't stand to be around certain foods or people in perfume. Her morning sickness had calmed as she was in her last trimester, but with her easily triggered nose, she still found herself rushing to the bathroom to throw up because of something she smelled.
It was torture.
Even stepping foot in the guild was a struggle for Lucy, as all the mixed smells were really getting to her. But this was her home. This was where all of her family was, she couldn't just stop going to the guild.
Luckily, some smells could easily be dealt with. Some, not so much. In the end, no matter where she went or what she did to prevent it, her nose was always going to be triggered by something. She wasn't even safe in her own home.
Happy's fish was a huge factor in her morning throw-ups, but it wasn't like she could just ask the cat to give up his sacred food. So, when he asked her what was making her sick, she had lied and told him that it was the smell of the clean clothes.
Natsu had amazed her during all of this, though. He'd cleaned up after himself and Happy every day, trying to make the house smell better for her. It was sweet, and she was thankful to have such a thoughtful husband like him.
"How're you feeling?" Natsu asked, sitting next to Lucy on the bed.
"I'm alright for now," she answered, rubbing her belly. "Little Nashi or Lucas sure is kicking up a storm today."
Natsu grinned, letting Lucy guide his hand to the spot over her belly. When their baby first kicked, it scared him to think that Lucy was getting kicked in the stomach. She assured him that it didn't really hurt, though. Now, he was happy whenever it happened. It meant that their baby was really growing inside of her, soon to be out in the real world with them.
It still freaked him out a little to be able to visibly see her skin stretch outwards over the spots that the baby was kicking. He was worried that maybe their kid would kick so hard they'd burst through her stomach. Even after being assured that it wasn't physically possible for the baby to be able to do so, he was still a little anxious. After all, their baby was going to be a badass dragon slayer and a celestial mage, their kicks were sure to do some extra damage! Who knows what could happen?
"She gets her kick from her mom," Natsu said with a smirk. "Lucy Kick is gonna soon be known as Nashi Kick."
"I still think it's a boy," Lucy replied, mirroring his expression. They'd turned down the offer of knowing the sex of their child in favor of making a bet instead. The bet was guild-wide, drawing in lots of money, reminding them of when there was a betting pool on their relationship years ago.
"Nah, it's a girl." Natsu gave a lazy grin.
"How do you know?"
"I just do!"
"You didn't cheat, did you?"
"'Course not! I just have a really strong feelin' about it. Whoa, she kicked again," Natsu stated, feeling the little pressure against the palm of his hand." He rubbed his hand over his wife's belly. "You're getting so big, Luce!"
The girl frowned. "I can't help it, jerk!"
"Hey, I didn't mean it in a bad way, weirdo! I meant it as a good thing! The bigger you are, the closer we are to meeting little Nashi!"
"Or Lucas."
"Or Lucas," Natsu agreed with a chuckle. "But don't worry, Lucy. I still think you're as beautiful as ever. No, you're even more beautiful because you're carrying our child."
"Thank you, Natsu," Lucy replied, a warm smile spreading over her face. "I love you."
"I love you too." He rubbed her belly, smiling at it. "And I love you, too! Think she can hear me?"
"I'm sure he can."
"I'm tellin' ya, Luce. It's a girl."
"I think I'd know what kind of baby is inside of me."
"You would think so, but apparently you don't!"
Lucy rolled her eyes at her husband before covering her mouth with her hand, her eyes growing wide.
"Is Happy eating fish again?" Natsu asked with a sigh.
Lucy nodded, rushing to the bathroom and puking. Natsu held her hair up like always and rubbed her back.
"You know, I'm sure he'd be willing to eat it outside if we ask. He doesn't like seeing you sick either," Natsu suggested.
Lucy shook her head. "This is his home too. I can't just ask him to eat outside. I'll be fine, it's just a little sickness here and there."
"It sucks seeing you in pain like this. It makes me wish I was the one going through it."
"I know, but we just have to endure it a little longer. And being pregnant isn't all bad! Sure, it's got its downsides, but it's also an experience that I would never trade up."
"Yep! In fact, even though I'm going to be really happy when Nashi or Lucas are out here, I think I'm going to miss having them in my belly a little bit. It's hard to explain as I don't really understand it much myself. I guess I just feel really close to them in a way," Lucy explained.
"That makes sense. But I think you'll be way closer to them once they're here. You'll get to read to them like you've always wanted and go shopping, teach her your magic, all sorts of things!"
