#the fanfic referenced is a Percico one btw. hit me up if u need the libk
yonemurishiroku · 1 year
I was reading a fic and it reminded me of another fic. I’m honestly amazed by how Nico and Hades’ relationship is portrayed in that particular fanfic.
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Beautiful. When you love someone but not necessarily like them
For context: this is a Modern AU, Maria and Bianca are dead (as usual. Shame), Nico has a few mental issues and Hades is an absolutely cold and strict father. That is to say: he restrains him. It has been a while since I read this fic, but technically it’s those along the line of: strict education, regulations, degenerating voices.
He set up a whole overabundant homeschooling course for Nico, pressuring him about grades and educational performances. He hardly lets Nico out of the house (it takes a twenty minute phone call of convincing). He doesn’t think Nico is capable of faring well in the outside world. He disapproves of Nico’s hobby (which is gaming btw).
But I wouldn’t be babbling if that was the case now would I? The fascinating thing about this is that: Hades actually does love Nico.
He is a man of rules, so he drew a path of future for his son. He doesn’t want Nico out of the house because he knows how bad Nico’s agoraphobia can get. And the fact that Nico can still get his way, albeit with extensive convincing, says a lot. He disapproves of gaming instead of education, but he still lets Nico play as long as it doesn’t get in the way of studying.
Here’s the thing. Through out the fic, Hades is portrayed as an absolutely scary, harsh and toxic (the degenerating voice doesn’t help) father figure. But - I don’t know if that’s my bias mind talking - I can still see that he cares for Nico and wishes the best for him. His delivery is wrong, of course, and that results in their tense, always-wary relationship. And the fact that Nico blatantly announces his father’s dislike towards himself earlier this screenshot.
It’s kinda relatable, and a reflection of unfortunate reality, when good intentions turn out not as good as we wish it to be.
Hades and Nico’s relationship is no where near perfect in this fanfic. Hades appears downright cold to his son, and Nico is either tired or wary when talking or mentioning his father.
And it’s half of the reason why I adore this fic so much.
-> That, right there, is exactly how I prefer to think of Hades and Nico’s father-son dynamic. They are not perfect. Nor is their relationship. Hades has issues and oh issues does Nico have. As much as I like to fantasizing about a healthy family, I think it would take more and longer for them to achieve it. Gods rarely make model parents. Hades is trying, which I appreciate, and is the exact reason why I say there should be fluctuation and mishaps and fights and a lot more.
But the key is that there’s love. And they’re both trying. And that alone is beautiful. The mistakes are what makes the efforts precious.
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