#the gifted graduation ep12
moonkhao · 11 months
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Before we go there, I have a gift for you here. [...] Why do you want me to have it? It’s your graduation gift. And it’s also an appreciation gift from me for tutoring Kang, which helped him graduate from high school with impressive grades.
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ahysopae · 4 years
I didn't know it was possible to have feeling about windows frames... But i litteraly screamed when Chanon and Pom are together in the central frame.
All this scene starts with them apart, each in their windows, Chanon in green with his hair down (and a little greasy), Pom in red and well put together even if he is clearly not OK. Like their opposition could not be more visible, but in the end, they're in the same space, on the same side (the kids' side).
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kalmeria · 3 years
told myself i'd stop taking notes and just watch the episode but it's physically impossible. so here's my thoughts/reactions/liveblogging of the penultimate episode of the gifted graduation (episode 12)
why did nate have security cameras in her home?! (yes this is the thing i wanted to say that made me start this post. yes i have since realized it's probably supot who put it there.)
the fact that they are just. talking to supot. makes him that much scarier. like. he has all the power over everyone so he doesn't even have to watch his back
it's worrying though, doesn't he know that they got the blueprints? why isn't he doing anything?
oh. so that's why. so now the choices are: have a special ability and be a tool, or give it up and be free?
but like. why not destroy the plans for the machine? why keep it? why make someone who resents you keep it?
same thing (i mean about supot being scary bc of being casual) with keeping pom around: supot is so powerful, he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt, and instead of killing people, he reduces them to tools. i hope his arrogance and overconfidence will be his downfall.
so does this mean he really did kill nate..?
pom is such a tragic character wth. he wanted to be a teacher and he got that but he can't actually help his students and he is absolutely powerless
"because in this world that isn't ours, just surviving is a brave act in itself. promise me that we will survive together. every one of us." i got shivers.. give me a moment...
the school is spreading a virus by putting it into the water so drink this mineral water instead... is an. interesting concept for product placement (also don't talk to me it's a scene with ohm and punn and i'm still emotional about toddblack in today's not me episode. "i want what's good for you too." oof)
they are studying together i can't. and the things claire said. and when ohm started crying. and they brought up pom's wallet. i can't.
i was already getting emotional before they cut to wave and pang and then they started talking about their futures and i was so damn happy because it's just what i was hoping would happen, wave not worrying about being used or dragged down and then pang just went and asked him just that and wave admitted like yeah of course you're not a genius like me but i don't care anymore i'm not scared of being used because i trust you and i don't feel like you're dragging me down because being with you is important to me!!!!! of course he didn't say these things out loud that's not the point! yall this character development is the best thing ever and is making me so happy (and the music in this scene is so soft!!)
i don't like how supot is just. taking away people's free will. i know this sounds obvious but i wanted to say it. can't people do bad things on their own accord? (or decide not to do them i guess also)
i do kind of like the You Got Your Revenge, Now What? thing though
the way pom telling chanon to survive echoes the message pang recorded...
(even thought after that he did tell chanon it's time to get to work. but then it's still in connection to the message bc they are fighting bc the kids no longer can)
damn grace is so cool
!!!!mon talking about how just because she needs to take injections every day doesn't make her life less in some way!!!!! the problem is not with having to take the meds, it's that supot controls their access to it in order to manipulate them, which is the most fucked up thing if you ask me
why are they still surprised when korn says he hates his potential? how do they still not understand it?
they are graduating! and the future is theirs! and korn finally gets to sleep! this is making me so emotional you wouldn't believe
no but for real. i'm so happy for korn. i'm so happy for him. after years of no rest, no break, no escape, no peace, he finally gets to just sleep.
"this is not a prediction because i am the future" what a queen honestly
and she's telling the dude with a god complex that he's literally just some guy. wow
the future vs the guy who controls the present. this is so good!!! this series is so good!! i doubt anyone will read this who hasn't seen it but just in case, let me tell you: this series is good. check it out.
bc that's what it's all been about. different generations. growing up, finding your voice, making the world a place where all of you can live the life you want in. but you don't exist in a vacuum, you have those who came before you and the world they built. you can build on it or destroy it or become part of it. and it's the same over and over again, each generation. the ones before you have the things the ones before them left. and so having a character who is the future is such a fun way to talk directly about this.
yess call out the present on it's bs!!!!
