#izidora — past
isolctions · 1 year
hi y’all, quick little headcanon time for my darling izidora.
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so i have a shit ton of icons that i was organizing. and a lot of them feature her fc wearing these same glasses in other videos / interviews, so i’m like, ‘hmmm why would izidora need glasses???’
and in a few minutes, i have decided:
izidora has extremely deteriorating eyesight. not genetic or anything, but between seventeen & twenty when the more gruesome parts of her backstory happen, izidora was kept in the literal dark. a lot. very dark rooms with no windows. at most, they got a single nightlight plugged somewhere in the corner. only allowed to ‘leave’ during late night hours. kept blindfolded if switching locations during the day. it was terrible. i think she might not like being alone in the dark very much anymore, and does not find blindfolds very kinky.
izidora’s eyesight is continuing to worsen. so like, while she was able to see well enough post-trauma arc to k*ll the shit out of everybody who deserved it back then, she never did it in the day time for two reasons. 1. because she’d get fuckin’ caught, duh. and 2. she could not stop squinting through her blurry vision. and while she was very pissed off, she was smart, and put a pause on her rampage revenge era to go to the eye doctor, thank u very much.
izidora has glasses, shown in the icon above / icons below. they are heavy prescription. real thicc lenses. without them, she cannot fucking see past her fingers in her face — and even that’s very difficult to see. especially since she goes to check ups regularly, and it is indeed worsening.
to compensate this, because she’s a bad bitch, she’s taken to tattooing sigils below her eyes to help enhance her vision. everyone else thinks she just has face tats, so no one asks questions abt it or the rest of her tattoos. this helps her with tattooing her clients, taking m*rder jobs, etc. basically, living her daily fuckin’ life. the only downside is when she inevitably ‘dies’ (heavy sarcasm quotes around this) and is out of commission while her magic does its’ work with restoring her to life, the sigils under her eyes fade. so every single time she un-alives then re-alives again, she can’t fucking see. it’s so shitty!
she also has dante, her familiar, to help her with this. when he’s not doing witchy shit for her or harassing awful people, he helps her with getting out of bed, getting dressed, making food, and even finds the things around the apartment that she needs for her sigils. he’s so sweet. :<
anyway, look how cute izidora is with her glasses hehehehe
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suckuhoes · 11 months
i’ve recently come to the realization during my current writings for izidora & her development within her universe + marriage in particular is that despite having grown tremendously as a character, there are still certain situations i haven’t explored or expanded upon because i never gave her the chance to really exist, in a sense, until i made the decision to rewrite who she was entirely. it could be because i’ve grown since first becoming a writer & introducing izidora to my original roster, or because she’s grown more than i expected her to at first. but there are so many things about izidora that i just…never considered?
the main thing that i’ve been thinking about (and only v recently have i been able to actually work on…after lich rally spending the entire month of october on tiktok & pinterest + talking thru scenarios with kija / @somethingscft……this may be a partner appreciation post too lowkey — we wasn’t getting this type of development without keith!) in regards to izidora’s current relationship with her pregnancy & eventually, with her twins is just. what is she feeling right now? is it happiness, is it sadness, is it fear? is this something that potentially already happened to her because it came from trauma once before, is this something new? what does she think of herself throughout this moment? would she hate it because she hates herself & it comes from her, does she love it because it came from her? — and although i’m able to work on that level of personal development now, it made me realize that a relationship to motherhood was never something that i was able to give much thought or input for with her, prior to or after her 2020 rewrite.
and it’s funny because pre-2020 izidora being a parent & raising a child was almost a laughable concept to me. with the exception of a romantic ship she had then in which she was actually in a long term relationship + even got engaged, my belief for izidora was always between the joking thought of ‘this is someone of morally corrupt values & a complete menace to society who probably should not be raising kids’ vs the more serious thought of ‘izidora was written with the sole desire of becoming immortal & living forever/remaining youthful for eternity, for completely selfish & vain reasons, is willing to do anything to anyone in order to obtain that goal and reacts murderously to those who anger or inconvenience her in the slightest — if anything, she probably thinks that having children is pointless & gross.’ like…this bitch was a villain fr fr! she was busy doing chaotic evil witch shit! it wasn’t a real concept for my girl back then! ever!!!
