#the eggs were honestly the worst thing on it but sill
magic-and-sadness · 2 years
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A Donna Pinciotti character study (and how I write her on my stories)
I'm apologizing in advance, this is too big, I talk a lot.
Someone sent me an ask a week ago asking why I write Donna as a nice character, and that inspired me to make a specific post about my thoughts on the characters and how I choose to write them on my published stories, more specifically, in Rock You Like a Hurricane and When The Levee Breaks. So here we go.
I love all the main 6 characters, not equally, everyone has a favorite, but in the end, they all have a very special place in my heart.
Out of the six characters, Jackie and Eric are my favorites. I have trouble writing Eric, but I really love him, I don’t get why he gets so much hate, he’s such a good person. They are followed very closely by Hyde, I relate to Hyde a lot, and honestly I love writing him. I think Hyde and Jackie are deep characters, with lots and lots of layers, and I love exploring them.
They are all complex characters with distinct personalities, each one has their specific storyline, and they all have their little quirks. They are not perfect, they have defects and qualities just like any other human being.
This post is about Donna, but I plan on making separate posts for each character later. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts.
Let's start off, shall we?
Donna was my favorite character, until I started season 4. One of the things that bothered me the most on the show was how much Donna's character regressed after her first break up with Eric.
Donna is a very likeable character in the earlier seasons, she's independent, determined, passionate about the things she loves, cares deeply about her friends, among other things. What I particularly loved the most about Donna, was how progressive she was for a teenage girl living in the 70s.
She and Eric were a sweet couple, and their love was pure. Their break up at the end of season 3 was heartbreaking, but it was very in character for me. Donna always wanted to be a strong, independent woman, and Eric was trying to tie her down. And while I could understand Eric's reasons, Donna also had a pretty strong point. I do believe things could have been solved with proper communication, but they were teenagers and these things happen.
After their breakup, both Donna and Eric acted immature, but after Donna's mom left, she... well, she's changed. And not for better. There's this one episode from season 4 that really upsets me. Right after Midge left, Donna slept with Eric, and Eric was really happy afterwards, he thought they were back together, but Donna had absolutely no intention of getting back together with him, in fact, she said "she would've done it with anyone". She used Eric in that episode, she should’ve been clear to him about her intentions, I get that her mom left and that she was sad, but that was kind of cruel of her and I felt really bad for Eric.
That's one of Donna's flaws: whenever she's going through something, she becomes this selfish person, too wrapped up in herself to focus on anyone else's problems. She refuses help and she acts up, showing really self-destructive behaviors (like purposely failing school, smoking cigarettes, dating Casey Kelso, etc). Donna’s kind of a hypocrite, she doesn’t like when people tell her she’s wrong about something. She also doesn't care about anyone other than herself when she's angry or sad, a clear example of that was running away to California with her best friend's boyfriend, because she was feeling humiliated about being rejected by Eric. That was a pretty shitty thing to do, Jackie did not deserve that.
In fact, Jackie did not deserve many of the things Donna did to her, but to me, Donna’s worst offence was to side up with Kelso during all the times he was an asshole to Jackie (yes, that includes when Jackie started to date Hyde).
As a self-proclaimed feminist, Donna should’ve been more empathetic towards Jackie. She should’ve told Jackie about Kelso and Laurie, she should have discouraged Jackie to get back together with Kelso on season 3 (everyone knew how toxic they were, even Hyde tried to stop them from getting together again in his own way - by breaking that egg - but Donna actually encouraged Kelso and seemed rather amused with the situation), she shouldn’t have shown her boobs to her best friend’s boyfriend on episode 4x20, she shouldn’t have ran away with her best friend’s boyfriend without even thinking about Jackie’s feelings, she should’ve supported Hyde and Jackie’s relationship from the beginning, she should’ve called Kelso out on his hypocrisy towards Jackie and Hyde on season 5, she should’ve been there for Jackie - without judging her - when her mother came back. She should have been a better friend to Jackie in general, Jackie was bitchy and kind of annoying, but she was a good person, and she was always there for Donna when she needed it.
