#the fact we don't have his troll face is a tragedy
leonalmalsy · 9 months
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Never forget what they took from you.
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megumixtsumiki · 1 year
Hi! This is in response to your post on Megumi and Tsumiki. Can I just say that I was completely underwhelmed with the outcome of their story and it almost feels a little comical. Like what the heck was that ending? I was genuinely upset that she ended up dead because it felt like we were going to get this big reveal with them and it just never panned out.
I have my issues with Gege and the way he kills off his female characters as a way to power up other characters. I am not a fan. But I feel like everyone else got some closure when their character died. Megumi and Tsumiki did not get that closure.
I would go a step further to say that the last real conversation they had was when she threw the strawberry milk at him. Because she was possessed by Yorozu and I don't think that Tsumiki was in there at that point. So they left on horrible terms. Which is completely heartbreaking.
I view Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship as completely different from Yorozu and Sukuna's relationship. Sukuyuro had one scene together and it was so one sided. I think it's because Yorozu and Sukuna are the complete opposites of Megumi and Tsumiki. They don't cater the same values or bonds to one another. Sukuna doesn't care about Yorozu. Whereas Megumi has always been consistent with his priorities when it comes to Tsumiki. Yorozu is completely selfish. She does what she wants without any regard for anyone else. Tsumiki cares to a fault and it causes a rift between her and Megumi. MeguMiki just worked.
Anyways, I was so sad when she died. I really wanted Megumi to get up and fight but he was so defeated it crushed me. I too feel like reading copious amount of fanfic to help ease the pain.
Sorry for the long post. Love your blog by the way :D
Hey hey! First, thanks for the mail and the compliment. This blog is for megumiki fandom so, whatever you guys want to talk about, let's do it!
Second, sorry! You know how it goes... life.com.
Can I just say that I was completely underwhelmed with the outcome of their story and it almost feels a little comical. Like what the heck was that ending?
A straight up dose of irony, Gege style. That's what that ending was.
Looool 🫠
Let's taco'bout it under the cut...
So I have to admit I loved parts of how the whole tragedy unfolded because I personally loved Yorozu, but overall I do feel empty when it comes to megumiki and more specifically, Tsumiki.
How to say... like I never expected Gege to come out and overtly say megumiki is canon (because he seems to only do it for very specific ships), but...
Excuse me, wut?
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We don't even see them interact in real time?
I seriously don't even know what or how to feel because, as of chapter 225, it's all still so inconclusive, and with the way Gege is rushing, who knows whether he'll elaborate.
That said, the story is not over yet and he might still reveal something. Otherwise I have to come to terms with the idea that Gege gaslighted me lol 🤡.
And, yes, I feel gaslighted because I know a "canon" ship when I see one! I know I've said this three hundred million times, but the way Gege introduced this dynamic was soooo ambiguous.
He presented them as "childhood friends to lovers" and then *boom!* jk they're step siblings. Gege is a troll, let us never forget that.
I was genuinely upset that she ended up dead because it felt like we were going to get this big reveal with them and it just never panned out
I'm curious to hear more about what you thought would/should have happened.
I think for me, I would have liked to see that apology. Perhaps even Megumi letting his guard down and being vulnerable with her. But he literally wears his "cold and aloof emo boy" mask right up until he realizes Tsumiki has been long gone.
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The sheer look of terror in his face is *chef's kiss* and probably some of the realest panels with Megumi since he hardly ever shares how he feels.
Also, the fact that he says "all this time" implies the obvious idea that Yorozu was acting like Tsumiki all along--I just also feel like it isn't out of the question to overthink and assume Yorozu might have been leading Megumi on as Tsumiki.
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That's not to mention his inability to see Tsumiki as having her own sense of self and agency. To Megumi, Tsumiki is a doll, an idea to be protected, not a real person with her own desires and thoughts. That's not to say Megumi didn't love her, just that Megumi is immature about how he relates to her. Heck, they both are!
So I am not surprised by the outcome because to me it feels like Gege was always going for tragedy with megumiki. On so many levels too... but I have to be honest, I would have liked to see her, Tsumiki. Not Megumi's idea/memory of her.
So again, it makes sense we never saw Tsumiki because we're experiencing jjk through Megumi's pain rn, and in Megumi's mind, Tsumiki is a damsel in distress that needs to be rescued. She's an idea, a projection of Megumi's emotional life.
