#the enemies to lovers between Gabriel and beelzebub was a surprise but they were very VERY sweet
yaboibells · 1 year
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Just finished Good Omens season 2! How are we GO fandom ;)
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sparrowsortadrawzzz · 4 months
Aight so. As we move into the summer season I have been struck with inspiration for a new AU. It is a summer camp AU. All the MCs are roughly 18/19. I’ve started enjoy the idea of Crowley as an archangel and the archangels being his siblings cuz that’s very dramatic and I’ve been exposed to a lot of that content so that’s here now too. Also I made my two favourite characters friends because of course I did that’s what I always do in every fandom I’ve ever been in.
(Featuring friends to lovers Aziracrow and enemies to lovers Ineffable Bureaucracy obviously.)
So the perspective is split between the four main characters. Gabriel Archer, his half brother Anthony J Crowley (Known mostly as Crowley) same mother (Gods human character that looks like Frances Mcdormand, most likely named Godiva or something similar) different fathers. They are constantly fighting and being general little nightmares, never seeming to be able to agree on anything and taking arguments way too far (bringing up each others fathers; Gabes died and Crowley’s was shitty, getting into actual physical altercations and getting eachother in trouble at school) so their mother decides to send them to a summer camp as councillors for bonding and teamwork purposes. She’s trying okay. Gabriel just turned 19 and Crowley is 18.
And on the other side are the head councillors, Aziraphale (known as A, Azi, Zira or variations on ‘shithead’ and the like by Beez cuz they’re a little bitch) Prince and Beelzebub (known as Beez) Hellborne. They’re 18 but have been attending this summer camp since they were 11 (they’re known as ‘legacy campers’).
This is their second year as councillors so they’ve been given a promotion bc the last head councillors left. To most people they seem like the world’s least likely friendship but they just vibe. It’s probably the undiagnosed autism. They love food and classic literature (I think Beez would like Lovecraftian horror and more horror-y stuff like Frankenstein, Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde etc. while we obviously know Aziraphale has a preference for Jane Austen.) and manage to be equally terrible influences on eachother (aziraphale is that one friend who will suggest something and then be like ‘oh no don’t actually do it I was joking!’ While having a shit-eating grin on his face because he knows damn well they’ll do the thing).
Beez is better at handling activities (surprise surprise so is Gabe) while Zira is better at handling the campers themselves (surprise surprise so is Crowley) since he tends to be gentler. (Eg. Beez will try to get the campers attention by yelling ‘okay, maggots!’ And Aziraphale will literally just bop them on the head with the book he’s holding and glare at them until they say something non-aggressive. ‘Beez we talked about this you can’t yell at the 11 year olds.’ ‘Why not? My older siblings yelled at me when I was that age.’ ‘…Well we’re going to have to unpack THAT later. Also hold my book I wanna go talk to Crowley.’)
Aziraphales family is homophobic and Beelzebubs are generally pretty toxic and involved in some bad crimey stuff (they have six brothers, the other deadly sins) so camp is their favourite time of year and they will not tolerate these new councillors messing their safe place up.
The owner and guidance councillor of the camp, ‘Sergeant’ Shadwell and ‘Madam’ Tracy, who are definitely-not-secretly-pining love these two, Shadwell calls them and the other councillors his ‘officers’ and Tracy tells them they’re stars.
So the bros™️ show up at camp and are intoducd to the other councillors, including the buddies™️, queue an ‘oh no he’s hot’ squidward moment as the brothers realise this summer may not be so bad after all. Queue shenanigans, no one being good at feelings, matchmaking, healing relationships and found family feels.
still need to think of a name for the damn camp though.
OH MY GOSH this is an absolutely GENIUS idea!! I absolutely adore this...
(dies inside as i instantly think "OOH! Camp Armagetalong–!" I'm a sucker for puns and word play...)
