#the gay couple would worry about getting hatecrimed
Acht hating the blatant PDA with Pearl and Marina was only funny to me when I thought of Acht also being sapphic in some way, but some of you are actually making that joke homophobic and it’s really uncomfortable
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GC Party & Cali & Barly & Ronali
[okay so, pre-Ali’s bonfire night party, Cali go shopping for their ootns and then Carly comes back to the mcvickers gaff to help set up/get ready and generally have a nice time, girl Ro is salty because she has not seen Ali up to this point and she already hates Carly with a fiery passion, not helped by the fact that Tomeena are also around helping to set up and doing some cute baking for this party and they ofc like Carly and everyone is having fun together baking and kitchen dancing and vibing except for this antisocial autistic bitch lol]
Ali: [the way you make us feel so guilty and break our heart, Rosaline, trying so hard to involve you until it becomes obvious that you’re happier hiding away from all the fun but we’re still here feeling like shit in the background, as is your energy when you’re not being prioritised as much as you would like by this gal; at least everyone else is having a good time, even if Tomeena are in their not acknowledging any possibility of a crush phase here, it’s not unbearably awkward]
Carly: [I actually hate her because we all know that Tommy would also try SO hard to include her and also try his best to have a word with her about how Ali feels like shit without sparking ww3, meanwhile Carly has only ever tried and wanted to be her friend and is here doing EVERYTHING possible in the entire world to make Ali smile cos we all know she’s upset, do your best to still have a not unbearable time lads]
Ali: [she really is the elephant in the room right now in this era, until Tess just let’s y’all be in the same bedroom again because this has actually made her worse and we all know it but we’re trying to not give in lol, you better hope your sister is out, girl, or she’ll be dragging you out of your room and making you do something with her and Tess, like she also doesn’t have better things to be doing lol; ANYWAY, at least you four can do your best here to enjoy the festivities and entertain baby Rocky until he wants to go help Fearghal build the fire with the wood and random crap you’re burning, remember to check for snoozy creatures everybody]
Carly: [seriously, it’s blatantly obvious she only puts her mourning clothes on and attends this party at all because either Bea or Tess force her, it’s horrible and her bday is not gonna be one to look forward to either, but at least we have cali and tomeena flirty baking happening and Carly and baby Rocky are everything because she’ll just be encouraging him to be even more cray than he already is, then y’all can have a fun getting dressed up montage before the lads and any other guests come]
Ali: [this is giving a cosy, close affair so unless Tommy has invited any other friends, I feel like it’s just y’all and if Baze are making an appearance, the friends they are probably going to hang with somewhere else after, soz to Meena who will be feeling legitimately shy around these boys but you’ll be okay hun]
Carly: [I honestly feel like Tommy doesn’t have many friends because of the whole everyone thinking he’s a massive gay and everyone judging this fam as weird cos of joeray and everything that has occurred so he maybe has a couple of friends/small group of that are girls in his year, like the Savannah face for all that content I have, who he’d probably invite, but Meena is shamelessly his bestie when they aren’t in school, don’t worry girl he’ll be feeling awks around these boys too and like he’s gonna be hatecrimed, and I’m sure Ali’s nemesis and next door neighbour will be peering her head over the fence to see what’s going on which is funny and awkward too, thankfully these boys are chill and Moses isn’t allowed to gatecrash]
Ali: [that tracks to me, like atm Ali probably doesn’t have a shit ton because we’re only just out of the poisoning allegations era and y’all were a weird little trio then so she has yet to amass her many acquaintances but for sure that hoe is tryna peep and your parents are probably gonna complain about the fireworks like they wouldn’t do the same when it’s NYE or whenever because no one else is gonna be celebrating so it will be like what the hell, like Leesha, get over it lmao]
Carly: [mhmm, hence cali are friends rn and as close as they are because Carly has none either and has likewise been outcast, speaking of, catch her being the life and soul of this party because already high af from the second she arrived because she has to be for her crippling anxiety that she is only self medicating because her mum sucks, this sweet baby angel just making friends with anyone who will let her and giving everyone compliments and doing irish dancing with tomeena and the gals Tommy clearly made friends with through his dance and theatre clubs, playing with baby Rocky every chance she gets + Ali’s cat, it’s giving the vibes of that bbq we did when we did the cali era OG when Ali was dating k-stew, but Carly’s mood is gonna change when the lads get here because weird between her and boy Ro and weird between her and Bart, so she’ll be going even harder to try and mask that]
Ali: [very much that is the energy, everyone here knows you’re high but what are you going to do, kick this child out to be high in the streets, no, better to have her here where you can keep an eye mcvickers, you’re actually decent parents, despite your flaws; oh lads, the shaky alliances that have been formed, y’all probably feel so awkward, hence we’ve also got to go in making you feel at home, which means immediately finding you drinks so our father does not corner you, at least your garden is big enough ‘cos it backs onto the mountains that there is room in this garden to have a very definite ‘kids’ corner lack of a better word so you’re not straight up mingling with mcvickers and co lol, catch Ali holding Carly’s hand when she’s pressed these drinks into both of theirs]
Carly: [mcvickers are good parents despite having dropped the ball recently, hence poor Tess doing everything in her power rn to get girl Ro to join in with this party and eat something which sadly will only mean she’s there mute, reading a creepy girl book, and starving herself, but you know, Carly meanwhile do be pulling Ali away to dance like she really loves this song and they gotta even if she doesn’t know it because soz lads we can only deal with smiling and exchanging the most OTT yet bland pleasantries for a sec before we wanna die, even as high as she is, gotta go]
Ali: [her hands are very full getting the bare minimum from this girl, we get it; we’ll make that sort of face like oop, guess that settles that as we’re whisked away to dance, brb boys, we will find you, ‘are you okay?’ in this girl’s ear as we’re bopping]
Carly: [catch Ronan watching this intensely like cali are putting on a show for his benefit, soz sir Carly is just gay for Ali and everything she does has a flirty undertone, it’s not actually about or for you, and Bartley trying not to look because he hates when Carly be out here making a holy show of herself which alas is always ‘I am now, like’ back in Ali’s ear, playing with her hair way more than is necessary to uncover it, because lads, cannot be overstated here this couldn’t be less about you, she’ll never be happier than when it’s just cali having a time together and that’s the tea]
Ali: [not that, sis, when we have to remind you we have a ‘boyfriend’ so you don’t get your hopes up, in a subtle, non-mean way, ‘cos never wanna outright say the words again after that fiasco lol, poor Bartley, your crush must be a mystery to even you at this point because truly, never less of a time or place for it; at least no one is noticing you go red when there’s a literal fire right there, Alison, shaking your head and thus your hair in an oh you move at Carly, flicking your eyes towards Bartley actually subtly in a ‘what’s the plan?’ Energy without actually saying the words]
Carly: [when you laugh at Alison’s hair antics whether that actually tickles you or not, in a genuine I’m high and happy in this moment pure sort of way and we all know that boy and his crush can’t ignore that so as you’re looking over at him, in an undoubtedly less subtle way, because high as a kite, y’all accidentally catch each other’s eye for a moment and then Carly has to look away and literally bury her entire self in Alison because oh no that wasn’t the plan]
Ali: [doing your own laughter to cover the fact Carly is hiding right now to assure this boy you aren’t laughing at him here, no no, swaying so Carly is faced away from them and you’re the one facing them because you can handle it even if you are like oh my GOD right this second ‘okay, we’re not doing that’ in a jokey tone because we’re not mad about it obviously, just pondering what we will because the guestlist is too small for us to ignore them all evening, imagine lol]
Carly: [this girl like oh great I wanna die, even if we’re styling it out like a v romantic slow dance moment that we fully intended cali to be having ‘what are we?’ because she isn’t Ro and doesn’t wanna ignore them but also not trying to make a big scene about it either like CAN WE TALK because she is not that bitch either]
Ali: [‘we’re so dumb’ as you are slow dancing because this is awkward and you’re not used to that feeling, again, having to laugh at it though because not an emo bitch, this gives you an idea though so being like OH and dragging her to go find a bucket or some cards or whatever you may need so y’all can play a drinking game because that way you’re interacting but no one is having deep and meaningful because gotta focus, bring the essentials back to these lads like okay, let’s do this boys]
Carly: [doing an adorably sad and pouty face about how dumb they are like oh no I hate that for us but she can’t help but laugh too obvs, and also be buzzing about this idea, inviting tomeena and his friends to play too, whether they decide to or not, I like to think at least one of Tommy’s friends will fancy either Bartley or Ronan and thus be up for it lol, but then coming back to join in, absolutely sitting on Alison for no reason whatsoever except closeness so it’s less scary of a concept and the flirty vibe there always is, like okay, let’s play]
Ali: [god bless you guys, immediately picking a game whereby Meena can join in but not have to drink, like it’s just a secondary part of it if you catch my vibe, because you’re the youngest and not that girl unlike these girls necessarily so we don’t want you to feel like you’ve gotta get schwasted to be included here; just being that bitch to make sure everyone knows the rules and setting it up, whilst snuggling Carly casually]
Carly: [I love that and I love Ali for it because Meena is so young, they all are, and I’m sure some of Tommy’s friends are shyer than others/not as boy hungry and loud theatre/dance girl stereotype as the one is and he isn’t a massive drinker at this age or lowkey ever really, not the way Fraze is or Ali can be, so it’s nice and I appreciate it, as I do these gals snuggling always, I definitely also imagine tomeena playing as a team where possible which I equally love, whether it’s him taking the drink so she doesn’t have to or them working together for whatever these rules are]
Ali: [I know so few drinking games honestly but as it doesn’t matter, we can say this one is a pairs one perhaps so this extra girl can nab whichever of these boys she fancies, forces the other girl to go with the other one, which means tomeena and cali are free to live their lives, soz to that other girl but you’re probably still less shy than Meena and we’re not doing it to her haha, Alison do be lowkey competitive in the fun way so this will break the ice and y’all can feel more like you normally do when you hang]
Carly: [I think we should say the extra girl fancies Bartley because then that will keep him busy and away from Carly but also make her feel a type of way like oh, meanwhile the shyer girl, who is probably Savannah because she’s a bit weird, can be with Ronan and be fine because he only has eyes for Ali anyway/is nice and definitely the nicer of the two lads]
Ali: [that makes logical sense, storywise have Carly confronting if she too fancies this boy back or no, and everyone in the group is getting along, definitely grabbed some of the best food shamelessly so y’all are pigging that, Rocky probably wants to join in at some point even though he has no clue how to play so that’ll really derail the game into a toddler just telling y’all what to do to amuse himself greatly and feel so big and clever]