I have my issues with Gege and the way he kills off his female characters as a way to power up other characters. I am not a fan.
Yeah, not to excuse him, it's just that the way I see it we're just seeing the edge of feminism in Japan. I'm not sure a lot of fans are aware that Japan ranks low in the feminism index for being a developed nation.
Coincidentally, a moot recently posted about how the women in Gundam Wing basically serve the purpose of powering up other characters, most frequently males.
I reckon this might be a frequent theme in manga geared at young boys? idk...
I like to think that the women getting sacrificed in jjk is an unconscious cultural and societal bias about how women's role is to support men? Who knows...
But I feel like everyone else got some closure when their character died. Megumi and Tsumiki did not get that closure.
Yeah I totally get you!
Hell, as of right now, Megumi himself does not have closure. We don't even know if he'll survive.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed tho. I can't imagine Gege won't at least say something about only Megumi's most important person.
I would go a step further to say that the last real conversation they had was when she threw the strawberry milk at him. Because she was possessed by Yorozu and I don't think that Tsumiki was in there at that point. So they left on horrible terms. Which is completely heartbreaking.
Na, that was Tsumiki.
Remember she went into a comma when she became possessed.
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Regardless, as you say, they totally left off in bad terms, which only makes it all the more tragic. So, again, we're seeing Megumi's immaturity showing.
I may or may not be exploring this theme in the fic I've been working on someday I will finish it dammit.
It's just that I 👏🏼 am 👏🏼 telling 👏🏼 you, Gege is one of those mangaka that does 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 do 👏🏼 happy pairings.
I know "tragic" ships that are "meant to be" is not everyone's cup of tea but I find it so compelling.
I view Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship as completely different from Yorozu and Sukuna's relationship.
Yes! I do too. I just also agree with the idea that, psychologically, Sukuna and Yorozu are an exploration of the toxic traits of the bond they shared.
Basically, Tsumiki is a girl who takes her role of "big sister" a little too seriously, possibly to the detriment of their "romantic" bond because it causes conflict with Megumi.
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So you have Sukuna mirroring that very same dynamic with Yorozu in which Sukuna is not interested in how Yorozu tries to relate to him. Yorozu basically wants to own and subdue Sukuna.
What is Tsumiki doing when she's nagging at Megumi not to fight? Well-intentioned or not, Tsumiki is trying to control Megumi and Megumi does not like it.
Anyways, that's how I see it.
But again, yes! They're their own person. Sukuna is not Megumi and Tsumiki is not Yorozu.
I think above all, regardless of how uninterested Megumi might "look", I just can't imagine that Megumi would have killed someone if it wasn't because of how much she means to him.
I think I already mentioned this but there's a post in this hellsite that implies Megumi and Tsumiki had a rocky relationship because of the panels we see of them. But I couldn't disagree more with the post because...
1) it fails to acknowledge that Megumi's poker face is an act. Megumi is the kind of character who looks aloof while there's an emotional storm brewing within
2) again, if they really had such an awful relationship and there were no good times for Megumi to think back on, why would he go through such great lengths to save her?
In the end, these are two kids who were abandoned, who've had no one else but each other to rely on. They don't know what a healthy relationship looks like so it's likely they had a rocky and dysfunctional relationship.
Anyways, I was so sad when she died. I really wanted Megumi to get up and fight but he was so defeated it crushed me.
I know 🥲.
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He's all traumatized... I need him to save himself...
Sorry for the long post.
Sorry for the long wait!! I've literally been just working and have been working on answering your ask for a couple of weeks now. Thanks for your patience!
Thank you for stopping by and keep the #thoughts coming! <3
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brachyurans · 4 years
tw3 moods, part 4
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you know how i was saying i wanted to use a Nilfgaard deck for the aesthetic well i played a bunch of practice rounds against merchants and put together a good Nilf deck and won the passiflora running Emhyr the Relentless and it was great
i think i might try a Monster deck for the BoW and HoS gwent quests but that’s pretty far in the future.
also, i managed to hit 100 hours on this game without doing a single main quest in skellige lmfao
i learned how to install w3 mods so i could put in Always Full Exp. i waited so long for skellige that nothing was giving me any exp anymore and seeing ‘received: 2xp’ after quests is kind of not fun. now i’m enjoying crossing contracts off again! overleveling is a fake gamer lie.
