#the fact that she isnt mentioned once in ep 3 (bc she hadnt been created yet)
webginz · 11 months
no one on this earth could ever convince me clone wars 2009 was better than clone wars 2003. the fact that 03cw came out BETWEEN EPISODES 2 AND 3?!?!? INTRODUCED CODY AND GRIEVOUS? HAS CONNECTIONS TO DELETED SCENES FROM EP 3? godly.
09cw changed so much, introduced unnecessary characters not made with george lucas, disregarded canon characters, unnecessarily changed plotlines from 03cw and the books, villainized pre existing characters, changed padme and anakins relationship.. just. ugh. i have the biggest love hate relationship with that show. i wish it was made legends and 03 stayed canon. 03 makes a thousand times more sense especially if your only a movie watcher (LIKE MOST PEOPLE ARE) but didnt disrespect pre existing canon. it was perfect.
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