Carly: [mhmm, like, picture it cinematically, if this gal goes for it and kisses Bartley at some point during this party and in contrast to the cowboy costume matching moment when Carly did not give a shit, this time witnessing it she’s like OH, that’s slay of us as a device, but for rn she’s living her best life, firstly because cali are shamelessly winning pre-Rocky’s takeover and post it she’s as per encouraging him to be a little chaos demon]
Ali: [it’s v good, go us, me having just finished the ronali bit of that convo and him being determined it won’t be awkward, so clearly effort is being put in there, Ali would definitely help you set up the fireworks whilst everyone else is now happily distracted and the mood has loosened up somewhat, hitting him with a ‘hey’ like you’ve only just arrived]
Ronan: [lord, he would be trying, the boy’s a trier despite his every impulse to want to be as extra with Ali as Carly is being, bless him ‘hey yourself’ amused]
Ali: [‘alright, shit hostess, I know’ holding your hands up like I admit it ‘you got a drink if not a greeting’ cheersing your own against his as you say this, looking back at whatever Carly and Rocky are up to now, shaking your head]
Ronan: [a grin at her as he takes a swig of said drink like I’ll drink to that, jokingly, following her gaze and making an affectionate sort of what is she like noise about Carly, cos trying with her too after that awkwardness]
Ali: [turning your sights on this gal who has decided she wants on Bartley and literally hmming at this because on the one hand she’s keeping him busy and thus Carly isn’t freaking out but you also shamelessly think it would be nice for Carly to go there with someone who isn’t as horrible as Moses so you’re truly torn on it, shrugging as you turn back and return his grin with a smile ‘aren’t you glad you didn’t have to meet my parents now?’ like it could be more awkward, we should all be thankful]
Ronan: [again following where she’s looking cos this boy is probably quite oblivious as a lot of boys are but this girl is clearly being quite extra so you can’t entirely fail to notice, shaking your head at her whoever she may be, but you’re probably more in the camp of Bartley getting with her if anyone and leaving Carly be at this party and lowkey ever so, but you’re distracted from those thoughts by Ali smiling and what she just said, doing a subtle but apparent back of the neck scratch or whatever he did when things were awkward before, trying not to noticeably blush at remembering when you thought she wanted you to meet her parents, as he looks over at mcvickers trying to laugh it off like lol yep]
Ali: [from your POV, I don’t blame you for being on the opposite team, it could go disastrously wrong and it’s already awkward for us all and you don’t even know how much at this point; anyway, not as if we’re about to fight this girl over it, you can live ma’am lol, meanwhile we’re nudging into this boy with our shoulder because meant to be all bants here, helping him assemble/open/whatever needs to be done to the firework he is currently working on ‘they’re too busy parenting for our bullshit, so, we can do what we want’ trying to say that breezily and like it’s nothing but a good thing but there’s blatant tenseness because it is parenting of Ro we’re talking about, not the toddler you would assume]
Ronan: [Tommy is probably a bit like can you as my friend not get with this random gypsy boy who is friends with my sister and may or may not wanna fight me, but he’s busy with Meena as he always is when they are together cos he is a child of mcvickers and they all have the co-dependence drilled into them and she’s his person for it, ANYWAY, I’ll be here throwing out every cliche I can about these fireworks like his hand brushing hers a sec too long etc etc we all know the vibes ‘and what’s it you want?’ as a genuine question despite all the flirty vibes of his actions]
Ali: [Poor Thomas, no one lets you live ever, luckily for you Bartley is not dangerous and your friend can have her flirt and live to see another day, he’s quite shy so honestly this girl is probably being way more than he is haha; thinking about this for a pause ‘to blow shit up’ said like obviously and grinning at him now because lord knows pissing about with fireworks is the best thing you can do because you’re not a clueless boy so vibes are never lost on you]
Ronan: [have some fun actually blowing shit up lads because he’d wanna make her happy and it’s also something he’s clearly into as we know from Halloween, Tess will deal with the knobhead neighbours, Carly and Rocky having the most fun with this too + Tommy and Meena enjoying this romantic vibe which I’m sure his horny friend is trying to make the most of and poor Bartley is probably like please calm down]
Ali: [at least limited talking can be done ‘cos you have to light these fireworks and then run back as fast as you can, which is an amusing time, throwing yourself at the ground to watch these fireworks, love that you’re wearing such an inappropriate outfit for this, all leather, oh girl, you’ve committed now and you’re gonna be roasting lol]
Ronan: [we all know Ronan is watching Ali’s face and reaction to the fireworks instead of them because he is that cliche, Carly’s outfit is similarly inappropriate for the event and I lol, at least if you bought that coat instead of just window shopping it gal you have that to throw on the ground and lie on, but it wouldn’t surprise me if you couldn’t afford it and are therefore without one, should we say the girl is peak cliche and the kiss happens during these fireworks going off or wait a bit til later in the night?]
Ali: [hmm, like, you have no reason NOT to be a cliche, you are literally a drama kid so, you would, also gives Ali and Ronan a reason not to see because they’re too busy with said fireworks so let’s go for it]
Carly: [meanwhile poor Carly SEES this in caps and literally has to escape into the house because feels like she’s been punched in the stomach by it, I hope girl Ro isn’t in there lurking because you don’t need her being a massive bitch when you’re trying not to lose it]
Ali: [girl Ro you better know what’s good for you sis, you’ll surely keep your bitchy thoughts to yourself because she’s not with Ali and that’s when you hate her the most, soz that you’re not going to realise she’s gone anywhere until these fireworks are done with because why would you, tapping Ronan on the shoulder and gesturing for him to look at Bartley and this girl, even if they’ve stopped making out, it’s clear what the vibe is]
Ronan: [doing a lil whistle at them, whether they notice or not, because not fully being in their face @ them with it in a Moses way, it’s more at Ali like ooh get them haha]
Ali: [pushing him like don’t be mean but you’re also laughing a little until you’re looking around and realise Carly ain’t anywhere to be seen like oh, yeah, she could be in the toilet but we just know that’s not the reason so we’re gesturing to Ronan like hold on, just need to check something as we’re making our way towards the house]
Ronan: [catch this boy watching her go, utterly confused, because he rudely but very legitimately has not realised Carly is MIA, going to get himself another drink or whatever because everything is fine from his POV]
Carly: [but catch Carly literally hiding in whatever the nearest small space is to wherever she entered the house be it the french doors or back door or front door, I’m literally picturing her standing in a cupboard with all the coats or something and it’s the saddest but most adorable image]
Ali: [thank god it is Alison who finds you because anyone else would be so scared/confused to find you in a cupboard casually, we’ll be here returning the sad pout face and putting our arms out like come here you because we know, we saw enough when we finally did]
Carly: [walk into her outstretched arms like you’re a bub and she is the mum you deserve but don’t have, it’s giving the saddest game of hide and seek ever]
Ali: [have this cuddle, it’s okay girl, feel your feelings, we’re just here letting you say or do as little or as much as you want]
Carly: [here dropping compliments that are specific to this girl not just generic ones like she’s really pretty but genuine things about why we think she is great/well suited to this boy, with the unspoken being and we are not]
Ali: [‘they’ve only just met’ very gently but insistent because it is just a kiss]
Carly: [when you’re so in a spiral you can’t even register it’s not that deep even if you know it because you’re not cray, shaking your head to dismiss that like it doesn’t matter when it does, leaving her hair where it is as something to hide behind like 🥺]
Ali: [‘he was kissing cowgirl last week’ said in the same calming, almost sing-song voice you use to soothe a kid because he was and that was nothing and thus this can be the same, smoothing her hair, if not tucking it behind her ears, ‘cos she can hide if she wants to]
Carly: [‘last week I didn’t care’ because she truly did not and so she wasn’t expecting the reaction she just had to hit her at all never mind as hard as it just did, said in a um wtf is wrong with me kind of tone]
Ali: [making a noise like I know, I know because there isn’t logic to these things, and you can’t control how and when they happen ‘what would you like to do?’ because we can stay in this cupboard for as long as you like]
Carly: [‘poison her’ with a mischievous look in her eyes like lol ‘but your ma won’t be letting none of that go on, not on her watch, not again’ because if we’re serious about this we’ll never leave this cupboard actually, but the sigh that follows is more sincere]
Ali: [‘still dealing with the consequences of last time’ looking towards the neighbour's house even though you’re inside and can’t actually see or hear them kicking off rn ‘but for you-’ gesturing like let’s go and find the poison, as if you have loads kicking about]
Carly: [‘sure then, we’ve to head back outside ourselves, one less thing for her to worry herself about, what we’re up to in here’ said so flirtily as she pulls Alison from this cupboard in a similarly v flirty move but we’re sincerely going back as though there’s no other option because hiding in here forever doesn’t feel like a valid one for who this gal projects herself to be]
Ali: [‘all she worries about is boys’ rolling your eyes at your mother, the man-hater, as if she’s not proven to have valid reasons lol but hey ho, needlessly stumble out of this cupboard together like you’re dancing again ‘can chill in my room for a bit, if you want’ because there are other options but we’re also not opposed to cracking on, of course]
Carly: [‘they’re more of a worry than me’ as she takes this gal in the direction of back to the party and not in her room unsupervised like see, I’m a good influence and good girl because flirty 5ever]
Ali: [crowning her with an invisible halo, swooping your fingers ‘round and ‘round the top of her head, also changing whatever song is currently playing to something more danceable in your opinion so you two can do that for a while and not immediately have to go back to the group and try to chat]
Carly: [re-entering the party with another pure LOL because of her halo that I hope that boy hears, going IN dancing with Alison until the poor girl literally needs a break because she’s not high as a kite and then making Tommy dance with her which he’d love because dancing boy]
Ali: [at least all these peeps, Meena included, are dancing types, so you can fully let Carly be left in their capable hands and the lure of showing off like that will get that girl to cool it and go join the group, Ali throwing herself down with a sigh and a drink when she’s knackered from it]
Carly: [Carly defs doing the thing when she brings Meena up like she’s gonna dance with her but then getting her dancing with Tommy, catch this girl literally dancing with everybody in their little group but kissing girl and Bartley, even Ronan, cos really gotta make that point of oh y’all are too busy with each other to have a dance with me lol, but really she’s just mad at y’all haha]
Ali: [we love the complete lack of subtlety, babe, just here like oh, okay lmao]
Ro: [I’d like to point out girl Ro 👀 at Ali from wherever she is because a normal person would come over while she’s alone but she is not normal]
