#the gate would be a fence and there would be lavender flowers on the windowsill
britishchick09 · 2 years
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rewrite erik’s birthplace :)
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
The Witch
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I stood leant on the balcony looking out across the city, watching the villages on the other side of the mountain… they were burning, the smoke rising high into the sky, the flames illuminating the stars, we had sent a legion but they had been slaughtered along with the hundreds of men, women and children defenceless and slaughtered. My advisors were idiots, my staff useless. I feared for those in the city and the palace, the hundreds and thousands here that would die if our walls were to be breached. 
I knew what had to be done, but I was fearful to do it. 
"Romulus My king, please, you must reconsider" my father said as we walked down the hallowed palace halls
"Reconsider? What other hope have I got?"
"Our walls with prevail the legions will destroy them before they step foot into the city"
"Yeah we send one to protect the villages… how well did that go"
"Those were rural mountain villages, now where near the strength or security of the city”
“And what happens if they do get through the wall?”
“The army will-”
“What happens. If they get though?”
“If they get though” He says “The moment one of the barbarian men steps foot in on the city stone, We will have you halfway to britannia” 
“So, you want me to run off to Britannia with my tail between my legs? While my people die for me? While they suffer under a barbarian ruler? While children are tortured? While women are raped in the streets? Men forced into amries? While I hide myself away in Britannia hiding away in some dirty, muddy, tiny little hole while he destroys everything my ancestors have built?” 
“Why not come sit in with the senet we will discuss the attack and matters” “The senet is a bunch of men sitting around with titles from a hundred years ago. What is that going to help?”
“They know the city better than anyone” “The beggars in the street know the city better the senet never leaves the palace” I sighed
“Then why not go to the vestals? They always have good advice for the kings”
“Ohh so you want me to go sit around with a bunch of honry old virgins? And philosophers who cut their dicks off?” 
“Then go to the library and discuss with the Philosophers?”
“Ohh please, Unless I’m a new constellation, some old books or a cannabis bath they couldn’t give less of a shit” I sighed 
“Then go to the temple my king, discuss with the gods. Think things over in their presence” He says “Speak with Minerva, Take council with Mars,”
“I’m going to the temple… just not theres” 
“I still do not advise it my king” 
“Well that's all it is. Advice” I said “I’m going to see her” 
“You know the sort of things people…. Will say they see you going there?”
“I know. But I need power… and wisdom. Older, Stronger than the twelve”
I could feel my fear, thick inside my heart, getting heavier, harder, Like… I wanted to run away with every step I took closer, my escort followed me as did two slaves heading though the city past people all adoring but even the people had fear knowing the trouble coming and some knowing… where I was going. I walked the walk of gods where the temples all sat, I past Vesta and Vulcan, Past ceres and Minerva, Past Apollo and Diana, Past Venus, Past Neptune, Past mercury and mars, Past Pulto, Past juno and Jupiter… but I stopped a moment and nodded to the female slave who carried the offerings she nodded and took some of the flowers to juno and jupiter's statues as I felt there eyes watched me. Once she came back I continued until reaching the end of the road where the temple of Luna sat. 
I went inside the empty temple, the black stone mosaic floor clean and the roof open to allow in the sun but at the right times the moon. I went to the statue and left all the flowers there and I saw the door at the side
“Stay here, I need to see her alone” I said. They nodded so I headed to the door and down the stone steps deeper below the temple. Each stone step was dusty, and felt Ill trodden. 
I got to the chamber firelight cascading across the room and a woman in black knelt on the stone. 
“Greetings My king” she said
“Greetings Lady of the Moon” I said 
“What is it you seak?”
“You know what I seak”
She stopped and turned to me pulling the hood of her dress down revealing her shock white hair 
“You seak her?”
“I do.”
“You know what darkness lurks there?”
“I do. Please…. I need her.”
“I can send you there… but I cannot be held accountable for if you return”
“I know that. But I must see her” 
"....very well. You know where she is"
"Thank you" I nodded hurrying out the temple.
I stood changing my clothes to look plain so I could walk freely wrapping a brown cloak around me, 
"Please let someone accompany you"
"No. I don't wanna scare her. I take an army boy she'll think I'm arresting her, besides I need to be quiet, quick and unnoticed. She already knows I'm coming if she's going to hurt me there is little we can do about it" 
"My king… as one of your oldest and most trusted advisors make I speak plainly"
"I think you are betraying the gods. Your people. And your ansestors. Romulus… I have severed your family my whole life, served your father and mother while you rested in her womb and I have seved you every day you have been king… I beg of you. Do not go to her"
"I must. And honestly…" I said "I want to see her"
"Very well my king" he nods 
I took my things and scurried out the palace like a theif, sneaking thought the city as best I could trying not to draw attention to myself keeping my hood up so people didn't see who I was, I got to the city gate out to the woods seeing travelers coming in to find rooms for the night, women coming in from walks in the woods with there baskets, traders headed in and out but I walked straight out.
I felt so strange but I kept walking deeper and deeper into the woods, walking the pathway between the trees and animal burrows flowing the trail of lavender flowers that grow along the walk, there purple glow in the setting sun leading me to her.
I stopped, as I arrived.
The smell of grass, lavender and smoke filled my sinuses.
The sound of music from within, the wind in the tree's like voices, the movements of the branches and grass all seemed muted here.
I could feel grass and small sticks under my feet.
As I looked apon the house.
It was a small thached cottage with firelight beyond the windows, smoke coming from the chimneys, a wooden fence around the garden where herbs and flowers grew a gate in the fence sat close to me open already, beside the gate was a little apothecary shelf with a few bottles of things.
