#haven’t been reading mh as much this year but it’s nice to get back into
caffernnn · 1 year
Hi, thanks for making this post! It’s always fun getting to read your thoughts. I’m the anon that originally recommended 159 and sublimation and I agree with so many of the choices you made. There’s so many good fics written for this fandom, sometimes it’s easy to forget until you lay it out nicely like this. I’ve read every story on here except for like two so it was a walk down memory lane for me.
There’s so many good ones that I could go on forever, but I’ll just mention a few. I was surprised when you recommended “the ocean you gave my heart” because I haven’t seen anyone mention it, but I think about it often. “Heart’s Departure” is one of my favorites but yeah, it’s gut wrenching and idk if I could reread it. I love “Coral and Bone” is soo good and definitely a great read for the summer time. And “Night Changes,” I love when Makoharu talk to each other, they’re re so gentle with the other. I also want to mention “Under a Starless Sky,” by tonfea, because I am obsessed with that and think about it all the time.
Also we can’t talk about fics without a recommendation or two.
This is a cute and short story about Makoto and Haru getting together through the power of a anime watch night.
This is about pro Haru returning from a tournament and spending quality time with Makoto, with a little bit of introspection. It’s a smut too.
Hiii!! YAY it’s fun to sit down and revisit different stories from over the years, seeing even in vastly different universes how the viewer’s perception of characters and their core motivations carefully evolved. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed a lot of the same stories — so many great ones out there but these journeys were some of the best imho 😌
YEAH YEAH YEAH big love for tonfea and their idol AU 💚💙 The drama! The stakes! Trying to build tenderness in their whirlwind life together because if they’re sure of anything anymore it’s their longing and devotion!!! It’s another one of those stories that aches to read with the all of the building tension but hooks you in for better or for worse anyway (which speaks to how well it’s written). Great rec, thanks for bringing it up 👏🏻
Your other two recs I hadn’t read before but WOW I’m glad you sent them!! I loved how “Inviolable” by noobishere weaved together tender moments I didn’t even know I wanted to see between Makoto and Haru until the scenes came up. It’s so fun to watch a non-linear storyline come together, seeing what beats and little details you focus on when jumping back and forth. Definitely one I’ll enjoy revisiting to watch those dorks have fun together. ALSO “warmth kept in the palm of my hand” by fio is spicy (good smut, for those looking for it) but I’m particularly intrigued by their end conversation. It’s wild to see older future fics talk about where everyone ends up and compare it to what direction canon went with. The way Makoto and Haru talk about the future here is short and sweet, but feels almost more fleshed out than what we saw in FS, if that makes sense?? Like, you could argue the difference between (spoilers ig) arriving at a decision pre-burnout versus crashing into that option during/post-burnout, but even then, you’d almost expect to see more conversations and unpacking happen with the latter. Anyway, I liked what they did with the idea of a reunion and some exploration into what a future would look like for mh if they continued to take those steps hand-in-hand.
As always, your taste is 🤌🏻 impeccable
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mycomori · 1 year
i’m not doing well and i really should throw myself into sketching because i know it would make ‘em happy but also would it make me happy when any time i can’t get somthing right i get upset at myself? i play acnh every day but i don’t actually DO anything a creative like design my island or even update my house with all the new furniture i’ve gathered since i first decorated years ago. all i do is gi through the motions fo the game and then do book miles tasks on loop until i get bored. i did start reading my book again which was really nice cause books have always been my most reliable escape (not including drugs) but i’m just…i’m overwhelmed by fucjing everythjng in my life and literally nothing is going right and i’m loosing support left and right ik more alone every day and all i can think about is how much of failure i am and i walk through my house that i didn’t even make dirty and i’m just despairigg by because of how dirty and messy everything is no matter how many times i am able tk finally get myself to do cleaning. at least my one rooommate also cleans sometimes. but we have to have a talk w the other roommate because most of the mess of from them and they also don’t clean most times. but i’m too tired to address any of thags o i just do it myself. i’m tired. i just woke up and i’m already tired. i wayt to gi back from sleep because i’m not looking forward to today. my roommate has her onboarding at my old job today. nothing like being constantly reminded of what you lost. not enough that there’s one right down the street. gotta have soemone in mh house working there now too. as if i’d don’t think about it enough. objectively looking at the way my life has been the last few months it’s just…it’s not good! it’s just not fucking good! and i can feel the ache of it all i wnat but i’m just fucki g laughing at this point because what else can i fucking do! i’m so fucjing used to this by now it’s almost frustrating that i’m even hurt by it. also this just means i’m goigg nb to be poor consistently for the future and that’s just…well i’m already poor when i am working but having almost no money coming in well yeah that’s really not great! nothing is! i’m totally okay and not about to have a breakdown! i haven’t had therapy in three weeks and i jjst got told its gonna be three MONTHS. i am totally okay!
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 16: cookies
Character A makes too many cookies and shares them with Character B,, percabeth 
Percy looks at the table before him that is littered with endless trays of cookies. It’s overwhelming, really, staring so much sugar in the eyes. There’s chocolate chip, and sugar cookies, red and green sprinkles, and everything in between, and it has Percy wondering if he’s going to be able to eat them all.
He blames his mother. She’s always baked during Christmas, and he thinks a part of that has been instilled inside of him. So it’s really his mom’s fault that he’s staring what could very well be bordering five-hundred cookies in his painfully sugared eyes.
Percy’s eyes flick down to the counter where he spots his three-year-old peeking over the table on the tips of her toes. Her hair is a mess of blonde curls, and she reminds him so much of her mother. He smiles gently. “You’re supposed to be asleep, baby.”
She rubs her eyes tiredly, coming around the counter to raise her arms up at him. He obliges, picking her up, before turning back to the counter.
Percy kisses the top of her head as she rests her head on his shoulder. “Lots of cookies for Santa Claus.”
“Is Santa Claus coming?”
“Not net, princess,” he tells her. “Santa Claus comes tomorrow night.”
“I think that’s too much cookies for Santa Claus to eat,” she whispers quietly. It makes his heart melt. He can tell she’s very sleepy, and she must have just woken up. Percy glances to the clock that reads two in the morning before he turns his attention back to his daughter in his arms. He rocks her back and forth.
“Why are you awake?” he asks softly.
She just shrugs, and he figures he’s not going to be getting much information from her when she’s in that state. He picks up a cookie with sprinkles and taps his daughter’s shoulder with it to get her attention. She grabs it silently, bringing it to her mouth and nibbling the corner tiredly, her mouth coating with crumbs.
“Yummy?” he asks.
Percy chuckles, letting her have a moment to finish the treat. Her mom would probably murder him if she found out that he let her have sugar at bedtime, but he’s also sure that she’s sleeping right now. He could probably outrun her if she decided to chase after him too.
The thought brings a smile to his face. His wife waddling around the house with her protruding stomach is too cute of a thought for him to handle. She’d run out of breath so easily, and he’d feel bad that she couldn’t catch and bully him, so he’ll slow down and let her get to him just to keep her happy. And then she would pretend to be mad, but he’d bait her with another cookie, and she’d kiss him, and he’ll fall in love with her all over again.
“Santa Claus is going to eat all of the cookies?”
Percy smiles, picking up a cookie for himself. “Not all of them.”
“What about the rest?”
“I don’t know,” he admits. “I guess we just have to eat them all ourselves.”
His daughter picks up her head to look at the piles upon piles of cookies. She looks so concerned, so much like her mother, that he chuckles. “I can’t eat all that.”
An idea pops into his head, and he’s probably going to regret this later, but he sets his daughter down and pulls a plate of cookies off the counter. “Let’s go share some with mommy then.”
She follows him down the wall, taking many more steps than him in order to keep up with his larger strides. He reaches the door of his bedroom, slowly creaking the door open. It’s pitch black in the room, and he can just barely make out her figure on the bed, herself turned on her side with one leg kicked up and a blanket already sliding off of her.
Percy bends down to his daughter, handing her the plate. “Go give this to mommy.”
She does as she’s told, quietly pattering over to her mother’s side. Percy watches as she struggles onto the bed, setting the plate on the mattress so she can kick one leg over the edge and try to pull herself up. Percy goes to her side to make sure she doesn’t fall off, and he helps give her the last boost so she can crawl onto the bed.
His wife’s back is to Percy so as their daughter crawls closer to them, she doesn’t even stir. Sophia sets the plate onto her mom’s stomach and her tiny hands come to try and shake her awake.
“Mommy,” she whispers, fingers brushing up and down his wife’s arms. “We brought you cookies.”
Annabeth shifts slightly, and Percy knows that she’s awake even though her eyes are closed.
“Wake up,” she whispers loudly.
“What is it, Sophie?” Annabeth stretches a leg out, her eyes still closed.
“I have cookies for you.”
Annabeth blinks open one eye now and meets Sophia’s eyes that are peering at her in the dark. “Why do you have cookies for me right now?”
“Daddy told me to give them to you,” she says, and Percy can’t believe his own kid just sold him out.
It’s like she can sense another person in the room now because she turns onto her other side and locks eyes with him in the dark. “Daddy told you to bring me cookies in the middle of the night?”
“They’re super yummy. Daddy gave me one too.”
Annabeth shakes her head at him, but she’s smothering a smile into the comforter. “Did he?”
“Daddy said I can have another one,” she says, fingers trying to pick up another cookie. Annabeth’s hand wraps around her daughter’s wrist, stopping her.
“Daddy did not,” he defends, humored. He joins them on the bed, sitting cross-legged next to Annabeth. He takes the plate from Annabeth, handing her one cookie. “Daddy just made too many cookies. Santa Claus can’t eat them all.”
Their daughter nods seriously.
Annabeth smiles and rolls her eyes, taking it from his fingers. “Mrs. Claus can’t eat them all either, Percy.”
“I heard Mrs. Claus has a little buddy that might be able to help,” he teases. When his daughter isn’t looking, he moves his hand to rest over her stomach, and he smiles at the reminder of what they’ve created.
Annabeth takes a small bite. “How many did you make?”
“I think I counted five-hundred something.”
She chokes. “Percy.”
“It wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t sleep, so I made cookies, then I made more, and some more, and it just happened.”
“So now you woke me up to eat all of the cookies you made when I already don’t sleep?” “Yes.”
Sophia bounces excitedly. “Can we make some more cookies?”
“You’re supposed to be asleep,” Annabeth says.
“I’m not tired,” she whines.
“Not now that daddy gave you a cookie,” she mutters pointedly to Percy. He just smiles and kisses her forehead.
“Can we watch a movie?” she pleads.
Annabeth pinches Percy’s side, and he pulls her close. She molds into his side, her stomach resting on his, and whispers, “This is your fault,” before telling Sophie, “One movie and then sleep.”
Sophia excitedly settles into her parents’ bed. She steals Percy’s pillow right out from under his head which has him insulted but also endeared, but he just uses Annabeth’s pillow instead. He throws on a random movie, and it’s not long before their daughter is asleep beside them, leaving the two of them alone in each other’s arms.
“I can’t believe that you woke me up to eat cookies at two in the morning,” she whispers, flicking his nose. “Naughty boy.”
“Baby, you haven’t seen naughty,” he tells her, nipping her nose lightly in retaliation. “I’d show you what naughty is, but our baby is in the bed.”
“Two babies in bed,” she reminds him, pointedly dragging his hand away from where it had started to travel up her thigh.
“Don’t remind me,” he says. “I can’t believe we’re going to have two kids.”
She laughs quietly. “It’s insane.”
“It is,” he agrees, “but it’s also amazing. I love you two so much, and I don’t know how that love could possibly get bigger, but it does every single day, and when this baby comes — I don’t know how I’m going to survive. I think the overwhelming love may give me a heart attack.”
“Don’t do that. I need you to change diapers while I sleep.”
“I need to change diapers?”
“You change diapers and do laundry and dishes and cleaning, and I’ll snuggle the baby.”
“So nothing changes, then?” he teases.
“Oh, shut up.”
Percy laughs into her neck. He kisses the warm skin before saying, “I’ll change the diapers and do the laundry and dishes. You just make sure our baby is nice and safe inside there.”
“Your baby is not very happy inside there right now.”
Percy pouts. “Why not?”
“Baby wants another cookie.”
“The baby wants a cookie? Not you? The baby?”
“Of course it’s the baby. How dare you insinuate that I would ever eat something so toxic otherwise.”
“Oh, my bad.”
Annabeth snorts, pressing her face into his chest. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
She’s really warm against him, and it feels good in the cool air of the house. They fall into a silence as the movie plays in the room, the only source of light. Her breathing begins to even out, and he can tell that she’s falling asleep. He lets her, rubbing up and down her back.
To his side, his daughter is out like a light. She’s so small to him, barely taking up any space on the bed, and it’s difficult to imagine when she was first born. It feels like forever ago, but it was really only three years. So much has changed since then. Him and Annabeth have been up and down and left and right trying to figure this parenting thing out. They managed to survive, if just barely, but they did it by each other’s side.
He doesn’t think he could have done this without her. She’s his best friend, his rock in the middle of a storm. It was hard, but they did it.
And now there’s another baby on the way. They don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet, but Percy has a feeling it’s another daughter. He wouldn’t mind another daughter. He didn’t know he could love someone as much as he loves Sophia, and if he can feel that love with another daughter, then he wants to. He knows that things are going to fall apart again, though not in a bad way.
Him and Annabeth are probably going to be running around like headless chickens with the new baby all while Sophia sits back and watches, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. They’ll figure it out as long as they have each other.
Besides. What’s life is not a journey?
Annabeth shifts against him again, and he pulls a blanket up the both of them. This is a life he will never get tired of. He is so thankful for moments like this. They don’t come often, but he cherishes these midnight shenanigans. It’s a different thing to just lay with your family at night and forget the rest of the world. It’s a breath of fresh air, a moment where nothing matters except the people he loves.
He’s glad that he ended up making way too many cookies. It was surely a chunk of his paycheck to buy so many different ingredients, but it brought him to where he is now. It’s a beautiful, fleeting moment, and money does not matter to him. No price can be put on this, he thinks.
Percy presses a kiss to Annabeth’s forehead again before he closes his eyes. As he drifts off to sleep, he’s thinking of Annabeth and the perfect world they’ve created.
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Cal Kestis x Reader
972 words
Summary: Fluff! Just layin’ with Cal on Bogano. Soooooft. Always soft.
A/n: Hi so oh my goodness my last post kind of got a lot of attention?? So much more than I ever expected? Thank you so much!! I’m not lying when I say every bit of interaction lightens my day. Also, sorry it’s been a while since said post, school has been crazy and I haven’t really been in the mood to write. Instead I’ve been watching Gotham and Shameless. Can you tell what actor I’m currently fixated on?
“I think I like the stars more from here.” You felt Cal hum against your stomach. A soft smile found its way to your face when you looked down at him, red hair rustling slightly in the evening Bogano breeze. You moved your hand from the ground to run through his hair, giggling when Cal let out a sleepy sigh. “Are you gonna fall asleep?”
“Probably.” It was muffled, but you could make out what he said. The pair of you had had an afternoon picnic of sorts, and had yet to return to the Mantis. You were sure Greez was getting worried, but when Cal had his face buried in your stomach and his arms wrapped around your waist, you simply could not be bothered to care.
You could hear boglings begin their nightly search for food, a calm filling you that you hadn’t felt in months. Running from the Empire was nothing if not exhilarating, but you couldn’t deny the joy you felt when you had the chance to just exsist with Cal- no running, no dodging, no fighting. It could be anything from dancing around the Mantis (much and were glad you had left your saber back on the ship- they were cute, but there was no denying they were downright sneaky when they decided they wanted something in their nest. Too many times raiding bogling homes for your stolen weapon had convinced you of that.
“Hey Cal?”
“Do you remember, I think it was right before you left for Bracca with Master Tapal, but you woke me up and convinced me to sneak out of the Padawan dorms?”
You couldn’t see the smile on his face, but you were sure it was there.
“It was weird because we were both such goodie-two-shoes that the most sneaking around we had done was walk slower behind our masters so they couldn’t hear what we were saying.”
Cal his head so he could speak more clearly.
“You forget that one time we held hands underneath the table during dinner.”
You let out a surprised laugh- you had forgotten about that.
“Scandalous!” He turned his face back into your tummy. “Well, aside from our rebellious hand holding, sneaking out was the first time we had ever done something that would get us in trouble, intentionally.”
Cal pulled one arm out from between you and the ground, blindly grabbing around until he found your hand- the hand that had previously been stroking his hair- and moved it back to his head, all but demanding you resume. Which, of course, you did.
