#the fact that Katya took this video and Trixie posted it
petrovna-zamo · 29 days
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flutter2deceive · 3 years
Inspired by @everybodyknows-everybodydies recent ER dream posts, I figured I'd share some of my ER dreams from the past year. I text myself whatever i remember after waking up from interesting dreams so that's the grammatically incorrect format they're in lol
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buffy out on the streets moving vans with her strength, timothy olyphant is a vampire and he and his vamp buddies need romano to inject blood back into his circulatory system so he can go out in daylight again, they're taunting him like "come on didn't buffy train with you for a week to be a surgeon before giving up?", idk
The coolest stop motion video ever of this ER drawing turned into a storyline, mark leaves i guess jennifer and is running down the hallway to someone and i'm curious to see if it will be susan or elizabeth, it's elizabeth but then the pov switches to susan and she continues running down the hall to the trauma coming in and she high-fives abby and it's like the main point of contact for all the friendly characters when they do something cool is to high-five, watching this whole thing run thru and have the absolute biggest look of gleeful wonder on my face, i say some very nice words and hope they make it to whoever the author/vid marker are
In a steam engine room like that titanic ep of newsradio, there were also demons, so hell??, then there was a thing about carter being gay and in love with his best friend but then he called me lisa (which is my name) but i took that to mean that it was actually dave and it was a whole thing about maura tierney's fake ex-boyfriends?, and carter was out in my parents' front yard confessing his love but he accidentally stepped in the path of a chainsaw and the top of his toe got chopped off so then he was in a wheelchair
Kerry and elizabeth talking about sandy and mark and how they dread talking to henry and ella about them without breaking down, but it's also like they're still there, and then it's kerry and mark having the same convo but it's mark talking about his dad, they're in the hospital bathroom, a scene where sandy is temping in a library at the hospital and arizona robbins also working there and the implication is that they used to date, arizona comes up to sandy's table and notices that she seems to be doing wedding planning meanwhile kerry is sitting by herself at another table, arizona is judgy about what appears to be sandy chasing a girl who's in the closet and ashamed, sandy explains that kerry doesn't know and it's a surprise which is why she has the flashmob people standing 2 deep around kerry's table so she doesn't see the minister bringing the shrubbery in (this never happens in the dream but also what?? lol), then kerry has a successful hip replacement surgery that luka performed and mark is telling everyone about it, susan and abby were just starting to feel out a relationship and were making out in the bathroom
The er hospital but housed in an amalgam of my workplace and childhood church, i guess i'm like an orderly?, corday is pregnant and examining a patient and she's like ready-to-pop pregnant but she's still insistent that she's good to work until she's 8cm dilated and she's only 6 right now, we're all like dude go up to ob now, she's doing like yoga stretches on the floor to alleviate pain but still insists she's fine, meanwhile her patient is like ???, her water breaks and romano is gonna take her up to surgery, there's a space issue at the elevators and only he can fit, me and the other orderly say we'll take her up on the gurney in the other bank of elevators, we go flying down the hall and yelling for people to move cuz mrs corday's-- "sorry, dr. corday's"-- water broke, we get stopped by a security guard who won't let us through and then stopped again cuz there's construction in the warehouse, somehow romano manages to get lizzie but me and the other orderly are locked out, go to a bar downstairs to wait and nick kroll is there and he alerts everyone at the bar to the fact that he found several fan art/fic hits for "nick kroll/luka kovac" on the company's subreddit, he seems oddly intrigued, how weird of a pairing
In the future, there are no doctors because they're all burnt out from covid so healthcare in the future is just holograms of scenes from er but they're not the medical scenes they're the relationship drama stuff, alex kingston is named ceo of brain things due to her time on both er and doctor who, an interviewer asks what her favorite katy perry song is and romano answers for her, then maura tierney kicks everyone's ass at a banquet