pom and chanon recreating the audio is just what grace was talking about!!!! supot is just the person who discovered it, nothing more.
this is so gooooood
i was going back and forth about whether i should watch the last episode today or not, but partially bc i ended up liveblogging this) i think i'll try to follow korn's example and value sleep a bit more. so tomorrow is the end of the journey- or rather, the beginning of the future?
okay time for the reaction reaction (aka additional thoughts i had rereading this):
pom is not actually powerless! supot might believe that he holds the present in the palm of his hand, but he is just human, and every moment he is not controlling someone is an opportunity for that person to act against him. just like what yuth told him.
i like how they are going heavy on the "pang is not a savior" thing. even his message (which i'm not actually sure where it fits chronologically but it's shown here) was more about... not exactly accepting. about enduring. surviving. it might seem like some kind of acceptance and giving up but it's not, not really. but meanwhile. all the others are going through with their plan, and i don't know how much of that pang is in on but it doesn't change the fact that he is not the one executing the plan. it's good.
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twnhaze · 4 years
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~“ Why are you here? “    “ To stop you from doing something stupid “~
~“ I’m not mad at you “~
~“ Sometimes, I wonder if death could be a way out for me “    “ Its not “~
~“ If I’m still alive, you must be as well “~
{The rooftop, The Gifted Graduation ep 12}
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charthanry · 3 years
We are all clowns in Aof's circus (or my thoughts on BBS EP12)
We all got played. And I ain't even mad about it. I have never been so happy to be so incredibly wrong with my clown predictions. P'Aof came through and stuck the landing (and struck a pose while doing it). I never should have doubted. EP12 was perfection. Let me count all the ways this was the BEST episode of the series.
It was 24-minutes into the episode before PatPran said a single word to each other F2F. Everything leading up to this was nonverbal and it was AMAZINGLY well-acted. OhmNanon and P'Aof trolled us so hard guys. Nanon especially with his "we filmed multiple endings," you can go and relocate to your new home under the bridge, sir. Go ahead and collect your graduate degree in trolling, too.
Those first words? Uttered by Pran: I'm delivering food made more effective because we now know that I'm hungry is their euphemism for "I'm horny and want sex, gimme all the sex now." Guys, Pran is the food, he's delivering himself. I'm weeping. And Pat just grabs him and pulls him inside. Incredible. This makes me see Pran's I've always wanted to cook a favorite dish for someone I like as layered meaning. Guys, Pran is that favorite dish. T_T
There were time skips and flashbacks within flashbacks and it WORKED. It all worked. I loved that we got to see them still going strong after all these years. They survived the test of time and we now know they can get through anything. The editing and pacing here was excellent. We got to see the immediate aftermath of EP11 but in such an unexpected way with their evil and mischievous grins as their families consoled them. They totally worked their parents and were gloating about it. Those bastards.
Pran displaying some signs of possessiveness is something I never thought we'd get. His (at the party) I saw everyone you secretly smiled at, made me grin because not only is he comfortable enough to show Pat this side of him but he's no longer repressing his feelings. How far you've come, Pran.
Of course they came up with a plan to secretly stay together. We saw them manipulate their friends with the bus stop rebuild. The breadcrumbs for this path were always there. I'm ecstatic that they found a way to make it work without compromising themselves or each other. I know some would argue that this is stunted growth and they're exactly in the same place as they were at the start but I'll disagree. When you see no other way but can't stand to be separated, you find creative ways to make everyone happy. They adapted to their surroundings rather than let their surroundings change them. And I loved that they arrived at this solution together with some wise words from Uncle Tong. I also loved that they came back to visit him and Junior at graduation. Aww. My big takeaway: we aren’t allowed to freely love each other? Fuck that noise, we’ll do it anyway. You got a problem with it? That’s a you-problem. Hell yeah, PatPran.
All the high school flashbacks showed me that Pat was constantly seeking out Pran's attention. He had it so bad and didn't even know it. The ultimate pig-tail tugger. But also- adult Pat? Devastating.
All the pinky holding. So intimate. This is now the new fist bump.
Pat's dad is a grizzly bear with a soft heart and belly. We can see that he's fighting a losing battle with himself. He can't outwardly show that he's softening, there's face saving to be had, but that sniff and sip of the Pran's liquor gift and the shuffling of feet to put the mail in the correct mailbox...sir, we see you. P’Aof is so good at these small moments that speak volumes.
