#the duffers cant be this stupid
netflixnormalthings · 2 years
once again thinking about the boat scene and how “not wasting a second” is an “unambiguous sign of true love” and how that more directly applies to robin going in after nancy than it does to nancy going in after steve especially with the extra emphasis added to that scene in which eddie tries to get robin to stay on the boat but she dives in anyway and also the earlier parallels where nancy is looking at steve but robin is looking and nancy and then i dissolve 
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deedoop · 2 years
I hate that i feel like I have to justify liking a fictional character and that people go apeshit over ships and other fictional characters
We live in a society
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kneeanderthal · 2 years
did the stranger things writers write anything
seems like it was mostly the actors
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sweetronancer · 5 months
no bc what if nancy and robin dont have that many scenes together bc the duffers know they have too much chemistry like what if like they force them apart bro.. like they cant have robin ruining that stupid ass love triangle.
also i like totally refuse to believe that robin and nancy didnt like. have any more interactions after fighting vecna or wtv. like!!! it js upsets me.
ronance gets me so worked up its not funny anymore thtbgji
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woah1kavinsky · 2 years
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You know what doesn’t make sense?!? Nancy, Steve and robin being choked by vecna’s stupid tentacles and leaving without a scratch. Also Steve was attacked by bats as well but the mf is still alive. Love me some stupid plot armor.
Cant wait for the duffer brothers bullshit response to everyone being upset over Eddie’s death.
“If we knew people were going to like him from the start we wouldn’t have killed him off”
Justice for Eddie fr fr
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sc00ps-ahoy · 1 year
Just thinking about how the duffers are 100% gonna kill off steve in s5 because they are obsessed with the stupid stonancy love triangle and so its either gonna be jancy/stancy because in their head steve cant be happy unless hes with nancy + nancy has to get with a guy.
(also that s4 could have been a great opportunity to have steve’s storyline not be entirely about getting with a girl and possibly introducing the fact that the reason he has always been so fixated on getting with girls is because he’s in denial 🏳️‍🌈 but maybe thats just my gayness talking)
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crazytogether4l · 2 years
"Its not my fault you dont like girls"
I feel like the GA sees this scene as like a confirmation of will's sexuality, but honestly I feel like it is actually a confirmation of mike's.
As confirmed by Finn Wolfhard, we know that mike is unaware of will's feelings for him and/or will being gay. So to me it feels very odd that mike would just acuse will of not liking girls. Especially since he knows that many girls have had crushes on him, will even danced with a girl at the snow ball (mike was visibly upset by this).
Why would mike say that out of nowhere?
Lets remind ourselves of the context of this scene. Before this happens they are playing dnd. This is a sample of a transcript from 8flix idk if its real or not but the lines are accurate so we'll just go off of that ig.
Lucas and Mike put down their D&D BOOKS and rush to the phone. [WILL (CONT'D)] (breaks character) What, no!Mike gets to the phone first and answers. [MIKE] El? (beat, then disappointed) No. Sorry, not interested. (hangs up) Telemarketers.
Look at whats written in green. Mike says El? No sorry, not interested (not interested in what mike... what are you saying) and then TELEMARKETERS (Could this be forshadowing! Could it be forshadowing the Joyce's telemarketing job that stops him from being able to call will? Hmmmmmm....)
[LUCAS] Maybe we should just call them? [MIKE] We can do that? [LUCAS] I think so. [MIKE] Yeah, but what would we say?
Notice how Mike ALWAYSSS asks people what to say to el when they are having a conflict. Mike just cant have heart to hearts with her without someone else prompting him on what to say. I feel like he does this because he needs to have validation that he is doing the right thing (or the straight thing...). Like he needs to know that the way he is talking to el is how other people who have girlfriends talk to their girlfriends.
[WILL (CONT'D)] See? You don’t even know and you don’t even care and obviously he doesn’t either and I don’t blame him. You’re destroying everything, and for what? So you can swat spit with some stupid girl? [MIKE] El’s not stupid! It’s not my fault you don’t like girls.