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imfeelingprettylow · 5 years
So what if, instead of Adam telling Satan off, God shows up? Humor me for a second I probably am going to suck at this
The ground shook and Adam stood facing this massive beast, who was supposed to be his father. But he wasn't because
"Dads don't just show up after 11 years." As he had said. And it was looking like this very scary thing was going to pass. But Satan wasn't budging.
"So my son abandons me. And all that stand between me and the world is a couple of children, a former hellhound, a witch, two witchfinders, a whore, and two rebellious lovers. Seems God has chosen her champions. A pity. " as he was speaking he transformed, his massive self becoming smaller as he turned from horrifying into a vague humanoid shape. A pair of massive wings, much bigger than any angels, sprouted from human shoulders, and with a blink of the eye, a tall man stood before the lot. He was hard to focus on; immensely beautiful and terrifying to behold, with red eyes. Horrifying blood red eyes.
"So. I'm here. Standing before my son asking him to help me end this war once and for all. But where is your god? She sends you lot, with the hopes of what? You cannot save the world. She has abandoned you as she abandoned me." Satan's voice is heavenly and horrifying, a mixture of growling and celestial harmonies that has the hairs on Crowleys neck stand up. There is a flash of light and suddenly Gabriel is standing behind the group. Why God chose him to speak for her he will never know. He is absolutely terrified, as he walks forward to stand beside Adam
"The lord has spoken to me." Gabriel says, visibly shaking. There is a beat is silence. Satan raises one delicate eyebrow
"And?" He asks. Gabriel swallows the pump in his throat.
"She says to go back to the hole from whence you came." Even crowley, in his fit of terror had to smirk at that. Satan chuckles, his smile agonizing to behold
"And why does she not come to tell me herself? Ah, I know" Satan raises his face to the sky, eyes burning, massive wings opening "Because she isn't THERE "
In the next second two things happen. One, beezlebub appears beside their lord to inform him that hell is as it should be. Beezlebub fortunately appears beside Gabriel because they are afraid to approach their master from behind.
The second thing that happens is, God appears. One would expect a flash of light. And of course there is. But this light is so bright that aziraphale, in absolute terror, must unfurl his wings and moving with the speed of the angel he is, must gather Crowley and Adam to him, to protect them from God's wrath. Because God is pissed.
She appears, not as a human, but as a singular ball of floating light, smaller than a human head, burning with the rage of 6000 years. Aziraphales wings protect his demon and the boy from the full force of her might, and he manages to turn to face her. Beside him, Gabriel has done a miraculous and traitorous thing. In a pure act of kindness, without thinking, he has stepped in front of the Lord beezlebub to protect them from God's wrath. Beezlebub blinks at the feathery wall before them, surprised but unafraid. Aziraphale glances behind to see a singed, but very much alive crowley, covering Adam with his body, yellow eyes shut in terror. God hovers before satan, burning with rage and malice. All of this has happened within the span of two seconds.
"Hello Lucifer " God's voice is, well ineffable. Cannot be described. Crowley and beezlebub both cower in fear, hands over their ears in pain. Satan smirks, pleased with himself
"Hello mother." God's light hurts even the angels eyes. She glows brighter, annoyed
"You must go back into the hole, lucy." The old nickname makes Satan pause and suddenly both Gabriel and aziraphale notice pain; Satan's rage is as strong as God's and their wings become slightly singed. Crowleys head pops up as he recognizes that smell.
"All I ever wanted, mother, was to be loved." Crowley is looking back and forth between Satan and his angels wings. Beezlebub is now standing. Both demons know what they must do
"But you lOVED THEM MORE" the roar is accompanied by hellfire and Crowley launches himself in front of aziraphale, midnight wings open. Beezlebub has become a hoard of flies, and swirls around Gabriel protectivley. Both demons take the full force of the hellfire, as God simply casts it aside. Satan's great roar causes Gabriel to cry out in pain. And God pauses. She does not react to her son's temper tanrtrum. She dims. Crowley had begun to smoke in her presence, beezlebub literally dropping like flies. And God notices this, and pauses.
