#the guy who was high up in NYPD and who’s son worked for SVU and was killed on the job
ziva-david · 2 years
If Stabler wasn’t back in NYC I feel like Olivia would end up dating Duarte for a bit because they always love having her date guys she’s buttheads with
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Her Everything Ch 9
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Warnings: Language, talk of racially sensitive stuff (s17 episode related), character death (it’s just Dodd’s, don’t worry). A lot of talk of the job.
A/N: This covers all of season 17 in one chapter, I didn’t want to do a huge time jump at this point, and honestly, this year hit the squad/da HARD, so it made sense to include these kind of things in the story. Next chapter is somewhat similar but with a million times more fluff.  Also I had to watch Dodd’s die like, 3 times to get this chapter out. You’re welcome
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The next month and a half was definitely one of mourning, a disheartened fog hung thick in the apartment. Aside from grieving his Abuelita, Rafael knew you were going through the annually internal struggle of coping with your own Mother’s death. The two of you did your absolute best to stay strong for each other, making sure there was time carved out of your busy schedules to curl up on the couch together, reassuring each other that things would work out. You were lucky to have each other, and even more lucky that the events over the past little bit brought you tighter together rather than drive a wedge in between you. Especially considering what the upcoming year was about to throw at both the NYPD and the D.A’s office.
First it was discovered that the chief medical examiner was in fact, a serial killer, outed by the notorious Greg Yates, Rollins found out she was pregnant, you were thrown a new Sergeant who happened to be the Chief’s son and then Rafael brought home a case he was sure would spark a huge fight. Uni’s from another precinct had shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, quite literally emptying their clips into the poor kid. You’d been on the scene with the rest of the SVU crew to witness the aftermath. Olivia was quick to stand up for the uni’s,  arguing with Barba, saying the cops were doing their job, and he expected the same thing from you considering you were part of the blue.
“Suppose this is the part where you yell at me for going after an indictment.” He muttered as he came in the door that evening, tugging out files to continue working.
“Are you kidding me?” You glanced up from your laptop and he could see the rage and melancholy burning in your eyes, “You weren’t at that scene Raf, there was absolutely no reason for one of those pricks to unload his entire round into that kid, much less all three of them. One or two shots and he would’ve been subdued, it’s like these idiots forget they have tasers.”
“And if they’re claiming they were fearing for their lives?”
“Three people with guns vs someone they thought was armed?” You rolled your eyes, shutting the laptop, “I’d tell ‘em they should wear their vests more often. And I’ll testify to that.” You moved around the island to where he’d set up shop, kissing the side of his head.
“I’d rather keep you out of this one.”
“Too prejudicial?”
“Yes.” You leaned in again, kissing his cheek softly,
“I’m gonna shower..” You’d made it a few steps away when he turned to you again, calling out towards the hallway.
“Carino?” Stopping, you turned to face him, leaning on the door frame. “Have..you ever killed someone?”
“Once.” You sighed heavily, “He’d kidnapped and raped an eleven year old girl. We managed to track him down to a hideaway house, my partner went in without backup, by the time I got inside the perp had a gun to my partner’s head, loaded and cocked, ready to shoot.”
“Sounds like you’re not the biggest firearm fan.” You let out a huff of a laugh,
“Listen Raf, some of these guys, they head straight to the academy after high school, rising through the ranks if they feel like it. For them, all they care about is the power, feeling cool cause they’re a cop. I didn’t do it for the gun and the badge, I do it for the victims. I went to school, I got a degree, I took extra courses in psychology, crisis counselling, I’m heavily trained in first aid so if someone is shot on a scene I can do my best for them to make it to a hospital, even if it is a perp. I’m here to solve their crimes and get them back into the world on the right foot. I could give a fuck if I had a gun on my hip or not. It may be protocol for me to draw my weapon in situations, but I do my damn best not to fire it. Indict these trigger happy bastards, it’s what they deserve.” Rafael couldn’t help the small smirk at your words,
“You did once say you were the cop that kept other cop’s toes in line.”
“I do my best to make sure innocent people don’t get killed. Just wish we would’ve gotten there faster, might’ve been able to stop them.” You turned at that, traipsing down the hallway as Rafael called after you.
“It’s not your fault!”
“I know.” You shouted back wearily from the bedroom.