Jackie was supposed to be the bitchy one with a huge ego, but Donna slowly took her crown. To me, in later seasons, Donna was worse than Jackie from season one - season one Jackie was a bitch, but she was also innocent, and she didn't know better, Donna did, and she loved calling Jackie out on her behavior. I'll elaborate more on that when I write Jackie’s essay. 
And (I’m afraid people are going to judge me for this one) Donna should’ve been a better girlfriend to Eric. People always say that Donna was too good for Eric, and well... I disagree.
In the first three seasons, Donna and Eric’s relationship was healthy, they were cute together, and you could see how much they loved each other. But they got back together in California and didn't even talk about why they broke up in the first place. They just ignored it and pretended it never happened. Like, wtf? And then out of nowhere Eric proposes and she says yes? She hadn't accepted his promise ring less than a year before, and now she accepted an engagement ring? I’m sorry, but that was very OOC to me. The reason why they broke up was that she didn’t want to make such a big promise because they were sill young, and then they just get engaged when they’re still in high school? That’s bad writing to me.
Their relationship in season 5 was okay, their engagement didn’t make any sense, but overall, they treated each other well and were in love.
Then Red had his heart attack and Donna decided to postpone college so she could be with Eric. Another thing that didn’t make sense to me. Donna basically threw away her whole future in order to be with Eric in season 6 and 7, and they broke up in season 3 because she didn't want that for herself. It’s just… well, shitty writing.
After she stayed for Eric, their relationship changed, at least from what I could tell. And then all the episodes had the same storyline for Eric and Donna: Eric does something stupid, Donna overreacts, Eric spends the day kissing her ass to make up for it, in the end she forgives him and it’s always the same thing “Donna, I’m a dumbass, you’re too good for me, I’m sorry” and bla bla bla. It’s a freaking cycle, and it only gets worse after Eric leaves her at the altar.
Eric was a good person and a good boyfriend, he had his flaws, but overall, he was a decent guy, he shouldn’t feel inferior to Donna. She mocked him for liking the things he did (Star Wars, Styx, roller disco), and often acted like she was too good for him, a good girlfriend is supposed to support her boyfriend in whatever makes him happy, not force him to quit something because she thought it was too girly.
(For example, when Hyde was going to work at the muffler shop with Red, Jackie didn’t like that idea, but she supported him anyways, she said “If it makes you happy then, I’m happy”. Donna wasn’t very supportive of Eric’s choices, the roller disco thing is a great example, I mean, yeah, it was girly, but he liked it, so she should’ve supported him).
In my opinion, Donna and Eric’s relationship on seasons 6 and 7 wasn’t a healthy one.
I’m not even going to mention Donna’s actions on season 8. To me, they were unforgivable, that’s why I totally understand why people write her like a bitch on post season 8 stories. But hey, everyone was acting OOC in season 8, that’s why I tend to ignore its existence most of the time.
In Donna’s defense though... That was mainly bad writing. I believe that the real Donna would’ve been more empathetic towards Jackie, she would’ve called Kelso on his crap, and she would’ve actually talked to Eric about their problems. She also would have gone to college, she and Eric could make distance work.
Up until season 4 we could see that the writers were actually developing a storyline for Donna. She was bitchy in season 4, but her parents had just got divorced, she and Eric had broken up, her mom left... Her life changed a lot, it’s understandable why she acted out, the writers knew what they were doing then, at least in the character development part, but then season 5 started and Donna was a whole different person.
I don’t know if I’m making any sense in this essay, I have trouble expressing myself sometimes because english is not my first language, but basically, to me, the writers stopped caring about Donna’s character development by season 5 and I’ll always be bitter about that. 
