#I can’t wait to see s3 and hopefully see our boys ACTUALLY get together
yaboibells · 1 year
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Just finished Good Omens season 2! How are we GO fandom ;)
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Lets talk about how these spotify songs confirm byler’s endgame.
Will’s songs
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Don’t you forget about me: illustrates Will’s feelings after Mike says they won’t be together for the rest of their lives (but have to get gfs). Love’s “strange” (stranger things). And Will fears change will pull them apart- and as it rains he hopes Mike won’t forget about him/ and questions if Mike will ‘ever love him’. And Mike in the rain (instead of “walking on by?”) calls his name.
“Tell me your troubles and doubts.Giving me everything inside and out and Love’s strange so real in the dark. Think of the tender things that we were working on…Slow change may pull us apart.Don’t you, forget about me.Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.Don’t you, forget about me.Will you stand above me?Look my way, never love me?Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling.Down, down, down.Will you recognize me?Call my name or walk on by? rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling. “
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“Don’t you try and pretend. It’s my feeling we’ll win in the end.I won’t harm you or touch your defenses-Vanity and security.Don’t you forget about meI’ll be alone, dancing you know it baby .Going to take you apart.I’ll put us back together at heart, baby Don’t you, forget about me.”
( Will physically took them ‘apart’ -from the photo. But in the end it’s also Mike who fears Will will forget about him too. And Will doesn’t harm Mike by picking at his insecurities - like lack of ‘security' in their relationship. But just says the truth that it’s “not possible” to replace him (after he moves). And of course deep down they know they’ll be together in the end. )
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upsidedown: Just Will saying he loves Mike and he turns Will ‘insideout” (like the previous song) and “upsidedown”. And he loves him but he’s “crazy’ (cough ‘crazy together’) to think Mike is all his. But no matter what he’ll always love Mike.
“I said, “Upside down, you’re turning me.You’re giving love instinctively.Boy, you turn me inside out .And ‘round and 'round-Upside down…Instinctively, you give to me the love that I need.I cherish the moments with you… no one makes me feel like you do…I know you got charm and appeal.You always play the field.I’m crazy to think you’re all mine.As long as the sun continues to shine.There’s a place in my heart for you, that’s the bottom line.”
here i go again: Will saying he’s “not going to fall in love” ever (like he said in s3) cause he doesn’t want to waste time on Mike. But he keeps backpedalling on the idea and desiring to love Mike for ‘the rest of his days’. Like how Will said he thought they’d never get gfs but play games for the rest of their lives.
“ (verse 3)And here I go again on my own.Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known…Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone.And I’ve made up my mind.I ain’t wasting no more time . (verse 4)Just another heart in need of rescue- waiting on love’s sweet charity.I’m gonna hold on for the rest of my days'Cause I know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams (verse 5) And here I go again on my own .Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known.Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone.And I’ve made up my mind I ain’t wasting no more time.BUT here I go again.Here I go again.Here I go again.Ooh baby, ooh yeah.”
Take my breath away: This excerpt speaks for itself that byler is real/endgame after Will moves/s4 and 5. XD
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Mike’s songs
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Will’s canon Spotify playlist. He ALSO has the song “I’m still standing” by Elton John (who is gay)? Aka cause Mike has a ‘romantic comeback’ with Will XD
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I’m still standing’ is a guy bragging about a breakup and now feeling like a kid -lol Mike saying he feels like a 7 y old after the breakup . And moving on -lol it’s mileven).   The album is from “to be continued...” I MEAN, C’mon. That’s , very on the nose for s4 byler happening after mileven XD
‘Your blood, like winter, freezes just like ice” (when El broke up with Mike , “cold as ice” played).”I got a taste of love in a simple way.And if you need to know why I’m still standing.You just fade away.Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever did?Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid.And I’m still standing after all this time.Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind.”
‘Baby I lied’, also reminds me of the byler fight where Mike insults Will/talks about El and then says to Will “ But, we’re not kids anymore. I mean, what did you think, REALLY?  That we’d never get girlfriends? Sit in my basement and play games for the rest of our lives?” Causing Will to storm off crying- thinking Mike doesn’t even imagine Will being there for the rest of his life (in favor of a girlfriend).And then Mike (although already knowing of his feelings for Will) realizing that it wasn’t a temporary crush/phase- but that he was in love with Will. And only realizing he can’t live without him when Will left. Making it sink it to Mike that he was lying to Will during their fight.
“Did I say that I’d be okay if you said good-bye? And did I promise you I could take it if we were through? And forget about these feelings inside? Baby I lied when I told you I could walk away .Baby I lied…And did I ever tell myself I could always find someone else? Did I say if you left today it’d be no surprise? Did I ever leave any doubt I could hold up if you walked out? I know I told you that I could survive. Baby I lied…And now that I can see you walking out of my life . Saying good-bye, I realize….”
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also ‘Love is a battlefield’ (could be recontextualized/interpreted through a que*r lens  given the time period-typical hom*phobia) . Love would be considered a ‘battlefield’. ( The song could be. about 2 people refusing to state their feelings/ holding back from doing anything romantic. Despite both people in the song secretly knowing the other secretly reciprocates mutual romantic feelings)  . But they fear pursuing anything cause society says their love would be ‘wrong’. It also reminds me of s3 byler fight . Both ‘standing’ secretly in ‘heartache’. One character in the song(Mike) being mean to the singer who’s angry and wants to go home (Will). Then after that (Mike/song character) begs the singer (Will) to stay but then is mean to the singer again . So in response (Will/singer) gets annoyed and then asks ‘am I in your way? or am I the ‘best thing’ you have?(s2 byler ref). And the singer could internally question if they made a move on the Mike (/song character) would they be rejected? And like that singer ,Will, also throws Mike’s words in his face by saying he actually did think they’d be together for the rest of their lives without girlfriends (cause he may suspects Mike is full of shit?). The singer pretty much says-when it becomes impossible to ignore your romantic feelings for me - you’ll realize you’ll need me ! The song also emphasizes they’re “young” (kids) and Will/the singer  questions if their love will get  “old” , but quickly decides their love can’t get ‘old’ or die (despite Mike’s lies stating the contrary) * Also saying “no promises” could be a ref to show it’s the opposite of mileven who have the promise line.*Seems like the song is from Will’s pov. 
