#detco ace attorney crossover
d-e-w-p · 8 months
How is there no ace attorney/ detective conan crossover.
Can you Imagine Conan as phoenix's assistant. Can you imagine him with gumshoe at a crime scene.
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rolesplay · 4 months
・┆✦PROPOSAL — a crossover mouri ran/mitsurugi reiji fanfic. same universe as maybe i'm just a ghost
She sees him waiting.
She was on her way to go inside the courtroom when she noticed the prosecutor just outside the door. He was waiting for someone, it seemed, because he seemed antsy - something he rarely ever was - and kept looking at his watch repeatedly.
“Encountering some trouble, Prosecutor?”
He was surprised, and quickly turned to her. He bowed at the sight of her. “There is no trouble. Although I was waiting for you, madam.”
Confused, she tilted her head. “What for?”
He straightened his back and raised his hands, both closed as fists. “Choose.”
“Choose between the two of them.”
Opting to actually go through with what he wanted, she randomly picked the one of his right.
He opened his fist. Sitting on his hand was a ring.
Her heart thumped. Quicker than usual. What was this…?
She forced open his other closed fist - in which another ring sits. The same design as the first one, but larger in size.
She nervously said, “Y-you should know bribery is against the rules, mister. This would not make you win -”
Her speech halted when he knelt, down on the floor, with the smaller ring offered to her. “Will you marry me?”
She took a deep breath, with her hand over her mouth. Tears filled her eyes. This…
She felt like she couldn't speak. So she nodded quickly instead.
He smiled - a small, relieved smile, as if he didn't expect her to say yes (then again, he did know of her history of waiting for someone who never came back) - and it made the tears finally fall, made her finally cry .
He silently slipped the ring on her finger, and stood up, hugging her tightly.
She sobbed on his clothes, and usually, he'd have been annoyed about this, but today, he hugged her close.
“This,” she mumbled, after she'd cried her all and her hiccups died down. She pulled away from him. “Still doesn't mean you're winning the case, okay?”
“You have that little faith in my integrity?” he asked in reply, an eyebrow raised.
She snorted. “You know how much I trust you.” She raised a hand to pat his hair - an action he frowned at which in turn made her giggle.
He sighed in annoyance, but it was downplayed by his fond smile directed at her. “I do. And I thank you for it.”
She smiled at him, a huge one, her eyes still rather damp from her crying. She then pulled him in for a brief kiss, whispered, “I love you,” at his lips, and quickly turned away, facing the door and touched the handles, about to open it but then paused, and said, “See you at the court then, mister. You might be my fiancé, but that doesn't guarantee your win.”
The woman finally opened the door, while he grinned. “I'll take you on your challenge then.”
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bittercappuccinu · 2 years
thinking about a dcmk x great ace attorney crossover again....
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moodlesmain · 9 months
There should be more Detective Conan and Ace Attorney crossovers. The fact there’s only a couple crossover fics of them on ao3 is INSANE to me!! Ace Attorney fans should all be watching Detective Conan and vice versa any detco fans who haven’t played aa should go play them or watch a playthrough. Trust me. They are so tonally similar if you like one you’ll probably like the other!
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yumedoca · 1 year
I've been noticing your posts of Detective Conon (is that how it's spelled?) anyways I'd been noticing them and tbh I'd forgotten who it was and I'd been seeing the little boy wondering why he looked so familiar before I remembered where I'd seen him.
He's from the Lupin III X Detective Conon special. That's when it clicked that you were posting Detective Conon. Bro I didn't realize it was him till I remembered this- 😭
[Warning: Rambling's of a fangirl Ahead]
Hai there! Hope you're having a great day!!
Yeah, The Conan (as in Arthur 'Conan' Doyle) X Lupin special was a thing, lol. The thing is that I'm just like you except I'm on the other side of the spectrum, I've only watched Detective Conan, but I haven't watched Lupin at all. I've watched the special as well, but it seems that it was more Lupin focused (I heard it was made for anniversary or something??), so I was kind of confused for some of the parts. There's a crossover movie as well, but after my reaction to the special, I figured that I'd watch both after I have consumed Lupin media. I still haven't watched it but that's because I'm too busy to watch anything at the moment now, but once I'm able to have more free time, I'd love to start watching Lupin since it seems like a lot of fun!!
I'm pretty sure the crossovers were made because both shows share the same animation studio. Detco's (short for detective Conan) mangaka, Gosho Aoyama is a huge fan of the series, even stating Fujiko is his ideal woman. There's even a character who's based off of Fujiko in detco as well!
As for Detective Conan, considering all the fandom I've seen you be a part of (You have great taste BTW), I feel like it would be a shame if you didn't check out the series because I feel it fits perfectly into your tastes. I myself started the series when I heard there were Urusei Yatsura references in the series:
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Couldn't find a clear anime counterpart of this so have the manga version instead. This is only just one of the references though.
And while looking up the reference, I came across a small plot summary and it intrigued me. Then I started the anime and I've been obsessed since. Like Ace Attorney, Detco is a mystery series with tons of lovable characters. It also has an overarching plot which keeps you intrigued at the same time. A series filled with Love, Thrill, Shock and Suspense to the brim. I would highly recommend it!!
You can experience the series by either manga or anime. I'd say for you anime might suit better since the manga is still ongoing, over 100 volumes, is officially licensed but it has localization (the names, 96% of the fandom uses the Japanese names), it is readable on the VIZ app for a small subscription, but the localization problem still exists. Of course, you can read fanscans without localization as well. Mangadex is good site for that.