You noticed Rafael a little more on edge as the trial for the three uni’s started, to be fair, everyone was a little on edge. The entire department was shaken up by the matter, and there were definitely more than one or two blow outs over the entire situation, not to mention the media. You did your best to keep your head down and keep doing what you were doing, there were plenty more cases to be working on. And it seemed like SVU wasn’t going to be let off easy. Benson got herself into a hostage mess in a townhouse, Yates and Rudnick managed to somehow escape Greenhaven which meant more visits from the Chicago P.D team, and then there was a giant mess of a sex ring involving the Catholic Church, corrupt cops, A.D.A’s and Judges.
To say you were beyond exhausted was the ultimate truth. By the time May rolled around, you were more than thankful to be able to have a few days off. Rafael had suggested a nice dinner to celebrate your three year anniversary, you only groaned in response, not even wanting to think about putting on a dress and going out right now. You apologized when you saw the rejected look in his eyes, promising him you could do something in the following weeks, but for right now, you just wanted to curl up with take out and wine. You picked a date and Rafael softly kissed you, telling you that he’d plan it out, you had nothing to worry about.
Then came the Munson case, things were all hands on deck, and it was busy as ever at the precinct, as if you hadn’t taken down enough influential perps this year, you were now dealing with a corrupt C.O from Rikers. You’d spent the evening going over things with Dodds, files scattered across your desks, working much later than anticipated. It was only when Liv insisted the two of you be done for the night that you finally left the precinct. You were surprised to find Rafael at home already, thinking he’d still be at the office, this was a tough case, with a lot of pressure coming from higher ups and other departments.
“Hmm?” He didn’t bother looking up from the file he was reading.
“Wanna enlighten me as to why there’s a protective detail downstairs?” His head shot up at that, sputtering in response, his heart racing in his chest.
“I..uh. What?”
“You think I can’t recognize an unmarked car or two plain clothes? Did something happen with the case?”
“It..may not be related to the Munson case.”
“Oh?” He sighed heavily. Rafael hated the fact that he’d been keeping this secret, he just hadn’t thought it was that important until today, and he hadn’t wanted you to worry over nothing.
“I’ve been getting threats since the Terrance Reynolds case. Nothing serious!” He shot out, seeing the sense of shock and worry on your face, “Just, hang up calls from burners, texts, things like that.”
“Okay…so I’ll repeat; why is there a protective detail downstairs?”
“Carino, you might want to stay somewhere else for a few days.”
“Rafael what are you not telling me?” You cocked a brow, crossing your arms over your chest challenging him to continue withholding whatever it was.
“Today some punk threatened to throw me down the court house stairs and crack my skull.”
“Raf!” You started to move towards him, dropping your detective stance in worry, he cut you off with an extended hand.
“And I may have given him our home address.” He definitely should’ve seen the swift smack to the back of the head coming,
“Are you kidding me Rafael!? Maldito idiota!” You let out a heavy groan, “You’ve been getting threats for the better part of a year and instead of reporting them, instead of telling your girlfriend, who may I remind you is a fucking cop, you give your actual address out to someone who threatened to kill you? How stupid are you?!”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” You rolled your eyes, “I wanted to keep you safe, keep you out of it as long as needed until it blew over.”
“Well I’m in it now!”
“I’m sorry.” Your body language softened at the true remorse in his expression, moving in between his legs against the bar stool as you loosely linked your hands behind his neck.
“Apology accepted.” You met his lips for a soft kiss, humming in satisfaction at the way his hand cupped your cheek gently, the other arm resting on your hip. “You’re still an idiot.”
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“Oh I know you will.” You flashed him a mischievous grin, “Put all this away and come to bed, that way you can reallymake it up to me.”
“I will gladly take that offer.” You laughed at the smirk he shot you before tightly pulling you to him in a much more heated kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you always.” You murmured against his lips, tugging him to stand, following you back to the bedroom.
Rafael was down at the precinct a couple of days later, they’d managed to track down and bring in the perp who’d threatened him and he needed to make an I.D with Carisi and Rollins.
“Where is everybody?” Rafael asked, gesturing to the relatively empty bull pen, ‘Congratulations Dodds’ banner still up along with a half eaten cake.
“Doin’ a closin’ job at Munson’s.” Sonny replied, dropping down into his desk.