but…that was before the rewrite. the chaos was fun in the moment, but i grew bored and needed more nuance. for obvious reasons, the izidora that i write now holds very different views & feelings about motherhood than the previous version of herself would have. her life & history is now completely the opposite of what it was then. the specifics of her backstory is still something that i’m continuing to build upon as i develop her universe & who she is as a person; and based on her past experiences and the things that were done to her & to her family, she’s absolutely fucking scared of being pregnant. having a family is scary at any stage, especially while she’s still in a state of recovery from her trauma! even still, the one thing i know with absolute certainty is that izidora is & has always been a deeply feeling, deeply loving, deeply caring person. it shows in her behavior and her interactions with certain people — to her nanang, tala. to her sister, carina. to the community that she heals & protects with her magic. to the girls that she helped save, with many of those women remaining part of her story & who have become like sisters to her now.
so ultimately, i think that izidora would look at motherhood & her children as getting a second chance. i think that with the time spent writing izidora with the perspective of someone who has been through so much unresolved trauma and so much hurt, so much loss and so much anger; being someone who thinks so negatively of herself because of what happened to her & unable to see herself in any other way? her being able to have this happen to her in a good way and have an unconditional love be given to her is overwhelming and it’s exciting. she has something that is hers — it is inherently good & pure, hers to protect and hers to love — and everything that she could not do for herself & for carina growing up, she gets the chance to do it now for them.
is she still a chaotic bitch most of the time? oh yes. does she still hold morally questionable values & one thousand percent someone you shouldn’t provoke? fck yes. does she still have a goal of immortality? yes, and it’s less selfish! izidora still has a lot of her previous self’s characteristics vs me doing a complete 180 rewrite, which i’m always excited about! but the beauty in writing & creating this new version of her and being able to understand her & even share her with so many other beautiful writers in a way that gets me so emotional is that she’s so human now. she’s so human! before, i used to just write her as a silly little trope & nothing more — and now it’s like. holy shit. you have an entire world of complexities & feelings and i get to figure it out & have fun with it.
so yeah. this was totally meant to start out as a sort of introduction to an actual, organized, well thought out headcanon. instead, i wound up emotionally rambling at one in the morning about a fictional character. it happens to us all, u know! i’m just feeling very…appreciative of my characters right now. especially with izidora, because i just think she is so cute & precious to me. if ur still reading this, pls give your charries some love! 💞
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aspnss · 1 year
timeline of the events leading up to, during, & after the kidnapping of izidora & carina banks.
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disclaimer: please read this at your own risk. please read this at your own risk. this post will deal with topics regarding d/omestic v/iolence, d/rug a/buse, s/exual a/buse, s/ex t/rafficking, & m/urder. i do not plan to go into detail about any of the specifics for my own comfort as well as yours, but it is something that this muse has dealt with very extensively, and it does shape a lot of her mannerisms & actions moving forward which is why i felt the need to break certain events down by age/events. if you would prefer to read a far more redacted version of her history, i encourage you to read this headcanon post instead. stay safe, love you, please read this at your own risk.
YEAR FIFTEEN. izidora & her twelve year old sister carina are living between the households of her protective paternal grandmother tala (a bloodline witch based in the philippines) and her uncaring maternal aunt sherise, with her grandmother maintaining primary care. at this time, izidora has awoken her own powers, and actively practices a blend of albularyo & mangkukulam magic with her grandmother as her teacher. most of her magic is dedicated to healing at this age, as well — the reason for this being on account of the extremely volatile relationship that her aunt entered with a boyfriend, nico. while nico did not directly harm either of the girls just yet, he was incredibly abusive towards them verbally: belittling them often, picking fights at random, berating their aunt in front of them to establish dominance. he also began to get their aunt hooked on recreational drugs, escalating quickly to the use of narcotics such as o/xy & h/eroin openly. their grandmother attempted to intervene — but the relationship between the very little maternal & paternal family left had been far from amicable after izidora's mother noelle was sent to prison for the murder of her father angelo.
