#the first Warden I ever played was Surana and they are SO DEAR TO ME
phoomwhoosh · 1 year
best video games ever
Ask and you shall receive! Fair warning, you have opened Pandora's Box lmao. I will limit this to my top seven (not in any specific order) and put them below a cut:
The first one is Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear. It's a first-person shooter that came out in 1999. I had fun playing it except for that one stealth mission. I played it, like, a ton. You have no idea. It's my favorite Rainbow Six game and I honestly don't think any others could compare to it. Well, Raven Shield could but I only really play that one because Rogue Spear won't work on my computer anymore. Probably because it's from 1999.
Second favorite would definitely be The Sims 2. I feel like it is superior to the other games. I'm sorry, folks. I still have The Sims 2 installed onto my computer and I might have to make a deal with the Devil to get it to function but it's worth it.
Third favorite? King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride, a point-and-click adventure game from 1994. I have the intro memorized. I can tell you exactly where my sister was in this game when I shoved a small bell up my nose as a child. I played this game a shit-ton. Second favorite in this series is for sure the sixth one, though. I have never completed the third one because I kept getting turned into toast. I also played Mask of Eternity, the eighth game, a lot but that one is…well, it's not a point-and-click adventure. Also, the royal family isn't involved in it. I did so love mocking Connor's voice LOL.
Fourth favorite game is Torin's Passage, another point-and-click adventure game but this time it's from 1995. I actually made Dreep (look him up, he's a funky little guy) out of clay for a project in high school. I have this entire game memorized. I love it so much.
Number five would be Dragon Age: Origins (with Awakening). I love all three games but Origins is dear to me. My favorite character I've ever made in a video game is Lazlo Surana, my Warden who romanced Morrigan. He survived killing the Archdemon and I love every reference to him in the later games. My man could solo a dragon by the end of the first game. He was an Arcane Warrior, Shapeshifter, Battlemage, and Spirit Healer because I had enough points to choose a 4th specialization. Most badass character ever. Loved soloing the assassins in Awakening. XD
Number six is Wildermyth. It's a far more recent game (2019) where you can make your own characters, choose their class (Warrior, Mystic, and Hunter), and follow different storylines. Your characters can get married and have kids who later join them on their adventures. It's a fantastic game and I've had a ton of fun with it. Also, if your characters name their kid something stupid, you can change it. In fact, you can customize the characters' appearance at any time outside of combat. XD
Number seven is Resident Evil 2 and, yes, I'm talking about the remake. It's a horror game, it's a game where you shoot things, and it's a horror game. Yes, I said that twice because, let me tell you, this was the first Resident Evil game I had ever played and it was terrifying when I was in the sewers. Again, knew nothing about the game but knew something bad was about to happen to Leon in the sewers.
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waluigisgaybf · 11 months
Sometimes I under how my main canon world state in Dragon Age wouldve ended up if Id known about mods the first time I ever played- (and also had a working pc at the time and not console lmao)
Cause my first ever Warden was a grumpy ass Surana lad who was kind of a bitch and I really wanted to romance Alistair with him but then found out you couldnt romance him with a male character so I restarted the game and my Tabris gal who is now so so beloved and dear to me.
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magewardensurana · 3 years
Dear Creator Letter
Under the Cut!
First of all thank you so much for taking on my prompts, I’m looking forward to seeing whatever it is you create for me!
Okay, general DNWs:
Racism, homophobia, misogynistic language, incest or pseudo incest, sexual content outside of what would be canon appropriate, pretty much every kink going, imbalanced power dynamics, soulmates, rape, animal or child abuse, animal death, AUs (coffee shop, no powers, highschool/uni etc), Avengers Endgame-Complaint fics.
Now onto my Do Wants
Found family, angst with a happy ending, casefics, bisexual ladies coming to their bisexuality later in life, bisexual ladies who knew all along, bisexual ladies who chose men over women (a given for this event), AUs that take canon and make it a little different.
My writing on AO3 is a good indication of what I like, and feel free to check out my tumblr for a good idea of my kind of jam.
Fandom Specific (honestly though these are just prompt ideas. If you have something else in mind go for it)
I’m not a big fan of Endgame, or most of Infinity War, so if you want to go ‘to hell with this, everyone lives’ then I am more than okay with that. If you want Thanos to have been killed shortly after GOTG2 because Nebula tracked him down and stabbed him in the dick until he died from it then I’m also okay with that.
Carol/Maria - I’d love something pre-canon with these two. Their backstory is so interesting, especially when you factor in they were co-parenting and dating under DADT. I’d also love lots of interactions with Monica&Carol and Mar Vell and Carol. if you want to go for a casefic then, since I do love Natasha, Carol vs a Red Room Loyal Black Widow?
Carol/Valkyrie - Anything post-Ragnarok with the Asgardians (all of them, even the dead ones. Canon is dead and we killed it) on Earth, Would love: a lot of Carol interacting with the Revengers and Valkyrie interacting with literally any female characters because the MCU is bad at that.
Sarah/May - So much potential with these two. Blended families! Second loves! Dating while older and with kids!  I know Sambucky is a logical sistership to this pairing but I’m not a fan of that ship.
Dragon Age
Cassandra/Literally Any Of The Female Protagonists - Big fan of ‘Cass should’ve been bi’ so I’d like something exploring this. I’d like something set during DAI (so after the death of her boyfriend) with Cass coming to realisations about her sexuality. However you want to write the Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor is fine but my preference is for Surana, Sarcastic/Aggressive mage!Hawke and mage Adaar. I don’t like Anders so if you ever want to throw in some Anders hate then I’m fine with that.
Josie/Bela - I’d love something post-DAI with Josie taking Bela home to meet her family, or Josie as a member of Bela’s pirate crew (and putting her diplomatic skills to good use)
Marquis of Serault/Well Read Pig Farmer - I just want anything involving my favourite former Tevinter magister.
Fire Emblem
Three Houses - my preference is for the Crimson Flower route, but if you want to go the angst route of Byleth and El are fighting against each other then Golden Deer is my favourite path. I also love AUs where the three Lords (or four, counting Yuri) team up with each other to fight against TWSITD. Other than that I have no preferences for what you want to do with any of the ships.
Blazing Blade - I’d love to see post FE7, pre-FE6 stuff, with Lyn and Florina being involved in their friends’ lives. Lyn teaching Roy swordfighting, Florina teaching Lilina how to ride a Pegasus. Plus, lots of interacting with Farina and Ninian (especially if you want to build on the Ninian and Florina friendship). Or if you want to do what they were up to during FE6 I’d love that too.
Awakening - No preferences here.
Resident Evil
Rebecca/Claire - AU where Rebecca is still in Racoon City and teams up with Claire and Sherry? Vendetta AU where Claire is there too? Chris and Jill are getting married and neither Claire or Becca have dates and go together? I don’t really mind. For RE2 canon I prefer the 1998 storyline (Claire A/Leon B) but if you only know the remake then that’s fine, or if you want to mix canons that’s also fine. For past relationships I love the angst Burnfield gives Claire but Billy and Rebecca I see as completely platonic.
Jill/Ada - Normally I’m a strictly Valenfield and Aeon kind of woman but I have a weakness for this ship. Jill is heavily associated with the colour blue, has blonde or brown hair depending on the game and is completely on the side of justice. What I’m saying is: she’s Ada’s type. I love the idea of Ada being at the police station early and running into Jill while she’s there in RE3. I’m also a fan of Ada trying to save Jill in RE5 when she realises it’s her actions in Spain that led to Jill’s brainwashing.
Ace Attorney
I don’t have any preference just as long as there’s no Franmaya, which is my NOTP or the Bad Cykesquill (Simon/Athena. Not only is the age difference too high, but they have a sibling relationship and Simon is clearly gay). I tend to headcanon Klaiver and Ema used to date but Mia and Godot never did. Background Wrightworth is always a plus.
FMA Manga//Brotherhood
Oliver/Maria - Honestly it’s not hard to see what I like when it comes to this ship because the AO3 tag is 99% written by me. Put Olivier in suspenders and holding a sword and I’m a happy woman.
Rose/Paninya - a woman whose town was destroyed in riots and a woman who has found a love of doing repair work? And they’re both friends with Winry who is more than happy to play matchmaker? The pairing writes itself. I know that the 03 anime gave Rose a dead boyfriend, but the manga never specifies. They’re lesbians, Harold.
Emily/Alexi - Wyman? I don’t know her! I love AUs where Alexi lives and is on the Dreadful Wale during the events of the game. Also a big fan of Jess Lives AUs if you want to have Emily attempting to court her childhood best friend/bodyguard while her amazingly embarrassing parents cheer her on. And I love the AUs where both Corvo and Emily are the co-protagonists (especially marked!Corvo, flesh and steel!Emily). I ignore the canonical age difference between Corvo and Jess and put them both as being in their late teens when they met. Basically anything where Alexi is still alive and not going to die is a good fic. If you want to include Wyman at all my preference is for female Wyman since I see Emily as a lesbian. Either she and Emily are exes on good terms or have always been just friends.
Anyway, I think that’s everything. Thank you again!
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luobingmeis · 4 years
DAO really was the best game, the lore the ability to absolutely wreck shit, the fact that they didnt do that bullshit ‘all sides are grey’ and clearly showed oppression. I think of my warden, an elven mage, and wonder how she’ll be rewritten more than anything.
right like!!!! i love each dragon age game with my whole heart and they all have super special places in said heart, but origins handles a lot of the social problems really well, or at least from the perspective that i play it as (also an elven mage!)
the rest i’m putting under the cut bc holy shit i can talk abt dragon age a lot. also nothing is proofred. i’m so sorry this got so long i hear “bioware” and “grey morality” and i go wild
(pls talk to me abt dragon age.....)