Ali: [that would require you having to move in front of company and heaven forbid, got to sit wherever you are sat with your book and barely move, never mind speak to any of these people, still, we will make our way over to you because we can feel your 👀 even with the attention being paid to all the dynamics playing out with the rest; gently nudging your book forward, to see what you’re reading, because it’s undoubtedly seasonably appropriate ‘did you see Leesha?’ because you’ve defs been doing your own 👀 by now]
Ro: [show her what you’re reading because one thing about this gal, she knows how to pick an appropriate book, but barely moving, so subtly doing it that nobody would see her doing so, likewise when she nods, only Ali is going to pick up on it]
Ali: [calling her, Leesha that is, something shady in the made-up language that you have ‘she’ll be after Ronan and Bartley now’ ‘cos she is that type of girl, shaking your head at her like oh you, grabbing some of the food that has been left by Ro and eating some, as if you can encourage her to merely via this although you don’t truly have much hope for it, instead talk about whatever fire rituals you guys can do on her birthday which is literally days away, as she wouldn’t join in with any of these festivities]
Ro: [likewise calling that girl something shady in their made up language but doing it by putting her finger over individual letters in the lines of the page of her book and spelling it out so it’s even more secret and just between them because god forbid this girl says a single word when there are people here she doesn’t want around, watching Ali eat whatever she’s eating like she’s starving because she is and even doing so out of the corner of her eye subtly there’s no escaping how !! she is about it, still looking at her that way long after the food has been eaten because ofc]
Ali: [‘whilst they’re gone’ like Tess and Fearghal aren’t here, you can, again, we’re desperate but not hopeful about this]
Ro: [‘no’ should be in caps because in contrast to her quiet and stillness up to this point, SHOUTING this loud enough that everybody at this party will be shooketh and stop whatever they are doing, because that’s how anti that suggestion she is, knocking the plate to the floor even if it’s empty or almost, with the !! of how dramatically she’s getting up and leaving because so desperately want to but cannot]
Ali: [oh what a party, getting up dramatically too, considering following her but you don’t know what to say or what to do if you were to, so instead kneeling down to pick up this plate and whatever food has been spilled, trying to not have your own little cry about this now]
Carly: [coming over and just silently helping her clean up/then taking her hand when it meets over this food and just holding it for  a sec because you know how upset she is and it’s all you can do whilst trying not to make a big deal out of it in front of everybody, meanwhile Tommy will go after Ro even though he likewise doesn’t know what the fuck to do or to say because he is that bitch, especially in this era]
Ali: [just asking this girl if she has any drugs left because what else can you do at this point]
Carly: [you absolutely would, I’m sure, so put them into the hand you just held, whatever they are, from wherever you just retrieved them on your person]
Ali: [go run and take that in private so my boo can have Bartley and Carly interact, thanking you, ‘cos y’all are just being left here for a hot sec, Thomas and Alison have gotta deal with this separately]
Carly: [thank god Thomas invited several friends and they aren’t all boy thirsty af so Meena isn’t just left alone while he has a useless girl Ro convo with her while she’s lying under Ray’s old bed with her arms folded like she’s in a coffin cos just girly things, since I’m sure Carly FULLY intended to make her way over to these gals but soz I gotta have you be waylaid by that boy]
Bartley: [you’ll be fine girl, you clearly know these girls to some degree yourself, even if they are that bit older, you have some similar interests so; meanwhile this boy has no clue what Ro’s deal is clearly but now wants to because wtf was that, so just bowling over to Carly to ask as much because not a good look to ask the girl who’s all over you and she probably has as much of a clue, you would reckon]
Carly: [when you’re carrying on the clean up for Alison so she can go take her drugs and are thus UTTERLY caught unawares by this boy coming up to you, literally doing a me and jumping out of her skin 6ft in the air as if she has never seen this boy before and doesn’t know him like OMG, but gotta lol it off and lol at yourself because that’s who she is]
Bartley: [doing an amused snort at this reaction ‘she was pretty freaky, yeah’ giving calm down though about it, not helping to clean up because such a thought would not occur to you, nudging whatever she’s trying to pick up out of her reach with your foot ‘tell us then’]
Carly: [‘don’t be a gobshite about Ali’s sister’ so genuinely because will defend Rosaline even though she’s a massive bitch to us and always has been because again, who she is, an unamused snort back at his antics of thwarting her clean up efforts, kicking his foot very playfully, and obvs flirtily cos she always is, with her own like oi rude]
Bartley: [‘I’m asking you, quietly, like’ because you aren’t taking the piss to the whole group, which you could do honestly, the silent girl just shouting out of nowhere like hello, kicking this girl in her butt, not flirtily but because she’s either kneeling or sat on the cold hard ground rn so you simply can like oi yourself, miss]
Carly: [‘you’ve eyes and can see for yourself she’s not well’ because all we’re gonna say about it, we’re not going into the tea and the goss about this gal, bitch or not, getting up off the cold hard ground with a tut like um excuse you do not kick me up the arse thank you, standing with her arms folded like she’s so mad but her face is amused]
Bartley: [rolling your eyes when she won’t give you the goss because of course you wanna know, I would lmao ‘boring’ but you’re returning the amused look nonetheless]
Carly: [so would I sir, so would I, but Carly is too much of a sweet egg and too loyal to Ali to be giving you the goss, soz ‘your girl there’s the one for entertaining’ nodding to Thomas’ friend/the direction of, like, off you go if I’m so boring]
Bartley: [being so smirky smug about it because you’re a teenage boy and also not used to getting that kind of attention because you’re not Moses about this ‘piss off’]
Carly: [kicking him again, a bit harder like stop being the smirking emoji rn please I’m dying inside about it, in an irish dance move kind of way like she’s gonna dance herself away then, but not actually ‘you came on over to me, boy’ like I was here first and am mid cleaning up, you leave, but still playfully because don’t want him to fr]
Bartley: [‘stop bloody kicking us, you mental’ scowling but in a jokey way because none of the older lads are here to see you essentially playfighting with a girl about it ‘what are you on?’ ‘cos we all know she’s off her tits, giving that she’s taken amphetamines and is on a cleaning spree like a 50s housewife here]
Carly: [giving Ro’s outburst in a jokey way by getting RIGHT in his grill to mouth ‘no’ at him silently whilst shaking her head because gotta be the most flirty we can about it without even intentionally trying ever, staying that close to tell him whatever she’s on, like a conspiratorial whisper as if this is the best kept secret at the party ‘after some?’ genuinely because you didn’t give it all to Alison there is clearly some left]
Bartley: [pushing her head away how you do to dismiss someone without being properly rude like leave it out you because not okay about that casual level of closeness, nor are we after any because try to be a good boy about these things unless you’re trying to fit in with the older ones ‘and make as much of a holy show of myself as you? I’m grand for it’]
Carly: [playing with her hair because likewise not okay with his retaliation and how we feel about it, taking the BIGGEST step back it’s possible to take without falling over backwards like okay okay I shall heed it and move, that was still playful and silly vibes but she’s genuinely glad she did once he’s said that cos ouch, hugging herself like well that’s just mean ‘yeah, grand, you are’ sadly like okay normal service has been resumed and he is slagging me off again, cool and well done you sir] 
Bartley: [shrugging awkwardly because you didn’t mean for it to be as mean as all that but you’re also of course not going to take it back because you’re like well, it’s true ‘her family are right here’ as if that had escaped Carly’s notice because we could never, best behaviour truly]
Carly: [‘and I’d have no knowing of how to be here without [whatever drug she is on]’ blurting that truth out because she is high enough to rather than try and defend her actions somehow in that !! way you gotta when you’re like I’M SORRY]
Bartley: [doing your own slight step back because you don’t know how to deal with this admission, blinking at her like oh, okay ‘I thought you two were close’ like why would you be that freaked out to be here]
Carly: [her entire being and posture once again screaming apologetic without her literally screaming her I’m sorry in his face rn because we hate that we said that and clearly didn’t mean to and now the vibes are OFF and we might as well be Rosaline levels of weird as far as this boy is concerned ‘we are’ in the kind of tone that’s like forget it/don’t worry about it/you obvs don’t understand and I won’t freak you out more by trying to explain]
Bartley: [just shaking your head because obviously you think this is a terrible coping strategy/it clearly doesn’t work but you’re not gonna say all that here and now, picking up the last of whatever needed cleaning up and going to toss it onto the fire without saying in a bit or anything]
Carly: [he’s so so right for that truly, go and find your BFF Rocky so you can throw yourself into being wild with him and try and forget that happened cos can’t even face heading to the gals atm when that’s the direction this boy is likely going]
Ronan: [meanwhile, you sir, go and find Ali in her attic like my boo and Winnie said, bring her a drink you can hand to her when you get there so it feels more casual and not like an ambush while she’s waiting for her drugs to hit]
Ali: [you’d be able to see him coming from your vantage point so you know it’s him and can have a hand outstretched with whatever drugs you have left in your palm like there we go, swapsies]
Ronan: [taking it because unlike your cousin you’re not opposed/cannot say no in this era and you wanna be on her level whatever happens so, get comfy next to her whatever that looks like, whether you’re on the floor or a chair is irrelevant because it’s the close to her without being !! in her grill bit that matters here]
Ali: [when the smile you attempt to do at him after your first sip of this drink is so sad, you can only groan and rest your head on his shoulder like for fuck’s sake because obviously they’ve not kicked in yet and you still feel like shit/mortified that the party has taken this turn ‘she’s just-’ stopping yourself like nah because not something you can sum up right now, nor do you want to honestly ‘fuck it’ offering him some of this drink to wash that pill down whether he has his own still or nah, just ‘cos]
Ronan: [stroking her hair how he do when her head is on his shoulder because genuinely wanna try and offer some comfort here and that’s such a boy way to do it, as is him saying ‘I’ve fireworks, still’ in a tone like if you wanna distract yourself by blowing more stuff up OR you wanna stay here and you’d have a great view of them, either is fine, because boys and men love to try and fix things with a practical solution even when there isn’t one and he thinks that’ll help cheer her and turn this party around, it goes without saying he’s taking her drink to wash said pill down even though he does have his own by his feet because of course he is]
Ali: [doing a little lol at the male nature of that gesture, squeezing his arm ‘good idea’ but we aren’t making any attempt to move or let you yet ‘feels like ages ago’ seemingly out of nowhere but you are talking about when y’all were up here because that was the summer]
Ronan: [‘it was ages ago’ as he hands her her drink back and picks up his own instead, fiddling with it in some way how he was the bottle or can before when they had their domestic but in a more absentminded way than how !! stressed he was then because we’re sad she’s sad but it’s not at that level]
Ali: [‘now you’ve had your birthday you wanna act all grown up’ smirking and nudging him with your head like it weren’t THAT long ago, come on]