A clear example of character development is Jackie, Kelso and Hyde. They grew and matured over the seasons, Donna didn’t, not really, if compared to them. It's incredibly sad to see most of the characters growing and genuinely being better people, while Donna was just… being there.
Donna had her good moments, as I’ve mentioned before, Donna has qualities, plenty of them by the way. She’s passionate about the things she loves, she wants the best for her friends, she’s determined, she has a kind heart.
One of my favorite scenes from the show is when Jackie asked Donna to help her not to fall into Kelso’s “charm” again, when he was trying to grow a beard. Donna was an amazing friend in that episode, it really made me smile. Donna had some really good moments with Jackie. I wish she valued them more, but I blame that on the writers and their need to put women against each other for “comedy”.
The Donna I write on my stories is based on the Donna from the earlier seasons, it’s a Donna who still has her flaws, but she pushes her pride aside when she recognizes she's wrong and apologizes, she doesn't see Jackie as her competition, she sees her as a friend who she loves very much, and wants the best for her.
When The Levee Breaks Donna is the real Donna, at least how I think the real Donna actually is. After Eric sent her that letter, she recognized that she gave up too much for him during their relationship, and that she wasn't being herself by doing so, so she decided to no longer wait for him and be her own woman, that's why she moved to Chicago. No one is worth giving up her dreams for, not even the love of her life. 
She loves Jackie and wants the best for her, that's why she encourages Jackie to move to Chicago with her, and she also wants to make up for the times she wasn't the friend she deserved. Donna recognized how wrong she was by siding with Kelso, and admitted that she took Jackie's friendship for granted. 
This Donna lost all the respect she had for Hyde when he came back from Vegas, to her, that wasn't the same Hyde she grew up with (she wasn't wrong), and she wasn't going to stay quiet and let him destroy himself (and Jackie). She stepped up, and tried to shove some sense into Hyde's head before leaving with Jackie, but Hyde can really be an ass when he wants to, so she gave up and punched him, that was the last time she saw him until he got his head out of his ass and went to visit them at Chicago after New Years.
Donna was heartbroken, but she refused to dwell on it and tried her best to move on with her life. She's at the top of her class at college, she's trying to be there for Jackie (who wasn't doing so good when they first moved in) and she tried to date someone else. 
Turns out that you can't really date someone if you're still in love with your ex, so that didn't work out very well for her, but it helped her realize that what she felt for Eric was real, and that it wasn't going away anytime soon.
In Chicago, Donna and Jackie formed a strong bond, they were friends before, but Chicago kind of made them sisters. During those 6 months they've spent living together, Donna developed very strong protective instincts towards Jackie, especially after Jackie opened up about her childhood with her mother. She saw Jackie struggling every day, she saw how often Jackie cried over the things that happened in Point Place, and she started to understand her friend better.
Donna's protective instincts kicked in when Hyde and Eric showed up in Chicago, but they softened after she talked to Hyde and realized that he was being genuine. She was still pissed at him, but she could see that he was suffering a lot, so in the end, she just wanted to see Jackie and Hyde being happy again.
Her feelings with Eric were conflicting, she loved him very much, and she was aware of that, she got tired of denying to herself, but that didn't erase the hurt of their past. After a long talk, she and Eric agree to start things again, but she makes it very clear that she's not giving up her future for him anymore.
One of my favorite Donna quotes on my story is:
"Eric, I don't need you in my life. But I want you in my life, I really, really do."
So basically, that's how I write Donna in WTLB, she still has her flaws, but she's overall a good person and a good friend.
Rock You Like a Hurricane Donna is not so different from WTLB Donna, she's still protective of Jackie, but not for the reasons WTLB Donna is.
Donna and Jackie grew up together in RYLH, no Eric, no Hyde, no Kelso, just the two of them, and I believe that had a significant impact on both of their personalities.