Mike. Honey. Come on. There was no hinting in any of the past scenes that mike thought will was gay or that will was upset because mike is straight and he is gay, this is entirely mike turning this into a straight vs gay thing.
I think that mike takes what will said and interprets it as an attack on his sexuality, and he gets worried that will is onto him. He says "some stupid girl" which makes mike feel vunerable. This causes him to lash out and attack will to take the attention off of himself, so instead of his sexuality being questioned its will who is being accused.
So I dont think that this scene is about the GA learning about Wills sexuality. I think the duffers are making it seem like that but really, underneath the surface, the scene is about mike revealing hints about his sexuality.
I LOVE BYLER! If you have any thoughts or contrasting opinions lmk I love talking about different possibilities of the meanings of different scenes! You all are wonderful and smart people ❤
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bylrlvr · 2 years
The wrath of God burns in white-hot fury against homosexuality, Byler, and all who support the wickedness of this vile non-canon stupid harmful ship that will never in a trillion years occur. (See Romans 1:24-27 for sharp reference). Y’all prattle on ad nauseam about Byler, and the brazen way you attack the beautiful love of Mike and Eleven to prop up literal evil makes me sick. You think the duffers would appease a radical minority in the final season and make mike gay out of nowhere? Fools! The lot of you! It is a sickening wickedness that would make people think something like this is okay. ST is not a gay show, if you ask me Robin was too much but now you have will too which is sad. If I have to see another pro “Byler” video on my For You Page I will become Vecna myself
girl get some help
funny how you said you "will become vecna" because do you realize vecna chooses violence? violence is an actual sin lmfaoo
and what do i have to do with byler vids showing up on your fyp i cant control the fucking weather
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paladin-n-cleric · 2 years
cant wait for the s5 table read when there’s a stupid scene and the cast just looks at the duffers disgustedly and be as peer pressure them into changing the script
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ariesbilly · 1 year
I can’t move on. I can’t stop being so mad and upset about the way the Duffers wrote Billy and how many of the fandom don’t care. About Dacre absolutely carrying season 3 only to get trashed in season 4. I wish I never watched this show. I held on hope for so long - even after season 3 that his character would be handled better. The billy fandom and the harringrove fandom(s) are so good but I just wish more people would understand. It’s so stupid but I feel like I’m never getting over this. It’s so irrational. I’m so mad about how the ST fandom talks about abuse victims. I’m so mad that they can’t even pretend to be open minded for a second and listen. I try to stay away from ST now but it’s always in the back of my mind making me upset. Dacre deserves so much better. We all deserve so much better. Fuck.
i mean listen i get it. i can hold a grudge like nobodys business. i saw a post yesterday that got me so mad but then in like 5 minutes i carried on with my life lmfao you just gotta learn to let shit go. it is very frustrating and i totally get getting worked up all over again cuz god knows we all do it but also its just like... you cant fester in it. at some point you just gotta accept it for what it is and move on cuz nothings gonna change. take satisfaction in knowing you are correct lmao surround yourself with people who also know you are correct. ignore stupid people. exist in your own little fandom bubble
sometimes you just gotta look at shit that makes you mad and be like "wow... this really happened.... anyway."
i say this now knowing full well come season 5 when the bullshit starts again i will be on the warpath once more lmfao but in the meantime... c'est la vie!
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byerslvr · 2 years
honestly i dont blame pessimistic byler shippers. i myself have seen this time & time again with other shows. queerbaiting is real and it hurts when creators give u hope for believing that they’ll give u representation only for them to destroy that hope by making the characters straight/die and laugh at you for being stupid when they were the ones who made the characters in the first place. supernatural (yes im counting that bc of the whole super hell thing) teen wolf, sherlock, etc. i know st is different in many ways but im sorry even tho in my deepest deepest heart my desire is that byler will become canon,,, i cant bring myself to hope too much ive been burned too many times sjsjkdksdk i know it sucks tho so i try not to rain on others’ parade when they are optimistic
don't worry, I understand you. I'm also pretty skeptical here and I'm trying to expect absolutely nothing, so if something happens I'm taken by surprise.
not because we don't have enough evidence or build up, but because I don't exactly trust the duffers. it's okay to have your doubts and it doesn't make you any less of a byler shipper, I promise. this goes to everyone having their doubts right now.
