writersphere · 3 years
Preferably, it was a glorious, bright sunny day - And somewhere it was nine in the morning and Sam had just woken up from his sleep and he realised it was Sunday morning so he was free to take as many naps as he prefers - Because that's the only the  Day Sam  gets time to spend time with his friends and Closed dear once .     However Sam  dropped the intent  of going back to slumber and inclined towards home routine.  Somewhere he felt penetrated after a while because everything was almost done… ” The Home chore I meant! ” He was done with his breakfast.  As he grabbed some sandwiches for himself over there;   Aah, Furthermore,  Sam was preferably one with the room cleaning element.  Sam was exhausted after completing his room cleaning because his mother had instructed him to do so or else he would get felled for days at home without having an internet connection or meeting anybody of his mates.  And those activities were much Precise for Sam because his mother did not want him to grow as an irresponsible & vague hild. Though he was vague in a distinct way because he needs a lot of push and procrastination of encouragement in his life. However, I would indicate here that Sam was a single Child of his working mother. Furthermore, he always made an effort to be a better son to his single mother.  Because he craved to See his mother happy all the time without worrying about anything else and other abstracts.
  Sam was the pampered child even after persuading a middle-class lifestyle compared to his other friends: but he was not at all dissatisfied with the life he was consuming.  And for that reason, he wanted to help his mom as much as he could!   Preferably, Sam's mother used to work for some local cafe so that Sunday after finishing all his house chores he thought to visit his mother with a lunch box and spend some quality time with her.  Because that's the only time they get to devour each other, otherwise both have the busiest life. Sam gets stuck around with his college assignments and stuff like that:  ” And his mother works two-shift harder to serve him the best life she could. ” So on my belief - Sam left from home grabbing her Mom's lunch box and he probably locked all the gates of his house so no thief would enter in his absence. ”  He started walking on the road in search of the bus now!  Because he didn't have enough money to travel from the rickshaw: and enjoy the luxury of it - it wasn't that terrible as it looked because  he had spent all his pocket money on his  favourite pizza which he  preferred having that previous night.  So now he purposely chose the Bus ride  to save a certain amount of cash. He headed himself towards the bus stop, while walking down the street of Mumbai he was gazing at every location which passed by him. And Sam was probably scrolling through his phone and holding the lunch box on the other hand - people were walking with their own speed and there was traffic on the road. 
” And he realised this one thing very specifically nobody in this life would be so selfless and carefree for any person or even any ordinary artefact, we alone have to travel our own struggles without any complaints around because there are people who ain't that lucky to have sufficient enough”  As He was walking around he glanced baby weeping !  First, he thought Not to care about the scene and Go away from that event happening.  But Sam was bothered.  So he went, nearby baby and decided to check if everything was fine or not:   the baby appeared to be hungry.  And there was nobody around the baby.  Preferably, I began to get anxious about the situation.  So in a hurry, I grabbed something from the store beside me and helped the baby. And preferably till that time, I glanced at a random lady walking towards me : it was the baby's mother  and she looked a little exhausted and tired- she appeared to be oldiesh, clothes were half ripped away   and her hands were replenished   with some handy  survival chore for them. First, it made me wonder who's the lady walking  towards this baby. Because the child was alone, I did not want the baby to go into the wrong hands : so  I asked her if this child belonged to her?  For some good reason, that baby responded in an obvious manner and  somewhere the lady explained her situation to me.    ” I was relieved, you know. ! ”  glancing at somebody who is there for the baby. After that, I allotted the baby to his mother and headed towards the bus stop -  He again began walking, glancing at all that just happened. He was feeling somewhere sad about the situation and his mother but he was helpless. As it was Sunday afternoon and he was on the way to meet his mother, Sam was totally into it so he grabbed the ice cream from the nearby shop from the bus stop because he felt thirsty.  And while having his ice cream he was again into his phone. He had a conversation with his mother and also his eyes were looking around the people- because the road was full of crowd and it was now two in the afternoon so preferably the sun rumbled high.  Sam felt the heat after the moment of standing under the sun. His shirt started to sweat! His face turned red:In that process, his bus arrived and he sat inside the bus, collected his respective coupon and reached his destination.    
Preferably, I believe every person has their struggle to face. And sometimes the day could be difficult for us but it's always precise to keep the kindness for everyone around us no matter what situation we are going through.  Sam was a middle-class boy. However, he helped the baby in his own way putting aside the heavy heart and not forgetting his morals aside.  He further wanted to help more but he was helpless though - but he helped the baby with feeding milk from a nearby store and that's what matters in today's generation to be generous and carefree as much as we could. 
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