Donna and Jackie first met in school, and became best friends after Donna beat up a kid who was trying to bully Jackie. Donna and Jackie both had no friends - Jackie was new in school, and Donna was new in town - so they started to play together and basically became glued by the hip.
The fact that she didn't grow up as "one of the boys'' changed Donna's personality a bit. Not too much, we still love a lumberjacky Donna thank you very much, but her behavior around Eric and the rest of the boys is sheepish if compared to her behavior around the entire gang on the show.
That changes after a while, she starts to get comfortable around everyone after a few months.
Growing up with Jackie had an impact on her, not a bad one. Donna's way less judgemental, and she's not a hypocrite, at least not like she was portrayed on the show. Jackie calls Donna out on her bullshit, and Donna does the same for her, they make each other better and they would kill for each other.
Donna's also not afraid of showing her girly side every once in a while, and she and Jackie support each other on their interests. As shown in some chapters, Donna sometimes even watches Jackie's cheerleading practices, and she's always there to support her in the games.
Jackie encourages Donna to write on a daily basis. She always loved reading Donna's short stories, she claims that if Donna ever writes a book, she has to write a character based on her, preferably, a princess.
They have a healthy friendship in both of my stories, it's how it should've been on the show.
That’s all, I guess. If you actually read this, please feel free to give me your opinion about Donna too, I would love to hear it!
I’m posting Jackie’s character study sometime soon. Thanks for reading my ramblings.
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shoutoismybaby · 5 years
Yandere Todos darling gets threatened
Imagine how scared yandere todoroki would feel if someone used a mind control quirk and controlled his darling to threaten harm. Like his darling holding a knife to their own neck. Nd thr villan is just like. "Make any moves to them or me and you wont have anyone to call 'your love' any more "
This is my first yandere writing so…. Sorry if it isn’t great! Thank you for the request
The day had started off normal. Shouto’s alarm clock went off at 5:00 exactly, he groaned clicked snooze, and pulled you back into his embrace for another five minutes. Once the clock rang again, he would finally get up and around. You, as you were expected to, got up with him and went to the kitchen to begin making him breakfast. You had been with Shouto for about 5 years now. Ever since your first year of UA, when he had made a deal with his older brother, Dabi, to kidnap you for him while they also grabbed Bakugou. The pro-heroes had never found you. Not in the Todoroki’s summer home that Shouto had convinced his father to give him. You weren’t sure how, or even if that was true. You couldn’t even be certain that the Pro’s had given up looking for you like Shouto told you they had.
He was the only way you had gotten any information since you were brought here after all. The TV wasn’t hooked up to any stations, the only things you had to watch were movies he brought home, which were just compilations of the news coverage on him. It was the only thing other than childhood cartoons you could convince him to give you too watch, seeing as his possessive nature got jealous of you watching any other person. Like you might love them more than him. If you ever loved him in the first place.
You supposed that in a way you did. He was the only person you had contact with outside of your cartoons and books after all. After so long, how could you not come to care for him? Perhaps it was only the type of love an animal could feel towards its owner that provided for it, but you supposed that it was enough affection that you did not feel anguish in living your life with him. You were content, and if you thought about it, you could even say that you were happy most of the time.
Of course, it required not thinking about how his name was burned onto your collar bone, the one and only time he had ever used his quirk on you. How you weren’t allowed to know the date, or anyone besides him. What the outside looked like. How grass smelled. Or how it took you three years to get full access to the house, only then to be expected to take on the homemaker role. Including cooking and cleaning.
Still, you couldn’t complain too much. Cooking ended up becoming one of your favorite hobbies, often leaving Shouto to come home to a full course meal along with desert ready for him. You often had too much food, but Shouto was easily convinced to bring it into work and share it with his friends. It was the small bit of yourself that still communicated with the outside world you supposed. In the mornings your favorite thing to cook was the typical pancakes, eggs, and bacon. It was an American meal, and it reminded you of where you grew up. You loved the sizzle of the bacon on the pan, melodically accompanying the sounds of your husband in the shower. Flipping over the pancake, you were careful in trying to retain the shape. Recently you had taken it upon yourself to learn how to make pancakes into shapes and images. Today, it was a simple heart, if only because you knew it would help to ease the stress Shouto had been bringing home to you recently.