"My son. I wish not to fight. Neither of us can win this battle. So instead of arguing needlessly I am simply going to make you notice something." She turns to face the lot. Crowley is the one front and center. His love for aziraphale is all consuming as he stares at the Lord. He is not afraid, despite the pain he is in.
"Yes I've seen your champions mother. They are unimpressive." Satan's words cut deep and Gabriel cries out again. Aziraphale is trying to stand, but Adam pulls him down to keep him safe.
"My champions? Odd. I didn't choose any of them" God says. Satan scowls
"You choose evrything. You have had this plan since the beginning of time." He argues
"Well yes, I had hoped things would go this way. But I play with cards Lucy. Sometimes my design is less perfect and more..."
"Innefable." Crowley says, his face full of pain. God dims a bit, and moves closer.
"I think I've been quietly watching things from the sidelines too long. Of course I will continue to do so, for the humans sake. But for my angelic and demonic children, I think I let things go too far... You all are so ready to destroy what I so love." God seemed uoset, which is to say that her light went a little blue. Satan fumed
"Ah yes, the bloody humans. Those frail creatures you love more than your own children" Satan spat.
"Of course. I may have underestimated my children however." God said. "It seems to me that angels and demons are not so... binary in good and evil. It seems that given enough time and energy, they can be almost....human" God smiled at Crowley and he flinched. Aziraphale looked up and over one midnight wing at his lord, and slowly came around, despite Crowley and Adams concern.
"Oh, you mean these traitorous fools? I will not suffer them to live." In an instant there were flames engulfing them all.
Aziraphale thought he was dead. He hurt all over. His eyes were shut and he felt...peace. love. So much love. He opened his eyes to see a sky full of midnight wings.
Crowley wailed and grew to a height unimaginable, casting himself fully into the smiting flames of his master. And this act alone is what made him survive. Pure love. The flames hit him, with all the fury of hell, and he absorbed them, snarling, yellow eyes wide
"You will NOT take him from me!"
The flames engulfed him, and then they were beaten back by his wings, right into Satan himself.
Satan stumbled back, shaken but otherwise unharmed. The flames died down and Crowley lowered his wings, the air around him shimmering with heat.
"You will NOT take him from me." Crowley said again.
*authors note* if I screwed anything up please be kind but informative I didn't proof read this at all lol
Satan stood there dumbfounded for a singular second before his angelic face began to contort in rage. before satan could unleash his full fury on Crowley, however, God stepped between them.
“enough lucifer.” she said, and this time, crowley did not cringe. Aziraphale and Adam peeked out from behind him, and Beelzebub was themself again, standing beside gabriel. God cancelled out the pain around her, and faced off with her rebellious son 
“you are not seeing what you are meant to see. nor are you trying to understand. you are ignoring the reason this all had to happen. you are disappointing me lucy. again.” God was not angry, but she had begun to turn a rather peculiar shade of purple, that Gabriel recognized as disappointment and sorrow. And Satan recognized it too. He looked at crowley behind God, looked at Beelzebub beside Gabriel, looked at his own rebellious son, at the human children around them, and then finally his bloody gaze was upon his Mother. Satan glared, but behind his false anger was a sorrow and pain indescribable. 
“I just want to be loved.” he snarled. Crowley, in all his anger, could at least understand that. Aziraphale, behind him, felt that too and reached fro Crowleys hand, their fingers intertwining. God dimmed.
“you are, my dear boy. I love all my creations, even those that rebel against me. I have always loved you. Even this boy you spawned to destroy my humans, I love him as well. My love does not dwindle, nor does it become overruled by rage.” Adam, in surprise, looked at god and then at Satan. and then he walked right out and stood beside god , her light not harming him in the least.
“you shouldnt hate her so much.” adam said. satan regarded his son with suspicion. 
