#the heartbreak of seeing this pop up in my inbox right before ao3 went down :’)
caffernnn · 11 months
Hi, thanks for making this post! It’s always fun getting to read your thoughts. I’m the anon that originally recommended 159 and sublimation and I agree with so many of the choices you made. There’s so many good fics written for this fandom, sometimes it’s easy to forget until you lay it out nicely like this. I’ve read every story on here except for like two so it was a walk down memory lane for me.
There’s so many good ones that I could go on forever, but I’ll just mention a few. I was surprised when you recommended “the ocean you gave my heart” because I haven’t seen anyone mention it, but I think about it often. “Heart’s Departure” is one of my favorites but yeah, it’s gut wrenching and idk if I could reread it. I love “Coral and Bone” is soo good and definitely a great read for the summer time. And “Night Changes,” I love when Makoharu talk to each other, they’re re so gentle with the other. I also want to mention “Under a Starless Sky,” by tonfea, because I am obsessed with that and think about it all the time.
Also we can’t talk about fics without a recommendation or two.
This is a cute and short story about Makoto and Haru getting together through the power of a anime watch night.
This is about pro Haru returning from a tournament and spending quality time with Makoto, with a little bit of introspection. It’s a smut too.
Hiii!! YAY it’s fun to sit down and revisit different stories from over the years, seeing even in vastly different universes how the viewer’s perception of characters and their core motivations carefully evolved. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed a lot of the same stories — so many great ones out there but these journeys were some of the best imho 😌
YEAH YEAH YEAH big love for tonfea and their idol AU 💚💙 The drama! The stakes! Trying to build tenderness in their whirlwind life together because if they’re sure of anything anymore it’s their longing and devotion!!! It’s another one of those stories that aches to read with the all of the building tension but hooks you in for better or for worse anyway (which speaks to how well it’s written). Great rec, thanks for bringing it up 👏🏻
Your other two recs I hadn’t read before but WOW I’m glad you sent them!! I loved how “Inviolable” by noobishere weaved together tender moments I didn’t even know I wanted to see between Makoto and Haru until the scenes came up. It’s so fun to watch a non-linear storyline come together, seeing what beats and little details you focus on when jumping back and forth. Definitely one I’ll enjoy revisiting to watch those dorks have fun together. ALSO “warmth kept in the palm of my hand” by fio is spicy (good smut, for those looking for it) but I’m particularly intrigued by their end conversation. It’s wild to see older future fics talk about where everyone ends up and compare it to what direction canon went with. The way Makoto and Haru talk about the future here is short and sweet, but feels almost more fleshed out than what we saw in FS, if that makes sense?? Like, you could argue the difference between (spoilers ig) arriving at a decision pre-burnout versus crashing into that option during/post-burnout, but even then, you’d almost expect to see more conversations and unpacking happen with the latter. Anyway, I liked what they did with the idea of a reunion and some exploration into what a future would look like for mh if they continued to take those steps hand-in-hand.
As always, your taste is 🤌🏻 impeccable
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emospritelet · 4 years
Twisted Fate prompt 78) “I love you.” “You shouldn’t.”
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These prompts have been sitting in my inbox since last August XD. I’m sorry, it took ages for these two to actually start talking about their issues.
Belle had known that a broken arm would be tricky to manage, but she hadn’t realised how helpless she was without Gold around to assist her. Getting dressed was the first obstacle, and she struggled to get out of her nightdress and into her underwear. She discarded any thought of attempting to put on a bra, and after weighing her options, decided on simple sweatpants, a camisole and cardigan. Even brushing her hair with her left hand took some getting used to.
He had left early, so quietly that she hadn’t heard him go, but when she entered the kitchen she found the coffee maker ready to go with decaf, the lid off the tea canister and cooked sliced mushrooms and onions alongside a plate of grated cheese and a bowl containing beaten eggs. The makings of an omelette. It made her smile.
She managed to make the omelette, although it wasn’t about to win any prizes for looks by the time it was on her plate, and ate it at the table with some tea, following it up with decaf coffee and one of the oat and raisin cookies he had made the previous day. Checking the fridge made her smile again; he had portioned up the food he had cooked, glass dishes containing macaroni cheese all ready to go in the oven and beef in red wine in plastic tubs ready for the microwave or to be tipped into a pan.
She spent her day reading and relaxing, rubbing her belly whenever the baby kicked. It was starting to get more uncomfortable the closer she got to her due date. She tried to look ahead six months, when the baby was on the outside, crawling around the apartment. Would Gold still be there? Probably not; she imagined he would move into his own place as soon as her arm was healed, seeing the baby according to the terms in the thick sheaf of documents that she had still not signed. The thought made her feel incredibly lonely.