i figured out the incredibly hilarious fact that geralt’s honey-collecting method involves setting the entire beehive on fire and waiting for it to drop to the ground. geralt hasn’t been friends with bees since he was torturing them with jugs as a witcherling and he’s not about to start now. i haven’t yet figured out what i’m meant to do with all these honeycombs but i sure do got ’em!
the bit where geralt gets put in skellige prison made me chilly. they made him go barefoot :( on the other hand, geralt interacting with what passes for a justice system on this world is fantastic and heartbreaking, he is embittered and impatient and he wants everyone to hurry up and just tell him exactly how bad he’s going to get fucked over today
the way geralt’s face fucking DROPS when eredin shows up in the cave of dreams. [MUFFLED SCREAMING]
also, the way blueboy lists off the herbs everyone’s gotta take—hemlock, henbane, nightshade, etc.—and geralt is like whoa that’s gonna be a hell of a trip like FHSKFJSK of course mr. i-drink-poison-for-a-living knows exactly what kinda trip they’re gonna have. and he’s still just like fuck it this may as well happen to me today.
hjalmar’s quest was actually a tremendous amount of fun, i was kind of putting it off because i don’t enjoy boss battles, but it reminded me a lot of being a kid and how much i loved reading the bits with odysseus and polyphemus (and rereading. i swear i read the polyphemus sequence over twice as often as any of the rest of it). the odyssey was one of my favorite books as a child. yes i was that child. getting folan from the rock trolls was also a lot of fun and having him around for the rest of the investigation was nice. (amazing he could fire a bow with those burns on his hands tbh.) i’m always ten times more willing to wander into horrible dark caves when i have an npc around to be friends with.
i would smooch cerys an craite. geralt should not, that would be weird, but i would.
i don’t even have fucking words for this quest i was like ok cerys i support you and then. oh my god. i SCREAMED. i almost missed the timed choice i was too busy freaking out. like. THIS?? THIS IS THE FUCKING CONTEXT FOR THAT???
obviously after all that i crowned her queen. who the fuck picks hjalmar over cerys when she’s obviously the superior candidate like crach says he has no preference but the only point he can give in hjalmar’s favor is “skellige wants a monarch who’ll lead them to battle with nilfgaard” like ok sure crach but i’m gonna back the monarch who won’t immediately fling the isles into emhyr’s maw. may the reign of the first queen of skellige be long and prosperous.
CIRI!!!! IS!!! GAY!!!!!!
i thought lesbian ciri was just a reasonably popular fanon but no you can look a naked woman straight in the eyes as ciri and say “actually, i prefer women,” i love & support my lesbian daughter
the entire last wish sequence killed me FUCKING DEAD
geralt when he says ‘agh, no, not another portal’ and yen tells him to stop whining 😭😭😭
me: ok geralt lets try for a repeat of the unicorn scene [selects dialogue]
geralt: you wanna fuck on the top of a mountain in a dead guy’s bed?
yen: no.
yennefer, darling and best-beloved as she is to me, actually super needs to stop reading geralt’s mind without permission it isn’t cute or funny. it is also, as far as i can see, an invention of the games. bad cdpr [whacks with newspaper]
i’ve now let both the succubi go so i can never make a succubus decoction. rip me. the uncraftable recipe in my alchemy tab is gonna bug me but i just won’t stab women for the crime of being Horny if i don’t have to is that so wrong
i absolutely could not bear to kill any more fucking sirens so around this point i went to get uma. i still have sidequests and Witcher diagrams to get in skellige but sirens and mountains are annoying.
emhyr: i give you leads as fresh as morning dew and this is what i get?
me: well after running around the continent on fifty different side quests the leads were all uh... slightly less fresh.
“forktails this close to the fortress? someone’s been slacking off” go on just drag eskel for filth why don't you geralt
time for everyone to go on their Life-Changing Field Trip with Zuko Geralt
omfg the illusion child with the foglets that Lambert said was copied from his cohort is fucking TINY. it’s probably a reused model because the trainee witchers must have been close to full-grown when they did the trial of the medallion if they were going out on the Path right after but still like... thas bad. witchers are tragedies.