“We are young.(Heartache to heartache) We stand. No promises(No demands)…We are strong. No one can tell us we’re wrong. Searching our hearts for so long. Both of us knowing, love is a battlefield. You’re begging me to go. Then making me stay. Why do you hurt me so bad? It would help me to know : Do I stand in your way?Or am I the ‘best thing’ you have?When I’m losing control.Will you turn me away? And when all this gets old,will it still feel the same?There’s no way this will die. But if we get much closer.I could lose control.And if your heart surrenders-you’ll need me to hold.”
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‘Kiss off’ could also be seen through a queer lens aka Mike trying to deny he’s gay but realizing at the end of s3 it’s not a phase. And hopefully learning to accept it in s4.
“I need someone, a person to talk to. Someone who’d care to love. Could it be you?could it be you?Situation gets rough. Then I start to panic. It’s not enough!it’s just a habit! Hey, kid your sick. Well, darling this is it! You can all just kiss off into the air!Behind my back I can see them stare.They’ll hurt me bad . But I won’t mind. They’ll hurt me bad, they do it all the time.” 
El’s songs
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 The power of Love is the 1st song that shows El desire to learn about love despite it scaring her and not really understanding her relationship with Mike. (it’s a very heteronormative idea- “I’m your man /i’m your women” so we’ll fall in love). It also shows her more questionable behavior like spying on Mike. (The later songs illustrate mileven falling apart.)
“Even though there may be times it seems I'm far away. Never wonder where I am'.Cause I am always by your side.'Cause I am your lady.And you are my man...We're heading for something.Somewhere I've never been.Sometimes I am frightened.But I'm ready to learn of the Power Of Love.”
  (The second song)Another one bites the dust is about a dysfunctional romantic relationship.
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Girls just want to have fun illustrates El’s annoyance with both Hopper controlling her, and Mike (like Hopper trying to control her) and keep her away from the outside world. And just preferring hanging out with Max and not having a romantic relationship.
“ (verse 2)My father yells, "What you gonna do with your life?".Oh daddy dear, you know you're still number one.But girls, they wanna have fun... (verse 4) Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world.I want to be the one to walks in the sun.Oh girls, they wanna have fun.Oh girls just wanna have.That's all they really want. Some fun.”
Don’t tell me lies - (El in s4) saying they’re whole relationship is a lie and she was ‘naive’ to think otherwise.But now she knows her Mike will be with someone else and their relationship was always based on a lie. And she’s ok on her own. “Every move you made before was never meant for real.Over my naivety is this how I should feel?...they'll never ever be another one.Don't tell me lies.Don't tell me lies.Looking back I realize it's always been this way.We must note what has gone and never turn away...Broken loose from indecision.Now I'm alright on my own...I guess I'm alright on my own.”
 I feel like i’ve talked the lying aspect to death but it’s an important element to their relationship.
Mike while apologizing to El at the grocery store never apologizes for lying -despite it being the cause of the breakup . He never apologized for lying cause the love is the lie- like Max said “boyfriends lie ALL THE TIME”. And it’s why the camera panned to Will when Lucas asked why Mike lied to her. And he never answers El’s question of ‘why do you lie?!’ (he just looks up silent and guilt ridden).  In s2, Mike says “i never gave up on you (to El). “ When moments earlier he says to Max “it took her just like it took Bob.” HE’S LYING AGAIN . He thought she was d*ad.Plus he also fought with Hopper in s2 (’about El’) in Will’s room too. He wasn’t actually calling Hopper the liar he was calling himself “a stupid disgusting liar”out of self hate . That scene was foreshadowing his lying to El in s3 (about his feelings for her). He blamed Hopper for his feelings for Will cause he told himself it wouldn’t have escalated if El had been around to ‘fix him’ . “I BLAME YOU! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK. YOU STUPID DISGUSTING liar, liar, liar, liar”.starts crying.
In s3, mike (in Will’s room) did not reciprocate El’s kiss/ or say ‘i love you ‘ back  and had his eyes open while the same exact song plays that robin came out to: called ‘the first i love you’. These are the only times the song plays in s3. The ‘first i love you’ also sounds like ‘the first lie’ - that song played when jancy said they were just friends. it sounds the same cause jancy lied about it not being romantic while mileven lied by saying it was.  
Ugh- why are the tags not working? I guess , please, reblog if the tags continue to act up or else no one will see this.XD
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ficstogo · 5 years
Bless Thee
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count: 2512
Summaries: (S3) During dinner, an outburst leads to some hurtful things to be said and Daryl tries to comfort you in your distress.
Warnings: None
A/N: I didn’t know if I wanted to give this extra character a name or not but if I decide if I ever wanted to progress this particular one shot, I will. Hopefully it’s not too confusing with seeing so many pronouns.
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The sun began to set as everyone entered the house. You helped set the dinner table happy to see a fresh meal that you could actually enjoy instead of eating either beans or corn out of a can. The last one to come in the house had an aura of irritation surrounding her. You worried about her. Your sister seemed to always be in a bad mood and everytime you tried talking to her about it always ends with her either blowing you off or yelling things you try to recover from.
You seated yourself at the head of the table, your sister to your right next to Andrea and Lori. Everyone felt weary as the turn of events of the passed few days worn all of you out. Sophia was found and yet taken, everyone was at odds as to what to do with the boy in the barn, the entire Greene family was trying to recover from the previous event. All you wished for was a small break, a win if anything instead of having a giant boulder of problems weighing everyone down.
“Y/n, would you please start the prayer?” Hershel asked as he was seated next to you on the left.
“Of course.” Heads bowed and hands together, you began the prayer. “Dear Lord, thank you for blessing us with a fine meal that these sweet women of the farm had made for us. Thank you for having shown us that good people are still out there in this cruel world and for having all of us still together-” A low chuckle came out from the table. Everyone slowly raised their heads to see who it came from and as you feared, it came from your sister. “Is there something funny?” you said with a stern look on your face. You knew what was coming and you had to get things under control.
“All of us together? Really? I can count that there are more than five people who should be here missing.” She said with an attitude you recognized all too well. It was something normal but lately she had a chip on her shoulder. She was more angry all the time, waiting to pick a fight.