YEAR SIXTEEN. izidora is physically hit by nico for the first time after defending a thirteen year old carina from another spew of bullying. their aunt becomes fully addicted to narcotics & entirely dependent on nico, leaving him as the head of the household via more sinister income. as such, he starts to impose 'rules' within the house, including limiting their phone usage & how often they went to live with their grandmother. once he begins to conduct business meetings within the house, izidora & carina are later forced to withdraw from after school activities and are no longer allowed a bedroom door after another round of arguments. because they aren't living with their grandmother as frequently as they were in the past, izidora is unable to continue practicing albularyo or, by extension, kulam — she is only able to use surface level healing magic for their minor injuries. izidora begins to secretly apply to colleges & universities early into her junior year, hoping to move her & carina out of the state for a degree in graphic arts. their grandmother falls ill, and nico forbids them from seeing her at the hospital.
YEAR SEVENTEEN. the final argument happens only days after her 17th birthday passes, brought on once izidora acquired a cell phone from a classmate so that she & fourteen year old carina could speak to their grandmother tala. once nico discovers the phone hidden in izidora's school bag, her & nico enter a screaming match that turns physical — after which he forces izidora & carina to pack a bag with a week's worth of clothing & loads them into a truck, telling an inebriated sherise that he was taking them to his mother's for discipline. instead, he drives them to a townhouse in staten island in the middle of the night, placing them alone in an empty room with a single bed for hours. he is not alone when he returns to pick them up. from this point on, izidora & carina are held with a handful of other girls, and are forced to endure s/exual a/ssault. izidora, after a full month of refusing to comply, eventually breaks after nico threatens carina and lula in front of her.
YEAR EIGHTEEN. izidora comes to terms with her & carina's situation & that they likely aren't coming home. they are constantly moved between houses in different boroughs, are t/rafficked for 'parties' with a group of girls throughout the city, in new jersey, and as far as pennsylvania, & are forced to remain in dark, windowless rooms for the majority of their time in each location; often for days & weeks at a time. this is when izidora's eyesight first begins to decline due to staying in dim lighting conditions, infrequent eating, & beatings. after izidora turns eighteen, she & carina are forcibly separated following an incident, with carina being sent "upstate". izidora goes through a period of grief & distress following this, and she begins to bond with the other girls in captivity after developing an attachment issue.
YEAR NINETEEN. carina remains upstate, and has not been seen by any of the other girls that come & go from the locations. izidora's eyesight continues to subtly decline, suffering from frequent headaches around certain light types & blurry, spotty vision. after being punished by one of the older women in captivity for burning food too many times, a sympathetic errand runner is able to convince the captors to keep a nightlight in the girls' room — they are also occasionally given additional clothing, snacks, and items of distraction in secret whenever certain errand runners visit the locations. this is the year izidora receives a small sketchbook to continue drawing in.
SHAH. at some point during the year, izidora meets a woman whom she called shah. once they are alone, shah reveals herself as a former pupil of tala — after spending hours gaining izidora's trust, she begins to teach her & help her continue with albularyo & kulam, introducing black magic forms of mangkukulam in order to defend herself. she gives her a concealment charm & encourages her to sneak out whenever possible to meet at their mutually agreed upon spots. despite receiving lessons on albularyo & using healing forms often with the girls she's bonded with, izidora develops a fixation with black magic & seeking revenge against her captors. after months of convincing shah & eventually begging for her help, shah teaches izidora her first deadly curse with a promise — you'll use it when you know you'll need it.
YEAR TWENTY. many of the original girls that izidora first bonded with have either ran away, were forced upstate, or were dead. she hears plenty of rumors & is taunted frequently by her captors, but still believes that carina is alive. izidora & the girls who remain resolve to run away for good, often discussing what they would do & who they would become when they leave. they never get to run, though — once one of the less sympathetic women kept captive discovers their plans, izidora is d/rugged, attacked severely for hours, & nearly killed. hardly able to breathe through a bloody broken nose & unable to see, izidora remembers the last thing shah told her after their lessons — once she's taunted into giving her last words, she recites a cursed incantation six times; grinning while each of the abusers in the house fall to their screaming deaths, their organs boiled bloody. once izidora eventually frees herself, she returns to the girls' rooms, eye swollen shut & covered in blood, and politely tells them to get their shit & go.
YEAR TWENTY ONE. after being cleaned & clothed, izidora returns to shah. she is able to actively practice kulam properly with shah, as well as plot her revenge. over a period of ten months, izidora tracks down each of her assailants & sends every single man & woman complicit in her abuse to their cursed deaths while freeing any girls remaining. once she finally tracks down nico, she curses his soul with permanent unrest. when she watches his house burn down with his mangled body inside, she can't stop laughing.