“We snuck onto a random balcony. I don’t think anyone had been on that balcony since Master Yoda was a padawan, honestly.” If you couldn’t sense that he was still awake, you would have assumed Cal was asleep by now. “To be fair, we had been climbing stairs for a while. We were nearly at the top of the temple, I think. To this day I have no clue how you found that place.”
If he felt any inclination to explain, he didn’t act on it. Cal was sure the Maker itself couldn’t create a more perfect moment- your fingers alone were enough to soothe him, but feeling your breathing, and hearing your voice, helped calm fears that had been born the moment his master died in front of him. Like this, he could be sure that you were okay. Alive. Happy.
“...of course, at that point, we were getting cold, but you refused to leave until we could watch the sunrise. I think you were scared to leave Coruscant.”
“Mh, scared to leave you.”
You felt your face heat up. Years and many instances past hand-holding later, and in a few words Cal was still able to fluster you. (If he were more awake you were sure he would tease you. You were confident in the more physical aspects of your relationship, yet a sweet word reduced you to a blushing youngling.)
“I guess being together constantly up until that point developed a bit of a dependency, huh?” You could feel his agreement through the Force. “We sat on the railing and watched the sunrise, just like you wanted. It was nice, though. The speeders going by were loud enough that there wasn’t any awkward silence. I always liked the Coruscant skyline, that was the first time I had actually paid attention to the sunrise. Last time, too, I think.”
You sighed as you remembered days long gone and people long dead.
“If, somehow, we ever got the chance to go back to Coruscant, we should watch the sunset. Complete the cycle, you know? It’d be nice. This time we can use each other for warmth rather than shiver. My master was so concerned when I saw him for breakfast, put his cloak around me and everything. My fingers were blue! Not the most pleasant aspect of that night.”
A small snore drew you out of your reminiscing and put a stupid grin on your face. Despite the pain and loss you both had gone through, you had found each other, you had found happiness and a family and a purpose beyond just surviving.
“I love you.” You spoke it out into the night, and some part of Cal’s force signature replied likewise. You would tell him again tomorrow, and hopefully everyday after that, but your whisper out into the night was something you would keep for yourself- a promise to let yourself be selfish, let yourself love and be loved in return. A promise to yourself that you wouldn’t let the guilt of surviving when others didn’t exclude you from what they would want you to have, to be.
No one else would ever know you whispered those words at that exact moment, and you were okay with that.
Thank you for reading!
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versegm · 4 years
Holy Grail War where Guda is their summoner's weird back-alley encounter one night, then ghosts them for two days straight without an explanation and then seamlessly sets themselves up in the next-door apartment. They never explain what a holy grail is, and they're human-passing if they take sufficient precautions, and five months in it's just them and one enemy servant left. Guda goes drinking with them every Tuesday.
The first time you meet your new neighbor, you almost have a heart attack.
“Ma’am! Do you need any help with that?”
Face mask, sunglasses, leather gloves. They stand hover above you, and it dawns on you that you’re about to get mugged.
“No, no, it’s fine.” You steel your spine and straighten your back- and immediately wince. Old age has not been kind to you. “I’m fine. Really.”
The youth chuckles- they sound genuinely amused. Since you can barely see their face at all, you can’t read any of their emotions. It’s unnerving. “Don’t be silly, ma’am.” They take hold of the heaviest of your grocery bags. “Where do you live? I’ll walk you there.”
And you can’t really do anything but agree, can you? Ah, it has been a good life, at least. You suppose there are worse ways to go than...
... actually guided home by a yakuza? Who bids you goodbye and just leaves?
... Wait, they were being honest with the offer to help?
The youth, you learn quickly (for there is no better intel than old lady gossip) goes by Ritsuka Fujimaru, is probably not part of any yakuza group, and works part-time at the okonomiyaki place down the street.
Their apartment is also two rooms away from yours, which is why you keep running into them.
“Ma’am!” They wave at you excitedly. Their face is still covered. Apparently, they’re just that allergic to showing any important patch of skin. “You shouldn’t stay around these parts, ma’am. Haven’t you heard? A pipeline exploded yesterday.”
Huh, really? There has been a lot of these kind of accidents lately. You didn’t know another one exploded in the area.
This city really needs to get it together. You remember another serie of accidents like this when you were a kid. You’d think in sixty years infrastructure would get better.
“Ma’am! Ah, it’s good to see you sticking to safe paths.”
“Ma’am! Ah, you really ought to check the news! The next street is closed up! It shouldn’t last long, but better safe than sorry, right?”
“Ma’am! Let’s walk home together! I just finished my shift. Are you coming back from the market?”
“Ma’am! This looks heavy, do you need help? Oh, this is new! How do you cook that?”
One day, you go out, and you don’t see them. You don’t bat an eye.
The next day, they’re still not here. It’s not the first time that happens.
The next day, still no Fujimaru. Now this is a little weird.
The next day, they’re still absent. You’re getting worried.
“They’re on sick leave.” The okonomiyaki place tells you. “They should be back by tomorrow.”
You frown. They’re a weird folk, but you’ve grown to like the youngster. Do they even know how to take care of themself? You remember when you were just getting started into adulthood and boy that wasn’t pretty.
So, you walk determinedly to the youth’s apartment, and knock.
At first there is silence. Then a ruffled sound. Then, a voice. “One moment!”
So you wait.
... quite some time.
After what seems like an eternity, but most likely was only a minute, the door opens up. “Hi ma’am! What brings you here?” And you can’t help but flinch.
They look the same as usual. Sunglasses, face mask, and gloves. The same, no sicker, no healthier.
Three scars like slashes come across their right eye.
They have a sheepish laugh. “Ah, sorry. I didn’t have time to put on my make-up.”
Make-up? To cover the scars?
You look them over. Sunglasses, face mask, gloves. At first you’d assumed they were some kind of delinquent. At first you’d assumed they didn’t want to be recognized.
Ah, sorry. I didn’t have time to put on my make-up.
You think you understand now.
“... Would you like to have dinner with me?” Originally, you wanted to bring them some chicken soup and be done with it, but what little of their apartment you can see behind them seems... unfit to host people. You wonder how they manage to live in it. It’s just... so full. Toys and tools and papers as if they could barely focus on one task at once. Where did they even fit their bed?
“Ah.” They click their tongue. “That’s very nice, ma’am, but I don’t think-”
“I’ll look the other way while you eat.” You say. “If you really don’t want me to see your face.”
They stay silent. For a few seconds, you can’t even hear them breathe.
It starts with chicken soup on a sick day. Then it turns into a small chat every two week. Then a meal every week. 
After two months, you’ve gotten into the habit of hosting Fujimaru over twice a week.
They’re comfortable enough to remove their sunglasses when you’re the only one here, now. One of their eye is blank. The other one rarely ever focuses on you when you speak to them.
Weirdly enough, their eye is about the least interesting thing about Fujimaru.
"And there! That’s how you make mocassins.” They’re beaming. You can’t see their mouth, but you’re sure they’re smiling. “Friend of mine taught me how to make these.”
“You seem to have a lot of odd friends.” 
“Oh, definitely. But that’s just how life is, y’know?”
Somehow, you get the feeling that their life isn’t exactly what you’d call “average.”
It takes another month for them to take off the face mask.
... Huh.
“Hyperdontia.” That’s the only explanation they give you. You don’t press them. Not about their teeth, not about their eye, not about their soot-like skin under their gloves. From what you’ve seen, it’s a miracle that Fujimaru ended up somewhat functional despite whatever stacked that many scars on them.
“Say, ma’am,” they ask between two bites of food, “if you could have any wish fulfilled, what would you want?”
“A wish?” You raise an eyebrow. “I’m a little old to believe in genies, don’t you think?”
“Humor me.” They set their chin on their palm. “Any wish at all. What would you wish for?”
Any wish...
A few months back, you’d probably have answered ‘a friend,’ or something cheesy like that. Life can be... lonely, when one is as old as you, with no kid or nephew to speak of.
But now, well...
“... no, I can’t think of anything. I’m good.”
They blink. Evidently, they were not expecting that answer.
“... You’re a good person, you know that?”
Their teeth are long and sharp. Somehow, it doesn’t stop their smile from being incredibly sweet.
Fujimaru has a friend.
Well, multiple, obviously. Fujimaru looks kind of scary at first, but give them the occasion to chat you up, and they will not let you leave unfriended. But what you mean by that is that Fujimaru has a friend.
“I saw Caster the other day!” They always look giddy talking about Caster. You’re hesitant to call it puppy love, but evidently, this person means a lot to them. 
Here’s what you know about Caster:
- They act like an old man
- They look young enough that Fujimaru has to be the one to buy alcohol when they hang out
- They’ve got Opinion on writing
“So, you write too, Fujimaru?” You ask, after the third time they retell you about some writing discourse or another.
“Mh? Oh, yeah. sometimes.” They rub the back of their neck. “Well, not really. There’s just this one thing I’ve been writing over and over again, so.”
(They do that a lot. Repetitive things, you mean. Sometimes, they repeat something they’ve just told you. Sometimes, they do the same action twice, thrice in a row, as if they’d forgotten they’d already done it.)
(The scars on their face looks deep. You think they might have some mild brain damage, but again, this isn’t your place to ask.)
“What is it about?” You ask, because you’re genuinely interested.
They look down, and seem suddenly very interested in scratching the underneath of their nails.
“... It’s a little silly.” They finally say. “I had this friend, you see.”
You nod. Do go on. For all the time you’ve spent with Fujimaru, you know surprisingly little about their past.
“He was great. Incredible! He knew so much. And he was kind! And resourceful. He could always get someone out of a bind even when himself had next to nothing to work with. I owe him a lot.”
“He sounds pretty great.”
They nod excitedly. “That’s who I’m writing about. My friend.” They pause, for a second, as if unsure if they should continue. When they speak again, their voice is a little lower, as if telling a secret.
“There is power in stories, you know? If it’s written down, then it’s real. In a way. Not real real. But real in a way that matters. Once a story is weaved, you can’t unmake it. Even if no one knows of it. Even if it gets burned down afterwards. There is power in stories.”
It’s a good thing that they don’t ask you if you’ve understood, because you certainly hadn’t. But they go on.
“That’s what I’m writing about. My friend. I’m writing a story about him. Some meaningless slice of life thing. A regular day at work. Getting coffee in the morning. Saying hi to his daughter. Feeling the wind on his face. That’s what I’m writing. Normal life stuff.”
They tilt their head back, look at your roof.
“... It’s the least I can give to him. It’s the only thing I can give to him. A story in which he lives.”
It’s been six months since you’ve met Fujimaru, when they ask you with the utmost seriousness: “Do you believe in lucky charms?”
“As much as the next person.” You shrug. It’s very much a maybe maybe not to you. You don’t care all that much.
“Okay. That’s good.” Fujimaru smiles. It’s weird, how used you’ve become to these teeth. How comforting the sight of scars can become. “See, there’s this one lucky charm I wanted to give you. Something of a spell if you ever need me and I’m not here.”
? Well, why not. It wouldn’t be the strangest of Fujimaru’s quirks.
“Okay, listen up. Don’t repeat what I’m going to say. You can only say it one day where you really mean it, okay?” They lean towards you and cup their hands around your ear. Their breath is almost anormaly warm. “It goes something like this. By the power of my Command Spell, I ask of you...”
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
The Arachnoids: ROCK BAND AU [Starker] - Chapter 8: FADING FACADE
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Find the masterpost with all the chapters linked here!
Taglist: @crystallinecrimsonmoth​​​​​​ & @staticwhispersinthedark​​​​​​ (Let me know if you want to be added!)
Note/warnings:  PS: A quick trigger warning: There will be a panic/anxiety attack and anxiety-related problems will be discussed, including meds and drug allergies.
Chapter 8: Fading Facade (Tony’s POV)
“Everything,” Tony hears himself whisper. “Everything’s wrong.”
The second the words fall from his lips Tony knows he should’ve kept quiet. He’s never lost control like this before. Not with anyone around, that is. His chest tightens. He can’t breathe. He can’t speak. Tony lets himself sink onto the edge of the double bed and presses his palms into his thighs. He’s very aware of the signals his body gives off but there’s nothing he can do to stop it. Not with this damned mantra flickering in the back of his mind.
You fucked up. You fucked up. You fucked up.
“Tony?” Peter’s voice pierces through the cloudy thoughts. Tony looks up warily and finds a pair of worried, deep-brown eyes searching his face. “Hey…” “I’m alright,” Tony chokes out. “Let’s just sleep.” “I… Don’t you wanna talk about it?” “No.” He can keep his facade up for a little while longer. He has to. ‘Cause if he doesn’t, who knows what might become of him?
Tony, honest to God, doesn’t know what to do. All these years and no one had ever found out about Morgan before. No one has seen the many videos on his phone filled with the girl’s sweet giggles and her never-ending stream of questions. No one’s seen her eyes sparkle with curiosity whenever she explores something new. He still remembers what it feels like to hold her small body in his arms. Always squirmy, the little queen.  But now, Peter has seen a picture of her. Tony ponders not telling a thing. But what if that leads to Peter asking other people about it? That’d be the true disaster. Then, everyone would know.
“The kid in the picture,” he whispers quietly. Peter’s head perks up. “That’s Morgan. Eh, my daughter.” “You have a daughter?!” Peter exclaims in surprise, his eyes wide and shocked. The boy quickly realizes what he’s doing and he lowers the volume of his voice. “How…?” Even now, Tony’s snarky comebacks get the better of him. Especially now. “I’m pretty sure you know how children are conceived, space boy,” Tony says, voice still painfully fragile. Peter huffs quietly.
“I mean… Does anyone know? Like-” The boy stutters, clearly trying to find the right words to not upset him. “-I’ve never heard of this before.” “Yeah. That’s the way it should be.” “Why?” “I don’t want her to grow up, not knowing who she can or cannot trust, simply ‘cause of her father’s fame.” Peter seems to contemplate that for a second, and somehow, the boy radiates such… serenity. Enough for Tony’s legs to stop moving. For now.  “Yeah, I guess that’s a good point.” Peter pauses. “But… How does that tie to everything being wrong?”
Instantly, Tony’s heartbeat picks up again and his fingers clench involuntarily.  “You ask too much,” he breathes. “No offense, but you keep shit to yourself too much.” “Mh-” is all that Tony answers to that. The boy is eerily perceptive. Tony sighs. He has to admit that it doesn’t feel too bad talking to Peter. 
“It… Doesn’t tie together at all. Not really,” Tony finally mumbles. God, he can’t believe he’s saying it out loud. “Somehow, I’ve developed a drug allergy for my anxiety meds. We’ve tried different types, but nothing works…” He scoffs. “Lucky me.” “Oh, uhm, so you’ve got anxiety then?” “Yeah,” Tony sighs. “My mind just… Doesn’t stop. Never. Not without the meds.” “Is that why you’re… y’know, eh- So tense all the time?” “Nice choice of words,” Tony laughs. “You can call me an asshole. I don’t mind. I know how shitty I am - don’t worry.” He hates how self-loathing it sounds. But then, he does loathe himself, so where’s the lie? “The anxiety’s the reason Pepper keeps Morgan away from me.”
“Wait what?” Peter’s eyes widen. “What happened?” “Nothing happened. I swear- I might be a wreck, but whenever Morgan is around it’s different, y’know? My focus is on her. Fully.” Tony breathes out. Dammit, he can’t believe he’s telling Peter all of this. Peter doesn’t push for more, instead, he waits for Tony to keep talking. Tony sniffs. “I still have my emergency meds though. They’re much stronger, not meant for daily use. They make me sleepy and foggy and unattentive. I’ve never taken one with Morgan there, but Pepper… She thinks it’s a hazard. In her eyes, it makes me a bad father.”
Tony presses his lips together and feels another wave of tears flood his eyes. “Pepper and I never dated. Morgan was, eh, an accident from a one night stand. “I’ve supported Pepper from day one. I paid for everything she and Morgan could possibly need. I even canceled shows to babysit her whenever she wanted a night off…” “How long has this been going on for?” Peter asks quietly. Tony shrugs. At this point he, funnily enough, told Peter so much he doesn’t even care about oversharing anymore. His secrets are out anyway. “My drug allergy started about a year ago. I haven’t seen her in eight months…” Tony laughs bitterly. “You remember my ‘shitty day’ on New Year’s Eve? Pepper was supposed to come to watch the show with Morgan. Of course, not backstage for their privacy- but in the crowd, y’know? I’d meet them a few blocks away before the show…” Tony swallows. “Pepper never showed up and blocked my number and social media.”