“You know well enough what I mean. Do not do this now.”
“What? Make you look bad? Make you look stupid? You would hate that wouldn’t you?” She said with eyes squinting at you. “I bet you were overjoyed when she died.” The last bit came out quieter, like a deadly predator.
“Stop. We will talk about this later.” You said in a stern voice once more.
“No I don’t want later I want now! I want everyone to see how fake you are. Pretending to be some sort of saint. That you weren’t in the wrong for leaving mom like that. For them to eat! And everytime we talk about her you always gotta make her to be the bad guy.” You looked down at your plate with guilt in your eyes. You felt your face heat up and took a deep breath.
“You don’t know her the way I did. I sheltered you from her and maybe that’s my fault for doing that. She was a drunk and remember that the only reason you ever gotten a decent life was because of me.” You took a peek back at her and then look down at your dinner.
“Oh my god! When are you going to stop hanging that over my head?!” She said exasperated. She had heard you made this speech several times whenever the both of you argued beginning when she was a teenager. She got what you were saying, so why do you constantly bring it up?
“When you start to understand that all we got is each other and that you need to start respecting me. And not because of that but because I am trying.”
“And like I don’t deserve some respect! All my life you’ve treated me like a baby.”
“I had to become a mother at the age of 12 because your real mom didn’t want nothing to do with being one! The only reason you remember her in such a positive way was because I hid the real her from you as long as I can! And I know you’re grown but I can’t help look at you more than my baby!” You tried hard to contain your composure as you felt that you were about to cry., You swallowed the lump in your throat. You needed her to understand but each time, she just refused to let what you say sink in. “Until you show me that you’re more than that then I will start treating you like the woman you can be but right now, your attitude and your actions show that you are still a child.”
“Oh, and what do you want? An award?” Your sister said sarcastically.  “And me! Being a child?! You treating me like a baby is the entire reason she died! If you treated me like the adult that I am, I could’ve fought them off and gotten her back!”
“If I had lettin you go you would’ve been just as dead as her or worse and then what would I have to live for!?” The sentence came out firm, declaring the reason why you did what you did back when everything went into frenzy. When the world finally cracked and everyone went into hysteria.
“Well sometimes I wish you were the one they got instead of her! Then you wouldn’t be living for much anymore now would you?!” your sister shouted across the dinner table.  Everything went silent. You whipped your head to her with wide eyes. You swallowed the lump in your throat again and kept yourself composed. As soon as she realized what came out of her mouth she instantly felt regret and went to say her apologies only for you to stand up with small bit of silence to follow. “I’m sorry everyone for disrupting dinner.” You then look towards her, trying hard to not let any tears spill, to keep yourself looking strong. “And I’m sorry that God decided for her to go and not me but understand that all that I do, I do for you.”  and then you left as your sisters eyes followed you out with a horrified stunned look on her face.
“I gotta-” your sister said as she rose herself from her seat.
“Naw, let me. She’ll need some space.” Daryl said as he headed towards the door. Andrea wrapped an arm around your sister as she told her things would be alright and to give you some time. That these kind of things happened. Everything was now uneasy in the house as no one knew how to go on with the night. As they all thought to who they lost. Although they knew it was out of anger, they knew your sister was right. There were people that should still be here but they also knew that they wouldn’t have gone if God didn’t intend for them to go.
You headed into the RV and took a seat at the table. You tried to hold off the tears for a little longer but you couldn’t do it anymore. Keeping up the facade of being strong only made you breakdown each time and the worst part was breaking down by yourself. It only made you feel more alone as you made sure for your sister to see you put together and not like this. If she saw you like this, she might’ve taken joy, or worse, she would lose the hope that things would be alright. If she saw that you didn’t believe it then all hope would really be lost. You couldn’t do that. Some days you felt as if things would be alright but most of the time you felt that there was no end and if there was, it wasn’t an ending anyone would want.
As Daryl walked towards the RV, he could hear you quietly sobbing. He stood there for a minute, not really knowing what to do. Feelings were not his forte but he couldn’t help but want to stop the pain. They’ve all been through enough and he knew there was more mud and blood to get through but if he could help with this kind of pain, hell, he’ll do it. Slowly he came inside the RV, waiting by the entrance. He’ll do what he can. You had your head against the glass, looking out towards the unforsaken world with the idea that maybe there really isn’t much hope left.
“Ya alright?” His voice startled you. You sniffed and looked towards the window trying to discreetly wipe away your tears.
“Uh, yeah I’m fine. Just needed some space to think and all.” You said as you turned and gave a weak smile.
“You know she don’t mean that though, right?” you looked down at your hands on your lap and gave yourself a thought.
“Yeah…Still hurts though.” Daryl came a little closer standing by the seat across from you. “I know it’s wrong of me to tell her things about our mom to change how she views her. In my head I thought it was a good idea after she got taken. Tell her and maybe she wouldn’t cry every night about her. I shoulda known it wouldn’t since I’d catch myself crying about her too.”
“I know what ya mean. Merle, he’s a total asshole to me and everyone he knew. Treated me like shit but he’s still my brother ya know? I try to either think that he’s alright somewhere and other times I just think of how much of an asshole he is… Blood is blood. They’re always gonna be apart of ya.” You then look at Daryl. For someone so quiet, you should of known that he has a lot to say. You just didn’t know they’d be wise.
“She thinks I hated her and I did at times but like you said, blood is blood and no matter what, she’s still my mom and I love her…I only want her to understand instead of getting so angry all the time. I know I gotta treat like an adult but it’s so hard to admit it. She’s always gonna be my baby girl…” you looked down at your fidgeting fingers feeling more tears slide down your cheeks. “Maybe it was wrong of me to not show her who her real mom is but I couldn’t let her grow up the way I did…” a choked sob came out of you. “I use to make her sleep either in my bed or go over to one of her better off friends for the night whenever mama brought over a man. I wouldn’t sleep the whole night…” your shoulders shook as you lowered your head even more. Crying at the memories. Daryl felt for you. You both grew up with a shitty childhood and he could understand your reasoning for sheltering your sister from it. If he had a youngling himself, he’d do the same.