The scene stealer this episode goes to Pran's mom. Leaving his guitar on his bed. Her smile and quiet acceptance as she overhears their laughter from the livingroom. Ma'am... I slow clap for you. Dad grinning and adorably nudging her and putting his head on her shoulder was too cute. This scene was my favorite non-PatPran from the episode.
Of course the parents know. PatPran aren't as cool and slick as they think they are. But not outing them with a big confrontation and taking on a see no evil, hear no evil attitude is how they show their love. It’s the quiet acceptance that stabs at my heart because it’s just so realistic. PatPran are two idiots blinded by love if they don't think their parents have caught on.
The call back to the string-can telephone was just so well done. To have a flashback to young PatPran doing the same was icing and showed us it was always like this with them.
The entire bonus scene after P'Aof's credit title was just RAWR. I should have known these two were into rough sex, but seeing it on screen made me squeal. And we did not just have the final words of the series be Pran, it's not a porno! I laughed so hard. Why do I feel like this entire long take was mostly improvisation? How many takes did they have to do because of uncontrollable laughter? Isn’t Ohm super ticklish too? I want to see the bloopers footage so bad.
I thought I would be sad that BBS is over, but this episode delivered such a satisfying conclusion to their story that I'm too happy to be feeling anything else. Not everything was neatly wrapped up- they still have to work hard at a long distance relationship, their parents approval is still unspoken, but that's life and the way that P'Aof left a roadmap, it's not difficult to imagine that PatPran will continue to fight alongside each other with bright eyes and pinkies attached.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
OKAY OKAY OKAY OH MY GOD!!!!!! EP12????? MORE LIKE EPISODE PAIN WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!! this was the episode that made me break i actually teared up oh my god yall. okay first of all wave having a camera on pang’s room...... honey i think that’s a crime,,, but yknow what? at least it helped yall at the end so whatever. all of their scenes are basically “you’re so fucking stupid i hate you but also i will help you take down our director because he’s an evil bastard but after that i will continue to hate you like i used to” and i love that (although i would love it more if the fucking fujoshis didn’t comment about these two all the time instead of what’s happening in the drama but we can’t have everything can we),, okay the whole searching for pins exam was so much fun because we finally see more of the twins and how punn and claire’s relationship works (they’re both lowkey evil and i LOVE it), we also see more of ohm and namtaan being like “look i know pang doesn’t want to tell us whatever he’s doing but he’s associating with wave and that’s just Something That Normal Pang Wouldn’t Do and i’m worried about him” which was sweet but also if i was on their place i would just be so unbothered by that like “ok you’re talking with wave now and it’s secret so i’m guessing u’ll tell me when it’s time soooo bye good luck on ur exam” and that’s why i could never be on a drama JKHFJGKFL to something more serious,, what the director put pom through with those experiments was so fucked up oh my god i won’t mention what he did because it makes me sick but the fact that pom then ratted chanon out because it would affect his future and after that erased all of his memories to forget everything including what he did to chanon...... pom is a fucked up bitch but you better believe i cried when pom cried after hearing what chanon had done for him...... his “non, i’m sorry” broke my mf heart yall........... like i hate him but i wanted to hug him at that moment because holy fuck they don’t even tell us what happened with chanon?????? none of his gifted classmates except pom remember him/have heard from him (i don’t remember which one it was) in a loooong while?????? so what happened to chanon?????? just memory erasure or more???????? because the (maybe first and) last time pom had tried to erase human memories he fucked up their brains to the point of no return....... god now i’m wondering because where is he???? where is my good boy?????? oh god oh god oh gODDDDDDD. aLSO. THAT LAST SCENE????????????? WHAT THE FUCK LADDA I TRUSTED YOU FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND AND YOU DO WHAT????????????? TURN OHM INTO A NORMAL PERSON??????????????????? WITHOUT ASKING HIM?????????????????? WHAT THE FUCK. I’M SO SURE SHE HAS OR HAD A POTENTIAL YALL BECAUSE HOW DOES SHE KNOW THERE’S A WAY TO GET RID OF IT???????????????? WTF??????????