#the echo mic i got as a prize at a fake game show i went to on a camp trip
smile-files · 3 months
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some object characters based on some items near my desk! glue gun, echo microphone, and butterfly bag!! :D
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Leon kicking everyone's asses at dodgeball, to the point where Celeste actually holds a betting ring where groups of kids would go against Leon in dodgeball, betting a certain amount of money, as well as the audience betting money too.
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You know, the funny thing about this ask is that it’s pretty much perfectly in character for everyone involved.
“Hello Hope’s Peak Academy and welcome all of you, students and teachers alike, to this week’s ULTIMATE Kuwata Dodge-ball Challenge!!!” The booming voice of Ibuki Mioda, currently up in a commentator booth set up on the stage in the back of the gymnasium, could be heard from the loudspeakers all around the room.
“You all know me! THE ROCKING ULTIMATE MUSICIAN, IBUKI MIODA!!! I’m joined today by this week’s guest commentator, one of my classmates, the Ultimate Team Manager, Nekomaru Nidai!!!”
“Happy to be here Ibuki!” Few could match the power and volume of the Ultimate Musician, but Nidai certainly was one of them. The Ultimate Team Manager grinned widely at the camera set up in front of them and waved and the corresponding images on the big TV screens around the gymnasium followed suit.
“Happy to have you Nidai! Now, before the game starts, I’ll be giving a quick background to what this little challenge is for all the newcomers! It started two months ago in this very gymnasium…”
“HOW THE HELL DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS?!!!” Mondo’s shout was so loud that even Taka covered his ears on the sidelines of the gymnasium court.
Leon simply smirked as he rubbed his nose haughtily. “What can I say? I’m just that good.”
“BULLSHIT!!! You’re the Ultimate Baseball Star, not the Ultimate Dodge-Ball Star!” Mondo, picking up the closest dodgeball, turned around and threw it randomly as hard as he could to vent some steam.
“I mean, it does make sense. I’m a baseball star, I’d know how to throw a ball.”
“Except that doesn’t make sense if you think about it.” Kyoko’s voice came from the sidelines, the girl sitting next to a wide-eyed Makoto Naegi (who had been mere centimeters away from a collision with the rocketing dodge-ball Mondo had just thrown). “A baseball is much smaller and far lighter than a dodge-ball. In addition the throwing technique is very different. Being a good pitcher or fielder wouldn’t necessarily result in being a good dodge-ball player. The only correlating benefits would be general arm and leg strength.”
“Well I clearly got those benefits in spades! I mean, just look at me!” As Leon continued to bask in his self-indulgence, Celeste stared intently; one could almost see the gears turning behind her red irises. 
“Leon, if you have a moment, I have a proposal.” 
“AGHH!!” Celeste watched with her usual neutral look as the red-head jumped at her voice, the gambler having suddenly appeared right by his side as he was putting things away in his gym-locker. As Leon began to breathe heavily, he shot the gambler a dirty look. 
“Could’ve been slightly louder with your approach Celeste. Nearly gave me a heart-attack.”
“Oh, I’m sure an athlete of your abilities can handle a small scare or two.” Leon glared at her as Celeste put her hands under her chin and gave him her typical small smile. The one he knew was either fake or mocking.
“Ha ha. Okay Celeste, what is it?”
Celeste’s smile quickly slipped away as her face took on a more serious look. “I’ll be honest. You don’t really look like you should be as good at dodge-ball as you are-”
“Yet you keep on sweeping the floor every time you play. So, I was wondering if perhaps you’d be willing to… I guess one could call it earn some side money.”
Leon’s glare narrowed even further. “Are… are you suggesting that we start a betting ring?”
“Indeed. After all, I am the Ultimate Gambler and I know a good opportunity when I see one.” The polite (and almost always fake) smile returned to her face. “As well as how to take the best advantage of one.”  
Leon sighed at this and began rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t know Celeste,” he began, his tone of voice conveying his immense discomfort. “Don’t you think staff will be against setting up a gambling pool on campus?”
“They likely normally would,” Celeste admitted, her smile not leaving her face. “But it really is all about how we frame it when presenting it to them.”
“Wait, you’re actually thinking we TELL them about this?!” Celeste let out a sigh as her smile dropped at Leon’s outburst.
“Yes idiot. If we don’t tell the staff they certainly won’t be pleased. But if we do tell them, not only do we make sure they know and approve, but we might even be able to get them to help set this entire thing up. Have the school support it.”
“Right.” The word was stretched out with a tone of voice that clearly conveyed Leon’s disbelief and Celeste found herself fighting the urge to slash the boy with one of her finger-talons. “That’s assuming the staff would be okay with it, which you still haven’t explained.”