Ronan: [a shrug because you don’t know how to verbalise that it was ages ago because so much has changed since but your feelings have not and it therefore feels like forever since you touched her in a non-platonic way and even being here rn feels weird, and even if you did know how to say any of that, you came here wanting to cheer her up at least slightly and none of that will]
Ali: [looking up at him and sitting up so you’re not lying all over him for a moment ‘please don’t be sad’ the sorry in the tone if not literally said because hate that we’re making you feel weird ‘I just thought we could wait out our come up’ because don’t necessarily wanna do that in front of everyone, doing your own shrug like you don’t have to though, obviously]
Ronan: [‘I’m grand, Ali’ sir you are not but I appreciate what you’re trying to do here which is to give I’m fine don’t worry about me rn vibes, putting an arm around her shoulder the second she is done shrugging like come on, it’s okay, let’s wait together]
Ali: [never take much convincing to be snuggly although we don’t really believe you because you could use it right now, I imagine there’s a comfy old armchair up here that he was on the arm of kinda vibe to you being in it, so you squish up so you can both be sat in it more definitively and comfortably ‘shan’t be singing, this rate’ because in my re-read it came up that he’d not heard her sing and he was like you’ll have to at your party then]
Ronan: [‘ah now, the ideal thing to do as we wait, is it not?’ nudging her like go on, sing for me, but obvs he’s not actually expecting her too fr rn]
Ali: [even with your level of confidence, just belting out a tune now to him and him alone is not something you can do, shaking your head and hiding in case you’re blushing at the idea like no, no]
Ronan: [do some singing of your own, which is probably not good, to try and get her to join in with you, some silly irish song because we’re deliberately trying to bring those casual just two friends here drinking vibes, no pressure]
Ali: [of course you’re going to because too fun not to and he is cheering you up with it, hence you are properly loling about this and remixing this song and putting it with another for your own amusement]
Ronan: [need to say y’all are drinking out of bottles so that he can blow on it and use it like an instrument to add to this fun time you’re both having]
Ali: [just having your own lil jam sesh here, you love to see it, pretend y’all aren’t sat that close together, mhmm]
Ronan: [at least Ali is cheered up because fuck you girl Ro and y’all have managed to kill time til these pills hit without having to have another awks af convo that’ll make jemily and you wanna die cos Carly has that vibe covered already after the barly convo lol]
Ali: [just here dramatically stopping what you’re doing to hold his head and look into his eyes when they’re getting all saucer-like ‘there you go’]
Ronan: [please resist the urge to kiss her even though you’re STARING into her eyes as intensely and big stroking her hair again and it’s a moment™️ because jali don’t need that level of drama thank you, laugh instead because y’all are high ‘ready?’ for more fireworks whether she joins the party or not]
Ali: [you do be high and it could have definitely gone that way as easily but my boo says not today thank you, get yourself down that ladder and race him to said fireworks thanking you]
Carly: [I’d like it on the record that Carly will throw her arms around Alison the second she sees her and be hugging her like she hasn’t seen her for a million years, so big that she’s spinning her around and off her feet and they could both so easily fall over, no notes, just buzzing this gal is back and happier + Tommy has defs given up with Rosaline at some point while Ali was gone and returned himself so the gang’s all here]
Ali: [the girls are back and we’re going harder with having fun in any way we can which means being more chaotic and messy about this, soz but it must be done]
Carly: [love to see it, I’m not at all soz, the fun doesn’t have to end until we rudely call time on this party cos poor Rocky has to go to A&E, up to that point, fill your boots everyone]
Ali: [we should probably let y’all have a nice time now, even if some of you are high and some of you aren’t, it can be okay lol]
Carly: [it’s deserved, no more drama and only good vibes for a bit please everyone, even if barly is awks af everyone else is okay and there are enough peeps here that y’all don’t need to be interacting]
Ali: [we got our point across with the reaction to him smooching someone else, that’s the main thing, she doesn’t need to let him know that right now, Ali saw]
Carly: [do we wanna move to doing aftermath of this party now with any of the peeps we’re vibing?]
Ali: [sounds good, who do we want to first because no limit to who we can do with who here]
Carly: [hmm, that’s the question]
Ali: [perhaps cali will be the easiest to start with?]
Carly: [good idea, it usually is, do you wanna start it or shall I?]
Ali: [I will, why not, gotta address that awkward vibe the next AM]
Ali: [give her the lowdown on this girl that you’ve gotten from Thomas because not your friend so you didn’t know much, just girly things]
Ali: See, not a thing in common, them two
Carly: oh
Carly: but it dont matter cos i fucked it for myself to be sure
Ali: ah no, he’s seen you 😵‍💫 plenty before, who’s he holding it against you this time, like
Carly: I said
Carly: my god, I said
Carly: no I can’t, if you’d of seen what he 👀 @ us like 🥊🔪🧨🔨💔
Ali: I feel like all I have to be saying these days are colossally stupid things, especially to those boys
Ali: it’s the hangxiety making you think it’s !! proper though
Carly: the lad for proper reckons im mental & how is it he’s wrong?
Carly: hes just not like
Ali: He does sort of think everyone’s mental, he’s quick with the insults, that one
Ali: I don’t think he really means ‘em as heavy as they come fast, you know?
Carly: ive solved shit’s what I know 🧩💚
Carly: even if he were into me before hes over it now from last night
Ali: Okay, fair, we weren’t being very good detectives 🔎💘
Ali: He does though, they all show it weird 
Carly: nah he dont & Im to tell myself before I see him next & make a more massive dope of myself
Ali: You want to get over him?
Carly: theres nothing to get over he can 😍💋🥰💞😘💓 who he wants
Carly: its not me 🔎💘
Ali: But you want to, that’s something to process
Carly: ah ill be grand, be a new lad im after by this week coming 🔮🎱
Ali: Come on, this is me you’re chatting to
Carly: its whats chatted by everybody else & I told u myself im 🪀💜
Ali: But you liked Moses and wouldn’t have bothered with no one else until he did his own 180 on you, I know it’s never as simple as what’s on the grapevine 
Carly: we’ve to talk about how the brave little big man is from his 🤕🔥🚑🚨🏥 carry on or your sister
Ali: Like it never happened 
Ali: x2
Ali: In different ways, mind but 
Carly: did though 
Carly: to u & i love sharing my 🍭🍬 but baby I hate when youre sad
Ali: I don’t trust her to know when to stop with this
Carly: so what are we to do?
Carly: you know ill stop coming round there if it means shes better in herself for having you as her own again
Ali: I’m worried I can’t go back as far as she needs me too
Ali: that I’ve strayed too far now
Carly: cos of johno?
Ali: He’s responsible for a lot of it but, there’s so much she’s not done that I have now, it were never like that before
Carly: im sorry, it’s my fault, loads of it
Ali: It isn’t
Ali: she isn’t ready, I have been, ages before we even met and it all changed like that
Carly: idk maybe reading more books & 😍💋🥰💞😘💓 less lads would make her wanna b my mate too
Ali: She deffo has none of the bloody problems we do, maybe she’s got it right after-all
Ali: Ronan makes me feel so guilty, whatever I do
Carly: yea, me too, I get wrong off him all the time for not being you
Carly: boy, trust me, I wish I was 🙏💙🔮💜🤞🌠 
Ali: get away with you
Ali: If you were me, who’d I be best friends with
Carly: away w ye being so  💛👼🌟🧚‍♀️✨🐝🌞💛🌻
Ali: I’m not, I’m a shocking friend, not one I’d want, he won’t be bothered much longer, guarantee 
Carly: hes shocking if hes only bothering himself for your hole
Ali: My head is all 😵‍💫 poor boy don’t know what he’s to be bothered about, honestly
Carly: he dont want to have the knowing or hed have to put his head down and to what it is he is & isnt bothered by
Ali: and I feel like you wouldn’t be half as !! about Bart if I’d not have put the idea in your head
Ali: I feel shit for that now, like
Carly: its not for you to feel shit about
Carly: I shouldnt tell people whats in my head or how i am underneath the 🎇🥳🍄😵‍💫💥🤩🌟🥴✨😝☄️
Ali: Yes you should
Ali: I shouldn’t make you feel like you can’t, like everyone else
Carly: I told him idk how to be over yours w out 🍭🍬 i never meant to but he were going on about your parents being about & what a disgrace i am & I just wanted him to know how it is inside of me all the time
Carly: like hed ever ever understand when I dont 
Ali: Jesus, why he has to say the things he says, and how
Ali: I really think he thinks he’s giving you useful advice, not just having a go but that don’t excuse it
Ali: He needs to stop
Carly: but hes a point, I do show u up in front of your ma & da
Carly: your sister hates me
Ali: No you never, if I cared, would I invite you round all the time, ‘course not
Ali: Ro doesn’t relate to anyone, it isn’t just you, I swear that too
Ali: they’re only paranoid because of the unfair rep travellers have, got to be the best boys or my parents will be looking down their noses… though I try to explain why my family’d be the last, they still reckon it
Carly: you care for the wrong things, caring about me
Ali: someone’s to, we care about each other
Carly: im 😤😠😡🤬 theres no more I can do to help you than it
Ali: My family is fucked beyond all our magic combined
Ali: I keep trying
Carly: yea, mine too, but I never used to know to try before u showed us
Ali: 🌑🌌🔮🌠🎱🎇💣🌌🌑
Ali: It’s all we can do when everything is 🙃
Carly: least you look cute 🙃
Carly: 🦇
Ali: [send her a pic of Rocky and his bandaged hand] know who you think is cutest, like
Carly: oh now 🥺 look at my man there 👶💪
Ali: He’s not been 😭 so we’ve no call to
Carly: ive no sleep for worrying of him, ive call to 🥱☕️🍭🍬
Ali: He does things like this all the time, you can’t be fretting, he’ll have your life and be bouncing off the walls like it’s nothing, trust us
Ali: 🥱 sounds good, at least I stopped myself doing the stupid thing I wanted to, no apology to him warranted, even if I still feel like it is
Carly: he can have my life idm save us chucking it @ some less worthy lad 👋💚
Ali: I suppose it’s a point
Carly: youre better w explaining, I’m beside myself u cant have my life & give that boy the telling of what I tried to
Ali: you’ll have another chance
Carly: perks of being neighbours like
Carly: yours were a real 👸✨🍰🐶🦪🍾🦢✨ last night btw wow
Ali: She shoulda come over, Brit party an’ everything, fit right in 🥴
Ali: just glad she didn’t try to follow the lads home, be after seeing her around your way constantly if she thought either of them was my boyfriend
Carly: hows she not 💭👀 poor ro ro is, sure, he must’ve been trying hard not to follow after you
Ali: He was trying super hard, even when I was a stupid mess upstairs
Carly: I should’ve come found you it was my turn sorry
Ali: I’m sort of glad he did, no offence, honey
Ali: how hard he tried made me do better than I were gonna
Carly: none taken then 💙👼💛
Ali: you’d be fuming at me if I kissed you just because I was sad and half high too
Carly: I wouldnt but your boyfriend would
Ali: He wasn’t at the party but yeah
Ali: idk, the vibes were off
Carly: watch him find out if it was me you kissed cos hes that in my business 
Ali: maybe he likes you really
Carly: ha gas
Carly: u want everybody to like me
Ali: I really wouldn’t on that one, sorry
Ali: I’d look really, really stupid at this point
Carly: contrary to whats said I’m not after collecting em all ♠️ ♣️ ♥️ ♦️
Ali: Never hear the end of it if they were proved right 🙄
Ali: I shouldn’t have messed around with Ronan before, now it’s like, unfinished and weird and I can’t do fuck all about it
Carly: nor I, still, you had sense not to go all the way, better that than what I done w the boy
Ali: Is it? At least that can feel like a proper ending
Carly: yous can be proper friends in the end idk if he & me can
Ali: it shouldn’t matter
Ali: maybe it does, to all boys
Carly: 1 of these days theyll grow themselves up these 1s much as men ever are no more than big 👶😭
Ali: Distractions at best, yeah 😼
Carly: youre my fave distraction so I’ll be 👶😭 my own self you don’t wanna kiss us
Ali: Yeah, yeah
Ali: you know I don’t need 💋 to distract you
Carly: [her mum] is on it for the now
Ali: What’s [her mum] up to this AM?
