#the early reviews made my heart grow like the grinch
three-drink-amy · 9 months
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My hand slipped and a Firstprince fic appeared.
Coming soon to an AO3 near you.
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artaefact · 3 years
grinchly, yours.
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—wordcount: 15k+
—genre: angst, fluff, bookshop owner!reader, florist!hoseok, bookshop au, christmas au, flower shop au, s2l au
—pairing: jung hoseok x f reader
—rating: pg-15
—warnings: awkward moments, a cemetery scene, mention loss of loved ones, a soft!hobi
—summary: Christmas time is around the corner, everyone is celebrating to their heart’s content, but not you. No, you despise Christmas and the joy it brings. That is, until a friendly florist decides to pay your bookstore a visit.
author’s note: i’ve been meaning to write a character with the grinch’s personality and this story has been revolving around my head for some time !! happy reading everyone 💖 
prompt: “carolling” for @btsholidaybingo event & “winter market date” for @kdiarynet winter hearts event !!
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© artaefact 2020. All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is NOT permitted.
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You nearly lose it when a snowflake lands on your face — specifically, your eye — for the third time now as you pad along the asphalt road. Releasing a breath, you calm yourself. This should be a regular occurrence for you. Still, you can’t help but scowl at the sight of fake candy canes and decorated fir trees near the streets and shops, and well, basically everywhere.
Once you near your bookshop, another annoyed sigh escapes your lips when you find a group of people singing right in front of the door again. Honestly, your patience is running thin as you have once told them to not sing in front of your bookstore.
Cursing under your breath, you try not to meet anyone’s eye and opt to quickly enter your shop. However, one of the members notices you and waves at you. You recognise him as Jimin — a local baker who likes to stop by your bookstore to look for recipe books.
After responding with a brief nod at him, you unlock your door and rush inside.
It’s not even Christmas yet, so why are these people singing Christmas carols early in the morning already? The sun has barely even risen up!
A relieved sigh escapes your lips when you can’t hear the choir anymore, at least muffled by the door of your bookstore. Moving towards the cashier table, you place your messenger bag underneath it before getting to work.
Carrying boxes of books back and forth from the supply room is the daily norm for you. You find comfort hidden between the shelves while you stack the newly-delivered books neatly into their allocated place. Many would say that it’s a lonely job, especially since you refuse to hire anyone to work in your store. But you don’t. You seldom feel that way.
The soft music from the jukebox is the only thing that keeps the bookshop from falling into complete silence as you work on reshelving and rearranging the books. That is until the bell on top of the front door rings.
“Welcome!” You place the books on the wooden floor, standing up only to see Jimin peering on the aisle you’re in, smiling ear-to-ear.
Sighing internally, you ask, “What are you doing here?”
“Just wanted to pop in and say hi.”
You sit back down on the wooden floor and continue to shelf the books. “Didn’t you do that before?”
“You didn’t say a word.” He moves closer and plops down beside you.
You merely shake your head, still focusing on your task. “How many times do I have to tell you not to let those choir people sing in front of my store?”
“Right,” Jimin answers sheepishly. “You see, we are still scouting for another area and—”
“Well then, find it quicker. Why don’t they just sing in front of your bakery?”
“It’s not exactly an ideal spot for singing…”
“And the front of my store is?”
“There’s not much public transport station here—”
You huff in annoyance. “If you don’t have anything else to do besides making excuses, I would appreciate it if you leave. As you can see—” Lifting one of the books in emphasis, “—my hands are full.”
Despite your cold words, Jimin dismisses it quickly. “Well, I’m looking for a book about plants.”
“Botany?” Your brows furrow. “Did baking go wrong?”
He snorts. “As if, but my friend is looking for one. He asked me if I could get one for him.”
“Is there a particular book he’s searching for?”
Jimin hands you a piece of paper.
“Oh, I have to place an order for this one,” you utter. “I’ll send you a text when it has arrived.”
Nodding, Jimin finally stands up and is ready to leave when you call him.
“Oh, and Jimin?”
“For the last time, take your fellow choir crew somewhere else to sing.”
✧༺♡༻∞ ∞༺♡༻✧
The box lands on the cashier desk with a thump before you send a message to Jimin, a week later.
[ 2:05 PM ] You: your friend’s book is here
Placing your phone on the table, you peel off the wrapping tape and open the box. The printed white letters of Guide to Gardening contrast against the pine green background of the hardcover as tiny drawn flowers scatter across the edge of the cover.
You read the synopsis curiously, wondering how someone can find garden-work interesting when your phone dings — a text notification from Jimin lights up your phone screen.
[ 2:09 PM ] Jimin: Oh! I’ll tell my friend to pick up the book himself. He should be able to swing by today.
Not bothering to reply to him, you put away the book for safekeeping — leaving Jimin on read, as usual, and get back to check your supplies, making sure everything’s in stock.
An hour or two have passed until someone enters your bookstore. “Excuse me?”
Looking up from the papers, a new customer staring at you. “May I help you?” You ask, standing up from your seat.
“I ordered a book. And my friend, Jimin, told me it has arrived.”
“Oh!” You scramble through your paper-covered desk, reaching for the book. “Are you—” You check the name it was ordered under. “—Hoseok?”
He nods, dimples appearing on his cheeks.
“Here you go.” Handing the book to him. “Is this what you were looking for?”
The subtle smile on his face turns into a bright grin as soon as he reads the title. “It is.”
“Great,” you nod. “Do you still want to take a look around, or would that be all?”
Hoseok’s gaze lingers on you, a bit too long for your liking, but he shakes his head regardless. “This would be all for now.”
“That’ll be twenty-five dollars.”
While you print the receipt, he asks, “Are you a friend of Jimin’s?”
“Acquaintance,” you correct him, handing his receipt.
“I see. May I know your name at least?” He extends his hand.
Blinking at his question, your hand moves before you can think twice about taking his hand in yours. Ignoring the way your hand fits so well in his, you introduce yourself, “Y/N.”
And a bright, bright grin appears on his face, one that you swear can light up the whole bookshop. “Hope we’ll see each other again soon, Y/N. Just recently opened up my shop near the corner of the street.” Then he makes his way out of the store, steps faltering slightly before the entrance, giving the bookstore a once-over and walks out.
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The next time you meet Hoseok is when he visits your store in passing. “Hey, Y/N!” He greets you as you place a stack of books on the cashier table from the delivery box earlier.
“Hi, Hoseok...” You do not know what to make of his cheerful demeanour.
“How’s your day?”
You furrow your brows in confusion. Is he seriously asking that for no apparent reason?
“Fine, I guess,” you answer nonetheless as you rub your palms against your jeans. “Just had to clear out the storage and rearrange some shelves.”
“Do you need any help?”
You shake your head. “I’m good. Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Oh! I’m looking for a book about orchids,” Hoseok explains. “It’s so hard to grow them.”
“Give me a moment, I’ll check the supplies,” you mumble, moving and clicking your mouse to find what he is searching for. Hoseok moves to a nearby aisle, looking through random books while you move to the allocated aisle of the book he wants.
Hoseok is confused for a moment as his attention is set on the little post-its on the shelf. As he takes a closer look, he realises that these are your reviews of the books. He can’t help but chuckle at how enthusiastic your reviews sound.
It’s amusing how you are interested in The Grinch.
Plucking one of the books, he makes his way to you. You are so focused on the books as he stands beside you, then he pokes your shoulder and you jolt. “Oh my—”
Hoseok apologises sheepishly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you.”
You clear your throat. “It’s fine. I tend to tune out my surroundings when I’m focused. And, uh, here—” You hold out the book to him. “—is this it?”
Hoseok nods, smiling as he takes the book and follows behind you to the cashier. As you type in the order, he asks, “Do you like this book?” Your movements falter at his sudden question, which he notices. “I saw some stickers you posted beneath the books that seem to be your favourites.”
Cheeks growing warm at his words, you stammer, “Well, I thought it would encourage people to buy and—”
He places one of the books that you recommended on top of the book he was looking for. “I’ll get this one too.”
“But… It’s a children’s book.” You gape.
“I’m not big on reading heavy novels, Y/N. So, I think this is a good start,” he shrugs. “Plus, you recommended five stars for this and your review—”
“Okay!” You cut him off, grasping the book. “I-I get what you mean, but are you sure? You don’t have to—”
“Am I not here as your customer?”
Sighing mentally, you proceed to scan the barcode. “That will be forty-seven dollars.”
Meetings with him are refreshing, as it is odd. Hoseok would come by your bookstore once in a while — once a week or even twice. At first, you thought something was up. Definitely, since he didn’t purchase books on every visit. But what throws you off is that he would come by to drop desserts or even just a quick ‘hi’ when he is busy that day.
You’re sceptical indeed. Was there a bet being made to befriend you? But he wouldn’t have treated you to those sugar-coated doughnuts or hot chocolate if he wants money.
Deep in your own thoughts, you walk along the usual route to your store; hands tucked inside your thick coat, even ignoring the snow that’s covered your beanie.
You’re not used to this; someone just straight-up approaching you, or just enjoying being in your presence with no obligation to do so. Haven’t he heard of the rumours that surround you? In a small town where you live, he must have heard something.
Thoughts drifting back to reality, your eyes twitch as you find those carolling people in front of your store again. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you let out an annoyed sigh.
How many times should you tell them to scram? And where is Park Jimin?
