#the frankenau
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View of Frankenau, Hesse, Germany
German vintage postcard
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val-ritz · 6 months
oh yeah, because a certain weekend is approaching
easter has nothing to do with ishtar. it cannot have anything to do with ishtar, if you briefly consider that things that are Old are Different Degrees of Old, and Sumer is very far away from western europe, which is the only place that does not call this holiday Pascha.
easter eggs are not an appropriated pagan tradition, they're a result of eggs being a banned food during lent, so when lent ended, people ate a fuckload of eggs
one of the first textual references to the easter bunny is around 1682, from a German named Georg Franck von Frankenau, at which point it was a tradition highly localized to southwest Germany.
we know vanishingly little about the (potential) deity Eostre, and there is still a lot of very heated debate on whether or not our 8th-century source invented her out of whole cloth.
thank you for your time, and join me next time for more excerpts from history's greatest hits, like "no, jesus and horus are really nothing alike if you've read even one book" and "thermopylae was not a grand defense of western democracy against the teeming oriental slave hordes, you racist freaks"
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ontourlady · 1 year
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wildwechselmagazin · 2 years
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sanerontheinside · 4 years
II. Coruscant Nights: Vigil by sanerontheinside
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy 
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Jale Terza (from ReEntry by Flamethrower), Dooku 
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other additional characters to be added
Series: Part 3 of Silent enim leges inter arma
Summary: Returning to the Coruscant Temple requires one to make certain... adjustments.
Part II is live! everybody stay sane 
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thefatalmarksman · 3 years
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drunken confession. | accepting!
@deathleads​ sent:  “ do you regret letting me close ?” + drunken confession please
The drained glass settled onto the table with the faintest sound---hands folded underneath a pronounced chin. He had a feeling she would broach a sensitive topic such as this one---the coziness of a bar late into the night, devoid of the typical evening crowds, tended to draw out such questions with a tinge of whiskey on the breath.
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A few beats of thought, then, his voice rumbling with a slightly more noticeable slur from its usual lazy drawl, “I regret lettin’ anyone close. That’s just how it is.”
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@thefatalmarksman​ sent a letter:  ❤ ❤ ❤ h-hewwo i love qissy sooooo much and our franken au is FANTASTIC and also?? u are a quality person 🥺
Send me "❤" if you think that I'm quality 
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screamy i absolutely adore you with all my heart and soul, I’m so happy i’ve gotten to know you for so many years too because you’re very very dear to me  🥺 🥺 life would be so boring without you there,,,,, it means so much to me that we’re friends okay i love you soooooooo much 。(✿‿✿)。
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peashooter85 · 3 years
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Frankenau purse pistol, England, 3rd quarter of the 19th century
from Czerny's International Auction House
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10-26 Path through meadow in spring, Alteglofsheim, Frankenau, National Park Edersee, Hesse, Germany #frankenau http://dlvr.it/PxfXHM
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Young!Jekyll Au --> Failed Kidnapping --> Cold ghost --> Amnesia Ghost --> Asshole Ghost --> Revived by Frankie
Ah yess... The glorious mess that happens in our discord chat.
Jekyll accidentally gets turned into a kid bc of an HJ7 mishap or a failed prank by the Lodgers, he escapes to avoid ridicule by said Lodgers, is an easy target for a kidnapping bc he is alone, a child, and also wearing stupidly oversized and stupidly fancy clothing. He gets kidnapped, the kidnappers hurt/torture him and he gets amnesia, he manages to escape, he is found by Mr. O'Leary who sees this tiny injured child and obviously adopts him, he gets an outburst and feels so bad and guilty he runs away, the Lodgers find and help Mr. O'Leary find his poor son, Henry ends up dying in the cold (making his body preserved bc its in the middle of winter), his body is still a child but his ghost is him but adult, he still has amnesia and turns into asshole ghost when no one pays attention to him, the effect of the potion slowly wears off on his body as time passes, he is found by Maijabi who takes him back to the Society, and he eventually gets revived by Frankenstein when everyone realizes that it's his body and he is also very dead. When all of that shit is over, he takes a vacation to Scotland and accidentally gets stuck in a fairy realm and a forest with folklore monsters.
