#the hacker of fukushu: tsukushi yamamoto
Aliza looked away, her hair was hiding it but she had a pained expression 💭:we lost too much people cause of them…One of Natalie’s family members..Lala..’ she gripped her arm
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"Well then—"
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*In an instant, the hologram of the 'TsukuHolo' flickered a few times, before it disappeared.*
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"Ah- Shit! No....!"
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💭: 'Ugh....I just hope that you're all okay over there...'
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“I said what i said, she may be weaken right now but that doesn’t mean she isn’t strong.”
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"Guess that means we'll have to stay even more cautious now. Ugh..."
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"Yeah. You guys stay safe, alright?"
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"Don't worry, Ms. Tsukushi! We will!"
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“Your heard me, Corruption..the thing that Aliza and her friends have been dealing with and the one who orders the Dark Council Order.”
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"Oh, you mean the Dark Piss Shit Order."
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"Don't ever say that fucking name ever again."
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"Alright, what the actual fuck?"
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“That and me, Aliza and the others here have someone that we nees to get rid of…”
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💭:Lo Blackia…’
(OH........⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ OHHH MY GODDDDD WHAT THE HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL?!?!!????????$?_(5!&_(&(_(&()
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"....H-huh? Pardon, who?"
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"Hey, hey, hold on. Lo Blackia? Who even is that bitch? Second of all, who are you both?"
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"That's Asato Miyamura and Arina Velonia. The other girl over there is Dark, and the other other girl is Akira Markey."
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"Aaaaanyways, mind explaining who Ms. Blackia is?"
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“They’ll all safe though, i won’t let anything or anyone hurt them.”
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"Great to know then."
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"I'm just hoping you guys get back here or find Alicia eventually. Seito's worried. He even sent out a search party to find you guys."
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"H-huh?! Wait what?! Really?!"
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"Well shit. Whatever. I just wanna go back to the base and end this shit fuckery already."
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"But we still haven't found Alicia yet! I'm not gonna stop at anything until we find her!"
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“Whoa! How did that?”
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"It's thanks to my TsukuHolo, obviously."
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"But anyways, where are you guys right now?"
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"We...don't know either. We're probably in another side of the city so uh, yeah."
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oh? :0
"Huh? How did a hologram get here- Woah! Tsukushi?!"
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"Fuck yeah! I knew I could contact you guys somehow!"
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"How is this.....How is this even possible?!"
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"WOAH!!!!! I never knew you could do that, Tsukushi!"
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it’s best to drink some water cause it’s important
(i couldn't tell whether this was an ask for me or for the story HELP ME. but anyways uh yea)
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"Yep, gotta stay hydrated somehow."
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onwards! :D
(A little while later...)
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"Thanks, Hans."
*Tsukushi walked away from the man and then opened the cap of the bottle, before drinking the water in it. After she finished, she then put the cap back onto the bottle, before she found a spot to sit on.*
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"Ah! Wait....Maybe I can try contacting the others with my TsukuHolo?"
*The hacker then summoned her 'TsukuHolo', before typing in something.*
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"COMMAND: Contact Xander Matthews."
*Tsukushi then patiently waited for something to happen, hoping that this plan will work.*
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excuse me what- ;-;
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"Anyways, I really need a drink. Is there any water here?"
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"Of course there is. It's with Hans."
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"Oh, the guy we accidentally bumped into the other day right? Alright, thanks Kiko."
*And then Tsukushi walked off to the opposite direction that Seito and Takeji took earlier.*
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y’all should get some rest too
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"Yeah, I'm really tired anyways-"
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"Back! Hey Mantis, can you come with me for a bit?"
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"Huh-? Why??"
*Seito didn't answered the scientist's question. Instead, he grabbed Takeji's hand and dragged him to the direction of his office. Geez, he's going back to his office? He stays there all the time...*
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"....So! What do you think they're gonna do in Silverwing's office?"
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"Heh. Probably make out or something. I've known Mantis for a long time to know that he has the fattest crush on Silverwing ever."
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"Geez, you two..."
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Oof- ;-;
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"Ahaha! Sorry for scaring ya, Kushi! I just wanted to come by and talk to you two."
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"By the way, where's Andy?"
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"He's resting up right now. He was visibly tired a few hours ago. He deserves the rest."
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"We just asked Silverwing to send a search party to find them and Alicia altogether, so hopefully we'll be able to find them soon."
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"I see.....well yeah, I hope we'll find them soon."
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"What a worrisome situation."
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"AAAAHHHH?! Ugh, don't do that ever again! You scared the living shit out of me!"
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hehe :>
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"Alright, alright. You two can stop being so fucking corny now."
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"Ah! Right! Sorry, sorry."
*Hibiki then lets go of Tsukushi.*
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"Wait, where are the others? Where's Kanade?"
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".....So you see..."
*Tsukushi then explains everything to Hibiki.*
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"H-huh?! So you guys seriously got separated from them?! And Kanade too?!"
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rest for now i guess ;-;
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"Yeah, I guess that's a good idea for now."
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*Hibiki runs up to Tsukushi, before hugging her tightly, tears falling from her eyes.*
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"I'm so glad you're okay...! I was so worried about you, y'know?!"
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"Haha, yeah, sorry for making you worry. I'm back now, though, so no need to worry anymore."
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uhhh well you see-
*Tsukushi then explained the whole situation to Seito. Seito could only fell shook just from hearing everything.*
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"We might need a search party for this bullshit. We need to know where the others are right now."
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"Yeah. You're right. I'll deal with that real quick."
*Seito then walked away from them, heading to his office.*
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"Well now what?"
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