You scan through the faces of the group, and he was nowhere to be found. Muttering a curse under your breath while ignoring the slight aching in your chest, you stomp towards them.
“Hello,” You plaster on a big fake smile, ceasing their singing at once. “I thought I had told one of your crew — Jimin — that you can’t sing in front of my store. Where is he, anyway?”
“He’s not joining us today,” one of the choir members answers, nonchalantly. “We didn’t know that this is a private area. I thought you only own your part of the store.”
The other choir members glance nervously at each other; their reaction an obvious contrast with this chipper, unheeding chatterbox in front of you. Gritting your teeth, you force down the curse words that are on the tip of your tongue back before clearing your throat. “Well, now, you know.” You pin down that girl who opens her loose mouth with your sharp stare. “So, I would appreciate it if you’d leave and never sing in front of my store again.”
She is about to respond when her crewmembers stop her from saying anything further, which is fortunate for her. In minutes, they pack up and finally leave.
Rubbing your temples, you make a mental note to put a sign in front of your store that says no choirs allowed, or any Christmas activities at all. After changing the ‘close’ sign to ‘open’, you place your things on the cashier table. Looking at the old jukebox fondly, you trace the intricate, beautiful designs for a little while before you turn it on. Soft jazz music fills the air instantly, and your heart warms up at that.
Deciding to have a little reading time, you pick a book from your favourite section. However, you falter momentarily when you realise it’s the same book Hoseok bought last week from your post-it recommendation. Sighing, you place the book back and pick another.
Time flies so quickly when you immerse yourself in books. By the time you check your phone, it’s afternoon already. And then the quiet atmosphere shatters when the bell of your bookstore rings.
“Y/N!” His familiar cheerful voice startles you.
“Hoseok…” You’re back again.
“I’m grabbing a bite in Jimin’s bakery, would you like to join?”
“No, I’m—” Your stomach growls loudly as if on cue.
Hoseok laughs at that, “Your stomach says otherwise. C’mon! You shouldn’t stay cooped up in your shop the whole day.”
And you can’t bring yourself to reject his offer again.
“How long have you been running your bookstore?” Hoseok asks as you both make your way towards Jimin’s bakery.
“It’s been... Five years,” you answer hesitantly.
“Oh, that’s quite long! Have you always been interested in books?”
You nod. “Yes, I’ve loved reading since I was a child.”
You didn’t realise how much you had enjoyed conversing with Hoseok until you reached Jimin’s bakery.
That was quick, you thought, at the sight of the pastel pink store.
Stepping into the bakery, Hoseok calls out, “Kookie!”
“Hyung?” The familiar man called ‘Kookie’ greets him after serving a customer with their order.
You wreck your head for his name — you know this guy. Well, have seen him with Jimin most of the time but you didn’t bother to know his name. Or actually, you did, but you forgot.
The only ones you can come up with are “John Cook’ or ‘Jungkook’. It has to be either one of those or else you’d embarrass yourself further.
“Oh, Y/N, it’s nice for you to come by!”
Screw it.
“Nice to see you too, John.”
Kookie lets out a giggle. “You can call me ‘Jungkook’ instead of my last name.”
Then it clicks. Right— it’s Jeon Jungkook. Thank the heavens ‘John’, and ‘Jeon’ sounds similar.
You feign indifference. “Alright, Jungkook.”
“Jimin is out with his girlfriend for hot chocolate, he’ll be back soon.”
As soon as you and Hoseok take a seat, Jungkook hands you both the menu before dealing with other customers.
“So... Are you sure you’re new here?” You break the silence. “Looks to me that you seem to know everyone here already.”
Hoseok chuckles at that. “Not everyone. But Jimin, Jungkook, and I go way back.”
“Ah, I see...” Then you cast your stare to the menu once more. But your attention shifts to the glass door to see Jimin and his girlfriend laughing. Not long after you catch his gaze, however, the warmth dissipates almost instantly. He stalks towards your table at once.
“What are you doing here?” Jimin seethes, eyes boring into yours as you match them equally with your icy ones.
“Ah, Jimin,” Hoseok turns to look at him. “I was grabbing something to eat, and I invited Y/N along and—”
“Y/N is not welcome here,” Jimin seethes.
Hoseok’s eyes widen before it gradually hardens at your defence. “Since when?”
But Jimin’s eyes are on you once more. “Why did you drive the choir crew away again? What did they do to you? They managed to sing a few blocks away from your store!”
“That is bullshit.” You stand up and level his gaze. “They sang in front of my store again, still disturbing the peace in my shop. And I told you to take your choir crew somewhere far to sing.”
Jimin lets out a frustrated sigh. “That’s not what they—”
“Believe whoever you want,” you cut him off, mood darkening. “And since I am not welcome here, I’ll see myself out.” Without another word, you head out of the bakery. Clutching your coat tighter to your frame, the sound of your boots thumps along the cobblestone until another pair of rapid footsteps follow behind you.
“Y/N!” Hoseok calls out, grabbing your arm. “Hey… I—” He catches his breath. “I’m sorry, Jimin is an asshole to you—”
You shake your head. “No, that’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. I—”
“Hoseok.” You turn to him. “Why do you even bother to befriend me?”
His eyes widened at that before he splutters, “B-Because, why not?”
Taking a step closer to him, you consider asking him if there is a bet going on, but decide against it. “I’ll be fine. You go back to Jimin.”
Without another glance, you turn away once more, leaving him in the midst of the cold weather.
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Autumn flies away too quickly, you bitterly thought. You find yourself missing the warm colours of the town, where the crunching sound of fallen leaves will always fill the silence when you go to work or go back home. Or, spring sounds good to you too — bright, vivid flowers loitering around as the warm sun kisses your skin.
Not this whole white fiasco. Your mood always dampens when you walk out of the house, only to find the usual bright morning still dark as it takes later for the sun to rise up.
‘Achoo—!’ You let out a sneeze, wrapping the thick blanket around your form tighter. The heater of the store is cranked up to the fullest, yet the winter cold still manages to get you.
Letting out an annoyed ‘tsk’, you continuously flip through the accounting records of your store, eyes scanning the numbers to make sure no mistakes are made. Unable to focus further, you sigh.
Maybe you should do other things before getting back to these numbers.
You let out another sneeze as you trudge to the storage room, huffing in annoyance while you sniffle. Taking out an opened empty box from the shelves, you pack children books into it when your doorbell rings.
“Please wait a moment!” You quickly shove the box to an empty corner before rushing out.
“Umm,” Hoseok stands awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. “Hi…” He takes a few steps closer. “I’m sorry about yesterday—”
Posture stiffening, you cut him off, “It’s not your fault, nor it was Jimin’s fault. It was my own mistake.”
He tries to argue. “No, it’s—”
“Hoseok, it’s alright.” You reassure him, plastering on a tight smile. “Really.”
“Ah, that’s… Well, these are for you.” He extends a bouquet of orchids.
You stare at him. “W-Why…?”
“I thought it would brighten up your bookstore,” he rambles. “Uh, unless you don’t want it? It’s really fine—”
You take the bouquet from his hold, your smile turning genuine on your lips. “Thank you.”
He grins at that. “Well, I’ve got to go back to the shop. Maybe we can go out for coffee or even lunch whenever you’re free?”
When you nod in response, Hoseok’s expression lights up further. With your numbers exchanged, he waves you goodbye and exits your store. It’s quiet once again, and you merely stand there, still staring at the bright purple hues of the orchids.
Perhaps, it’s still ol’ winter outside, but it feels as though spring blooms within the walls of your bookshop now.
✧༺♡༻∞ ∞༺♡���✧
Hoseok is in a good mood; he whistles some random pop songs as he makes his way back to his shop. “I’m back!” he chirps, scrubbing his snow-covered boots against the ‘welcome’ rug.
“I was beginning to think you have lost your way,” Jungkook comments, eyes focusing at the bouquet in front of him, wrapping it up. “The next customer won’t be here until three and, wait—” He looks around frantically at the scattered flowers on the counter. “Hyung! Where are the orchids?!”
“Huh?” Hoseok feigns innocence. “I thought we had them. You’ve cut their stems right?”
“Yes, but—”
It’s kinda funny to see the usual composed Jungkook, now, panicking. Little did he know, Hoseok had taken the last of the orchids to make a bouquet for you.
“Hyung! We need orchids! The colours don’t match! And—”
Hoseok snorts. “Use the hydrangeas. They fit with whatever bouquet you’re wrapping.”
Jungkook makes a face. “It’s not going to be the same as how I pictured it, Hyung. It has a different meaning too!” However, Hoseok has gone into the changing room to change into his usual working attire. From outside, Jungkook grumbles to himself, “I don’t deserve this treatment. I helped Jimin, and now Hobi hyung too. And for what exactly?”
“So, you won’t stay cooped up in your room until New Years.” Hoseok comments, tying his apron then rolling the sleeve of his shirt till it reaches just before his elbows.
“Okay, but ‘fess up, Hyung—” Jungkook still looks unamused. “What did you do to the orchids? I know you’ve worked hard growing them so you won’t give away those flowers easily.”
“Huh,” Hoseok feigns innocence, grabbing a set of flowers to wrap. “Really? Maybe I did give it away to someone pretty, who knows.” Beautiful, in fact.
“Who?” Then Jungkook’s face turns dumbfounded as he seems to realise something. “Wait, don’t tell me it’s Y/N.”
“Why not Y/N?” Hoseok raises a brow, sparing the younger one a questioning glance.