Carly: [tell her about whatever random man your mum has over still from the night before because keeping the party going clearly but I don’t want to and shan’t think up the grim details, we all know the vibes and how not it they are]
Ali: you’re not up for doing anything then?
Carly: hes already asked me but it’s - craic to take your mammy’s fella from under her before she’s done w him, even Ive heard
Ali: I meant with me, girl
Carly: k 😁💛🌞🌻
Carly: loads better offer
Ali: Too right
Ali: ignoring I ain’t thought of no 💡 yet, I will by the time I’ve got to yours
Carly: I wanna go somewhere we can float off 🧜🧜🏼 don’t have to be the 🌊🐚 long as theres swimming
Ali: No ⚓️s just 💦
Carly: idk how i miss you when i saw you [however long] ago but hey
Ali: Too much in both our heads
Ali: a lot of it 💩
Carly: 🤯💥💩🧠 yea ive a headache & a half off it
Ali: same, those damn 🍭🍬 always do you like that in the cold light of day
Ali: Nothing sea air can’t fix for us
Carly: I love you & I wish that fixed things for us
Ali: I love you and I wish it too, baby
Carly: 🌑🌌🔮🌠🎱🎇💣🌌🌑 all we can do, how u said
Ali: 🙏🍀💘☀️
Ali: We can talk it out ‘til we know what to do
Carly: & if we dont we’ll let the water take us far from all of em
Ali: no problems in paradise 
Carly: never ever ☀️🍦🍉🍹👙🍍🌴🤿🥥
Ali: just 2 👼👼 too busy for this bullshit
Carly: youre the only 1 who could say that & not have me think I’m being slagged w it
Ali: Shite at flirting, shite at slagging, sounds of that
Carly: 😶 I’m not at keeping secrets, owed or no
Ali: You should tell your ma her fella’s a creep, that’s no secret so you don’t need to keep it
Carly: she were there when he said it, nothing to tell when hes inviting me to fuck him right in front of her
Ali: That’s really bad, like
Ali: what the fuck [her mum’s name we really should just think of lol]
Carly: she reckons he dont mean it but idk how its gas or no better to be something hes joking about like
Ali: zero craic in being a nonce, idiot man
Carly: - craic but all of them have that
Carly: i could have my da come back round & not work it out cos he’d be after me the same going by her track record
Ali: She is to be ashamed of her taste at her age, I’m afraid…
Ali: will have to break it to her after a few [whatever cocktails your mum is about]
Carly: ah thatd be some good craic 😅 of the sort youre always to be relied upon for
Ali: all said with ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 ‘course
Carly: course ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Ali: [at least we’ve got y’all out and trying to live your best lives despite it all, who would you like to do next, bub]
Carly: [hmm, let’s think logically here, who else do we realistically wanna do?]
Ali: [perhaps we post this bit and then think on ‘cos we’re just vibing and rereading rn, there are all the places we can go, including bringing the lads not at this party back on the scene too ofc]
Carly: [valid it is at 27 pages long]
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potagepotiron · 5 years
Hate crime
Season 3 of WTFock has ended, Robbe & Sander have found love and everyone is eagerly awaiting Christmas. It is a time to be happy. Well I’m not. I’m not happy because of how WTFock handled an important event that could have been a gamechanger for LGBTQ fiction. I’m talking about the hate crime that ended episode 28. The way in which this plot line was conceived, handled and received, tells you a lot of how our society views minorities.
Fist and foremost, I am a SKAM fan. I watched every clip and every remake. My favourite is Season 3. Because I’m a gay man. I also know this series can change people’s minds. How different crews made it into their own and are very proud about the result. So I had high hopes when a Flemish version of Season 3 was announced.
So I was watching season 3, had a few remarks here and there, and then came that slur. I’ve written about it earlier. To a gay man like me, familiar with internalized homophobia, the concept of using a terrible slur and throwing accusations at Sander like Robbe just seemed baffling. Do not do unto others what you wouldn’t want them to do to you. You wouldn’t subject another human being to such hate, because you know how it feels. Pure and simple. And then, the hate crime happened.
Let’s be honest, WTFock failed in handling the hate crime, from the absence of trigger warnings before the clip, to the immediate aftermath, right until the very end of the series. There was no middle ground, it either had to commit to its choice and be brilliant or fail. It failed miserably. It chose to portray Robbe & Sander as victims and refused to show any form of queer resilience. And even when it became clear, near the end, that they decided to have the attack trigger other major events in the story, the writers opted to not address the hate crime. And to the optimists stating that the attack could be dealt with in Season 4, I say this: too late.
Personally, I wouldn’t have included graphic violence in the first place. To me there is no value in showing violence. I seriously doubt its inclusion in a series aimed at a teenage audience, because the negatives (trauma and copycat behaviour) far outweigh the learning opportunities, even when handled perfectly. I couldn’t finish the clip. That night, I, a grown man of 35 years of age, was wide awake in my bed until 4 in the morning. I couldn’t sleep, knowing that a number of LGBTQ youth saw that clip and became afraid. Decided to hide in the closet for a bit longer, maybe. The scene simply is not worth it.
And despite my sentiments, the reactions online seemed to disagree: “we needed to show this. We needed to be shown this. People need to know.” I couldn’t understand. Trust me, I know about gay bashing. And so should you. I read all the articles in newspapers about the atrocious hatecrimes in Belgium and elsewhere. I know who Ihsane Jarfi is. Friends of mine who are in a relationship have been scared to go out late at night. I’ve been called names in the street myself. I know. The quesion is, why do I need to see two boys being beaten and left in the street?
I don’t think the depiction of a gay bashing had its place in WTFock. However, I do think that a discussion of homophobia should be included, albeit in another way. Gay violence and intolerance could have been a part of the talk that Robbe & Milan had. I’m not demanding to turn a blind eye to homophobia or to sugarcoat a story. Also, I myself am not blind to homophobia. On the contrary, I have encountered more of it this year than ever before. Belgian football, for example, is still rife with homophobic chants. And recently far right politicians have stressed the need to clearly define norms and abnormality with regard to sexual orientation and the rights to adopt or to get married.
The real question is what kind of homophobia the show chooses, wants to or needs to battle. Gay bashing is a radical example of hate, but hate has many forms. And all hate is the result of a much more complex undercurrent in Flemish society. Hate stems from fear of the unknown, indifference or lack of knowledge. And that is why Flemish LGBT interest group çavaria remains committed to eradicating homophobia in schools. This behaviour can be unlearned. Education is key. And that is why it was a good decision for WTFock to zoom in on the reactions of friends after a coming out. They could have gone the extra mile, though. Homophobia is far more varied and widespread than WTFock shows you.
Back to the hate crime. I wonder why the WTFock writing team missed the mark. Norwegian SKAM director Julie Andem demanded that research into the local youth culture should precede any adaptation of the original content. I’m finding it hard to believe that the gay community was on board with the decision to show a gay bashing. I consulted among my gay friends and all thought it was a bad idea. I also wonder whether or not anti-gay violence is a problem that is typical of Flanders. It’s hard to find reliable data on hate crimes and to interpret it because there could be a reluctance to report incidents, but there seems to be no significant difference between Belgium and its neighbouring countries, nor is there a statistically significant rise in homophobic attacks during the last years. There has been a rise, but that could be due to a higher percentage of people reporting incidents.
I’ve argued that the choices the writers made are bad, and that there is little or no claim to say that hate crimes are typical of Flanders, no more than anywhere else in Western Europe or Scandinavia, where the series originated and where gay bashing wasn’t included. But do I believe that the writers knowingly sabotaged their own writing efforts? Surely not. Yet, it’s hard to pinpoint why the series was developed the way it was without hearing from the makers. Chances are we’ll never know. Unlike their French or Norwegian counterparts, the screenwriters have, up to now, chosen not to communicate on the series. It is my perception that indifference to its LGBTQ audience, an appetite for drama and shock value and a degree of ignorance manifested itself throughout the series. That may or may not have been the intention of the makers, we can’t know, but it certainly had that effect on me as a viewer.
As always, a part of me that says I’m being too harsh. I can imagine it’s a lot less difficult and a lot more relaxed to write series on superheroes then it is navigating your way through the pitfalls of minority representation or gay televised fiction, a genre that exists less than 30 years and of which the rules are being rewritten constantly. It’s also not easy to have a number of militant gays like myself looking over your shoulders constantly, scrutinizing every line and every motive and picking on the one detail that got overlooked.