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netflixnormalthings · 2 years
ah yes my most recent duffer tags
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mummer · 9 months
went down the rabbit hole of my own ao3 today and decided to reflect upon my works ye mighty and despair as an exercise in self understanding:
it chapter two time travel fic - this one has problems in that i was nineteen and a shut-in at the time and didnt know how real life worked and wasnt funny. but it also has some very good things such as the theme is good. good bev stuff. i was so MAD at this movie lolllz... overly sappy and sentimental.. gets real weird and fantastical for no good reason but i dont mind that. STOP SWEARING SO MUCH.. not "well" written but not poorly written either + has its moments 7.4/10
the fool - unfortunately i will never in my life be able to top this due to it being a product of an early pandemic induced fugue state and i just have to accept that. it fucks so severely hard i't's difficult to comprehend. fully formed like athena. deserves 10 million billion hits. sometimes ill have bad self esteem and then i'll chance back upon this and be like Nvm im a genius...... there are like two bits that could use some revision but honestly thats it. "me being stupid is a foundational literary lens" - i remember saying this at some point. 9.5/10 i was so real for all of this
noli me tangere - i dont like this anymore. it really suffers from following the timeline so closely and retelling a bunch of boring administrative shit and has too many threads. the writing is not very good either frankly apart from the beginning. bland. too long. i had a lot of Ideas but.... 6.1/10
the body is a blade - honestly the thing about this one is that it should be 800x more fucked up and evil about everything. i should have let it be scary and fraught and less overtly romantic. i think i struggle with that in fic tbh i always come at it with too much of a wish fulfillment lens stfu bitch i want them to drink each others blood and throw up everywhere. writing is mostly good though and the structure works even tho there is no plot. 7.8/10
random ass stranger things fic from last year i dont want to talk about - i was having a bad 6 months when i wrote this but you cant tell because it does hold up mostly. i mean it's completely bonkers and has major plot conveniences but it's trying to emulate stranger things so you must allow it. i think the duffers could learn a lot from me personally (insane). dusty my best friend dusty. one thing about me is thtat there's gonna be a damn road trip. the writing? IS GOOD. i love BANTER. will also never get recognition due to rarepair problems.. im used to that. i like that i was basically like And fuck found family too btw. theres nuance in this and hard complicated feelings! neat! why was i doing all that for this? i didnt have to. REAAALLLLY didnt have to. 8/10
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indouloureux · 2 years
referring to eddie’s bullet belt that one of your anons was talking about,
is it me or its just the Duffers that being stupid by giving eddie the belt BUT there were no guns with him? or i’m still confused- did he bring any guns to use it with the bullets?! i need enlightenment bc me & my cousins have been going insane thinking abt how stupid this is sorry LMAO
going back to that one post i made abt eddie and his bullet belt that i cant FIND!! he probably thinks it makes him look cool and metal bc "holy shit my belts made out of bullets." hes an idiot but i love him ugh
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archive2394934 · 1 year
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@wheelercore -> tags from this post.
No you're so right, I'd actually be shocked at this point if Virginia wasn't hooking up with another man while Victor was at war, hence Alice. It all makes perfect sense. Victor comes home from the war and Alice exists? I don't think he's so stupid as to really believe this was his kid but maybe Virginia "convinced" him it was, not so much because he's stupid but because he WANTED to believe it was, because the alternative is acknowledging his wife was a cheat-- which-- at this time was a SERIOUSLY bad and shameful thing, not just for Virginia herself but for Victor as well. At this point in time family and marriage was held in the highest possible esteem. Put this with the fact its OBVIOUS the Creels were Christian, this is why Victor is going on about sins and demons and would explain WHY he he says "punishing us for our sins" meaning his entire family, not just him, not just his mistake in the war, but because BACK THEN this would basically mean his entire family was built on sin. Built on a lie.