“Hey…” Daryl reached over having his hand on top of yours. “You’re a good woman and you’re sister’s lucky to have ya. Hell, I wish I had someone like you growin’ up. Tryna make my life easy while she’s doin’ the heavy liftin’…” You looked up at him, his blue eyes full of emotion and truth. It was strange of him to be meddling in someone’s family affairs since he was busy with his own but what he witnessed at the dinner table, he realized that these people are his family and he couldn’t stand by the sidelines without doing something about it. “You n yer sister, you got some things to work through. You gotta drop this lil act of yours and show her yer hurtin’ too. Show her she ain’t alone with those emotions. That’s probably why she thinks yer so okay with your mom gone.” You closed your eyes letting more tears fall and then nodded in agreement.
Your hand gripped onto Daryl’s giving it a squeeze. This side of him you’ve never saw but it was a side of him that somehow managed to pull you back together. “Thank you. For this…for a second I was starting to lose myself.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Then both of your heads whipped to the entrance of the RV.
Your sister stood with a look of uneasiness, Andrea behind her with a worried one. You stood up from your seat and moved towards her. Her eyes swelled as she couldn’t hold in the floodgates. She lunged towards, you arms wrapped around you tight, head digging into your shoulder. You wrapped your arms around her as well crying into her. “I’m so sorry…Everything I said, I’m sorry…” You two continued crying into each others arms not noticing that Daryl and Andrea had left, leaving you two to sort your differences alone.
Time had passed and the two of you entered the still quiet house arms around each others waist. Glenn was the first to see you two. “H-hey…How’re you guys?” A smirk rose to your face as you answered Glenns question. “We’re fine. Just finally figured some things out. I’m sorry everyone for that.” You said apologetically. During all the ruckus you didn’t realize that you left everyone in discomfort.
“Don’t be. We’re just glad to see you two alright again. Just reminded me of thanksgiving with the in-laws.” Rick said with care in his eyes. Both you and your sister chuckled at this only thankful that all of them understood.
“Right, well how about we all get back to dinner.” Moving to your seats, everyone pushed in their chairs and ready themselves to dig in. “Hershell, do you mind if we try that prayer again?” You asked.
“By all means, please.” Everyone grabbed ahold of each others hands once more that night. With everyone’s heads bowed and eyes closed you looked up to see a pair of blue eyes staring at you. You gave him a nod as a thank you for what he done, him doing the same with you not noticing the small smile crossing his face, and then the both of you went to bowing your heads.
“Dear Lord, thank you for the wonderful yet cold meal provided to us tonight.” Everyone lightly laughed at this now feeling the atmosphere shifting to calmness. “Thank you for blessing us with good people watching over us everyday. Bless those that we have lost and those that we sit with tonight. Thank you for bringing us all together creating a family during these troublesome times and bless us on our journey as we do not plan to stop on living. Amen.”
Everyone dug in. Jokes were cracked, laughter played like a cherished song. Stories were told and by the end of the night everyone felt content and at home.
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
Bughead Family Discord Member Spotlight
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This week the spotlight is on Mari ( @writeraquamarinara )! Click the read more link below to get to know our member!
Spotlight by Mila, @jughead-jones | Graphic by Katie, @betty-cooper
Mari | @writeraquamarinara
Name: Mari
Age: 18
Location: Montreal, QC.
Any other languages aside from English people can contact you in?: Italian.
Favourite Riverdale characters and ships?: Betty, Jughead, Pop, Fred, Mary, Kevin, Joaquin, Bughead, Joavin, and Choni.
Favourite moments from S1 & S2?: The scene that got me hooked to the show was when Reggie questioned Jughead about killing Jason, and he replied with a snarky little “It’s called necrophilia, Reggie. Can you spell it?” Other favorite moments are pretty much any Bughead scene from S1, but especially their first kiss. I had been shipping them together since the Blue and Gold scene in 1x03, but 1x06 really hit me hard. They’re both two broken kids who find solace in each other. As someone whose mother is all too similar to Alice Cooper, hearing Jughead tell Betty that they aren’t their parents made me so emotional. I rewatched that scene on repeat when the clip came out on Youtube the next day. To this day I can’t listen to Emily Afton’s Lost without crying. I also really love the hug from 1x13 after Betty, Veronica, and Archie go to Southside High for Juggie. S2 favorite moments are also only Bughead scenes, but not all Bughead scenes, if you catch my drift.
What are your hopes for S3?: Are a coherent plotline and consistent characterization too much to ask for? Also maybe have the parents on the show (other than Archie’s) actually respect their children and treat them well, but that’s never going to happen. On a more realistic note, I’m hoping to watch some fun interactions between Josie and Kevin now that they’re going to be step-siblings.
Other fandoms you’re into?: I don’t really have an online presence in other fandoms, but I do love to geek out over Percy Jackson, That 70s Show (specifically JackiexHyde), The Office, Parks and Rec, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, and nearly all of the Marvel movies.
What are some of your favourite movies/TV?: As I mentioned: That 70s Show, The Office, Parks and Rec, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, and Marvel. I’m currently bingeing The Good Place and The Mindy Project. I also went to watch Crazy Rich Asians in theaters and loved it. So basically I’m trash for rom and com. Sue me. (Or don’t. I’m a broke college student who can’t afford that ish.)
Favourite books?: The Book Thief, The Color Purple, Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women, Pride and Prejudice, and, most of all, The Glass Castle.
Favourite bands/musicians?: Nina Simone, Alicia Keys, ABBA, Of Monsters and Men, Christina Perri, and Imagine Dragons. 
If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?: I thought a lot about this question. The obvious answer would be “one with magic, or mermaids, or superheroes”. But then I thought that I’d rather live in a world like ours, more realistic, but where women are equal to men, diversity is celebrated, people accept each other for who they are. That’s a very idealistic world, I realize, and (if my preteen love of dystopian novels has taught me anything) one that’s most definitely unattainable, but it’s still nice to think about it. If anyone knows of a fictional world like that, sign me up.
Favourite food?: Gosh, that’s a hard one. Probably my grandma’s lasagna.
Favourite season?: Fall, definitely. It’s my birthday season, and I love the colorful leaves and breezy weather and going apple-picking with my family and friends. Unfortunately, Canada’s fall doesn’t last much more than a day, so I missed out on all that this year.