As the food finished, you heard the shower turn off, and you got to work at fixing the shape of the pancakes. You took a knife and began to carefully cut off the imperfections, looking up after your neck began to cramp. This only leads you to scream, however, for the first time while living in this home. A face sat staring back at you from the window, you weren’t able to hear the footsteps of Shouto as he ran towards you, as your eyes had been glazed over by that time. Shouto darted as soon as he heard your shrieks, his heart pounded in his chest and he feared for the worst. His fears were answered.
As he made his way into the kitchen, the sight of a knife being held up to your neck by your own hand was burned into his brain. He could see the heart-shaped pancakes that sat now abandoned. He had no time for his heart to warm at your “adorableness” as a maniacal laugh filled his ears.
“So the number three hero isn't so much of a hero as he pretends to be, huh?” Shouto went to step towards the man in the window, activating his quirk. But he was stopped when the figure shook his head, “ah-ah-ah. Take another step and your darling hostage dies.” His statement was confirmed with the knife pressing further into your neck, drawing blood.
Had you any control of your body, you were sure that you would have already begun sobbing. You didn’t want to die. No matter how many times you had told Shouto so when he had first taken you.
“What do you want?” Shouto’s voice was so cold it sent shivers up your spine. Honestly, you were scared for the guy, you didn’t think anyone would have the balls to threaten what Shouto considered his property. You weren’t even allowed to have friends, how was he going to treat someone that was threatening your life?
“Isn’t it obvious?” The villain's body relaxed and he leaned his arms against the window sill. Your body was made top open the window, a mistake of his you thought, but the knife didn’t move from your neck. “You put away the love of my life, and now im going to take the one of yours.”
The villain didn’t have a chance to make you plunge the knife into your throat as a spear of ice shot up and through his head, from his jaw through his hair. Blood splattered and ran down the cold material. A growl left Shouto’s throat as you dropped the knife, beginning to shake.
“Should have known better than to threaten what’s mine.” There was blood on his cheek from the impact, how it splattered so far you couldn't really comprehend. “Are you okay?”
You raised a hand and shakily wiped the blood from your cheek. Nod. Then start to cry.
“Baby…” Shouto’s voice sounded sincere for once, instead of condescending. You were soon wrapped in his arms as you were rocked back and forth. “It’s okay,” his hand buried itself in your hair, “I’ve got you. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
“I- I know” you felt chocked up. You never thought death would scare you so much. There were times where you contemplated it, thinking that maybe it would let you escape this boring hell. But once it was coming for you, you realized that you didn’t want it anymore. “I was just so scared.”
You were pulled away from him, and his lips were placed on your forehead.
“How about I call off today? I’m sure you don’t want to be alone, and now I have to take care of this mess.” He growled out the last part, and you just nodded once more. The last thing that you wanted to do was upset him. Luckily your response was the correct one. “Why don’t you go pick out your favorite outfit and read on the bed for a bit? I’ll run you a nice bubble bath and I’ll buy us Netflix, and we can watch whatever you want.”
The reward made you smile in a way that matched his own.
“Okay!” You chirped, already forgetting about the tragedy that just took place. Shouto liked it when you were happy. Maybe he had conditioned you too much that a reward could make you forget about every bad thing. You knew he liked it that way. And deep inside, you knew you liked being blissfully ignorant too.
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bluefurcape · 6 years
When It Rains
This was a prompt from @itslulu42 on discord and I don’t think you’ll remember giving it but I started immediately then forgot about it. Then I came back to it and my note on it said “Smooth jazz kakashi” and I of course had to start back in bc I needed to know what happened next. 
