#the dusthide imo!
pearlcatcher-problems · 3 months
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the stranger / the interloper / the quantum moon
an antler-specific dusthide m skin ; w; the skin looks silly without antlers but imo dusthides should have antler as base model what do you mean I'm biased--
this is part of my homage series, which will be skins that are inspired by some of my favourite games q wq
bonus shadowlines version under cut.
decided to actually just focus on flats this time around and depend on site-shadows to punch in darks and give things natural shadow. Pretty happy with how it turned out, two different vibes! I prefer to showcase without shlines though since ; w; me own work....
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I think the shadows add so much to them and finish them up for on-site nicely ; w;
it's been fun to learn little tricks to tackling them and spending less time on some rendering stuff so I enjoy the process overall a bit more
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manic-marzal · 5 months
hot take but i think the novelty of ancient breeds and their line breaking genes has worn out a little and i don’t think it makes up for them not being to wear apparel at all or breed with normal dragons
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imo aethers, dusthides, gaolers, sandsurges, and veilspun aren’t wacky enough to be ancient breeds. we’ve got bug with horns, smooth boi fat tail, big shaggy moose tundra, not quite ridgebacks, and bug (?) with hair. they all fit the head neck torso arms legs wings tail layout modern breeds do, it’s literally just the line breaking genes that are the issue and the customization from apparel feels better than what the terts offer anyway imho
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abberations, auraboas, banescales, and undertides i understand a little more, but…
abberations literally just have two heads and two tails. you can make head and tail apparel just go on both. some people might not want that but there’s a lot of things on the site some people don’t want already so that’s kinda a moot point
auraboas, okay. they don’t have legs or anything analogous to legs. i get why they don’t wanna have a dressable dragon with no legs. i’ll accept that
banescales don’t have arms, but i feel like that’s more manageable since the wings are in the place the arms should be. i think it’s workable putting arm apparel on wings though
undertides i can understand the most. they don’t have arms or legs and the best they have in their place is tiny fins. i can live with them not being dressable
“but the terts are so cool! it would take too long to draw all the apparel for all the breeds! you’re breaking the rules!”
i don’t think the line breaking ancient genes are cool enough to justify it. i’d rather wait longer for them to draw all the apparel stuff than get something kinda mid quicker. people make fake clothing accents for ancients all the time so it’s definitely doable. hell just get creative with how the clothes lay around the line breaking terts. put the terts on a different layer so they can overlap when needed. idk
don’t get me wrong, i’m really appreciative of the art team and everyone else on staff, i just don’t think this is working as well as intended or paying off enough to justify continuing. make the terts crazier (if you can even do that within the square they’re stuck in) or just make them modern breeds <:/
edit: i don’t expect them to change existing ancients if they change anything at all. that would be an enormous backlog and frankly unreasonable. i just think going forward they should be more lenient on what is a modern breed that deserves time put into drawing apparel for them and what should be dug deeper into to make truly weird and crazy enough to justify not being able to customize them with the thousands of different apparel pieces on site when that’s like half the game
also if they’re gonna add parallel genes anyway why can’t you breed them with other ancients or moderns. if it’d result in a gene the other breed doesn’t have just make it default to basic or something
second edit: just make the weird terts some kind of apparel. no it wouldn't have the same color range as genes but looking at clothing stuff like roundhorns and antlers and feathered wings and claws and whatever else, they could make 90% of the weird tacked on line breaking terts into apparel pieces with a good variety of colors and it'd be more or less the same thing
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I think the warrior gene is neat but I kinda wish dusthides got it on release? It seems actually most appropriate for them out of all the ancient breeds, and they're in desperate need of more line breaking terts, imo. Hopefully they get it added in the near future.
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saltminerising · 2 months
tbh part of my issues with snappers is how small their secondary area is because of their small wings. gaolers, who also have small wings get the benefit of the secondaries being on their mane too. it distributes the color more. but its just especially wacky on snappers because its such a small space, it makes non-matching primary and secondaries work not as well imo. dusthides also have this problem although not as much. I even kind of feel it with mirrors and guardians
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rabid-catboy · 5 months
listen ive got my problems with dusthides too, but theyre a lot better than auraboas and aethers in my opinion. they actually look like creatures instead of just looking cutesy. i think they could use more texture and maybe a slightly cooler head but theyre a cool design imo
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despairing-disaster · 5 months
So glad I followed the flight rising tag on tumblr so I could be subject to vast swaths of pointless dragon discourse /s
Anyways, I understand some of the disappointment in the dusthides, especially in regards to the lack of plating or heft and the presence of wings when they could have made them wingless, but we're getting mad about lizards being bald? And having fat tails? And short snouts? Like
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Why do you hate them?
And personally, I actually really like how "simple" these ones look. Sometimes less is more imo
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enteragoodnamehere · 2 months
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anyone interested in a pretty Christmas (hatched on christmas day) gen1? her colors are Grape/Blush/Spring and she has unusual lightning eyes. Grape and Blush go absurdly well together and while Spring's a bit weird it does have some nice combos imo. I'm just not super attached to her anymore and am trying to clear out some room in my lair/hibden
I originally had her up for 25 gems on the AH but I'd be willing to give her away for cheaper as long as she's not exalted ^^ (I think she's super pretty and I wouldn't want her going to waste). I can throw in a scroll of renaming if needed as well
(scrys are Swirl/Blend/Stained + Nocturne, Poison/Jester/Ghost + Fathom, Stitched/Sludge/Riot + Aberration, and Varnish/Marlin/Ringlets + Dusthide)
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travelers-rest-fr · 3 months
Also it's funny. When Auraboas dropped i turned a tundra i had into an Auraboa and fully gened it, but I never gened the Auraboas I got at drop despite having some pretty solid scries imo.
I also haven't gened my dusthides.
Fathoms tho ? Here's Nelvaren and Nakaveh and I love them.
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saltminerising · 5 months
i've been thinking about making a shin godzilla fandragon but no breed really suited him for me... then BAM dusthides. not 100% but works REALLY well imo. AND my progen has the perfect colours... >:)
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saltminerising · 5 months
i like just about all the terts on dusthides except antlers. the antlers don't really fit them and putting fur on something that otherwise has No fur is just really uncanny to me. not to mention the fact that the fur and antlers share the same color, it's just.. kinda bad imo
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Earth Flight is a daddy's girl.
Salt Mines Reborn - new ancient - new ancient (tumblr.com) wildest anon post...
Earth is definitely a mommy/daddy's boy/girl flight imo.
Dustcarve Dig: Do you remember when the last all-site lore event was? Yeah? Me neither. Adventure Mode is a LIE. It's not gonna happen. Stop talking about it lol.
Obelisk: The only new modern breed since 2016/2018. The only one assigned to an element and one of the more popular breeds.
Zombies: Staff won't let plague have zombies in canon bc zombies are an earth/light concept. Common plague L.
Pillar of the world: we have it. it's just that good, i won't even bother explaining how cool this stupid pile of rocks is. it's just very cool. me likey. ya'll should come visit it sometime.
Our fest skins and apparel are pretty mid, but i think FR staff are coming around to be more open to "trendier" skins and accents overall. I can't say staff have an excuse for most of the earth apparel, but who uses fest apparel anyways?
Overall, I think earth is definitely one of the favourite flights. Dusthides are mid, but like... they aren't any more "mid/basic/bald" as banescales (whom I personally find pretty cool.)
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