Favourite plant?: Nelumbo nucifera, aka the Lotus Flower.
Favourite scent?: Aftershave? Weird, I know, but it reminds me of my childhood and my father.
Favourite colour?: Periwinkle.
Favourite animal?: Hummingbird.
Are you a night owl, an early bird, or a vampire?: Night owl, definitely.
Place you want to visit?: The Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain, the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan in Iran, and Ryoanji in Japan.
Do you have pets? If you do, tell us a little about them: I don’t have any pets that live with me currently, but I’ve got a pet back home with my parents. She’s a rescued pup from Mississippi, probably some kind of mix between a Pointer and a Labrador Retriever. Her name’s Sassy and she’s super energetic. If you had asked me this question a week ago I would’ve also said I had a cat named Puma but he was twelve and had cancer, so…yeah.
Tell us a little about yourself?: Um, I never really know what to say to that question. Like, what do you really want to know? I’m Mari (the name comes from my AO3/tumblr username, and not my real name). I was born in New Jersey, grew up in New York and Italy, now go to university in Montreal. I’m super passionate about art history, women’s rights, and politics. I hope to be a dermatologist, but honestly, who knows where life will take me. I’m the oldest of four and the first in my family to go through the American school system, so my parents have always referred to me as their “guinea pig”, and that totally hasn’t given me a weird obsession with being the perfect child, perfect student, perfect daughter. For some very obvious reasons, I relate way too much to Betty Cooper.
Fun or weird fact about you?: I fenced competitively for eight years of my life, traveling all around the US and to Europe for training and national competitions, including the Junior Olympics.
Asks for fanfic authors:
How long have you been writing?: I’ve been writing since I was little, but they were always stories with original characters. I didn’t start writing fic until I was sixteen, nearly seventeen, so it’s been a little over a year.
Which is your favourite of the fics you’ve written?: Geez, that’s a tough one. As much as I love my little one shots, I’d have to say Little Talks. It’s largely based on my own high school experience, and therefore my own way of coming to terms with the end of that chapter of my life.
Favourite fic/chapter/plot-point/character you’ve ever written?: Oof. Another tough one. Um, I’d have to say that I really love my characterization of Alice in Blue Sunshine and Golden Rain. She’s a villainess, but hopefully one you love to hate.
Which was the hardest to write, and why?: Again, Blue Sunshine and Golden Rain. I have a bit of a plot twist planned for the story, but I’m really not sure what kind of reception it’s going to get from readers, so I’ve had the chapter half-finished for months. I just need to get the motivation to finish it, and the courage to say “I don’t care if people hate this, or think it’s weird.” I’ll get there eventually.
How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? (examples: Do you draw inspiration from real life? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?) Do you have an process to your writing?: I’ve answered this in a tumblr ask before, but I get inspiration from anywhere and everywhere. Mainly from real life, because I like to observe and speculate and ask a bunch of “what if”s and go from there. So, like I mentioned, Little Talks is largely based on my life. But there are definitely some plot points in the story that are a result of me going “well, what if I had done this? Or he had done that?” Another example of a real life-inspired fic is my oneshot I <3 You, which was inspired by that instastory (Cole or Lili’s? I can’t remember) of a cake with bright orange frosting that spelled out I <3 You. I also take inspiration from other creative works, such as books or movies. One of my many upcoming fics is based on How To Train Your Dragon, and another is a crackfic based on the Suite Life. Other times, fic ideas come to me out of nowhere. I was in the lab last summer, waiting for my breast cancer tumor slides to go through antigen retrieval, when I came up with the idea for Blue Sunshine and Golden Rain. My brain works in very strange ways.
Idea that you always wanted to write?: I’ve always wanted to write a lot of fics (I have a whole list of them), but they’re in the works so I won’t spoil any more than I already have. The main fic that I don’t even have an idea for but just want to write is a heartbreakingly angsty fic. One that makes me cry while I write it. Here’s hoping it comes to me soon, because I feel like that could be a really interesting experience as a writer.
Favourite character to write?: Alice. Which is strange, because I don’t like her in the show, but there are so many different directions you could take her character that she’s always so interesting to me.
Best comment/review you’ve ever received?: Oh, well, all of them? Is that an answer? Because all comments and reviews make me super happy. But if I had to choose one then I’d say any comment from @earthlaughsinflowers, @mothermaple, @dottie-wan-kenobi, or @notanotherotherone. I kind of cheated by not picking one, exactly, but oh well.
Best and worst parts of being a writer?: The best part of being a writer is putting a story that you put a lot of your soul into and getting support and love for it. Because I only put stories out there that I’m happy to write, happy to read, but to see that they make other people happy, too? That’s an amazing feeling. The worst part is the amount of time it takes to do absolutely anything, especially when you’re not in the right headspace to write. When I’ve had the worst week ever, and I have to physically push myself to spend time that should be spent resting to write because an update needs to come out soon, it goes from being a fun hobby to being a stress-inducing chore.
Do you have any advice to offer?: I haven’t been a fic writer for a long time, so I wouldn’t say that I’m going to offer up the wisest advice, but here’s what I’ve garnered so far: Do what makes you happy. That goes for all of life, not just writing, and is often hard to follow, but here’s how I see it: If you want to write a story because it makes you happy, write it. If you want to quit your WIP to start something else because that makes you happy, do it. If you need to take a break from writing altogether because it’ll make you happier, take it. Write what you want to write, at the pace you want to write it, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
This is the twelfth instalment of Bughead Family’s Member Spotlight series. Each week, a member’s url is selected through a randomizer and they will be featured in a spotlight post. In order to participate, please join the Bughead Discord (more information found here). Thank you.