Jungkook groans. “No, hyung, don’t you know she’s like… Unapproachable? Like even Jimin’s charm does not affect her at all. In fact, she made him angry the other day!
Hoseok mindlessly nods at Jungkook’s rambles. “Yeah, yeah…”
It goes quiet for a moment before Jungkook asks, “So… Did she throw away the flowers at once and kick you out of—”
The image of your bright eyes and soft smile engraves itself into his mind as he works on the bouquet at hand.
“No.” A smile appears on Hoseok’s face. “She loves it actually.” All that time he spent and the hard work of growing those orchids really does pay off.
“What did you say to her? I don’t think she’s the type to accept an apology gift that easily.” Jungkook tilts his head slightly, still questioning.
True. At first, he wanted to give it as an apology gift. However, at your insistence that it wasn’t anyone’s fault but your own, he thought of another reason — to brighten up your cozy bookshop with the vibrant colours of the orchids.
“Well, I thought of other reasons,” Hoseok answers vaguely, finishing the arrangement. And boy, did his heart soar when you accepted his gift afterwards.
“It’s so hard to believe…” Jungkook mumbles, focusing on his own task at hand.
Hoseok sighs. “She’s not what you guys seem to paint her to be. At least, not with me. Does anyone even try to approach her in the first place?”
Jungkook nods. “Jimin hyung did. You know how he is.” Silence falls for a few moments until Jungkook mutters, “I think she’s always grumpy when it’s Christmas season.”
Jungkook answers with a mere shrug. “No one knows. We just avoid her during Christmas.”
With furrowed brows, Hoseok clicks his tongue in disapproval of how people treated you. There must be a reason why you are acting this way. You weren’t a complete grouch with him, and your smile earlier proves that. If it takes hundreds of orchids to make you smile like that again — even when others say you are a grouch and your presence is unpleasant — he would gladly grow them all over again.
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Sipping the gingerbread latte, you let out a satisfied hum at the burst of sweet taste on your tongue from the warm beverage. Definitely perfect for cold weather as you sit near the window, mindlessly staring out at the falling snow and the buzzing people beneath.
Hoseok has agreed to meet in the cafe. You are too stubborn to admit that you actually enjoyed his company these past few weeks. But, as soon as he texted you to meet in this cafe, you barely thought twice before agreeing.
Speaking of the devil, he sits across from you with a grin on his face. You snap out of your thoughts when your gaze zeroes in on the bouquet in front of you.
“It’s for you.”
Blinking with furrowed brows, your voice comes out unsure. “For me…? But why?”
He lets out a sheepish chuckle, “I just think it suits you. Like those orchids.”
At his words, your heart beats faster. “I… I don’t know what to say,” you admit, gaze dropping to the bright yellow flowers, arranged prettily and pleasing to the eye. “But… Thank you. It’s beautiful.”
“Do you know what irises mean?”
You shake your head, taking the bouquet reluctantly.
“Hope and friendship,” Hoseok beams then raises his own steaming cup of coffee to you. “So, here’s to our friendship!”
Chuckling lightly, you lift your own cup.
“Right, I read the book,” Hoseok starts, earning a raised brow from you. “It’s a whole lot to digest even when it’s merely a children’s book. What makes you like it so much?”
You shrug, eyes averting from his briefly. “I just admire how the Grinch put so much effort to ‘steal’—” You quote with your fingers. “—Christmas. I mean he’s an entertaining character to read about.”
Hoseok tilts his head. “What makes him so?”
“He sticks to his plans and goes through with it. I admire his perseverance despite the hardships he has been through. And I feel the same way about Christmas as he does.”
“Do you not like Christmas?”
“Nope. Don’t like this season at all.”
“May I ask why?”
“It’s…” Your eyes are downcast, gaze on your steaming cup of coffee. “It’s a bit overrated, in my personal opinion. This season seems to force people to be happy.”
“Huh…” Hoseok sips his coffee. “I never really thought about it in that way. But I can understand. Is there anything else that makes the book so special?” Curiosity swimming in his eyes. “You mentioned in your review that it’s comforting, but how so?”
Just how on earth can this man be so observant?
You purse your lips, pondering. “Well, it’s comforting to see how the Grinch manages to have a change of—” You falter before shaking your head. “He’s just a great character.”
Hoseok nods, agreeing with you.
Then you change the subject, asking him how he got into gardening and decided to open his flower shop. Conversation flows so easily between the two of you that time flies so quickly.
When you step out of the cafe building with Hoseok, you couldn’t stop smiling as you hold on to the bouquet he gifted in hand. You walk back together, just enjoying each other’s presence. That is until you come across the carolling choir who takes notice of you, or actually, of Hoseok.
“Hobi!” One of them calls out, breaking from the group. Her puppy-like excitement exudes out of her in waves as she draws closer. And then you recognise her as the chipper chatterbox whom you never bother to learn the name of.
Hoseok greets her, “It’s good to see you.”
Then she glances at you, more specifically the bouquet of irises in your hands. “You both went on a date?”
You snort, earning a surprised glance from Hoseok and the girl. “We just got coffee, and Hoseok is nice enough to bring me these lovely flowers as a gift. But, I don’t think it’s any of your business, right?” Lifting a brow, you spare her a questioning stare — recognising that familiar face — as she fails to come up with an answer. “And shouldn’t you get back to your singing activities spreading the Christmas spirit in this public area?” Sarcasm dripping your tone.
Her gaze narrows at you as a flash of recognition crosses her. “Aren’t you the one who sent us away from our first location?”
You nod blatantly. “You were singing in front of my shop. You were disturbing.”
“That was so rude—”
“I did warn you and your group before,” You quip. “Or would you rather I call the police next time?”
Hoseok gapes at your exchange with Chatterbox seemingly at a loss. Lucky for you — well, Chatterbox actually — the tense conversation ceases as another choir member approaches you, this time a lovely-looking elder lady. “Oh, Y/N!”
You blink, expecting her to recognise Hoseok instead since the boy is a social butterfly and probably know half of the townspeople already. “Y-You know me?” Her delicate features are somewhat familiar.
“Well, of course, I do! I volunteer in the or—”
And it clicks. “Oh!” You cut her off loudly. “Oh, nice to meet you!” Hoping the pleading look you send her can stop her from blurting other things besides pleasantries. Fortunately, she gets the message as she smiles knowingly at you before glancing at Hoseok who is utterly quiet as Chatterbox talks his ear off while he mindlessly nods.
“I should get back to my store,” you explain.
The lady smiles warmly, reducing her voice to a whisper, “Hope you come to visit us again this year.”
“I won’t miss it,” you reply with a smile of your own.
Her eyes light up at that. “And Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
“Have a good day, Miriam.”
And when you finally turn your attention to Hoseok, he’s already looking at you mouthing, You want to go?
You give him a brief nod. He smiles, bidding Chatterbox goodbye. But what nearly sends your heart into overdrive is that he strides to you and grabs your hand as if it’s the only natural thing to do.
“Slow down!” You huff as Hoseok turns briefly to give you a cheeky smile.
“I thought you couldn’t wait to get out of there,” he teases, steps slowing down. Your hand goes limp, but instead of letting go of your hand, Hoseok interlaces his fingers with yours.
“I couldn’t wait to get out of there myself,” Hoseok comments. “I thought my ears were going to fall off.”
Letting out a chuckle, you tease, “I thought you were enjoying her company.”
Hoseok shakes his head. “She was mean to you. I don’t like that.”
At his words, you stumble on your steps. If it isn’t for his fast reflexes, you would be face-planting to the ground. “Ah, t-thank you.”
He chuckles, “No problem.”
And you curse your own heart for beating faster at his smile.
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“She’s not bad, Jimin.”
“Yeah, right.” Jimin huffs, wiping the table aggressively. “Until she decides to piss you off all the time.”
“What did she do to you?”
“Don’t even get me started.” Jimin clicks his tongue in annoyance. “She literally said to take the choir crew away from her store, and Ellie—”
“Ellie…?” Confusion is written all over Hoseok’s face.
“The girl who likes you,” Jimin sighs.
Jimin makes a face. “For someone who flirts easily, you’re awfully dense to someone else’s feelings.”
Hoseok lets out an unamused snort. “I don’t flirt—”
“You gave Y/N flowers,” Jimin gives him a pointed look.
“How did—” Hoseok comes to a realisation. “—right, Jungkook.” he mumbles before he explains, “It was supposed to be an apology gift—”
“And then yesterday you empty your supply of iris flowers too to give her for no apparent reason—”
“The kid should really learn to shut his mouth.” Hoseok groans, his cheek heating in embarrassment.
“—if that isn’t called flirting—”
“Jimin, you flirt with everyone too.”
“That’s different, hyung. I charm people.”
Hoseok sighs. “We’re going off track here.”
“Okay, so I had told the choir members to sing a few blocks away from her store. But, she drove them away again!” Jimin slaps the table with the cloth.
Hoseok scrunches his eyebrows. “What do you mean a few blocks away? Y/N said she found them in front of the bookstore again.”
“That’s not what Ellie told me.”
“I still don’t know who Ellie is, but I think there’s a whole misunderstanding here.”
“No, hyung. There is no clear proof—”
“Did you ask the other choir members?” Hoseok asks before sighing. “I mean, shouldn’t there at least be a few other witnesses that can confirm where exactly they were singing?”
“The entire choir said so.”
