#the goal with this au is to make two equally crazy universe gawk at each other's weirdness while being completely oblivious to their own
californiaispurple · 2 years
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[Image description: A comic with seven images. The first has a giant text bubble saying "Take that!". The next image has a drawing of Edogawa Conan from Detective Conan surrounded by three red Psyche Locks from Ace Attorney. He looks very happy and is waving his arms around. Chains surround him along with three Psyche Locks against a black background. He is saying, "I live with Mr. Mouri and Ran-nee-chan because my parents work overseas!" in a game-like textbox. In the next image, he has one red Psyche Lock and is looking off to the side inquisitively. He is saying, "My friends and I were walkin' around the park looking for bugs, when there was a big yell! There was some sorta office party going on when we shown up.". In the next image, he's giving the viewer a toothy grin and has two red Psych Locks. He is saying, "A man ran into the woods, so we chased after 'em! He musta had an acorn fall on his head, though, cuz when we found him he was on the ground!". In the next image, he looks very happy and is leaning towards the viewer, hands clasped at his chest, and is surrounded by three red Psych Locks. He is saying, "I dunno what much happened, but the police came and a man died or something. Then, Mr. Mouri solved that the man who ran away was the victim's brother!". In the next image, he is in the same pose as the second image, and is saying, "Ah, sorry Mr. Phoenix, I never intro-duced myself! My name is Edogawa Conan, a detect-tive! Like Mr. Mouri!". The next image is split into two panels. The first panel shows Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney looking down at Conan, holding his green Magatama, the green light shining on his skin and blue suit. Maya is in the background. In the second panel, we get a close-up shot of his face, devoid of all color except for the green Magatama light and his eyes colored red. He says "What the fuck" in big text, the letters turning red towards the end. There's a speech bubble that says "Nick?!", presumably said by Maya. End Description.]
nfjckxm this crossover always gets me i love it
phoenix is vaguely familiar with the Sleeping Detective and as such is vaguely familiar with Conan
he runs across the tiny child on the crime scene and is like 'ahaha what're u doing here kid, aren't you w/ that one sleeping detective guy, aren't you his son or something' and conan opens his mouth and l i e s
the things that conan lied about + more conan 'sprites' + general brain rot over the crossover under the cut
...so much brain rot...
first statement: he lives with ran and kogoro not because his parents are working overseas (although they technically are) but to try and gather intel on the black organization, and also it's related to the whole Conan Secret
second statement: haibara and conan thought they glimpsed a black org member at the park yesterday, so they set out to investigate, and then when they turned around the Detective Boys were just There (like the little menaces they are)
third statement: a man did run into the woods, and the detective boys did chase after them, it's just that the elusive 'acorn' was actually a very, very, high-powered soccer ball
fourth statement: both 'not knowing what much happened' and the fact that kogoro solved it
fifth statement: my name is conan. edogawa conan.
black psyche lock is present because conan has some Identity Issues that he needs to sort out
all i have is sketches, sadly
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so, while playing in this hypothetical case as phoenix, you'd probably get accounts from ayumi, mitsuhiko, and genta too, or at least you'd need some kind of evidence from them to disprove conan's statement about 'looking for bugs'
although they may try to lie about the fact they were 'looking for bugs' too, because despite not knowing exactly why haibara and conan went to the park, they're ride-or die kids and if conan says they went looking for bugs then they went looking for bugs, okay, mr. lawyer?
conan has his 'performative' sprites and his sprites when he's actually genuine, as seen below. Top row is more genuine and bottom row is more performative.