I think the prompt was something along the lines of Amnesia, but instead of angsting Kakashi keeps hitting on Sakura. Part one of...three maybe. And vaguely i mixed in a KS Month prompt but now it’s too late and guess i’ll just die.
Haruno Sakura had known Kakashi since she was twelve years old. And he had known her since he was…well, she wasn’t exactly sure how old he was, since he never divulged that. The only reason any of the former members of Team 7 Kakashi knew his birthday was the success of an elaborate ruse enacted a long time ago, involving Icha Icha, balloon animals, and a knife.
Kakashi smiled at her without recognition, his eyes crinkling pleasantly. From his bed, he looked around the hospital room and the people gathered with mild curiosity. There was a faded yellow bruise exactly the size of an egg on his forehead, an injury that Sakura had healed only moments ago. Despite the stifling heat of summer outside, the air conditioning kept the room comfortably cool. The sweat that had dampened her clothes on her walk over to the hospital was almost making her chilly.
She took a deep breath, recounting the facts as they had been told to her, because she was having trouble processing. “Kakashi and Gai were doing one of their stupid bets.”
“Right,” Shikamaru said.
“And they were climbing Kakashi’s face on the Hokage monument,” she continued and he made a noise of confirmation. “They saw a nest of what they thought was a rare extinct bird and decided to check it out.” Slowly she began to shake her head. “The rare bird has an ability to take away memories. Kakashi and Gai forgot who they were and fell off the monument. The only reason they’re still alive is because you were nearby, playing hooky, and you managed to shadow grab the two of them.”
Shikamaru nodded.
“And how did Kakashi get this enormous welt on his head?” she asked.
“He may have bounced on some rocks before I got to him.” He looked away, shrugging in feigned innocence. If he thought that Sakura would reproach him, he was wrong, because Kakashi definitely deserved more than few knocks to the skull. Especially for this particular mess.
“This is really bad.”
“I know, Sakura.”
“Really, really bad.” Sakura began to pace the length of the room, from the window to the opposite wall. She didn’t know what she’d been expecting when she received the urgent summons on her day off, but it wasn’t this. “So unbelievably bad. The Kage coalition arrives today. They’re going to be expecting Kakashi to be making a speech in a week. He can’t make a speech when he’s a drooling idiot!”
“Hey, I’m not drooling,” Kakashi piped up, highly offended. In a lower voice, he asked, “I’m Kakashi, right?”
She was somewhat relieved that he could still talk. All the stupidly vacant smiling was giving her suspicions otherwise. As a test, in case this was some kind of elaborate joke courtesy of Shikamaru, she asked, “Do you know who I am?”
“No, but I’d like to,” he responded automatically.
Her jaw dropped and then she shut it. “Excuse me?”
Shikamaru cleared his throat, but it sounded more like strangled laughter that he choked back down.
“My priorities are a little off here, but would you be interested going out to dinner with me?” Kakashi asked.
“Ask me again when you get your memories back,” she said flatly.
“Well, that’s very good motivation.”
Sakura turned to Shikamaru and widened her eyes. She knew something had been up when Kakashi and Gai had been admitted to the hospital and no one was allowed to treat them or see to them until she personally arrived, even though she had not been actively treating patients, except when her expertise was required, since her promotion to medical director. Her mind had reeled with worst case scenarios, disembowelment, lost limbs, broken spines. Instead, she walked in and Kakashi waved to her, a nasty welt on his temple, but otherwise whole, according to her diagnostic check. Gai was in the same state. Physically, nothing was wrong with either of them, they just had the misfortune of running into a magic memory thieving bird.
“You weren’t called in just to check on his health,” Shikamaru said, leaning against the window sill. “The Council is giving you an assignment. Obviously, we need you to monitor the Rokudaime in case his condition deteriorates. The second thing is that you need to try and jog his memory and bring him back.”
