#the height difference is fine btw. idk if it has a set height tbh
laulo821 · 9 months
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fanart/friendart :-) idk how accurate the height diff is i was just guessing
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blackberry-gingham · 3 years
Hi !
I just love so much your imagines and was wondering if you could make one about the boys dating a latina reader (as an immigrant ive always felt kinda complexed by my spanish accent and short height soo 😅)
Thanks 💜
Of course! And np I got your correction lol, headcannons it is!
Ok so we all know that late stage George was really into other cultures!
So I think he'd actually be SUPER interested to learn about your heritage/culture/language, everything!!!
George doesn't understand why some people might have a hard time understanding your accent, especially anyone who's dumb and would tease you for it!
He understands you just fine! Which is a bit surprising considering how distant England is from any latin or even spanish cultures
But like I said, George prides himself on picking up different cultures quickly!
In fact, I think that he'd even try to speak with you in your native language of you'd be willing to teach him a bit!!
It takes some trial and error, but he's trying his best lol
Oh and he would definitely get more into things like spanish guitar
Not that he'd totally drop his sittaur and all that
It's just that he'd want to write some songs for/about you that make you feel comfortable and take inspiration from your culture!
You may feel overwhelmed by how high his interest in you and where you come from is
But first off, he's just naturally curious lol
And second, George just loves you so much, he wants to get to know your likes, your dislikes, your heritage, your hopes, your dreams, and everything in between as much as he possibly can!
Idk how deeply you guys stan John lmao, but if you're a freak like me then you know that John really and truly loves EVERYONE
Like all body types, all nationalities, all skin colors
As long as you're gentle with his heart, he'd follow you till the end ❤️
And while I do whole heatedly believe all that, I also kinda think John actually likes small/shorter women!
I mean???
Cynthia? May pang? Yoko???
All three were like 5'5 at the MOST I believe
I think he likes to feel tall and strong lol, so he'd totally do stuff like getting things that are high up or carrying lots of stuff for you!
Personally, I think John would also be interested in completely immersing himself in your culture!
The thing that sets him apart from George tho is that John is a bit more objective with his interest
You see, John likes to educate himself about cultures and things in general that he's not very familiar with bc he's interested in the human condition!
He's so glad to have you there with him too btw
Even as he gets older, he still has some anxiety, so having you there to show him the ropes and share your interests helps put him at ease
Now Paul, while being a gentleman!! is quite the ladies man as we all know lol
So I think that he'd be absolutely enthralled by your gorgeous latina features!
To him all the things that you might feel insecure about, like your accent and height, are simply just the things that make you who you are!!
It's all just natural, and there's nothing more beautiful then that :D
Honestly tho, like Paul just likes to appreciate you lol
He likes to play with your hair and if you do anything particular to care for it like creams or oils, he'd totally want to help!
Also, he really enjoys cuddling with you!
After all, your height makes it easier to hold you, and who doesn't like that?
Plus, like John, he likes that you make him feel big lol
But best of all, he would totally love to seranade you and bounce song ideas off you!
Paul loves writing music, so adding some Latin roots to a couple of his usual song formulas might be interesting! I mean... Who knows!
Even if it doesn't work out, he could never regret spending studio time with you :)
Alright, now of all the boys I personally think Ringo would be the most appreciative of an S/O on the shorter side lol
You see, you may feel short but to him you're the perfect size!
It's not that he's intimidated by women his height or even taller!
He just likes being able to feel protective of his lil' gf
Also, I think you and Ringo could have the most fun with stuff regarding your roots!
You too could totally tease and make jokes about your (or even each other's!) accents and stuff like that lol
It's all on good fun of course!
Honestly it would only be ok bc you two are close, but if anyone else tried to tease you, Ringo would definitely stand up for you!
I think that'd be a secret perk of not only dating, but also being shorter then Ringo tbh
It makes him feel extra responsible for protecting you!
Considering how he's usually so chill and passive, you could count yourself as pretty special that he'd act like that for you lol
Who knows? Maybe the influence from dating you inspires him to be more passionate 👀
I'll leave an exact interpretation of what that could mean up to you ;)
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