#the game in question is tyrion Cuthbert attorney of the arcane
yandere-daze · 9 months
When you just finished a game but it feels like no one else played it and so you have no one to talk about it with
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baratrongirl · 8 months
Get to know you better game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
tagged by: @ultraviolet-ink
last song I listened to: Technically, the last song I listened to was whatever I last played in Beatstar (my mobile music game), but that doesn't count, right?
The last song that I made a conscious choice to listen to was Brüder by Bülent Ceylan ft. Saltatio Mortis. I may have "A Thing" about Alea from Saltatio Mortis. German rockstars with long blond hair who are intelligent, very sweet to their fans, go shirtless a lot and speak several different languages? No, I can't think why I might like him...
currently reading: I started reading Soul Taken by Patricia Briggs when I got it for Christmas, read 2/3 of the book on the first day, and haven't yet finished it. I suppose I should get around to that!
Otherwise, I've been reading @hikari-kaitou's story:
currently watching: I don't watch TV. I'm currently playing Elder Scrolls Online, the Apollo Justice Trilogy, Beatstar, TEPPEN and Tyrion Cuthbert, Attorney of the Arcane. The Tyrion Cuthbert game is superb, it's basically an indie version of Ace Attorney.
currently obsessed with: I remain obsessed with Klapollo and expect to continue so for quite some time to come. That's kinda cheating though so let's say that I'm currently obsessed with the VERY EXPENSIVE vegan gluten-free pains au chocolat which apparently exist at a small bakery in Battersea. I need to go and get them to try.
tagging: @altho-arto @estelraca @hypnopabinia @kshandra @lia404 @mongoose-bite @nessiemccormick @thecolossalennui @ziskandra and anyone else who wants to do it. I'm way too socially awkward to tag people that I don't know at least a little already.
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