I stepped inside the gate shutting it behind me pulling down my hood stepping in the stone wedged into the dirt to avoid touching any plants I went to the blue door tapping three times. 
The door creaked open, I exhaled to calm me down before stepping inside, I shut the door behind me looking at the cottage, it was dark the fire going yet it did illuminate much, herbs sat on windowsills and tools in tables, a bed by the side with gosomer red and purple curtains and sheets with lots of pillows, symbols carved into anything wood or stone, the smell of something sweet over the fire and I saw her across the room sat surrounded by candles in her black dress she faced away from me her hair tightly wound around her head, working one something at her desk, lightly humming as she did. 
I stood a moment just listening to her hum, to the fire crack all of it muffled by the sound of my own heart beating in my ears.
"I-" I began
"Romulus Augustus, king of rome, second if his name right, blood of Cesar, the boy king" she says "good evening"
"Good evening miss."
"You don't have to you know"
"Don't have to what?" I asked 
"Go see her. If you would like to come see me romulus you have only to come see me" she says mixing potions
"I like to, so you know I'm coming"
"I always know when your coming" she giggled 
"I know you do. But still"
"I know why your here"
"I don't doubt you do." I said "you know everything else"
"Not everything"
"Almost everything"
"You know I can't romulus. It's not fair"
"How is it not? He believes himself a god carries dark magic with him it's only leveling the battle field"
"And I'm sure he'd say the same if he found out you had first" 
"Y/n. Please"
"My magic isn't strong enough for that romulus"
"Isn't strong enough? I've seen the power you have…" I said going over to her wrapping my arms around her neck and kissing her hair "I know you can. Please… thousands in the city will die if you don't"
"And thousands of them will die if I do" she says turning to face me going to get up and walk somewhere else but I held her hand 
"If your alligence to me? Or to him?"
"Neither of you" she says "I don't fight. For either side" she says moving away to go to the fire
"You've seen what will happen if you don't? Haven't you?"
"I have"
"Tell me"
"No. Knowone should know there-"
"Tell me!" I snapped "by order of the king you will tell me"
"I…. Romulus I can't" she said holding back tears I went over and pulled her to my chest kissing her hair 
"I'll die. Won't I?"
She nods 
"And if you do?"
"Then he dies"
"Y/n… I know that can't be easy. But would you listen anyway?"
"Okay" she nods 
"If you help me, I can give you anything, you'll save thousands of men, women and children in the city, save generations of art, books, sculptures that you'll know he'll destroy if he can and… and I'll owe you my life. And anything I have the power to give you I will. Land, a title, servents, a castle, whatever you want in this world I will do it for you, if you just do this...for me" 
"Romulus, he's my father" she says 
"He abused you, abandoned you, murdered your mother, I know he's your father but he has never once treated you like his daughter," I explain "atleast I wouldn't hurt you, I care about you… my little witch" I smiled caressing her cheek 
"Romulus, you know I can't" she says pushing me away and going back to her work 
"So you'll let me die?" I asked she didn't answer "... I thought you loved me?"
"I do"
"You love me? Your the only one who can help and your going to let me die?" 
"Romulus! I can't"
"Why not?" I asked her "give me one good reason why you can't?" She didn't answer just sitting there staring at the fire "well?"
"Relax. I already did" she smiled 
"Seriously romulus I did it hours ago. Before you even left home"
"... You evil little thing! You really had be going there didn't you!"
"It's fun" she giggled 
"What do you need for doing it?" I asked 
"The usual" 
"Alright" I smiled getting the coins out my bag and the little bag of treats from the palace kitchens 
"Thank you" she giggled taking the to put them elsewhere in her house 
"Your welcome my little witch. Thank you for doing so"
"I have to take care of you" she smiled "speaking of which?"
"Is it that time again already?"
"Alright," I smirked slipping off my cloak and my bag leaving them by the door I went over to the bed perching myself on the edge leaning in my elbows as she came over and began untieing my pants hooking her finger into each loop of the string pulling hard and so each loop and knot undid until they where completely untied she pulled them down enough that my cock jumped free excited to see her, I bit my lip hard watching her undo the small leather corset around her waist letting it drop to the floor which allowed her dress that noticably wasn't tied together in the centre as it should have been, she took each side and pulled it off letting it pool in the floor around her leaving her completely naked. I tried not to moan just looking at that beautiful body. She let her hair down completely and pushed me back in the bed I smirked back and moved to be laid in her bed as she crawled ontop of me sitting so my cock nuzzled between the lips of her pussy. I went to touch her breasts but she slapped my hands away 
"You know the rules" she says 
"I know" I blushed "I pledge my heart, my soul and my body, willingly and ...excited" 
"I pledge my heart, my body, and my soul willingly" she giggled before she lent down and kissed me, those lips as soft and sweet as last I was here. I kissed back eagerly as I felt her undoing my shirt so I took over and pulled it off throwing it off the bed she smirked sitting up and next I knew I was inside her 
"Uughhh y/n!" I groaned grabbing her hips feeling how warm and soft she was around me 
She gasped as she reached the hilt and moved over grabbing something from her table as she did the way she leant her breasts where in my face so I smirked nuzzling with them and giving them kisses 
"Romulus!" She giggled pushing me away 
"Aww come on! You can't wave them in my face and not expect me to give them a kiss" I smirked 
“Dirty boy” she smirked holding her knife she cut her hand she offered the knife so I let her cut my hand and I took her hand tightly feeling my heart beating out of my chest as she began to move … 
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