#the headless burrowers are the bane of my existence
monochromatictoad · 5 months
🔥 about the main CV and LoS games (gameplay or characters) :>
Main CV
I've never played a mainline game, so I'll just talk about the characters, lol.
Sara. Darling Sara. She deserved so much better, and I'm still upset that they never went further with her possessing the VK. Although, I'm kinda glad, because she might've become the Tutorial NPC. She has a beautiful theme, and the music box cover of the Vampire Killer in LoS1 is just as pretty.
Death and Dracula have such a strange, yet probably healthiest, relationship that either of them could be part of. Dracula is especially a good villain. A part of me wants to be sympathetic towards him, but he is such a bastard, that every time he opens his mouth that sympathy dashes away. I love him at his least redeemable. However, I feel painfully neutral towards Walter and Shaft, and any of the other Sorrow villains. Except Celia, I feel like there is a lot of potential in her.
Once I play some of the mainline games, these opinions might change, but so far I'm loving what I see. I do think the early voice acting is kinda goofy, but I wouldn't change that for the world. Also, the humor. I do like the running gags and hijinks in the series, it makes the world feel lively. Also, the mangas? The artwork? There's a reason it's one of the most influential games in the industry.
The atmosphere is darker and heavier than in the mainline. However, that's not to say it's trying to be edgy, it's just trying to do its own take on the tale. It does have its own sense of humor, and plenty of references to the older games that make sense with the story, ex. Burning Agreus' familiar to get a roast!
The characters. The characters in LoS are phenomenal, despite there not being many of them. While Felicia was a late game arrival, I adore what little I can find about her. The bosses are really well designed, and the boss battles are really good.
Where do I even begin on the Belmonts? The twist that Belmonts and Dracul are from the same family? I love it. I never saw it coming, until I accidentally spoiled it for myself. The emotions that these characters show are also amazing. Gabriel/Dracul and Trevorcard both have parts of onscreen sobbing. And not the pretty crying, I mean the mental breakdown crying. But the tiredness that Dracul expresses in LoS2, even Robert Carlyle even said was purposeful. He wanted to make Gabriel exhausted of living, and it shows so well in LoS2.
In saying that, there are plenty of problems, especially in LoS1. While the battles are good, there are a few that I had issues with. Malphas and the Gravedigger. The eggs that Malphas shoots at you, I always had issues with throwing back at her. The Gravedigger summons enemies that possess corpses in coffins when you try to get close to him, and then it's a qte while you're avoiding getting hit by him. It's kind of a mess, but I do appreciate him being difficult because he's a late game battle. I also mentioned this earlier, but it needs repeating. LoS2 focuses too much on the first Acolyte, and not enough on the other two.
But my biggest thing is a specific enemy in LoS1. The Headless Burrower. They are the SotN Medusa heads of LoS. They are zombies, that throw their heads and then the bodies burrow underground. The heads float around and are a pain to fight. At certain parts they can't be hurt, and then the heads are hard to lock on to, much less hit with the VK. Luckily, you only have one required fight with them, and then you have an optional fight with them.
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