“Like I said before Leon, it’s all about how we present it.” Celeste spoke slowly, using the tone of voice one would take when explaining a difficult concept to a child. “Go up to the staff and say we want to start a gambling competition for some extra cash? Yes, they won’t like that. But if we go up to them and tell them that we want to start a betting ring to act as a further test of our ultimate abilities, well that’s an entirely different ballgame as you would put it.”
Leon’s eyes slowly began to widen as he followed the gambler’s train of thought. “So, you’re saying if we presented it as an opportunity for the school to gain more insight into our talents by challenging them-”
“Then they would almost certainly be willing to allow us to go forward with this, perhaps even back us up? Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying.”
“Well, when you put it like that, hell yeah I’m in!” The Ultimate Baseball Star’s face had an ear-to-ear grin on it now, as the boy pumped a fist into the air. “So, what’s the split going to be?”
“Would a sixty-forty split seem fair?” Leon’s grin faded slightly at that.
“Let me guess, you get the sixty?”
“Well now Leon, I guess you aren’t quite as dim-witted as you make yourself out to be.”
“And with that, Celestia Ludenberg went straight to Principle Kirigiri with her request. After a day or so of deliberation, the staff came to an agreement that yes, we could set up this little experiment. With of course, some obvious caveats such as several referees, constant surveillance to make sure there was no cheating, a limit on how many times students can bet, etc.” Ibuki said as she finished the tale. “And so here we are, with our little dodge-ball competition!”
“Um, Ibuki, how exactly do you know all this?” Nidai asked, though judging from his facial expression being one less of confusion and more of excitement, as well as Ibuki’s quick response, it seemed like the question was planned.
“Why, because Ibuki has eyes EVERYWHERE.” For a moment Ibuki was silent and held an intense stare at the camera before breaking out in laughter. “Nah, just kidding! Celeste told me herself. Speaking of which, let’s switch over to the Ultimate Gambler so she can tell us what the current rates and stakes are!”
“Thank you Ibuki.” Celeste’s voice was heard over the loudspeakers as the image feed on the TV screens showing Ibuki and Nidai was replaced with one of Celeste, sitting on a posh chair in a nice looking booth (located by the gymnasium doors). Papers and pens were scattered in front of her, and two briefcases were set up on her side. “Good afternoon everyone. Currently, we have seven different competitors planned for today. The odds are ranging from three to one to fifteen to one against any of our newcomers, with a minimum bet of fifteen US dollars. Do come come by the booth in the front of the gym for more specifics and any last minute additions to the table or if you would like to sign up to face Leon. In addition, I have with me two briefcases each holding five thousand US dollars for anyone who manages to beat Leon, sponsored by the Steering Committee, an increase from last week where the total was seven thousand five hundred dollars.”
“And that’s not the only prize the Steering Committee is offering!” The video feed cut back to the main commentator booth as Nidai took over. “The Steering Committee has informed us that should any Reserve Course Student or student outside of Hope’s Peak be able to beat Leon, they will be offered a chance to join the Talent Courses here as the Ultimate Dodge-Ball star!”
“And with all that out of the way, it’s time we get started!!!” Ibuki said, her voice echoing loudly throughout the gymnasium, even more so than it normally would be amplified by the mic system. “LET’S WELCOME THE ULTIMATE BASEBALL STAR AND THE MAN TO BEAT, LEON KUWATA, AS WELL AS HIS OPPONENT FOR THIS FIRST MATCH, A MEMBER OF THE HOPE’S PEAK RESERVE COURSE, RANDAL CHARTER!!!”
As the assembled crowd let out a cheer, the two boys walked out onto the gymnasium floor. The two walked up to each other and briefly shook hands.
“Good luck man, you’re going to need it if you want to stay in for longer than a minute.” Leon said with a smirk. Randal just glared at him and tightened his grip before letting go and turning to walk to the back of his side of the field silently. Leon watched him go for a moment before shrugging.
“That guy clearly could use some help getting that stick out of his rear,” the baseball star muttered as he mirrored his opponent and walked to the back of his side of the field.
When the two were both in position, a referee came out onto the field, along with two of Leon’s classmates: Makoto and Mondo. The two students held two dodge-balls each while the ref held one.
“Students, are you ready?” The ref asked, holding the dodge-ball up above her head. When both Leon and Randal nodded the ref brought her whistle to her mouth. “Then… BEGIN!” With that she let out a powerful screech through the whistle as she, Mondo and Makoto all threw the dodge-balls into the air and raced off the stadium floor out of the way of the two participants. 
As both Leon and Randal ran forward, each racing to try and get their hands on a ball, one thought raced through Leon’s mind.
