#the gif sets are starting to take half days atp but THATS OKAY
emblazons Β· 1 year
hey! πŸ’— i just wanted you to know that your radiohead x byler gifset is probably one of my favorite of yours <3
omg??? thank you! πŸ’–
This means so much coming from you 😭 I’ve been trying out some more complex gif sets recently in addition to just simple color/concept ones (see: since the WillElMike set for the challenge week you sent a bit ago) trying to implement new elements + coloring/aesthetics, so I’m glad to see they’re well received!
We’ll see how much the vibe of the Radiohead album the sets are based on continues to influence how I deal with the other tracks in the series haha. But thank you again the ask (and the compliment)! πŸ’–πŸ₯°
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