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pinksausageduo · 7 years
you’ll always be number 1 in my heart
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member: lee daehwi genre: fluffy summary: you're on pd101 s3 and you're from bnm entertainment and you come in 3rd place. daehwi and you get shipped because of how alike you are. with rumours circulating around you two some of them true. will your relationship with daehwi turn into a scandal or a happily every after?? requested: yes
you were overwhelmed with just pure happiness
you were finally debuting!!!
you burst into tears and all your trainee friends were hugging you and encouraging you to go on stage 
you walk to the stage trying to wipe your tears away 
you make your speech sweet and short which just consisted of you thanking everyone that got you to debut
you make your way up to third place while hugging all the girls who you'll debut with 
after you sat down in your seat everything was a blur 
you cried and said hello and goodbye to the rest of the trainees 
your family also came to congratulate you and it was soooo great to see them and you knew they were proud of you 
rhymer comes along after you talked with your family and all the backstage footage was filmed 
"i'm so proud of you, you made it third place, our only female BNM trainee" he said proudly 
you were brimming from happiness from the whole evening 
"also the BNM boys are here and they'd like to congratulate you" he smiled while opening the door 
your heart quickened you were huge fans of your sunbaes 
you trained with the boys for only a few months before they went off to produce 101
but you didn't have much time to interact with them only exchanging polite greetings
the door opened with four incredibly good looking guys coming in all with adorable smiles 
they chorus together "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" 
you bow basically 90 degrees and say respectfully "thank you so much! i'll make sure i work hard and hopefully one day become as successful as your four" 
"i'm sure you'll do amazingly" donghyun reassured 
before you know it daehwi has an arm around you and says friendly and jokingly
"since we were both third place that means we're already best friends right?"
you laughed softly making daehwi suddenly blush and his heart warm at the sound of it
"of courseee" you say sweetly 
you were trying to act all cool in front of your bias but it was reallyyyy hard 
all you wanted to do was fan girl over him but you promised yourself to be professional
suddenly youngmin butts in and says "excuse daehwi he's on a bit of a sugar high" 
"HEY! I AM NOT!!" he denied outraged
"you are and you would of been bouncing off the walls if donghyun didn't stop you" woojin interrupted 
"w-well" daehwi started then just stopped and pouted 
donghyun laughed softly at him and said "daehwi-ah you're acting like a child"
"thats cause he is one" youngmin smirked
"why is everyone bullying me?!!" daehwi whined
you watch amused knowing it's just friendly banter 
and you couldn't help but admire the way daehwi just lifted everyone's moods 
before you know it you ask trying to wind up the other boys "daehwi-ssi your hyungs are just too wound up would you like some chocolate?"  
"HEY WE ARE NOT WOUND UP!!" woojin, youngmin and donghyun shout together 
"well you guys are the ones shouting" you say smirking 
"Y/N IS MY FAVOURITE FOREVER AND ALWAYS, i can't believe it she's talented, funny, nice and beautiful inside and out" daehwi nonchalantly said while instantly hugging you
you quickly reciprocated and you instantly relaxed 
in daehwis arms you genuinely felt relaxed and cared for 
something which was hard for you to feel with all the pressure to debut 
and your heart suddenly quickened and you blushed a tomato red 
"t-thank you daehwi-ssi" you muster out while handing him the chocolate bar 
"don't call me daehwi-ssi wayyy too formal call me daehwi please" he says sweetly and you just nod while saying 
"then call me y/n"
you hand him a chocolate bar and he accepts it gratefully then frowns "wait sorry y/n i can't eat this i'm on a diet"
"what diet??!!! daehwi you're too skinny already!!" donghyun exclaims worriedly
"well not necessarily a diet but i need to gain muscle manager hyungs said so. so chocolate doesn't help whatsoever with that" he says a bit upset 
you frown at this and your heart breaks you want him to be able to eat whatever he wants not to be pressured into a diet
"no no no please eat the chocolate daehwi seriously you're absolutely perfect in my eyes and in the eyes of all your fans you don't need to gain or lose weight at all" you plead softly 
daehwi's heart warms at your caring sentiment and he knows it's secretly true
"thank you it means a lot" he says sweetly back at you giving you the nicest smile you've ever seen 
it literally just instantly makes you feel happy
so he opens and eats the chocolate bar which you happily smile at and all daehwi could think was 
"if i can ever make her smile like that again i better do it"
the boys stay for a bit longer and congratulate you again before leaving 
you were still in awe you met one of your favourite groups of all time
and all of them knew of your existence and talked to you 
you couldn't help but think of daehwi 
his sweet smile and his adorable and hilarious personality he was also sooo good looking 
you were disappointed you probably won't talk to him again for months
for the rest of the night you couldn't help but think of daehwi
and every single time you did you couldn't help but smile 
you secretly knew it but you would never admit it to yourself 
you were falling for daehwi 
daehwi on the other hand also had the same problem but it was worse
he literally wanted to see you sooo badly and talk to you again
you were so caring and sweet towards him and not to mention you're absolutely stunning
he was so glad that he hugged you he remembered it perfectly 
you reminded him of all your favourite things 
all the guys were teasing him for it 
"daehwi youre whipped and you only talked to her for what 30 minutes??" woojin said smirking 
"did you at least get her number?" youngmin asked and daehwi said no
"kids these days no game whatsoever" said youngmin shaking his head
"daehwi just ask like our manager to get her phone number from her manager" donghyun helpfully suggested
"isnt that being too desperate?" daehwi asked
"yep definitely just wait till the next time you see her" woojin says 
the next day was super chill and you spent time with your family since you got a day off before recording 
the second day though you wake up to SUCH A HUGE SPAM OF COMMENTS 
you scroll through and you're freaking the fuck out 
with the picture of daehwi hugging you and also the one with his arm around you 
you were crestfallen this scandal could affect the debut of the group and daehwi and you 
you brace yourself for hate comments 
but you were so surprised most of it was positive 
"awww i hope this is true they both such bubbly and sweet personalities!"
"yall i've shipped them since day 1 please if this true imma cry"
"they're both too young for dating they should focus on their careers"
"their personalities, their looks, how talented they are and they're both third place! it's a match made in heaven!!!"