"And I know you've been dying to teach them dragon slayer magic," Lucy said with a giggle.
"I have been. Why can't they hurry up and come out already!" Natsu groaned.
"Just a little longer! I'm sure that the last month goes by faster than the rest!"
Little did they know at the time, the last month always seemed to drag on the longest.
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superfreakerz · 6 years
"The Dragneel Scrapbook"
Rated M for smut.
Summary: They've loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family life.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
Amazing art is by @ccrispy but because of tumblr's stupid NSFW ban, I'm only posting the censored version. You can find the original on her insta as mentioned in the pic.
Tumblr media
Chapter 7
Natsu had noticed that Lucy's body had changed a lot within her pregnancy. Basically, everything got bigger. Her stomach, her feet, and not to mention her breasts. Lucy had told him that her breasts would get bigger during the pregnancy, and she was right. While they were already large before, they were even larger now.
Lucy groaned and complained, "I'm feeling sore again."
Natsu tore his gaze away from her chest. "Where? Is it your feet again?"
His wife shook her head, her golden tresses flowing around her. "My boobs, actually." Natsu swallowed thickly, watching as Lucy began to massage her own breasts. "They're so sore!"
"W-Want me to massage them for you?" Natsu choked out, hoping that he wasn't too obvious. Even though Lucy's appearance had changed, his attraction towards her hadn't at all. The faint twitch in his pants still made itself apparent every day, which he'd had to relieve himself more often since Lucy was usually tired out. Not that he blamed her for it.
"Would you?" Lucy asked, beaming at him. Seeing him nod, her dazzling grin grew even larger. "Thank you, Natsu!"
With that, the two were getting into bed for the night. Natsu licked his lips subconsciously as he brought his hands to her breasts. Cupping them in his hands, he felt himself begin to grow within his pants, restrained underneath the cloth.
He began to rub his hands over her mounds, indulging himself in the soft flesh. He steered clear from her nipples, knowing that he would get too excited if he touched them. Not to mention that wasn't where Lucy's pain was coming from anyways. This was to help Lucy, not himself.
So, Natsu continued to squeeze her breasts, all the while trying to calm his own body down.
Lucy began to move under the covers, repositioning herself closer to him so that her bum rested against his hardened member. He gulped, hoping that she didn't notice.
"Sorry, just trying to get a little more comfortable," she said.
Taking a deep breath, Natsu focused again on the task at hand. Grabbing her breasts, he smoothed his thumbs over her skin.
Lucy squirmed in her spot, rubbing her bum against him.
"Sorry, just trying to get a little more comfortable," she repeated.
Natsu nodded as she stopped moving, taking a deep breath to calm himself down once again.
Then she did it again.
"Wait a second. Lucy's teasin' me!"
Testing it out again, he waited another minute before Lucy rolled against him once more, causing him to grow beneath his pants.
"Sorry! It's just really hard to get comfortable right now!" she said.
"So that's how she wants to play it, huh? Well, two can play at that game!"
Natsu grabbed her by the hip, pulling her until she was right against him. He could tell she felt how hard he was judging from the sharp intake of breath he heard.
"Comfortable now, Lucy?" he whispered in her ear, amused at how her body shivered against him. Seeing her nod her head, Natsu went back to massaging her breasts, only this time, he grazed her hardened peaks with his thumbs. Hearing her suck in a breath, Natsu rolled his hips against her, enjoying the way she gasped. "Sorry, Luce. Just trying to get a little comfortable."
"Y-You're teasing me!"
"Sound familiar?"
Lucy rolled over, facing him with a narrowed gaze. "I really was just trying to get comfortable!"
"Sure you were, Luce. Is that why you were rubbing your butt against me like four times?" Natsu replied, smirking at her. "I'll admit, you had me fooled at first!"
"Alright, fine. I was trying to see how long it would take for you to get hard."
"You weirdo. I was already hard before you started doin' that."
"You're havin' me massage your boobs, Luce. What do you think?"
Lucy giggled. "In my defense, they really were sore earlier!"
"And what about now?" Natsu asked, giving one of them a squeeze and rubbing his thumb over her nub. "Still sore?"
"N-Nope. I think you fixed it!"
"You think so?" Natsu asked, perching himself up on his elbow. He shook his head, bringing his mouth closer to her chest. "I don't know, Luce. We better be extra sure. Can't have you feelin' sore."
Natsu placed his lips over her breast, leaving light kisses over her flesh. He could feel her arch herself towards him, trying to get him to stop teasing her. Unable to help himself either, Natsu ran his tongue over her peak.