The specifics elude me but somehow abby made it so that neela's memories of gallant's death are erased, and he's not exactly alive but also not dead, maybe she went back in time and changed something or had magic?, but neela is now texting with michael who is actually abby with his phone pretending to be him, abby is feeling really guilty for playing around with life and death and neela's feelings when she didn't have a gameplan, she ends up telling weaver she did something extremely morally questionable, now the two of them have to think thru how to handle the situation, neela is concerned now cuz michael texted that he'd talk with her at 23:00 but he hasn't called yet, then there's this really annoying intern that's pissing all the docs off, weaver starts to say something and ppl think she's gonna tell this woman off but she's like "this is an intern that's working here? She should be the hospital's lawyer", and then abby and susan smirk at each other and put on a tie? Idk but i think it's a different reality than the gallant-still-alive one
On a road trip or something and get back to abby's apartment, i may be susan but also possibly just me, we get the luggage from the car and while abby is trying to find her keys to unlock the door, we hear a noise from down the alley, the blonde woman that luka had been flirting with is near the luggage and is drunk or high, we wrestle with our conscience on whether to help her, she ends up asking to crash on the couch, abby and i get her inside and on the couch, we then end up sharing the bed and giggling
Caring for romano while he was in the hospital, mei lin from top chef is a med student and robert keeps insulting her, i think i might be corday, order a butterfinger and bottle of water from the hospital convenience store, go back to robert's room, he's muttering about the salad they brought him, i ask if he wants me to tell the nurse that he wants them to leave the salad for when he wakes from his nap, he squints up at me and smiles, says that his coping mechanism for stress is egg salad, idk
Living an ep of ER, i am susan, walking to my car alongside elizabeth, we're kinda tensely discussing when the kids will be at each of our houses for the holidays, i say let's just fuck it and join our celebrations, it's like a thing as if mark actually used to be married to susan and had a kid, don't know if it was supposed to be little suzie or rachel, elizabeth smiles unexpectedly and my heart kicks up, get in our cars and drive off, i am fumbling with a cigarette and the lighter from the car, drop them both as i'm driving down the hill out of the hospital parking lot, but now i am abby and have the season 9 hair, keep talking about this guy coworker i'm secretly seeing but it's actually susan and i'm trying to throw people off the scent, and there's something also about trixie and katya in this part of the dream but i don't remember specifically what, maybe guest star patients?
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artificialqueens · 5 years
What Happens At DragCon... (Biadore) - Miss Alyssa Secret
Biadore shenanigans at DragCon, involving Roy hiding in plain sight (and fishnets and a thong) and Raja’s terrible timing.  
Technically Roy is 150% busy with Jamie in London, but let’s pretend he managed to sneak away ;).  Standalone from the Not Casual At All series, parallel but not strictly a part of it.
Anonymous prompts: 1) Roy dresses up in bad drag (so he can avoid being noticed) and visit’s Adore’s dragcon booth - up to you if she recognizes him immediately and what shennanigans they try to get up to without the fans knowing.  2) Biadore enjoy the fact attention’s off them at dragcon because everyone’s watching Branjie & take the opportunity to get frisky behind the scenes..
I’ve had a couple of requests on AO3 for a second part, and am trying to decide if it should be a backstage quickie before/after Adore’s runway performance, or full on hotel room smut.  Let me know your opinions! -MAS
Getting through LAX incognito was easier said (texted? tweeted?) than done, particularly on this specific weekend.
Roy felt justifiably paranoid, peering around corners and keeping carefully non-descript, hiding in plain sight amongst the countless number of other men in slim fit suits with sleek carryons and garment bags.  Instead of his usual baggy all-black ensemble, he’d traded the oversized hoody and skinny black camo pants for a blue button down and fitted dove grey blazer with dark wash jeans.    Ditching the black-framed glasses was more difficult, but if contacts and hair gel were all it took to move through the crowds of eagle-eyed fans on the lookout for queens arriving…
Slipping on a pair of less conspicuous sleek Ray Bans, he hailed a taxi and directed it to his hotel for the weekend.