“All of them?”
“Fin’s with the vic. It’s new policy with close jobs, one body per group of civilians, Liv, Dodds and Y/N, one gets the kids, one handles the wife, one handles Munson.” Rafael grimaced at the thought of you out there with someone like Munson, especially on a close job, he reminded himself that you always reassured him you could take care of yourself, but something just wasn’t sitting right.
Back in his office he had the news on in the background, an attempt to try and keep up with the case from the media’s perspective. His head shot up from his opening argument when a breaking news case broke through the screen, Munson’s mugshot splayed across the screen, the anchor mentioning that in a turn of events the man had taken his wife and two NYPD members hostage and shots had been fired by the man, conditions of the others currently unknown.
He felt his heart drop into the absolute pit of his stomach, his pulse instantly began to race as the panic coursed through his veins. His brain flashed back to the conversation about guns you’d had earlier that year, how you used all plausible options before firing your weapon and in that moment, God did he ever wish you were one of the trigger happy ones instead. Barely thinking he grabbed his phone, tossing his jacket back on as he raced out of the D.A’s office, Lincoln Hospital was the closest one to the Bronx, the closest to the Munson’s house, it had to be where you were.  His phone called you on repeat the entire twenty minute drive over, each time it hit your voicemail he felt his entire soul breaking. How on earth had he been so stupid to not tell you just how much he loved you each day he spent with you, that he loved you more than he could ever imagine, more than anything in the entire world.
His gut of where you would be was right on the nose as he sped into the waiting room, brass was everywhere, he spotted Olivia with Tucker, heading straight to them.
“Where is she?” He didn’t realize how out of breath he was, nor how shaky is words came out. Olivia barely glanced up at him, still in a daze of guilt, not properly thinking.
“‘Round the corner, second door on the left.”
That was at least something good, it meant you weren’t in surgery, it meant if you’d been hit you might be out for a while, but at least you were closer to being alive than he’d worried. Rafael didn’t even notice racing past Sonny as he exited the door Liv had specified, he practically collided right into you as you moved to the doorway.
“Raf-?” The only way you could describe the sound he let out was a choked back strangle of a cry. Your front was nearly completely covered in blood, a smear of it still on your neck you hadn’t realized was there. He roughly pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you in the tightest hug possible, one of his hands cupping the back of your head, fingers tangling into the messy bun. You felt his body nearly shake against you as he melted into you, holding you there until he’d managed to control his breathing again, feeling that you were in his arms, that you were safe, not open on an operating table somewhere.
“Why the fuck haven’t you been answering your phone? I thought you were hit. Are you okay?!” He pulled back and you could see the tears brimming in his eyes. Your hand reached up to stroke his cheek gently,
“Oh Rafa..I’m fine.” Your lips met his cheek, holding there for a moment, letting him realize you were real, and that you were really okay, “I was just giving blood, Mike’s…lost a lot..things aren’t looking good.”
“I’ve been calling you non stop for half an hour!” Your face scrunched,
“My phone never went off..” You stepped over to a nearby chair, rummaging through the bag a nurse had given you to throw your blood soaked blazer in. You’d whipped it off as fast as you could to try and stop the bleeding in Mike’s abdomen at the Munson’s. Digging through it your hands hit both pockets, then shook the blazer out over the bag. Nothing. Your hands patted down the minimal pockets of your dress pants, double checking you hadn’t shoved it into your bra, you turned back to Rafael with a look of apology on your face, “I…I don’t have it. It must’ve fallen out at the house. Mi Amour, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you like that.” Your hand grasped his, pulling it to your lips quickly before wrapping your arms around him once again, “I’m here, okay. I’m fine, I’m safe. I’m with you, and I love you always.”
“Marry me.” You almost didn’t hear the words muffled against your skin, pulling your head back to read his face.
“I thought I’d lost you today, and the only thing I could think of the entire time was that I never told you just how much I loved you. Carino you’re the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life. I love you more than anything, and I’ve known that for a while now. Abuelita knew you were the one the moment she met you, it may have taken me a bit to catch up, but I know she wasn’t wrong. Marry me.” You were doing the best to control any amount of confusion or awe from expressing itself on your face, you couldn’t control the smallest of smiles, the tears brimming in your eyes at his admission. You knew you loved Rafael more than anything on the planet, and that you always would, you just had no idea he’d been on the same page.