And there you have it folks, the FrankenAU! All my aus combined into one single monstrosity.
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crockettmarcel · 3 years
what is 4000 miles!au about? (sorry if you've already discussed this)
it's essentially a frankenAU, made up of a load of different aus and ideas i've had over the last year or so (those being this au, which is not. inactive i guess, a dream i had, and another au i never posted about)
Sarah and Crockett eloped while they were in med school, and a few years later had the twins (Harper and Willow my beloveds)
they were both just vibing in chicago, enjoying being parents and doctors and just generally having a good time
then, because I'm mean, when the twins were 3-ish, and Sarah was a few months pregnant with Lolly, Crockett was killed
I haven't decided if it was a car accident like in the au above, or if he was shot (this is chicago we're talking about) but either way, it was incredibly sudden and just. destroyed Sarah
she left chicago a couple of months after it happened and stayed with Crockett's parents in New Orleans because chicago was their place, and she couldn't bear to be there without him. although New Orleans still reminded her of him, at least when she was there, she was with people who were sharing in her grief, and also could help her look after the twins (and Lolly when she was born)
however, not long after Lolly was born, Crockett's mom started pushing for Sarah to give custody of her daughters to her and her husband because they were "all she had left of Crockett"
this, obviously, didn't go down well, and Sarah decided that she didn't want to stay in New Orleans anymore either. she had money from Crockett's life insurance and their savings, so she just. left
when she was a kid, she'd had a dutch au pair, and since then she'd always dreamed of going to the netherlands. so. she packed up her stuff and took her daughters to a little seaside town on one of the islands in the south of the country (4000 miles away)
being away from everything was good for Sarah, and Harper and Willow, although still missing their dad, Loved the netherlands
a couple days after they moved in, one of their next door neighbours came over to introduce herself <3 she brought snacks for Harper and Willow, and some flowers for Sarah, and ended up spending over an hour having coffee with Sarah and playing with the twins
Ava was the first person her own age that Sarah had spoken to, and honestly she was so grateful to Ava for being so friendly and nice to her
she didn't tell Ava what had happened to Crockett, but Ava's not stupid. she noticed the photos of him carefully placed around Sarah's house, saw how sad she always looked. and it wasn't difficult to put the pieces together
Ava was often quite busy - she's still a doctor in this au - but whenever she had free time, she'd make sure to check up on Sarah and the girls. she started helping out however she could, teaching them some basic Dutch so they weren't constantly relying on people to speak English, taking the twins out for ice cream if Sarah got too overwhelmed, stuff like that
they became really close, and although Ava could never replace Crockett, Sarah definitely started thinking of her as more than a friend (and Ava felt the same)
(this took a while though, because Sarah was still grieving for a long time, and even when everything stopped hurting so much, she still wasn't fully ready to get into a new relationship when her old one had ended so painfully)
anyway yeah! i hope this explains it well enough <3
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acatbyanyothername9 · 6 years
New year shotout
So to begin the new year I want to shout my love for some of the beautiful people that I discovered here on tumblr and on AO3 and who are absolutly awesome. Here comes a non exhaustive list of people who make me glad to be on tumblr in the sw prequel fandom.
Thank you @davaia for your wonderful fics. One of the things I love about her writing is the way no matter the fic you can feel the atmosphere. You can feel the tropical heat in Scarif Sunrise, smell the old books in Ballast on Wharf and Water and so on. 
Then I want to thank @meggory84 for her QuiObi fics. The way she writes their relationship is so beautiful and Beekeeping and Husbandry may very well be my favourite take on a QuiObi relationship. It has everything! Qui Gon having the revelation that he treated Obi Wan badly, Obi Wan being Ashoka’s futur master, lineage feels, Dooku &Obi Wan...