YEAR TWENTY SIX. izidora has gained far more than she's lost: including her craft, her sister, tala, her girls, and an immunity to death from the spirits that guide her. she heals her community, & curses those who try to destroy it. every so often, she looks at her kulam altar fondly — souls filled with anguish, swimming inside of an amulet — they all died so that she could live.
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iziszvrk · 5 years
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Izidora was sitting at the bar of the Nouveau’s Priemer Circle, sipping a glass of water and watching some of the dancers practice. “They’re still so young,” Izi observed, watching some young associates walk past and the two groups scramble for the others attention. “All of them. So desperate for attention. Do you think they’ll ever learn?” @lucycartwright
the other difference between martyrdom and suicide is press coverage by panic! at the disco
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theotherpages · 4 years
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From Final Orbit (The Other Pages Press):
Chapter 1: All Stories Begin at Home
         I am writing this story because my daughter Izidora asked me to write it. It is not mine alone, for reasons I will explain. I will tell what I think is important, as best I can. I will not tell you everything, for reasons I will not explain. I will say only that some parts of the story are not mine to tell. Trust is important to me. Faith is important to me. Love is important to me. And most specifically, the people I consider family are important to me. More than anything. Material things, by and large, are not. Let me begin with my family.
          My parents, despite being first-generation Vietnamese immigrants to Brazil, had a fondness for all things Italian, and named me Mario, after Mario Andretti, the most famous race car driver of the 20th Century CE. My older sister was named Sofia, after Sophia Loren, the most beautiful actress. They liked that Sofia also means wisdom, because in our culture, education has always been highly valued. Mario technically means hammer, so I think maybe their expectations for me may have been a little less ambitious.
          In all other things (or almost all) they immersed themselves in their adopted country. They became devout Catholics, they spoke only Portuguese in the home, they became naturalized citizens, and they studied futbol with a seriousness that verged on comedy. When they were naturalized, my father changed his first name to Milton, and my mother changed hers to Beatrice. Sofia and I came later. Our family name is spelled Ng, which we have always pronounced the same way it is spelled, “en-gee,” and though it is a very common Vietnamese name, my parents kept it as the one unbreakable tie to their past lives and to their ancestors.
          They never talked much about their own parents, or their younger lives in Vietnam, or why they migrated to Brazil. In honesty, I never thought to ask. Our family always seemed whole and complete as it was, with the four of us.         
          Our home was a medium-sized flat in Favela Paraisópolis in São Paulo. I say medium-sized, but that is in favela terms. Anywhere else it would have been quite small. It was stacked vertically - the kitchen was at street level, my parents' bedroom and storage closet above that, Sofia and I shared a tiny room above that, the tiny WC was at our level, and then there was a small open space on the rooftop where my mother raised spices and peppers, and we hung our laundry. There was a raised rack supporting the solar panels that heated the water beside a storage tank, and my father had planted a climbing vine in a pot next to it. The shady space created beneath the vine’s green leaves and flowers was our refuge, Sofia and I, from the grime and the noise of the narrow streets below.  
         I liked the rooftop because I could look up and watch the clouds, and look out at the city skyline at night. I remember once when there was a massive power outage across all of São Paulo, and Sofia and I were dazzled by all of the stars in the night sky that were normally hidden by the glow of city lights. “Where did they come from?” I asked in fascination.
          “They are always there, Mario,” my mother answered. “Like the sun and the moon, but they are so far away that their light is tiny to us. They have been there forever.” Maybe it was then I first started thinking about being an astronaut. I cannot say for certain, but it might have been then.
The eBook version is still on sale on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08R2FW42K/
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ranchracoon · 10 months
Devour Ch. 23: Careful What You Wish for Daniela
On the way down to breakfast you pass by more of Izidora’s maids, none of them give you a side glance, or a scowl; some even smile and say good morning to you and Cassandra. It's nice, you can actually enjoy the company of your girlfriend without hearing whispers of disapproval or see disgusted glares. Cassandra purrs against you as the two of you walk together, she made sure to rub her scent all over your head and neck before you left the bedroom. Upon entering the dining room, you're greeted with an assault of flies that leave little nips along your body.