"no no this better be false y/n doesn't deserve daehwi at all she's all fake and annoying"
"ahhhh i hope this is true both of them deserve so much happiness and love"
you were shook at how much people shipped it 
and super happy that people thought you guys would be a good match
you thought your career would be super damaged by this 
but apparently not 
you automatically call your manager and rhymer to see what's happening 
they were both pretty chill with it saying it isn't bad press since you guys are actually being shipped and you always have been 
you sighed in relief but you knew it would blow over soon 
by next week most of it blowed over and you were super relaxed and happy about debuting but 
just as you went about to sleep
your phone went off with a million of notifications 
you open twitter quickly and see
at first you literally squeal at the fact daehwi asked you out??!!! 
you're really surprised and you were totally taken aback BUT YOURE SOOO HAPPY 
you did a silent happy dance on your bed at like 3 in the morning sincr everyone in your room was sleeping 
you knew your crush on him was big and you thought you had no chance whatsoever but apparently you did!!
you didn't actually think daehwi would ever  even like you in that way 
but hey since he does you weren't complaining whatsoever 
you clicked on the video showing him and the boys at a interview 
they were asked to choose someone as an ideal type who would it be and why
daehwi blushed and said your name 
making you squeal a little again he then continued by saying 
"i actually met her a few days ago and she already is the sweetest person i've ever met. she was so caring towards me and in person she was even more beautiful than on camera which i didn't think was possible. she's also extremely talented and produces music like me so i could talk about that with her as well. but yeah y/n would definitely be my ideal type" 
the mc automatically teases him by saying "well doesn't daehwi have a little crush" daehwi blushed bright red and the other guys laughed
"but y/n and you were recently said to be dating. is this true??" the mc asked daehwi
before daehwi could even stop himself he said "no it isn't but i wish it wa-" then his face automatically changed to a 
and all the guys were wide eyes and shocked 
you couldn't help but laugh at their expressions
the mc awkwardly chuckled and tried to diffuse the situation and said 
"well since that's the case how about you ask y/n on a date cutely with all your aegyo" 
daehwi agreed reluctantly but he really wasn't worried about him but you
he really hoped you wouldn't get any hate for this but he focused ON ACTUALLY ASKING YOU OUT??!!
then his brain had a brain fart and he was like 
"ahhh okay then uh uh uh AH" 
"y/nnn pleaseee will you go on a date with meee?" he said so cutely with heaps of aegyo 
your heart melted so quickly you couldn't believe that actually happened you dropped your phone 
the video ended and you really weren't bothered reading the comments
all you could think was daehwi asked you out ON A BLOODY BROADCAST!!
but you were happy even if you had to deal with all the hate 
you were trying to think of all the ways you could reply back 
and just as you were your phone dinged 
"y/n i'm sure your probably have seen the video and i'm so so sorry about the whole mess i made"
you automatically knew it was daehwi
you suddenly got a bit excited at the fact he's texting you but snapped out of it but before you could reply he sent another text
"but every word i saw was true and this 
isn't the way i wanted to ask you but"
you already knew what he was going to ask you and your breathing got more ragged and your heart started beating a million miles an hour and just as you thought you were going to have a heart attack your phone dinged again
"y/n will you go on a date with me??"
and your heart basically bursted in happiness seeing the question 
you automatically type
"i'd love to" 
and daehwi also did a happy dance at his dorm and screamed "SHE SAID YESS!!"
and all the guys came into his room and did a group hug/huddle and were squealing like little girls and were bouncing up down 
you knew you had to sleep since you had to get up in two hours so you quickly type 
"i'm sorry daehwi i need to go to sleep i have a schedule early in the morning"
"oh of course thank you for saying yes again and please sleep well sweet dreams!!"
your heart warms again at his sweet text and you reply back quickly before turning off your phone and having the best two hour sleep/nap of your life 
"you too please sleep tight dream of me ;)"
"but daehwi"
"i would say yes to you any day"
these texts resulted into a lot of squealing more bouncing up and down and ALOT of cringing from the guys
but daehwi really did sleep thinking of you
but your cheesiness never stopped in the relationship
and in a few months time you were cuddled up with him at the dorm 
and before both of you could sleep 
you felt a peck on your head and a whisper in your ear 
"we might of been the third place couple but you’ll always be number 1 in my heart" 
i’m going on a positing spree in like 30 minutes i’m posting daniel prince pt 3 as well and then i get to start writing my angst and my enemies to lovers the last few days i’ve been struggling with how my blog has like gone down and like even thought of not doing stuff but i decided i should work through it and keep pushing 
but first daehwi scenario not amazing i know hope you get fluffy feels for daehwi thooo 
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sueboohscorner · 6 years
Wynonna Earp S3 E2 : When You Call My Name (aka Bring the Tissues)
Wynonna Earp fans know that this show can sometimes make you so stressed you lose a few nails in the process while sitting on the edge of your seat.  I have been known to yell at the TV sometimes too (not like the characters ever listen to me).  This is one of THOSE times.  This time, they just shocked the hell out of us.  The gang pays an ultimate price when it comes to facing Bulshar for the first time.  Hopefully, this is not an outlook to future run ins with that S.O.B.
The last episode ended with Wynonna and Waverly being in a very bad car accident, having swerved and rolled over and over down a hill landing near a cliff.  Waverly is grabbed by someone and is pulled away screaming for Wynonna.  In my opinion, Holy Shite. This could have been a season finale because it left you hanging just like one!
Well, in this episode we get to see that Wynonna is not in the truck, she fell over the edge and is oh, 50-80+ feet down the cliff on a ledge. She wakens from being unconscious and screams for Waverly a few times. She starts to slip back to sleep when she hears her mother reprimanding her to stay awake. "You can't be here." Wynonna replies and adds that by hearing Momma and talking back to her means she is going into shock or going insane like her. 
We start to learn and see that Michelle Gibson (aka Momma) is all about tough love.  She seems to be what motivates Wynonna in some of her darker moments.  For example, Wynonna complains on that cliff that all she wanted one year was for her mother to take her to a Hanson concert (love some of the references in this show!), but what happened?  Momma decided to take them on a survival of the fittest camping trip.  All Wynonna wanted was a mother, like any girl does, but what Wynonna gets is a soldier boot camp instructor instead.  I just watched one of the Terminator movies the other day and I started getting flashbacks to Sarah Connor training her son.  All training = no fun= a rebellious child.  It seems that Momma also favored Wynonna over Waverly (probably because Waverly is something special),  My question is, what about Willa then?  Or was Willa all perfect and didn't need the special attention paid to Wynonna?
Momma might be emotionally abusive at times, and refuses to allow just the male Earp name dominate her daughter, but she is a badass none the less and knows how to survive and will help Wynonna do the same.
Waverly on the other hand, could use a little help at the present moment. 