Groups of people wearing Alaska Thunderfuck t-shirts and bearing strings of Katya’s doll hands were all over the lobby, and avoiding being caught in the background of their numerous Instagram posts was exhausting.  
There had been a dicey moment at the front desk, trying to complete check in as quickly and quietly as possible.  Thankfully, the oblivious staff member’s cheerful, “Enjoy your stay, Mr. Haylock!” was lost in a fan’s excited scream on spotting Plastique on the sidewalk outside.  Smiling tightly, he palmed the keycard and walked briskly towards the bank of elevators.
Traveling with one roll-on suitcase was itself a luxury.  Roy so rarely went anywhere without having to bring Bianca’s bags or needing help loading luggage.  Propping the suitcase on the coffee table, he checked his phone for missed notifications.  There were the usual Instagram tags, but below he tapped on the message from “Pussyface”.
Miss you Willow.  Wish you were here this weekend.
Smiling, he sent a string of lipstick kisses and a selfie strategically engineered to conceal any traces of his actual location.
Thirty seconds later, he added a very unsubtle shot of him cradling his half-hard dick, licking his lips when Adore sent back a row of middle fingers.
Roy cracked his knuckles, shucked off the blazer, and opened his suitcase.  
He loaded a YouTube video just to check that his envisioned plan of attack was more or less accurate, comparing it with memories of what he’d observed in dressing rooms over the years.
Chuckling evilly, he sat in front of the mirror and set to work.
Roy blocked the outer half of his brows, waiting impatiently for them to dry.  They felt odd that way, but doing a complete block and drawing them in their habitual position halfway up his forehead wouldn’t look right.
Concealing the shadow along his jaw took a bit longer, covered under a thick layer of foundation a few shades lighter than normal.  He didn’t bother with any contouring on forehead and cheeks, instead concentrating on shrinking his nose down, changing its shape into something less narrow.  
Frowning, he skipped over the well-used primary colors in his palette before setting it aside and digging back into the bag for a rarely-used case.  The shimmering teal he applied around his eyes was as far from Bianca’s white and red-shaded smoke as possible.  A little white went into the corners, closer to the scale a woman might actually use to highlight her eyes.  
He reached into the box marked “eye pencils” for a mostly used up one, heating it with a hairdryer before smearing it thickly along upper and lower lids.  Satisfied with the effect, liquid liner was next, drawing thick wings where Bianca’s raccoon shadow would normally be smudged.  A single pair of lashes completed the eyes, and he practiced winking flirtatiously.
Nude lips were next.  He studied the effect critically in the mirror (it called too much attention to his damnably distinguishing dimples) before reaching for a bright red.  The lipstick was Adore’s, swept into his cases in a dressing room somewhere over the years and never quite returned.  Exaggerating a pout, he skipped Bianca’s pronounced Cupid’s bow for a rounder shape.
Setting the makeup cases aside, he peered into the bottom half of the suitcase with a wicked grin.  
Inside were items that would never be found in his or Bianca’s closet…but were awfully common among the fans descending on DragCon. 
Bianca’s bottom half always started with tucking his exceedingly masculine bulge (“fucking huge dick”, according to Adore) followed by generous hip padding that extended well down Roy’s thighs to create curves and four pairs of tights.  
Today, he didn’t bother tucking at all.  Tossing the snug briefs aside, he unrolled a small bundle of fabric and pulled it on.  The elastic bands hooked themselves over his hips and he adjusted himself, wiggling a few times until he was sure that there wouldn’t be any accidents.  A pair of fishnets were next, unshaven legs on full display.
Simultaneously self-conscious and excited to step so far outside his usual comfort zone, Roy buttoned on a shredded pair of cutoff denim shorts (‘borrowed’ from Adore’s wardrobe a few weeks ago and apparently not missed either).  The top rode well below the waistband of the tights, thong straps completely visible.
