#the henny bottle one is when shes basically blind n is letting you Know That
isolctions · 1 year
hi y’all, quick little headcanon time for my darling izidora.
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so i have a shit ton of icons that i was organizing. and a lot of them feature her fc wearing these same glasses in other videos / interviews, so i’m like, ‘hmmm why would izidora need glasses???’
and in a few minutes, i have decided:
izidora has extremely deteriorating eyesight. not genetic or anything, but between seventeen & twenty when the more gruesome parts of her backstory happen, izidora was kept in the literal dark. a lot. very dark rooms with no windows. at most, they got a single nightlight plugged somewhere in the corner. only allowed to ‘leave’ during late night hours. kept blindfolded if switching locations during the day. it was terrible. i think she might not like being alone in the dark very much anymore, and does not find blindfolds very kinky.
izidora’s eyesight is continuing to worsen. so like, while she was able to see well enough post-trauma arc to k*ll the shit out of everybody who deserved it back then, she never did it in the day time for two reasons. 1. because she’d get fuckin’ caught, duh. and 2. she could not stop squinting through her blurry vision. and while she was very pissed off, she was smart, and put a pause on her rampage revenge era to go to the eye doctor, thank u very much.
izidora has glasses, shown in the icon above / icons below. they are heavy prescription. real thicc lenses. without them, she cannot fucking see past her fingers in her face — and even that’s very difficult to see. especially since she goes to check ups regularly, and it is indeed worsening.
to compensate this, because she’s a bad bitch, she’s taken to tattooing sigils below her eyes to help enhance her vision. everyone else thinks she just has face tats, so no one asks questions abt it or the rest of her tattoos. this helps her with tattooing her clients, taking m*rder jobs, etc. basically, living her daily fuckin’ life. the only downside is when she inevitably ‘dies’ (heavy sarcasm quotes around this) and is out of commission while her magic does its’ work with restoring her to life, the sigils under her eyes fade. so every single time she un-alives then re-alives again, she can’t fucking see. it’s so shitty!
she also has dante, her familiar, to help her with this. when he’s not doing witchy shit for her or harassing awful people, he helps her with getting out of bed, getting dressed, making food, and even finds the things around the apartment that she needs for her sigils. he’s so sweet. :<
anyway, look how cute izidora is with her glasses hehehehe
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