cmdrburton · 47 minutes
is there a genre you won’t listen to?
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cmdrburton · 2 hours
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cmdrburton · 6 hours
i don't care how neat a program is or how much it might improve my life. if it sneaks its way into my computer on top of a regular software update like some kind of fucking digital deer tick, it's a delete on sight. kill kill kill. nobody but ME decides what programs get installed on MY computer. fuck all the way off
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cmdrburton · 6 hours
I've been really enjoying Resident Alien on Netflix, and one of the coolest things about the show (other than the awesome ironic humor and the comedic acting and great writing) is that they've cast Sara Tomko (Asta Twelvetrees) as the female lead. I'd never seen her in anything before, but it's so good and so healing to finally see a not-thin woman in a film or series that is allowed to be not-thin. Yes, thin women are a perfectly normal, naturally occurring size, but they don't represent the majority of women, and yet paradoxically, they're almost exclusively the only type of romantic lead or lead female actor you'll see in like 98% of popular media.
Tomko is representative of vast numbers of women who are not thin. Who do not have thigh-gaps or tiny waists or thin legs. She's a full grown "Plus size" woman who is portrayed as (and obviously is) beautiful and sexy, and the lead, rather than the "fat friend" or a side character. She's often portrayed enjoying food, and being comfy with her body. Not once is her weight brought up or mentioned. I love her. I love this show.
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cmdrburton · 6 hours
can’t imagine living in a world where authors aren’t allowed to explore darker themes and topics through literature
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cmdrburton · 6 hours
Did you guys see eyeball world
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cmdrburton · 6 hours
please tell me, i want to know
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cmdrburton · 7 hours
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cmdrburton · 7 hours
i got into hetalia in its earliest earliest days, when it was just the scribbly art blog of some history nerd like the weeb version of Hark! A Vagrant with a tiny but frenetic team of translators reposting their favorite comics in english and talking about the fun little history anecdotes presented, and. i don't think there are words yet to convey the experience of watching it transform into This. i fell off for awhile and didn't know an anime came out, and used to get into fights with people who were like "why are you into the nazi yaoi cartoon" and i was like "???? it's a blog about trade routes??" and then i finally heeded their objections and checked out the state of contemporary hetalia and like. imagine digging a beloved childhood toy out of a box and realizing that it has transformed, out of sight, into nothing but mold with button eyes
i wish i could preserve some things from my inbox in amber or at least laminate them
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cmdrburton · 7 hours
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funny thing is i made this on Animal jam
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cmdrburton · 11 hours
Do you tend to like villains because you're at your core immoral in your real life too
i like villains because they're hot
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cmdrburton · 12 hours
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cmdrburton · 12 hours
This is me. Kinda jealous of all the writers who can write quickly because I can't.
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cmdrburton · 12 hours
If it keeps you from killing yourself it's not stupid. This applies to anything btw.
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cmdrburton · 12 hours
transformers would be so good if it was good
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cmdrburton · 19 hours
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Red Seas Under Red Skies, Scott Lynch
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cmdrburton · 1 day
if you’ve ever kept any kind of bug as a pet (i used to raise madagascar hissing cockroaches, myself), then it is pretty obvious that they have feelings and are capable of great individuality and even personality among members of their own species. there is a tendency to not be willing to admit this, which i think comes from a place of convenience moreso than of ignorance. it’s not that people don’t know bugs are little animals, it’s that thinking of them that way makes life a bit more complicated. still, it’s not like i’m going to give up fly paper…
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