#the essays i could write about criston cole
ladyalicentshightower · 6 months
"Team Black is better than Team Green because Luke's funeral is private while Team Green hold a public funeral for propaganda purposes!"
Kingslanding is the biggest city in Westeros and is densely populated, and while Dragonstone is also densely populated, it's infinitely smaller. If Team Black were in Kingslanding instead of Dragonstone, they would never have been able to have a private funeral because the small folk would want to attend too. Furthermore, as an island, Dragonstone is isolated as few would travel for a funeral in a time of war. Kingslanding even during war, has Westeros' highest population density. Aemma and Baelon also had a public funeral in season 1.
In the books (hopefully in the show too), Haelena is remembered as being beloved by the small folk. Jaehaerys, as her son, was loved by and is mourned by them too. Even if they wanted to - and likely they did want to - have a private funeral, they wouldn't have been able to due to public reaction and outcry.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 3 months
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sorry it took longer for me to post my thoughts. i had to take a moment to calm myself. i was shaking and crying. and then i wrote most of the post when tumblr decided to simply not save it 😒 this is my second attempt. enjoy
let’s start at the beginning shall we?
so happy to have milly back on another episode! the scene was weird as fuck though. daemon seriously needs to get out of harrenhal.
i feel very disconnected to daemon when he’s in harrenhal. i know most of the scenes are dreams but like he barely reacts to them? i don’t know how to explain it other than it’s sort of out of character?
then we get the bit at the dock. makes me wonder if rhaenys knows that alyn is one of corlys bastards? i think she does especially the way she says that their mom must’ve been really beautiful.
alicent asking for moon tea is hilarious. she’s trying to be so slick and failing. but also i thought moon tea was a plan b situation i didn’t realize it was fully an abortive tea!
love how larys catches on to it within a second. and he says what we all think NO ONE FUCKING CARES. my god alicent! you’re fucking criston cole. we all know. no one cares. you served your duty as wife to the king now he’s dead and your ‘free’ literally no one is judging you for fucking around.
now baela and jace are serving 💅🏽 with the outfits. i adore them they look so good! they are the IT couple rn and they deserve that title.
why must criston cole feel the need to call rhaenyra a whore? honey you are projecting. you are in fact the whore.
that lord deserves an award for defending rhaenyra. i was so damn happy when he told criston cole he doesn’t deserve the white cloak. YOU TELL HIM LORD. he should’ve called him alicents little bitch while he was at it.
the greens council…it was hard to watch. first of all, all aemond does is smolder and fangirl over daemon. whenever he’s not plotting some agenda he’s writing fanfics about his uncle i swear!
that being said i felt second hand embarrassment when aegon was not able to speak high valyrian. then again i thought he wasn’t going to even understand in the first place so its better than nothing.
now i’m gonna go on a big tangent regarding aegon.
i didn’t like him at all in the first season. he did some horrible things and i have not forgotten about them but i truly feel for him.
the fact that he’s inadequate at being a king is constantly rubbed in his face and it doesn’t fail to hurt him. he never wanted to be king. he knew viserys did not want him as king. so he never prepared.
he was forced on the throne as alicent and otto wanted more power for some reason. so now he’s trying his best to be a king and act like one but he’s always being undermined by everyone around him.
otto straight up told him viserys didn’t want him there. and alicent literally told him to sit pretty and let them do all the talking. it’s humiliating and frustrating.
i get alicent’s point about listening to others around you who have more experience but in reality they don’t want to offer advice. they want to act in his name. they don’t want him to do anything. they don’t think he’s capable and maybe he’s not capable but he’s trying to be. he could honestly be an actual king if anyone actually gave him a chance.
they all treat him like this object not like a person which is why he keeps making all these shitty decisions.
then she has the audacity to talk about all the sacrifices her and otto made to get him the crown?? HE DIDNT WANT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. YOU HIGHTOWERS ARE A GREEDY BUNCH.
aemond is the person he thought could help him but that fucking psycho has plans of his own.
it’s isolating. it fucks with his mind. but i guess that’s enough for now. i could write a whole fucking essay on aegon.
so then we are back with daemon at harrenhal and honestly it’s getting a little boring. except for the moment where daemon is displaying as aemond. top tier comedy.
but we get a glimpse of laena!! i love having these actresses back if only for a scene. i hope we get a vision with viserys. i miss paddy ☹️
oh they mentioned benjicot!!! now we all look stupid cause that ‘davos’ guy was really not benji. (i still love the fanfics though. he’s a handsome man)
so rhaenyra disappears once more and the council doesn’t take jace, baela or rhaenys serious enough. it’s frustrating but omg the way jace spoke to rhaenyra when she retuned ???!!
my mother wouldn’t have taken that lightly
but it’s rhaenyra so she’s a sweetheart as always. i gotta say though that she’s taking things so calmly? like she took forever to return to dragonstone while the greens kept plotting. where were you girliepop?
i understand wanting to make sure the only way to get through this is through war but some urgency would be nice.
did jace learn how to speak like that from daemon? cause it was giving daemon including how he rested his hand on the sword handle.
now onto the battle at rooks rest:
where do i fucking start?
rhaenys is a queen. she is a true soldier. she knows how to battle. SHE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE
if she said dracarys once…it was a lot.