(also please don’t reblog this!!)
like i understand da2 having a type of grey-morality thing bc the final battle was choosing between the mages and the templars (tho imo they could’ve done better than “the mages hate us bc we keep them locked in a tower and there are multiple accounts of us abusing them and therefore some of them turn to blood magic so therefore we should kill all of them” but still, in a setting like that where the Main End Game Choice was mages vs. templars, then that is understandable)
(but also i haven’t played da2 in a couple years so maybe it’s more nuanced than that)
but inquisition! it’s weird bc inq has a super special place in my heart. i’ve played it 6 or 7 times to completion, not counting the other times i got 20/30 hours into it before external forces distracted me. inq is overall the game i think abt the most, most of my playthroughs average over 100 hours, it’s the only game that i have all the dlcs for, for me it’s the easiest to replay, and yet there’s so much that frustrates me abt it! like, i’m gonna avoid talking abt the actual parts of the writing that bother me, bc that can be it’s own standalone thing, but imo it felt like they never actually solidified what actually caused the mage/templar war? there are those that say anders started it (seems likely), then there are those who talk abt fiona leading the rebel mages in the war? and there, of course, is the “the templars have done wrong but so have they mages and therefore you’re shamed either way for what you do” like i Get what they’re trying to do, trying to encourage players to explore their options and really delve into their own moral values of the game and not just adhere to what the game says, but idk the way they always went abt it always rubbed me some type of wrong
i think part of it is bc, when people mention circle mages turning to blood mages and demons and such like that, it was always framed as “ah these evil mages!” and not “[if these are circle mages] most likely their want for freedom pushed them to that”
does that make it right? no, not necessarily! look at uldred from dao! imo, he was wrong! i don’t like the circle and my warden herself has a complicated relationship with it, but i like that you can say “hey! this is wrong!” without legitimate plot-based “but what if it isn’t?”
of course there will always be companions who push for the more chaotic/harsh choices (morrigan is the one i have the most experience with giving me disapproval for being what i think is nice) (still love her tho), but i think dao handled “okay, look at the big picture, and really think abt what hill u want to die on” stance well
and then there’s the way the mage/templar thing is handled in inquisition vis a vis companions. specifically cullen. and, listen, i as a player have a very complicated relationship with cullen and my heros do too lmao. and i really don’t want to get into the nuances of that bc that can 1) turn into a fight i don’t feel like having and 2) can be it’s own discussion, but basically, from my own perspective, he’s a well-written character who makes for a good antag to a mage-siding hawke in da2 bc of how pro-templar/anti-mage he is. again, don’t agree with any of it (honestly da2 alone puts me on the “okay fuck this” level w/ his character), but it does offer an extreme that is interesting to see. origins is more complicated bc in a game not directly stepped in mage/templar and also a game that stems from 6 different origin stories, it’s very easy to be a non-mage and be like “why do i care abt this guy” (if you get what i’m saying? like i got immediately invested in saving the mages bc my first warden was a circle mage so i was very put off by being told to kill all of them, as compared to if i played a non-mage origin and didn’t really have that background knowledge). but overall, origins and da2 puts cullen on the “pro-templars, mages are more dangerous than they are good side.” and then inquisition is where things get interesting!!
and, for a quick ref, i’m very into getting invested in my characters and really figuring out their morals and what they would actually do, or at least think, so dai becomes interesting bc i play as another elven mage who has never stepped foot in a circle and never will. so, bc of that, i play him as naturally more inclined to not initially Think abt cullen’s past like as a templar bc, as a dalish mage, i hc that he does not know what actually goes on in circles (as compared to my warden, a circle mage, and my hawke, an apostate) (but i hc that, overtime, as he has more and more experiences with templars, he becomes more cognizant of that) (but bioware doesn’t give me the option to just dictate everything my camris lavellan is thinking akjsjkdjk)
and dai-cullen, imo, is actually very interesting! and, tbh, i do have to give it to bioware. i feel like i’m abt to say an unironic controversial opinion, and i feel like i’ve already talked abt the nuances of all of this, but i do think dai did well at reworking cullen’s character. however, i feel like that was also done to feed into the grey-ness of the mage/templars. and, imo, i think they almost did well at actually making cullen show regret for how he treated mages. almost. again, i think there’s a lot of nuance! bc we do see him show some type of regret for how he treated a mage!warden (if he said all that shit like “all these people’s blood are on your hands” if u talk abt not wanting to kill innocent mages) and we do see him step away from templar life (that is, if you tell him to stop taking lyrium)
but!!!! there’s One Thing that puts a thorn in this, and it’s that cullen says something along the lines of, “meredith wasn’t all wrong, she had reason” like bitch!!! no matter what side you choose in da2, you fucking fight meredith!!! she’s wanted to kill innocent mages/make them tranquil even before anders blew up the chantry!!! meredith was all wrong!! she was evil!!!!! she was objectively a harmful person!!!!!!!!! bioware really makes this bitch the final boss of da2 and then has the audacity to say “but maybe she wasn’t all bad” in dai like WHERE IS THIS FOR ORSINO??? ORSINO ISN’T ALL BAD, IS HE???????? OH BUT HE IS BC HE RESORTED TO SUDDEN BLOOD MAGIC IN THE LAST TEN MINUTES OF THE GAME, AS COMPARED TO MEREDITH WHO WAS A DANGER FOR THE ENTIRE FINAL ACT and i digress but the fact that bioware is trying to redeem cullen but also showing that he still sympathizes with a woman who 1) turned against the templars and 2) Literally Everything She Did To The Mages always makes me “hmmmm are u really trying tho :/”
also tho one thing i’m actually not the biggest fan of is that cullen is like “oh i knew hawke in passing........ knew varric in passing.............” meanwhile let’s just cut to everything that happened at kirkwall. this is my own opinion bc i see varric as hawke’s #1 but i personally think that at least half of the comraderie varric and cullen sorta-kinda-had in inq was varric testing the waters of “okay what is cullen going to be like if and when hawke shows up”
also tho i will say a hot-take of mine is that if cullen gets to be redeemed by bioware, then i want something for anders, too, but i doubt bioware would do something so clearly pro-mage. but it could be two sides of the extreme! extremist templar gets redemption, extremist mage does, too! come on, bioware, show your grey morality
(again, i think it’s interesting what they did with cullen in dai and does give some sympathetic light but i also do think the reworking of his character was working towards bioware’s moral-greyness agenda with dragon age. not that that’s necessarily a terrible thing, i understand them wanting some nuance, but it’s the way they do it. like, you can show bad templars and bad mages and still not have “but who is really the bad guy? the oppressors or the oppressed? who is it really?”)
(and also just bc i feel like i need to put my own player claim in this, my opinion on cullen is complicated and also i’m gonna be completely forth-right with u, dear anon, i appreciate cullen in inquisition but, as a whole, he can be terrible to ur warden in dao (that’s not me being shifty it literally just depends on the choice you make in broken circle) and in da2 he’s a nightmare, so bioware had to do a lot of legwork in dai) (tbh tho in my personal-player opinion, if i was to ever romance cullen in inq, it’s not gonna be with a mage)
god this got so out of hand anon i’m so sorry you probably didn’t want this messy essay but i just love talking abt dragon age!!! i think abt it a lot and i have five years worth of headcanons and i have a family tree set up for my surana/lavellan bc of some bullshit i pulled and also!!!! bioware’s writing can get so frustrating but i also think it’s so interesting to pull apart and discuss bc i think the bioware has actually shifted from pro-mage (origins) to neutral-mage (da2 kinda) to anti-mage (dai) and i feel like So Many Choices with characters and their plots reveal that!!! so it’s a frustrating agenda but i also just love dragon age so much that i can’t help but get excited and talk abt it!!!
like, as all things, i do believe there are times when grey morality does work, but, at least from a mage-siding perspective, it hasn’t really landed well for dragon age. bc, and i don’t want to drag in real-life scenarios bc i feel like it would be incredibly inappropriate of me to use any oppressed minority as a comparison for a fantasy world, but it’s the age-old thing of people saying the shitty “but the oppressed fight back and therefore they’re just as bad as the oppressors!” and that’s like....... not how it works.
but also you’ve caught me in a wonderful mood so i feel like, if i was in a bad mood, this would be a lot more “and fucking bioware can’t make a goddamn decision on what side they actually support so instead most of the companions are gonna made rude remarks abt you supporting mages and the ones that support you are seen as distrustful and fuck this and fuck that” but i think that is the joy of loving something with you’re whole heart and also saying “there are so many things abt this that piss me off and so many things that i would change”
and also!!!! ik bioware probably killed my warden so like rip electra surana but i would love for the warden to make an appearance in da4 as a temporary companion/advisor. but! but!!!!!! i also don’t know how much i trust bioware with my “elven mage who is alistair’s mistress and preferred the mages and wanted to free the circles and etc etc etc” bc... idk how to explain it? like, i don’t want them taking my warden and putting words in her mouth that go against choices i meticulously made in dao
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Chapters: 3/? Relationships: Female Amell/Female Surana Characters: Female Amell, Female Surana, Anders, Velanna, Nathaniel Howe Additional Tags: Established Relationship Series: Part 2 of void and light, blood and spirit Summary: Amell and Surana are out of the Circle, and are now free to build a life together. But when the prison doors fly open, what do you have in common with the one who was shackled next to you? What do you have in common, save for the chains that bound you both?
Yvanne didn’t remember what she had gone to Amaranthine for, afterward. Somebody had needed something from the city market. Anders, maybe? He’d been there. Loriel hadn’t come, due to some pressing meeting or another, but that was fine. When they’d first straightened things out between them, and for months after that, they’d been joined at the hip, awash with new-old feelings, but that had been then. They were hardly a brand-new couple unable to stand a moment apart now . It should have been fine.
She hadn’t been expecting to see a familiar face.
Yvanne caught sight of Wynne too late to avoid her, and too early to just walk past her. Worse, Wynne had spotted her, too, at almost the same moment.
“Amell,” the old woman said by way of greeting. “How nice to see you well.”
If Loriel had been here she would have smiled pleasantly and talked to Wynne about nothing whatsoever, maybe offered to do her a favor, and the conversation would have ended with everyone feeling a little bit better about themselves. And probably later Yvanne would have made some kind of snotty comment and Loriel might have rolled her eyes, or maybe snickered in guilty agreement, or just put an arm around her waist as she grumbled.
But Loriel wasn’t there, and Yvanne had to face Wynne alone.
“Right,” Yvanne said. “How nice.”
During the Blight, she had resented Wynne’s presence with their group. She had tolerated it only because Loriel had insisted they needed every hand they could get, and anyway Yvanne knew her own skills as a healer were nothing compared to a senior mage’s. Probably they still weren’t—Yvanne had spent less time pursuing spirit healing in the past year than she had on playing at being a swordswoman. And she wasn’t much good at that, either.
Wynne had made a brief overture at rekindling that relationship, an overture which Yvanne was quick to crush. Having had it made abundantly clear to her that Yvanne would not be tolerating her input on anything she did, Wynne had refocused to Loriel. Loriel was a much better student, it was true. She had smiled and nodded and agreed entirely with everything Wynne advised, and then ignored all of it to do what she wanted instead.
Yvanne had hated her so much, for so long.
In her teenage memory Wynne was worse than the Templars. She’d collaborated. She’d made excuses and agreed with their hateful lies and tacitly allowed it all to happen. Yvanne had seen her treat people who’d been beaten, people who’d been whipped, who’d been raped. Seen her saying nothing, like it was alright, like it was fine. She’d hated her complicity, hated her kind voice, hated her patience, hated how she’d tried to be Yvanne’s mother when Yvanne had never had one and had never wanted one, anyway.
She hated that in a weak and watery sort of way, she almost could have loved her.
She hated that looking at her now, just a little older, just a little more tired—Yvanne didn’t hate her anymore.