Time to kick some ass.
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theofficialcunt · 7 years
If you're down a would LOVE a little something with Adore winning AS3 (yes I know she's not on it LET ME DREAM) and Ru being like "so what are you gonna do with the money?" and Adore responds with "well I'm gonna spend it on the best fucking honeymoon EVER" and everyone's like ?!?!?! and she's like "oh yeah I forgot to mention I totally got married right before going on the show" *cue smug smirk* and Ru's all "OMG what??? anyone we know???" and BAM! cue Bianca.
I really hope I did this prompt justice. It was actually really fun to write! Enjoy ✨💕
The tv blared loudly throughout the club, the top 3 queens gripping each other’s hands in anticipation. It was hot, Adore was sweating profusely - partly from nerves but mostly from the amount of people watching them.
The crowning was in New York, and it was always a star studded event. Alaska would be crowning the winner, whose picture would then be hung next to hers in the imaginary All Star hall of fame.
Katya, Bob The Drag Queen, Kim Chi, and some of the local new york queens watched in anticipation as the reunion echoed throughout the building. Ru Paul himself was also there, standing next to Alaska with a microphone making comments here and there. Fans would scream and shout every now and then when something entertained them. Courtney Act and Bianca Del Rio were also there for support for their season 6 sister. This is Adore’s 3rd time on the show, and second time in the top 3.
“You ready for this mawma?” Trixie asked playfully, elbowing Adore.
“I mean, I guess.” Adore laughed uncomfortably.
She was not ready. Honestly, losing to Bianca the first time was hard. Yes, the win was well deserved - she dominated the fuck out of the competition. But Adore had to put on a smile for hours after the crowning and pretend to be okay with losing. When in reality she was under the impression she was going to be sharing the grand prize with her.
She was so sure of the win, she had already made plans for her prize money.
So, to say she was crushed when she lost was an understatement.
She did well on All Stars 3, won 3 challenges in fact. She never had to lip sync, and she didnt have to send anybody home either. It was a good situation overall.
But she wasn’t confident in who was going to win. It could be her crown. It could be Trixies crown. It could even be Chi Chi’s crown.
“Y’all, I just want some gumbo.” Chi Chi groaned, adjusting her false eyelash.
The three of them were an odd trio, but somehow their chemistry worked well on All Stars. Adore laughed, always finding it fascinating that Chi Chi and Bianca came from the same state but acted so different. Adore guessed it was because Bianca had too much New York in her now.
“And the winner of All Stars 3 is…”
Chi Chi and Trixie gripped Adore’s hands tightly, each digging their fake nails into her palms as they awaited their fate.
Her and Bianca made eye contact, and Adore noticed for the first time Bianca looked nervous. Her eyes kept darting around the room, she had one hand gripped on the side of her modest boat neck black velvet dress. She had Courtney’s hand in a vice grip, holding it so tight she was probably losing circulation in it.
Bianca smiled at Adore encouragingly, letting her eyes scan over the seafoam green sequin dress that hugged her body. She was wearing a blonde wig tonight, with some extra pieces woven in to add more volume. wanted Adore to win so bad. She thought she had deserved it the first time around, especially with the way that they edited it. Adore had stepped her game up for All Stars 3, investing in gowns and nicer hair pieces then usual. She did her best to show versatility on the show, and it worked - landing her a spot in the top 3. She worked very hard for this, and literally put herself out there all over again which had been hard on her after her departure on All Stars 2. She didn’t know how she would react if she would lose a second time.
“Adore Delano!”
The room erupted in screams, and Adore blinked rapidly with shock. She felt dizzy, her ears ringing from all of the excitement. Trixie screamed, pulling her in for a tight hug. Adore let her head rest into her chest as she let out a few tears. She had won drag race. She had won $100,000. She would be able to buy a house, make another album…
She was completely overwhelmed
This was what winning felt like.
Adore pulled away softly, wiping the tears from her eyes so that her makeup didn’t get ruined. She turned and embraced Chi Chi - giving her a longer hug. She had been a big fan of Chi Chi’s on season 8, and was sad that she didn’t win. They had grown close on the show, mostly becauseAdore was the only one familiar with Louisiana cuisine.
Because of Bianca.
Adore searched the crowd for B, and smiled when she saw her. Bianca was ecstatically jumping up and down, holding Courtney’s hand and…was she crying?!
Bianca’s cheeks were shiny from the tears of joy. She never cried in public, but she couldn’t help herself. Courtney grabbed a tissue from her purse and blotted her face gently, trying to move the elaborate makeup back into place.