“Well good morning to you too.” You laugh.
Daniela and Bela appear in front of you, simultaneously leaning in and kissing your cheeks.
“Good morning!” They say together.
Your heart swells with happiness and love at how happy they are to see you. Slowly but surely, all of them and yourself are healing, returning back to normal. You take a seat where you sat the night before and Daniela sits on your lap, Cassandra huffs in annoyance at you being taken away from her while glaring at Daniela as she sits too.
“Oh stop it Cass, you had her all night, and if she’s not too tired…I’ll have her all day.” Daniela wiggles herself against your hips.
You yelp under your breath, the sensation already warming the bottom of your belly and making things tingle. Daniela purrs and rolls her hips more, digging into you with more friction.
“I can feel your heartbeat Y/N…and it’s not coming from your chest.” Daniela whispers seductively into your ear as she grinds her hips against you again.
The dining room door opens with a wide berth, Lady Dimitrescu crouches under and sighs when she stands upright again. Bela and Cassandra snicker at your flustered state, you are thankful Cassandra and Daniela’s smell mask the scent of your arousal, but your excited heart gives it away. You eye Lady Dimitrescu from the corner of your eye and she simply rolls her eyes as she walks past you with Izidora hot on her tail. She sits at the head of the table and Izidora sits next to you again. She flashes you a kind smile and a wink followed by a chuckle before she reaches over to hold the lady’s hand.
“Daniela, stop torturing the poor girl and go to your seat.”
“Yes mother.” Daniela replies as she flies away from your lap and into her seat.
During breakfast you catch the lady and Izidora giving each other side glances and soft smiles to hide their giggles. You eye the girls from across the table who only snicker and shake their heads. Looks like you and Cassandra weren’t the only ones up late last night. Toward the end of breakfast Lady Dimitrescu clears her throat and wipes a droplet of wine from the corner of her mouth.
“Alright you four, I do have a few announcements before you run off. I will be calling Mother Miranda today to inform her of Y/N’s recovery, so please be gentle until then. Afterwards, I could care less what you all do in your spare time, just keep it to a dull roar please. I would love to live in blissful ignorance of what is happening with my daughters.”
"Could say the same to you mother." Daniela retorts.
The lady glares at her daughter whilst the other two laugh. Your entire face gets hot as you adjust the collar of your shirt with your finger. Izidora hides her chuckle behind her cup as she takes the lady's hand into her own.
“With that being said, I do have another announcement that I will bring up to Mother Miranda. I have invited Izidora and her staff to permanently live here under the promise that you will not harm or harass them as you did with previous staff.”
“Yes mother.” The girls say in unison.
“That is all. Keep your…activities on the other side of the castle.”
The second she dismisses all of you, hundreds of flies surround you in the form of Daniela who leans to your ear. Her hands brace against your chest, the tips of her fingers dig into the thin fabric nearly piercing your skin. The material bunches in her fists as her breath caresses your cheek and neck.
“Meet me in my room.”
She runs her tongue along your cheek, shoot a spark of excitement up your spine; she giggles and disappears from the dining room. You give Cassandra and Bela each a kiss and a ‘I love you’ before you sprint toward the library. The last time you ran so fast was chasing after Angie, but this is far more thrilling. You barge through her bedroom door heavily panting to catch your breath. That was in vain because Daniela took it right back. She's laying on her bed smirking at you, she only has her cloak on with it perfectly draped over one of her legs and covering her core in between. She arches up to expose her breasts more, your mouth watering as you walk to the end of the bed. Everything is on fire inside you, your heart races while her eyes undress you.
You lean down to place a kiss against her extended leg, your hands traveling up her cold, smooth skin while basking her in kisses. Before you can reach above her thigh, her other foot presses into your chest and keeps you from advancing. You look her in the eyes and they gleam mischievously, you whimper softly as you're so close to her that her arousal wafted every fiber of your senses.
“You didn’t think it would be that easy did you? I’ve had nothing but myself and my thoughts for the last few months and my imagination can only do so much. We’re going to play a little game: first you’re going to go into the bathroom and get changed and also rinse off because you reek of Cassandra. Then, you’re going to come find me, and don’t worry I’ll stay out of my shroud to keep it fair.”