Her instinct was to question the choice. He had been her captain and they had an easy relationship, but she barely knew him. Kakashi kept his secrets close and it made small talk with him a bitch, because he apparently considered everything a secret. Still, she understood the reasoning behind the assignment. Kakashi didn’t have any family left. His father had passed when he was only a child. His mother, even earlier. As far as she knew, he had no relatives in Konoha who could tell him familiar stories. Naruto was often away on high ranking missions and there was no telling when he would return.
She turned to Kakashi, who was watching her with a smile. “I’ll try my best,” she said doubtfully. She glanced at Gai. “What about him?”
“We thought it best to allow him some recovery time before calling in Lee.”
“…Good idea.” This would devastate Gai’s protege. A volcano of emotions was surely waiting.
“Ha-ru-no Sa-ku-ra,” Kakashi said, as if the syllables of her name were a song. He grinned, pleased with himself.
“Right. And your name is..?” Sakura gestured to him in encouragement.
“Ha,” she prompted him with the first sound of his clan name.
“Ha…Ha…Haruno Kaku?”
“Hatake Kakashi,” she corrected patiently.
“I would much rather be Haruno Kakashi.”
She flushed, her face heating. “Well, you aren’t.”
“But there isn’t a Mr. Haruno Sakura around, right?”
Sakura bit her lower lip, trying not to laugh. Ever since he’d become her charge, the flirting had been incessant. She figured the magic bird had affected his impulse control in some way. However coming from him, the cheesy lines were actually kind of endearing. “No. No there isn’t.”
He nodded innocently, sitting primly on the ancient sofa in his apartment. His place was unsurprisingly neat, though all of the pieces of furniture looked at least a decade older than her, edges worn away and colors faded. It was also definitely a bachelor pad in every sense of the word. A narrow twin bed, suitable for one and only one. A closet full of the same articles of clothing.
When she entered the kitchen, she found a single set of utensils, a mug, a bowl, and a plate in the cupboard. Just to have something to do, she placed the kettle on the stove anyway to make some tea. One of them could use the bowl to drink out of. Did he never have people over? She tied up her sweaty hair and wished silently that she could at least take a shower. The council had laid down a strict water ration due to the extended drought this year. Bathing was restricted to about fifteen minutes and the mandate encouraged the villagers to go a few days in between. Her stink wasn’t too bad, as far as she could tell, but she missed standing under a nice stream of water and forgetting about the world.
She leaned against the counter, wrapping her arms around herself, feeling hopeless. She didn’t even know where to begin.
“Does any of this ring a bell?” she called out. All of this was a shot in the dark. Bring Kakashi to familiar places and see if anything happened was her general plan. She hated it because she loved real plans. Strategy with complexity. Tasks that could be conquered. Instead, she floundered, coming up with ideas on the fly.
“Nope,” was the cheerful response. At least he was taking this memory loss business in stride. If it were her, she would be freaking out at being completely untethered.
The kettle whistled and she poured the hot water out into the mug and the bowl. From one of the cupboards, she dug up a dented box of genmai and added the tea bags, letting the tan tendrils swirl. There was a solitary tray of ice in the freezer that she took a few cubes from, because she simply did not feel like drinking hot leaf juice in the middle of a drought. Out of curiosity, she checked the bottom part of the fridge too. A nearly empty carton of eggs and an old box of take out greeted her. The inside was bare bones. She was finally getting a glimpse behind the walls that Kakashi maintained and rather than a suave, older man like she had been half expecting, she was getting a sense of just how alone he was. Guilt twisted her lips into a frown. She could claim that she hadn’t known, but that was just an excuse. Her own life was a little more than she could handle. Late night shifts. The constant fires that needed to be put out. Kakashi had been there, quiet in the background, and her attention had glanced over him and determined him a lesser priority because honestly, he seemed fine.
She brought the tea over to the living room, offering  Kakashi the mug and taking the bowl for herself. He accepted the beverage then looked back at her and said, “Now, I know I don’t have any memories, but is it customary to drink from a bowl?”