“Is..is this because of..” You gestured slightly, insinuating to the whole hostage, getting shot situation.
“No.” He grasped your free hand in his, “Well, kind of, but the ring’s at the apartment. I had this whole plan for next week for our date, but I don’t want to wait any longer. I needed you to know now.” He felt his heart rate pick up again, but this time because he suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable. He’d laid his feelings out on the table and it was your choice that would either crush them completely or elate him more than he could ever imagine.
“Oh Rafael…of course I’ll marry you!” A small giggle escaped your lips as he pulled you in for a kiss, this one more passionate than the others, “Te amo siempre.” You murmured against his lips, happy to have this little private moment to yourselves.
Truthfully, your little bubble of happiness remained just that. A few hours later, when Dodds was finally in the ICU, he ended up having a massive stroke and was declared legally brain dead. Rafael held you tighter when the news came in, knowing that your brain was racing through every moment in that house, the million things you could’ve done differently to end up with a different outcome, not to mention the shot could still have hit you in the heat of the moment. The squad reluctantly left the hospital in a sense of complete exhaustion, both mentally and physically, everyone coping with it in different ways, it always stung harder losing one of your own.
You and Rafael decided to keep the news of the engagement under wraps, out of respect for Mike and the Dodds’ family, it wasn’t exactly the time to be celebrating. While he did give you the ring the next morning, you only wore it around the house, making sure to stash it back in the little blue box before heading into work.
It was actually on accident nearly a month later, you’d been out running a couple errands, diamond on your hand when Liv called you in for a case. You had to drop everything and head into the precinct without the time to go home first and hadn’t even realized. You were in interrogation talking things through with the perp while she watched through the glass, smirking at how much you talked with your hands, the diamond ever so obvious. She turned to Rafael when he showed up, smile on her face,
“What? The bastard that stupid?” She laughed, nodding towards the window,
“That’s one hell of a ring.” Rafael felt his cheeks flush, a grin breaking out on his cheeks as he realized what she was talking about.
“Yeah, well, she deserves it. She deserves everything.”
“She really loves you, you know.” Liv smirked over at him, “I can always tell when she’s distracted texting you when she’s supposed to be working, the silly grin’s a dead giveaway.” Rafael couldn’t help the laugh at that,
“Sorry. I promise I’m not trying to distract your detectives.”
“‘S’long as you’re only distracting her, I’m fine. You make her happy, incredibly happy. And I’m happy for the two of you, really.”
“Thanks Liv.” He gave her a soft smile before turning his attention back to the interrogation room, his eyes lingering on you before fully tuning into the conversation.
You made him so happy his heart nearly hurt, he couldn’t remember feeling like this in years, you’d swooped into his life and nearly stolen it all away. He knew how incredibly lucky he was to have you, how lucky he was that you said yes, that you excitedly put that ring on your finger, and now, would be able to proudly wear it.
The rest of the squad was pretty quick to find out at that point, everyone congratulating the two of you and teasing you about how you were stuck with Barba for the rest of your life now. You laughed it off, saying you wouldn’t have it any other way. Amanda of course was quick to suggest a night out to celebrate it, and honestly, thanks to the months prior, the squad neeeded something to celebrate, to be happy for, so you agreed. A night out with the team and Rafael at Beekman, you were quick to insist on no decorations or any kind of bullshit like a ‘bride to be’ sash, this wasn’t the bachelorette party or anything. Though you didn’t miss the gleam in Rollins’ eye when you mentioned that, you knew you were in for it.
Lucia was over the moon, ecstatic that Rafael had finally made the move and couldn’t wait for the wedding, which you quickly reminded her would probably take a while. You were leaning towards a longer engagement, both of your schedules so constantly busy and up in the air you figured you’d use the small amount of time off both of you had to decide on smaller things before booking a venue or setting a date, where was the rush anyways? You both loved each other more than you could imagine, a silly ceremony and piece of paper wasn’t going to change that
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Rafael Barba Imagine (Extra)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Law and Order SVU. 