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I SCREAMED SO LOUD AT MY SCREEN I HATE HER ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS NO ADULT IS TO BE TRUSTED IN THIS DRAMA OR EVER. i am still 17 so when my birthday comes around i will just not <3 if i didn’t born. i don’t born bc i did. no i didn’t <3 but yeah fuck ladda and fuck he director and i very much sympathise with the guy who was unphased with the director’s whole existence like yes i also don’t trust him you’re not alone man @ man who looks like he has a foot on the grave <3 okay i used way too many hearts at once but i’m scared of what will happen in the next (and last ;;) episode because when will the gifted graduation be airing????? idk i haven’t watched the trailer so i’m just,, picking up little clues of what i have seen on the twt tl and on here (i saw like 1 gif and i covered my screen while scrolling lmao) so i’m.. excited to see where it goes after the last episode,, okay i think this is long enough so see yall tomorrow for ep13!!!!!!! i’m so excited!!!!!!!!!! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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panlyv · 4 years
No need to apologize! Your response was very helpful! I’m decently new to the bl fandom so unfortunately I haven’t seen a lot of those shows but the ones I have seen I love as well! 2gether was my intro and I’m so glad to see ManType on your list cause I love them too! And I also love Theory of Love and 3 Will Be Free! I actually just finally got around to watching The Gifted and The Gifted Graduation (I hate cliff hangers and waiting so when I found out that tgg was currently airing I decided to wait until the whole season was out and just binge watch both seasons) and they were super super good! Also no need to worry about non-canon ships! Before I discovered the bl world like all my ships were non-canon (the western movie and tv world hates canon LGTBQ+ ships😒 wonder what that’s about...) Anywho why don’t you tell me some more about yourself? What are your hobbies? Why do you like the ships and shows that you like? Anything you want to share! Hope you have a great rest of your day! ❤️ -non-gifted ss
hello secret santa!!! once again im sorry im only answering this several days later 😔 but welcome to the hellhole bl is!!!! i have a love/hate relationship with the genre and its community but, u kno, im still here so GDJDHDJ i can't really say much
i hope you can get around to watching the shows i mentioned because they are so so soooo good imo and i love them to death! 2gether was the series that consolidated me in the bl fandom this year and goddd theory of love is just. my favourite bl ever. hands down. maybe even one of my favourite series generally speaking!!! i love almost everything about it and third :(( third is me. i think i never related to a character as much as i did with third and i hold him so so so close to my heart 🥺 (and my love and respect for gun also help that hshdhd he did SO GREAT as third GOD. i cried from ep1 to ep12 NONSTOP bless)
as for other shows and couples, i think instead of writing an essay for each, i'll just say that im a big sucker for hurt/comfort and angst in general (cough tol, itsay, trapped, wyel). i Love stories that really draw u in and have u rooting and crying for and with the characters every step of the way!!!! and for couples huh.... i really like opposite but complementary dynamics (aka pangwave, tangfei, mantype, inkorn, idk if u watch friend zone but earthstud is also a great example!!!) i go 100% FERAL when two people who appear to be total opposites find a common goal and as they start to work together to achieve said goal, they learn that their differences aren't so bad and they complement and help each other in the best ways (YEAH OK IT'S PANGWAVE WHAT ABOUT IT 😭😭😭). also colours. i love love LOVE a good symbolism and color symbolism is tbh the BEST there is!!! i told sunset about you did a mind-blowing job at incorporating color throughout the show to help tell the story, it was amazing
and yeah! despite not being bl, i //have// to mention 3wbf and the gifted every time because they are unparalleled in terms of cast, production, plot, execution. everything about those shows was on point and they are both very important to me 🥰 and although not canon, pangwave (and chanonpom) makes me go absolutely feral all the time every time. they are That couple for me and ... yes i am a clown 🤡🤡🤡 but GOD THEY. litcherally no other couple will ever top them i think
huh so... about myself? idk what to tell u ss, im boring as hell lmao. as for my hobbies, i make gifs from time to time when i have enough brain power, i love love love listening to music, listen to it 24/7 and idk what i would do without music, other interests that don't concern bl are: banana fish (both anime and manga. literally one of the most important things in my life), snape 🥰 (yes im a snover What About It), k... k-... k-kpop...., figure skating, vampire aesthetic in general bc is so sexcii, languages (all of them, gimme <3), and that's about all i can think of now hsjdhdjdb
anyways i think i talked enough for today so i'll shut up lmao gsjdhdj sorry this is so long ss!!!
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
now that i posted the gifs i started working on monday i will go watch ep12 because i want to both know wtf will happen and also want to watch the trailer for the gifted graduation hhhhh bYE
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