Where had the hatred gone? She searched for the raw and bleeding center of venom and rage, and yes, it was still there, perhaps it would never go away, but for now it was dormant.  When had it left her, so bereft and without direction? During the Blight, when she’d first sorted things out with Loriel? No. Not then. Not the night after, either, or the one after that. But somehow, little by little, she had changed.
Now when she looked at the old woman, she felt only a vague and piercing sadness and regret that it hadn’t been different.
Before she could stop herself, Yvanne’s lips were moving. “I—uhm. Would you maybe—would you maybe like to get a drink?” she said, hardly believing the words coming out of her mouth. “And you can tell me how you’ve been. And I know you like wine. And the Crown and Lion is nearby.”
Yvanne at least had the satisfaction of catching the old woman off guard. “Well,” Wynne said, “I must say, I wasn’t expecting that. And truth be told, I don’t have much time…” Yvanne’s heart seized with relief and disappointment, “…but perhaps I can make some, for you.”
Her stomach clenched. “Right. Okay.” She glanced round for Anders but he was nowhere to be found. She’d last seen him speaking with an elven woman she didn’t recognize. This, too, brought relief and disappointment. She’d be doing this by herself. “This way, then.”
The Crown and Lion was just loud and crowded enough to disappear in, but still warm and bright to not cloy. They sat. Wynne took wine. Yvanne took something bright blue and caustic that tasted like fire and ice at the same time. It didn’t do much to calm her nerves, but it did seem to do something.
They talked of nearly nothing at all. Wynne asked after Loriel. Yvanne said she was fine. She told her Anders was a Warden now. Wynne asked how he was, in a tone of faint disapproval. Yvanne said he was fine, too. She mentioned about Oghren also being a Warden now. How nice that was, Wynne said, sounding almost but not quite sincere.
And it was utterly vacuous, and very nearly not so horrible, until Wynne seemed to forget completely who she was speaking to.
“Have you considered at all,” Wynne said, “returning to the Circle?”
At first Yvanne didn’t understand her. Surely nobody could say something so insane on purpose. “What? No. Why in the void would I do that?”
“To help rebuild,” Wynne said. “After what happened, things are—well, not ideal. Every pair of talented hands helps.”
“I’ll kill myself before I ever go back to a Circle,” Yvanne said, and drank the rest of whatever was in her mug.
“I see,” Wynne said crisply. “Well, I suppose not everything can change at once.”
“It won’t change at all,” Yvanne said. “Ever.”
“Of course you think so now, dear. No matter. I’ve said my piece.”
A number of responses sprung to Yvanne’s mind, each more awful than the last. She rose slightly to spit out one or the other, the motion coming as easily as breathing, but at just as soon, they died on her lips. She thought about relating the whole incident to Loriel later, and how disappointed she’d be, how she’d pretend that she wasn’t but still sigh and look away from her.
“Fine,” Yvanne bit out instead. “It doesn’t matter.”
Wynne sensed that the truce was coming to its natural conclusion. “But as I said,” she said, “I don’t have very much time. I am on my way to Cumberland, for the convening of the College of the Magi, and my colleague is missing.”
“Well! That sounds like a whole lot of none of my business,” Yvanne said cheerily, wondering if she ought to order a third one of whatever it was she’d just drunk.
“On the contrary,” said Wynne, “It is very much your business. You are still a mage, and the legal affairs of mages concern you. The Libertarians are voting to break away from the Chantry entirely.”
Yvanne snorted. “Yeah, I’ll bet they’ll achieve lots that way. Let’s just vote our troubles away! That’ll work!”
“If the vote goes through, we may have a disaster on our hands.” Wynne looked steadily at her. “You truly care not at all?”
“I truly care not at all.”
“Then what do you care about, I wonder?”
Yvanne wasn’t about to answer that. “I hope the vote does go through and I hope there is a huge disaster,” she said. “And I’m not a mage, I’m the Warden-Lieutenant. This was a bad idea, and I’m done talking to you now. Goodbye.”
She stood up, rattling the chair so hard that it fell to the flagstones with a clatter. She started to stomp away, but not fast enough.
“Hmph. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. At this rate it’s a matter of when disaster strikes, not if.” Wynne said, ostensibly to herself—but just loud enough.
Yvanne turned. “ What did you say?”
Wynne shook her head. “It was clear to me even during the Blight. If, as you say, you are the Warden-Lieutenant, then Warden you must be—but to be a Warden is to put duty above anything else. Loriel understands duty, but you do not. You have changed very little since you were a child. I had hoped she would be good for you, but you remain as selfish and impulsive as ever. I fear very much what your relationship with Loriel will bring to her, to you, and to everyone around you. Your actions will reflect on all mages, mark my words.”
Yvanne burned. “You’re a horrible mean old woman and you don’t have anything to teach me, and you’re wrong about—about all of that! To the void with you!”
She came away blistering, humiliated, feeling stupid for having ever had a single tender feeling towards Wynne, or the Warden recruits, or anyone, or anything.
“Oh, thank goodness, you’re back, I wanted to—you’re upset. What’s upsetting you?” Loriel stopped up short, tilting her head.
“I’m not upset. Nothing’s upsetting me. Quit worrying.” Yvanne closed the door behind her, tapping her foot. It had been late when she’d come back to the Keep, and she’d gone to her and Loriel’s chambers, expecting to at least be able to sink into a warm bed, but Loriel hadn’t been there. She’d been in the Warden-Commander’s study, her eyes drooping over a scattered bunch of parchments.
Loriel placed her knuckles on her cheek, blinking slowly.
“Alright,” said Yvanne. “I ran into Wynne.”
“Oh. How is she doing?”
“I don’t know. She’s fine. She’s going to some College of the Magi thing in Cumberland, or something.”
Loriel sat up straighter. “They’re convening? Over what?”
“I think the Libertarians are voting to secede from the Chantry. Something like that. Who cares! That’s not the important part.”
“It’s not? Then what’s the important part?” Loriel furrowed her brows. “I would think that an attempt to leave the Chantry would be extremely important.”
Yvanne didn’t seem to have heard her, pacing feverishly. “She said—well, all sorts of things—and she had this expression on her face, like—sure, other people looked at me like that, but Wynne didn’t used to. I hate her! Maker, even when I make an effort, it never matters.”
“But what did she say?”
When disaster strikes, not if—changed very little—selfish, impulsive—
“I don’t really remember,” Yvanne said. She ran out of steam and collapsed at the desk, burying her head in her hands. “It’s not important.”
“Okay,” Loriel agreed. “It’s not important.”
She felt Loriel’s hands on her weary shoulders. “So what is important?”
“What’s important is,” Yvanne said fiercely, “is that I love you.” She lifted her head to kiss her fully. She stood— selfish— she wrapped her arms around her, and she felt so easy and familiar and perfectly correct— what do you care about, I wonder?— Loriel made a hungry noise in the back of her throat,  and she fisted her hands in her hair, hoping somehow to kiss her hard enough to scrub the afternoon's events off her skin.
The door opened. They broke off.
Anders waved. “Sorry to interrupt. I’ve got something sort of important to tell you about.”
The three of them sat in the Warden-Commander’s office, on the floor in a loose circle. The door was locked, barred, spelled shut. Loriel had insisted.
“This could be big,” Yvanne said.
“It could be a big trap,” Loriel said. “Like when we went after Jowan’s phylactery. Remember that?”
“But that ended out alright, didn’t it?”
“All I’m saying is it’s an opportunity,” Anders said.
“Loriel,” Yvanne said, “they might have ours there, too. Anders said they moved the whole cache. If it really is still there…”
“I know. I know, Yvanne.” If she could get Yvanne’s phylactery, her own phylactery, that would be it. The last thread severed. Not total safety, never total, but much closer to it.
She bit her lip. “Maybe…maybe there’s another way. I could write to the Circle, as Warden-Commander. Demand the phylacteries for Warden business. I’m not sure if it’s legal, but it might be. I could look in the codes. Even if it’s not, I have influence…”
“And if they refuse?” Yvanne insisted. “It took the king’s authority to even get Anders recruited. Hell, both his and mine recruitments were carried out over loud objections. They’ll never let you have them.”
“If the Crown supports me, too, then—”
“You know he won’t.”
Loriel fell silent. She did know.
“Look,” said Anders, raising his hands, palms up, “forget I said anything. Don’t worry about it. I’m a big scary mage, you know. Just give me official, Commander-y leave, and I’ll go alone. Anything goes tits-up, it’ll be on me. But if we don’t do it now they might not be there tomorrow.”
“Absolutely not,” Loriel said at once. “I couldn’t possibly allow it.”
“What?” Yvanne said, like she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but also like it was exactly what she expected. “How can you say that? Loriel, if there’s any chance at all—”
“I mean,” Loriel said wearily, “I couldn’t possibly allow him to go alone.” Not so long ago, she would have said that she was doing this for Yvanne, only for Yvanne, and hang the rest of them. And it would have been true. She wished it still was.
She sighed. “No. We go together.”
"I—really? I mean, great!" A smile cracked across his face, bright and sunny and ridiculous. He swept them both up in a grateful hug, then hastily backing off, still smiling. She told him to come back around midnight, and off he went.
"Thank you," Yvanne told her later, so seriously, so earnestly, as though there were anything to be grateful for. As though Yvanne wouldn’t have gone with her friend, even if Loriel had attempted to forbid it. As though she was doing for just for her in the first place.
Her mistake was in not bringing anybody else.
She’d thought about it, very carefully. Oghren almost would have worked, even if that did mean subjecting Loriel to the journey to Amaranthine in the company of Yvanne, Anders, and Oghren all trading jests, trying to out-do each other in overt horribleness. That by itself would have been acceptable, but could the old warrior be trusted to keep quiet about this? She didn’t doubt his loyalty, but supposing he got drunk, and he was always drunk, and let something slip, and something got back to the wrong person, and the whole legitimacy of Loriel’s command fell to shambles as everyone together remembered what she was?
Velanna was a mage herself, and as much at risk as any of them. She couldn’t ask her. Nathaniel Howe, for all his posturing, would follow orders, she was sure of it. But he was a human nobleman, or he had been. He knew the Chant. She had no reason to believe he didn’t believe it was all true, all the parts about magic.  What would he think of his Commander, if he found out she was willing to defy the Chantry, to shake off that yoke? No, she couldn’t trust him.
She could have trusted Sigrun—what did casteless dwarves care for surface mores about magic?—but Loriel hated to put the Legionnaire in any danger, when she was so void-bent on throwing herself into it all of the time. Of all the new recruits, she liked her best. Grey Warden duties were one thing, but this desperate attempt on the phylacteries was base fear, pure vanity. She couldn’t justify it. She couldn’t ask a good woman to do this for her. Not even for all three of them.
And so foolishly, they had gone alone.
They’d expected guards. When there weren’t any, Loriel should have known to turn everyone around. But she hadn’t.