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“Sometimes I wonder how he’s still alive.” Carisi jokes. He and Rollins just got back from court after watching Rafael in his natural habitat. From what you heard he was going at the criminal with all he had. He walked in too, with Olivia on his trail. “The case is strong, and we have enough to put him at the scene. We’ll nail this son of a bitch. He won’t hurt another woman again. “ 
His assurance was all Olivia really needed. She knew where Barba’s priorities were and he always fought for justice for the victim. That was probably one of the main reasons that you liked him. His undying sense of justice. One thing instilled in you was not to trust anyone. At least in your eyes, anyone could do bad things. A mother, close friend, even a sibling. Most of the time when you caught the perp you were shocked at who the suspect turned out to be. That’s why with Barba, you were thankful for him. No matter what the situation, you knew Barba was someone you would never have to worry about doing something like that. 
Your gaze moved back to your desk, relieved that another psycho was getting what he deserved. “Why don’t we go out tonight. This case is pretty much wrapped up. “ Rollins pitched in. Carisi jumped up almost immediately. “I’m in.” he basically shouted. You giggled. 
“Me too, got nothing better to do.” Fin added. 
“What about you (Y/N)?” you blinked. Your eyes moved in Barba’s direction before pitching back.
“I-I’m fine. Think I’ll just call it a night. Catch up on some sleep. “ Rollins snorted, seeing right through you. She walked closer leaning in. 
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed. You got a little boyfriend don’t you?” her statement made you tense. You and Barba just started dating, and you didn’t want anyone to know about it. That’s why you were always cautious in your interactions. 
“I-I have no idea what you mean.” you denied. She just smiled. You were grateful she didn’t voice her thoughts out loud, because you didn’t want the entire team discussing your love life. Olivia came running out with her phone clutched to the side of her face. “Carisi, Rollins get to the school, Fin, (Y/N) come with me!” you didn’t even need an explanation. You grabbed your coat, swerving around your chair as you paced out the door with her. 
When you got back to the precinct you were exhausted. The suspect had taken the witness hostage, with intention to kill. Liv was fortunate she’d gotten a call from the school when she did, otherwise the outcome would have been far worse. He was now successfully in police custody, another charge added to his already high list. He was looking at 25 to life in prison. 
“Another full day.” you sighed dropping into your chair. Rollins and the others already left to the bar. If you were being honest, now you really weren’t in the mood to drink. The sight of that boy almost being shot never left your mind.
“Rough day.” a voice said next to you. Your eyes opened, looking over at lime green ones. “You have no idea.” Barba chuckled, taking a seat at your desk. 
“I know this job can get to you sometimes. I forget sometimes that you’re still pretty new to this. You should find someone to talk to about your day. It’s not good to keep it bottled up.” you nodded. 
“I have been chatting with someone. Liv gave me a number last time. When that guy took me hostage. It’s just something about being held at gunpoint that never really leaves you. “ Barba didn’t say much after that, just leaned over placing a hand on your knee. You smiled at the gesture, sitting up. 
“If you ever need to talk, I’m right here. I think you of all people should know how good I am with words. “ that made you laugh. “Rafael Barba, the king of communication.” he smirked. “At your service.” His presence really did help though. Despite his sharp tongue, his heart was always in the right place. There was just something about him. No matter how many times he said things to make you want to punch him sometimes, he was just so dang charming. Not to mention caring. You could see the genuine worry reflected in his eyes. He knew what this job did to people. 
“I know it gets hard, I just hope that no matter how much scumbags we take down, that you’ll never lose that light in you. “ You raised an eyebrow. 
“Really I have a light in me?” It sounded kind of cheesy, you were about to point that out to him but he stopped you. 
“Yes, and I am aware how cheesy that sounds. Before you tear me down hear me out. “ you closed your mouth with a smile. “Very well, proceed counselor. “ He grinned. 
“You’re the youngest, so I believe it's natural for you to be naive. But you’re actually the most realistic one on this team. When you first joined I thought you’d be making rookie mistakes. Similar to what Carisi did. He always assumed that certain circumstances would make a case solid. He’s studying law so I guess it’s understandable for him to have so much faith in the law. But that’s not how these cases usually turn out.” you sat there listening as he continued. 
“You don’t see the world that way though. Your eyes reflect hope, but also a tinge of maturity in ways that I’ve seen before. Your life growing up must have been hard, the level of knowledge and growth in your eyes is close to what I’ve seen from Liv. You have a general understanding of how the world is, something very uncommon for women your age. “ You were alarmed at how well he was reading you. For a second you swore maybe he was just moon lancing as an ADA and was secretly a profiler.