“Did they actually tell you that? Or did only Ellie tell you that and you assumed it was the whole choir crew’s answer?”
Jimin purses his lips.
“Y/N is not the type to lie, Jimin. It’s not fair to her if you only consider one person’s point of view. And I saw how unhappy Y/N was that day. Don’t you think you should’ve confirmed it with other people first before jumping to conclusions?” Hoseok lets out another disgruntled sigh.
Jimin goes silent, seemingly pondering at Hoseok’s words.
“And I invited her here—” Hoseok points at the ground, indicating the bakery. “—that afternoon, since she likes your sugar doughnuts. And other things you bake. Thought it might cheer her up, but look how it went.” He raises his arms in exasperation.
“She tried it? She never even stepped into the bakery until she came along that time with you!”
✧༺♡༻∞ ∞༺♡༻✧
[ flashback ]
“___, I’ll take more of these home today!” Hoseok lifts up his hand that’s holding the powdered doughnut.
Jimin’s girlfriend nods. “Anything else?”
“Oh! Your caramel cookies too, please.”
She nods again. “Coming right up.”
A few minutes later, Hoseok steps out of the bakery with a paper bag in hand. His nose is buried in his scarlet scarf, and he hums a soft tune while padding through the snow-covered sidewalk. As he gets closer to your dimly-lighted bookstore, his glove-covered hands start to grow clammy while his heart beats a tad faster.
“Y/N~” He calls out after the bell of the doorstep rings.
You scramble up to your feet from your slouching position behind the cashier register, wide-eyed. “H-Hoseok? What are you—” Your words falter when he lifts up the paper bag in his hold, grinning at your confused state.
“I brought some sweets.” He stops right in front of you, placing down the bag before opening it. “So… I got some powdered doughnuts…” He takes it out. “I hope you like them.”
“Well, yes. But—”
He puts the paper-wrapped doughnut on your hand. “Go ahead, try it.”
“Or do you want me to feed you?” Hoseok teases, raising up the other doughnut towards your mouth. “Then here, ah—”
You take a step back, avoiding his reach before taking a bite out of your doughnut. He laughs at your pout while you chew, patiently waiting until you swallow it. “So...?”
Nodding slowly, you observe the bitten doughnut for a few moments then snap your gaze at him. “Thank you. This is really good.” You take another bite of the doughnut, fighting back the instinct to smile.
“Great! Now, try the caramel cookies!”
“Wait, but I—”
Hoseok plucks the doughnut from your hold, replacing it with a caramel cookie and urges you to try it and you comply.
“Where did you get this?” Eyes full of wonder as you stare at the cookie.
“Jimin’s bakery.”
“What? No way.”
Hoseok tilts his head in curiosity. “You’ve never tried his baked goods before? Even after months the bakery has opened?”
You shake your head. “Never had the chance. I assumed it’s nothing special. But now…”
✧༺♡༻∞ ∞༺♡༻✧
[ present time ]
“She said what?” Jimin gapes, not sure if he heard what Hoseok said was right.
Hoseok repeats, “She likes your sugar doughnuts and caramel cookies. She said they were ‘excellent delicacies’ when she tried them.” More precisely, you said, I suppose despite his absurd personality, he still makes excellent delicacies. But Hoseok knows better than to say that.
Jimin is downright speechless at your compliment.
“Anyways,” Hoseok clears his throat. “As I was saying, I frequently visit her, and on that day she wasn’t happy at all, Jimin. So, I didn’t visit her that morning to let her cool off and visit her during the afternoon.”
✧༺♡༻∞ ∞༺♡༻✧
[ flashback ]
Hoseok gazes up from his phone when the streetlight turns green. Shoving the device into his coat’s pocket, he crosses the street. From the corner of his eye, your bookstore comes to his view, and a smile appears on his face. As he draws nearer, his steps grow lighter. That is until he peeks in from the window and notices a deep frown on your face. He falters, weighing his own thoughts on whether or not to approach you at this moment. And he decides against it and plans to visit you in the afternoon instead to let you cool off from, perhaps, an argument.
And off he goes, still passing by your store; still purposefully slowing down his steps to see you through the stained glass window for longer, to see if you’re okay. He’s surprised at the sight of you tracing your jukebox slowly, gazing at it fondly. It must have meant so much to you, he assumes. Smiling softly, Hoseok continues down the pathway to his flower shop.
It’s nearly midday when a familiar face from Jimin’s choir group visits him. She waves at him. “Hobi!”
“So, glad to see you again!” The girl squeals as she reaches him at the counter.
“How are you?”
“Good and uh, shouldn’t you be singing with your choir members?”
Her face falls slightly at his question before she scoffs, “It’s cancelled because someone was so rude. She just told us to scram. Like who does that? We’re spreading the Christmas spirit! Everyone should be happy, especially at this time of year!”
And Hoseok instantly has an inkling of who this someone is. “I don’t think we have the right to judge someone. Everyone has their own problems, after all.”
She seems genuinely shocked by Hoseok’s words. But Hoseok didn’t bother waiting for her response as he said, “If you aren’t planning to buy anything, I would appreciate it if you leave. There are other customers here. And I would listen to Y/N if I were you.”
✧༺♡༻∞ ∞༺♡༻✧
[ present time ]
“I’m sorry.”
You raise a brow at the unexpected guest who is standing right in front of you, eyeing him briefly before shifting your attention to the man beside him.
“What are you both doing here?” You ask. “More specifically, what are you doing here?” Your gaze snaps back to Jimin, who is huffing in annoyance with his arms crossed against his chest — looking like he was just scolded by, you presume, the grinning man beside him. So you ask, “Hoseok, what is this?”
“I talked some sense into him,” he replies, elbowing Jimin not-so-subtly.
“I am here to apologise, Y/N. For the way I reacted in the bakery—”
Your stare narrows. “I thought we’re past that. And I told you it was my fault.”
“Would you please let me finish?” Jimin asks in a surprisingly polite manner. You assume he’s trying his best not to get frustrated further with you since, well, you always have that irritating presence during this time of the year and have the knack to run his patience thin. “I also want to apologise for assuming the worst of you.”
Now that catches you off-guard. Your silence spurs him on.
“I contacted the choir members and told them to not sing in front of your store. And I told them to sing at least a few blocks away. I should have confirmed their location with you instead of blindly trusting the people I barely interact with outside of choir activities—”
Not like we interact much either, you thought but hold back your tongue.
“—and it was my mistake for doing that. I only recently found out that they were really in front of your store—” He glances Hoseok, unamused. “—Hyung had contacted the choir people and had them confirm that they were singing in front of your store. Which is why—”
The sudden burst of your door opening startles the three of you.
“You brought her here?” Your expression clearly shows disdain at the sight of Chatterbox strutting in like she owns the place. And you wish nothing but to kick her out at this moment because she’s like an impending doom that’s about to befall your bookstore.
“No, we didn’t—” Hoseok looks flustered.
“I’m here to spread the Christmas spirit to Y/N!” Chatterbox claims with a few drinks in her hand. “Since she seems to hate our singing so much, I thought a few drinks will ease her up for Christmas!”
“Did she follow us?” Hoseok hisses to Jimin who looks just as flustered.
“I thought she should apologise to Y/N too.”
“Clearly, she has the wrong idea about this meeting,” Hoseok groans. However, just before Jimin can respond, a crash cuts him off.
It feels as if time is slowing down and your heart drops when she trips over one of the antique rugs and spills on…
“No!” You lurch forward — figure blocked by the counter you’re standing behind — towards the jukebox that’s drenched in eggnog, regarding it with widened eyes and trembling hands in the air.
“Oh, I’m sorry…” Chatterbox whispers, standing up straight on her feet. “I… I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
You clench your fists as you snap your head towards her, eyes blazing. “Get out.”
“But the drinks—”
“I said, get out!” Rarely do you ever raise your voice, but you are already trembling in anger as no one made a single move. You grab Chatterbox, pulling her along with such strength that she struggled against your iron-like grip.
“I said I was sorry!”
“Well, ‘sorry’ doesn’t cut it!” You seethe, shoving her out like a ragdoll. Jimin approaches you carefully and tries to appease you, but you shake your head. “Now, this is your fault.”
Hoseok looks downright devastated as he watches you. “Y/N…”
“Get out, leave me alone.”
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There are no other words but warmth and pure joy that can describe the sight of children excitedly rushing towards you; they are all giggling and squealing.
“Uh, please don’t block the way,” you huff. Stopping momentarily, you lift a knee to support your hold on the heavy box briefly to prevent it from slipping down.
“Y/N,” Miriam greets you with a warm smile on her face. “So glad that you can make it.”
“Of course,” you reply, crouching to place the heavy box on the wooden floor of the living room. Taking off your gloves, you ask, “Where’s Helen?”
“She’s staying with her grandson for a couple of days; said something about a family Christmas reunion.”
“Ah…” You tear open the duct tape and take out the children’s books you packed a few weeks ago. “Well, then—”
“Y/N! Are you going to read us a Christmas story this time?” One of the children — Amy — asks with a big smile on her face.
“I shouldn’t… Maybe Helen can read to you once she’s back—” Words die on your throat at the expectant — hopeful — gazes of the children that have gathered in the warm living room. “Okay… Maybe one book won’t hurt—”
The children squeal happily.