Thank you to @sanerontheinside because I don’t know how she does it but this wonderful person seems to write all the possible QuiObi scenario that I desperatly want to see. I’m thinking of the beautiful Any Less than Mine who takes place straight after Geonosis. The Frankenau is one of the only immediate post-Naboo scenario that I consider canon.^^ Plus she writes beautiful poetry as we got to see in Sound the Abyss with Bitter End in Hand.
Thank you to @obaewankenope who wrote the masterful fics that areThe Maverick and it’s sequel The Rule Piece. Thank you for being so accessible. @obaewankenope may have been one of the first writers that I loved with whom I communicated. I asked about the Rule Piece and it was a wonderful experience for someone who is way too shy for her own good.
So here I go and happy new year every one. 
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goolfriend-moving · 5 years
lozzlogan replied to your post “Ive been drawing Whiskey’s… rival? Enemy? Who ived decided to name...”
Give him a secret gun like a frankenau purse gun.
I man I had to look this up TBH but holy damn
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This is so perfect he definitely has one just like this-- with the flowers nd all lol
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finanzenoptimieren · 2 years
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Wusstest Du, dass der Verzehr von Eiern in der Karwoche verboten war? 🤔 Aus diesem Grund wurden überschüssige Eier gesammelt und erst am Ostermorgen verspeist. Im Jahr 1615 hat ein Handwerksmeister in Straßburg erstmals Eier eingefärbt, um diese von den frischen Eiern unterscheiden zu können. Das Färben und Bemalen hat sich seither an Ostern durchgesetzt und ist jetzt traditionell verankert. Eier gelten in er christlichen Mythologie als Symbol der Fruchtbarkeit, der Wiedergeburt sowie des Neubeginns und verkörpern die Auferstehung Christi aus dem Grab. Der Osterhase hat sich dagegen erst im 19. Jahrhundert durchgesetzt und seine Konkurrenten den Hahn, den Kuckuck (Schweiz), den Fuchs (Westfalen) sowie den Storch (Thüringen) „verdrängt“. Als Symbol für hohe Fruchtbarkeit wurde der Osterhase um 1680, vom Mediziner Georg Franck von Frankenau, erstmals erwähnt. 😁👍 Ich wünsche Euch allen ein schönes Osterfest und ganz viel Spaß beim Eiersuchen! 🥚🐰🥚 #ostern #osternfest #osterhase #ostereier #froheostern (hier: Christoph Sander Unternehmensberater für den privaten Haushalt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcaL5rHsojR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sanerontheinside · 4 years
II. Coruscant Nights: Rogue by sanerontheinside
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Jale Terza (from ReEntry by Flamethrower), Dooku
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other additional characters to be added
Series: Part 3 of Silent enim leges inter arma
Summary: Returning to the Coruscant Temple requires one to make certain… adjustments.
Part II is live! everybody stay sane
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thefatalmarksman · 4 years
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@deathleads​ said:     ( for our frankenAu 🥺) " Lu, all your limbs are still working properly, aren't they? If you need replacements, you know, just ask. It's the least I could do for you. "
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No one else ever called him that---in fact, even counting the amount of people who knew him as “Luxu” left alive could probably be accounted for on but a single hand. 
...More accurately, a single finger.
Not that he necessarily minded such lonesome anonymity---this solitary life, he had found, amidst existing in his seemingly immortal state, suited him quite well, the cozy hovel in which he’d made his dwelling rustic and simplistic, filled with only the most precious of baubles collected during his travels. For as time had worn on, he had learned that sentimentality was best left thoroughly on the back-burner---and it wasn’t until she had once again made her appearance that he was rudely reminded that he could actually miss the presence of other beings. 
In truth, leaning back in his chair and accounting for his limbs at her prompting, he figured that his left leg could use a bit of tuning---but whether out of a residual pride, or some strangely deep-rooted embarrassment, he crossed one leg over the other and answered, words drawling lazily from his lips, “Nah, everything’s up to snuff well enough---no need to be wastin’ your time.”
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