And should we dismiss the entire series because of this one incident? Let’s move on, Sander and Robbe are happy. Isn’t that a heartwarming prospect to gay kids? But this relativity is the problem. Silencing a hate crime not a detail. Showing violence on tv has repercussions, and they can’t be undone by having a cute gay couple smooch underneath a Christmas tree. A SKAM remake has a responsibility towards its audience. And it’s not that a chance like this comes around often. Budget cuts in locally produced fiction will mean it will take years before there’s another chance to see local gay fiction on screen. So every chance we get needs to be perfect. Because it will affect a new generation of young people.
Ultimately, the question is why it is so hard to have good quality gay stories, made by queer creators for a queer audience? Why was this series made by three white middle-aged men with a background in marketing, with only one of them with proven credentials in screenwriting? Why is it so hard to hire gay actors or to find authentic gay voices? Is it really necessary that a series like SKAM S3 contains “learning moments for the straight community”? Can’t we, for once, make a tv series without taking into account the heterosexual majority? It might be a bit tentative of me to say this, but I’m sure Niels Rahou, the writer of Season 3 of SkamFrance, wouldn’t have included a gay bashing scene. He has commented frequently on his scenarios, he is openly gay and he stated he would have benefited from a similar series during his adolescence. I don’t think the Belgian writing team wrote with the same sense of urgency or treated SKAM as a passion project.
To end, let’s go back to the original version of Skam Norway. The reason why the format was so revolutionary is precisely because being gay or coming out wasn’t a big deal. Jonas didn’t bat an eyelid when Isak told him he’d been with a boy. His friends were fine with it, and so were his parents. Isak faced an internal struggle, gradually coming to terms with and being the result of living in a heteronormative society. But ultimately the mopey kid with a love of sleeping waged a bigger war with his eternally overflowing locker. He just accepted his sexuality. In the end, though, Isak had grown as a person and showed serious committment to his boyfriend Even. But the eye-opener of the series was the way in which same-sex attraction was treated as something not to worry about.
As a reaction to the way in which homosexuality was depicted as part of mundane everyday life, people rightfully complained that this story was a bit too rosy. And it’s true, there is white middle class privilege in this story. Among certain communities, coming out still isn’t evident and living a gay life is considered unsafe for some people. Yet, Julie Andem would rather show her viewers with a vision of an ideal world, in order to help and comfort a LGBT audience, than care about what the public would think of the season. I think WTFock could have been more attentive to that message.
Luckily, for most of us, being gay doesn’t lead us to being the victim of a hate crime. That doesn’t mean we can turn away from the reality of such violence. But almost all of my gay friends have, one way or another, been confronted with various examples of homophobic behavior. More often than not, these instances are based on ignorance and are more small-scale in nature. Being called names in the street. A supposedly witty remark made by a drunk uncle at a Christmas party. Or take the well-known Flemish tv personality who, in all his innocence, made a plea for abolishing the Antwerp gay pride parade during a televised comedy show in june. He was applauded by the audience and genuinely seemed impressed by his clever, seemingly inclusive reasoning. More often than not, the threats the homosexual community face consist not of the raw violence of the physical attack, but of vulgarity, stupidity or ignorance. It is a potentially dangerous to narrow down homophobia to physical attacks and take the risk to have your audience believe that they’re in the clear as long as they don’t punch someone to death.
The only way things will change for the better is when the heterosexual majority steps up its game. This means they have to change, they have to start questioning their accepted beliefs, or how they educate their kids. Ultimately, they themselves won’t benefit from these changes, on the contrary, society as a whole will be a bit less tailored to them when heteronormativity is eradicated.  Inclusivity is about the majority caring about the minority. So this is my advice to the WTFock team. Don’t care about clicks, controversy or drama. Don’t perpetuate the representation of LGBT individuals as victims of a harsh outside world. Dare to shake up old, established narratives. Show that homophobia is far more pervasive and far more subtle than the large-scale evil of a hate crime. And if you’re going down that route anyway, commit to it. Don’t brush it off. Status quo is no longer an option.
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Were you really not gonna tell me? 'Cause newsflash, if you were waiting for Buster to grow a pair and do it Nancy: Obviously that wasn't going to and didn't happen, like Rio: It's not just you, I wasn't going to tell anyone Rio: I didn't Nancy: Okay Nancy: Glad to know it wasn't just me Nancy: But you could've said something when they all started finding out and not leave June to break it to me thinking I already knew Nancy: The level of awkward Rio: I'm sorry, Nance Rio: I should've thought Rio: it kinda just happened Nancy: That's my twin brother and I'm the last to know Nancy: You know? Rio: You so aren't Rio: know news is traveling fast but Rio: I don't know, I am sorry Rio: Probably could've done this better Nancy: Anyway its not about me Nancy: So not the point Rio: Yeah but it ain't my intention to make you feel shit with it Rio: or his Nancy: He clearly had no intention either way Nancy: It's actually comforting though, amid this whole personality transplant he's having, he's still able to be a prick Rio: I mean, take what you can get, babe Nancy: I'm sorry but this is Nancy: He's old enough to get married but not mature enough to talk to anyone about it Rio: To be clear, we aren't getting married Nancy: What do you mean? Nancy: You are Rio: I mean Rio: not right now Rio: not for ages, it's not like we've got plans Rio: we would've said then, would've had to Nancy: Then what are you doing? Nancy: Why do you need a ring that costs enough to give my mum and dad a heart attack, right now? Rio: Because we want to Rio: there's no way to say that that doesn't sound bratty but you know what I mean Nancy: Not that long ago he wanted to go to America Nancy: I'm not even trying to sound like a bitch but if I do then it's 'cause I don't understand Rio: I've not said he can't Rio: he's still applied Nancy: I'm not saying that only Nancy: How do you know what he wants? Nancy: I know what it's like to get carried away, like Rio: I know Rio: but this hasn't just come out of nowhere, remember Nancy: It seems like he has to keep upping the stakes, everyone's okay with you being together so he has to take it further Rio: I don't think he wants the fight Rio: like you said, he doesn't even wanna talk Nancy: He says he doesn't, but then does everything he can to have it brought to him Nancy: He's always done it Rio: I don't know what to say Rio: I really don't think he's gonna take it that far, like Nancy: Well, I wouldn't have said so either but it's one drama after another with him lately Rio: There's nothing I can say to convince you, and I'm not going to Rio: but I know he loves me Nancy: I know he loves you too Nancy: But you have to admit, it's intense, right? Rio: Yeah Rio: It definitely is Rio: it always has been Nancy: Are you sure he can handle this? Rio: How do you mean? Nancy: He's always kept everyone at arms length Nancy: Slept with different girls all the time Nancy: Not that long ago Nancy: Has he really changed that much? Rio: I think so, but sure, I can't say so for certain Rio: but it's only me who has to take that chance and trust him Rio: you know Rio: if he hasn't then that's that Nancy: Aren't you freaked out? Nancy: He's already cheated on you, okay not in a cut and dry way 'cause we all know what Chloe is like and what she did but still Nancy: You said yes to forever Nancy: That's Rio: Like you said, not that cut and dry Rio: It was all such a mess idk if we were even together together Rio: it still hurt but Rio: I'm just trying to move on from all that shit Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Sorry for bringing it up Nancy: I'm just Nancy: I'm freaked out if you're not Rio: Nah, it happened Rio: I can't explain how I know Rio: I just do Rio: Maybe it's stupid but it still is Nancy: I don't think either of you are stupid Nancy: Impatient, maybe Nancy: But you're not alone in that, like Nancy: Everything's moving so fast with everyone and I can't remember how to relax anymore Rio: Yeah Rio: It is mental Rio: but this is one of the only things that doesn't make me feel like that Rio: that's what it is, that's how I know Nancy: I can tell its the same for him Nancy: Even if he won't talk to me, I still know Rio: I can make him but you know how well that'll go down Rio: Not got those kind of powers yet, like Nancy: Mum's beat me to the ambush and I can imagine how that went Nancy: I'm not trying to do it Rio: Either really bad or really well 'cos my phones not being blown up so Nancy: Not to be a bitch again, but option 1 is way more likely Rio: Yeah Rio: Reckon your Mum hates me as much as Ro does yet or Nancy: Of course not Nancy: Ro only hates you 'cause she hates herself so much there's no more space there Nancy: My mum would never Rio: Good to know Rio: Self-esteem saving the day yet again Nancy: Not to say she's buying a hat and shoes yet Nancy: But you'll be okay at the next family function Nancy: Mum's mad at Buster not you, and same Rio: What a fashion faux pas that'd be Rio: Make a joke about hiding the bump better than the ring but even I'm not ready for that gag yet Rio: He really is trying, not that I'm going to law school to be his advocate but Nancy: You're getting married before Ro, we're all thrilled about that much, babe Nancy: He's trying my patience, but what's new there? Nancy: We're all trying as hard as we can right now Nancy: It'd be nice if he acted like he gave a fuck about anything besides you and him but Nancy: Just do me a favour and don't have a baby until I'm out of the country, yeah? Rio: Has Drew made an appearance since? Rio: and you've got it Nancy: No Nancy: Even he's not that much of an idiot Rio: Just checking Rio: Don't want 'em sneaking in ahead, like Nancy: If you think my mum is anti your vows she's next level about theirs, don't worry Rio: Ain't we all Rio: Not just 'cos I wanna ride him myself, naturally Nancy: Don't Nancy: So gross Nancy: If that can be the one thing that unites us I'm fine with it Rio: You fancy him too? Rio: Know he's pretty but um Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: Not what I meant Rio: 😂 Rio: Awks, surprised he ain't aiming for the full set Nancy: I'm sure he is Nancy: Happy to disappoint and destroy the myth that he's even pretty Rio: Gasp Rio: Nance, it's all he's got Nancy: Unlucky Rio: Heartless Nancy: Rule 1 of man hating lesbianism, like Rio: I been to the clubs, I basically got the jacket Nancy: You got all the phone numbers too, don't rub it in