#the scientist of fukushu: mantis
y’all should get some rest too
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"Yeah, I'm really tired anyways-"
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"Back! Hey Mantis, can you come with me for a bit?"
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"Huh-? Why??"
*Seito didn't answered the scientist's question. Instead, he grabbed Takeji's hand and dragged him to the direction of his office. Geez, he's going back to his office? He stays there all the time...*
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"....So! What do you think they're gonna do in Silverwing's office?"
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"Heh. Probably make out or something. I've known Mantis for a long time to know that he has the fattest crush on Silverwing ever."
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"Geez, you two..."
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Oof- ;-;
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"Ahaha! Sorry for scaring ya, Kushi! I just wanted to come by and talk to you two."
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"By the way, where's Andy?"
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"He's resting up right now. He was visibly tired a few hours ago. He deserves the rest."
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"We just asked Silverwing to send a search party to find them and Alicia altogether, so hopefully we'll be able to find them soon."
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"I see.....well yeah, I hope we'll find them soon."
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"What a worrisome situation."
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"AAAAHHHH?! Ugh, don't do that ever again! You scared the living shit out of me!"
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hehe :>
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"Alright, alright. You two can stop being so fucking corny now."
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"Ah! Right! Sorry, sorry."
*Hibiki then lets go of Tsukushi.*
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"Wait, where are the others? Where's Kanade?"
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".....So you see..."
*Tsukushi then explains everything to Hibiki.*
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"H-huh?! So you guys seriously got separated from them?! And Kanade too?!"
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uhhh well you see-
*Tsukushi then explained the whole situation to Seito. Seito could only fell shook just from hearing everything.*
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"We might need a search party for this bullshit. We need to know where the others are right now."
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"Yeah. You're right. I'll deal with that real quick."
*Seito then walked away from them, heading to his office.*
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"Well now what?"
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hey you two! :D
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"Yeah, hi, I guess."
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"Tsukushi, maybe you should use your Hacker's Guild to teleport back to Clear Skies Foundation's base. We might need a search party to find the others."
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"Yeah. I'll do that."
*Tsukushi then summons her Hacker's Guild—a hologram that she did used a few times—and then typed in a few things, before tapping the 'OK' button on the screen and grabbing Takeji's arm. In an instant, the two teleported back to the base.*
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"Thank fuck we're back-"
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"Mantis! Tsukushi! You're both back!"
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"Wait. Where are the others?"
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The Hacker Is Lost...
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"Ugh...! Where am I supposed to go now? I'm just....alone now. I can't believe this."
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"Found you."
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"Ah! Mantis! You found me, thank fucking god."
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"Yeah. It took way too long to find you. Hmph."
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“..o-ow…my head hurts..” She was holding her head
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💭:what the- what’s going on..?’
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"Guh....! What the hell?! W-what's....happening...?"
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"Shit.....shit shit shit!"
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"Ugh....my head hurts....I think I might....pass...."
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JEANNE: "I thought it could be possible, just wanted to scour the city thoroughly first." '...And we still haven't killed Nayoko... I hate that she still roams around after what she did...'
*Jeanne looked down at her arm, angry. Not at the others. But at Nayoko.*
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"I'm honestly impatient enough to just find her already. I just wanna find her and get over this already. Ugh...."
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"Y-yeah, I'd like that too..."
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"Well I guess we'll have to keep searching throughout the city before we head to the--"
*Suddenly, Takeji stopped talking, before he could feel his head spinning. Soon enough, everyone else felt the same thing.*
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"H-huh...? My head suddenly hurts so badly...."
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JEANNE: "I'll change it for you Take, don't worry!"
*She takes Takeji's phone and changes its ringtone. To what? To this*
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"Ah, that's....cool, actually. Thanks, Jeanne."
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"Oh! That song! I like that song, actually!"
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“It is.”
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“Oh definitely.”
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"It goes something like this-"
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"SHUT UP! I've been thinking about changing it for awhile now but I don't know what to put as my new ringtone. Hmph."
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“Yea.I…just needed to clear my head that’s all.”
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"Hm. Alright then."
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"By the way! You both should've HEARD Takeji's ringtone! It's so funny!"
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"H-huh?! Hey!"
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"Heh. Yeah, I've heard it before. It's obnoxious, yet it's so funny."
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*Jeanne flew around some more, keeping an eye on the group. She was quiet, thinking.*
JEANNE: "..."
*Takeji managed to spot her up in the air.*
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"Hey! Jeanne! Are you gonna take a break from flying or no?!"
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"More of these again!?""
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"Arghh..too many of them..I can probably distracted some of these..Hey over here!!" Aliza raises her sword both the sword and her glowing
*The group kept on fighting, until one of the robots yanked Arei's baseball bat from her grip and destroyed it.*
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*Arei looked around, before spotting Takeji trying to fight against one of the enemies with the only thing he has; a gun.*
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"Takeji! Did you brought any extra guns?!"
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"Huh?! Oh, yeah! And a few extra bullets too. Why did you ask?"
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"Give me one real quick!"
*Takeji was confused for a moment, before nodding and quickly reaching into his bag, before throwing a gun at Arei.*
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"Alright.....you stupid things!"
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"You haven't fucking seen me yet! I'm going to obliterate you all!"
*Arei then ran through the enemies and shot them all. She didn't care where she was aiming, she just needed to shoot the robots as much as possible.*
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"That's enough you two.."
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"..." Aliza sits down
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"Hmph. Whatever."
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"Finally you guys stopped your nonsense bickering."
*Arei looked around the area, before noticing David and Tyler's absence.*
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"Hm? Yes?"
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"Where did David and Tyler went?"
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"I saw them run off somewhere. I'm sure they'll be alright."
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"Dumbass! The thing is Tyler literally just got injured! Why the fuck did he decided to just run off with that stupid manipulator like that?!"
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"A break will do then..."
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"Teruya, you really shouldn't have finished it all the way."
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"You could've taken my advice, but no! You didn't! I'm very disappointed."
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"Oh shut your mouth, Takeji...."
*Unknown to the rest of the group, Tyler grabbed David by his arm and dragged him elsewhere.*
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