that geralt and eskel’s idea of quality time is dissecting a katakan together (or rather, eskel dissects a katakan and geralt eats an apple...i desperately hope he got the apple out of his pack because it kind of looked like he grabbed it off the nasty-ass katakan table and that’s Gross, geralt)... these guys are fuckin nerds
eskel managing to radiate mom friend energy while practically black-out drunk is extremely powerful
if I was yennefer witnessing three men twice as big as me squeezed into my nice dresses i would have had MUCH harsher words for all of them. those dresses would be unwearable afterwards. also i made the mistake of taking everything off in order to wear yen’s pants which meant geralt woke up on the floor completely naked while everyone else was already busy having their shit together while fully dressed. embarrassing.
vesemir is an extremely fucked-up old dude. ah yes, you know how old people are, nostalgic for their torture tables, just can’t get rid of those. lambert is right about everything
emhyr may be a grade-A douché but geralt’s a little bitch. what’s wrong with morvran leading a banner to kaer morhen, i thought we liked morvran. he’s a horse girl and he’s always polite to us. you don’t even know how to command a company of nilfgaardian soldiers geralt. oh no emhyr will have intelligence about kaer morhen if morvran comes!—he would get the same if it was just the soldiers you think his companies aren’t full of spies??? suck it up and play nice for ciri we need bodies in that castle!! suspect geralt went to ask emhyr literally just to lord over him that he was going to do some fancy magic stuff with ciri that emhyr could never, smh
i have to stop main-questing now and Prepare i want at least three more levels and all of my Witcher gear in order before i head out after ciri
which means i gotta go kill some more sirens.
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Grace & Janis
Grace: Did you even tell anyone you were staying out?? 🤔🤔 Janis: Did YOU warn the fam you were inviting the devil inside? 🤔🤔 Grace: Rude! Grace: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the barista's bed Grace: OMG is he that bad? How shaming Janis: Wouldn't you all love to know Grace: Like you would anyway, you don't have anything to compare him too Janis: Again, you wish you knew Janis: but yes, I text them Janis: that it? Grace: Oh honey, we ALL knew you were a virgin Grace: Did he? Grace: Before you made it obvious, I mean Grace: You should have come home first, me & the girls could have helped you out Janis: It's cute Janis: all the things you THINK you know Janis: yeah, that'd be fun Janis: Mia must've dropped the invite on her way out Janis: with the story, likw Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: girl please Grace: Mia'll get over it Grace: Unlike ME! You could've told me! Janis: Get over herself? Janis: Unlikely Janis: Told you what? Grace: OMG how hungover are you!? Don't be dense Grace: THE GOSSIP obvs Grace: I have to hear it from Mia Grace: so UNACCEPTABLE Janis: It's gossip 'cos she made it Janis: as if I had a chance to tell you or anyone, even if I wanted, when she went live with it Grace: There's always time to give me the real story Grace: You've got a phone Grace: Look how quick you answered this morning 🙄 Janis: 'Cos I thought you might have some real concern Janis: shoulda known better Grace: I AM concerned bitch Grace: you could be in a ditch Janis: Yeah, new boy's a serial killer Janis: this ain't the CW Grace: I didn't even know you were with HIM, did I? Grace: You never tell me anything Janis: Now who's being dense Janis: 1+1=2 Grace: Excuse me for having a nun for a sister Grace: Usually Janis: Again Janis: get a clue Grace: OMG Grace: I'm trying Janis: Bless 💕 Grace: Are you coming home TODAY? Janis: Are the coven gone Grace: I wouldn't bother asking if they hadn't Grace: I'm not stupid Janis: Probably then Janis: I got stuff to do Grace: One of them better be 🚿 Grace: Whelan's is soooooooo gross Janis: Not like you've ever got inside to know Grace: It's not like I want to Grace: like I said, ew Janis: Not with that baby face 😂 Grace: Shut up Janis: Like I said, bless Grace: I hate you so much Grace: This is what I get for being nice Janis: Nice Janis: Where? Grace: This WHOLE convo Grace: From the moment I checked you were still alive Grace: & I defended you last night GOD KNOWS why Janis: Shouldn't have to Janis: if your friends weren't cunts you wouldn't be in such a mood Grace: You're the only one being a bitch to me, Janis Grace: Newsflash Janis: Nah Janis: I'd have to be interested for that Grace: Yeah we KNOW you're only into barista boy Janis: Why would I be interested in anything