Nancy: You're already coupled up before me Rio: I didn't get off with anyone 😏 Nancy: Only 'cause you're disgustingly in love with my brother Nancy: You easily could've Rio: Shh Rio: Number one player right there Nancy: Please don't get all boring and domestic Nancy: I need to go out like yesterday Nancy: School is killing me Rio: I don't reckon that's very likely Rio: I do need to ask about and get my name back out so Rio: come with for the crawl, like Nancy: Definitely Nancy: When? Rio: Whenever you can Rio: I was gonna go tonight but gonna take more than one Nancy: I can do tonight Nancy: I need to Rio: Sorted then Rio: Just don't tell your Ma Nancy: She's too busy on labour watch to notice what I do Nancy: Not pregnant or engaged so I'm slipping through the cracks Rio: Aw babe Rio: let's avoid a sister scandal still Rio: Doesn't make the night go with a swing Nancy: Just how hetero is this club if you feel like either outcome is likely for me tonight? Rio: Just 'cos I'm coming for your gayness by getting engaged in a blink of an eye, don't be salty Nancy: Please Nancy: I'm never getting married Nancy: You do you but it's not for me Nancy: I'll keep the cat stereotype Rio: Just saying Rio: you know you could end up wifey'd and ma'd as easy in the gay club Rio: progress, baby Nancy: I could, but I won't Nancy: If I can get through this school year I'll be that career driven bitch Nancy: Glass ceilings to still break, you know Rio: 'Course Nancy: I know you're devastated, babe Nancy: I still love you though Rio: 😂 Rio: How'd you know? Nancy: Settling for the other twin, textbook Rio: That'll be it Rio: Try not to be too smug when you do chat to him, yeah? Nancy: I'll leave that to him Nancy: He does it so much better Rio: Nothing smugger than the higher ground Rio: Sneaky, babe Nancy: You can have that one as a freebie for your married life Rio: 😏 Rio: Still owe me a gift Rio: know you're good for it, McKenna Nancy: Maybe the gift is me tonight, hmm? Rio: Steady Rio: We can't keep doing this Nancy: I know, I know you can't handle me Nancy: I've heard it all before Rio: You heard what they say about redheads too, yeah? Nancy: Absolutely Rio: 😂 Rio: Guess we've said all we need to say then babe Nancy: You haven't told me how high up the bridesmaid rankings I am yet though Rio: You mean you ain't after that best man spot? Nancy: Can't seduce my way up that list Nancy: Also sure that he'd rather die than have me do anything like that for him Nancy: Especially 'cause I'd look better in a suit Rio: Who else would he ask? Rio: Picking the best of his current friends is the best of a bad bunch, like Nancy: You've got more than enough brothers to choose from Rio: Nah Rio: Like you said, kept his distance, who are they to him really, like Nancy: Okay but if you aren't getting married soon who knows what bromances he might form Rio: Who knows how much you'll be twinning Nancy: Gross Rio: You love it Nancy: You do Nancy: I saw you matching him on his feed Nancy: You're such a lesbian now, I can't Rio: Shut up 😖 Rio: we looked 🔥 Nancy: Yeah but it was so gay Rio: I feel hatecrimed Nancy: If you tell me you wanna match me tonight I'm not coming Nancy: Like I am, 'cause I need to, but Nancy: No Rio: 😒 Rio: this is why we're breaking up Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: You could've at least let me break up with you first Nancy: You know how stressed I am Rio: Now you can let off steam with some club hoe Rio: YOU'RE WELCOME Nancy: Now I'll be crying in the club and you'll have to deal with that Rio: Can't keep up with what you want, babe, honestly Nancy: Lesbian 101 Nancy: You never will Nancy: I actually might let off some steam if there's an option though, does that work? Rio: Sounds exhausting Rio: Ooh lala Rio: little TMI but I'm down Nancy: It's a serious question Nancy: Not a proposition for you Rio: Umm, are you asking permission or like Rio: if fucking helps you forget your problems? Nancy: I don't need your permission, we're not engaged, sorry about it Rio: The latter then? Rio: I mean, it's distraction, good as any but it's not fixing anything, like Nancy: If it works as a distraction, I'll try it Nancy: Spoken like I could remotely pull that off after having one girlfriend, okay Rio: Did you Rio: you know Rio: don't have to answer that fully tell me to shut up if you're feeling it Nancy: Yeah but I kind of had my mind elsewhere so I can't really draw on that for much inspiration Rio: Yeah Rio: I wouldn't reccomend going back to old inspiration Rio: goes without saying but that's not gonna help anything Nancy: You're telling me Nancy: Not how I thought my first relationship was gonna go Rio: Cheer up Rio: plenty got you beat Nancy: Is that meant to be comforting? Thanks Rio: Yeah Rio: least you got to be the cunt Rio: feminism, init Rio: the rest of us stuck with our sob stories here, Indie just the latest in line Nancy: I'd rather she hurt me, that's how I deserved for it to go Nancy: As if Buster gets an engagement and I get this Nancy: Such a prick Rio: Well she didn't so you don't get to mope, babe Rio: Come on Rio: Sort it out Nancy: You sound like my mum Nancy: Don't do that around him Rio: Well there's no need for that kinda slander Rio: Might be into it, but I know I can't freak you out with Freud like I did Inds so Nancy: Nothing an old white man has to say about anything is worth listening to Nancy: Even Indie knows that Rio: Harsh Rio: I like him, he knew how to party Nancy: I already know you like old white men, babe Nancy: You can't freak me out with that either Rio: 😂 Rio: Straight up savagery Nancy: Gay culture Nancy: Do I download an app or leave it up to the Gods and fates to decide if I fuck away my stresses? Rio: *Stolen straight from black culture so I trump you bitch Rio: Hmm Rio: Have you lot got a decent app of your own yet Rio: it's easier to swipe away dudes IRL than it is on a screen Nancy: Decent is a stretch Nancy: but yeah, I've swiped away my share of men in the club and out Nancy: Gross Rio: I say leave it then Rio: Plus I know you shy types, you'll front too hard on the socials and feel like dying when the time comes Rio: best to keep all your impressions in person Nancy: I feel so attacked Rio: As you should, direct callout, like Rio: got no time to chill Nancy: Fine Nancy: Acknowledged and accepted Rio: 😘 Love ya bitch Nancy: I'm glad he's not going to America if it means you're not Nancy: Like, I don't know how far away I'll be anyway but still Rio: I know you're hurting rn Rio: but please Nancy: What? Rio: Where you not insinuating you don't even wanna live in the same country as me? Nancy: I'm saying I do want to, not that I know what country I'll be in Nancy: But the way my classes are going I could be stuck here Rio: Ahh, with ya Rio: You cutie Rio: There's no way Rio: even with this bullshit Rio: it's all about your portfolio really yeah Rio: and nothing's fucking with that Nancy: It's just that nobody tells you that when you want to fuck your teacher and it fucks her over none of the other staff are that willing to help you Nancy: She used to help me, you know Nancy: And I can't like hey sorry but can you just help my dyslexic brain figure this essay out please even though you hate me now Rio: Surely there's someone else in that shithole who can Rio: Like, they don't have to be buzzin' about you but Rio: just unprofessional Nancy: I started it Rio: You're a student Rio: in their care, regardless Rio: also hardly the first who wanted to pipe a teacher, like Nancy: I don't know, all I know is everything takes so much longer now and I can't ask mum to help me until this baby comes out Nancy: So we're going out and I'm forgetting that school's a thing Rio: Sure I can't tempt you with a study sesh to go with the pre-drinks, like Rio: may as well, I've got fuck all to do 'til I get a day job again Nancy: You're not married in yet Nancy: You don't have to help me Rio: Come on Rio: Swear, I'm not that thick Nancy: Shhh Nancy: You're smarter than me that's my problem with it Nancy: You think my brother is the only one with an ego? Rio: Babe, please Rio: I'll just help get the shit sorted in your head, I ain't doing it for you Rio: left for a reason Nancy: I mean, if you wanna do it, I'll take the A Nancy: I need all the help I can get Nancy: Especially in Irish, obviously Rio: Don't push it, like Nancy: Come on, homewrecking doesn't end in good homework scores Nancy: Who knew? Rio: Ba mise an dalta ab fhearr liom ach Nancy: You lost me, see this is what I'm saying, I'm gonna fail and then have to go into my uni interviews like well.... Rio: Okay, okay drop the ego at the door and I'll help you out Nancy: You think I'm joking but I've seriously only studied with Buster before I moved schools and my mum since, when she's around Nancy: I wish I could call it ego Rio: Look, I know I can't talk you outta whatever block it is but seriously Rio: no judgment Rio: and none of the others would either Nancy: I know but like, Junior's so smart Nancy: Not saying you aren't, but you left so I don't have to know it everyday, do I Rio: There's different kinds of smart Rio: not to be that after-school special but seriously Rio: you're good at what you want to do Rio: and you'll find a way to make that happen Nancy: I know realistically that you're right but whenever I want to ask someone to help me I just remember what all those fucking girls made me feel like Nancy: About everything Rio: I know Rio: Cunts Nancy: I do need it though Nancy: Help, I mean Nancy: So if you're serious Rio: 'Course Rio: It's no thing, honest Rio: I'll come to you? 'Cos like fuck are you concentrating better here Nancy: Too true Nancy: Okay Nancy: I'll make us food Rio: 👍 Rio: and you say you ain't wifey material Nancy: Oh no, I know they'd be lucky to have me, babe Rio: 😏 More like it Rio: but remember, not why we going out, yeah Nancy: It's all just part of my masterplan to see the engagement ring, don't worry Nancy: There's nothing more important than judging every choice my brother makes Rio: Don't have him taking all the credit like I didn't help Nancy: Lord, imagine Nancy: I've seen so many horror stories Nancy: That straight girl suffering Rio: They love it Rio: First test for hubz to fail so you can cackle with your girls Nancy: They hate men more than I do and that's the truth Nancy: I see you with your separate living rooms Rio: Mhmm Rio: you'd understand if you liked 'em babe Nancy: No thanks Nancy: I refuse to believe the sex is good enough to put up with everything else Nancy: I've heard enough straight girls talk to know it isn't Nancy: Do better, all of you Rio: 😏 Nancy: Don't Nancy: I know what you're thinking and I don't want to hear it Rio: That's why I didn't say anything! Nancy: That emoji speaks for you Nancy: Loudly! Rio: Well, I can't lie Nancy: Disgusting Rio: Moving on Nancy: Thank god I moved before I had to hear that many girls swooning over him Nancy: Just have to deal with you instead Rio: First of all Rio: I'm not swooning Nancy: Sure Nancy: And second of all? Rio: Shut up Nancy: Mean Rio: Deal with it Nancy: Stop hate criming me oh my god Rio: 😂 Rio: The girl who cried hate crime Nancy: The title of my autobiography or no? Rio: Defs a work in progress but don't hate it Nancy: If nothing else the photos will sell it Rio: I know how you meant that and yet Rio: centrefold yo Nancy: Lord Nancy: Go to church please Rio: It sells Rio: we all know it Nancy: If the girl looks like you, sure Nancy: But you're not getting that promo in my autobiography