“Jesus fuck,” Peter mutters. “That’s… I can’t believe she’d do that. Tony, for real, can’t you just sue her?” “I could,” Tony says quietly. If he’d get a dollar for each time that that thought crossed his mind, he’d be a billionaire by now. “But it’s only a matter of time before some crap journalist finds out. I’d throw Morgan in the spotlights and that’s the one thing I don’t want.” “Right, I… I didn’t think about that.” Peter shakes his head. “Fuck.” “Yeah, it’s a real Catch-22.” “What’s that?” “Doesn’t matter. I’m fucked. That’s what it means.” Tony stands up from the bed, suddenly restless. He paces back and forth. The room is so infinitely small and he groans. His chest aches when the reality of his own words hit home full force. 
“I’m fucked, so fucked. Goddammit!”
Tony had been somewhat calm throughout the talk. Now, his fingers are tingling and it’s only then that he notices his shallow breathing.  “Fuck,” he rushes out and reaches for his small travel bag. “Talking about Xanax, I’m gonna need one now- I need…” He should’ve known that talking about this was inevitably going to set him off. He wishes he didn’t need it. He wishes Peter wouldn’t see him like this. But he knows that if he doesn’t take one he’s not going to calm down anytime soon. “Need water?” Peter asks, clearly trying to help. Tony just nods, unable to say anything else. His fingers finally find the bottle with his pills and he chews on his bottom lip as he tries to open the lid. His hands are shaky, though, and his panic grows when he can’t seem to take it off.
“Here,” Peter gently mumbles. “Lemme help.” The boy crouches down and takes the bottle from Tony’s hands. He opens it and hands Tony one of the pills together with a glass of water. Tony gratefully takes it- too tired to fight it. He sticks the pill into his mouth and quickly chugs it down with the water. He knows he’s still gonna have to wait for the actual effects to kick in, but knowing how he’ll feel once it does, helps him to not lose himself to the whims of his body.
“I’m… Just gonna lie down,” he mutters. “Can you maybe, uhm, God, I’m sorry. Can you maybe distract me a bit until I calm down?” “Of course. Wanna hear about the early days of The Arachnoids?” Peter suggests while Tony crawls under the covers. He tugs his legs into his chest and closes his eyes. No more thinking. Peter doesn’t second-guess Tony’s request and that tugs at Tony’s heart. Peter’s been nothing but nice, even helping him after being such an asshole to him for days on end. Tony knows he doesn’t deserve this, knows he- “Alright, so, we had to do this weird as fuck school project once. MJ was the first one who came up with…”
Thirty minutes later, Tony finally starts to feel the familiar, drowsy feeling he’s been longing for so much. Peter’s still talking. Tony isn’t actively listening to the words anymore. Instead, he lets Peter’s voice rain down on him. He never realized quite how pleasant the boy’s voice is. Soft and warm, with hints of excitement seeping through whenever he tells a part he’s passionate about. It’s nearly meditative. “...and then we got the invite to play for The Avengers, and that’s where we are now!” Peter ends his story, voice cheerful and light.
“Thank you,” Tony whispers and he hates how much his voice still wavers. “I needed that.” A small breath leaves Peter’s lips before he speaks.  “Of course, Tony. I’m here whenever you need me, ‘kay?” “Y-yeah. Okay.” Tony tugs at the sheets to hide his body underneath it a little more. The soft, thick fabric feels so incredibly soothing against his skin that it nearly makes him tear up again. He stares when Peter’s head turns to look at him, the glimmering of the boy’s eyes reflecting the tiny bit of light that still enters the room through the curtains. “If you need a hug,” Peter whispers so gently it’s almost unfair. “-I’m right here. All you have to do is ask.”
“I don’t need a hug,” Tony mutters before he even realizes it. “That’d… Be weird, wouldn’t it?” Tony already feels weak enough. Admitting he needs a pair of strong arms around him is something he could never do. “Alright, what if we flip it around, huh?” Peter smiles. “If I’d say I want to give you a hug right now, would you accept it?” “I…” Tony frowns and blinks a few times when he realizes that, while it’s the same thing, somehow this doesn’t trigger any form of resistance inside of his body. He’s painfully aware of the point Peter’s making here. “Yes.”
Peter hums and shifts a little closer. Tony swallows when he feels how the boy’s arms wrap around his rigid body. The first thing Tony notices is how soft and warm Peter’s skin is. The second thing is how Peter cuddles up to him completely. Yes, that feels so good.
The third thing… He can’t even think about that anymore. His mind drifts off into the dark depths of his mind. The darkness doesn’t swallow him, though. No. It’s warm. And cozy. 
Next Chapter >> 9: Wary Words
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lochrannn · 3 years
AU-gust: Mama, didn’t mean to make you cry
Read on AO3
prompt no 11: Summer Camp
Characters: Lila Pitt, Diego Hargreeves, Number Five Hargreeves
Relationship: Lila Pitts/Diego Hargreeves
Diego has asked her twice whether she’d like to help out with the summer holiday programme that he’s set up at his gym for inner city kids whose parents haven’t got the means or availability to send them off to camp, but Lila just waffled a half-answer that boiled down to “no thanks” and he hasn’t asked her again.
It’s not like she doesn’t support the idea. She supposes it’s a nice thing to do for the kids. Diego’s definitely thriving and she’ll usually actively support anything that’ll make him happy, but he’s enjoying himself with or without her participation and when it boils down to it, Lila really doesn’t need to spend her days hanging out with a bunch of snivelling children full of tragic backstories. She’s got plenty of that herself, thank you very much.
That may not have been how she put it to Diego. Maybe the fact that she very quickly started ranting about snot-nosed brats is the reason why he hasn’t brought it up again.
Until today that is.
“Hey Lila,” Diego calls from the kitchen as she’s in the process of brushing her teeth, “can I ask for a favor?”
Lila walks out of the bathroom, mouth full of toothpaste and scrubbing away to find Diego at the kitchen table tinkering with a torch.
“Wha’ ‘ooh you nee’?” Lila asks, finding it a bit hard to articulate around the foam, but she’s sure Diego got the message.
“I… uh… I’m running a little late and I kinda need Five’s van,” he says, not looking up at her, instead concentrating on connecting two very thin looking wires, “He said I could pick it up this morning but I’ve got to get to the gym and won’t have time to swing by the Academy first.”
Then he does take his eyes off his work and instead turns them on her, big and round and shiny, the puppy dog eyes that she personally believes are an unfair tactic in any conversation and asks, “You’re not doing anything this morning, right? You wouldn’t… you know…?” he trails off, apparently hoping that he doesn’t actually have to ask, that she’ll just fill in the rest for herself.
Lila goes over to the kitchen sink to rinse her mouth out and get rid of the toothpaste and once she’s satisfied that she will be able to talk properly again she asks, brandishing her toothbrush a little menacingly at him, “So you’re asking me, on my day off, to take the bus over to the Academy, so I can get the van that your murdering, geriatric brother who walks around in a child’s body, stole off some unsuspecting handyman, even though you could all afford to buy a fucking van, and then bring it to you and what? Get the bus back home after?”
“Uh… yeah?” Diego says a bit dumbly, then rallies and offers, “I’ll make you pancakes this evening!” and when she’s still staring him down he adds, “and I’ll give you a foot rub!”
“That’s not a fair offer, Diego, those are things you like!” Lila says indignantly.
“Yeah, but so do you!” Diego shoots back with an almost sly smirk.
“Urgh!” She throws her hands up in the air, “Fine!”
When Diego gets up and wraps his arms around her, she only resists for a moment on principle and then lets him press his lips against her temple. “Thanks babe!”
“Helloooooo?!” Lila calls out as she’s walking into the big entrance hall of the Umbrella Academy mansion.
She doesn’t actually have a key, but she doesn’t need one as nobody ever bothers locking the door. Anyone who might be even a remote threat to the Academy would easily get in whether the door was locked or not.
Her voice echoes in the hall but nobody answers, so she heads to the back stairs to make her way down to the kitchen.
When she gets there she finds both the man she was looking for and also her least favourite Hargreeves sitting at the kitchen table with the newspaper and a cup of coffee.
“Mh, where are the others?” she asks without any real greeting.
“Lila, always a pleasure!” Five’s response is dripping with sarcasm.
“Yeah, fuck you too!” she shoots back. “So where are the ape man and ghost boy?”
“They’ve gone to help our stabbiest brother with his little community engagement project,” Five answers with a bit of a huff, turning a page of his paper and then giving it a straightening shake.
“Why aren’t you with them?” Lila asks, genuinely curious now.
“I don’t particularly like children.”
Lila nods almost sympathetically.
“And they usually seem to think I’m one of them, which makes me want to chew off my own foot.”
“You are one of them, though, pipsqueak!” Lila says, ruffling his hair on the way to the coffee pot to pour herself a cup. It’s a testament to how far they’ve come that all he does is swat at her but doesn’t try and impale her hand with a fork.
“Also, why am I picking the van up if one of you three stooges could have brought it over just as easily?” She’s suddenly filled with indignation.
“Klaus and Luther were already gone when Diego rang and I’m waiting for an important call from Switzerland,” Five says a bit primly and Lila has to stop herself from rolling her eyes.
“Oh, the CERN thing… And? Will we be sucked into a black hole or do you think that’s another apocalypse you can best?” Lila asks, not actually too concerned. Once you’ve dealt with enough doomsday scenarios, you become a bit desensitised.
Five shrugs. “Time will tell.”
“Right!” That’s enough playing nice with Five for one day, one of the reasons they do get on in a way is because they make sure to interact in bite sized increments, “Where are the keys, then?”
As Lila climbs out of the van she wonders how best to get the keys to Diego with the least amount of interaction with any of the screeching children on the premises.
For a moment she even considered just leaving the key in the ignition and wandering off, but she thinks Diego would throw a hissy fit. God forbid a car thief might take an interest in their stolen van.
As she comes around the side of the building she can already hear the absolute racket the group of children inside are making and a genuine shiver of apprehension runs down her spine.
But then a closer noise draws her attention and when she takes a look behind the dumpster she regrets having followed her instincts because cowering in the corner is a small child with long, dark, wavy hair that is sobbing uncontrollably.
For a second she thinks she might just hurry inside to let one of the adults know there’s a kid on her own out here, but even to her that doesn’t quite feel right, so she calls out softly, “Uh… little girl… I don’t think you should be out here.”
The girl spins around in shock and her huge, watery, brown eyes fix on Lila, almost like she’s a little bit afraid.
Then she sniffs loudly, Lila tries not to wince at the sound, and says with determination, “I’m not going back in!”
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Lila asks, approaching the child but also looking around for anyone more qualified to deal with the situation.
“Because Brad’s a dick!” she shouts as if Lila should have guessed that.
Lila has to suppress the urge to laugh at the foul language coming out of such a tiny little person, instead she says, “I don’t think you’re supposed to use words like that.”
The girl scowls at her, so Lila tries a different tactic. “What did he do?” she asks while crouching down next to the girl, who doesn’t seem to be too scared of her now.
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” the girl mumbles petulantly.
“Okay…” Lila feels entirely in over her head, but so far she hasn’t had the urge to strangle this kid, so maybe she can make it through a conversation with her.
“What’s your name?” she asks.
“Niha,” the girl answers, “What’s yours?”
“Lila,” Lila offers.
“Oh cool! You’re Lila! Coach Diego talks about you all the time!” There’s genuine excitement in the girl’s expression now and LIla is completely taken aback.
“He does?!” she asks, her voice maybe just a bit shrill.
“Yeah! He says you’re one of the best fighters he knows and that it doesn’t matter that you’re a girl, that you put him on his ass all the time in training. See, Coach Diego uses bad language as well!” Niha says triumphantly, as if she’s just won some kind of argument.
“Yeah, I bet he does.” Lila is quite baffled at the glimpse she’s getting of Diego’s summer camp.
“Do you really not want to talk about what Brad did?” she then asks with as gentle a voice as possible, hoping to change the subject, as she suddenly feels a bit awkward about the idea that all of these children apparently know about her.
Niha huffs and caves in on herself again.
“He said I was dirt poor because I didn’t bring any snacks from home.” She sniffs and then blubbers on, “But that’s not even the truth, my mom just didn’t buy any for me. She doesn’t really care that much, I don’t think she really loves me!” And then the girl starts sobbing again and Lila has no idea what to do.
That’s not quite true. She knows what she’s supposed to say. She’s supposed to say ‘of course you’re mummy loves you, she probably just forgot’, but who the hell is she to tell anyone that their mum loves them?
So instead she puts her hand on the small girl's back and rubs it gently, then says, “Hey Niha, you know what? In a few years’ time you’ll be able to get a job and earn your own money and buy all the snacks you want!”
“I’m only eight!” Niha says with a bit of confusion and a bit of indignation and Lila has to admit maybe that wasn’t the best argument.
“Okay, look, I’ll buy you some snacks, okay? And Diego can bring them in for you tomorrow, how does that sound?”
“But he brings us snacks anyway!” The girl looks at her like she’s a bit of an idiot and right now Lila feels almost inclined to agree.
“But these’ll be special snacks, you little knowitall, just for you from me, alright?” Lila explains, trying to keep the exasperation out of her voice.
Niha’s eyes start shining brightly again, filling with more unshed tears and Lila hopes she’s not going to start crying again because she doesn’t think her brittle heart can take any more of that, but then something else seems to occur to the girl and she asks, nosily, “Are you Coach Diego’s wife?”
“Uhm!” Lila just makes a noise in panic and is luckily saved by the clanging sound of the metal door to the gym.
“Yo Niha, what are you doing out here? Oh, hey Lila!” Diego calls out with a surprised look on his face as he makes his way over.
Niha looks up at Lila, apparently hoping that she can explain the situation, but really, Lila is not too sure.
“Uh, she said she just needed some air, but she’s all better now, right?” Lila looks at the girl imploringly and she seems just as happy to go along with the lie.
“Well you’d better get back inside, then, we’re about to start an epic game of hide and seek!” Diego explains to the girl and it seems that was the best suggestion Niha has heard all day, because she jumps up to run over to the entrance. She just about manages to remember her manners when she calls out “Thanks!” to Lila before disappearing through the door.
Lila is still crouched on the floor, feeling a little overwhelmed.
“You okay?” Diego asks while she can hear him approach her. She doesn’t need to look at him to know that he’s frowning.
Lila just hums noncommittally, but doesn’t move. The thought of that little girl making her way through life without being sure of her mother’s love is slowly breaking her heart.
“What’s up?” Diego tries again, as he reaches her.
She still doesn’t answer and when a tear rolls down her cheek, she feels Diego’s hand wrap around her arm and he pulls her to her feet before enveloping her in a tight hug.
She wraps her arms around his waist, to squeeze against him even more tightly and presses her face into his chest, hoping she can hide the fact that she’s crying. If not from Diego, then at least from the rest of the world.
He doesn’t ask her about it, at this point he knows she won’t talk until she’s ready to, instead he just holds on to her, stroking her hair gently with one hand until she feels no more brimming tears and she pulls away.
He does keep his hand at the back of her head though as he stoops a little to look her straight in the eyes. “You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Lila says, a bit embarrassed about her sudden mild breakdown.
“You wanna come inside?” Diego asks with a soft smile that never fails to make something flutter in her chest and she feels at least a bit better.
“Nah, I’m good!” she says, voice more steady now.
“You sure?” Diego tries to make certain as he rights himself and lets his hand drop from her head to take her own with it instead.
“Yes, definitely,” Lila squeezes his hand to reassure him. “Don’t have the time, anyway. I’ve gotta go to the supermarket and buy some snacks!”
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zaph1337 · 3 years
Monster Hunter Rating 34: Pink Rathian, the Cherry Blossom Fire Wyvern
TEN THOUSAND YEARS WILL GIVE YOU--wait, the last review was literally this month, my bad. Well, now that I have some free time, it’s time to get back to rating monsters on an arbitrary and--as seen in the last review--incredibly subjective scale! Speaking of last review, it was pretty obvious that creating a Rathalos subspecies would also require a Rathian subspecies to go along with it. Let’s see how the Pink Rathian mixes things up!
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter Freedom 1)
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate)
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter World)
Appearance: Honestly, I’m glad that this isn’t the color the designers chose for normal Rathian, ‘cause it would have hammered in the whole “girl Rathalos” idea way too hard (you could argue that Azure Rathalos and Pink Rathian are meant to represent the colors attributed to their sexes or genders, but I think that that’s just a coincidence). Judging them strictly by personal preference, though, I think that I like the colors here a tiny bit more than I do normal Rathian’s, but not enough to earn it an extra point. 7/10.