you're doing Janis: it's them with the fucked priorities for giving a shit Grace: OMG get over yourself Grace: getting one boy to sleep with you doesn't make you God's gift Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: Like I told you before, he'll get bored Janis: You first Janis: Like I told you before, get a hobby Janis: pass it on Grace: Whatever Grace: Don't come crying to me when he realises how much of a bitch you are Janis: 😰 Janis: Don't come to me when you grow a backbone and/or personality of your own Janis: still won't be interested Grace: I already have both thanks Janis: 👌 Grace: 👋 Janis: Cute 😂 Grace: At least one of us is Janis: Sick burn Janis: If only someone that weren't Mia thought so, eh babe? Janis: Sad times 💔 Grace: Take your own advice and get a clue Janis: 😂 #exposed Janis: get some self-esteem Grace: You need it more Grace: Letting that boy use you like this....tragic Janis: I'm God's gift, remember Janis: Can't have it both ways baby Grace: I said you think you are Grace: Not that he does Janis: SELF-esteem, Gracie Janis: not 'this boy would chuck it up me from behind' esteem Janis: poor thing Grace: Faking having it doesn't mean you really do, hun Grace: We can all flex on the snap Grace: You're honestly so embarrassing Janis: I don't need facetune to flex Janis: no filters gonna fix all...that 💋 Grace: You DO need it, you just don't USE it Janis: Nah, I don't though Janis: tragedy Grace: Sure Jan Grace: Keep telling yourself that, babes Janis: You keep telling yourself Janis: can't talk someone into feeling as bad as you do Janis: let your bestie in on the secret and maybe you'll both stop being such poisonous little trolls 💕 Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: You wish Grace: Can't be bullied without a bully, but you're not that important to Mia 💔 Janis: Oh no Janis: not queen Mia Janis: suck her dick a lil better and she might love you back Janis: story of your life though, that 🤷 Grace: You're actually disgusting Grace: Save it for your boyfriend, I'm sure it makes him really 😍😍😍 Janis: Yeah, and I'm the Nun Janis: the swings and roundabouts you have to go on to make me the bad guy Janis: no wonder you're braindead 😵 Grace: Yeah sure 🙄 Grace: I don't have to say things to cover up the fact I don't know what I'm doing Grace: You sound 12 Janis: Lie of the year goes to Janis: that's all that comes out your mouth Janis: fuck what's going in it 😂 Janis: I'm glad I don't like you, it'd be exhausting having to pity you as hard as is needed Grace: Again, you wish Grace: You tell me to get a hobby, you make the same 'argument' over and over again Janis: it ain't an argument Janis: irrefutable facts Janis: don't like it, change it up Janis: we all got bored a long time ago Grace: Exactly, it isn't, it's you trying to throw shade TERRIBLY Grace: You don't know a single fact about me, babe Grace: Clearly you don't like THAT if you have to keep pretending you do Grace: Hm? Sounds like me with his convo Grace: Don't you have a boy getting bored rn? You might wanna focus on that Janis: Nothing to know Janis: Shadow of a shadow Janis: Literally how are you the blandest granola ass bitch outta the lot and they're all white as hell Janis: not even earning them mixed points, it's a real talent how uninteresting you are, truly Janis: tutorial on that, please Grace: 😂😂😂😂 Grace: But you're STILL talking to me instead of him Grace: What's the matter? Not everything you hoped it'd be? So sad Janis: I got more than one braincell Janis: can talk about put mascara on Janis: though the memes of you failing in your last vid have been amusing, tah for that Grace: You should try doing it Grace: Obvs you need more that mascara but every little helps Janis: Not with a face like that Janis: but you know, more is more and it almost constitutes a mask at this point Grace: 👏👏👏 Janis: There you go, now when you cry like a little bitch about it, you've got reason beyond your victim complex Janis: welcome ✌ Grace: MINE? You're the one who thinks that we're so invested in your little love story that we're all out for sabotage Grace: Please Janis: You know you can see when people watch your stories, yeah? Janis: she was like, the first view Janis: so much for not being important, don't worry, I won't steal your girl Grace: She's mad 'cause you outshined her coffee date moment Grace: Like I said, she'll get over it Janis: Should stop making herself vom Janis: wreaks havoc on your natural glow, but that's neither here nor there Grace: And she's the evil one Grace: That's not funny or true Janis: Cry me a river Janis: not gonna if she kills herself making herself look even worse than her personality Grace: OMG STOP Grace: You're as bad as she is Grace: Obsessed with each other 🙄 Grace: Get a room or something Janis: Awh, wanna be BFFs then?! Janis: 😏 Grace: Shut up Grace: I'd rather be the one who dies Janis: Didn't think so Grace: The first thing you've got right this whole time Grace: Well done, babes Janis: I ain't the one in remedials with the rest of the thickos Grace: Stop calling me stupid Janis: Any time you fancy stopping Janis: be my guest Grace: And what? Be more like you? 