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Obviously, as his facade sheds, and the more into the investigation he gets, he uses less and less of the bottom sprites and more of the top ones (which would also require a more 'neutral face' sprite since none of the top ones have one)
second bottom sprite to the left is his 'ah le le' face
whereas the very last sprite on the top row is his actual thinking face, and the face he makes when he starts spouting exactly how long it takes for the human body to suffocate when a fishing line is used for strangulation, before quickly spouting out a 'or, that's what shinichi-nee-san told me!'
not very noticeable but conan has darker hair at the roots because he's been gradually dyeing it a lighter color so the resemblance between him and shinichi is less obvious
Along with Ran and the Detective Boys, he'd also have sprites mirroring Haibara and Kogoro and maybe Professor Agasa
Ran's mirrored sprite is noted as one of the genuine ones, and Kogoro's mirrored sprite would also be one of the more genuine ones. With these, Conan himself doesn't realize he's picking up their mannerisms.
honestly the thing that would inspire Kogoro's and Conan's shared sprite would be their laughing faces here:
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ahhh they're idiots
Haibara's mirrored sprite with conan would be biting/picking at their nails. Haibara's tried to keep that habit of her's down ever since de-aging, so even though Conan picked up the habit from her, he does it more.
Haibara would also copy the detective boys in her theoretical sprites, but to a lesser degree. She'd have more mirrored sprites with Professor Agasa, her sister, and also one with Conan.
Speaking of mannerisms...
Something that could be interesting is that Haibara persuades Conan and the kids to hide that she was there when they arrived at the scene. Whether it be because she just doesn't like the extra police attention, or because there could potentially be a black org member at the crime scene, they all collectively agree to say that she was either in the car or someplace else. That way, Haibara wouldn't have to talk to the police that much.
Maybe she got the Bad Vibes around there and Does Not Want to Be Anywhere Near.
However, whenever they lie about this, or say something to cover up her presence, the detective boys and Conan start picking at/fiddling with their nails.
Phoenix meets Haibara far away from the crime scene (at like the corner store or something) and the first sprite that you see of her is her biting her nails. After that, she puts on her cutesy act for Phoenix and introduces herself briefly. That's the last you see of her before Phoenix has to figure out that Haibara was also at the crime scene too. The nail-biting from the Detective Boys and Conan would clue you/phoenix into perhaps deducing that they're thinking about Haibara for some reason.
Maybe something about how the detective boys are all the five of them, as told by Takagi/Ran? Don't the Detective Boys have some sort of badge too? Or, maybe a story about how the detective boys all got ice cream while going to the park, and Phoenix notices there's an ice cream receipt in Haibara's pocket that's from the exact same store?
Any way you look at it, Phoenix would find out that there's a link between Haibara and the Detective Boys, thereby implicating that she was present when they chased after the man.
Haibara wouldn't have a major freakout when Phoenix confronts her about her presence at the crime scene, because she knows he's not part of the black org, but would still ask him to not involve her anymore. At this point, the cutesy act would drop. Cue phoenix going 'wtf is wrong with these toddlers'
She'd have some major testimonial evidence though that turns the case around, so it'd be worth it.
Conan clutches his wrist when under duress, alluding to his watch's sleeping dart.
Another psyche lock appears when Kogoro says he solves his crimes/that he figured out the mystery, since, of course, he knows he didn't. He rubs the back of his neck whenever he talks about it.
On Kogoro, I'm not sure what level of awareness should have on who exactly solves the crimes. The options are:
1. He's completely oblivious as to who. 2. He knows that Conan is the one doing the drugging, but not necessarily that Conan is Shinichi. 3. Have him be aware that Conan is Shinichi and that he's doing the drugging. Maybe knows about the black org.
Anyhow, number two and three would make it harder to pry that secret out of him. I've always liked the idea of number two to show that Kogoro isn't completely oblivious-- but I don't think you'd be able to get 'so the kid that's sorta your ward now is actually your daughter's best friend that was shrunken down because he took a pill meant to be poison made by a shady crime organization' without some major evidence to prompt you to think that.
Number one would still count as a 'dark secret within the heart' since it'd be humiliating for kogoro to be outed as a fraud.
With number two, he'd just know that Conan has someone after him and Kogoro's actually a little maybe sorta attached to the gremlin and wants to keep him safe.
Either way, Kogoro would slip up somehow on the facts of the crime (getting someone's name wrong or getting the time wrong) so the player/phoenix can deduce that Something's Up.
I like the idea of Conan being a companion like Pearls and Maya throughout the investigation. That did come with some difficulties, as Phoenix actually needs a defendant to defend, and Conan would've stepped in if he felt that the suspect the police arrested didn't actually do the crime.