“—so, you guys pick whichever book you want, and I’ll read it to you.” Then they rush to the opened cardboard box. You make yourself comfortable against the velvet cushions that’s spread on the rug-covered floor. While the children are busy discussing which book would be their pick, you fish out your phone from the pocket of your discarded coat only to realise that Helen had sent you a message that she won’t be in the orphanage tonight.
After replying to her with some reassurance — that you’d take over the story-telling position just for today — your fingers hover over Hoseok’s unread messages from yesterday night. Well, since the day you told him to get out of your bookstore in your fit of rage.
Hoseok constantly messaged you about many things — asking how you are doing, if you want to go out to get some coffee, or even just ramble about his day. You read all of them through the notifications from your phone — the ones that are not cut off by the message bubble — and your heart aches just a little more.
“This one!” Amy runs up to you, handing the book before taking the spot right next to you.
When you read the title, you falter. “Wait, are the others okay with this or are there any books you’d like me to read?” You look around at the children who are already in their respective seats surrounding you in a half-circle; they nod eagerly.
Letting out a sigh, you purse your lips for a brief moment. “Alright then—” You lift the book up; front cover facing the children. “How the Grinch Stole Christmas…”
Then you flip the book open and begin reading the story…
✧༺♡༻∞ ∞༺♡༻✧
By the time you have finished reading the book, it’s nearly midnight; most of the children have fallen asleep with a content smile on their faces. You make it your mission to help Miriam tuck them into their beds since Helen is not here tonight.
“I really appreciate what you did today, Y/N.” Miriam follows you out of the building, stopping on the doorway.
“It’s not a problem, really.” You put on your gloves.
“But I really appreciate it, Y/N. And you know you will always be welcomed here.” Miriam reminds you.
You let out a sheepish chuckle. “Thanks, Miriam. Maybe I’ll come back and help around.”
She pulls you in for a hug. “The children love you. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled whenever you decide to come visit.”
After exchanging a few more words, you leave the orphanage and walk into the winter night. Gradually, your thoughts take you to Hoseok once more. You’d be lying if you don’t miss his presence and it has been just a few days since the incident. However, you just can’t find the right words to explain yourself, not when Christmas Eve is nearing.
Shaking your head, you keep your gaze low; eyes focusing on the snow-covered streets while the night grows darker with only street lanterns dimly lighting up the pathway. Just as you pass a particular house, loud laughter catches your attention, causing your legs to stop abruptly.
Through the bright window, you watch silently at what seems to be a Christmas gathering. You recognise some people who live in the same neighbourhood as you; even Jimin and Jungkook are there and… And Hoseok. Their smiles are so warm, and they seem to be enjoying themselves as they sit by the fireplace. The lively atmosphere inside the warm room is a definite contrast to the quietness of the night outside.
Letting out a sigh, you stop watching and continue on your way; once you arrive at your house, you mutter weakly, “I’m home…” After taking off your boots and gloves, you tug off your coat, brushing off the snow before you hang it on the coat hanger. Making your way towards the dark kitchen, you flip the light on and boil some water.
While waiting for it, your own mind seems to have an internal battle of its own. After that incident, you think it’s better to revert back to your old self who has no worries in being alone. However, after spending time with those children — it’s hard to admit, but you know you can’t be alone at this time of year. Spending time buried between pages of a book no longer distracts your thoughts, nor does sorting out books that are usually enough to distract you.
Opening the cabinet, you take out a box of your favourite tea, placing it on the counter. Looking back at the opened cabinet, you falter for a moment, staring at the unused mugs labelled ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’. With pursed lips, you quickly take your own mug and close the cabinet.
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Rain drizzles down onto the asphalt path while the repeated sound of Hoseok’s footsteps crunching fills the empty air. He avoids the wet snow, treading carefully to not soak his boots further in this weather. Rain during winter is perhaps one of the things Hoseok considers unpleasant, but it reflects his current mood despite today being Christmas Eve.
Crossing the familiar street with an opened umbrella in hand, he lets out a sigh into the cold air, fog coming out with his exhale. Growing nearer to your dark bookstore, his heart grows heavier with each step. He stops momentarily and peeks inside your darkened bookstore, then his shoulders drop in disappointment.
Arriving at his store, he closes his umbrella before entering. Hoseok rubs the sole of his boots against the ‘welcome’ rug, shaking the umbrella to shed the remaining frozen droplets on the material.
Jungkook — already onto his task of assembling bouquets — spares a glance at the older man. “No luck?”
Releasing a heavy sigh, Hoseok mutters a ‘no’, passing by the counter gate and into the employee changing room.
It’s been more than a week since anyone has seen you. There has always been warm light filtering out through the window of your bookstore. However, now, your bookstore is completely dark as if life itself has been snuffed out of it.
Tugging off his thick coat, Hoseok places it on the hanger then takes the usual apron, tying it around his waist.
Hoseok wonders what had happened; the expression on your face was unlike anything he had ever seen… And, he really wants to reach out, but you have seemingly disappeared without a trace. As he’s rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt, he’s still deep in thought, that is until Jungkook gasps rather loudly.
“What’s wrong, Jungkook?”
But his movements stop completely when he hears a familiar voice — the voice he has been dying to hear again. In seconds, he barrels out of the room slamming the door albeit too loudly, startling Jungkook and…
“Y/N…” He stands in shock, still processing that you’re here.
“Hey,” you say nonchalantly, “I’d like a bouquet of chrysanthemums and dahlias, please.”
The three of you lapse into silence for a few moments until Jungkook mutters, “I’ll… Work on them... Yeah...” Jungkook snaps his finger while pursing his lips. “I’ll do just that…” Jungkook gets to work immediately, leaving you both near the main counter as he scuffles around the shop where the chrysanthemum and dahlias are.
Your gaze wanders along the neatly placed shelves on your side, and the various colourful flowers that’s set in silver-coloured buckets. It’s your first time visiting his store, and it is unexpected, alright. After your “disappearance”, you’re now here as if nothing has happened.
“I texted you…” Hoseok mumbles, earning your attention on him. “I called you too; visited your store a few times. What happened?”
“I needed time to get myself together,” you answer, fiddling with the button of your black coat.
“Why didn’t you call or at least let me know you’re okay? You had me really worried.”
“Because it’s none of your business.” You speak monotonously, but it still manages to strike at his heart.
Hoseok clenches his fists. “Right… My friend’s business is none of my concern.”
You exhale at that but still keep your mouth shut. Even as Jungkook timidly passes by you with the wrapped bouquet. Right after you pay for the flowers, you rush out.
Hoseok releases a breath that he did not even know he was holding. And he can feel his heart squeezing in pain.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
In silence, standing in front of the two tombstones — with an umbrella on one hand — you lay the bouquet between them. One shoulder is drenched from the rain, but you don't find it in yourself to care; not at this moment when all you can think about are your parents and that tragic day.
Countless of tears you have shed on the same day, each year; though it has been half a decade since then. But your heart still lays heavy in your chest, borderline suffocating in the middle of the quiet cemetery. And it feels as if it just happened recently.
Tearing your gaze away from the tombstone, you look up to the cloudy sky and blink rapidly — adamant about not letting any tears fall this year. With a deep breath, you look back down and leave.
The cold isn’t the worst when you walk back. Usually, you would even cry on the way home thinking about your parents. But this time, your mind persistently drifts to the disappointment on Hoseok’s face from earlier, unable to forget as if it is burned into your mind.
Biting your trembling lower lip, your steps grow faster to your bookstore. You promised Miriam you would come to visit the orphanage and bring more books for the children.
Arriving at the front door, you slot in the key and are about to unlock the door when you freeze momentarily, body seizing as your brows furrow. Taking a slow deep breath, you open the door and darkness greets you as usual. Closing the door behind you, the sound of your boots clicking on the wooden floor fills the air as you make a beeline towards the storage. Flicking the light on, your eyes search for the packed box on the corner, lifting it up in your arms once you find it before turning the lights off.
Walking between the shelves towards the front door, the jukebox appears in your sight. As everything that happened comes rushing back, you move towards it — dropping the box on the floor, nearly tripping over it — and your eyes looking around it frantically. “It should work now…” You mumble to yourself, at the now-cleaned jukebox and after letting it dry for days. You click the usual button, and wait…
And wait…
“No…” Hands trembling, you make an attempt and press the button once more, but it just won’t turn on. “Please, please, please…” You begin to plead, tears welling up in your eyes and again you press the on button. This is the last resort, after all. You’ve called all the possible service stores that fix instruments and jukeboxes, but they all had the same response, ‘We’re sorry, this model is too old.’
“I’m sorry…” You whimper, knees giving out as a sob escapes your lips. “I’m sorry…”
The last piece of memory of your parents ceases. And your heart has never felt so cold on the night of Christmas Eve.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
When the fiftieth sigh escapes Hoseok’s lips, Jungkook spares him an empathetic glance as he does his task. “You should talk to her.”
“I don’t think she wants to.”
“Huh… That sounds so unlike you,” Jungkook muses as he cleans up the counter. “And you’ve been brooding all day.”
“I do not brood.”
“Tell that to the five customers the usual all-sunshine-and-rainbow florist has scared away today,” Jungkook remarks and stops cleaning to face Hoseok. “You should talk to her, Hyung. It hasn’t stopped you before. What changed?”
“I… I don’t...” Hoseok falters, searching for an answer. “She’s my friend, I…”
“You…?” Jungkook nods with a know-it-all look, urging the older one to continue.
Hoseok narrows his stare at the younger one. “You’re mocking me.”