Emma popped in to see her at lunchtime only briefly, staying for a cup of cocoa and helping her to tie up her hair. She promised to return after class with Neal and Henry, and so by six-thirty they were all seated around the kitchen table, eating their way through Gold’s macaroni cheese.
“This is so good,” said Henry, scraping his plate. “It’s got about a ton of cheese in it. Mom, you should make it like this next time.”
“Thanks,” said Emma dryly. “I thought you liked my mac and cheese.”
“I do, but you always say ‘is that enough cheese’ and I feel like I have to say yes, and it never is.”
“Wow - thanks for the honesty, I guess,” remarked Emma, taking a drink of her wine. Belle and Neal chuckled.
“You can tell Gold it was a hit,” added Neal, digging a fork into his own food. “It’s comforting. Kinda tastes like home, you know?”
“He’s an annoyingly good cook,” said Belle, in a flat tone.
“Why, that sneaky son of a—” Neal glanced at Henry. “Uh - well, you know what I mean. Belle, somehow I doubt it’s all part of an evil scheme. Maybe he just thinks you need to eat some good food.”
“Yeah, I know I sound unreasonable,” she sighed. “I don’t know where my brain’s at right now. This morning I was wondering how the hell I’d cope on my own, and - and that maybe I’ll miss him when he’s not here and it’s just me and the baby. It’s - it’s like I resent the fact that he’s stepping up, and I don’t really understand it. I don’t know, maybe I’m just being emotional.”
She poked at her food, feeling despondent.
“You resent that he’s making you feel things?” said Emma, with a knowing look in her eyes, and Belle pulled a face.
“Can’t be angry with him anymore, and you still feel like you should be?”
Belle put down her fork.
“Okay, did you take psych class today or something?”
Emma put a hand over hers, grinning.
“I get it, that’s all,” she said. “Don’t get too hung up on what you think you should be feeling. Do whatever’s best for making you happy.”
Belle thought about that for a moment.
“I’m not sure what that is,” she said eventually, and Emma shrugged.
“Give it time.”
There was silence except for the scraping of plates while they finished up, and Neal offered to wash up. Dessert was ice cream, brought by Emma, and Henry went to eat his in front of the TV while Neal dried the dishes and Emma finished her wine.
“Do either of you want coffee?” asked Belle. “You’ll probably have to help me make it, but you’re welcome.”
“I could use one,” said Neal, over his shoulder. “Let me make it. You want one?”
“I’ll have tea. Peppermint, I think. The baby’s been kicking so much today it gives me heartburn.” 
He dried his hands, and Belle pushed back her chair to go to the bathroom. When she got back the coffee maker was running, and Neal had taken Gold’s old toy rabbit from its place on the shelf beside the fridge. He had a puzzled look on his face as he turned the rabbit over and over in his hands, and Belle was reminded of Gold, and the way he had studied it.
“Where’d you get this?” he asked.
“Oh, it belongs to Alex,” she said. “It’s not for the baby, or anything. It belonged to his son.”
Neal looked up.
“He had a kid?”
“Still does, apparently,” said Belle. “They kind of lost touch.”
“How long ago?” asked Emma.
“I think he said his son was two. It was years ago. I’m - I’m not sure how much he really wants me to talk about it. If at all.”
“Oh. Okay.” Emma looked thoughtful. “But he talked to you about it. That’s good, right?”
“Yeah.” Belle took her seat. “He brought the rabbit with him when he moved in, and although I’d seen it before in his shop, I hadn’t thought anything of it. So I asked him. He was - he was probably the most open he’s been with me. I think it made him uncomfortable.”
“Well, practice makes perfect.”
“Yeah.” Belle reached for her peppermint tea. “Here’s hoping for more of that.”
“Does it make you feel better about how he’ll be with the baby?” asked Neal. “I’m not prying into the guy’s private business, but maybe if he’s had a kid and you know that he loved that kid, it might make you feel a bit easier about this one, you know?”
Belle thought for a moment.
“Yeah, he definitely loves his son,” she said. “I could see it in his eyes. It was kind of heartbreaking, to be honest. So yes, I do think he’ll love our child. I - I think he already does.”
“Have you guys talked about how you’ll divide up caring for the baby?”
“No.” Belle ran her hands over her face, huffing air through her fingers. “He went to his lawyer. Drew up a huge document that I can’t face reading through and told me to get some legal advice.”