Biting his lip, he slipped on a crop top (also nabbed from Danny’s dresser) over his unpadded torso and a torn up Misfits t-shirt over it all.  The holes showed off both the dusting of hair starting to grow back on his conspicuously flat chest, and the fact that he hadn’t bothered to shave under his arms - and wasn’t that an indulgence during Jamie.  
Stepping up into shiny vinyl platform boots, he zipped them and examined himself in the mirror with a critical eye as the wig went on.  Without Bianca’s usual base, the dark-rooted mermaid green hair settled into place slightly askew.  He secured it with a handful of bobby pins, resisting the urge to detangle and blasting it with hairspray.
A spiked leather choker and enormous hoop earrings completed the look.  Concentrating on softening his voice, he made eye contact with his reflection.  A passable Adore cosplay stared back, and he grinned.
The DragCon floor felt vastly different amongst the crowds, not being escorted from place to place and no roar as a recognized queen.  Instead, Roy melted into the sea of pink wigs, frilly crinolines, and ridiculous heels.  There were dozens of others dressed as Adore, Trixie, Katya, and even a few Biancas that he had to give credit to for managing her face half-decently.
Most of the attention seemed to be focused on Brooke Lynn and Vanjie’s booths.  He steered well clear, unsure whether Brooke Lynn’s sharp attention to detail would blow his surprisingly effective cover.
Adore’s line was one of the longer ones, and he could hear her laughter long before the pizza-printed backdrop came into view. Spinning a VIP badge, he slipped into line and kept his face nonchalantly turned towards the floor.  He’d been complimented several times already on his “sick makeup”, which hadn’t required more than a smile in thanks, carefully controlled to avoid the dimples surfacing.  The makeup changed the shape of his face, but there was no concealing his voice.
He reached the front of the line, maneuvering so that the gaggle of blushing young women ahead of him blocked Adore’s view as they approached her.  The giggling and tears were simultaneously endearing and a little odd from this side of the table.  After sharing hugs, one of them presented Adore with a gift bag that proved to contain a sketch of Adore and Bianca from one of their many drag selfies.
”Oh wow, did you draw this?  It’s so good!” Adore kissed her cheek and beamed at her.  “I love it, I can’t wait to show it to Bianca!”
“Ohmigod really?” The girl’s voice was quivering with what Bianca assumed to be excitement, face flushed pink. 
“Yeah!  She’s gonna love it too.”
”We were sad she isn’t here,” one of the others chimed in, sporting a passable rendition of Shangela’s spiky red outfit.  
Adore paused in signing a photo, nodding.  “I miss her, but she’s busy being rich and all that in London.”
”We really like her too!  What’s she like for real?” 
Gesturing for them to join her in front of the photo backdrop, Adore’s smile softened a bit as they moved to either side.  “She’s the love of my life, like the most super amazing person ever.”
Roy lost the rest of what she said as the girls arranged themselves around her and several flashes went off.  Adore’s seemingly offhand comment filled his chest with a peculiar warmth, and it took squeezing the edge of the table to bring his smile under control.
”Hi baby!” Adore’s voice came from his right.
He kept his chin ducked down, messy curls obscuring most of his face.  
”I love your outfit,” she continued, voice gentle as he kept up the shy fan pretense.  “Wanna hug?”
She stepped forward with her arms held out, and he let her fold him into an embrace that was 100% Adore but lacking their usual full-body contact.  Unable to resist, Roy leaned in until his painted lips brushed her ear.
”Wanna fuck?”
Adore whipped her head around so fast that their noses barely missed colliding.  Under the cover of both of their wigs, her mouth fell open and she blinked rapidly.
For once, Adore actually listened and pasted on a wide smile while talking through her teeth.
”What.  The fuck.  Willow?”
”Surprise, pussyface.”  As reluctant as he was to let go, they needed to separate before the length of their hug resulted in unwanted attention.