As for the anime, it has over a 1000 episodes (+ movies and OVA and other stuff) but that's because it has tons of fillers. 65% of the series is canon to the manga. You can easily look up a filler list and watch which are canon according to that. There are good fillers, but you can watch those in your own time. There are movies as well, which even though not canon, I'd definitely still recommend.
I'd say if you're watching the TV series in the quickest time, it would take a few months. I think I took 5-6 months, but I also took a lot of breaks in between so it isn't all that relevant.
Anyways, even though watching Detco is time consuming it is still something I do not and will never regret because of story and characters this amazing (and memeable) and I'm pretty sure everyone else who have watched it feels the same.
Detco does have a sister series called Magic Kaito which is much shorter in case you've decided not to watch Detective Conan. It's a phantom thief focused series with 5 volumes and 25 something episodes. However, if you do watch Detco, you will come across Magic Kaito whether you like it or not..
In the end, the choice is up to you. Sorry for all the rambling, when I start talking about any my favorite things I just can't seem to calm down..
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If you have any queries, feel free to ask! I'm open to any discussion!!
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dafry-shenanigans · 2 years
I wanna take a moment to give my appreciation to the detective conan fanfic author's who made these crossover exist-
First off, Detective Conan and BBC/TV Sherlock Holmes!
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There's also a few others but this is one of the longer ones and still updated once a while! :D
Seeing them interact is just HILARIOUS, coupled with the fact Conan's world turned completely upside down (like how da heck did he get there and why was Sherlock there) and now have to try and deal with it without getting too confused-
Then there's the rivalry between the two, with Sherlock probably trying to figure out more about Conan and Conan trying very hard to hide his identity
Second, Detective Conan and Danny Phantom?
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Ngl when I first searched for detco crossovers I really didn't expect this one to appear let alone exist-
But it does! And even though I was a bit skeptical at first, there's actually quite a few I ended up enjoying! :D
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34201519/chapters/85098820 (this one's the more recently updated one and the longest one so far)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17596160/chapters/41477369 (this one was probably discontinued but it's also the second most lengthy one and I think it was good enough :v)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10023191/chapters/22342343 (another old discontinued one and probably the the shortest compared to the other but I really liked it qwq)
Also would be interesting to see the dynamic that is Conan the corpse magnet and Danny the ghost magnet-
Lol funny how the two have a thing with "dead" things- Only difference is Conan doesn't even mind it too much anymore but everyone else around him that are new to his (curse-) unusually high corpse encounter would probably be very disturbed and maybe even traumatized- (honestly I pray for their mental health and sanity because BOI do Conan have a bunch of stuff in store for them XD)
And last but not least, Detective Conan and Ace Attorney! :D
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(I also want to thank the fandom for already making art of them which make sense since both have their similarities and I love every single one of em-)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29595030?view_full_work=true (a short crack fic but, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING IT BECAUSE IT'S GOLD-)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12186486/chapters/27666696 (and here's the actual fic that was unfortunately also discontinued but it's long and interesting enough)
Lol just the thought of how much Conan actually lies (literally he opens his mouth and just let out a stream of LIES- (especially when he's involved in a case-)) and the fact that Phoenix have an item that can tell if someone is lying about something is just- 👌✨
I like to think that the way Phoenix view Conan most of the time is that he's always surrounded by a bunch of chains and psyche-locks lol
Then there's the fact that Conan could probably beat anyone in a deduction game from that universe (he's just that superior- I don't make the rules) In fact he could probably solve it faster than Phoenix can say 'Objection!'
And so enjoy these few lines of dialogue I thought when thinking about the possibilities of this crossover;
Phoenix trying to make a feeble attempt of a deduction: W-well... I...
Conan 'Sherlock bloody Holmes' edogawa: I'm able to tell from this small detail you've missed that your deduction is completely wrong!
Conan: *internally freaking out and trying hard not to blush at the comment and keep a straight face*
Phoenix after getting outsmarted by Conan again for millionth time: *hoarsely* He's a monster...
Edgeworth: Pffft- Wright this is a child we're talking about, maybe you're just too incompetent-
Edgeworth also getting wrecked by Conan deduction later: ...Wright there's something wrong with this child- HOW DO THEY KNOW SO MUCH MORE THAN US?!?? IT'S AS IF THE KID HAVE WAY MORE EXPERIENCE THAN US ADULTS WHO GRADUATED LAW SCHOOL!!! SERIOUSLY, WHO AND WHERE DID THIS SASSY LOST CHILD CAME FROM?!?
Phoenix: I tried to warn you man...
How the two have an affinity to attract cases wherever they go;
Phoenix: Man, kinda weird that cases just appears where ever I go sometimes-
Conan: Oh, you too? Sure hope it's not as bad as mine then...
Phoenix: Wait- what do you mean you-?
Conan: Cases pop up in almost everyday in the week for me so I've seen quite the mass of corpses-
Phoenix: I'm sorry, you've seen WHAT-?!?
Lol just the idea that Conan would soon be known as the little lying menace of a gremlin that he is, would be pretty hilarious- XD
What I love most about all of them is the chaotic mess that is Conan's life/identity/personality clashing with other protagonist who is equally just as chaotic in a few different ways-
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deductionfreak · 7 years
If any of you have any idea of a specific tag for the ace attorney and detco crossover let me know bc i frankly have no idea
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