“He’s right to say that.”
“I know.” Belle sat back in her chair with a sigh. “I just - I just can’t at the moment. Every time I think about our lives being tied up in clauses and sub-clauses and stupid legal terms, I want to cry.”
Neal and Emma shared a glance.
“Well, I guess since he’s living with you at the moment, there’s no rush,” said Emma reasonably.
“Yeah, plenty of time to lawyer up when he moves out,” added Neal.
Belle picked up her tea, feeling subdued, and there was a moment of silence.
“Maybe we can make Fridays a thing,” suggested Emma. “He said he’d be in Maine every week, so we could come over and keep you company.”
“I don’t know if he’ll stick to Fridays.”
“He said he had an appointment to keep,” said Emma. “Said it would be every Friday.”
“An appointment?” Belle frowned. “He never mentioned it. I know he has rent to collect, but I thought he was getting someone to do that for him.”
“Huh. Well, it’s only a suggestion.”
“No, it’s a good one,” said Belle. “I’ll ask him what his plans are.”
“Sounds good.” Emma took a slurp of coffee. “Okay, who’s up for a game of cards? Loser buys dessert next week.”
Gold returned when it was almost ten, looking drained and tired, although he greeted her pleasantly. Belle found herself wanting to make him tea and feed him something, and felt a little useless when he insisted on seeing to himself. He made her chamomile tea, and regular tea for himself, along with a sandwich that he made short work of in the kitchen before bringing his tea through to the lounge. She was curled in a chair, a book tented on the arm as she sipped at her drink, and he lowered himself onto the couch, perching on the edge with his elbows resting on his knees, an aura of tension hanging around him.
“How was your day?” he asked. “Did you manage everything okay? Did your friends come over?”
“Yeah, it was fine,” she said. “Your mac and cheese was a hit, by the way. Henry thought it was awesome.”
He smiled faintly.
“We talked about making it a regular Friday night get-together,” she added. “But I wasn’t sure if we could, what with your work thing.”
“My work thing?” said Gold, looking confused.
“Emma said you had a regular appointment in Maine,” she prompted. “So I was wondering if that was gonna be every Friday or not.”
Gold hesitated only briefly.
“I can go every Friday, if that makes it easier for you to organise things.”
“Good.” She took a sip of her drink. “In that case I’ll ask them to come over for movies and popcorn. It’ll be nice to have some company.”
“Right,” he said. “Yes.”
“Which means the rest of the week, we have each other for company,” she said, keeping her tone light. “Which we should make the most of, don’t you think?”
His eyes narrowed a little.
“In what way?”
“I - I thought maybe we could talk some more,” she said. “I thought - well, the conversation we had the other night. I thought that was - useful.”
Gold held her gaze steadily for a moment, then looked away, elbows shifting on his knees, fingers threaded together.
“Yes,” he said. “Yes, it felt like - progress.”
She could sense his awkwardness, and felt the urge to reach out to him, to send him some sort of comfort, even as she battled with her own anxiety, her own hurt.
“So, we should talk,” she went on. “Clear the air. If you’re willing.”
There was a moment of silence, and his jaw tightened a little, his throat bobbing as he swallowed.
“Alright,” he said at last. 
Belle set down her tea, letting her feet slip to the floor as she sat forward a little, instinctively moving closer to him, bridging the space between them until their knees were almost touching. She could hear the light sound of him breathing through his nose, and the faintest scent of him was in the air, making her want to close her eyes and inhale deeply.
“I meant it,” she said softly. “What I said the other night, before the accident. I meant it. I love you.”
His mouth was set in a grim line, his eyes downcast as his head shook slightly: the barest denial.
“You shouldn’t.”
Belle sighed, sitting back.
“That’s not how this works,” she said. “That’s not how any of this works. You can’t just tell someone not to love you.”
He was silent, not looking at her, and she shook her head.
“I wanted to hate you, you know,” she admitted. “There were times when I feel like I wish I could hurt you like you hurt me, but I know that if I had the chance I wouldn’t do it.”
“Of course not,” he said quietly. “That’s not who you are.”
“Oh, I have my moments,” she said. “Pretty sure I’ve cursed you out a hundred times since we broke up.”
“Well, I imagine I deserved it.”
She looked at her hands, folded together in her lap, and there was a moment of silence. Glancing up, she could see that Gold’s attention was on the floor at his feet, the space between the toes of his shoes. She wondered what he was thinking.
“I was so hurt, for so long,” she said. “Devastated. And - and after that I got angry. Maybe I still am, I don’t know. I - I keep thinking irrational things, and I don’t always realise that I’m being unreasonable.”