Because she’d wanted the damn phylacteries. For herself. For Yvanne, too, and for Anders, but also for herself. It frightened her, how much she wanted it. She shouldn’t have wanted it, not this much.
The door wasn’t even locked. It had been so obvious.
The warehouse was dark inside. Yvanne lit a spirit-light, casting the space in a greenish hue, though it did not quite reach the corners. The wisp hovered in place, keeping near Yvanne like a child to its mother.
Loriel was thrown back to the day after her Harrowing. How afraid she’d been, how horrified. Had she been afraid? She must have been…but when she thought back to that journey, she found that she could hardly remember it. Only a few snatches of speech, a few fragmented images. She had been outside herself, a prisoner within herself watching events unfold against her will.
But she was not a prisoner now. And she was beginning to remember…
Loriel gripped her staff and gestured them forward to the next room, where the phylacteries would be.
But the warehouse was empty. Of course it was.
A heavy door slammed shut behind them.
A mundane orange light joined the ghostly green. There were heavy booted footsteps, the clank of plate armor.
“Stop right there.”
Loriel stopped. She turned. She adopted a pleasant smile.
“Ser Rylock,” she said, not missing a beat. “Should you not return to your post at Kinloch? Surely they will be needing your help with the rebuilding.”
Rylock’s hawkish gaze pierced her, but only for a moment. She looked through her, not at her. Loriel was an afterthought. “Warden-Commander,” she said by way of greeting, and nobody could miss the sardonic note in the way she spoke the title. “How unfortunate it is to see you. There is some unpleasant business my men and I must complete.”
Anders said something flippant, something rude. Loriel ignored it. This would be delicate.
“If this has anything to do with one of my men,” she said evenly, “then I am afraid the position of the Crown is against you. These Wardens are entirely under my jurisdiction.”
“As though your jurisdiction could mean anything,” said Rylock, and she said it not unkindly. She said it as though it was a mere fact of life, that Loriel was perhaps too dim to fully grasp. “In this, Chantry law supersedes that of the Crown.”
Loriel opened her mouth to say something else, but Rylock was through with talking.
Two Templars against three mages. No fair contest at all.
The first Smite was enough. It boiled the lyrium in her veins, set it flaming and freezing at once.  Loriel had never experienced it before. She lost awareness of everything but her body, all the magic ripped out of it. If Yvanne screamed, she didn’t hear her. She did not remember falling, but her cheek ground against the dirt floor, her shoulders trembling, no air in her lungs.
And that was it. Total incapacitation. Even if Loriel could have moved or thought fast enough through the haze of breathless pain, she had no mana, and neither did Yvanne, neither did Anders—he was as good as dead, and there was no telling what would happen to Yvanne.
She struggled to cast a spell, any spell, but it was like drawing water from a stone. She was cut off from the Fade.
How easy it was for them, how almost thoughtless. Why even wear armor? Just for show? They didn’t need it. Loriel was the greatest entropy mage Kinloch had seen in generations, the Hero of Ferelden, the Warden-Commander, the Arlessa of Amaranthine, and all of that was so much debris in a ditch. Right now she was an uppity robe who’d gotten above herself, being put back in her place. What did it matter, Commander? What did it matter, Arlessa? She was still just a mage.
One of the Templars stepped closer to her, nudging her with the side of his sabaton. She couldn’t see his face, but he’d drawn his sword. The naked blade was within her reach.
She thought fast, and acted faster. She grasped the blade hard. It bit into her skin—pain shot through her, bright and blooming and wonderfully welcome. They’d cut her from the Fade, but not from herself, not from her own native power.
With a thought, the man’s blood was boiling in his veins. He jerked, his blade cutting deeper into Loriel’s hand—unfortunate, how unfortunate for him, now all three of them were in her control, now all three of them were boiling in their blood.
They did not even scream, for they had not the control over their bodies to produce a scream. They were frozen place, helpless.
She lay in the dirt for a moment, all her concentration bent upon maintaining the spell. She forced herself to sit, then stand.
They stood there, twitching. She could feel them struggling against her, but any move they made would only hurt them worse. If their faces were contorted in pain, it was hidden by their helmets. But they were still alive.
It would need a deeper cut, less clumsy this time. Now, with the Smite beginning to wear off, Loriel’s hands were steady. This time the blood flowed smoothly, drip drip dripping on the dirt. This time she would have power enough.
She extended a hand, and crushed it into a fist. Three hearts collapsed at once, then three metal-shod bodies hit the ground. She felt them die when her control relinquished.
The Wardens, the former wards, were alone in the warehouse.
They were safe.
Loriel turned woozily to her companions. Yvanne seemed to be alright, although for some reason she couldn't quite see her face clearly. She hadn't been thinking of at all of her—or Anders—a moment ago when she'd been helpless on the dirt floor. She made a note to feel guilty about it later, when she didn't feel quite so lightheaded.
“I’m sorry you had to see that,” she meant to say, but somehow it came out as “M’sor…seethe…”
The world seemed to spin chaotically. Somehow she was on the ground again, but this time someone’s arms were around her. They looked awfully blurry, but Loriel would know Yvanne’s touch anywhere.
“Oh, Maker, you’re so pale…can you hear me? Loriel, love? I don’t have any lyrium on me—fuck, that was so much blood…”
“Here, I’ve got some.” The other voice. A moment later, the cool-water feeling of a healing spell. She shuddered. Pure spirit magic always felt strange to her.
Loriel’s heart still beat against her ribs like a caged bird, but things didn’t seem so blurry now. “I’m alright,” she assured. “We…we’ve got to get out of here. Now.” She tried to struggle up, and couldn’t quite make it. Yvanne lifted her, looping an arm around her waist, her fingers digging into her side. The Smite must have still been affecting her. Normally she was easily strong enough to take Loriel’s entire weight.
“Wait. We can’t leave. What are we going to do with the bodies?” Yvanne said. “Anyone would be able to tell it was blood magic.”
“Leave them to rot and whistle innocently anytime we pass by some guards?” Anders suggested.
Loriel said, “I know a spell…”
“Don’t you dare!” Yvanne said. “You’re already—” But before she could finish Loriel was murmuring an incantation. The bodies disintegrated within seconds, leaving bleached skeletons lost in their armor. Then even the bones turned to dust. Rust ate the armor, and that too collapsed into a reddish dust. An unnatural indoor wind blew, and even the dust scattered. No evidence that anyone had ever lived and died in this room remained. Loriel hadn’t become the best student of entropy magic in a hundred years for nothing.
Anders looked like he might be sick. “Alright,” he said. “ Now let’s get out of here.”
They hobbled out into the cool night air.
Loriel didn’t make it far. She had to call a halt halfway out the city, for which Yvanne seemed grateful.
“So that was a wash,” said Anders.
Yvanne didn’t reply. Loriel was pressed against her chest.
“Got rid of Rylock,” Loriel managed. Not quite a complete sentence yet, but getting closer.
“Hah. That’s definitely true.” Anders was looking at her, his expression carefully guarded. He chuckled. “Well, how about that. Little Loriel Surana, a blood mage? Now I’ve seen everything.”
“Oh, you haven’t seen the half of it,” Yvanne said with artificial lightness. “You should hear about the old hermit we met in the Brecilian forest. Poet-trees weren’t the half of that place.  Ask Oghren, he’ll tell you.”
They chuckled, but weakly, and not for long.
“I’ll, uhm, check the perimeter, in case anyone…just in case. Yeah.” Anders gestured vaguely behind him with his thumb. “Rest up, Commander. I’ll be right back.”
She wanted to speak up and tell him not to go alone, that it could be dangerous, but somehow he seemed to move very fast. Or maybe she was being very slow. She let him go and let her eyes slide closed for a little while, listening to the steady beat of Yvanne’s heart.
“Yvanne, listen…”
“Yeah?” She brushed a sweaty piece of hair away from her forehead.
Loriel swallowed. “It…it was irresponsible of me to refuse to teach you blood magic. What happened at the warehouse—it can’t ever happen again. You should be able to defend yourself against a Templar, even if it means....oh, Maker, I feel so stupid. If you still want to learn, I’ll teach you, right away.”
“You aren’t stupid,” Yvanne said. “We’ll talk about this back at the Keep.”
Anders came back not long after that, suggesting they get out of the city. Loriel staggered up, leaning heavily on Yvanne, but managed to keep her footing. Anders gave her a reassuring grin and a thumbs-up.
It was then that Loriel managed to place that strange expression Anders had been wearing as he’d looked at her in the warehouse. It had been fear. Naked fear.
Loriel wrote to the Circle with a request. They responded. Loriel wrote to them again, and to Weisshaupt, and to Denerim, with ever more official-looking seals and signatures at the bottom of the parchment. They responded again. Loriel wrote back a third time, suggesting that she would pay a personal visit back to Kinloch—purely for personal reasons, of course, to see how the rebuilding was going, see some old friendly faces. And also to see if perhaps anybody else would like to be recruited into the Grey Wardens there, as she was after all the Warden-Commander, and retained the Rite of Conscription, and surely there would be many willing recruits among Kinloch’s survivors…
They sent her the phylacteries. Loriel agreeably cancelled her planned visit.
They came in a mahogany box, secured to the fabric padding with twine, lest they break. They were delivered by a Templar that Loriel didn’t recognize, who must have been new. She smiled pleasantly as he completed his delivery. He did not smile back, and forgot to salute her before departing.
She took the mahogany box to her office. Yvanne was already waiting. Anders turned up shortly after. Loriel locked the door, and barred it, and spelled it shut. Then she opened the box, and there they were. Three little glass vials, belonging to the mages of the Grey Wardens of Ferelden, neatly labelled for the Commander’s convenience. Loriel took hers out, watching her own blood slosh around inside the crystal. Strange to see it still red and living, nearly fifteen years after they had taken it from her.
Then she handed Yvanne hers, and Anders his. She wondered if maybe she should have made a bigger deal of it. Lit some candles. Arranged for some chanting.
But no. It was just three mostly-grown mages, alone in a quiet room, bizarrely afraid to do something they’d dreamed of doing for years.
“On three, then?” Yvanne finally suggested.
“On three,” Loriel agreed.
They counted together. One. Two. Three.
All three phylacteries smashed on the stone floor. There was hardly any blood at all, between the three of them. I’ll have to clean this up, Loriel thought. The glass was easy, but blood would stain the old stones. But then, she was a blood mage now, wasn’t she? It ought to be easy for her.
Maybe she’d just cover the stain with a new rug.
“That’s that, then,” Anders said with relief. “It’s really over.”
“Yep,” said Yvanne, popping the ‘p.’
“Makes me feel rather silly about the whole bit with the warehouse, really.”
“Don’t,” said Loriel. “The important thing is it’s over.”
They kept staring at the bloodstain. Loriel reached out to take Yvanne’s hand. She grasped back fiercely, and her other hand came up to squeeze Anders’ shoulder. They stayed like that for a while.