"W-Wait," Lucy whispered. "Happy's home."
"Then you better be quiet," Natsu replied. With a heavy smirk on his face, he continued, "Good luck with that."
Natsu bent down towards her breasts again, peeking up at her to find that she was covering her mouth with her hand. Amused, he started grazing his tongue around her nipple before suddenly dragging it over. He heard a muffled moan come from the blonde as she was really trying to keep quiet.
"Good job making it past level one," Natsu teased.
"I hate you," Lucy replied, glaring at him.
"Love you too, Luce!" His eyes were drawn to her chest once again. "They really are bigger now. I never thought it would be possible." Suddenly, Lucy crossed her arms over her chest. "What's wrong?"
"What if you don't like my boobs when I'm not pregnant anymore because they aren't as big?"
"Really, Luce? You're pregnant in the first place because I couldn't keep my hands off of ya. I guarantee it'll be the same after. Now come here already. It's been like four days since I heard you moan last. I missed it."
"Four days? That's actually like a record for us."
"I've been dying over here."
Lucy giggled, slipping her underwear off and positioning herself on top of Natsu.
"Well? What are we waiting for then? Let's go."
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superfreakerz · 5 years
TDS 16
"The Dragneel Scrapbook"
Rated M.
Summary: They've loved each other every step of the way, from becoming partners to getting married, and now they get to experience raising kids. Snapshots of the Dragneel family.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
Chapter 16
Celestial Family
Nashi loved all kinds of magic. The guild was always using magic to make her smile or laugh. She loved the frosty air around Gray's ice as tiny pieces of ice gleamed under the light, she loved watching Cana's cards soar in the air, she loved her father's fire dancing in the palm of his hand, and she loved her mother's magic that lit up the whole room and brought a whole person out of nowhere.
The Dragneels were at the guild, everyone gathered around Nashi as usual. The baby was like a beacon, guiding people towards her in hopes of bringing a smile to her chubby face.
Lucy was discussing pregnancy with Juvia while Natsu held Nashi. Word of Juvia's pregnancy had spread through the guild like wildfire. She wasn't far along enough to start showing or have many symptoms, but she was cursed with morning sickness. Lucy was about to give advice when a burbling noise caught her attention.
She turned her head just in time to watch Nashi throw up on herself- along with Natsu's shoulder- as he burped her.
Everyone in the guild immediately took a step back.
"That's so unmanly," Elfman said, his face morphed into a look of disgust.
"It's natural after being burped," Lucy replied, rolling her eyes. She dug inside her baby bag for a change of clothes, only to remember that Nashi had already went through her spare outfit when she had an accident earlier. "Oh, shoot. I need to head home real quick and grab Nashi some new clothes. I'll be right back."
Before she could get out of her seat, there was a flash of light in the guild. Once it died down, she found Virgo standing in its wake, a frilly dress in her hands.
"I've brought a change of clothes," the spirit said. "Would you like me to change Nashi?"
"Thanks, Virgo! You're a lifesaver!" Lucy replied.
Nashi's eyes lit up and her mouth parted at the sight of Virgo, who gently picked her up and began to change her clothes. Virgo's eyes remained dull as always, but everyone knew her heart melted whenever she saw Nashi, proven by when Virgo had tried to take the baby into the Celestial World with her, only to be stopped by Lucy.
"Hello, Nashi," Virgo said, rocking the baby. "It is nice to see you again. One day, I will take you to the Celestial Spirit World."
"Don't even think about it," Lucy scolded, planting her hands on her hips. "I don't even want to hear that from you after you tried to hijack her last week."
Virgo gave Lucy a dull stare before turning her gaze onto Nashi, who stared at her with wide eyes.
"One day," she whispered, ignoring her owner's protests.
"That's it," Lucy said, snatching Nashi away. "You lost your chance!"
A pout rested on the spirit's face. "One day." With that, she headed back through her gate.
"I hope I haven't lost my chance," someone else said.
Lucy turned her head slightly to find Loke standing right behind her. His head hung over her shoulder to look at Nashi. Immediately, the baby lit up with a grin, reaching towards him.
"Hey, Loke," Lucy greeted. She handed Nashi over to him.
Nashi giggled, reaching up and grabbing Loke's sunglasses. Something about Loke always managed to bring out the child's playful side.