 “How do you..”
“I’m good at my job (Y/N).” Yep, there it was, that tongue. 
“That being said, there is also an innocence that does reflect your age. Maybe it’s the way your eyes sparkle when Carisi brings in your favorite pizza, or the adorable way your cheeks flush whenever I give you a compliment, or kiss your deliciously soft lips..” 
That statement was said a little lower. You blushed, as if proving his statement. He was right though. No matter how many times he kissed you, you’d always get a little bashful. You couldn’t help it. At heart you were still very much the shy rookie of NYPD’s Special Victims Unit. He leaned closer, face barely inches apart. You actively swallowed, wanting nothing more than him to lean in and claim your lips. From the look in his eyes, he was thinking the same. Your breathing got a little shallow at the lack of space between you. 
“I have faith that this job will not affect you in the ways you think. Trust me (Y/N).” he gave your knee another little pat before standing. 
“Well, get some rest, we’ll probably have a busy day tomorrow. “ And just like that he was padding over to his office. You just watched him strut off all confident. You pressed a hand to your face to try and calm your insistent heart beat. Once again Barba had won another case. You were sure he was smirking to himself in his office. 
Rollins walked in the next morning laughing at something Carisi whispered to her. You looked up at their voices. “Hey rookie, how was your quiet night. “ you grumbled at the nickname.
“Come on Amanda I’ve been here for at least five months. I think the rookie thing is getting old. “ 
“Please, I’m still the new guy around here.” Carisi chipped in. 
“It has to be the accent.” you spoke. He just gave you a look. 
“Very funny (Y/N).” you shrugged. 
“Just saying, that Staten Island drawl does get to you.” you teased. You turned not really paying attention to what was in front of you. You ran right into someone. Said person grabbed you by the shoulder to prevent a very ungraceful fall. You looked up to thank the person and also apologize. 
The words got stuck in your throat when you realized it was Barba. His hands were still on you. “Uhhh I-I uhhh..” you couldn’t form words. This was the closest the two of you ever were at work. You knew you should have maybe pulled away. You didn’t want your colleagues catching wind of anything. You finally willed yourself to pull back, straightening your clothes. 
“S-Sorry counselor.”  Your cheeks were darker than they’ve ever been. When you collected yourself you noticed a cup of coffee spilled on the ground. Carisi and Rollins were in the background trying to keep it together, especially at the look on your face. 
“Oh my gosh I dropped your coffee. I’ll get you another one immediately sir.” you just took off, completely mortified. Barba stared at your retreating form. A smile threatened to show but he held it back, settling for what he hoped was a stare of annoyance. “Rookies. “ he spoke and Carisi agreed with a nod. 
“Tell me about it.” he chuckled. 
You stepped into Barba’s office with his coffee. After that very embarrassing situation, you felt like this was the only way to redeem yourself. When he saw you his eyes twinkled. 
“Oh, came to replace my poor drink. Frapa did not deserve such a death.” you glared. 
“Can it, it was bad enough basically the entire precinct saw me crash into you, after almost faceplanting. Don’t you think my ego has taken enough hits today.” 
You placed the caffeinated drink on his desk, turning to leave. Barba stood, grabbing your hand before you could go. You looked back at him in confusion and alarm. 
“W-What are you doing, someone could see u-” that particular statement didn’t have a chance to properly form. Barba pulled you forward. His lips meeting yours in a heated desperation. You tensed at the beginning, until he started nibbling on your lower lip. You submitted, body enjoying the way his tongue mapped every inch of your mouth on entry. Of course he wasn’t just good at law. This guy was just a walking ball of masculinity and frigging dominance. It drove you crazy. You were gripping at the back of his shirt as he ravished your mouth. When his lips left your own you were panting. Chest still actively pressed to him. The both of you were breathing erratically. 
“Sabes bien..” Sometimes you forgot he spoke Spanish. You didn’t even know what he said, but damn it was sexy. A pleasant shiver ran up your spine. 
“I should knock your coffee over more often.” he laughed, and so did you. 
“Definitely.” Barba agreed. 
Translation: Sabes bien- you taste good. (Sorry if this is incorrect, I got it from google translate lol)
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