Then Anders shook Yvanne off. “Well,” he said, “I’m off towards the rest of my life, I suppose. I’ll see you two at dinner.”
And it was just the two of them.
Yvanne drew Loriel close, but it was not as lovers drew each other close. She drew her close as a child draws her friend close in the dark, when one of them has awoken from a nightmare and is not yet quite convinced it was only a dream.
“That’s it, then,” Yvanne said into her hair.
“That’s it,” Loriel murmured against her collarbone.
They stood like that for a long time, until Yvanne whispered, “What are we going to do now?”
“We’re going to live our lives,” said Loriel, and the future opened wide, yawning and expansive, sure to swallow her whole.
The bloodstain never did come out of the flagstones.
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darlingrutherford · 5 years
87 from 100 prompts of fluff for a pairing of your choice? 😊
@johaeryslavellan​ Thank you so much for the prompt!! I love this one, it’s so cute. I chose Alistair/Lana because it just sounded so much like something Alistair would say out of any of the others. Enjoy!
100 Parts of Fluff (Part 2)
87. “What? Sorry–I didn’t hear you. I was too busy getting lost in your eyes… Ow! What?! I was just trying to seduce you!”
Alistair Theirin/Lana Surana
Three days. It had been three. Whole. Days. In the past, Alistair wouldn't have batted an eye to retire to his tent alone and wake up as such - as, he assumed, many wardens did as well. Most of his life had been just that, what was another two nights? But then Duncan had conscripted Lana, beautiful, amazing Lana, who had become - after months of diligence and bucket loads of terrible jokes on his part - his beautiful, amazing, sexy girlfriend. Their love had bloomed quickly, having known one another so well by the time they finally admitted their feelings, and although they had been intimate many times before at this point, it wasn't unusual for them to set up their tents separately, only to retire together once the moon had risen and things had quieted down. Then Alistair had gone and opened his mouth.
It had started as a joke. Truth be told, Alistair had found it hilarious at first. He had first learned about her irrational fear of earwigs not one month into their travels together when she awoke one morning with one such bug on her pillow. Her scream had awoken both him and Morrigan, and Alistair couldn't let that fade. So, three days ago when Alistair had observed a small bit of pine fall into her braid and watched her try to pick it out, his teeth missed his tongue with a wide grin as he let the words fall from his lips:
“Want me to get that earwig for you, my dear?”
Needless to say, when the paralyzed fear and not-so-quiet whispers of, ‘Get it out! Get it out!’ had faded and Alistair had finally removed the bit of pine from her hair, pinching it between his fingertips and laughing so hard that tears were shed, she had not been amused. The first night he supposed he deserved the solitude; let a night of celibacy be his penance; he was still sure it was worth it. The second night he felt like a scolded mabari wishing for attention as he realized she was staying in her tent. The third day had rolled around, and he found himself somewhat distraught. Her mood was akin to the previous days: cool; annoyed; a mist of stubbornness oozing from her that kept her quiet around him. He really knew she was upset by the way she spent all her time around Morrigan, though, knowing he would want to avoid the swamp witch and her ill-tempered tongue if possible.
The moon had risen, tents placed, a fire made. He found himself swallowing as he glanced from across the blaze at Lana where she sat playing cards with the maleficar herself. He couldn't go another night without her sleeping in his arms, without waking up with her stroking his hair - if he was being completely honest, he really, really wanted to say sorry in the way she would appreciate most, and that required getting her into one of their tents. If she wanted to be stubborn and stay mad at him, well, perhaps he could tempt her to sway in his favor.
“Ah, I see the ruffian has come for another round of disappointment.” Alistair hated it when Morrigan talked. Truly, really, hated it. 
“I do love disappointment,” Alistair said in a chipper tone. He was determined not to fight with Morrigan, no matter her angle. His focus had to stay on Lana for this to work. He plopped down between the two of them, ignoring the sigh from Morrigan as Lana continued to stare at her cards.
“She's not interested in conversing with you. I cannot blame her,” Morrigan chided. “The way you conduct yourself amongst adults is childish at best.”
“Yes, well… Would a child be appreciative of how incredibly gorgeous our best Warden is?” Alistair grinned from ear to ear as he leaned his arm against his knee. “I was just saying to Wynne - have you ever seen such a perfect nose?”
“You did not say that to Wynne,” Lana muttered, calling his bluff. Alistair gasped in mock offense. 
“I did so! Just ask - well… May the Maker strike me with lightning if I'm lying!” Alistair gave a quick look to the sky, crouching into himself for a moment before straightening triumphantly.
“Be careful what you wish for,” Morrigan said. Alistair bit down on his tongue hard, focusing where it mattered.
“You're right,” he sighed in defeat. “I didn't talk to Wynne about your nose… I was talking to Zevran about your bottom. I know! I'm sorry! He brought it up, if that gets me off the hook at all…”
“Are you quite finished?” Morrigan huffed in annoyance. She narrowed her eyes at Lana as she choked down a laugh, as if the very sound had admitted her defeat.
“No, never, I'm afraid,” Alistair said. He paused for a moment as Lana moved a card from her hand into the pile between her and Morrigan. Then, he leaned leaned back to balance on his hands, sighing loudly as he looked her over. “Maker, but you are so beautiful. Isn't she, Morrigan? Positively the most adorable little elf you've ever seen in your entire life?”
“I am not getting roped into helping you salvage your poor excuse for a -”
“Yes. The correct answer was ‘yes’,” Alistair sighed. He grinned as Lana continued staring at her cards, the tips of her ears red as she tried to control her reaction. He forced his grin into a more salacious look, his eyebrow cocked as he leaned closer towards her ear. “The truth is… I want to apologize, but… I'm afraid you'll have everyone awake by the time my tongue is finished.”
“Alistair!” Lana's eyes were wide, staring straight at him as Morrigan made a sickly sound. “You can't just - she's right th - I mean, the idea that - are you listening to me?!”
“Hm?” Alistair had been smiling dreamily at her throughout her outburst, seemingly unfazed by her embarrassment. She was adorable when she was flustered. “Sorry, my dear, I didn't hear you. I was too busy getting lost in your eyes… Ow! I was just trying to seduce you!”
Alistair rubbed his arm where Lana had pinched him. Maker, apparently he needed to wear his armor at camp.
“Why would you think talking about - about that, in front of Morrigan, would seduce me?!”
“Well… Your face is rather red right now,” he pointed out. Lana made a grumbling noise as she shuffled around the cards in her hand. She picked at the corner of one for a moment before looking back up at Alistair.
“What did you mean, by the time your tongue is finished?”
Morrigan let out a loud sigh of disgust as she grabbed the cards from Lana's hand, then the pile on the ground before getting up and walking away. Alistair quietly celebrated in his mind - it was the little things in life, after all. He smirked as he scooted closer until his knee was touching hers. 
“Oh, I'm willing to do what it takes… as long as it takes, to see the errors of my ways…” Alistair dared to place a hand on her thigh, his finger gently rubbing circles on the inside of her pant leg. 
“I'm sure this is only because you feel incredibly bad about what you did and nothing to do with the fact that you've had nothing but your hand for company the past two nights?” She asked. Alistair held back a laugh; she had meant it as her last hold on her grudge, but he could hear the needy sigh behind her words.
“Absolutely. One hundred and ten percent. Although, technically, you were alone too with only your hand -”
“Don't push it.”
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mistresstrevelyan · 6 years
Dragon Age Questions
I wasn’t tagged but I wanna!
01) Favourite game of the series?
DAI. No contest. That game saved my life after getting out of a toxic relationship.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
Been a BW fangirl ever since the olden Baldur’s Gate days.
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
Too many to count. Doing a replay right now.
04) Favourite race to play as?
While I love the elven backgrounds, all of my main OCs are human ladies.
05) Favourite class?
In DAO: Rogue. In DAII: Mage. In DAI: All equally!
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
Same decisions each time on Main.
07) Go-to adventuring group?
DAO: Leliana, Alistair, Zevran pre Landsmeet, after the Landsmeet: Loghain, Leliana, Morrigan
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Rhiannon Cousland. While both Desideria and Drusilla are extremely dear to me, Rhia wins by default. She’s been with me for nearly 20 years now (She was originally my Imperial Canon Nerevarine in TES: Morrowind) and I’m STILL adding and discovering nuances.
09) Favourite romance?
LOGHAIN! *Coughs* Okay.
DAO: Zevran
DAII: Merrill
DAI: Blackwall/Solas
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
I peeked into the Gaider series bc of King Maric (And having heard that he mentions Loghain) but I am not interested in King Alistair.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
I only read the first two and dropped Asunder mid book. TME isn’t Canon in my ‘verse. The Calling is better than TST, esp. Maric & Loghain acting like an old married couple. Though it infuriates me that so much material that makes Loghain’s behavior at Ostagar (Distrust of Wardens, tactical retreat etc.) is buried in material 90% of the players will never read.
12) Favourite DLCs?
Trespasser. Bar none.
13) Things that annoy you.
The Alistair favoritism in DAO. To the point that Alistair still acts like a king when he’s not and the companions don’t react to his exile or frigging EXECUTION. The sexism towards Queen Anora. The sea of bugs that is Awakening. The size of some DAI maps and their emptiness. The gift system in DAO. 
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
15) Templars or mages?
Mages. Drusilla Trevelyan goes for Templars of the Just while the other half of her party goes to Redcliffe but I myself love the mages.
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I did a few AUs with Rhia. Stardew Valley. Pillars of Eternity. Baldur’s Gate. A DA AU with @thecrownedserpent‘s lovely Hadiza Trevelyan as Inquisitor & Rhia as HoF. I am playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker with Desideria (Hawke) atm. The other origins exist in the Rhia ‘verse. Morgana Lyonesse Amell tutors Connor and eventually marries Bann Teagan. Tara Surana is the party’s main healer (Wynne came along though) and eventually marries Fergus Cousland. She reigns as Teyrna and occupies a seat in the Landsmeet. Myrna Tabris is the Hero of the Alienage and became Bann of the Alienage. Eluned Mahariel is Dalish ambassador at Queen Anora’s court. She later becomes Arlessa of Denerim, Chancellor and Queen Consort. Livia Aeducan becomes Livia Cadash after  being exiled and becomes a trader at Skyhold. Astya Brosca becomes King Bhelen’s sister in law and thus moves up from Duster to one of Orzammar’s highly sought marriage prospects. She rejects them all and stays with Leske. Unmarried. It’s quite the scandal!
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Rhia’s mabari is named Gorion and Desideria’s mabari is called Styx. Drusilla Trevelyan has a black war horse, a mare named Ruffian. 
18) Have you installed any mods?
Way too many.
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
Absolutely not.
20) Hawke’s personality?