Behavior/Lore: They’re literally just “Rathians but more aggressive.” Don’t know what I was expect--wait, there’s a reason for it?
So, Pink Rathians, like normal ones, can live almost anywhere, but they like foresty areas. The problem is, while regular Rathians have a form of camouflage thanks to their green coloring, Pink Rathians stick out like a sore thumb. Because they can no longer ambush prey or hide from other powerful monsters, they’ve become more aggressive than normal to make up for it; instead of ambushing prey, they just rush in and try to kill it as fast as possible so it can’t escape. As a side effect of this behavior, Pink Rathians are less likely to be targeted by other monsters who don’t want to incur the wrath of a dragon that probably ate its anger management instructor--the fact that they’re more powerful than normal Rathians helps, too.
As much as I wish there was more here, I have to give the devs props for at least giving a reason for the Pink Rathian’s increased aggression. Still, this is just “Rathian+,” so like Azure Rathalos, I’m giving this the same score as I did the base monster. 6/10.
Abilities: Pink Rathians have the same abilities as their base form, but as expected, they’re more dangerous. They rely less on their charge attacks, but they use more backflips and tail whips in their fighting style, and do so faster and more skillfully than normal Rathians. This makes them very dangerous, as fighting them is a constant struggle to keep your life from being drained away by poison.
Like with Azure Rathalos, I appreciate how there’s a clear idea of what makes fighting a Pink Rathian different from fighting a normal one. Using some moves more frequently than others changes up the fight quite a bit, and the fact that they’re more proficient with these moves surely makes said fight a hassle. 7/10.
Equipment: Okay, I’ve been neglecting the whole “looking at weapon descriptions” thing, so I’m gonna fix that here. First off, here’s a Charge Blade from MH4 called Dia Hekateru:
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Of course the first weapon I choose to show off is the one from a Japan-only game, and the wiki doesn’t have a translation for its description. Well, its counterpart from MH4U, Dear Hecatel, is “The Queen's Charge Blade. Ends prey in a rosy spatter, like petals in a spring wind.” That’s...morbidly beautiful? Is that a thing? Well, in any case, the weapon itself looks very pretty. The sword looks cool and effective, while the shield definitely looks like it could turn into the head of an axe. The next two weapons require both Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos parts, starting with a Long Sword called Wyvern Blade “Blaze”:
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“A Long Sword made from a pair of kindred wyverns. Its colorful edges can slice open the sky.” Edges? Isn’t this supposed to be a single-edged blade? Okay, I’m getting nitpicky, that’s a sign to focus on something else. Well, the colors work well together, but not only is most of the Pink Rathian’s influence restricted to the sheathe, the weapon itself reminds me of cotton candy. Not exactly threatening, but I doubt monsters know what cotton candy is. Finally, here’s a Switch Axe called Azure Rose:
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“A Switch Axe made from a Pink Rathian and an Azure Rathalos. Proof one bested the pair.” Okay, I really like this, both because of the blue axe head and because of the way the dominant color depends on the form the Switch Axe is in. If it’s in Axe Mode, then most of the visible weapon is devoted to Azure Rathalos, while Sword Mode represents Pink Rathian. Someone more versed in MH than me could possibly draw parallels between the different fighting styles the modes use and the monsters they’re themed after, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s just me reading too much into this. On to the armor, unfortunately the MHO images were the only ones on the wiki that I really liked, and while they look similar to the Rathian armor designs I showed before, they’re not exact. Take that as a plus or a minus depending on your preference, but here’s the Blademaster set either way:
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Y’know, now that I compare this with the Rathian set I showed off before, they’re much more different than I thought they were. They’re from different games, so it makes sense, but this is still quite jarring. Anyways, I prefer said Rathian armor over this, at least for the men’s set, mostly because I prefer the helmet being made of monster parts rather than metal. The red parts erupting from it are a nice touch, though obviously they don’t match the color of the monster they came from. The women’s set from MHO loses some of the “warrior queen” theming present in the Tri version in favor of being more regal, but at least the dress actually looks like you could dodge roll with it (yes I’m still hung up on that). As for the Gunner version:
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It’s not even close to resembling the Gunner Rathian armor I showed off before, so I won’t even try to compare them. Well, okay, I will say that the arm guard on the men’s armor from Tri is much more practical than the one seen here, ‘cause it doesn’t take up the entire arm. I get that the point is to shield yourself, but you also need to be able to flex that arm a little. Having part of the chest be covered in literal scale-mail is a nice touch, though.  Also I haven’t brought any attention to it but that’s a really silly helmet. As for the women’s set, the helmet is very similar to the one I showed off in the Rathian review, but that’s where most of the similarities end. Said helmet comes with a facemask made of Pink Rathian scales (insert topical social distancing joke here), which can’t be easy to breathe through. Also, what the heck is that amorphous gold thing below the mask? What purpose does it serve other than confusing me? Final talking point, there’s a piece of metal dress here for some reason and it makes even less sense than having a full metal dress.
I think that the Pink Rathian equipment is about as good as the regular Rathian equipment; I like the weapons that also have Azure Rathalos parts more, but those aren’t the majority and basing my rating off of weapons that are also themed after another monster seems shallow. 8/10.
Final Thoughts and Tally: You might have noticed that every category here got the same score that it did in the Rathian review, and that says a lot about how I feel about Pink Rathian. I like it just as much as I do normal Rathian, and I’m sure I would have different opinions if I fought a Pink Rathian before, but I’ve barely fought any monster as is. I’m also not really willing to use too much of my brainpower on figuring out what I like better between them, mostly because I’m missing some of my meds and all the work I’ve had to do moving house has put enough strain on my brain as is. I hope to continue seeing support for the project, though; it’ll really help me when I work on future reviews! 7/10.
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neonflare · 3 years
Random and weird kind of a x Philza Minecraft drabble part 1
Walking in nature is quite calming, isn't it? You found yourself walking through trees and lakes to get to your boyfriend's house, Wilbur. You smiled at the thought, Wilbur was quite sweet to you, and you loved him very much.
You found yourself climbing a few mountains and dropping into water from those mountains. Luckily the armor kept your clothing dry. Even if it wasn't dry you brought a very long coat that you could put on that covered enough of your body.
Your hair did get quite wet so you were going to have to deal with that issue which wasn't even hard to deal with in the first place. You were almost there. Why did you have to build your house so far away from everybody else?
You took a bite out of the sweet berries that you had. You had other food but you needed to get rid of the sweet berries you over collected. You already planted some in your farm, so the only thing left is to just use them up.
The amount of nutrition you get from the sweet berries is actually surprising. You could technically only eat sweet berries and you would survive. Every other food was the same too, you were always fascinated by how different and similar foods can be.
That was quite off-topic though, you were finally at the SBI household. You clipped off your armor and put it in your bag. You squeezed the water out of your hair and untied the ponytail you had.
You slightly ruffled up your hair to make it more poofy, and started braiding it so it was near impossible to tell you were in water other than the fact that your hair is slightly darker because of the leftover water.
You didn't normally braid your hair as you weren't that type of girl, but right now you really needed it. You tied the end of the braid and knocked on the door.
"I'll open the door! Wait a moment!" The familiar voice of Philza, Wilbur's father, called out as a response. Shuffling could be heard on the other side and a short click noise before the door opened.
"You're here to see Wilbur, right? You came at the perfect time! I had just finished cooking, and made some extra as always, so you can come in and have a seat."
The man moved aside so you could walk in. You took the offer and stepped into the house that you have been to so many times. Everybody in the household was nice, even Tommy. Tommy may be hot headed and clingy but he still is quite accepting and welcoming.
You were following Philza to the Kitchen that wasn't far from the door. "Take a seat, I'll call the others and set the table up." Phil treaded over to one of the chairs around the table and pulled it out for you to sit on.
You obliged and walked over to the chair and sat in it. "Wilbur! Tommy! Techno! Tubbo! Ranboo! Dinner is ready! We have a guest too!" Surprisingly, Philza could get quite loud. Currently he was at the doorway.
He moved away from it and went over to the cupboards and grabbed a bunch of plates. "Do you need any help?" You offered, you didn't like to just sit and do nothing. "Ah, Could you please grab the cups and set them on the table? The cups are in the open cupboard."
Philza placed all of the plates he had on the counter and started dividing and placing the cooked food onto the plates. You stood up from your chair and headed over to the cupboard to grab some cups.
"What did you make?" Small talk was never bad, right? You were placing cups two at a time on the table. "Steak, vegetables, and some mushrooms." Ah, that explains the pleasant smell of the food. You recognized the smell of the mushrooms and steak.
"I heard you went on many adventures, and we're here for a very long time. Before any of the others were brought into this strange world too." Philza had said in a previous conversation that he was comfortable with talking about his adventures in this world.
It was quite strange, it always felt like something was missing. Everybody had just woken up one day in a forest, and little by little more people came in and more things started getting built. There wasn't the process of 'growing' like in the books we read about.
There were many public discussions about this world. There were multiple books and scraps of paper saying about other people who were brought into this world against their will. We had figured out that we weren't meant to be here, but we were brought here without our memory of anything other than this world.
Many people went exploring different places, we found something we called 'The Nether' and something we called 'The End'. None of those proved an escape path from this isolated but surprisingly large shelter.
"Ah, my adventures. Yes I've been on many. Do you wish to know about some of them?" The food was on the plates. "Yeah, I'm quite curious actually." You smiled, adventures were always fun to hear about, and you haven't gone around to asking about Philza's.
"Could you get some juice from the refrigerator?" He asked as he was placing plates on the table. "Sure thing." You walked over to the fridge and pulled the door open to look inside. There were quite a few juices. Apple Juice, Sweet Berry juice, Glow berry (1.17.0 MC) Chorus fruit, ect.
You already had enough of sweet berries and berries in general, apple juice was too plain. Chorus fruit it is then. You grabbed the small bucket of chorus fruit juice and closed the refrigerator.
Pouring the juice carefully into the glass cups you spotted Philza placing the utensils down. Once you were finished with pouring the liquid you gently set the bucket in the middle of the table and went over to the counter to grab napkins and place them on the table.
"There is this one story that happened in a cave. Remember the rumor that if you had a skeleton shoot a creeper, a disc would fall? That rumor is true." The rumor part piqued your interest. It was hard to get a skeleton to shoot a creeper.
You would have to go behind the creeper as the skeleton is shooting, which is hard as you have to time it well or the skeleton will move away to get a better view and have better accuracy when shooting their bow.
It was easier to do skeleton on skeleton as if they are very close, they could accidentally shoot each other and start a duel, or if they are on opposite ends of you they could shoot each other. You finally finished placing the napkins.
"Tell me all about it, please." You were very excited to hear the story. "Since we've finished setting the table, let's take a seat and l'll tell you about the day I first got a 'Cat' disc."
Cat discs were the most common discs, but discs were hard to find in general. You plopped down on your chair again, and Philza took his seat at the opposite end of you.
"I was mining in a cave, trying to get resources and exploring to see what I will find. Mind you, this around the very beginning. Maybe my...7th time going into a cave? It's been years so now I probably have 500+ times." You chuckled to yourself.
"500? That's a very large number, it has been years though, so I wouldn't be surprised at that." You commented. Philza snickered to himself, "Yeah, it's been quite a long time. I was getting some more iron with an iron pickaxe. Just when I had finished mining and was turning around, I spotted a Creeper.
Before that moment I had killed a few creepers already, and knew that they dropped gunpowder. So I naturally wanted to kill it and hoped to get some gunpowder. As I approached it, hit it, and was moving back, I heard an arrow whizz by me. There had been a skeleton that I hadn't noticed."
You winced at the thought, you had been caught off guard by skeletons many times. You still get caught off-guard sometimes. It's like they just appear behind you and you have no idea where it came from.
"Right now you probably wouldn't have any issues with that kind of situation, but back then you weren't the person you are now." Speaking in a quiet tone you responded. Phil let out a chuckle
"Yeah, I had panicked as I didn't know who to focus on. My fighting skills weren't as good as they are now either. That did not help the situation at hand." You were on the better side with fighting. Definitely not the best, but you could easily hold your ground against an opponent for quite a long time.
You got lucky and managed to kill somebody who had a netherite axe with your fists. You would have been toast if they were wearing armor, but you are still proud of that one moment. They respawned shortly after the duel between the two of you.
"My focus was shifting between the Creeper and Skeleton. I was moving a lot to avoid the arrows. When one of the arrows shot I heard a strange noise, I turned around for a split second and the Creeper was no longer there. I turned around and finished killing the Skeleton.
When I turned to get a better look at where the creeper was, I noticed something on the ground. It did not look gray and didn't look powdery, so I knew that it wasn't gunpowder. I got curious and walked over to the item and there it was, the cat disc." How would a disc be inside a Creeper?
That's the main question you had from the story. Weren't Creepers made of dynamite? You had saw a Creeper x-ray in a book before, it never showed any disc in the x-ray. Which was probably why most people called it a rumor, it was really hard to get a skeleton to shoot a creeper so it wasn't like people could tell if the rumor was true or not.
Of course some people managed to do it, it wasn't impossible, but they decided to stay silent about if the rumor was true or not. "It's really strange, isn't it?" Your thoughts came running out of your mouth. Phil stayed silent, signaling you to continue.
"The disc and the rumor, how would it be inside a Creeper? Don't the x-rays say that there are no discs inside a Creeper?" The words were rolling out of your mouth. You were genuinely wondering about it.
"This theory may be insane, but it just could be true. The x-rays never showed the inside of the TNT inside the Creeper, mh?" Wait, no no. " You aren't saying that it could be inside the TNT, are you?"
"I am, it would explain why it doesn't show up in the x-ray, and it would also explain why it doesn't drop any other time. When any monster is killed, they seemed to just poof out of existence.
So in that case the disc would disappear with the Creeper, and the reason gunpowder drops is because of the Creeper being hurt and leaking out gunpowder through the wounds. When it explodes it probably explodes the disc with it.
Though an arrow hitting a Creeper pierces through the creeper and it could catch onto the disc. Since the arrows stay and the Creeper disappears, the disc stays as it's attached to the arrow. Though it's strange how it doesn't work when we shoot Creepers.
I could be a mad man talking, but who knows, I don't think anybody has really figured out how it happens." It was an insane theory alright, there are a few unexplained parts that explanation gives, but it can't be debunked either.
"You're probably the only one who can come up with that kind of theory" you smirked to yourself. "Nobody knows why the discs drop, and I don't think it matters if we never figure it out. At least we have the discs in the first place." Philza was keeping in a laugh from coming out of his throat.
"Yeah, and the theory I said was kind of dumb, wasn't it?" You wanted to laugh too. "No offense but, yes, yes it was." Philza started laughing, and you joined in.
It was quite nice talking to Philza, you felt as if you could be yourself. You liked that, with the SBI you felt like you could be whoever you wanted to be and you wouldn't be judged.
You got closer to Philza, and that was always a plus, right?
"Eyyo Phil! We're here!" You immediately recognized Tommy's voice. You turned to look and saw everybody else at the entrance to the kitchen. They started to go around the table and take their seats.
"What took you so long?" You asked. "This child kept us from going down here and made us finish something." Monotonic as always, Techno looked at Tommy with an evil smirk on his face. "I did not! Phil! He's lying!" There's the Tommy I know. It felt nice to be here.
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*Chapter 4: Together*
Ink: age 26
Error: Age 27
“Is the blindfold really necessary?”
Ink giggled, steering his taller boyfriend through their cozy home, pushing him into a chair in their dining room. “It’s very necessary! It’s your birthday, and I’ve got a surprise!”
“You don’t have to blindfold me to give me a blowjob, babe.”
“Error!” The small skeleton smacked Error’s arm, his partner erupting into laughter. “Good god, you’re so dirty minded sometimes.”
Ink walked away from the table, leaving Error sitting there, still blindfolded, and pulled out an ice cream cake from the freezer. He had originally wanted to bake a cake, but it would have been nearly impossible to hide that from the other monster. It would have both heated up their place and filled it with the smell of baking. Then there was the whole buying the ingredients, which would have been very suspicious to Error.
He did however, manage to buy two candles: a two and a seven.
Outside, snow was falling in large puffs, covering the ground in a cold, white blanket. It looked magical, and Ink hoped they’d be able to take a walk later on. The white skeleton hummed, pushing his two candles into the frosting before carefully lighting them.