“I don’t think you’re unreasonable,” he said, and took a deep breath. “You said you didn’t trust me. That - that stayed with me, Belle. I’ve thought about it a lot.”
“Oh.” She wasn’t sure how to feel about that. “Right.”
“There again, given what I did,” he went on. “I - ah - I don’t suppose I’ve given you much reason to.”
More silence, but somehow it was deafening, as though the space between them was screaming at her. She had to speak, to bridge the gap, to voice her pain.
“You know, that was the worst of it,” she said softly. “Not the things you said, so much, awful though they were. It was more that you felt you could say them. Maybe I’m not making sense, I don’t know…”
He looked up then, his eyes warm, filled with what might have been pain and regret.
“Tell me,” he said. “I need to hear it.”
Belle chewed her lip, trying to organise her thoughts.
“I thought I knew you,” she said. “You didn’t give me much to work with, don’t get me wrong, but the little I got made me think that you - cared - for me. And - and that was okay, because even though you never said it, I felt it. I knew.”
She paused, choosing her words. His mouth had twisted a little, pain etched in the lines around his eyes.
“I’ve always felt that I have a sense about people,” she said. “That I can see past the surface, see what’s inside. So when you did what you did, not only did I realise that I didn’t know you, but it was like I lost my sense of who I was, too.”
Gold nodded slowly.
“Like you couldn’t trust your instincts,” he said. “Couldn’t trust yourself.”
“I - I guess so.”
“Yes.” He dropped his eyes again so that he wasn’t quite looking at her, but at his fingers, laced together. “And that’s why you can’t trust me, either.”
“Uh…” She shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah.”
Gold nodded.
“I understand,” he whispered.
“I want to,” she added. “I want to trust you. I hate this - all of this - between us.” She gestured with a hand, back and forth. “I want it to be better. I do.”
Gold looked up again, smiling a little.
“So do I,” he said. “I’m trying, Belle. I - I know it might not feel like it, but I am.”
He dropped his eyes again, but she sensed he still had more to say, so she remained silent. Gold opened his mouth, looking a little pained.
“It - it wasn’t work,” he said hesitantly, and Belle frowned.
“In Storybrooke,” he said. “I said I had to go there for work. That was only partly true. I can sort out the things I need to for my business remotely, I don’t need to go there.”
Belle blinked, surprised.
“Oh,” she said.
More silence. She held her tongue, waiting for him to fill it, and Gold took a breath, his brows lifting a little in the middle, giving him an anxious, somewhat helpless expression. 
“I’m going to Storybrooke each Friday because I have a regular appointment,” he said heavily. “To see Dr Hopper. For - for therapy.”
“Therapy?” Belle felt her eyes widen. “Really?”
He caught her eyes very briefly with his before ducking his head again. She wanted to smile, a sense of relief flooding through her. Finally. Finally he asked for help.
“How’s it going?” she asked, and he sighed, that helpless look briefly returning.
“Well, it’s early days,” he said. “It’s - it’s not easy. But there again nothing worthwhile is, so they say. I’m going to keep trying. He’s - I think he’s probably very good at his job.”
“Yeah.” Bless Dr Hopper. If anyone can help, he can. “Well, I’m proud of you.”
Gold looked up sharply, a stricken expression on his face, and she smiled warmly.
“I really am,” she said sincerely. “I’m proud of you. I know how hard it must be to ask for help. It - it makes me feel like you’re really serious about making things better.”
A flicker of a smile at the corners of his mouth.
“I am,” he said. “I promise.”
He held her gaze for a moment, that tiny smile making his eyes gleam. It reminded her of happier times, and there was a lurch deep in her belly at the memories. Gold eventually glanced away.
“We should go to bed,” he said, and threw up a hand as Belle raised her eyebrows. “Oh, I - I didn’t mean we should go to bed, although - okay I did mean that, but I didn’t mean together, I meant - I meant to sleep, that’s all. I meant – oh fuck it, I’ll shut up.”
He sighed, letting the hand drop, and Belle giggled a little, eyes sparkling.
“Sleep sounds good,” she said, and he smiled.
“Right,” he said. “Well.”
He pushed to his feet, grasping his cane and holding out a hand to pull her up. Belle swayed in his grip a little, smiling up at him.
“Goodnight, Alexander,” she said softly.
She let her hand slip from his, picking up her tea and making her way towards the bedroom, feeling his eyes on her back. Slowly, very slowly, they were making progress.
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