Mainly blue and red with a dash of Purple. Desideria 
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
Rhia: Get out of bed sooner that night at Highever. Gorion had been barking for a while. She may have been able to save Oriana and Oren then.
Desideria: Save her mother in time. Distract that ogre to save Bethany.
Drusilla: Talk to Solas after the loss of the orb
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Way too many to list them all!
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
Not really, no. Though I drew a lot of inspiration from Empress Elisabeth of Austria for Rhia.
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
Stroud bc Loghain is topside leading the siege with Cullen and Alistair is Warden Constable at the Vigil.
26) Favourite mount?
I don’t use them a lot but THE PURPLE NUG!
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red-wardens · 6 years
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
Blue Surana:
Blue is my first OC ever in any fandom so she’s very near and dear to me. She was from when I first played Origins and was micromanaging with guides (like 6 Wiki tabs open) every steps of the way. She was “perfect” and “overpowered” in the amount of people she was able to save and the things she was able to do and somehow figure out, but still socially inept (like me irl..) with her relationships (luckily I had DLC gifts to buy everyone’s affections). She was remarkable capable as an Arcane Warrior/Spirit Healer/Battle Mage but still  awkward, quiet, detached from everything (in the end she ended up alone because Alistair broke off their very brief romance). When I left gaming for a while then came back, I started head-canoning stuff for her. A lot. 
That’s when I realized she reminded me of someone important to me. A non blood-related cousin still in his teenage years. He’s high-functioning autistic and just..one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. He doesn’t talk much but does well in school and athletics. A lot of inspiration of Blue when I was getting her “Tumblr ready” came from him. She’s her own person now and someone I do actual research for sometimes to get her correct, and she still stumps me. Which is what I love about her. I feel like she’s my OC who most shows/tells me who they are rather than the other way around. I’m still figuring her out.
Isseya Mahariel:
I have a crush on her. Hands down. While Blue was capable and quiet, she cared what people thought about her. She wanted to do the right thing to please everyone, or as many people as she could, and she usually succeeded. Isseya doesn’t give a fuck. She’s self-reliant, efficient, and she gets the job she thinks should get done the way she thinks is best to do it. Lazer focus, fiery temper, but resolute, strong in her beliefs and her self confidence. She’s a hero people write stories about. She could step on me and I’d thank her. Isseya is definitely not perfect, she’s prideful, impatient, slow to form bonds and cut ties quickly, and honestly, yeah she’s a bitch. But she’s good at what she does, embracing Warden Commander and Arlessa life and adapting quickly to succeed in both (in kind of a ruthless way but still). A contrast to my Surana who walked away from both roles. 
Alyss Amell:
My third and final play-through of Dragon Age Origins (for now) and I realized I wanted to shake things up. My Surana and Mahariel both are arguably great heroes. They can hold their own in battle and make tough decisions. I wanted to try something a little closer to home. Alyss was the OC I was sure no one would like but me. She’s not the hero type at all. Soft, cowardly, cries easily, a terrible offensive fighter. She has a good heart but makes bad choices based off of fear or other emotions. She made deals with demons to learn blood magic, she took sides (werewolves over elves) when she could have saved everyone if she had more confidence, and she could never speak up (even to ask Alistair to do the Dark Ritual). Her only Redemption was in death when she slayed the archdemon (Alistair did most of the work but she dealt the final blow). She wanted her life to mean something even if she was such a screw up. 
 When I started writing my Multi Warden AU the first thing I was happy to do was save her. After Origins, if given the chance to live, she grows so much. More than any other of my OC’s she has the most character growth between Origins and Inquisition in both skill and personality. I’m really proud of her. 
Kieran Tabris:
Ah my angry son. He was the first of the 4 Warden Companions I made for my Multi-Warden AU and my first male OC. He originally was based off a mix of two guys I’ve known closely and his general description was “idiotic, self-important asshole. He’s really pretty and loves himself and fighting things”. He’s actually stayed fairly close to his original character, but as he kind of deepened into his own person (and people were really receptive to him. He’s probably my most popular OC) I grew such a soft spot for him and his struggle to learn Common Tongue, his love for his mother, his almost desperate effort to connect with people as friends and his inability (or so he thinks/so i thought) to be more than friends (a lot of my love for him comes from his relationship with @dickeybbqpit​ Darrian Tabris). 
Ronan Aeducan:
Shortly into starting to plot out my Multi-Warden AU I noticed something… They were all a bunch of kids. Blue was 18, Isseya was 19, even Alyss was only 21 (now that I’m 24 I realize how young that still is). I needed someone to be like a “big brother”, a “Wise mentor”, a “voice of reason” to these disaster children. And then 27 year-old Ronan was just like “…nah”. He took up a personality of his own: detached, unmotivated, capable but uninterested in dealing with things. He will rise to the occasion when he absolutely has to but most of the time just hangs back and tells everyone they need to chill (which they do). I respect that. Also he understands Blue Surana better than anyone (probably better than me) and can speak for her and take care of her. I love him for that. 
Nora Brosca:
I’m honestly really biased towards mages, then elves. So it’s not what she is but who she is that draws me in. Nora is just so full of jokes, and laughter, and will to live despite everything that’s happened to her. All of the Origins are pretty sad/tragic, and most of my Wardens carry it with them. But she doesn’t. She only looks forward and I like that.
Cassian Cousland:
I may have mentioned before that Cassian was built last to fill in where my other OC’s were lacking. But then he just became such a good guy on his own merits (and a good boyfriend to other OC’s) that I just became enchanted with him too. Some people have lamented to me that they wish he was bi because he’d be so sweet to their female OC’s or that their female OC has a crush on him anyways, and honestly, same. I started feeling towards him what me and my female Inquisitor felt towards Dorian Pavus when we first met him. A wistful *sigh* “if only…”Then that’s when I knew I wrote a good character if he’s so likeable even I sigh that I can’t have him. But like Dorian Pavus, he remains completely strictly gay and perfect just the way he is :)
MultiMuse Asks
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paperiahma · 7 years
Inquisitor Surana - a brief summary
After seeing the positive response in dragonageconfessions, I decided to make this quick summary how my headcanon for my Inquisitor Surana works. Mostly it’s to clarify the events in Origins and how they tie into Inquisition. There are also a few points I make about the events in Inquisition. In short, here is an AU where a human mage Iren Amell becomes the Warden while his friend, an elven mage Feralsha Surana, ends up as the Inquisitor. 
If someone is curios about details - any details - feel free to message me. Seriously, you can ask me about her spell preferences or what she looks like or hell, what her favourite food is. I guarantee you, I will be overjoyed to reply. 
Thank you again, for all you lovely people who responded so well this little AU^^
*Was born to two elven servants and taken away when her magical abilities awaken at the age of five. Two of the three templars were quite rough and cold, but the third one spoke to her kindly and comforted her all the way from Highever to the Circle.
 *A shy child, she kept mostly to herself and studied magic with enthusiasm and deep fascination. However, it was soon made clear how closely she was being watched and she was terrified of making mistakes. Once she was practicing a fire spell on her own and burnt her hands. Too scared to tell anyone, she hid in the library until an older mage found her and healed the burns. That was her first proper talk with Irving who took her to his office to talk about magic and balance and how one must sometimes fail before seeing how to do things right.
 *As a quiet, brilliant child, Feralsha was easy to walk over so she had a hard time making any friends and she was picked on by some bullies. However, another apprentice, a couple of years her senior, defended her and took her under his wing. This apprentice was Iren Amell, another child genius.
 *Soon after, the dynamic duo became the three magical musketeers as they met and befriended Jowan.
 *The three of them were inseparable, even when both Feralsha and Iren became apprentices to the First Enchanter himself. The boys, especially Iren, would often come up with all sorts of wild ideas and pranks and Feralsha was dragged along. She did always laugh with them about it all afterwards, but she also reined them in every now and then, keeping them from crossing the line. As a mastermind behind most of the plan, Iren always came up with a lie or another trick to keep the softer Feralsha out of trouble.
 *Iren was always confident, charismatic and incredibly witty. Quite a few apprentices, including Feralsha, had a crush on him at one point or another. Feralsha’s teenage crush lasted only a little while before those feelings changed into sister’s love.
 *After getting used to the templars, Feralsha often made an effort to talk with them and learned who would return her friendliness and who wouldn’t. She always made a point to at least politely greet them as she walked by. Soon she befriended one of the younger recruits, Cullen.
 *Feralsha’s Harrowing was merely hours apart from Iren’s. Like him, she met a Pride demon in her test. It might seem quite odd for many who knew her as a humble and sweet young woman who never bragged. But there was always hidden pride within her and Feralsha was often (perhaps needlessly) worried she’d let it take over and do something foolish.
 *She and Iren helped Jowan to destroy his phylactery but when they were caught by the templars, Iren pushed her away from him and Jowan and yelled at her for “slowing them down by trying to stop them”, hoping his lie would save her from the fall. Struck numb by this, she never found the words to protest before everything escalated. As Jowan attacked, she was devastated, as she was losing both of her brothers. Jowan ran, Iren was taken away by the Grey Warden Duncan and she was left alone.
 (Trivia worth mentioning: my friend headcanons Iren as Duncan’s son. Duncan knows about this but he never gets the chance to talk to Iren about it. Iren, however, later figures it out on his own. This whole idea sparked when my friend noticed how she had accidentally made Iren look a lot like Duncan.)
 *Feralsha did tell Irving the truth about her involvement later but he knew of it already. However, he understood her reasons and even though he was disappointed, he never told anyone else about the truth. When Wynne returned to the Circle with news of Ostagar, Feralsha’s heart was shattered. She spent most of the following weeks in isolation, eating little and only talking with Irving or Cullen and not much to them either. When she wasn’t mourning, she was distracting herself with studies.
 *When the Circle was attacked, Feralsha’s every instinct told her to run and find safety. She was not a great brave fighter and had no stomach for violence. However, knowing that both Irving (her mentor and only parental figure) and Cullen (her last dear friend) were exactly where all the abominations were coming from, she couldn’t make herself to leave. So she fought her way forward, saving a couple of injured templars and mages in the process, though refusing to flee with them. Eventually she encountered the Sloth demon standing over Niall and was pulled into the Fade.
 *Feralsha’s Fade trap was once again created by a Pride. She saw a dream of a reformed Circle with her as its First Enchanter. The Circle was independent, safe environment for all. Iren was there in a shimmering silver and blue uniform of the Wardens, happy and healthy. Jowan was there free and smiling with Lily, who was pregnant. Cullen was the new knight-commander of the templars who remained in the Circle with lesser authority and worked together with mages instead above them. She escaped the trap, found Niall and began exploring the Fade islands.
 *Around the same time in the waking world, Iren encountered the Sloth demon and ended up in the Fade, too.