He took the cake, walked back to his boyfriend and set the cake on the table in front of him. “Ok! Take off the blindfold!”
Error brought his hands to his face, pulling the blindfold off. He stared in surprise at the cake, then his gaze softened as he looked up to Ink, who had taken a seat adjacent to him. His cheeks were flushed, and the darker skeleton chuckled and blew out the two colourful candles. “I know you said you didn’t want anything too… extravagant for your birthday, but I wanted to do something for you.”
Error reached across the table, intertwining his and Ink’s fingers. “It’s perfect, thank you.”
“I was thinking, since it’s so pretty outside, we could go on a walk later!”
Error chuckled, putting two pieces of cake onto plates, handing one to his partner. “Sounds good sweets, we could go to that coffee place you like so much.”
The monster nodded enthusiastically, taking a bite out of his slice of cake.
Error helped Ink tie his scarf later that evening, laughing when the boy complained. The walk was very nice, with the large snowflakes falling around them as they walked hand in hand along the streets.
They entered the small coffee shop - a small, cozy cafe called “See you Latte” - and the familiar sound of the bell above the door rang out. “Ink, Error! It’s so good to see you two again!” The shop’s owner, a small cat monster named Nari, greeted them as she started getting their usual drinks prepared. The two monsters came here very often, and as a result the owner and most of the workers all knew them very well. Ink happily struck up a conversation with Nari and her employees, while Error opted to take a seat, letting his gaze wander around the warm building. It wasn’t busy tonight, there were only three other customers: what appeared to be another couple, and a student working on some project of theirs.
The two skeleton’s got their drinks and, despite Error’s protests, Ink paid. Sitting at their table, ideally playing footsie under the table, Ink easily rambled; and the two joked and laughed loudly with each other, both of their souls warm and fuzzy from the other’s presence. At one point, the student gave them a sharp glare, which only made Error laugh more.
Eventually, once they finished their warm beverages, they bid farewell to the owner who was getting ready to close the cafe, and stepped back into the chilled night air.
At home, they had a bath to warm up - nothing sexual, Ink had brought in a book and Error had spent the time reading over his shoulder, and admiring his loved one as he relaxed against him. It was his favourite way to see him; just casually relaxing in his embrace, or one of his hoodies, obviously comforfortable and happy. Slowly, Error let himself drift off in his thoughts.
It had been many years since the boys had graduated and started dating - nine, to be exact - and they now lived in a cozy, two story home. A little after they graduated, they had moved into a small apartment. It wasn't the best, but it was their first home, and they had both loved it. Error quickly found a new full time job at a computer store - it was a job that he not only liked, but it paid better than his last job. Ink, on the other hand, got a job at a nearby library. It was quiet, peaceful and Ink had grown to love it (and his coworkers) dearly.
When Ink turned 23, the talk of marriage had popped up between the two men. They looked for a new home and found the one they lived in now. It was roomy with a large backyard - perfect for kids! - and once they had saved up enough, they moved in.
But, marriage plans were pushed aside when Ink’s mother, Winter, passed away shortly after they moved into their new home. No one had realized the severity of Winter’s illness until she told Ink when he was 21. She’d contracted a rare disease that was caused by complications during Ink’s birth.
Complications from childbirth, while rare for monsters, could not only still happen, but could take years before it is noticed. One of the rarest diseases fractures the pregnant parent’s soul because the baby’s soul doesn’t detach properly and takes a portion of the parent’s soul with them; which causes a chain reaction that eventually results in the parent’s death. This chain reaction, unfortunately, takes years to occur and is very hard to detect in the earlier stages. Treatment is nonexistent for monsters with this disease because, once it is found, there is nothing that can be done to reverse the damage.
After her death, Ink immediately started to blame himself; he felt that if he hadn't been born, his mother would still be alive.
Seeing Ink fall into such a low place …terrified Error. He knew what it was like to fall into a mind pit like that and he never wanted his loved one to feel the way he had. So he helped his boyfriend in all the ways he could think of. Of course he gave the small skeleton space and time to grieve, but Error made sure to remind him that he was loved and cared for by bringing up happy memories time and time again. He never questioned when Ink would suddenly become cuddly, practically clinging to the taller monster. He also got Ink to, begrudgingly, see a therapist to help him heal; the therapist helped Ink to see that his mother’s death wasn’t his fault. Although, if you asked him, Ink would deny it.
Even though Ink was now doing a lot better, marriage and kids never seemed to come up in their conversations anymore. A part of Error assumed it was because Ink didn’t want either of those things anymore, especially after what had happened with his mother.
Coming back to the situation at hand, Error blinked up at Ink. He had a towel wrapped around his body and was handing the other towel to the monster who was still in the tub. Taking the towel, he unplugged and drained the tub before drying off and getting dressed for bed. Leaving the attached bathroom, Error crawled beneath the pile of blankets on their shared bed. With Ink’s hatred of the cold, Error always made sure their bed was layered with blankets to ensure his boyfriend was always comfortable and warm. Ink followed him closely and snuggled up next to the ebony skeleton, his face nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
“Hey Ink?”
The small monster hummed in response, turning to look up at him.
“I…” He wanted to ask if Ink would ever want to marry him, have a family, but… well, he was a bit scared of the answer. If Ink didn’t want to, of course that was ok with Error, he was happy just as long as they were together. Plus, he didn’t want to somehow make Ink uncomfortable because of the question. “Nevermind, it’s not important.” He kissed the top of his boyfriend's skull.
“Oh, come on Erry.” Ink pushed away so that they were an arm’s length away. “We said we’d always talk to each other. So tell me what’s bothering you.”
Error sighed; he loved Ink with all his soul, but he sometimes wished the other skeleton couldn’t read him so easily. “Would you still want us to get married someday..?”
“What? Of course I do! Oh goodness, is that what you were worried about?” Ink giggled, curling up to his chest again. “You’re so silly sometimes.”
Error laughed nervously, nuzzling his partner. “Mh… I love you hun.”
Ink yawned. “I love you too.”
“Wait, he hasn’t proposed yet?!”
Ink looked up at his coworker - Ray was the only human he actually knew, and they met each other through their work and had quickly become good friends. She had dark skin and shoulder length dark brown hair, one side of it cut to her scalp. Her hair was dyed purple at the tips, which Ink found fascinating. “Nope.”
Honestly, Ink was as surprised as Ray. After Error had asked that question about marriage on his birthday, he has assumed he was planning on proposing that week, or not long after, but here he was, four months later, and Error still had yet to pop the question.
“Haven’t you two been together for, what, seven years now?”
“Our ten year anniversary is in a few days, actually.” He turned back to shelving books. “Error has always taken his time with these sort of things, but this is… well, I figured we’d be married and maybe starting a family by now.”
Behind him, Ray cleared her throat rather loudly. Ink turned, then froze. Beside her stood a very worried looking Error, holding a brown paper bag. “Honey! What.. what are you doing here?” His gaze slipped to Ray, who was slowly backing away from them.
“You forgot your lunch so I made something for you…” His voice wavered and he looked down. Ink bit his lip, he’d definitely heard what Ink had said.
“Error, look, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“... am I taking too long? Are you going to-”
“No. I’m not leaving.” He sighed, taking the paper bag and setting it aside. “Look at me Erry.” The black skeleton did as he was told, and Ink reached up on his tip toes, cupping his face. “Yeah, as a kid I always pictured being married and having kids by 26, but that doesn’t mean I’m upset about how things turned out. I love you, and I’m ok with waiting until you’re ready.”
Ink kissed him, ending his sentence. “You don’t need to explain anything, I understand, ok? And I’m not mad. At all.” He pressed a kiss to his boyfriend’s nasal ridge for good measure, then let him go. “thank you for the lunch - I don’t know how I forgot it again.”
He giggled and Error rolled his eyes, his nervous demeanor changing back to his cocky attitude. “You’ve always been forgettful as fuck.”
Ray popped back up around the corner. “Aspine’s saying she wants you at the front Ink.” Ray dramatically rolled her eyes, clearly displaying her distaste for the rabbit monster. Not that Ink liked her very much either: ever since highschool she’d been hitting on Error, and hasn’t stopped even though they were now all adults and he was clearly taken.
“Probably saw me come in and wants to get you away from me.” Error said with a snort, smirking when Ink’s face turned down to a pout. He never took things like this seriously. As far as he is concerned, no one’s fruitless flirting would make him leave his cute little boyfriend.
Ink sighed. “I hate working front desk. People always ask me why a child is working.”
“Don’t you start.”
The ebony skeleton chuckled, leaning down and giving him a gentle kiss. “I’ll leave you to it then, see ya later hun.”
“Bye Erry.” He waited a minute, watching him leave, then made his way to the front desk; mentally preparing himself for all the annoying comments and looks.
Error patted his pockets, feeling the hard lump of the ring box and blew out a puff of air. Was this a good idea? He had been planning this before he heard Ink talking to his friend about it in the library, but what if Ink thinks he did this because of that overheard conversation and gets upset?
He was sitting in their car, parked outside of the old Library that his boyfriend worked at, a fully packed picnic basket sitting in the back seat with a folded blanket on top. A few weeks ago, while mindlessly scrolling through social media on one of his breaks, he had seen something about a meteor shower happening on this day. After doing more research about it, he learned that it only happens every 5000 years, and is told to be very beautiful.
It was just what he was looking for.
He packed a rather large picnic basket after dropping off Ink’s lunch - he had made sure to take the day off in order to get everything ready, and planned to take Ink out to “their” hill right after the boy was done work.
There, under the spectacular meteor shower, he planned to propose.
He just hoped everything would go as planned.
The library was one of the older buildings in the city; Blightview was a very old city, but modern architecture gave it a very modern look despite that. The building was made from thick stone, with small details carved into them; Error decided it was a very nice building to look at. One of the large, dark wood doors opened, and out walked Ink, chatting amicably to his friend, Ray. Error didn’t know her well, but from what Ink had told him, she seemed nice, albeit a bit strange. The small monster’s gaze found the black skeleton, and he waved excitedly, bringing a small grin to Error’s face. Ink said goodbye to his friend, who also waved to Error, then practically sprinted to the car, flopping into the passenger seat. “Hi sweetie!”
“Hey sweetheart.” He quickly kissed his cheek bone, then pulled the car out of park, driving away from the large building. “How do you feel about going on a picnic?”
“Huh?” He noticed the basket in the backseat, understanding washing over his features. “Oh! That certainly came out of nowhere, but it sounds nice!”
“I read about a meteor shower happening tonight, I figured we could go to the hill and watch it together.”
Ink giggled, making Error’s soul sing in his chest. Funny how, even after all these years, small things like that never failed to make him feel that. “That sounds lovely~ Maybe later we could have a little “meteor shower” of our own~”
Error snorted. “And you say I’m the dirty minded one?”
By the time they made it out to the hill, the sun was nearly gone, sinking into the ground, bleeding into the sky with oranges and pinks. Ink helped Error lay out the blanket and unpack the basket, even though the ebony monster had insisted that he didn’t need any help.
Once everything was out, Ink snuggled up to his boyfriend, nuzzling into his chest. A moment of panic crossed over the larger monster - the ring was literally in his pocket, what if Ink felt it? It would ruin the whole surprise.
But the small monster didn’t say anything, holding his plate of food and watching the sky as the stars started peaking out.
“A lot of things have happened here.”
Error hummed, following Ink’s gaze to the sky. “You got that right.”
“Our lives.. always seem to lead us here. It’s our spot.”
The two were silent for a moment after that, eating their food and watching the starry sky, waiting for the star show.
“I believe… that everyone has that one person they were meant for. Like their souls are connected to each other, even before they bond. Somebody who, no matter what happens, you always end up with, and love. Nothing could pull them apart.” He looked to his boyfriend, small tears in the corners of his large eyes. “You’re that person for me Error. I… I can’t even begin to express how much I love you, and appreciate you in my life.”
Error cooed, using his thumb to wipe away his tears. “Ink… there’s another reason I wanted to take you o-”
The white monster suddenly gasped, pointing to the sky. “Look! It’s starting!!”
Error turned, his eye’s widening as he took in the sight before him. It was like bright shooting stars were falling from everywhere in the sky, trailing bright pinks, blues and every colour of the rainbow. It lit up the sky and the ground with stunning colours. It was gorgeous.
Despite that, it was Ink’s face that made Error melt. The boy’s eyes were huge, the lights reflecting in them, and shining on his already flushed face. His mouth was pulled up in a smile as he stared up in wonder at the sky.
Now’s the time.
Carefully, the skeleton took his lover’s hand and stood, pulling up the small monster with him. “Ink, I need to ask you something.” His voice was hushed and Ink pulled his eyes away from the sky to lock eyes with him. He looked so perfect.
Error slowly went down on one knee, letting go of Ink’s hand, he pulled out the small box from his pocket. Realizing what was happening, Ink’s hand flew up to cover his mouth, new tears forming in his eyes.
“I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you. I… don’t know what I would have done without you, you’ve helped me through so much, and for that I’ll always be grateful.” He opened the small box, the ring inside reflecting the bright and colourful lights around them. The ring was engraved with small carvings along the band, leading to a small blue crystal in the center. After learning that Ink’s last name, Agate, was actually the name of a crystal, he knew that that would be perfect for the ring. “Ink… will you make me the happiest monster in the world, and marry me?”
The white skeleton was smiling, tears falling freely from his eye sockets. “Yes… Yes!! Of course I’ll marry you!!” Error grinned widely, tears forming in his own eyes. He carefully slid the glimmering ring onto Ink’s small finger then stood up, wrapping his arms around him.
Ink was crying, gripping Error’s shirt and rambling about how happy he was as Error suddenly picked him up, twirling him around, erupting giggles from the monster. “I love you so fucking much.” He hummed, pushing away his tears and kissing his new fiance.
Still giggling, Ink placed his hands on either side of Error’s skull, placing their foreheads together. “I think this is the start of all the bad stuff being behind us, right?”
“Oh definitely.” Error nuzzled Ink, who happily nuzzled him back. The ebony skeleton sat back down, his partner curled up to his chest as they watching the stunning meteor shower. Together. In each other’s arm.
Life was perfect. And Error had never felt so happy, and lucky.
“I mean, what could wrong now?”
~The End~
Ink and Error will return in DystopianTale
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khaotungsfirst · 4 years
Haha yeah, when I read the norse mythology book all I could imagine of as Loki and Thor was Hiddleston and Hemsworth 🤣 As for DW audiobooks, the official company and website that works on them is called bigfinish, if it helps! They do physical orders and digital downloads. DW is their main focus, but they do audibooks for a lot of other shows too. A good portion of them are older UK shows, but I've seen them do things for Pathfinder and Star Trek before now too - CC 🦊
Ooh, those books sound really interesting! I totally forgot Call Down the Hawk released this year, and I'm really liking the sound of The Loneliest Girl in the Universe! 🥰My reading year wasn't as productive as I hoped it would be either, but a few I enjoyed out of what I read was Misery by Stephen King, Thrawn Ascendancy by Timothy Zhan and Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden. I was in a big reading slump for the first half of the year so missed out on a lot of reading time, ha 😅 - CC 🦊
Yesss buddy watch along for TGCF after cultivator reveal is a-go! I'm excited! ❤️New Legends of Monkey is so good! It's really funny at times too, and the characters are really loveable 😊I dunno how NZ show based on a Japanese show based on a beloved Chinese story works so well, but it does! I wish more people watched it because it's just such a fun little show that's enjoyable to watch - CC 🦊
Haha, no the gushing is good! Yibo is a good person to gush about too. I still haven't really recovered from his Versace on the Floor performance and it's been ... how long now? 😂 I also love the video of him trying to cook the chicken and just struggling. We've all been there! I actually think he's probably my favourite out of the whole cast too, really. I can really appreciate someone whose not afraid to be themselves even in a tough industry like the one he's in - CC 🦊
And for today's question! What character in MDZS do you feel you'd get along with the best / be the best of friends with? And which one do you think you'd struggle to get along with? - CC 🦊
Thanks for the tip! I’ll def be checking it out! It’s actually fascinating how many more dw adventures are out there, I feel like if you only watch the show (as I did) you barely scratch the surface because the potential for more stories is so great. 
Oh I know the feeling. I think I’ve been in a reading slump since like June 😩 and now with the untamed i have literally zero motivation to get back into it even though there are so many books waiting to be read on my tbr help!!