Holding onto his shoulders, she pushed him back to arms length.  
“Oh my gosh, I love you too!” she added a bit too loudly before firmly pulling him back in and pressing his face against her shoulder.  “Oh sweetie, don’t cry…”
Sure that he was leaving foundation on her bare skin, Roy nonetheless had to give her credit for fast thinking as she called out a “be right back!” to her staffer and maneuvered him behind the curtain at the back of the booth.  On the way, he caught a glimpse of the fans in line behind him, a mixture of envy and hero worship written over their expressions.
”What the fuck, Willow?” Adore repeated once they were alone in the narrow canvas-lined corridor between her booth and the one on the other side.  “You’re supposed to be in London!”
”You mean I can’t make a trip out to see my best girl?” He grinned, reveling in the shock.
”You…you’re…fuck!” she sputtered.
”That’s me.  In fact-“
Whatever he meant to say next was cut off as Adore crushed her lips against his, hands curved around his jaw.  He melted into the kiss for a moment before returning it with equal ferocity.  Their tongues met in a series of sloppy open-mouthed kisses, lipstick smearing as Roy bit at Adore’s full lower lip.  
“-fuck me,” she moaned into his mouth when they separated for air, eyes glazed over with passion.  “Missed you so much.”
”Missed you too.  You have no idea.”
Her gaze focused again as it traveled the length of his body.
”You look fucking hot as hell as me.”  Her hands caressed his exposed midsection, gliding down over his abs and the waistband of the fishnets.  “Holy fuck,” Adore groaned when she cupped him through the denim, “I can’t believe you’re wearing this.”
“They’re your shorts.”  It was the only thing his rapidly short-circuiting brain could think of, losing the ability to think as her fingers popped all three buttons with one pull and she stared hungrily at the thong barely containing his erection.
”I’m going to-“
”Adore?” The staffer’s head peeked around the curtain.  By some miraculous stroke of luck, her back was turned and body angled just so, concealing both her lustful stare and Roy’s open fly as she shoved his face back down onto her shoulder.  “Everything okay?”
”Yeah.” Her voice was shaky but firm.  “Give me a few?  We’re a little uhhh emotional right now…”
”Oh!  Of course.  Why don’t you take a break for a little while?  I can put the sign up for fifteen.”
Turning just enough to wink at the oblivious DragCon volunteer, Adore waved her thanks and waited until the curtain fell closed again before dragging Roy by the hand through the maze of metal supports and backdrops.  She didn’t stop until they were both safely behind a door marked Queens Only.  Glancing around quickly as she steered him into a corner, Roy realized that the much larger room had been partitioned into individual dressing room spaces.  He stumbled a little as she pushed him into one of the spaces, recognizing her beat up makeup cases.
The curtain closed with a snap behind her, and then she was backing him against the wall with a predatory expression.
”We’ve got ten minutes,” she murmured, the husky tone sending a bolt of lust straight to his balls.  “Which sucks, because I need to fuck you so bad right now.”
Roy’s head jerked to the side as the sound of rattling hangers came from the other side of one of the partitions.  “Adore-“
”Shut.  Up.”  Her mouth covered his again, fingers delving underneath fishnet and black elastic to grope his ass and squeeze his still-hard cock.  His own hands roamed over her in return, pinching a nipple through the gold star pasties and tugging the straps of her own thong.
“You know,” he tore himself free to whisper, “I can’t decide if the string up my ass is making me horny or if it’s the worst self-inflicted wedgie ever.”
”Fucking…B, if you don’t suck my cock now I’m going to bend you over this table.”
Adore looked every bit as serious as her threat sounded, and Roy sank to his knees, taking her pants down with him.  Mouthing the fabric straining over the head, he froze when a very familiar voice came through the curtain.
”Adore?  You in there?”  Raja sounded mellow as always, and a long-fingered hand pulled the curtain aside.  “I was wondering if you wanted to go have a- Oh, sorry!”