 *Though terrified to the core, Feralsha did manage to find two new shapes before Iren found her. He wasn’t in a shimmering uniform, he didn’t come with good news and he looked quite weary and thin. But he was alive and ready to fight and Feralsha was overwhelmingly relieved to see him. Just Iren’s presence was enough to convince her all was going to turn out fine, somehow. Together they found their ways through the Fade, rescued Iren’s companions and escaped the Fade with Nial’s dying wish.
 *Meeting Cullen was shocking on many levels. Seeing him so utterly pained and broken was already enough to make Feralsha kneel in front of the magical cage in an effort to comfort him. But his pained confession of his affection for her and the new hate towards mages cut like poisoned daggers. In the end, Feralsha didn’t say much at the time. Too tired from fighting and hurting too much for his sake, she didn’t know if she could in any way make things better. She had loved Cullen as a very dear friend for a long time but knew it was unlikely she’d ever get him back like that.
 *In the final battle against Uldred, Feralsha stood with Iren and managed to save First Enchanter Irving and the rest of the mages, much to their relief. Afterwards, as the dust settled and Wynne requested a leave to travel with Iren, Feralsha did the same. Part of her wanted to stay to rebuild her home and make sure Irving and Cullen would recover. But at the same time she knew Iren would be in far greater danger and she didn’t want to lose her brother a second time. So she left the Tower with him and followed him all the way to the Archdemon.
 *(As a side note, my friend hasn’t had the chance to play the Awakening, but I’m personally convinced Feralsha remained with Iren during that)
 *During the years after the Blight and its aftermath, Feralsha returned to the Circle. It had gained far more independence, thanks to Iren and King Alistair and as one of the few remaining mages in Ferelden, she wished to give her all to use this opportunity. By this time Cullen had already been sent to Kirkwall before she could have the chance to properly talk to him. She sent a couple of letters but never got a reply.
 *Feralsha traveled Ferelden on small expeditions to study magical sites or old ruins. She made contact with a few dalish clans (including the clan Lavellan) and traded information with their keepers. She climbed the Circle ranks and taught some classes, even tutoring Dagna. During this time her spirit grew stronger and she gained confidence, eventually becoming ready to accept the leading position with an open heart.
 *Soon Irving began training Feralsha to become the First Enchanter after him so she threw herself into her studies once more. Though she was already an expert on many arcane fields of study and adept at history, she began to deepen that knowledge while also studying politics, economics and culture. She did rise to the position just a couple of years before the mage-templar conflict finally reached its breaking point.
 *Despite the war, she looked after her own Circle and its people the best she could. Feralsha wanted the Circles back, but not in the same way as they had been before. She wanted a safe environment for the mages to study where they could also have the main authority and would be allowed the freedom to see their families. She found templars necessary as well, but as guardians, not prison guards. She felt that the concept was sound but the system needed to be thoroughly rebuilt for both sides.
 *When the Conclave was announced, she took part as Ferelden’s First Enchanter. And was the only one to survive.
 *Though a fairly devout Andrastian, Feralsha never claimed to be Andraste’s Herald or “the chosen one”. However, secretly she  wanted to believe some of it. Not that she was Andraste’s equal or that she had the right to speak for Her... but she did want to believe the Maker had chosen her for this. But for the fear of pride and arrogance, she didn’t dare to truly believe so for a time. But when Haven was attacked, her faith that she was chosen for this finally strengthened, because she needed it to. She needed to believe she was chosen. Maybe not a Herald, maybe not a prophet… but a guardian of some sort. Chosen in a way she believed Iren was chosen to be the Hero of Ferelden.
 *Meeting Cullen again was quite jarring, especially considering the long years after their previous encounter. To avoid unnecessary awkwardness, neither of them showed any sign of knowing each other when they were first introduced. Later, when Feralsha went to talk to him, they first remained professional and distant, until finally she admitted she had wondered what had happened to him. They talked for some time, mostly telling about the past years, reassuring there were no hard feelings and both agreed to start again. They had not met in almost ten years and people change a lot in that time, so in truth they barely knew each other. Yet both were glad to see the other healthy and were looking forward to getting to know each other again.
 *Feralsha’s feelings for Cullen slowly grew as she got to know him better. She found small private moments to talk with him more and more often, feeling safe in his presence while also being treated as an equal. By Skyhold the feelings had deepened and the romance finally bloomed on both sides.
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celestialarcadia · 5 years
Dear Chocolatier
This ended up kind of long. I really hope this doesn’t come across as too picky! While I’ve included prompts and general rambling, I can’t predict everything that I’d be interested in--so as long as your idea doesn’t fall under my DNWs, I’ll be happy to read whatever you come up with! This is mostly geared towards fic, since I’m not very good at talking about art, but I’d also be ecstatic about art fills. Full letter under the cut. (Note that I missed nominations, so I was limited to whatever was in the tagset; not all of my favorite relationships in these works are represented.)
What you need to know about me is that most, if not all, of my favorite pairings include some element of opposites attract. I’m not sure that’s the right phrase to use, since it’s often not literal opposites that attract me to a pairing. What I love is when characters have some sort of large difference(s) between them that is impossible to ignore, requires there to be communication between the members of the pairing, and (this is the big one!!) all the members of the relationship love each other in part because of the differences between them as well as recognizing the similarities they have. It’s a bit hard to explain in words, but I hope that helps. To use examples from the pairings I’ve requested: human/elf, human/alien, alien/different alien, human/robot AI, mage/warrior, warrior/diplomat, witch/fairy, angel/demon...I let out a dreamy sigh just typing those out, which should explain how much I love this trope lmao.
I want happy endings. There’s a place for tragedies, but I need to be in a very specific mood to gain satisfaction from them, and right now in my life I can’t really appreciate them much. I generally prefer a “happily ever after”, but “happy for now” is also acceptable (and is more appropriate for several of the pairings on this list). While I enjoy fluff, I’d also be happy with something more dramatic as long as it ultimately has a HEA/HFN. I’ve enjoyed hurt/comfort, but I usually prefer them to be heavy on the comfort.
Regarding smut: I’m fine with or without it. I’m asexual and porn does nothing for me sexually, but I can enjoy erotica, even PWPs, as an exploration of intimacy between characters. (Not necessarily even romantic intimacy--I’ve enjoyed smut about friends with benefits.) Stuff I enjoy in smut: blindfolds; body worship; bondage; cunnilingus; edging; facesitting; femdom/malesub; gentle domination; intercrural; mirror sex; multiple orgasms; mutual masturbation; pegging; praise kink; service topping; vibrators; wax play. And if the scene goes into BDSM territory, aftercare!
However! I am also a very, very big fan of non-sexual intimacy. Kissing, hugging, cuddling, spooning, literal sleeping together, massages, holding hands, words of affirmation...I could go on and on. Love it all. If you headcanon a character in a requested pairing as asexual, go for it!
Special shoutout to characters bathing together (preferably in a very large bathtub or similar body of water). It can easily lead to sex, and I don’t mind if it does, but I almost prefer if it doesn’t cross that line.
General DNW: 24/7 D/s, A/B/O, abuse between characters in requested pairings, ageplay, amnesia, ass to mouth, BDSM society AU, bestiality, bloodplay in settings without magical healing, breathplay, cancer, canon bi character portrayed as straight or gay, canon gay character portrayed as straight or bi, cheating/infidelity by character in a requested pairing, crossovers, daddy/mommy kink, death of a character's parent(s) as a major plot element (references to canon parent death OK but try not to linger too long on it), describing genitals of any kind as "weeping", dub-con, eating disorders, enemas, explicit underage, fake relationship, feederism, fisting, guro, hatesex, humiliation kink, incest, inflation, kidfic (canon kids OK but I'd rather not have a fic centering around them), lactation kink, love triangles, maledom/femsub, necrophilia, nipple clamps, permanent death of a character in a requested pairing, petplay, plots centered around prejudice or -isms, pregnancy, rape/non-con, rape roleplay/consensual non-consent, reader insert, rimming, scat, school-related AU, self-harm, sex in public places, soulmates AU, sounding, spanking, vore, watersports/omorashi, zombies
Some of these fandoms/pairings have more written about them than others. Please don’t take that as an indication that I’ll be disappointed if you pick a pairing or fandom I’ve written less about here--I really will be happy with any of these pairings!
Cinderella Phenomenon
(Psst...this is a free game...consider playing it?)
Delora/Parfait: I didn’t consider this pairing until I saw it in the tagset and now I 100% ship it. Love me a goth witch and pastel fairy couple. I’d like to see them negotiating around the drastically different perceptions of witches and fairies in Angielle. Or maybe something a bit fluffy, like sharing a stolen moment away from the Marchen, or just taking a break from the trials of everyday life.
Pairing-specific DNW: Work set during/after Rumpel’s, Waltz’s, or Fritz’s routes
Lucette Riella Britton/Karma: While I enjoyed the game as a whole, I think Karma’s route was my favorite. For all his eccentricities, Karma recognizes Lucette’s terrible upbringing and how it affected her before the other characters do, and the fact that he’s a prince means that you can get up to some really nice royal intrigue and politics with this pairing. (Also, I wonder--does Karma continue to wear dresses after his curse is broken, just for the fun of it?)
Pairing-specific DNW: Explicit smut (fade-to-black is fine)
Dragon Age
Fandom-specific DNW: Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor sides with templars, rivalmances for DA2 LIs, Cullen as major character
Alistair/Male Surana: Oh, Alistair, my first DA love. Even though he never actually became a templar, he was still trained as one, and I think that could cause some issues in a relationship with a mage. And being an elf mage? Whew. Even though I don’t want something where Alistair becomes king, I’m fine with something where they discuss the possibility of Alistair becoming king, as long as they ultimately decide not to put him on the throne. You could also do something set after DAO/Awakening, where both are active Wardens--maybe they’ve been separated for a few months for Warden-y reasons and they’ve just reunited?
Pairing-specific DNW: Alistair as king, Loghain recruited into Wardens
Fenris/Hawke: Any gender Hawke is fine (I just have m!Fenhawke tagged because it was in the tagset). My Hawke is female, but feel free to write male or nb Hawke; my Hawke is also a mage, because I like the idea of them falling in love despite the tension that causes between them--but if you’d rather write a warrior/rogue Hawke, that’s also good. (If you want to include specific details about my Hawke: she’s named Samantha, specializes in healing, and is mostly purple/joking with a blue/diplomatic streak. I headcanon her as asexual even if it can’t really be replicated in the game. But I’ll be fine with whatever Hawke you choose to write.)