But yes!!! tgcf buddy watch/read!! (where do i actually watch it? 😅) i’m excited!!! and what is new legends of monkey actually about? i feel like i would like it but i need a bit more info 😄
oh god the versace on the floor performance.... U G H !!!! that song made into my spotify top 100 because of him 😅 and yes the chicken cooking video askdhfkdgd okay maybe there’s ONE thing he isn’t good at and that’s cooking 😂😂
to answer your question: i hate to say this but i’m pretty sure that i unfortunately would not be besties with neither lwj nor wwx. i feel like lwj’s demeanor is way too cold and would come off as rude or arrogant the first time i would meet him. like i’d try to make small talk and he’d be like “mh” or tell me off for not following the rules and i’d be like nope i’m outta here 😂 like i’m very self conscious and often think other ppl don’t like me so lwj would definitely give me that feeling. and wwx would drag me into so much trouble and my anxiety can’t stand that. i don’t like to do stuff that i was told not to do because i get nervous and wwx would definitely be the type of friend to talk me into it so no thanks 😂 i think i’d get along super well with jyl or lsz. like they’re both nice and chill and i feel like they’d be amazing friends to just hang out with and talk to. i’d probably also have a good time with nhs (cloud recesses nhs at least) cause i feel like he’s always in a good mood and it’d just be a really fun time to be around him. 
someone i probably would not get along with as well is jc cause... dude is too emotional for me. like i’m not very good at being emotionally supportive..? that sounds so bad lmao but i mostly just don’t know what to say when someone is crying or mad so yeah.. i couldn’t do shit for him as a friend and i’d feel bad about it so it’s probably best to just avoid becoming friends in the first place (even though he desperately needs more friends!!!) 
what about you? who would be your bestie?
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velmautism · 5 years
Tired of everyone making assumptions about her, who she's meant to be, and the way she's meant to act, Velma finally takes matters into her own hands. After all, the best way to correct someone is to prove them wrong.
I will post a warning just because I'm pissed at the weird horniness for the girls, especially Velma. Talks a quite bit about objectification and sexualization. But, there is also friendly fluff within after Velma takes matters into her own hands. Involves lots of my chaotic neutral take on Velma.
Reads/comments appreciated so I can make better stories in the future! I will work on the MH!AU later too so don't worry, I just wanted to do something else.
Maybe I'm sick of them assuming I'm something I'm not.
"Does she act as much as the rest of you? It's assumed that she doesn't need to be outside as much, so long as you could supply her with info and clues!"
"She charmed the socks off that Norton boy, she must be good with men!"
Body this, body that.
"Why doesn't she wear makeup?"
They even ask me why I'm not always as "put together" and photogenic as Daphne.
Her looks are her choice, she rocks them, but that isn't me. If I'm gonna be running around, getting dirty in order to find clues, etc. I'm not going to pretty myself for the publicity.
She was shocked and hurt when months ago, she found out people commented on her bust size and nothing to do with a case she had played a huge part in. They left that glory to Fred. They also talked about her waist and how she refused weight loss programs.
One, they're a load of bullshit. They all are. Two, why can't I just have a body? Why am I subject to scrutiny over my appearance and not something I really care about?
The aftermath of the Frankencreep case was also a nightmare because her costume while hypnotized was publicized. She didn't feel safe outside alone for weeks.
She wasn't even sure what had happened to her, but when finding out, she was incredibly embarrassed. The dress didn't leave much to the imagination, much to her horror.
It's because I'm a girl, isn't it?
She sighed, squeezing her hands into fists as she leaned over the bathroom sink.
"What's behind the bookish bespectacled girl that we don't see?"
Lots, if you care to look deeper.
It isn't fair....
I'm not even that nerdy, or bookish, and I'm certainly not sweet. That isn't for me.
She glanced up into the mirror, studying her brown hair, dark eyes, the freckles dotting her face.
What about the glasses, the sweater/skirt combo, and my hair makes them think I, of all people, am the submissive, sweet, and shy type? The quiet nerd with a secret wild side? I'm smart as hell, but I'm not sweet. And if they knew my "wild side," they would be terrified.
The truth was, in a case, she never cared much for the whims of others. She wasn't above manipulating others, but not in a "charming" way.
If they knew how many people I've blackmailed, blatantly lied to, tricked, all for the purpose of solving the mystery... Well, maybe there's one advantage to them having the wrong impression of me.
But then people assume things.
I've heard them call me shy.
Curvy, if they're really gross.
All of it is disgusting to me.
They tell me to be something I'm not.
She looked down, not wanting to look at her reflection, if just for a while.
To her left, she spotted rounded blue plastic buried under a washcloth.
She grabbed the handles and stopped to stare at the pair of scissors in her hand, gleaming under the light.
"Hmm...." She finally contemplated aloud. "The best way to change their impressions of me.... Is to do it myself."
She seized the locks of brown hair near the nape of her neck before committing herself to this. She was going to be exactly what she wanted others to see.
"Hey, Velma! Come get a look at this!" Fred hollered up the stairs.
Well, this is it. I can't really go back now.
I can't wait.
Fred stood unassumingly at the foot of the stairs as Velma's silhouette emerged from her bedroom.
As she came down the stairs, he noticed she wasn't wearing her trademark knee socks. Or maybe she was, but the pants she wore concealed them. Instead of the red slightly elevated shoes she always wore, a pair of worn canvas sneakers covered her feet. The jeans were wrinkled and unkempt, clearly lighter and more worn near the knees. She had swapped her sweater for a black shirt and a plaid jacket, and had a watch on her right wrist. Then he noticed her new hair.
It was much shorter in the back and much less conventionally feminine. There was no fringe, only messy hair framing her forehead and dark eyes.
"Yeah?" She asked, as soon as she was standing in front of him.
"Uh, maybe another time."
"Fred, I just changed how I look. I'm still Velma, you know."
"Oh! Okay, I wasn't sure if you just needed a minute. I love the hair. Very fluffy."
Velma rolled her eyes but smirked anyway.
"Thanks, I chose it myself."
"It's better, if I'm being honest. The old hair didn't really suit you."
"You think so?" She tried not to sound snide.
"Oh, for sure! The old hair made you look more like you care about being visibly a girl, and I know you're not about that. It makes you look like you mean business. Anyway, did you hear about the robbery at this bank-?"
A loud gasp came from behind Velma. She turned around to see Daphne, slack-jawed.
"Oh, my god. You look incredible! Wow, you've really changed things up, haven't you?! Where did you go to get your hair done? I love that texture on you, it's super cute!"
"Oh, I went to the bathroom sink and lopped it off."
"Wait, really? Oh, no kidding! I was wondering if you finally found a stylist that really 'got' you. Well, no one knows you better than yourself!"
"I really appreciate it, Daphne, but that honestly wasn't the point of changing my looks. The point was to make myself look more the way I feel. People make a lot of assumptions about me that are wrong and unfair, and I'm sick of it. You pull off feminine really well because you love it, and it suits you well. But... It isn't me. It doesn't work."
Shaggy stepped into the living room and froze as Velma spoke, her voice quivering just a little bit.
"This change was for me. I don't want people to see me and tell me I'm cute, or say weird things, or mistake me for a sweet little nerd girl. They think I'm morally pure, that I'm a charmer, that I'm delicate and frail but should also be the sexy girl sitting at the computer. The gamer girlfriend stereotype, if you will."
Daphne nodded.
"I'm sorry if I came off as insensitive. That definitely wasn't my intention. Honestly, this new look is so good for you! If I hadn't met you and known you, I'd be intimidated by you. You look like you're ready to take on the entire world headfirst."
"No, you don't have to worry about being insensitive. Again, like I said, I appreciate the compliment! That just wasn't the point, you know?"
"Well, the rest of the world will think it was, unfortunately, for the first few weeks."
"I know. I'm ready to take that on, and I'm going to be different from what they believe. No more nice nerd that smiles and talks about sweaters and books and maybe the clues, if I'm lucky. No. I'm Velma Dinkley, and I'm here to kick ass in the name of solving a good mystery!"
"Amen!" Daphne high-fived her.
"Like, can I mention something else that may not be the point?"
Velma smiled.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Like, your new 'do with that jacket totally makes you, like, look like a lesbian."
Daphne snickered into her hand.
"Maybe now they won't say I'm good with men, because I'm NOT. I am GAY, BABY!!"
"So I'm guessing this is how you're coming out?" Fred asked.
Velma stared at him as though he were an idiot.
"You'd better be kidding, because I think it's quite clear that-!"
Fred laughed heartily. "Of course I was kidding, Velms! Look, we all figured it out a LONG time ago."
Velma shrugged.
"I'm still coming out publicly. That I've decided on."
"And we're naturally going to stand by you."
"That's why you all are the best."
Fred and Daphne sandwiched her in a hug and were quickly joined by Shaggy and Scooby.
"If I'm being honest, I also don't know if I'm a girl, but that's a whole other can of worms."
Shaggy laughed, patting her shoulder.
"Like, if you figure it out, let me know and I can get you, like, any resources you need! I've been in this game for, like, six years, and I've never looked back!"
"God, you guys are the best! I don't know what I'd do without you."
"We love you, too, Velma."
She closed her eyes, melting into the embrace from those who truly cared the most about her.
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bpro-cardstories · 5 years
Akane Fudo SSR
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"That’s why, from now on too, let’s always be together, Tsubasa-chan."
Part 1
Akane: ‘ーーThe presents I’ve been happy to receive until now was the sportswear Miroku and the other two bought for me!’ 
Akane: ‘Because it’s from a famous brand, it must have been quite expensive, I think…. They said they went to a store and picked what suits me best, that makes me happy and I will absolutely cherish it!’
Akane: ‘However, the clothes are too good to to wear. Everyone said to me that I should wear them more often since I only did so two times. But I don’t want to dirty them so it’s not possible!’
Interviewer: ‘Fufu, I can understand both sides very well, it is difficult, isn’t it.’ 
Akane: ‘That’s right! If you wear it, you’ll think you don’t want to sweat even though it’s sportswear…. But, because everyone will be happy when I wear them I have to take them out of my closet from time to time.’
Akane gives an apologetic smile, he knows what they mean but he also wants to cherish this present.
Interviewer: ‘Then let’s go to the next one, please think about a memorable episode of your birthday. One from before your debut would be great.’ 
Akane: ‘Uhm… Then how about from my time during primary school?’
Akane: ‘There was a judo match on my birthday. Because it was a first for me, I absolutely tried hard to win, however it was not enough and I lost in the final. I didn’t let it show that I was frustrated since everyone gathered to celebrate my birthday in the evening.’
Akane: ‘Everyone from the judo club, and their moms put a lot of efforts into everything, and were very considerate of me…It was then that my eyes were filled with tears. From there on I just cried aloud!!  It was like a flood of tears....! My grandpa’s uniform was all soggy and crumpled from my tears and running nose… Moreover, I fell asleep like that, when I woke up the party was over. I remember that I started to cry again.’
Akane: ‘Hence for a while it was more like an unpleasant memory. But today, the feeling might be a little different? It seems that the kindness of the people around me has been fully conveyed to me…’ 
Akane: ‘At any rate, that was an unforgettable birthday.’ 
Interviewer: ‘It is a little heartrending but it is a warm memory that reminds you of your childhood, right.’ 
Interviewer: Good, then for the last point,.... please let us hear about your birthday present for Korekuni-san whose birthday is next month.’ 
Akane: ‘I waited for this question! To be honest, I already bought one for Ryuji. It’s a winter coat, that’s uhm… a little tight and has an edgy feeling to it, so did the salesperson say. The moment I saw the coat I thought that it would look good on Ryuji and bought it.’ 
Akane: ‘Giving Ryuji clothes as a present is a bit exciting. I hope he will like it!’  
Part 2
Akane: ‘Tsubasa-chan, thanks for waitingー!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Good work. The interview just now went very well.’ 
Akane: ‘Ehehe, to be honest I did a little bit of preparation~! I read everyone’s interview in the bulletin.’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, nothing less to be expected. During the talk about when you were small, I imagined Akane-kun’s crying face…. And started to cry.’ 
Akane: ‘Eh, really!? Waah, I didn’t mean to… I’m sorry, ok?’
Tsubasa: ‘N-No! I was only thinking about how the Akane-kun from that time felt… But hearing that it is now a good memory relieves me.’ 
Akane: ‘Hehe, thanks. Somehow, after so long I’d like to meet everyone from the dojo againー’
Tsubasa: ‘In that case, it should be this year…that is what I’d like to say but it was too late, you already had work.’  
Akane: ‘Yep. Besides, Miroku and the others plan to hold a party on that day. Maybe another opportunity will come up. Oh, right, the party! I would be glad if Tsubasa-chan would also come ♪’
Tsubasa: ‘Ah...I’m sorry. I have work all day.’ 
Akane: ‘Oh, uhm, I see… That’s too bad.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I feel the same…. But I am looking forward to your stories.’ 
Akane: ‘Leave it to me! I’m sure everyone will have their best night.’ _____________________
The day after his birthday party. 
(I quickly finished all my work for this morning. I wonder if Akane-kun is at home….?)
She presses the chime but there is no answer. 
Tsubasa: ‘...Eh, could it be that he is not home? What a shame… What should I do with the presentーー’
Akane: ‘Oh...Tsubasa-chan?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Akane-kun! I am sorry, were you sleeping?’ 
Akane: ‘Ahaha...yeah. Yesterday was quite lively. Everyone went to work, so I went back to sleep.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I understand. I am sorry that I woke you up… Since I will leave again, would you accept this here?’ 
Akane: ‘This?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I am one day late, but this is your birthday present. It is a stretch item.’ 
Akane: ‘Waah… Those are stretch balls, aren’t they? Even shapes I haven’t seen yet!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Those are the newest goods, and they seem to have a very good reputation. If you like, please use them. Well then, I willーー’ 
Akane: ‘Eh, no way! Even though you went out of your way to come here!!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No, but it is your valuable day off.’ 
Akane: ‘Nope! It’s already time to wake up, so don’t worry. Come in, come in~!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, Akane-kun…!’ ____________
Akane: ‘Alright, put your shoes here. Come, be my guest~’ 
Akane: ‘Frankly speaking, our home is full of food at the moment. There are still three cakes left.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Three cakes… that is a lot.’ 
Akane: ‘Ehehe, yeah. Everyone bought a good share as well. But, we had a lot of deep-fried food and curry yesterday and as one would expect, I couldn’t eat it all.’ 
Akane: ‘That being said~.....I will hold a second birthday party now ♪’ 
Akane: ‘Tsubasa-chan, will you celebrate together with me?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Akane-kun…. Fufu, of course.’ 
Akane: ‘Yayー!! Then, let’s cut the cake first*.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘C-Cutting the cake?’ 
Akane: ‘Hm?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, no….! I, I will go put up a candle.’ 
Akane: ‘Alーright, today I’m gonna blow the light in one go~!!’ 
Part 3
Tsubasa: ‘Waah… This cake is really delicious!’
Akane: ‘Yep, as expected of Ryuji’s choice~! But, this chocolate cake is also super delicious. Try it.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Hm….It really is. This one too is delicious…!’ 
Akane: ‘Everyone sure knows all sorts of shops, it’s amazing. I also have to study more.’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, Akane-kun is an earnest person after all.’ 
Akane: ‘I-I am?’  
Tsubasa: ‘Yes. I think, it is a wonderful trait.’ 
Akane: ‘Ehehe….Don’t say that, it makes me all shy.’ 
Her compliment makes him blush, but he is very happy about her kind words.
Akane: ‘R-Right. Let’s watch something on TV. Ehm, where’s the remote…’ 
Akane: ‘Ah, it’s in the middle of the end credit roll…’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Did you watch a movie?’ 
Akane: ‘Yeah, we watched it after we finished eating yesterday. It’s a movie that I liked from when I was in primary school~’
Akane: ‘Have you watched that one, Tsubasa-chan?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No. I recognize the title but… What kind of story is it?’ 
Akane: ‘Hmー, to put it simply, it’s a hero movie. But the action is cool and the story is thrilling from beginning to end! During the climax, the protagonist enters a burning building for the sake of his friend, it’s …’ 
Akane: ‘Ah, sorry! That’s probably a huge spoiler!!’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, it is fine. However, if Akane-kun is this engrossed in the movie, it makes me want to watch it too.’ 
Akane: ‘Then, let’s watch it together! No matter how many times, I can always watch it.’
Akane: ‘Ok, let’s play it from the start… When I can watch it on the screen again, it would be the best. The power of the cinema was amazing~’
Tsubasa: ‘....Oh.’ 
Akane: ‘Mh?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, no...I was just looking at the synopsis on my phone. What is written here, it can’t be the remake version, right…?’