She disappears once again from sight and you look around the room before you groan loudly. When you enter the bathroom there's a folded towel, a fresh outfit, and a black box with a note on it. After a brisk shower, you approach the towel and lift it to dry yourself. As you do there's a clattering sound upon the counter that catches your attention. Your eyes widen upon seeing a strap attached to a pair of boxers. Instantly your face gets red but your heart picks up once more in excitement. The boxers are soft and snug, of course you have to strut around for a brief moment to adjust to something lengthy between your legs, and to boost your ego just a little.
The outfit is fairly standard, one of your bras, some black dress pants, a white button up, and matching shoes. They smell like Daniela, her scent drowning out any other smell present, and they feel brand new. When you run your hands over the front the material is silky on the outside but soft on the inside. The pants are tight and clearly show everything, including your new appendage. You eye the black box and pluck the note from the top.
“Wear this. If it’s too much you don’t have to, but I’ve been thinking about this since you came back. -love Dani.”
Below her signature is a dark, red, lipstick mark that makes you smile and fold the paper into your pocket. You swallow a gulp of saliva, knowing Daniela there could be anything in that box but you trust her. Carefully you lift the lid then push the tissue paper away to reveal a leather collar. It's a dark, tanned leather with a metal patch on the side sporting the words 'property of Daniela'. You hesitate at first, unsure of how you feel with it but ultimately decide to put it on proudly. The only buckle tightens and loosens the collar, and you make sure two fingers can fit underneath for the correct tightness. You briefly wonder what kind of fantasies Daniela has had, and how they involve you.
You start your hunt by exiting her room and into the library, you catch her scent fairly quickly and follow it outside. Daniela giggles as she leans against the wall while wearing her usual black dress again, and eyes you up and down. As you make your ways toward her, she hooks a finger in the leash loop of the collar and pulls it upward; forcing you to look up at her fully.
“Mother Miranda you look good, this is far better than I imagined.” She strokes your biceps with her other hand, “everything fit?” She asks.
“Yes.” You answer.
She slips one of her hands underneath the waistband of your pants and under the boxers to your core, her fingers tease your clit and make you inhale sharply. She leans in and nibbles at your jaw, and once you tilt your head to give her more room she sinks her teeth into the part of your neck not covered. Your moan catches in your throat as she simultaneously twists you around to pin you against the wall.
Her fingers continue to tease your clit until your legs open further and she shoves two fingers inside. She licks up the droplets of blood while fingering you, thrusting knuckle deep and her thumb goes to attacking your clit. Just as you close your eyes to accept the newest pleasure, she moves away, taking her fingers with her. You growl under your breath that she got you all hot and bothered, she only kisses your cheek then takes off running. After a second to gather what happened you run after her. Even when she isn’t in her swarm she's fast, she tries to shake you with turns and twists leaving you to barely keep her in your line of sight.
Your heart rate thunders from the cardio and from the excitement of the chase. She's hypnotic from the way her cloak and hair dances behind her from her speed. Her hood long since falling off. Because of this you didn’t notice your claws or fangs break free from their restraints, a sudden urge to descend on all fours to gain an advantage. Daniela rounds a corner moments before you, somehow she manages to dodge the maid, you did not and plummet right into her. Both of you roll together before separating and you instantly jump to your feet. It’s Lilla.
“Oh shit..I’m so sorry!” You start and help her back to her feet.
She brushes herself off then eyes you up and down curiously at your state; you probably do look a bit crazed wearing a collar, with your fangs and claws out. Now your entire face, including your ears and neck are blood red.
"It's fine my lady."
You tug at the collar and avoid looking at her nervously, but from the corner of your eye you can tell she's examining you. You cough into your hand before clearing your throat.
"Um..promise you won't say anything?" You choke out.
"I promise, so long as I never learn the details of what's happening right now between you and Lady Daniela." She replies.
“Thank you.” You whisper yell then turn on your heels to return to your hunt.
You lose Dani on the next corner because all you see is a long hallway with doors and paintings. With every muscle tensed you stalk down the hall quietly, you control your breathing and your heart rate to the best of your ability. You stop for a moment and listen to every sound around you. Then your ears perk at hearing her giggle. It's muffled and extremely quiet but close, you creep past each door and painting stopping near each one to listen. She really does have a hard time containing herself, her little buzzes of excitement give her away. You rip open the door to your right, and find her in what looks like a storage room with various furniture pieces covered in white sheets.