“Nope,” Jungkook says, emphasising the ‘p’ with a pop. “I mean, you have always been forward with your feelings, and I really admire that. Unlike, you know, Jimin—” He pauses. “—please don’t tell him that, but yeah, what’s stopping you now?”
“I just—” Hoseok releases a deep sigh. “—I don’t want to lose her, not after everything. And she’s the type of person who really values her space. I can’t just barge in and demand to make everything alright. She’ll come around, and she’ll show it when she’s ready.”
Jungkook purses his lips, seemingly in deep thought.
“Aren’t you gonna say anything?” Hoseok asks in frustration.
“I think I know why…” Jungkook mutters.
“Why Y/N is acting the way she did?”
“No, not exactly,” Jungkook answers. “But on why she hates Jimin’s guts, ‘cuz you know, he tends to not read the situation he’s in and go all in without thinking of the consequences—”
Hoseok makes an attempt to cut Jungkook off. However, Jungkook raises his hand to stop Hoseok as he continues, “—but you—” Jungkook gives Hoseok a pointed look. “— you tend to read the situation you’re in and that’s a good thing. So, I suggest, instead of moping around, you can just go to her and see how she is doing? See if she wants to talk and if she does, you talk, and if not, then you can leave.”
Blinking, those words sink into Hoseok’s mind. “That’s actually… A great idea…”
“Yeah, wonder why no one has thought about it, but ends up scaring away customers instead,” Jungkook retorts and clears his throat at the glare Hoseok sends his way. “Which, you know, is okay since we’re humans, after all, right? We make mistakes. And the only thing we can do is try to make up for it.”
Hoseok rolls his eyes at that before chuckling. “You’re right, JK.”
“I know I— I mean, am I?”
Hoseok clicks his tongue. “Right, okay. So, I’ll go check on Y/N. And since it’s already closing hours—” He glances at the wall clock while untying his apron. “—you can just close up today.”
But Hoseok ignores him and runs straight into the changing room to grab his coat. Once he goes out, he tosses the key to Jungkook. “I’m entrusting you with it.”
“Wait, but—”
“See you tomorrow!”
And Hoseok rushes out of his store, leaving a baffled Jungkook behind.
Hoseok scores a new record in the number of minutes it takes for him to reach your bookstore. However, his shoulder droops as the last bit of his hope vanishes at the sight of the dark place.
So, you had left. Or still not coming in.
He steps closer to the window, futilely peeking inside. After a few moments, he sighs in disappointment, putting his hands inside the pocket of his long plaid coat. Just as he’s about to leave, he stops — furrowing his brows when…
Is that a whimper?
Curiously, he goes near the door once more and makes an attempt to turn the knob and it opens. Eyes widening, he enters quickly into the darkness. And there he can finally (barely) see your hunched figure on the floor beside your antique jukebox, burying your face as your arms are wrapped around your knees… Crying?
“Y/N?” He calls out in hesitance, taking a few steps closer. You look at him and Hoseok braces for you to tell him to get out.
But instead, all you can mumble is his name. “Hoseok…”
“Hey…” Slowly, Hoseok crouches on one knee to meet your gaze. “I’m here.”
You merely stare at him, unmoving.
“You’re not alone anymore, Y/N,” he says, softly. “I’m here.”
Throat bobbing, more tears flow down across your cheeks. Hoseok opens his arms. “Come here.”
One moment you are still unmoving, and the next you wrap your arms around him, burying your face in his chest. Hoseok leans back — both knees on the floor now — one hand gently pats your head while the other arm keeps you close to him.
“Let it all out. I’m here now,” He whispers, letting your face rest against the crook of his neck. “You’re not alone. Not anymore.”
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[ flashback ]
It should have been a happy time for Hoseok as he gathers with all the people he cares about. Well, not all of them when you have not even read his texts. He scrolls through his phone mindlessly, staring at the texts he had sent over the past few days.
Hoseok [18/12]: Hey… how’re you feeling? I brought some sugar doughnuts today but you weren’t working today :( i hope everything’s well
Hoseok [20/12]: Y/N, i’m really sorry about what happened. Please let me know if you need anything
Hoseok [21/12]: you know i hate it when it rains so hard during the winter, i swear i came into my shop with icicles hanging on my face and jungkook had to say that i looked like that squirrel from ice age 😭 anyway, i met a tough customer today… I spent three hours waiting for them to choose which flowers they’d like for their bouquet. Even jungkook was close to combusting as well. it was torture 😢
Hoseok [22/12]: Hey, so we’re having a christmas celebration tomorrow, would you like to come? It’ll be fun!
Hoseok [23/12]: hey, Y/N! I was wondering if you’re going to make it to the celebration?
But that last text was hours ago and you had remained unresponsive. Hoseok sighs harshly and his emotions overwhelm him. And he lets himself think if you’re worth all the trouble and turmoil he’s facing.
“Something on your mind, dear?” His grandmother asks, placing one comforting hand on his knee. “I know that look on your face all too well. Your father used to have that look whenever he’s in deep thought. So, let me guess, is it a girl?”
Hoseok blinks a few times, flustered at his grandmother’s guess. “Yes, but well, no? Not really?”
“Who is it? I never heard any news about your love life. And now, your dear grandmother is absolutely curious,” she says, laughing with mirth lighting up her crinkled eyes.
Hoseok smiles softly at his grandmother before he relents and tells her all about you. At the mention of your name, he swears his grandmother just smiles a tad wider.
“It’s about time she finds someone,” she mutters to herself but Hoseok still hears it anyway.
“You know Y/N, Grandma?”
She nods. “Y/N used to live in the orphanage a few years ago… Poor thing.”
Hoseok gapes at that. “I… Never knew.” His heart twisting painfully in guilt and worry. “I’ve always assumed she had a really bad past since she never talks about it.”
“Definitely traumatising for someone so young to face heavy losses.” His grandma explains. “She dealt with most of it on her own, and… She may come across as cold, but she isn’t cruel, she’s just closed off,” Helen says softly. “But I guess you know that already?”
Hoseok nods.
“So, don’t give up on her. I think right now, she needs someone more than ever. She has had no one to lean on for so long.”
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
[ present time ]
You stare silently at the crackling flames with a blanket wrapped around your frame and for some time your mind stays quiet after you have emptied out your pent-up emotions. Hoseok busies himself in the kitchen for a few minutes, and brings out two mugs of hot chocolate.
After your cry fest in the bookstore, Hoseok has taken you to his place for some hot chocolate he received from his grandmother, who had insisted that he should let you try it even when you know nothing of her. You rejected the offer at first, not wanting to bother him more after your breakdown. But Hoseok being Hoseok, from the time you have gotten to know him, you’ve learned that he can be very persuasive and persistent. And now, here you are, where he claims is his humble abode.
One thing for sure, this place screams Hoseok. It’s definitely more to the cozy side despite some unique furniture you spot decorating the place.
“Thank you,” you murmur, taking a mug from his extended hand as he takes a seat beside you on the couch.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better...” You take a sip of the hot chocolate, sweetness spreading across your tastebuds. And you resist the urge to hum in delight.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Hoseok shifts his gaze from the flames to you.
“Why did you help me?” You blurt out. “I mean, you didn’t have to… Like just now, and after the way I treated you, usually people would... Leave.”
Hoseok ponders for a moment. “Maybe it’s because they don’t know you like I do.”
“But we just met each other not too long ago.”
“And that’s enough for me to get to know you, at least some part of you. And as I’ve mentioned before, I would really like to get to know you even better.”
“I don’t think you really do…” You mumble, staring into the half-finished hot chocolate.
Hoseok snorts at that. “You’re someone who really values her space and if someone dares to cross that line you’ll give them hell for it.”
His facial expression softens further as he continues, “And you’re also someone who knows how to stand up for herself, not needing anyone to defend you. You don’t care what others think of you because you already know your own worth.”
You stare at him wide-eyed.
“Do you need me to continue? Because I still have more and—”
“Hoseok… I’m not— I don’t think I’m a nice person to be around...” you admit.
“That is the most ridiculous sentence I’ve ever heard in my entire life,” Hoseok scoffs. “So you’re telling me someone forced you to donate children books to the orphanage and read to those children?” He recalls the pictures his grandmother showed him the other day — of you reading to the children and having a pleasant time with them.
Blinking, you gape at him. “H-How did—”
“My grandma told me.” Hoseok is now looking at you, unamused. You shoot him a confused look as he explains further, “Helen is my grandmother. And I may not know what you have gone through, Y/N. But I told you I’m here and you don’t have to face things on your own now.”
You look away from his gaze, unable to keep looking into his intense stare any longer.
“Why do you hate Christmas?”
You stiffen at his question as it becomes silent between the two of you besides the crackling sound of flames. Hoseok sighs after a few moments, placing his hand on your arm briefly as if to say ‘it’s alright’ then standing up from the couch.
Just as he’s about to step into the kitchen, you blurt out, “I loathe Christmas.” And his steps falter, he turns slightly to look at you fiddling with the mug nervously. “I hate anything that has to do with Christmas because like I once told you, this season seems to force people to be happy. It doesn’t care whether or not you’re hurting inside, no consideration of how people truly feel in the heart. And I gradually find it pointless and fake.”