“Sort of busy right now.”
”I can see that,” Raja muttered.  “I’ll umm, why don’t I come by your booth later?”
”Yeah.” Adore’s hands kept his face pressed to her crotch, preventing Raja from glimpsing more than the top of his head.  
”…Danny.”  She turned to leave, but paused halfway.  Her voice was unexpectedly serious.
”…what?  I’m kind of in the middle of something.”
”Is he okay with this?”  Roy froze at the admonishing whisper.  While he was trying to be incognito, it wasn’t fair to let someone as perceptive as Raja worry about Adore’s behavior.  Tugging free from her restraining grip, he leaned around Adore’s hip.  
“He’s absolutely okay with this.” He smirked, watching Raja’s eyebrows fly up towards her hairline.  “But don’t tell anyone that.”
”Ahhh.  Good to see you, even if you’re not supposed to be here.”  Raja let the curtain slip back closed.  “You two better be careful,” she advised, “or else you know the rumors.  Carry on.”
In the silence as her footsteps receded, Roy sat back on his heels and met Adore’s crestfallen eyes.
”Well shit.  She’s right, you know, we probably shouldn’t be doing this here.”
Roy hauled himself to his feet, brushing his fingers over her cheek.  
“Shh.  I want you just as bad, but I’m not going to start what we don’t have time to finish right now.”
Adore’s frustrated growl vibrated against his hand.  
“Fuck, I know.”
Reaching into the front pocket of his shorts, Roy pulled out a keycard and pressed it into her hand.
”Three ninety-six.  I’ll be there when you’re off the floor.”
”I’ve still got the runway show after.  Come see me?”  
“Wouldn’t miss it.  Now get out of here before someone else finds us.”
Adore pulled him into one last lingering kiss.
” ‘Kay.”
Tracing her lips with a finger, he cleared away the remnants of his lipstick on her mouth as best he could.  
“I’ll be waiting.”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
See you in the morning (Vatya) - Polly
Authors note: This follows a promo that was posted here a little while ago. Prompt: Trixie visits Katya one early morning and finds Violet at the flat. The three end up eating breakfast together and Katya has to balance between his best friend and his fuck-buddy to whom he has accidentally caught feelings for. Trixie and Violet barely tolerate each other.
I wrote this from Trixie’s POV because I thought that would be interesting. So this is somewhat domestic Vatya and I wouldn’t call it Trixya jealousy but Trixie isn’t exactly Vatya’s biggest fan either. I hope this is somewhat what you had in mind, Anon. I’m using Katya/Trixie/Violet and she/her but they’re all out of drag. Feedback is always more than welcome! xx
See you in the morning
Trixie was ringing Katya’s doorbell, excited to share her new ideas with her. It took Katya unusually long to get to the door but then again, it was only 10 am in the morning so maybe she was still sleeping. When the door finally did open though it wasn’t Katya’s sight that Trixie was greeted with. Instead it was a half naked Violet Chachki, standing there in only shorts and messy hair, looking good even now, Trixie noticed frustrated. Violet looked at her confused for a second before sighing and looking behind her.
„Brian!“ she screamed and Trixie was even more confused. When did Violet and Katya start calling each other by their boy names? Let alone the fact that Violet was even here in the first place. Trixie was pretty sure that Violet did not have a gig here. So why was she in L.A., let alone in Katya’s apartment? Trixie obviously knew that they had fucked, it was pretty obvious to everyone that paid even the slightest bit of attention towards their interactions, and Trixie had definitely paid attention to Katya and Violet. Plus Katya bragged about having fucked Violet all the time. However, she thought that all that was were out of the moment hook ups after the adrenaline of a show together. But apparently not.
„You can sign for the mail.“ Katya voice sounded from where Trixie knew her kitchen was. Violet signing for Katya’s mail? What kind of domestic bullshit was that? Trixie was growing impatient, still standing in the open door with Violet who was looking at her with furrowed brows, blocking her way into Katya’s apartment with her body. Meanwhile Katya had apparently noticed that Violet had been gone too long for it to be the mail.