"Hey there, Princess!" Loke said. Ever since Nashi joined the picture, she had taken the nickname 'Princess' while Lucy was promoted to 'Queen.' The nicknames always managed to rile Natsu up.
"It's a good thing you didn't let Virgo hold her too long," Loke said to Lucy with a grin. "She would've taken Nashi. She loves the little squirt so much."
"Believe me, I know," Lucy replied with a sigh. Though she acted annoyed by it, she was glad that the spirits loved Nashi and looked after her like she was one of their own. Nashi was blessed to be raised by not only Fairy Tail, but the whole Celestial Spirit World. Everyone looked out for the child and vowed to keep her safe.
"I might take her too," Loke joked. "She's just too adorable!"
"Don't even think about it, pervy cat!" Natsu replied, his fists on fire.
"Quit calling me that!"
"What? Wanna fight about it?"
"No fighting around Nashi," Lucy said, a vein ticked in her forehead.
"You have no room to talk," Happy replied, flying above the blonde. "You and Natsu just got in a fight the other day over changing her diaper!"
"W-Well that's different!"
"It just is!"
Loke carried Nashi with one arm and wrapped the other around Lucy.
"I would never make a Queen such as yourself change a diaper," he said.
A low growl resonated in Natsu's throat. "If you weren't holding my daughter, I'd burn you to ashes."
"Always the jealous one, huh? With both your wife and your daughter! Better watch out, Natsu. If you aren't careful, I'll whisk them away myself!"
Loke cried out in pain as he was smacked on the back of his head.
"Luuucy! What was that for?" he asked. "I could've dropped Nashi!"
The blonde shrugged. "I would've caught her. And that's for making jokes like that when you're with Aries."
"Speaking of Aries, we actually have a date planned, so I'll be heading back now. So long, my precious Queen. And so long to you, my precious Princess!"
Loke handed Nashi back to her mother before stepping through his gate right before Natsu could punch him.
"Imma turn that guy to ashes next time," Natsu grumbled.
"I know you will," Lucy replied, patting his back.
As the family returned home for the night, Lucy took Nashi into the bathroom and started a bath for the two of them while Natsu and Happy went to play. She made sure the water wasn't too hot and kept the water level low before stepping inside with Nashi. As she gently bathed her daughter, she recalled another spirit who hadn't talked to Nashi that day.
Grabbing a key, Lucy watched Nashi's eyes lit up as she dunked it into the water. No matter how spoiled she was by Virgo, or how much fun she had with Loke, or how cute Plue was, it was clear who Nashi's favorite spirit was. The water began to ripple, causing Nashi to squeal in excitement before Aquarius appeared.
"No matter how old you get, you still keep summoning me during your baths," Aquarius said, giving Lucy a stern stare.
"I figured you could say hi to Nashi!" she replied.
Nashi held her hands out in front of her, reaching excitedly towards the mermaid. Aquarius' annoyed look faltered at the baby's fondness of her. She didn't know what it was that made the baby love her so much.
"Hope she doesn't turn out as much of a brat as you did," the spirit said, taking Nashi into her arms.
Lucy rolled her eyes and muttered, "I'm not even a brat."
The corners of Aquarius' lips tugged upwards into a miniscule smile, one that would've went unnoticed by people who didn't know the spirit. But Lucy could see it all too well.
"Time sure does fly, huh?" Aquarius mused, wiping some of Nashi's hair off of her forehead. "Seems like only yesterday I was your mother's spirit. Then I got handed down to you. And one day, I'll be hers."
"I know you'll protect her, just like you always did with me," Lucy replied with a smile of her own. "I'm so glad I found you again."
Aquarius whirled some water in the air, making Nashi laugh. Even though Layla's features weren't as apparent in Nashi as they were in Lucy, she still had the same chocolate-brown eyes that were easy to drown in.
"Your mother would have loved her."
"I know," Lucy said, resting her hand over her heart. "Papa would have too. But I know they're watching over her."
"As are we," Aquarius replied, poking Nashi's chubby cheek. "Every time Nashi looks up at the stars, we'll be shining down on her. Unless she turns out like you. Then she's on her own."
A vein ticked in Lucy's forehead. "Will you ever drop the act?"
Aquarius scoffed. "Who said it's an act? Anyways, I'm outta here." She turned into a puddle of goo as she continued, "Scorpio is taking me out tonight! Later, brat. And bye to you, Nashi!"
After handing Nashi back to her mother, she went back through her gate. Lucy smiled down at her daughter.
"I hope you know just how much your celestial family loves you."
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