“There weren’t any other cups,” she explained as she curled herself into the armchair perpendicular to the sofa.
“Hm. Okay.” He lowered the hospital mask and took a sip. When he noticed Sakura’s blatant stare, he cautiously asked, “What?”
Even without his memories, Kakashi had chosen to continue to wear the mask. He didn’t seem to notice it or question why he was wearing one.
She caught a glimpse his long, straight nose and lips that lifted in an easy smile. She was almost upset that she hadn’t known before that every time he shot a grin at her, the mask had hidden a set of slightly crooked teeth and a chipped canine that she found unnervingly charming. She wanted to cradle his face in her hands.
Part of her resisted telling him, craving the pleasure of simply seeing him. But it was only right that she tell him, rather than let him go on and act in a way that he would resent her for later. “You probably don’t know this, but you never show your face to anybody,” she said calmly, hiding the giddy urge to get on her feet and dance in her own personal victory.
He hummed to himself and tugged on the elastic strings of the mask hanging around his ear. “Never?”
She nodded her head.
“Is it because I’m ugly?” he asked, touching his lower lip as he frowned.
“No!” Her response was a little too emphatic, even to her own ears.
“Ah. Good.” He smiled again and her heart beat faster.
She was unused to feeling this way around him and she was both curious and disconcerted. To distract herself, she leaned over to the side table and picked up the only two photo frames that Kakashi seemed to possess.
The older one was a photo of his team when the Fourth had been his captain. It showed a young Kakashi glaring at the camera, standing next to a dark haired boy in goggles. The Fourth stood behind them, his hands affectionately ruffling their hair. The last member, a young girl with short brown hair, beamed in the front. She couldn’t help but notice the similarities between this photo and the other one, which was of Team 7 in the early days. A nostalgic smile played on her lips.
“Who are those people?” Kakashi peered over at the photographs.
“Your friends…” she responded tentatively, a sinking feeling in her stomach.
…those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.
“Oh. Are they still around? Maybe they can help me get back my memory.”
She hesitated. She’d heard rumors of what had happened to Kakashi’s old team--none of it sounded happy. The dark haired boy must have been Obito, who would become the same man that Kakashi had thought dead and carried guilt over for decades. In a twist, Obito had turned out to be alive during all of that time, but even that was complicated and…he certainly was gone now. Of the four people in the photograph, Kakashi was the only survivor. Painful trauma didn’t seem like the best place to start with his memories.
She held up the photo of Team 7 instead, hoping that he wouldn’t notice her deliberate omission. Team 7 had gone through it’s own troubles, but the ending was happier. At least they had that. She pointed at their younger selves with exaggerated enthusiasm. “That’s you and me. The blond one is Naruto and the scowling one is Sasuke.”
“Sasuke looks like he has a stick up his ass,” he commented immediately.
“An accurate assessment.” She snorted. “You were my teacher and then later, my captain. Do you remember?”
He scratched his chin in thought. “Teacher, huh? That doesn’t sound right to me.”
“On the first day I met you, you were very late, fell for Naruto’s stupid trick, and told us that you hated us.”
“And then you had Naruto tied up because he tried to cheat.”
Kakashi squinted at the picture. “Naruto’s the blond one, correct? The one who looks like he hasn’t realized that he’s crushing on the other one?”
Sakura blinked and looked for herself. “What.”
“How long ago was this picture taken?”
“Ten, I think.”
“So, are they married now? The hate sex must have been good.”
Her cheeks flushed. She did not want to think about two of her closest friends getting it on! “Gross. They aren’t together and you’re not allowed to talk about them like that. Sasuke is on some kind of redemption quest and Naruto is on a long term mission to the east.”
He made sarcastic air quotes as he said, “’Redemption quest.’”
“This isn’t working, let’s move on,” she grumbled.
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