Before Daniela can react, you block the door with your body and shut it forcibly making the walls around it shutter. You stalk toward her, herding her back until she hits something. She bites her lip as you reach behind to yank the sheet off the furniture, to expose a table, and a very sturdy looking one at that. Perfect. You grab Daniela by the waist and turn her around before pinning her down on the table with her ass pressing into your hips. Your hands hold hers down, your claws scratching the wood to keep from tearing into her right then.
“Looks like I caught you.” You growl.
“Oh no…whatever shall I do?” She remarks lustfully with feigned worry, while simultaneously pressing her ass further on the bulge in your pants.
“I’m going to fuck you until you can’t even fly properly.” You growl, your mouth salivating at her scent wafting up your nose.
“Please.” She begs.
Something animalistic overtaked you, your senses become heightened and your teeth ache to rip into her. With one hand still holding her down, you reach the other hand between your two bodies and lift her cloak and dress up to find she still isn’t wearing underwear. That turns you on further. Not wanting to ruin your pants, you unbutton and unzip them carefully to release the strap. She's dripping, and you use that to lube yourself up, coaxing between her lips and teasing her burning cunt. She let's out a guttural moan, pressing into you impatiently ; deciding not to wait any longer, you give her exactly what she wants. Your hips buck and the entire length sheaths inside her in one motion, she arches her back into your chest and moans loudly. She grabs onto your arms for support, her nails dig into your skin hard but not enough to break it.
The slapping of your hips against hers reverberates againstthe walls. The thrusts are hard enough to make the table groan and creak from the force. Daniela's knuckles turn white, her nails leaving indents in your skin but you continue to fuck her. With your free hand you lean over and slice open her clothing to reveal her back, you growl softly and stand back upright. With one hand you grip her scalp and yank her up, your other hand wraps around her throat. Her bare back molds to your chest, the only space being where her back is arched.
“Oh fuck..yes!” She moans.
A growl rumbles from your chest as you listen to the wet noises that come from her core. She pants heavily and continues to grind her hips against you which simultaneously rubs your clit just right. Daniela arches her back again and whimpers with pleasure as her body begins to tremble. Your claws sink into her neck with your tightening grip and you release her hair. Using that arm to hold her by her rib cage whilst her arms shoot up and lock behind your head. She gasps loudly and arches her back up and down as her orgasm hit, her legs shake and you brace in case her legs give out; you don't stop your thrusting just yet. When her breathing slows, you slow to a stop and back your hips up to let the strap plop out.
She groans from the sensation and you release her neck and unclench your claws. Before she can fully come down, you grab her hips and flip her around. You tear off the rest of her clothing and drool over her naked body in front of you. Daniela pulls you forward by your collar, and smashes her lips against yours, you kiss her back feverishly. Without breaking the kiss you lift her onto the table and onto her back. You break the kiss only to momentarily stand uprigt and bring her legs up until her knees almost touch her chest. Daniela wraps her hands around her thighs and holds her legs open for you. You line yourself back up with her entrance then proceed to fully thrust in again. Once you’ve established a set pace, you lean down with her thighs resting on your shoulders and capture her lips again.
She moans into your mouth. Your relentless thrusts make her open her mouth to moan, you slither your tongue into her mouth. She bites down gently and sucks on it, then lets her tongue roll with yours. You thrust upwards and her breasts bounce against your chest, her erect nipples brushing yours. Daniela frees your lips, a string of saliva connecting you two before she breaks it by leaning her head back. You bite down on her neck again, sucking and kneading the flesh until a bruise forms. Daniela’s moans vibrate with each thrust.
The strap still plays perfectly on your clit, a knot forms in your lower stomach again which makes you speed up your pumps. Daniela gasps and groans, your thrusts become harder and faster until you hear the wood of the table creak and snap. She giggles erratically and moans your name loudly when her body trembles all over. Your orgasm bursts and sends waves of heat over your body, your legs shake and hinder your thrusts momentarily. They start to slow as you both ride out your orgasms to a stop. Both of you pant heavily, sweat runs down your back and Daniela’s death grip on her thighs relaxes. You remove your teeth from her neck and watch it slowly heal itself before easing her legs down.