Akane: ‘Eh? ….One week revival screening, it says.’ 
Akane: ‘It can’t be!! The theatre here is screening it right now!?’
Tsubasa: ‘It seems so.’ 
Akane: ‘Tsubasa-chan, that’s too cool!! Such thing exists!?’  
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, what an amazing coincidence, huh. In addition to that, it looks like the screening ends today.’ 
Akane: ‘Then we have to go watch it! The time of the screening is…. Isn’t it soon! We have to hurry!!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘T-There is no need to rush like this….’ 
Akane: ‘It’s just, I can’t sit still! My hair’s a mess but… it doesn’t matter. Let’s go, Tsubasa-chan! We need to hurry~!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘P-Please wait, Akane-kun…!’ _____________________
They made it to the cinema just in time. 
Akane: ‘Hehe, how surprising, we still have time left ~♪ Huge popcorn bucket and an extra-large coke bought, I’m all ready!!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘You have eaten quite a bit, are you fine?’ 
Akane: ‘I am! I always have room for the popcorn here.’
Tsubasa: ‘That… Now that you mention it, it surely might be true.’
Akane: ‘Ahaha, right! Or maybe I should say, it kind of feels special. Aah~, I’m getting more and more excited. ♪’ 
(Akane-kun grew up to be an adult, even so today he looks a bit like a child….I’m sure if I were to say it to him, he would become angry. But I’d like for Akane-kun to always genuinely laugh like thisーー)
Akane: ‘....Haa. I’m really a lucky person.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’ 
Akane: ‘No, it’s...how to say. I thought about how much I received yesterday and how happy I was to be with everyone. When I think about how Tsubasa-chan is by my side, I feel nice and warm.’ 
Akane: ‘That’s why, from now on too, let’s always be together, Tsubasa-chan.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah…’ 
Akane: ‘Oh, only five minutes until the screening! We should go. ….Eh, Tsubasa-chan? What’s wrong?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘N-No…. Uhm, let’s hurry and go in!’ 
Akane: ‘Ehehe, yeah, let’s go!’  
END ________________
*Akane used an unusual way for “to cut a cake”. He used a specific term, ケーキ入刀 (engl.: cutting the cake) that means “cutting the wedding cake”. That is why Tsubasa reacted a bit surprised since it is not normal to use this term in this situation.
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afinedoll · 5 years
EAH: Darling Charming
I haven’t done a doll review in a hot minute - let’s change that.
I’d wanted Darling Charming ever since I first saw the original promo photos. I mean, a fashion doll in armour; what’s not to love? Her backstory made me love her even more. The fact that she is destined to be a Damsel in Distress and has decided screw that, she’s going to be a knight - well, that appeals to this girl who was raised with The Paper Bag Princess and other such self-rescuing princesses.
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And then I got my Darling! Isn’t she fab? Let’s take a look.
Before we continue, I’m just going to say that the cafe these photos were taken in has closed down now - RIP the Saker Cafe. But that’s how long Darling has been waiting to be shown to you lovely people, and she isn’t the only one either. Moving on.
As you can see, Darling is very lovely, with a very silver and pastel colour scheme - it almost puts me in mind of the trans flag, which is beginning to give me ideas... anyway. Let’s have a look at her accessories first, then her dress, then we can look at the girl herself.
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Here’s her tiara, it goes without saying it was rubber-banded into her hair and it also goes without saying that I think the details need a lick of paint. But it’s nice it’s not all one colour. Darling’s primary motif is plate armour, yes, but hearts, plumes and gemstones also feature heavily - in some ways she’s one of the most princessy of the lot.
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Her bag, which is different in the front...
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And back. Plenty of filigree detail and a gem clasp, and yet it is apparently meant to be made of metal. Imagine getting belted round the head with this thing...
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Her breastplate - actually what this is supposed to be is two parts of the plate armour, the gorget for the neck and the pauldrons for the shoulders, the necklace is just for decoration. But it’s all one piece here so I’m calling it a breastplate even though I’m wrong. Her breastplate fastens across the chest with the necklace and you can’t even see how once it’s closed, it looks great.
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This is the back. As you see, more of the filigree that there was on the bag. Probably Darling gets her handbag from her armourer. I like how it looks consistently like medieval armour and like it could actually fit together realistically with buckles and all - even though we know it doesn’t.
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Her belt is just that, a belt, and the cutouts at the side don’t appear to make a lot of sense, except that if you look at the picture at the top, you see that her stand is the same colour and fits exactly into the holes. Neat, huh? Less neat is the fact that she can’t really sit down with this on, but you can’t win ‘em all.
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Now these I wish were painted, look at this detail. Also, if Darling is wearing metal high heels everywhere I bet she has calves like iron as well. Anyway, these are so pretty! But they’d be prettier in white and gold with pink frills and blue gems.
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Now all that’s gone, we can see her dress. Note that the silver bodice and underskirt and blue metallic bolero have a very chain-mailley look and definitely contributes to the armour feel, but the pink and blue net overskirts and lace cuffs remind us all that this is still a princess we’re dealing with. This dress is all in one piece, although it looks like the bolero is seperate, but I don’t mind that. I can make Darling a plain silver shift dress if I want to, and probably will.
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Before we move on, I do have to say that with all the accessories, our girl is sadly restricted and this armour would be very dangerous should she try to slay dragons in it, because she can only raise her arm this high while wearing her pauldrons. But note how well the stand fits into her belt. I did like that.
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She doesn’t really need said stand, though. Like most EAH and MH dolls, she stands pretty well unaided.
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As you see she has long blonde and blue hair just like Lagoona’s, but somehow I don’t think she swims as much as our lovely creature from the Black Lagoon. Given the wide variety of hair colours at Ever After High, she has an excuse.I think it’s supposed to be in fat ringlets, but honestly it fluffs out a bit much for that. I guess I could give it another go and try to tame it again but this kind of hair doesn’t have that good a record.
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She has an even rounder case of the EAH moon face than Apple does, but now I’m used to it, I kind of like it. She’s very Versailles with that beauty mark and the pastel colour scheme, and the almost white hair. She doesn’t actually have white hair or skin but the blue highlights emphasise her pallor, and she is the White Knight now, after all.
I like the expression, I like how serene she looks, and the determined tilt to her brows. It’s OK, the White Knight has got this. I like it a lot better than the reboot Darling faces, which are alarmingly Stepford to me and look like they’re going to try and sell me some essential oils. But we’re getting off track. Note how the eye make-up is deceptively elaborate - pale blue underneath as well as on the lid, and a dark blue line across the crease, then a lovely lilac above that. She also has very thick lashes.
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I don’t have either doll in my hand right now, but I think Darling has a slightly more pronounced profile than Apple - that could also be a forced perspective, though. Hmm, I think I will post Apple’s profile so we can compare. But it seems Apple has a very flat face by comparison, Darling’s features are way more definite, with a wider mouth, a more pointed nose and more of a gap between her eyes. The original Darling Charming was definitely her.
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See? Very different.
And that’s Darling! I’m sorry it took so long to review her. I’m glad to see there are still people reading this blog. Incidentally I had a seizure on New Year’s Day so if there are typos and missed facts, that’s because my brain decided to flip the table with all my thoughts on it while I was still recovering from Christmas and it’ll be a while before I can collect and arrange my headspace again. Thanks for your patience!
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chimtaesty · 5 years
BH8 episode two
paring: bts ot7 x reader | 3.4k words
warning: none, fluff
plot: You're big hits first ever artist and only solo artist. And since bts are your only label mates (we are not including txt yet pls) bighit decided to built up a reality show called “BH8”
The happenings will be written normally but the commentary and the editing on the episodes will be written in cursive
A/N: HI THERE. my life has been all over the place lately but I hope you can enjoy this thing here a little.
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(a collab song between Y/N and BTS plays for the intro while the artists laugh and have fun)
BigHit’s 7+1 makes BH8 slides across the screen as you sit there with the MC’s and the boys next to you.
A show combining the most successful artists of this century. A legendary solo artist who debut 12 years ago and the superstars bts combined in one show. Does that make you as happy as it does us?
episode two
Jin appears first, struggling to get into the shirt his stylist tries to wrap around his shoulders. “It doesn't fit!” he hisses as his stylist laughs and nods. “That's Jimin's” she breathlessly admits. You laugh so loud that Jo Kwon almost falls off his chair.
Jin frowns and takes the shirt off. Jimin comes into frame and waves to the camera. “Army!” he smiles and gives kisses to the camera. “We are trying our stage outfits for the mama performance on. Y/N is changing over there” he points at the small spaced off place you're changing at.
The next frame is you almost dying because of a pair of jeans “I CAN'T FIT IN THOSE PANTS” you almost scream. Your stylist laughs and nods. “Did you perhaps gain weight?” you look at her with your eyes squinted. “Let's try this” she hands you a sparkly two piece. You nod and put it on without any problems. She closes the zipper for you and you leave your dressing spot.
“Y/N-noona. Is that your final outfit?” you whip around and the frame slows down Look at our princess flies across the screen. “I don't know yet, I still have a dress I want to try on” you smile. Jungkook comes closer and shows you his jacket. Jimin is left alone in front of the camera “Looks like we are leftover” just in time Hoseok comes out with a big smile. “BH8 is trending on twitter!” you leave your stylists grip and walk over to Hoseok who shows you his phone. “Yeah! Army & Y/F/N are the best. I love you!!” you shoot kisses towards the camera. We love you too, Y/N.
“That's a outcome! You haven't even performed and you're already trending. Army & Y/F/N are really working hand in hand! Y/N, how do you feel about both of your fandoms understanding each other so good?” Jae Suk asks. Your head snaps up at Jae Suk. You are placed in front of BTS on a lower stool. “I think it's really important for fans to understand and like each other. We are all artists and wars between artists don't exist so fanwars shouldn't be a thing. And my fans always supported BTS, from day one I forced them to support my juniors” you laugh and nod as Jae Suk is satisfied with your answer. Namjoon pats your shoulder in approval.
“I'll go and put the dress on real quick” you say as you leave to your dressing spot again. the camera stays with boys as you dress. “It's such an honor to perform with Y/N- noona. We visited her concerts since our trainee days, so it gives off such a nice feeling!” Hoseok tells the camera. “I always stayed up late to watch her performances on TV.” Taehyung smiles, remembering. The camera pants as Taehyung's face lights up in your direction. Huh? Something caught V’s attention There you stand in a big sparkly white dress. It's massive and absolutely stunning, bur nothing for dancing.
“I'll stay with the two piece” you say almost pouting.
“The dress is so pretty, why didn't you chose it?” Jo Kwon asks. You nod “First, it's not convenient for the performance. I can't dance and the boys would have to take too much caution to not step onto the dress and secondly, I don't wear dresses on stage anyways. They are inconvenient and uncomfortable.” Jo Kwon nods. “And you guys? Did you prefer the first or second outfit?” Yoongi speaks up first. “The first one was better in my opinion because the sparkling jacket fits Y/N’s outfit better” you nod.
“Next thing is the studio! You guys need to work on your mama performance” Your manager-unnie interrupts your discussions on the stage outfits. “I'll just change back” The boys go their changing spot to get changed.
There they go the cameraman stands there lonely waiting for someone to return. You come back out waiting a pair of jeans and a big yellow hoodie. You approach the camera with a smile Look, the sun is so close and a lighting effect adds to it. “Look! This is from Hoseok's merch” you point at your beanie. The camerawoman nods lightly and you give him a thumbs up.
The boys gather too and their manager escorts you all to the studios. Hoseok slings an arm around your shoulder and talks to you about his hoodie while the camera focuses on Namjoon and Jungkook testing their english skills.
a joyful mess
Taehyung opens the big door which leads up to the studios and you all pass through. “Let's go into mine” you announce and Jungkook gets excited. Not a lot of people spend time in your studio since you like to work alone.
You fish out your key and unlock the door. You stay back and let them go inside to make sure to hold the door for the cameraman She's so lovely
“Please, seat yourself” the boys follow your instructions. You pull two spare chairs forward so that the cameraman is able to sit down. “Is this the new sound system?” Yoongi asks as he inspects the new speakers gracing your table. “Yes, I got them about two weeks ago” he nods and sits himself down on the second chair. “I'll just log myself in and then we can start to work on the remix” you update the others. Yoongi then opens the program and sets everything up as he offered you to do so. You turn around and leave on your small fridge A small fridge? What could be inside? You squat down and take a bottle of orange juice out. The boys follow your movements and you chuckle “You can take something to drink as well!” Jungkook is fast to charge towards the fridge. Who wouldn't like a drink from Y/N’s fridge?
“That's so cute, a small fridge. Do you really need a fridge in your studio or is just some kind of luxury?” Jae Suk asks and you shake your head “It's a necessity, i spend most of my time in the studio so having a fridge in there to store some food is very important to me” Jo Kwon turns to you with a questioning look “Really? How much time do you spend in your studio?” you nod with a small chuckle. “I spend almost all of the time I'm not somewhere else in my studio. The average work time is about 40 hours a week, right? Mh, so i would come up to I don't know 60 or 70 when I have a lazy week. A week where I have performances or TV show appearances would be around 40 and I would sleep in the studio, the couch is actually able to be made into a bed! But to my defence, I'm not the only one who practically lives at the studio!” you laugh. “But 70 hours are almost 3 days. That's a lot!” Jae Suk gasps. “Who spends as much time as you?” you halt for a second but laugh slightly “Min Yoongi does” Yoongi chuckles behind you. “That's true, sometimes we leave the studio together at like very very early in the morning” he explains.
You sit back down and Yoongi explains how he wants the remix to be. The frame moves to Jungkook and Jimin who inspect your trophies. “Y/N, the last time I was in here you had two grammys, you won more?” you turn around and laugh “Yeah, some months ago!” he looks at you unbelieving. The cameraman comes closer to the boys and films them a little. “Look! A American music award and a Bambi!” Jimin points at the awards. Then Jungkook reads out a paper which laid next to a picture of them with you on The Show. “This spot goes to my brother group bts who had their first win and won against me on The Show. Let this relationship be strong and filled with love.” You always loved your juniors. The moment they announcement a new group was going to debut you felt like a mother. You took them out for food, bought them gifts and took them to your practices and studio sessions.
The frame shifts to you, Yoongi and Namjoon discussing the remix. “Let me add something. Maybe some vocals can make it better” You leave your seat and get a mic you quickly connect to your system. The remix connects several songs from the both of you. “Let it play and I'll find my way in” you tell Yoongi and he nods. sea starts to play and you know the lyrics, it's written into your soul. You add runs and highlight lines. You even add a high note at the end, it's not to loud and not to silent, it fits in perfectly. Such angelic sounds
“That was mesmerising” Namjoon says silently. You smile and thank him in the same volume.
“Y/N! That was so pretty. The harmonies!” Jo Kwon nudges you and you laugh “How do you guys feel about Y/N adding her touch to your song?” Jin answers faster than anyone “I was taken aback to be honest. Y/N-ah has this ability to make any piece of music she touches a great song. I thought I was a great singer but Y/N is something else” he rants his mind. You are close to tears. You stand up and turn around to give Jin a hug. “That's one of the nicest things someone ever said to me” he takes your hug with a wide smile. “Ah, Y/N. Were you that touched?” you smile ad Jae Suk “I get a lot of complements but I know that they mean it.”
Yoongi puts the song together and a fifteen minute remix is the end product. “That's it! It's great!” you smile and Yoongi nods. “Let's send it to the ceo-office” you tell Yoongi and he's on it.
Then you text your manager-unnie that you're finished and a text back comes almost immediately. Good, come to the head office. You need to sign stuff and take photos for your fansign the frame shifts to you as you text Who is Y/N texting so concentrated?
“My manager-unnie just texted me that I have to take some photos and sign some stuff. You can stay here until I come back!” Jungkook says yes and sits himself down on your spot “Can we listen to some music?” you turn back around and nod “But don't spoil my album!” he chuckles and denies “Never”
The frame stays on the boys as you leave. Jungkook sits at the computer experimenting with the sound system. He logs into youtube and plays some of you older songs jamming to them. Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok are now looking at your awards. “Jin-Hyung, look at this” he points at the little spot a photo and a piece of paper are placed. This spot goes to my brother group bts who won had their first win and won against me on The Show. Let this relationship be strong and filled with love. "That's the cutest thing ever” Hoseok smiles at Namjoon.
The next frame is you strolling towards the signing spot. Look at the beauty arriving floats across the screen as the scene slows down.