Although, it would be interesting to explore a case where Conan deducts wrong, and what reasons he could've been misled.
Or we could have a Matt Engarde situation of some sort, and Conan knows something's up, and tries to help Phoenix...
Either way, what I came up with was that Conan used Kogoro to broadcast some new revelation about the murder and the method in which the perpetrator did it, but in the process of putting that new revelation to light, it heavily put Phoenix's soon-to-be defendant under suspect.
However, even though Conan knows that something's fishy, before he's able to continue, some accident debilitates him, and he has to go to the hospital.
When he's released, the police have already arrested the suspect.
So, the only thing Conan can do is return to the scene of the crime, and try to look for any clues as to who actually did it. Along the way, he meets this weird lawyer...
might be cool for Phoenix to go through the whole sleeping detective song and dance
Phoenix feels the hair rise up on the back of his neck, instinct honed from years of danger. The last thing he sees is, when he glances behind him, is Conan raising his watch, glasses gleaming white, before everything goes to black.
OH i just realized Haibara would be given the psyche lock treatment too if she introduced herself
i'm almost tempted to throw Hattori in there so he and Conan can do their disguise shenanigans, thereby making Phoenix seriously consider the last vestiges of his sanity
Hattori-disguised-as-Shinichi shows up and introduces himself and Phoenix is like ????
then a moment later he takes conan with him into another room, Shinichi comes back, and Phoenix is all 'is he pretending to be this shinichi? i have to find out!'
asks him again to introduce himself, BUT it's actually Conan-as-Shinichi now, so when Shinichi says it again it's registered as true and phoenix is wondering if he's having hallucinations now
until LATER Hattori-disguised-as-Shinichi pops up because Shinichi was running out of time, and they're investigating a witness or something, and Hattori is like 'yo, i'm shinichi kudo' and the psyche-locks appear AGAIN and Phoenix wants to DIE
phoenix and maya go to amuro's cafe to celebrate a case well-done and as soon as phoenix hears the clanging sound he just. jumps out of the window
the question is. would conan be bold enough to try and pull off a sleeping detective in the middle of court.
edgeworth: wright, i know you've had your unprofessional moments, but i even didn't think you'd go as far as to fall asleep in court.
conan, sweating under the chair:
the stenographer is at the perfect angle to see behind the defendant's chair and WHY did the defense attorney fall asleep and WHY is there a tiny child behind him WHY DID THEY SIGN UP FOR THIS JOB
the judge is high enough he can see that conan ducked under the chair right before phoenix passed out and is like "oh ho ho, that's cute, i remember my grandson hiding behind me too when he was scared..."
i saw an art piece of conan standing on the bench while yelling objection and that. is too cute to pass up i need to reblog it.
another thing: there's only one defense aide allowed at a time?? i think?? ...maybe if conan stands on maya's shoulders they can count as one full adult.
y'know conan and edgeworth would be an amusing duo i think
edgeworth: ah wright, i see you have adopted another child as your aide. hm. conan: :D edgeworth: ...i don't trust it.
~ conan: lmao ghosts aren't real, that's crazy, that doesn't happen in real life phoenix and maya:
conan: oh, Mr. Phoenix, you've had to deal with phantom thieves too?
phoenix: oh, ha, yeah. crazy time, but it turned into a murder investigation halfway through...
conan, whose literal only moment of reprieve from his daily murder mysteries is KID's heists: damn, that sucks man
akako and maya meeting?? somehow??
there's something to be said about maya and haibara...
if somehow you could convince haibara to both 1. believe the idea that maya's an Actual Spirit Medium and 2. get haibara to trust maya and phoenix enough to divulge personal information, i think it would be sweet for maya to channel haibara's old sister so they could talk to each other
takagi, to megure: isn't that the guy who cross-examined a parrot...?
maya, to phoenix: isn't that guy who's solved over 900 murders in the past two years...? (about kogoro)
anyways i need to stop before i actually start writing this
i cannot be sustained on cool ideas alone
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