Having been dragged away, she was taken to a very remote cabin in the woods by a demon that hunts and the apparently the hunting has not been so good lately.  If you remember, the woods seem to have "come alive" and changed since Bulshar awoke. His trails are gone and the traps for the animals are all empty. So, he has changed his eating habits and Waverly is the second girl he has taken and there seem to be traces of her here and there.   I actually begin to see an episode of Criminal Minds at this point. Beyond creepy is an understatement. He moves across the room to her in a weird way,.  Because Waverly was yelling for help, we find out that this demon is the Ursula of the demon world.  He takes her voice.  He then uses that voice when Nicole calls Waverly's phone and tells her all is good.  When he leaves her alone for a bit, a young man / forest ranger comes knocking and opens the door.  Unfortunately, he steps inside and gets a wire through his neck.  Creepy demon dude returns and drags the man off.  Yay...more food!  Waverly silently screams.
Back at the cliff ledge, Wynonna is trying to reach Peacemaker, which miraculously didn't fall all the way down.  However, it is just out of reach.   Her mother's "voice" is still there egging her on, telling her to focus and she can get out of this.  Wynonna deduces the distance to climb the cliff and figures she can do it, but finds that her shoulder is our of joint.  In a lot of pain, she begins to doubt she can get out of this mess.  Her mother yells at her to basically stop being a pussy and focus.  Rules of survival, what do you do, in order?  Wynonna recites them all, then decides to get on with it and pops her shoulder back into place against a rock and begins to climb. 
She manages to make it to the top and sees the trail of blood and Waverly's scarf so she knows a general direction.  She grabs her coat and a few odds and ends from the truck and heads out towards the forest.
Dolls and Jeremy are back at the station still working on the Cult of Bulshar murders from last weeks episode.  Jeremy deduces that since they all basically died within seconds of each other they might be looking at a very strong and fast demon.  They part ways, with Dolls heading to the bar to talk to Doc, and Nicole heading to the Earp Homestead to find Waverly.
Dolls finds Doc throwing his knife at the dart board.  Doc admits to him that in that alternate reality the Iron Witch put them in (Season 2), that when that Dolls shot and killed him he went to hell.  After all he has done so far, how can that be his reward?  Dolls tells him there is time to do even more good, but Doc says that is a fate he cannot avoid and that Dolls and him are the same.  Dolls' fate is already set too.  As we will see at the end of the episode, if I was Doc, I would eat those last words.
Dolls leaves and Jeremy arrives of course to the basement.  Doc wants to know what he is up to, but deduces that it is for Dolls' drugs and that there is a problem with them.  If Dolls keeps taking them like he is, it will be disastrous.  Jeremy is a great character.  He adds the goofy nerdy person, but he is also a great friend.  He tries to look out for Dolls, or at least he tries to.  I mean, Dolls can be difficult at times and Jeremy isn't trained in combat like him, but that won't stop Jeremy from trying  However, now that Doc knows, Jeremy and Dolls are not the only two that know that there is something really wrong with the dragon suppressing drugs and it won't be a good outcome for Dolls if he keeps taking them.  On another note, Jeremy realizes too, that you cannot save everyone every time.  You can't be there to protect them all the time.  You can't save someone if they don't want to be saved (or are so damn stubborn, they don't care). 
Nicole is on her way to the Earp home when a man waves her down.  He says there is a vehicle overturned down the hill.  When Nicole goes to investigate, she is horrified to see it is Wynonna's truck.  She immediately calls Doc who tells Jeremy to call Dolls ASAP and to have him meet him there.
While the they meet up and try to figure out what happened (aren't we glad Doc is such an expert tracker?), Wynonna finds the cabin where Waverly is being kept.  When she opens the door and sees her sister in a cage, her first instinct is to rush in. 
Waverly stops her and a strange game of charades is played.  Wynonna is obviously a little slow, but gets the term BOOBY trap when Waverly grabs her own breasts. Once she figures out that the place is trapped, it is hilarious even more to watch Waverly try to guide her sister through the maze of traps to the cage.  Wynonna tries to hit the lock, but it isn't helping.  Then they hear the creepy demon coming and Wynonna darts upstairs and watches through the floor board.  The demon seems to "smell" something else in his cabin, but decides to leave again.
Waverly tries to use a sort of sign language to discuss the Momma situation.  Wynonna tells her she was so young and Momma ordered not to tell her.  Wynonna decides that there is no way she can safely fight that demon in the house, so tells Waverly to stay put (like she has a choice?) and heads outside to find the bastard.  She yells insults at him and upon mentioning Bulshar's name, he freaks out and gives Wynonna the chance she needs to send the S.O.B back to hell.  When she does that a little ball of light escapes and heads back to the cabin.  Waverly gets her voice back. Nicole and Doc finally catch up and they free Waverly and head back to the scene of the accident.
Nicole ties a rope to the wench of a truck and climbs down (she reminds people protesting that she is the one with the most cliff climbing experience here) to get Peacemaker.  Dolls is there, but we see that Jeremy did not want him to go because of what might happen, but Dolls takes the vials in a case with him and leaves and come to help out his "family" anyway.
In the distance, we see Bulshar and his soldier boy watching this from the distance.  As everyone is focused on Nicole getting down the cliff, they don't see Bulshar's minion come rushing forward and cutting the rope.  Waverly and Wynonna catch the rope in time and have to hold or drop Nicole.  Doc gets thrown and Nicole upon finding out what was happening, demands they let go and help. 
Of course the girls do not agree to this, but watch in horror as Dolls grabs the demon on the shoulders and prepares to fight.  He realizes there is only one way to defeat this guy and he lets his inner dragon fire come out.  
Nicole gets Peacemaker in the meantime then they pull her back up.  They rush over to check on Dolls, but he isn't moving and not breathing.  Wynonna heartbreakingly tries to do some CPR on him, but they stop her and say he is gone.  He is dead. Wait. What?  Noooooo!  You can't kill Dolls!  He is the glue that held Wynonna together!  Wynonna seems to take it extra hard. Momma Earp appears and tells her that they need to let him go.  
The episode ends with everyone just in total shock at this death.  Again......the ending to this episode feels like a cliffhanger for a season finale.  I hold false hope that Dolls is really not dead, but.......This is going to be a stressful season isn't it?
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