„Jason, what is taking… Oh.. Ehm.. Hi.“ Katya said when she spotted Trixie while making her way towards the door, wearing only a bathrobe and finding a halt next to Violet who finally moved so that Katya could stand next to her, her body leaning slightly into Katya’s.
„What are you doing here? What’s going on? Are you ok?“ Katya rambled while looking at Trixie slightly panicked, obviously uncomfortable with the situation. That made two of them, Trixie felt way out of her comfort zone too. Violet however looked downright pissed off which made Trixie feel a bit better. It’s not like she hated Violet or anything, she in fact very much respected her for her craft, it was just that her and Violet never have gotten along in the first place. To Trixie, Violet was still the bratty bitch she had always been and she had no idea what they would even talk about if they were to be alone in a room and forced to have a conversation. Katya had been equally annoyed with Violet in the beginning but ever since they had to do that stupid dancing challenge together, their dynamics had changed and Trixie found it rather frustrating that she couldn’t bitch about Violet to Katya as much anymore. Sure Katya would shade Violet but it was always followed with a massive compliment. She had been rather smitten with Violet, especially more recently. Occasionally even showing Trixie videos of Violet performing and having a stupid proud smile on her face. Trixie tried to gather her thoughts and answered Katya’s question.
„I came here because I have a few new ideas for my tour and I just thought I could bounce them off of you?“ Trixie explained „But I can come back later.. or tomorrow.“
„Or never.“ Violet muttered under her breath and Trixie almost made a cunty remark had it not been for her noticing how Katya’s hand squeezed Violet’s for only a second. Their behavior around each other was really throwing her off.
„Don’t be ridiculous, you’re here now and we have pancakes. Come on.“ Katya smiled at her before starting to walk towards the kitchen, Violet following her suit. Trixie was standing alone in Katya’s hall now and was debating wether or not she actually wanted to follow them. But it would’ve been even more ridiculous if she would leave now. So apparently she was going to eat pancakes with Katya and Violet fucking Chachki on a Wednesday morning. Pancakes. Katya never really cooked, let alone pancakes. So why the fuck was she doing this for Violet now? She entered the kitchen and almost wished that she would’ve just left. She rather would’ve walked in on them fucking than seeing this. Katya was standing in front of Violet holding one of her hands while the other one was stroking up and down her arm in a comforting way, them just softly looking into each other eyes while Katya was talking in a gentle voice to Violet. Trixie couldn’t quiet make out what Katya was saying but it seemed to have the desired effect because suddenly Violet was beaming at her and Katya was smiling back at her with a smile Trixie had never seen on her before. It wasn’t her usual manic grin or anything like that, instead it looked soft and warm and welcoming and Trixie wasn’t sure how she felt about it being directed at Violet. So she cleared her throat which caused both of them to look at her and for a second she caught Violet’s facial expression that hadn’t been changed towards a glare yet and was still the same she had looked at Katya with. Trixie almost let out breath of surprise when she caught it. Violet loved Katya, she was sure of it. In no way would Violet ever look at anyone like this if she didn’t care deeply for them. Katya cleared her throat too and let go off Violet.
„Come sit.“ She said to Trixie while gesturing towards the table that was set for two. Trixie sat down on one of the chairs that had a plate in front of it while Violet left the room. While Katya was starting to put a plate in front of the chair that was diagonally opposite Trixie’s, Violet came back into the room in a beige shirt and her hair pulled up in a bun and started to get cutlery and a mug to place next to the plate Katya had just set down. Trixie was confused, Violet knew where Katya kept all her things in her kitchen. Trixie didn’t know that about Katya’s place and she had been here multiple times before. Katya was sitting down opposite of Trixie looking at her with a expectant grin.