“your powers are great my boy, but not even you could change the reality of his heart.” Aziraphale said. “his hatred has darkened the love that used to be there.” God dimmed again, becoming more blue than purple
“I think youre wrong.” adam said “I think you havent given him a chance. I think, he let himself get upset and he wasnt thinking straight, and he hurt his friends and now, he doesnt know how to fix it.” adam was speaking from personal experience, and his friends smiled 
satan frowned at the boy 
“so what do you propose we do? we are mortal enemies.” he said, frustration showing. Adam turned to look at crowley and aziraphale, standing hand in hand 
“so were they. all it took for them was...well im not sure. i only just met them. but im sure if you ask them they can tell you.” all eyes turned on the pair, and defiantly they refused to let go of each other, though aziraphale was looking rather scarlet, from the singing hellfire or pure embarrassment, he would never tell. Crowley, tire iron still in hand, looked at his angel and pondered for a moment
“it took a second for me to love aziraphale. on the wall. when he showed his loyalty for humanity and disregard for the rules. it took 6000 years for me to admit that, just now.” Aziraphale looked at his demon in shock and then swallowed nervously 
“well I...I guess it was the books. I mean, I suppose I’d always been...fond of Crowley, I loved his company. I can always indulge and be...me. and then he saved my books for me and I guess I’ve been denying my love for him until...well a few minutes ago. But yes. We were mortal enemies, perhaps for a moment on the wall. But we have always been friends...and then some.” Crowley squeezed Aziraphales hand and smirked. Adam turned back to his satanic father 
“I bet you could learn to do that.” the boy said. Satan, however stood unconvinced 
“what? take a ball of light, the Almighty out to fish and chips? with humans? “ he scoffed. Gods light was now a pure amber color, a color of love and humor 
“I can take many forms, Lucy.” Was all she said. 
“Wait Wait Wait!” Gabriel said, striding forward, Beelzebub following quickly behind “disregarding all of that, I want to know how this is all supposed to play out. we are supposed to have a war! is that not happening?” God turned to her archangel, who promptly took a step back and swallowed in fear 
“there will be no war, my child. I will speak to the angels myself.”
“but you havent done that in...”
“too long, Gabriel. I have been absent for too long. Things are going to change in heaven. as for hell...” God turned to her satanic son, and his angelic face was full of conflict “I am always here for you, my dearest boy. Whenever you need me, ask. I have lots of work to do” God turned then to Crowley, Aziraphale and Adam
“you have all done so well, my children. I am so very proud.” and with that, she vanished, like fog vanishes on a windy day, and they were left there with satan, who was looking rather befuddled. 
“So the war is off, if my son still refuses to destroy humanity.” he looked down at adam, who looked almost bored
“I quite like humanity, thanks. feel free to stop by the wood sometime, if you ever want to play with Dog.” Satan stood straighter, and looked at Crowley
“and you? where do your allegiances lie now? with the angels?” 
“my allegiances have always been with Aziraphale.” the demon said very plainly. Aziraphale squeezed his hand tighter 
“fine. Lord Beelzebub?”
“I...” they looked at Gabriel “I am not sure, master. I think we have more troubling things at hand. the troops need some...alignment.” 
“well, let us go then. I see no more reason to stay. good riddance and all that.” Satan vanished by melting into the ground. Beelzebub spared Gabriel a glance before doing the same 
Gabriel let out the air he had been holding and glared at Aziraphale 
“I have to go. You and I are going to talk more about this after I...figure out what side im on.” his face fell in confusion before he dissipated as well. 
and so then there were three children, the former antichrist, two witchfinders, a witch, a whore, a former hellhound, and two ethereal beings. 
“so...now what?” Madam Tracy said “Ive seen god today. I dont think I can just go back to my flat.” 
“Well I for one have had enough occult presence today, thanks. Can we go home now ?” Pepper said. Adam smiled
“yeah I think im gonna go home. my dads here.” and sure enough, Adams human father was getting out of his car. Crowley, in a moment of exhaustion, wavered a bit, and Aziraphale caught him
“are you alright my dear?” he asked in concern. Crowley smiled, eyes shut in pure bliss 
“yes, angel, I am perfectly...tickety boo.”
*authors note* thanks for all the support!
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