“God, you’re a mess!” Courtney exclaimed, laughing as she wiped the runny mascara off of her cheeks.
“Shut up bitch, I have every right to be.” Bianca laughed through her tears, her voice still thick with emotion.
Adore walked across the stage to Alaska and Ru, where they stood with the crown and sceptre. Detox stood by with the check, beaming at her as she was handed a mic.
“I guess I’m expected to make a speech now huh?” Adore laughed nervously, eyeing Ru and Alaska.
The crowd laughed, then fell silent in anticipation.
Adore was nervous now, mostly because she just spoke from the heart when she talked to her fans.Now that she was a winner, was she expected to deliver articulate speeches?
“I want to start off by saying I’m so grateful for this oppurtunity man. Thank you Ru.” Adore smiled at Ru, who in return bowed to her.
“Winning drag race doesn’t mean that I’m going to stop keeping it real with you guys. You deserve to know the truth about shit, and you deserve to be called out if you start acting crazy. I’m talking to you Val.” Adore laughed, catching Valentina’s eyes in the far corner of the club.
“Honestly, you motherfuckers can do anything you set your mind to and I just love you all so much.” Adore exclaimed. “Thank you.”
Alaska smiled, bringing the crown over and gesturing for Adore to kneel down. She placed the crown on top of her blonde locks, smiling with pride as she stood up. The crowd went crazy, shouting and cheering as Adore smiled at them and waved.
Ru handed her the sceptre, whispering congratulations in her ear and ushering her over to Detox to receive the check.
“Presenting your new queen, and winner of $100,000 Adore Delano!” Alaska yelled.
Adore grabbed the check and posed for pictures for what felt like forever. First with Alaska and Detox, then with Alaska, Detox, and Ru. Then with Chi Chi and Trixie, and then finally Courtney and Bianca were pulled on stage.
“I thought it would be fitting to have your originalsisters pose with you.” Ru announced,
Adore smiled as Courtney tackled her in a crushing hug.
“I’m so happy for you Adorm!” Courtney exclaimed, pecking Adore on the cheek playfully.
“Okay that’s enough,” Bianca snapped, pulling Courtney off of her. “Congratulations. I knew it was going to be you.” Bianca held her for a solid minute before letting her go.
They took a few pictures together, and then they were ushered back to the front row while Ru began his interview with her on stage.
“So Adore, I have to ask.”  Ru started, as they sat down on two stools that had seemingly materialized out of nowhere.  “What are you going to do with the money?”
Adore bit her lip and made brief eye contact with Bianca before she nodded in agreement.
“Well, I’m gonna spend some of it on the best fucking honeymoon ever!” Adore exclaimed.
The crowd grew louder with confusion and excitement. Ru’s jaw dropped, along with all of the other queen’s on stage.
“Y-you’re married? When did that happen?” Ru asked curiously.
“Well, I got the call for All Stars and that was when we were just getting serious and I was like fuck, we could either do this now or do it when I get back - and he was like let’s just do it now!” Adore exclaimed animatedly, talking vividly with her hands. “So I was like, fuck yeah I’m down we’ll get a tax break if I win. So we jetted off to Vegas and did something super low key. We got married at 3 am so no fans would see, it was wild.”
Trixie was shrieking from backstage, along with the audience who had grown much louder during the course of the conversation. Adore had worked very hard to keep her marriage a secret, and it had definitely paid off.
“Bitch,  why didn’t you tell me?” Alaska shrieked. “I would have brought you guys a pizza.”
“I’m sorry Lasky! My husband isn’t really big on pizza so it’s better that you didn’t.” Adore laughed.
“Oh my god, this is just so shocking Adore.” Ru finally said, as the audience calmed down. “Now I have to ask, is your husband anyone we know?”
Adore smiled coyly, trying not to look in her husband’s general direction.
“Well, he’s here tonight…” Adore teased, smiling wide.
“Can we meet him?” Ru asked excitedly, scanning the crowd looking for the potential partner.
“Sure man!” Adore exclaimed, smiling smugly.
“Mr. Delano, if you are still in the building come on down!” Ru called, looking around the building.
Just then, Bianca stood up from the front row and sauntered up the steps to the stage. Ru’s jaw dropped, and Alaska screamed as the audience roared in approval. Bianca grinned, pecking Adore on the lips softly before grabbing her microphone.
“It’s Mrs. Del Rio thank you very much.” Bianca smiled, before dipping Adore in a passionate embrace.
Adore knew the fans were going to lose their minds, but she really had no clue how crazy they would get until it was all out in the open. The screaming and shrieking hadn’t died down since it was announced she was married, and had only gotten progressively worse as the night went on.
But Adore wouldn’t have it any other way.
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