“With what should I start?” you ask and a woman gives you cards to sign. Then your phone vibrates and Namjoons name graces your display “Namjoon-ah! What's up?” you hold your phone to your ear. “We have to leave for a short while, but we don't have a key” you chuckle “Just use the electric lock on the outside. Yoongi should know the code” he laughs too and you end the call. “This is going to be very boring for you! I'm just signing this stuff” the cameraman slightly shakes the camera.
“Signing seems very boring, how often do you have to do something like that?” you think or a moment. “All the time actually, when I'm having promotions, fansigns, special events, tours. I'm signing all the time” you laugh. “But the boys actually have a lot more to do. They don't stop their tours actually. They just finished their love yourself tour and soon they are going to start their map of persona tour so, I shouldn't be complaining” you chuckle. “Actually Y/N is lying. She stays in the studio and the dance practice rooms all the time. She finished her world tour last year and has performances almost every day ever since.” You almost scream “Shut Up! You've been working harder” Namjoon laughs and grasps your shoulder “Y/N-noona, YOU WORK HARDER” you grit your teeth “If you don't shut your mouth I will show you what hard work is. I hate you” you whisper after you laugh out loud. “Does this normally happen?” Jo Kwon asks the other boys and you chuckle. “All the time, it's a continuous fight over affection” Jin explains.
The frame switches to the boys leaving your studio and Yoongi typing in the code. The door closes with a small click and they leave. “What are you going to do now?” The cameraman asks the leaving group of young men. “We are going to have dinner at a good restaurant.” Jin smiles. Dinner sounds about right at the moment.
The camera focuses on Yoongi and Hoseok who are strolling next to each other. “I'm so hungry! I'm so excited for the food” Hoseok encourages Yoongi to talk as well. He just nods “We’ll bring Y/N something” is all he says. Such a healthy friendship
“Getting food for each other is a common thing, right?” Jae Suk asks. You nod “Especially with us, we usually take food with us in case someone needs something or gets hungry while we work. Or we take something with us when we know that someone stays late. I always take something with me in case they stay late for practice otherwise I can eat it the next day” Jae Suk nods “Looking after one another is very important, so we buy each other a lot to eat” Namjoon adds.
You are now standing on a little podium in a jumpsuit, heels and your album in your hands posing for the fansign posters. In the back your title track is playing to not make the shoot as boring as it may could be. “Now squad down for me” the photographer instructs you and you follow suit. “That's it! Great!” he shouts and a smile makes its way onto your face “Any song requests?” you head snaps towards the staff and you raise your hand “euphoria by jungkook please” in your opinion it's the perfect song. It has the exact vibe you want right now. The song fills the room and you couldn't be more happy.
The frame switches to bts arriving at the restaurant. They get a table at the back of the restaurant to prevent the place of getting mobbed. As they give up their orders Jimin proceeds to check the social medias. “kook, look” he gives Jungkook his phone to show him a article which was released about ten minutes ago.
Solo artist Y/N enjoying photoshoot with her juniors music
About twenty minutes ago the grammy winning solo artist Y/N, the heart of korea, posted a rather cute video of herself enjoying the photoshoot for her fansign in two weeks. The song ‘Euphoria by BTS’s Jungkook’ made her so happy that she eagerly requested it in the first place. Such a friendship is something to be jealous about.
Jungkook smiles from ear to ear. He watches you shooting your arm in the air and asking for his song. And then happy dancing around, hitting poses to the beat. He gives Jimin his phone back and proceeds to eat his food.
They finish eating and get your favourite food packed up.
“Great! That's a wrap! good work everyone” the photographer announces. You clap once and jump down from the podium leaving to a spot you can change at. The cameraman waits in front of the spacer. “Let's get going” you smile at the cameraman and he follows you silently. As you step into the elevator your encourage a conversation “Lately I've really been into riverdale, which shows do you like to watch?” the man points his camera at you leaving his face covered, still you can tell he's thinking of an answer. “Goblin Slayer” you think for a second “That's a anime, right? I've heard of that?” he nods and you smile “I think Jungkook told me about it. It's supposed to be very good” he nods.
The door opens with a ding and you leave to the main entrance as your phone vibrates. “Yoongi-ah!” he hums “We are at the company, are you home yet?” “Nope, I was about to leave. Let me give you a ride home” he hums “That would be nice, we’ll meet you in the parking lot”
You take the left door to enter the parking lot. With fast steps you walk to the group of seven men standing in front of your car.
“Noona” Jungkook sees you first and rips a plastic bag out of Yoongi’s grip. “We had dinner and brought you something” your face lights up and you give him a hug “Thank you”
You turn around and thank the cameraman for his work because there won't be any need for him anymore. “Let's get going” you say as you unlock the car.
You start the car as soon as everyone is settled. “So where did you go eat?” you ask as you pull out of the parking lot. “The Lucky Charms in downtown seoul” Yoongi answers and you nod “Thank you for bringing me something, I wouldn't have been able to make myself something, knowing how lazy I am” the radio is very quiet as you talk “How was your photoshoot?” Hoseok asks and you smile widely knowing they must've seen the post. “Oh it wa-YAHH” You stop the car abruptly. The camera captures your pissed off face. What is happening outside of the car.
In your anger you stop the car and get out to shout at the other driver. The only thing there is able to be seen or heard is the other boys getting out of the car as well to bring you back in. There you sit, pissed off starting the car again.
“What happened there, Y/N?” you think back “Well I wanted to change lanes to leave the main street to their dormitory but there was a person who decided to change onto my lane without flashing. I got really angry and was about to let it out on the other driver but they got me back into the car” Jae Suk nods “That can be very annoying right?” Namjoon continues “Especially when you can't shout at someone because they might know you. It could damage your image”
"What I wanted to say was, I liked my shoot very much. The photographer was great and tell posters cake out amazing. How was your dinner?" Hoseok on your right nods as he turns his face to you again "We had a blast. The food is always so good there" you smile and nod. "Thanks again for taking some with you. I didn't know I graved their food" He nods and takes out his phone.
The car ride is silent, just Taehyung and Jungkook chatting a little, as you pull into the apartment complex their penthouse is located at you wake Jin and Namjoon. "Here we are sleepy heads" you laugh. "Thank you for driving us home" Namjoon pats your shoulder as he leaves the car. "No big deal, go to sleep and rest!" you smile. The boys leave and you pull out of their drive in.
With a cute filter and boy in luv playing in the back the end of the episode emerges. Check out next week's episode to see Y/N and BTS master a vlive collaboration and don't forget to tune in for the "the boss is watching" special episode! Until then, bye army & y/f/n. Take care
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vinodiriso · 5 years
Kou/cha. [HANMEI]
@mita-rashi requested a HanMei drabble, something like two weeks ago. This is my headcanon of how they first met. Enjoy.
1: Mei in Chinese can be written with either the character 美 (meaning ‘beautiful’) or the character 梅 (meaning ‘plum’, Japanese: ‘ume’).
Hanzo had already done something for that woman in the handful of months he had spent in the Overwatch base, after the night he faced Genji in combat. Most of the times, it was heavy lifting... literally. He was used to carry around boxes of stuff from his sea days, and he always managed to come across the lab when there was some weighty science machines to move. He never actually cared about it, it was just some minor chores and nothing was ever so hefty to trouble him.
The archer didn’t give much thought to the white-coat-wearing people that needed his help, the only thing that stroke him as odd was how nice one of them was to him. It was not like she was baking him cookies, that be written down, but at least she didn’t shoot him those sour looks he got from various other agents, like that cowboy wannabe or the punk hairdo.
That afternoon, Hanzo was coming fresh out of the shower after an entire morning of shooting practice. He made his way into the base’s small kitchen and started looking for his secret stash, until he heard a voice from behind him: “please, can you take the box on the second from top shelf?”
Hanzo complied without further questioning and grabbed it. He turned to give it to the person requesting it, only to be met by one of the scientists he had helped various times. He didn’t remember her name… not like it was news. He was bad with names, with memories, everything was always a blurry fog.
“There you go,” he mumbled, his words were gentle but his tone wasn’t. She didn’t seem to mind.
“Thank you. Can you make a little room for me too?”
Hanzo stepped to the side and the woman entered the small kitchen. Hanzo returned to his activity of retrieving his belongings. Finally he found the box he was looking for, behind a can of coffee (ugh, he hated coffee). He uncorked it and the amazing, full scent of tea leaves invaded his nostrils.
It was really hard in their days to find actual tea leaves and not extracts, or flavoured tea bags. Agriculture was on the brink of collapse after ways to create synthetic food with cheap processes were invented. Real food costed a hell of a lot money nowadays, and those tea leaves were a most expensive treasure for Hanzo; he rarely shared it with anyone.
“Bai Jiguan, right?” the woman commented with a giggle. “You have a good taste for tea.”
“Huh,” Hanzo commented. “You recognized it by smell alone?”
“My family was in tea shipping when I was little,” she explained, “I was basically raised drinking tea. A habit that stuck. You?”
“My mother,” he said, simply. Why was he even replying to that? It was a personal question.
“I see. And what teas do you enjoy?”
“Huh,” Hanzo was really not used to speak that much. “Oolong tea and… black tea.”
“Oh, so you gonna love this one!” the woman chirped as she opened her own box. Hanzo inhaled the beautiful scent in a deep breath.
“Golden Monkey.”
“That’s right. I’ve never met someone that could guess by scent and not taste, haha!”
Hanzo nodded. He didn’t know what to reply to that, so he didn’t.
“By the way, I haven’t introduced myself. I am Mei-Ling Zhou, nice to meet you, Hanzo,” she didn’t actually say ‘Hanzo’, in her mouth it sounded something like ‘Bhanshoo’. Still, Hanzo could pick up his name even if it had been butchered by a person that clearly couldn’t pronounce it.
“How do you know my name?” Hanzo’s eyebrows furrowed.
“You are Genji’s brother, right? I have never seen him under the mask but I have always imagined he would look something like you do. And McCree said that Genji’s brother always has this… very… troubled face. You fit the description.”
Hanzo doubted someone like McCree would ever say ‘troubled face’, let alone when referring to him. Still, as much as he was irked (for no reason in particular, really, he should have expected to be a juicy piece of gossips for Overwatch agents after his arrival), she tried to soften the blow. She didn’t call him ‘asshole’ face-to-face; Hanzo appreciated tact, even if affected, even if Hanzo himself wasn’t the most tactful person around.
“Mh,” he replied. He rummaged his mind in search for something to say only to be met with failure.  Without anything else to add, he just stuck to filling the boiler. Mei was measuring her serving of dried leaves: she dropped three teaspoons of Golden Monkey in a small porcelain teapot. It looked extremely frail and extremely precious. Hanzo did not have to wander off with imagination to guess it was a real Chinese handcraft. After all, her name was Zhou, was it not?
“It’s a family heirloom,” Mei stated, looking back at him. She didn’t mention the fact she had perceived Hanzo’s gaze or his interest in that tiny object, but still it was worth of praise to be that keen-minded. It took him by surprise. “I always have it with me, wherever I go. My father had it made for me when I was born.”
She showed him the Chinese characters painted on the side.
“Oh, so it’s ‘Mei’ as in ‘beautiful’. I thought it was ‘plum’.” 1
She widened her eyes at his reply, regardless of how stoic. “You can read Chinese?”
“Yes, I picked it up… on the road,” he didn’t mention his life in Taiwan. Too personal.
“How do you read this in Japanese?”
“Uh… ‘bi’. It means ‘beauty’ in Japanese.”
“How do you say ‘beautiful’?”
Hanzo puckered his lips as he recalled the word. It had been such a long time since he had spoken his native language. “Mh… ‘utsukushii’. But it’s the same kanji. It’s… complicated.”
Mei giggled. It was a surprisingly wholesome sound. Hanzo was confused. “I guessed so. Careful, I think the water is ready.”
Hanzo resumed from his deep thoughts of how weird her laugh had him feeling. He grabbed his own tea box, ready to just drop a spoonful in his cup, but Mei stopped him. “Huh-huh. If you are having tea with a Chinese person, I will have you follow the rules. Here.”
She gave him another teapot she recovered from one of the lower cabinets. It was much less fancier than her one, it was a faux terracotta-looking steel thing, but it would have served its purpose. “Do you know how to do it?”
Hanzo nodded. Yes, his mother had taught him many years ago. On top of that, he had seen many people do it. Three teaspoons inside the pot, then fill it with hot water, not boiling. Wait 5 seconds, pour, and throw the water away (the taste is too strong and, at the same time, not rich enough, it’s a bad batch). Refill the teapot, wait 20 seconds (or 40, if one likes a very strong flavour) and eventually pour the serving.
They completed the process in utter silence, without saying a word, almost in symbiosis, so coordinated were the two as they performed each action. It looked very mechanical, on Hanzo’s part, Mei on the other hand was more relaxed and her gestures were a display of an ancient art. Sure, that wasn’t the sophisticated tea ceremony Kung-fu masters invented millennia before, but it was still core to their countries’ traditions. A waste to let it go forgotten, as far as Hanzo was concerned.
“I love this smell,” Mei eventually broke the silence. “Isn’t it… gorgeous?”
Hanzo had to agree. It was one of the few things he enjoyed the most, a moment for relaxation he was used to consume alone, but Mei’s company was strangely… not-unnerving. It wasn’t as peaceful as the solitude of his home, solitary and companionless, but it was a little warmer than his despondency. Soon, Hanzo abandoned that road of thoughts: Mei was a little too perceptive and he didn’t want her to get inside his mind that far.
They sat at one of the table in the dining hall, facing one another. Hanzo wasn’t looking at her, he was quietly sipping his tea. She was squirming a little, as if she was trying really hard to find something to say. It was annoying, how some people couldn’t appreciate a moment of silence. It was rare for that room to be soundless, empty. The mere grazing of their mugs on the table and the soft drinking sounds were a balm for a… troubled mind. He used her word. So he did have a troubled face, after all, if those were the thoughts springing behind it.
Yet, despite of Hanzo’s unappreciative judgement, Mei did not speak a word for long. However, he could feel her gaze on him, studying him, curious as everyone of the freak that killed his own brother. That’s why he preferred staying alone. It wasn’t as annoying when he was the one to despise himself.
“Is it good?” Mei asked.
“The tea. You’re glowering.”
“I always look like this,” was his reply. Quite impolite.
Mei gave him a little scorned smile. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have pried. It’s just that… it seems a little counterproductive to drink tea only to be sour, no?”
Hanzo wasn’t pleased by her statement. Maybe because she was right? “The way I drink tea is none of your business.”
The woman did not answer at his rude shutdown. Hanzo looked at her. She was so normal. Brown eyes, brown hair. She wore glasses. She had dainty little fingers wrapped around her cup, tapping on it so gently. Her hairpin was fashionable and elaborate, with a dangling little snowflake charm. The way she blew on steaming tea was cute.
She raised her eyes only to encounter his, staring. She smiled again. “You really like the teapot, don’t you?”
“Huh?” right next to her cup, there it laid her teapot. She probably misinterpreted the direction of Hanzo’s look, which was a blessing: too many things to explain if she had guessed the archer was indeed observing her. “It’s a fine piece of art.”
The smile on her lips grew a little larger. “Yeah, it’s very cute.”
Mei looked up, her brow creasing as she was trying to recall something… “kawaii?”
Hanzo huffed instinctively in a diverted manner. That was so random it amused him, even if it was really not that cultured humour; her pronunciation and the nonsense of the situation turned it comical. And that expression too, he admitted, was funny.
“Oh, so you can laugh,” Mei teased him. “I thought you were paralysed with that grimace. You should laugh more often. There is a glitter in your eyes when you do. You look… less troubled.”
“You can see people right through, can’t you?” Hanzo was sarcastic.
“I guess it’s what happens when you don’t stop at the surface and bother trying and understand the person you are talking to,” Mei was serious. “Do you ever try, Hanzo? To understand others?”
Oh, that sting. He was immediately thrown back at how he thought it would be hard for her to stay quiet, but she did, then even earlier, how he assumed she knew about him because she had gossiped about him. Maybe, just maybe, she remembered his name from when he had helped the other scientists.
All of a sudden, it became harder to look back at her. Coward.
“Mei!” a panting white coat came in running. “Jackson…!”
She sighed. “Got it. I am coming.”
She took one long sip, then she came to her feet. She looked back at him, biting her lower lip, as if she wanted to add something else. Hanzo prayed she didn’t, he couldn’t bear more humiliation, even if it was unintended as hers.
“See you around?” Mei murmured, giving him yet one soft grin.
“Ha,” Hanzo replied. And, for once, he really meant it.
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