😂 Janis: You wish Janis: Be less braindead, would be a start Grace: YOU wish Grace: Caring about what I look like doesn't make me braindead Grace: It makes you a judgey bitch Janis: Yeah, that's the issue Janis: look like Sephora threw up on your face all you want Janis: at least be a person with it, not a painted fuckdoll Grace: So sorry I can't get top marks in maths or whatever OMG Janis: 🔬 Grace: I don't even know what you're talking about now Janis: Just trying to find your last surviving braincell Grace: Find it with the last place you cared about anything Janis: 🔭 Janis: Nope Janis: no signs of life Janis: soz Grace: So glad I could make you feel better about your crap shag by insulting me Grace: But I'm the idiot 👌 Janis: Awh, don't do yourself down Janis: never let it be said you don't have your uses Grace: I'm not here to be used by you, hun Grace: Deal with that Janis: Just a cumdump and Mia's personal bitch Janis: coolio 👍 Grace: Says you Grace: You've known that boy for like a day Grace: & Mia's more concerned with you right now, like I said Janis: 😱 Janis: Are you SLUT SHAMING me Janis: dundundun Janis: know you're 💔 but babes, girl code Grace: I'm stating a fact Grace: You think you're better than me, you aren't Janis: You think I am Janis: I just don't disagree, that's all Grace: I think you're the worst person this family has so far produced Grace: But whatever you need to tell yourself Janis: A dagger through my heart Janis: good thing you've got no place then init Grace: Yeah Grace: Bad enough I have to have the same last name as you all Janis: Marry the first boring white boy who will settle for you and no one ever need know Grace: And follow in your footsteps? No thanks Janis: You couldn't fill these shoes, figuratively and literally Grace: I don't want to Grace: You dress worse than your boyfriend Grace: At least he gets paid to look like that some of the time Janis: as much as I'd LOVE to look like topshop's sale rack Janis: you rinse 'em every time, what's a girl to do Grace: Obvs Grace: It's all my fault you look a state Janis: I don't, so don't trouble yourself Grace: You do, but I won't Janis: Mia don't seem to think so 😘 Grace: She hates you, that's her obsession Grace: Keep looking like that, it fuels her Janis: What, the body she's actually killing herself for? Janis: Will do and it's so effortless Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: I'm the one who needs a hobby and is soooo uninteresting but you keep talking about Mia cos that's really not Grace: Go into her inbox, please Janis: Like I said, get a personality and we might stand a chance Janis: surgically remove yourself or are you less of a Siamese and more parasite? Grace: Sure, I'll turn myself into her so you can be obsessed with me Grace: You two are ridiculous Janis: 😂😂 Janis: Oh honey Janis: you clearly can't, been trying for years Grace: You wish Grace: Does your boyfriend know you're in love with my best friend? Grace: You might wanna share before he catches feelings Janis: Do you know your best friend kinda hates you? Janis: 😬 too late for you, awkies Grace: Rn the feeling is mutual Grace: Get over it Jan-Jan Janis: 💔 Janis: You'll get over it Janis: well, she'll walk over you, doormat Grace: Like you care Grace: either way Janis: What's the point Janis: You're never going to Grace: I care bitch Janis: You're never going to stand up to her Janis: Why should I be waiting on it with baited breath Grace: You've never waited on me Grace: Don't act like it's Mia's fault Janis: It ain't, it's yours Janis: she's a decent scapegoat though Grace: Again, you wish Grace: Nothing's all my fault, sorry about it Janis: Trust, no part of me wishes for you as my sister Janis: especially what you've become Grace: That makes two of us Janis: You said Janis: with all the care and concern you're claiming Grace: I do care, I just wish I didn't Grace: and that you weren't my sister Janis: Get over it Grace: You can try and tell me what to do as much as you like Grace: Not gonna happen Janis: I know, you're hopelessly pathetic Janis: like I said, no baited breath here Grace: Me? Oh babes Grace: Like I said, tragic Janis: Yeah, you Grace: 😂 Janis: 😥
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