„Sooo? Tell me about your ideas? I can’t wait to hear them!“
So Trixie started taking about different jokes that she had planned and how they would fit into the whole concept and how she would look at the audience at certain points and how she would pause and what she would wear. Katya was laughing throughout the whole thing with flailing arms and that laughing scream of hers. While Trixie had been talking and laughing with Katya, Violet had finished making the pancakes and had poured coffee into all their mugs and had gotten different kinds of jams and other spreads onto the table before sitting down next to Katya and listening to Trixie too, even smiling slightly at some of the jokes, though it looked like she was trying hard not too. But Trixie didn’t come here for Violet’s reaction anyway, she came for Katya and Katya was reacting the exact way she had been hoping for. Trixie was more proud than she probably should’ve been, Violet could never make Katya laugh like that even if she tried. So Trixie kept on talking and talking about her new routine while Katya and Violet ate, well mostly Violet ate since Katya was too busy laughing. Trixie’s mood was slightly dampened however when after at least 20 minutes of this, Katya’s hand had found its way to Violet’s neck and was playing with a loose strand of hair there. She was still laughing and Violet was still eating and still pretending not to laugh and Trixie wasn’t sure if either of them realized the intimacy of their position.
Once Trixie had finished telling Katya all her ideas, all their coffee cups were empty and all the pancakes were gone and Trixie heard Violet scoff after she had finished. Katya just stared at Violet with raised eyebrows, both of them just looking into each others eyes for a moment until Violet let out a surrendering sigh.
„It doesn’t sound that bad.“ she said now with a facial expression that looked like it actually physically hurt her to compliment Trixie.
„Yeah, the idea reminded me off that one time when Katya and I had that show together in San Fransisco and we had so much fun, remember?“ Trixie was directing this more towards than Violet than Katya really.  She didn’t know why but she suddenly felt like she was competing with Violet for Katya’s attention.
„Oh yes!! That was so much fun! I don’t think I’ve ever laughed that much in one night. God that was awesome!“ Katya answered happily, oblivious to the tension between Violet and Trixie.
„How much fun exactly? More fun than Mexico?“ Violet asked Katya while looking at Trixie with a challenging look on her face. Katya was looking between Violet and Trixie now with a confused look on her face.
„I wouldn’t say that. It was very different kinds of fun.“ Katya said in a soothing voice, trying to calm both Trixie and Violet down. „Mexico was great in a lot of ways.“ Katya added with a wink towards Violet who just smiled back with a glint in her eye. Trixie knew that she shouldn’t keep pushing it, this was no battle she could win if the look on Katya’s face when glancing at Violet was any indicator.
„You should come to a couple tour stops, that would be so much fun!“ Trixie said almost expecting Violet to try to try to excel her.
But Violet looked at Katya who was looking back at her with a pleading look and Violet just sighed but didn’t say anything. Katya put her hand on top of Violet’s, squeezing it in gratitude. Katya was now looking excitedly back at Trixie and started talking about how awesome it would be if they would do some shows together and when and where and what routine would she even do. But Trixie could barely listen, zeroing in on Katya’s hand that stayed on top of Violet’s for the rest of breakfast. Were they a thing? Were they an actual couple? Trixie didn’t see that one coming and was trying to figure out how she felt about it. She had been slightly pissed off when first seeing them interact, almost jealous. But Katya did look very happy and the same could be said about Violet. And it’s not like she was secretly pining for Katya but it did feel weird to see her best friend that she had only ever known single and ready to mingle (and to fuck) all loved up and she felt strangely protective over Katya. There were a million questions running through Trixie’s mind that she wanted to ask Katya but she couldn’t exactly do that while Violet was still there. She noticed however that Violet had stopped glaring at her the second Katya had placed her hand on top of hers and was starting to be actually nice and turned out to be fucking good company.
Trixie was still thinking about how strange that whole situation had been from start to finish but she figured that if Katya was happy, so was she.
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