so Rio: Shh Rio: working on my manners but the sentiment's the same Nancy: It's not rude to admit how pretty you are Nancy: You're fine Rio: 🙄 Rio: Such a flirt Nancy: You wish Nancy: You're stuck with my brother now, I'm not saving you Rio: Oh well Rio: that's that then Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Heartbreaking but Rio: Don't break out into a rendition of I Will Survive yet Nancy: I'll save it for the club Nancy: Promise Rio: It is a tune Rio: I'll pick a nice love song to piss you off Nancy: There she goes again with her hate crimes Nancy: So mean Rio: You know Rio: if loving your brother is a crime 😜 Nancy: That was actually the gayest thing you've ever said Rio: I know right Rio: really leaning into this Nancy: Am I proud or am I horrified? Hmm Rio: So proud Rio: Gonna make a speech at the wedding Nancy: If you mean get drunk and call Buster out then yeah Nancy: Of course I will Rio: Please don't ruin my pretend wedding Rio: the drama, this family has had enough Nancy: What do you actually want as an engagement gift though? Nancy: You've caught me unawares and I'm offended Rio: We don't need anything Rio: just get the first round, like Nancy: Did I say need or did I say want Rio: Did I not say a round Rio: you can IOU his Nancy: Fine Rio: Don't be grumpy Rio: So like him Nancy: OH MY GOD Nancy: Is that any way to change my mood? Rio: Facts are facts babe Nancy: Stop it Nancy: I'm pouting 'cause I wanna shop that's not like him at all Nancy: You know he'd just buy it Rio: Yeah he gets so mad when I won't let him splash the cash Nancy: Gross Rio: Mhmm Nancy: Why are you marrying this manchild? Rio: You know you don't wanna hear really Nancy: You don't have to marry him for that Nancy: None of us are religious Nancy: He's slept with girls for so much less Rio: No, I mean Rio: You'd just gross at any reasoning beyond that too Nancy: I know you love him Nancy: We've had that conversation Nancy: My memory's not that bad Rio: Are you drunk already? Nancy: I wish Nancy: But we have to study, right? Rio: Yeah, I can deal with dyslexia but not drunkness, thank you Rio: also omw btw Nancy: I think it's better when I drink Nancy: Like it cancels out Rio: Interesting Rio: still Rio: wait bitch Nancy: I'm not saying we test it now Nancy: I'm just saying test me later compared to now Nancy: Or something Rio: Whips out homework in the club Nancy: I meant my brain in general but whatever you're into, babe Rio: 😂 Rio: You gon be too busy Rio: remember Nancy: Fighting off straight men, sure Rio: Life and times of a mega babe Nancy: Femme struggles Nancy: Woe's me Rio: Poor baby Nancy: But if there are any cute girls there who happen to also be into me then yeah to fucking away my problems, obviously Rio: 😳 Damn okay Nancy: You know how I flirt so you know your blushes are gonna be spared Nancy: You've got more chance than me Rio: You'll be fine Rio: Your Ma ain't about is she Rio: fully avoiding Nancy: She's done her drop in for the day so you're safe Nancy: You don't need to avoid her though, just use the diamond glare like a torch Rio: Bear that in mind Rio: but I'm glad it's safe to come in Rio: get ready to train that brain Nancy: You're really selling it Nancy: Thanks Nancy: We can drink when I'm done, yeah? Rio: Well any jokes about being your sexy tutor are kinda off limits no Rio: Doing my best with what you've left, like Rio: and duh Nancy: Don't this is literally never gonna blow over and be okay, is it? Like Nancy: Excuse me while I move countries again Rio: Oh babe Rio: it will Nancy: If that was true it'd be old news by now, wouldn't it? Rio: Full offense but no one thinks about it as much as you do anymore Rio: it's just part of the craic, like who's fingered who and all that shite Nancy: Ouch Rio: It's gotta be said Nancy: Okay Nancy: Like it did really but you've said it now Rio: I'm sorry Nancy: How did you get engaged and we're still talking about me? Nancy: That's gay culture Rio: 😂 Rio: I like to think if it wasn't to your brother you'd be more receptive but you know Rio: maybe I'm giving too much credit Nancy: Rude Nancy: I want you be happy I'm not that much of a bitter lesbian Rio: I know bitch Nancy: You better know that Rio: Of course I do Rio: it's not that deep, I swear Nancy: You're only getting married, it's not that deep Nancy: You're funny Rio: Oh my god Rio: stop saying it like that Nancy: I'm sorry Nancy: But I can't believe this is something that's happening Rio: You've got plenty of time to get used to it Rio: not like it's happening in the morning, like Nancy: Thank god 'cause I am not having a good skin day Nancy: Club lighting is one thing but wedding photos are another Rio: Nothing but lowlighting I swear Rio: Plus I probably have to go on some mental diet right Nancy: Um NO Rio: Okay, wasn't about to go bridezilla and put all of y'all on it too or else Nancy: If you put yourself on it, I'd kill you, Buster would kill you, my mum would kill you Nancy: We'd all kill you Rio: The family that slays together Nancy: Exactly Nancy: Stop trying to make me give you big gay compliments about how pretty you are Rio: Soz, I'm just SO about it obvs Nancy: Who isn't? With MY track record Rio: Gotta keep everyone on their toes Rio: like you thought you knew our type Nancy: Jesus, I don't even know my own type Nancy: Good luck everyone Rio: We keep it entertaining if nothing else Nancy: One word for it Nancy: I'll just happily accept you and Buster keeping the heat off me with mum for as long as it keeps happening Nancy: Gathering up my free passes to be a messy bitch thank you Rio: Ringing endorsement Rio: You're welcome and cheers Nancy: I can be nice or I can be honest Rio: Why not both Nancy: When they overlap, of course Nancy: Doesn't happen often where my brother is concerned though Rio: 😏 I tried Nancy: You know he's only nice to you, right? Rio: Slight exaggeration Nancy: Barely an exaggeration Rio: Well Rio: I know he tries Nancy: I understand that you love him and you wanna see the best in him but I love him too and that doesn't matter like it should Nancy: Not to him anyway Rio: It does Rio: I know I've not got anything to back that up with but trust me Nancy: Where's he in this conversation? It's just me and you Nancy: And I came to London 'cause I asked you, he didn't invite me Nancy: He never would Rio: I know Rio: he just, does things differently Rio: he thinks that's how you want it Rio: and it's been like that so long, I don't know if he knows how to do different at this point Rio: not yet, anyway Nancy: Things are how he wants them 'cause I burned him years ago by leaving somewhere I literally couldn't be anymore Nancy: And he can't let it go 'cause he'll never talk to me about it Rio: It's not like it's an easy thing to talk about Rio: especially when he did a lot of things he regrets Rio: I get the frustration but it's not easy being the one who has to come on bended knee Nancy: Yeah, he did those things he regrets to me Rio: I know Rio: and so does he Rio: That's what I'm saying Rio: You get it, there's no ego to be salvaged Nancy: I wish he cared a little less about his ego then Rio: It ain't that simple Nancy: Nothing is when he's in the centre of it Rio: What happened happened Rio: There's too much water under the bridge to solve with a simple sorry no Nancy: I don't want sorry, just not to be shut out about everything that's going on with him all the time Nancy: Forget it. It's not like that for you, you don't need to understand how it is for me, like Rio: Well, no Rio: it's a two-way street Rio: he knows as little about you, it takes both of you to keep it like this Nancy: I came to London, I tried, even though he obviously didn't want me there Rio: So that's it, you're good? Nancy: Excuse you, I've been putting the work in since Nancy: He's put the shutters down over this 'cause mum's on the warpath and he can't handle any criticism Nancy: But it's not like I wasn't getting one word answers before then Rio: Whatever, this is ridiculous Rio: I'm not trying to be the go-between for either of you Nancy: Tell him to talk to me then Nancy: He actually listens to you Rio: Why can't you? Rio: You ask where he is but you're in my inbox acting like you expected him to be here Nancy: Please Nancy: I thought things were getting better for a second after the Chloe situation but here we are again, back to square one Nancy: I'm not there 'cause I'm not looking for a fight Nancy: And that's all he wants from any of us about this, for whatever reason Rio: Because he's been making changes since the Chloe situation and has got no positive feedback from that Rio: All he wants is acknowledgment of that Nancy: I know he's doing better but I don't know how to tell him that without sounding like a patronising bitch Rio: I'm not saying it's easy, or even that you have to Rio: but the defensive is his default for a reason and it isn't just that he's a cunt Rio: I'm not having that Nancy: When did it get so hard for us to talk to each other? Nancy: I used to tell him everything and vice versa Rio: I don't know Rio: Maybe it's growing up because even Indie doesn't come to me like she used to Nancy: Everything's so weird Nancy: I hate it Nancy: I'm genuinely glad he's got you, I used to get so worried about him having nobody to talk to Rio: Me too Rio: Yeah, he needs better people around him Rio: I think Uni, wherever he goes, will help Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Where we are in London is like a different world and not in a good way Rio: May can't come soon enough Rio: I am worried what he's going to do 'til then Rio: maybe I can go back and forth but I promised I'd be here Rio: I don't know Nancy: It's not just him, I was a different person there too, more shut off Nancy: It's what you have to do Nancy: He'll come here though, who wouldn't like it better? It's like taking a breath Nancy: Cliche but true Rio: Yeah Rio: It's not good for you though, I mean, you know Rio: you couldn't do it any longer than you had to Nancy: I really do know. I swear I felt too much here for too long 'cause I didn't let myself feel anything there Nancy: And look what happened Nancy: At least none of his teachers are hot, one crisis averted Rio: I mean, Chloe is hardly bangin' but you know Nancy: Therapists don't @ me or my brother, thanks Rio: Your funds, they'll be lining up babe Nancy: Right? I could pay to put their kids through uni before I go Rio: Truly Nancy: Rich kid problems Nancy: I'm aware how I sound Rio: You don't sound any type of way Rio: I'm sorry I had to be a bitch there Nancy: You're not Nancy: I shouldn't put you in the middle, I don't want to but Rio: I know, kind of inevitable Nancy: Tell me shut up next time, like Rio: You got it Nancy: Or you know, do that straight girl thing of 'but I love him' in response to anything and everything Rio: Please Rio: never get you off your soapbox then Nancy: I mean, if you did it enough I'd just die so Nancy: Not that I'm dramatic Rio: 'Course Nancy: Thanks for not pointing out how dramatic he also is Nancy: I could feel you resisting Rio: You know, enough home truths for one convo Rio: Plus I'm here so like, need you to still want me to come in Nancy: Who's more dramatic though, me or him? Nancy: Don't just say him 'cause you don't want me to fight you Nancy: Real question Rio: Hmm Rio: I don't know Rio: you're dramatic in different ways Rio: so diplomatic, I know Nancy: Such a non answer but you can come in anyway Nancy: Hold on Rio: 👍
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