You shut your eyes tightly. “I… I lost my parents on Christmas Eve.” And the image of the car flipping upside down still vivid in your mind and you can hear the crash as clear. “I don’t deserve to feel happy, not when I should’ve gone with them at the incident. I-I should have gone with them. It's n-not fair that they’re gone and I’m here and alone and if I’m happy while they’re not here—” you blabber, hands shaking rapidly. “It’s not fair and now, I’ve failed them, I lost them— Their jukebox is broken and I can’t do anything about it,” you whimper. “Just like that day.”
“Y/N…” And you didn’t realise Hoseok is already in front of you, crouching. He lays his hand gently on yours after taking your mug, placing it on the coffee table. “Look at me,” he stares up into your eyes, gaze so warm and gentle that you might even break down again. It’s been a long time since someone looked at you that way. “You can’t take responsibility over the things that are out of your control.”
“And what you had gone through is unimaginable, but do you think you’ve punished yourself enough, even though it’s not your fault? You stopped letting yourself enjoy life itself and — correct me if I’m wrong — your parents wouldn’t want that for you,” Hoseok says. “Would they want you to be trapped in your past?”
You let his words sink in.
“And despite your jukebox not working anymore, that doesn’t mean that your parents are gone.” Hoseok grips your forearm, lifting your right hand to place it on top of your heart. “They live in you. You’re their daughter after all. The jukebox only serves as a memory of them, but surely, you have other memories of them.”
After all this time, you realised that’s what you needed to hear — you haven’t failed your parents, despite everything.
“And looking at how you’ve grown into this amazing woman that I have the privilege to get to know, I’m definitely sure your parents are proud of you.”
Face crumpling, your palm covers your eyes as another sob escapes your throat.
Sitting again next to you, Hoseok coos and gathers you in his arms. “Cry all you want, I’m here, love. I’m here…”
And you cried again, the hardest you’ve done in a long time.
Once you have calmed down, you murmur, “They used to dance around the house a lot...” Tear-stained cheek resting against his chest as you find yourself curled up on his lap. “Hanging socks and filling them with candies, claiming that they’re for the elves that visit late at night.”
Hoseok leans against the throw pillows, quietly listening as you tell stories of how your parents used to love the winter season. His warmth comforts you and your still-aching heart.
That night you fell asleep in his arms; the last bit of your emotions all used up, but your heart definitely feels lighter than the past years.
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Knocking on the wooden door, you clear your throat, hearing scurrying footsteps before the door opens.
“Y/N!” Miriam exclaims. “I was so worried, you didn’t show up yesterday.”
“Sorry, something came up yesterday and I didn’t realise how late it was when I was done. But I bring another couple of books?” You lift up the box in your hands in emphasis.
Miriam lights up at that. “Well, come on in. The children will be so happy. They are excited to—”
“Oof—!” The loud thump behind you causes you to turn to see Hoseok huffing, catching his breath — one hand on his knee as he sits on the stairs — another box on top of the stoop. “I didn’t realise how much book you’ve packed, Y/N.”
Snorting, you place the box you’re holding on your left hip and extend your right hand to him, instinctively, to help him up. “C’mon, the children are inside and we should help to unpack the boxes first.” He takes your hand and pulls himself up, nearly stumbling and having his face close to yours.
As if his piercing gaze locks you in a trance, you stare back until he murmurs, “Well, someone is looking beautiful today.”
Spluttering, you let go of his hand, face burning. “Let’s go.”
Hoseok laughs at your embarrassment before he lifts up the box on the floor and makes his way inside, passing by Miriam who’s waiting by the door.
When you step inside, Miriam whispers, “Is he—?” Her tone lace with curiosity as a teasing smile appears on her lips.
“Uh, no, he’s not my boyfriend—” You say too quickly, flustered.
“Well, I meant to ask if he is Helen’s grandson, but I see.” Miriam fails to stifle a big smile now. “You two would look really good together.”
You curse yourself, walking faster as Miriam laughs behind you, closing the door. When you reach the living room, the children are already waiting and once you step into their view, they squeal happily.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Amy waves to you giddily. “Hobi says you brought more books for us!”
“H-Hobi…?” You blink. Snapping your gaze towards said man who is already looking at you intently and you avert your gaze once more to the grinning children. “Umm, yeah. I do.” You sit beside Hoseok, tearing the tape off the boxes you two brought in.
This time you brought in colouring books and other story books.
“Can Hobi read to us today?” One of the children asks.
You shift your gaze to his surprised face, a teasing smile appears on your face. “Yeah, Hobi, you should read to them today.”
Hoseok narrows his gaze at you before leaning close to whisper, “You should call me ‘Hobi’ from now on.” Then he turns to the children, smiling. “Alright, I’ll read for today. And which book do you want to read?”
“Which one is your favourite, Hobi?” Another kid — Ian — asks, curiously looking through the books.
“Well…” Hoseok scans through the titles of the stacked books. Your eyes widen at his pick. “This one!” He lifts up the How the Grinch Stole Christmas book.
“Wait— I read that to them already,” you try to stop the children’s interested looks.
“He can read it to us again!” Amy says giddily. “I think it’s a really nice story!”
“But there are other better books to read,” you offer. “Like…” You look through the books you brought. “This! The Night Before Christmas!” you read the title aloud.
“We can read that later,” Quin whines. “We want to hear Hobi read the book!”
Unbelievable. How the hell can these children choose him over you already?
As if he can read your mind, Hoseok shoots you a smug look and you pout like a petulant child. “Fine, I’m gonna go to the kitchen to help Miriam,” you huff, standing up and stomp out.
Hoseok watches your figure disappear into the kitchen before he says, “She’s so cute, isn’t she?”
Amy nods, grinning. “She’s grown up, but she’s still like us! That’s why playing with Y/N is so fun!”
“Right…” He gives a brief soft smile at Amy before he clears throat. “So let’s begin…”
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
“You’re not reading to the children?” Miriam asks when you appear in the kitchen.
“No, Hoseok’s handling that.” You take a fresh apron and tie it around your waist. “So… I’ll help out with the cookies.”
“Alright then,” Miriam chuckles, handing you the mixing bowl and mixer. “You can continue mixing the ingredients until everything’s smooth and I’ll take out the cookies I baked earlier.”
You flip the switch of the mixer on and continue to mix the ingredients. When the texture of the dough is smooth, you place the mixture into small scoops on the baking tray and that’s when you overheard Hoseok’s voice.
“What can you learn from the Grinch’s story?”
“Oh! Oh!” One of the kids exclaims. “That Christmas isn’t all about gifts!”
“That’s right,” Hoseok agrees. “And also, despite the Grinch being mean at first, even unkind, that doesn’t mean that they are truly that way at heart.”
Your movements falter at his words.
“There is always a reason behind their actions,” Hoseok points out. “So, it’s always best to learn about them first before assuming things.”
“You sound like you know the Grinch well.” Amy tilts her head in curiosity. “Do you happen to know the Grinch, Hobi?”
“Well, I don’t know the Grinch personally,” he muses. “But I do know someone who is very similar to him. Maybe that’s why I grew fond of the Grinch.”
Did Hoseok just compare you to the Grinch?
You scoff internally. Quickly, you finish scooping the rest of the cookie dough onto the tray before placing it in the oven after Miriam takes out the first batch of cookies and then retrieving a serving tray from one of the cabinets.
“Oh!” Amy raises her hand enthusiastically. “I know! I know!”
“Yes, Amy?”
“An act of kindness towards someone can change them!”
Hoseok blinks. “That… Is right.”
“That’s right.” You walk into the living room with glasses full of milk for the children. “An act of kindness can change a person’s life.” Placing the tray on the coffee table, you look at the children one by one. “So, it’s important to be kind to others.”
As if on cue, Miriam brought out the freshly-baked cookies. And the children flock around her to get a piece. She chastises them and sets the cookies on the table alongside the glasses of milk.
You spent the entire Christmas day in the orphanage, helping out and spending time with the children and Hoseok. You even meet Helen who never stops gushing once she finds the two of you visiting the orphanage.
When it’s already late at night, you and Hoseok bid the children farewell with a smile on your face and warmth in your heart. Hoseok walks you home afterwards, and silence falls between you — both comforting and soothing. Arriving in front of your doorsteps, you turn to him who is already staring at you with his bright eyes.
“Thank you for today, Hoseok—” You stop at his unamused look. “What?”
“I thought I told you to call me ‘Hobi’ from now on.” He steps closer to you. You step back. “Hearing you saying ‘Hoseok’ all the time makes it sound so formal between us.”
“Alright—” You place your hands on his chest in an attempt to push him away. “—Hobi, got it.”
“That’s better.” He chuckles at your antics before he steps back, stance growing uneasy. “And, uh, I forgot to tell you that there’s a winter market near the town hall. Would you like to come with me tomorrow?”
You nod without any hesitance.
“But Jimin will be there too.” And he adds quickly, “With his girlfriend. So, he won’t bother us and—”
“I’ll go.” You pause for a moment. “There’s something I need to resolve with him too.”
A gentle smile appears on Hoseok’s face at that. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nod. “Definitely.”
He grins before tugging you in for a hug to which you reciprocate as if it’s second nature. And you both stay like that for a while until Hoseok mumbles suddenly, “I think I left something in your bookstore when we went to pick up the books earlier.”
You laugh. “Well then, I can go with—”
“Oh no, that's okay!” He says quickly. “I’ll go there myself, if you’re okay with lending me your key?”
“Oh, sure.” You take the keys out of your pocket. “Don’t lose it, yeah?” You chuckle, handing him the keys.