ATTACK MELEYS. that’s how you fucking do it. that’s how you fight with dragons not just spewing fire at each other.
rhaenys is a queen and i had so many high hopes but i knew…we all knew she wouldn’t make it. i think she knew as well and it was so devastating. it’s one of the reasons why i was shaking at the end and crying too.
hey alexa please play ‘birds of a feather’ by billie eilish.
she survived so much but vhagar is just too fucking big. maybe if she hadn’t been sent alone this wouldn’t have happened.
so far this has been what has hurt me the most because i love rhaenys’ character and its gonna be so sad not having her around.
granted she went down like a true warrior. it was honorable.
sunfyre is the prettiest dragon to date. i’m so happy we finally got to see him. my gosh it brings me so much happiness to see aegon interacting with sunfyre. that man deserves some happiness in his life. it was truly heart warming.
now i don’t know what the fuck has gotten into aemond. i went to liking his character to completely hating him.
it’s truly each man for himself with this fucking family. tell me how aemond looked straight at aegon (who was happy to see his brother coming to aid) and yelled dracarys. WHAT THE FUCK MAN
this is what happens when you have shitty parents.
i’m not going to fucking stand here and say aegon was innocent when he has teased aemond all his life but does it warrant KILLING YOUR BROTHER? all because he teased you on the brothel when he saw you with your substitute mommy? GROW THE FUCK UP. I know he’s thirsting for the throne but my man you’ll get the chance trust me. THIS IS NOT THE WAY
FUCK i never thought i’d be on aegons side but then again no one on the show is on his fucking side. they don’t treat him like a fucking person but yet another thing to manipulate and it pisses me off
stricking him down wasn’t enough aemond had to find him and put his sword through his body too. thank fuck for criston cole. now that’s something i never thought id say
now i don’t know if he’s alive or dead. i personally think he’s alive but geez aemond. what the fuck?
why didn’t you give him the opportunity to flee in season 1? why must you do this?
if aegon is dead…i’ll be devastated. i’ve grown to like his character these last couple of episodes.
Just goes to show how shitty these people are.
Bottom line. Meleys and Rhaenys had an honorable death. Inevitable once Vaghar joined in because that dragon is much too big. I wanted her to flee but I knew she wouldn’t. She has honor. ✊
also is alicent’s brother dead? or is he around somewhere?
i desperately need more helaena next episode. we didn’t even get a glimpse of her this episode. but if she’s gonna get hurt then i’d rather not have her on the episode. don’t know how ill live if that precious bean is hurt.
this post could’ve been better but my progress was ruined when tumblr decided to delete the post i was working on.
as always feel free to comment so we can talk more about this.
kisses! -Nikki 🤍
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thesilverlady · 1 year
Sorry you misunderstood my words😭 I meant why these characters are popular in hotd fandom they're medicore at best
ohhh sorry anon! I saw the & and assumed it was about shipping 💕
Well, I can't really explain for the show version (which is what created even more fans) i hate the way the characters were written so.... no clue?
if I had to take a guess, some people like daemon being all "chaotic 😜" and Aemond being all "broody and emo 😶". They also both have a nice aesthetic? silver hair, tall and some people have crushes on the actors which helps
again, that's a guess. A better answer should come from someone who actually enjoys their show version.
Now for book version it's quite simple; daemon is a complicated man. He has his many flaws, causes pain to his most important people aka his brother and niece but there's also another side that balance it out. He does love his family (in his own way but still), he craves things that any man in the story does; power, a son, a better wife. He ends up getting everything eventually and for the shortest time he is happy.
Then the war happens and thing go downhills. By the time the dance breaks out daemon is a different man from how he started. He's actually one of the very few character that grrm bothered to developed (and that's because he's his favorite. he admitted this a bunch of times). And even when he dies he goes out with a bang.
To analyze book daemon I'd have to write an essay but basically he's a fleshed out character.
For Aemond, it's simpler, he's chaotic and I personally enjoy it. You see, he has the potential to be a "dangerous" man if he was smart. He gets trained by Criston Cole (one of the few men who had defeated daemon once upon a time), he gets Vhagar aka the oldest and most dangerous living dragon, he even has a rep that he could totally manipulate and prove himself worthy despite his eye loss.
Instead he gets all arrogant, and his pride and cruelty blinds him in pretty much everything. He has victories but those are so short lived. It's ironic and a bit hilarious?
I know plenty of people who don't like Aemond. Reading his constant misogynistic comments about Rhaenyra (I swear that boy is obsessed with her body parts) made me wanna slap him a bit but I got over it eventually
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