Zevran Arainai/Warden: Like with Fenris, I’m not picky about which genre or origin you pick and only put in the tags in the set for matching purposes. My Zev-romancing Warden is a f!Brosca, but if you prefer another gender/origin, do whatever you want. These two are my favorite enemies-to-lovers pairing, in part because Zevran never had any hard feelings for the Warden in the first place. (And the Warden telling Nathaniel “Some of my best friends have attempted to kill me” during Awakening gains a whole new level of hilarity with romanced Zev.) Zev comes across as a devil-may-care flirt, but he turns out to be a respectful lover if you actually put the effort to get to know him beyond surface level. (Also, that cool-ass Crow armor from the World of Thedas artbook. A+)
Female Lavellan/Josephine Montilyet: Josie! (。♥‿♥。) And I romance her with a f!Lavellan, so it’s a nice coincidence that this was in the tagset lol. I’ll be good with just about anything you come up with for this pairing. Josephine is one of the few non-Dalish characters who at least tries to be respectful of Lavellan’s Dalish heritage, even if she is a bit clumsy about it sometimes. My Lavellan is a lesbian mage named Ilena if you’re interested in including those details, but I’ll be happy with any f!Lavellan.
Josephine Montilyet/Cassandra Pentaghast: Fun fact--I ship this because of a bondage fic I read lmao. They have a very interesting dynamic--a warrior who kills on a regular basis (even if for a good cause); a diplomat who has renounced violence. I won’t be picky about anything for this pairing, either.
Good Omens
Fandom-specific DNW: Reverse AU (I don’t mind these but I’m not interested in receiving one), Aziraphale falling, smut involving Crowley’s snake form, work set before Crowley’s fall, strict top/bottom dynamics
Note: I’ve read the book and watched the series. I’m fine with stuff set in either canon (hence why I requested both). If you want to combine elements from both, that’s cool too.
Aziraphale/Crowley: My most recent love. I have lots and lots of feelings (at least a billion) about these two. Enough that I have a goddamn LIST.
I’m fine with any combination of genders/presentations/efforts/pronouns for these two. I headcanon Aziraphale as being agender with he/him pronouns and Crowley as genderfluid, but again, anything works. Lately I’ve adored fics and art of butch female-presenting Aziraphale, too.
Chubby Aziraphale!! I love!! So much!! Dovetails very well with my interest in body worship (sexual or otherwise). Crowley loves his soft angel!! So much!! And! So much cuddling potential!! (More serious note: I’m not a huge fan of stuff where Aziraphale is extremely self-conscious about his body. Surely he’d miracle himself a different shape if he hated it so much? And he’s been around for millennia, so he’s witnessed beauty standards change drastically over time. It makes more sense in human AUs, but it’s still something I tolerate more than enjoy.)
I’m a big fan of “Aziraphale and Crowley through history” stuff. Pick a time period you like and go wild. Personally, I have a huge soft spot for the 1920s--Crowley would look amazing in a flapper dress. (Realistic or Hollywood-style, take your pick.) (I know that according to the TV script they didn’t see each other between the fight at St James and the church scene, but...bah. Flapper Crowley!!) Some great opportunities for mutual pining, or if you want to write an AU where they got together before the Notpocalypse, go for it.
I have a big soft spot for stuff where Crowley is in his snake form (no smut, please--if the story turns that way I want him in his human form for sex)
I will never ever get tired of “first love confession” or “first kiss” stories for these two because I am a romantic sap who just wants them to be happy (they’ve spent so long not being able to be close to each other! they deserve it!!)
Outsider POVs: “random normal person weirded out by bizarre relationship between fussy bookseller and his goth husband” is one of my favorite fandom tropes
Praise kink! I mentioned this in my general smut likes but it bears repeating here. The major fanon is Crowley having a praise kink, which is wonderful and valid (tfw your crush calls you nice and it turns you on so much you try to play it cool by shoving him against a wall). I’ve seen some stuff recently with Aziraphale having a praise kink and now that’s an idea. (He’s spent so long just wanting to be good for Heaven! Even though Heaven’s standard for what’s good is kind of terrible and they hate him anyway so he’d never be good enough for them! But Crowley knows that Aziraphale is good and he’s more than willing to tell him every little thing he loves about him! aaaaaaaa) Regardless of who has the kink, I think they’d be a bit embarrassed at first at having it found out (Crowley: “Being turned on by compliments? C’mon, that’s not me” [it’s totally him]/Aziraphale: “It’s...a bit selfish, isn’t it?” [but since when has that stopped him]), but the other would be more than willing to indulge. (And while Aziraphale is naturally suited to provide praise, given how good he is with words, I think Crowley could grow into the role too, in his own way.)
Heart of the Woods
Tara Bryck/Morgan Fischer, Abigail Dalsing/Madison Raines: I put these two together because they’re so intertwined in the original game, but if you want to focus on one pairing over the other, that’s great! Something that really interests me would be seeing how Morgan and especially Abby would react to the...idiosyncrasies of modern-day America. Also, Abby being introduced to the internet could be hilarious. (Also also, Morgan getting to live her best butch life, and Tara being her slightly overly enthusiastic cheerleader.) On a more serious note, how does Maddie move on after leaving Taranormal?
Lake of Voices
(Psst...this is also a free game...consider playing it too?)
Kikka/Margret: I’m less interested in fluff for this pairing thanks to how dark the original material is, but I’d still rather not have something totally grim. Margret’s route isn’t truly romantic, not really, but considering the short period of time the game takes place during, that’s not surprising--so I’d like to see how their relationship progresses after the events of the game.
Mass Effect Trilogy
Fandom-specific DNW: Sabotaging the genophage cure; Control/Synthesis/Refusal endings; synthetics dying in Destroy ending (yes I know this is canon, no I don’t care; please don’t do post-ME3 if you aren’t willing to work around this); dead Wrex; no peace between geth and quarians (for ME3)
Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian: While Shakarian isn’t my favorite ME pairing, I do still love it. No Shepard without Vakarian, after all. They work so well as a battle couple and have such great chemistry. My Garrus-romancing Shepard is a Paragade Vanguard named Elliott, Earthborn/War Hero if you want those details.
Female Shepard & Mordin Solus: Death DNW doesn’t apply to this one; hit me with all the feels over Mordin’s death (I don’t like what you have to do for him to survive). Or avoid the issue by doing something set during ME2. Alien Sex Ed is always a classic trope, or something more serious regarding Mordin’s past as an STG operative or his work with the genophage.
Grunt & Female Shepard: Shepard is very proud of her strong krogan vat bby.
Kolyat Krios & Female Shepard: With or without Shep/Thane (”YOU’RE NOT MY REAL MOM”), either works. If there’s romance, how does Kolyat react to his missing dad showing up with a human girlfriend? Does Shepard try to become a part of Kolyat’s life or does she try to stay out of it? There’s less reason for Shepard to get involved if there’s no Thanemance, but I think there’s still opportunity there, since Kolyat and Thane keep in contact after the loyalty mission is completed.
Pairing-specific DNW: Thane dying
Thane Krios/Female Shepard: My favorite ME pairing! At least until BW fucked it up in ME3. (I still kind of haven’t forgiven them.) They have a very mature relationship, I think--both of them a bit weary--and they find solace in each other, at least until the inevitable. I would prefer a fic set during ME2, or in the time period between the end of ME2 and Shepard being detained before ME3. If you want to make something set during ME3, I’d like to see him receive treatment (not necessarily a cure, though I won’t complain if you go that route, but preferably something more realistic than “oh I took a pill and now I’m all better!” or similar) for Kepral’s. I also don’t like the defeatist “well, I guess I’m just gonna lay down and die now” attitude he has when you meet him at Huerta in ME3; it clashes so much with his entire ME2 arc, which has him realize that he does still have things to live for (his son, for one, and Shepard if you romance him). If you’re interested in details about my Shepard: her name is Diana; she’s a Paragon Infiltrator, Colonist/War Hero.
Pairing-specific DNW: Excessive focus on his illness (I know it’s a big part of his character, and I don’t expect people to avoid it entirely, but I don’t enjoy stuff that’s centered totally around it); Irikah bashing or trying to portray her as unimportant
Nyreen Kandros/Aria T’Loak: (STILL SCREAMING ABOUT BADASS TURIAN LADY) I want to see something from when these two were still together, or a fix-it where Nyreen doesn’t die and she and Aria enter a (possibly uneasy) truce. Less concerned about happiness for this one as long as neither of them dies; I’m fine if it ends up that their relationship just doesn’t work out.
EDI/Samantha Traynor: Geeky lesbian with a robot kink + sexy fembot = ooh la la. On a serious note, how would a human/AI relationship work? There’s a lot of possibilities here.
Stardew Valley
Fandom-specific DNW: Player siding with Joja-Mart
Abigail/Female Player, Elliott/Player, Leah/Female Player, Maru/Female Player: I’m putting these together not because I think they’re interchangeable (they’re not), but because what I want is basically the same for each of them--slice-of-life about the farmer and their partner (either dating or married...or dating then married; no kids please), with emphasis on how the partner’s personality and lifestyle meshes, or doesn’t mesh, with the player’s farm life. Maybe there’s conflicts that have to be resolved, compromises that have to be made. (But I do want them to eventually work it out and be happy together.) If you pick Elliott/Player, I’m fine with whatever gender farmer you want.
Sweet Fuse: At Your Side
Inafune Saki/Meoshi Kouta: One thing I enjoyed about Meoshi’s route is how he doesn’t have to give up games entirely in order to deserve love and improve as a person, he just develops a healthier relationship with gaming. I like the idea of Kouta participating in a fighting game tournament with Saki cheering him on...or maybe he taught her how to play and she’s a competitor too now? DUN DUN DUN. (but it’s all in good fun)
Pairing-specific DNW: Explicit smut (fade-to-black is fine)
Original Work
Dethroned and Dishonored Queen/Lone Loyal Female Knight
Lady Locked in a Tower/Lady Who Turns Into a Hawk
Female Werewolf Hunter/Her Boyfriend Who Gets Turned Into a Werewolf
Female Tall Muscular Badass/Female Short Chubby Nerd
Hiker/Sporty Girl Who Sprained Her Ankle Miles from Nowhere
Grumpy Lonely Sorceress/Female Courtesan She Hires for a Ritual
Female Witch/Female Werewolf
Female Witch/Female Demon She Accidentally Summons
Female Knight/Female Bath Attendant with a Crush
Female Gamer/Female Bookworm
Female Court Painter/Impatient Princess Sitting for a Painting
Female Armorsmith/Female Warrior Who Needs Frequent Repairs
Female Adventurer Lost in the Snow/Female Fire Spirit
Male Speakeasy Bartender/Male Speakeasy Piano Player
Librarian/Her Monster-Hunting Wife Who Keeps Dragging Her Into Wacky Supernatural Adventures
Sensible Royal Guardswoman/Arrogant but Skilled Court Sorceress
Dark Mage/Light Mage
Beleaguered Playwright/Actress Cursed to Ruin Any Show She’s In
Female Vampire/Female Vampire Hunter
Victorian Lady/Victorian Lady
GO WILD. Just don’t hit my DNWs. For the pairings that don’t specify the genders of both members, I’d prefer f/f works.
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