He nods. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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It’s another cold morning. Jungkook stifles a yawn as he walks along his usual route to Hoseok’s flower shop. Unable to contain his yawn any longer, he covers his face with his hand before he freezes — mid-yawn — when he sees you standing in front of the shop.
Quickly shutting his mouth, he calls out, “Y/N?”
Your gaze snaps to him from your phone. “Jungkook, hi!”
Uh-oh. Jungkook wonders if Hoseok has screwed up — since the man himself isn’t here — and now you’re seeking help from him to perhaps find ways to get rid of his hyung.
“Hey… May I ask what you’re doing here?” He checks his watch briefly. “So early…?”
“Hi, yeah, so I need a bouquet…” You fidget nervously.
“Oh?” Jungkook focuses on unlocking the glass door. “May I know what you’re looking for?”
“Hydrangeas and irises...”
He opens the door and motion for you to enter before following suit. “I’ll put my things in the back and I’ll wrap your bouquet.”
You mutter an ‘okay’ as he quickly changes into his uniform. Jungkook changes in record time as he has heard of stories of you being impatient, especially during the winter season. And well, someone has never intimidated him so much even though he is taller than you.
“Okay, so, hydrangeas and irises,” Jungkook mutters once he’s out of the changing room. He makes a quick dash towards the respective flower buckets and brings it back to the counter.
“Oh… They’re pretty,” you comment, eyeing the flowers curiously. But somehow Jungkook feels like you are scrutinizing him, ready to nitpick at him should you find any mistake or flaw.
“Why are your hands shaking?”
“Your hands—” you point out. “—are shaking. Don’t you do this every day?”
“Not every day,” Jungkook mumbles, trying to stop his hands from shaking. “Anyways—” He clears his throat, changing the subject. “Who’s the special one?”
You blink. “Uh…”
Another uh-oh. This will not end well. Hyung is going to throw a major fit if he finds out about this.
“Don’t worry. Your secret's safe with me.” Jungkook arranges the flower stems together. “No one is going to hear about this. I promise you. I know you really value your privacy.” You shoot him a confused look while he rambles. Not long after, he lifts up the bouquet. “Is... This okay?”
“Do you have yellow irises?”
“Uh, you want the yellow one?” He makes a face.
“What is it?”
“It’s going to be ugly,” he blurts out before he remembers who he's talking to. “I-I mean if you want them then I’ll search for the yellow—”
“No! That's okay!” Your hands flay to stop him from finding more irises. “It’s fine, really. I trust your opinion. You’re the expert.”
Jungkook blinks, clearly caught off-guard by your words. “Oh… I— Thank you.”
You nod, giving him a smile that is, dare he say, pretty.
“Okay,” He relaxes, bunny-smile appearing on his face. “I’ll finish this up quick.”
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
Thirty minutes later, Jungkook finally manages to finish the bouquet and you thank him incessantly to which he responds with a flustered ‘No problem, just doing my job…’
Rushing out of the store, you check your phone for Hobi’s text which says that he’s on the way to the market and would meet you there. With your heart fluttering, you put your phone back into your pocket after sending him a ‘see u too, hobi :)’.
Arriving in the market twenty minutes later, you spot him standing near the entrance, waving at you enthusiastically.
“Hey,” he starts before gaze dropping on the bouquet you extend to him. “Wha—”
You mumble, “These are for you...”
His eyes grow wide. “I… Thank you.” He breathes out. “Wow, this is so unexpected. I don’t know what to say.”
You let out a sheepish chuckle.
“So…” He observes the bouquet. “You bought these flowers from my shop and you’re giving them to me.”
At his words, you blink as realisation dawns on you. “Uh, oh right I—” You stammer, flustered.
And Hoseok laughs at your cuteness. “Aww, that’s okay. I’m just joking. But, thank you. It’s really meaningful.”
“You know the meaning of the flowers?”
He grabs your hand, tugging you along into the market. “Of course. Hydrangeas means—”
“—grateful for being understood.”
“Thank you for being understanding.”
You both say simultaneously.
He stops, turning to you as his hand tightens on yours.
“I never got the chance to properly thank you.” You meet his gaze. “And, I really appreciate what you did for me these past few days — months — actually. I really can’t thank you enough.”
A soft smile decorates his lips. And before the both of you are able to say anything else, a familiar voice calls out Hoseok’s name. Turning your gaze to Jimin and his girlfriend, you greet them with a small ‘hello’ and a smile. As they walk closer, Jimin has a wary look on his face while his girlfriend responds to you with a smile of her own.
“Jimin…” You earn his attention. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
He nods as his girlfriend and Hoseok gives both of you space.
“Look. About the other day, I know you had no intention of bringing Chatterbox to my store to mess things up. I just want to apologise, you just wanted to set things right and I blamed you for her actions which you have no absolute control over.”
“No, Y/N. I could have explained better that we’re going to just apologise — no drinking and no singing—”
“And it’s in the past,” you cut him off. “And that’s okay. I’ll be okay.”
“I’m really sorry for not trusting you,” Jimin sighs. “I thought they had really sung a few blocks away, but you still did not like it and drove them away.”
You shake your head. “Even though I hate their carolling so much, I would have tolerated it if they were singing a few blocks away. But they still sang in front of my store and that angers me.”
“I wouldn’t take your words lightly, Y/N.”
“I sure hope not,” you snort, but then a grin appears on your face. A genuine smile appears on Jimin’s face in return as he extends his hand. And you shake it with yours, finally making up.
Returning to Hoseok’s side, you both wander around the market and you take in the festivity of it all.
“Oh! Look at those skewers!” Hoseok points out in excitement. “Wanna go try it?”
You nod at him. “I’ll go wherever you want to go. I’ve never been to any of the winter markets.”
“Alright,” he answers giddily, taking your arm to loop around his own. “Don’t want you to get lost now.” Chuckling at that, he leads you towards the first food stall of the day.
People are smiling, laughing, and enjoying themselves and for once it does not bring as much bitterness as before. It’s been quite some time since you are able to feel this way without holding back. But you’re certain you’ll move on, little by little.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
“That was really fun,” you laugh, walking back to your bookstore with Hoseok still glued on your side. Despite not being in a crowded place any longer, he refuses to let go of you.
“I’m glad you had fun,” he muses. “We should do this more often.”
“Hanging out in markets, trying out various kinds of food together?”
“Well, if you consider it a date,” Hoseok says as you reach your store.
“Are you asking me out, Jung Hoseok?” You fish out the keys, unlocking the door.
“You remember my whole name?” He teases.
You shoot him a playful glare, stepping inside. “I mean, I have a sharp memory when it comes to relevant people in my—” You stop, gaping at the sudden colourful hues of orchids and dahlias decorating the broken jukebox. “I… What—”
Hoseok watches you stride towards the jukebox, observing the flowers intently with your glassy gaze while he takes off his gloves. At that moment, you seem like a child finding a surprise gift from Santa. And if Hoseok could, he would like to keep this moment into his memory forever.
When you finally turn to him, you ask, “D-Did you do this?”
He nods. “It’s fake though, since we don’t want them to wilt and—” You lunge forward, wrapping your arms around his neck as he nearly drops the bouquet you had given him earlier. Setting it down on the cashier counter, he wraps his arms around you as well in a tight hug with his face buried in the crook of your neck.
“It’s still beautiful, Hobi…” you murmur, breathing in his scent. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“I hope it would bring comfort to you, Y/N…”
Pulling away — still in his arms — you meet his gaze and blurt out, “Gosh, I swear I think I can kiss you right now.” The pair of you stiffen as heat rushes to your cheeks. “I-I mean—”
“That would be greatly appreciated,” he says, cupping your cheek. Leaning down to close the distance between you. You scan through his eyes for any signs of hesitance and when you find none, you close the remaining distance, meeting his lips with yours.
Everything happens so fast, but Hoseok is the only clarity at this moment as his hand on your waist moves up to cup your other cheek to deepen the kiss.
“Hobi...” You breathe out as he backs you against one of your shelves. “Hoseok—”
“Y/N...” he murmurs, tracing your bottom lip with his thumb as he looks into your eyes, gaze half-lidded. “Do you know what blue irises mean?”
You blink, still processing his question. “Hope… And faith?”
He chuckles, tucking your hair behind your ear. “It also means deep feelings when gifted to someone.”
Gaping, you stare up at his face.
“Is that how you feel? Towards me?”
You nod slowly.
He kisses your forehead softly and your eyes flutter shut. Interlacing your fingers together, he leans his forehead on yours while he whispers, “I feel the same way. I have feelings for you, Y/N.” He then mumbles, “I really, really like you, Y/N.”
“I really, really like you too, Hobi.” You meet his lips again. He smiles into the kiss.
When you both pull away to catch your breaths, you bury your face on the crook of his neck. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance.”
And he kisses your temple, holding you tighter in his arms.
After punishing yourself over the loss of your parents, you had never given yourself a chance to move on. But you have known for quite some time that some part of you longed for a change. That is why you admire the Grinch who has a change of heart towards Christmas. Now with Hoseok by your side, you realise that you can move on as he encourages you to finally take a step forward. And for once you look hopefully to a happier future.
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author’s note: honestly, i nearly turned this into a drabble series, but well, my writings are either too long or too short theres no in between so, oneshot it is sjdksjkfsd i hope you guys enjoyed it and as always, feedbacks are always appreciated !! if you’re interested in jimin’s story, you can find it here! thank you for reading 💕
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