This could also be part of why the Creels moved from their old home town to Hawkins. Trying to get away from the "sin" and the shame, especially if the community knew that Victor was at war when Virginia fell pregnant with Alice and sure Virginia could insist it was Victors and Victor could back her up on it but people would know. Which just makes the suggestion they moved because of Henry's possible problems with school even more noxious because there they are using their probably disabled child as a scapegoat again. ALSO LET ME EDIT TO ADD THIS REAL QUICK: I cant help but imagine how it might have felt and looked to Victor if he knew for a fact that Henry WAS his biological child and HENRY was the one who was labeled as abnormal and broken by his teachers and doctors. We know back in this time period children like Henry, children who were "different" and had difficulties and "special needs" were often considered punishments to their families for sinning. So theres also THAT. And maybe part of Victors thing in forgiving Virginia for this wasn't just because it was a lot more awkward and painful not to in a sense but also because he was traumatized by a terrible mistake he made during the war. He comes home and finds out his wife has made a terrible mistake as well (or so she might have claimed) and he decides well how can I judge her? Like is that all theory? Sure, but it seems backed up enough by canon at this point. And I FULLY AGREE. Theres more going on, and I THINK the duffers have confirmed that they're going to be focusing on Henry's past a lot more next season-- I also feel like some things in the script were changed to make things a little more vague in order to keep folks guessing for s5 and not give everything away right off the bat. (Like Henry's transformation for example, I have a feeling that might have been changed the way it was BOTH to make it easier to translate to the screen but also to further obscure what the "line" between Henry and the MF actually is, so to speak. Cos I mean just think if we had the scene on screen in its original form how could people doubt that Henry might not be the big bad? Like if they SAW THE VINES transforming Henry in some weird attack (similar to what we saw with Billy) how could they deny he's not the one controlling them? I MEAN there should already be sufficient enough doubt with what we did see and the things we do know but I think a scene like that would p much confirm my thoughts and it seems the Duffer brothers are treating that a bit like a spoiler for the next season. (sorry Duffers if thats true I ratted y'all out a year or so in advance)
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blue-n-yellow · 2 years
i am in full support of and think u should post the mikephobia analysis, my loveliest <3
u all have to be nice to me my bf said so. what are u, the duffer brothers? dont be homophobic, support my posts today
anyways!!!! this def isnt. the full bullshit i typed up last night at 5 am but like... hopper isn't the one who cant escape mike, its johnathan.
johnathan is the one whos been watching bylers development for the past ten years, and then, come cali, even tho he was high as shit, he was still. in that damn house while el was sobbing over "from, mike" in one room, and will was sobbing over no calls from mike in the other.
and then the vannnnn... we all know he was watching the painting scene and saw his poor lil brother use his love confession to make stupid mike wheeler feel better about his relationship, had to keep on driving while will sobbed instead of pulling over and making mike walk home from nevada to think about what hed done. and then johnathan had to listen as mike gave some bullshit monologue to el, johnathans other little sibling, had to listen as mike said his life started when will was gone, had to put up with knowing the only reason mike could lie to himself and everyone and say he liked el was because of will.
and then johnathan had to drive them home. spend another two days. trying to survive being in a van with mike, and the two people mike was screwing over, both of whom. johnathan considers his family (unlike hopper, who. never interacted with will).
this blog is 100% a mike wheeler support page, im clinging to the theory that hes just going through it and hes gonna address his internalized issues in season 5 and we're gonna see a return to sweet precious caring mike. but just because i adore him does not mean that johnathan feels the same akdjjssdjkdjkdjsksd.
johnathan byers has every reason to be so tired of mike wheelers existence- significantly more reason than hopper, who's actually had numerous positive experiences with mike
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