She moans softly from the sensation of the strap pulling out, she rests her head down on your shoulder to plant a kiss on your neck just above the collar. Her fingers tinker with it, gently moving it around so she can see the engraving then traces her fingers over your chest. You relax your weight on her, basking in her embrace and her smell as you bury your nose into the crevice of her neck and shoulder.
“That was far better than anything I imagined…and you look so sexy in this. I’d like to see you wear it with nothing on at all.” She purrs.
“I'd be happy to oblige. Only if you tell me more about these fantasies you've had.” You pant.
Daniela kisses your neck again, “mm maybe I will, after we get some fresh clothes on.”
She flies into her swarm and while you wait, you strip out of the pants and boxers. The heavy smell of sex lingers amongst the dusty air. She returns promptly with a fresh pair of underwear and pants for you, and she is in a back dress.
“Also, you owe me a new cloak. That was my only one.” She teases as you change.
You walk out of the storage room and are greeted with another maid who eyes the two of you but she quickly gives a smile and a wave. It's one of the same maids that you saw this morning with Cassandra; you'll have to ask her name another time. Daniela links her arm with yours, and purrs while leading you back toward the library. She gets the toy, your collar, and the clothes put away before forcing you to sit on a couch. Then she lays across your lap and snuggles up with her hand tracing patterns on your leg.
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isolctions · 7 months
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@steadyclips asked: quiet, sender gestures for the receiver to be quiet. — izidora! 🤫
non-verbal / action prompts
She's so fucking tired of this.
All throughout the past twenty-seven years of her life, she had never been that great at expressing herself & her feelings — among other bizarre behaviors that were rooted in trauma, according to her annoyingly insightful new therapist — but she never had an issue with anger. It came to her like second nature, held her hand & kept her trapped inside of a burning house that she no longer wanted to be in, and it was exhausting now.
Izidora Korrin Lane was tired of being angry.
But the world didn't care about how she felt. It didn't care about how other people felt, either. For what it was worth, the last seven months of her pregnancy had gone (mostly) without incident; the extent of her services going towards keeping refrigerators full, or keeping landlords away, or keeping their wounds & their babies healed, or keeping abusers away from crossing the lines of a vulnerable neighbor's apartment. All they had to do was come to Swavey's or Heirlooms, and Izidora would handle it — Tala's granddaughter & successor, their healer.
But tonight, she was here. She hadn't been needed in this way in a while, and the way the anger flooded into her body with the snap of a very thin line, everyone had felt it. All it took to keep her at bay was a look. But she was angry. They probably noticed with the way that her jaw clicks shut, her hands enclose against her forearms, minute shakes as her nails dug bloody wounds into the fat of her flesh to keep from wounding anyone else instead. What kind of mother would do that to someone?
One who cared. And even for them, she cared. Even if she didn't like them very much right now.
So she lets them shut her up. Lets them use her presence to talk themselves out of a situation that, frankly, they shouldn't have gotten themselves into in the first place. And when it was all over, the blood running lines down her arm and pitting at the ends of her nails, Izidora pulled them outside & into a grip that even rivalled Nico's, long ago.
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"You don't fuckin' use me an' what I got goin' on to get no shit like that done ever again, you fuckin' hear me? — Not when I'm 'bout to have no fuckin' baby."
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isolctions · 3 years
post-spooky szn muse list update:
as of now, kidada white, pavati luca, & bakari vaughn are being moved to secondary muses — meaning they’re on request / whenever the muse strikes and i feel like using them. their respective spooky szn ghost verses are also still available on request.
kidada white is currently a rising (and kinda failing) author / part time bartender. pronouns are still she/they. the dahlia assassin au in which kidada is a former assassin posing as a civilian following their former handler’s assassination attempt on them is also still on the table, on request, but i haven’t written it in a while so there’s that!
pavati luca is currently a lounge singer. she does have a bit of a shady past & reputation from being a former stripper / addict, and is trying to actively pursue her own music but old debts and shit gets in the way. she currently makes her money under the table performing at lounges that aren’t always squeaky clean, so muses with criminal-ish backgrounds are welcome.
bakari vaughn is currently a tattoo artist & owner of the harlem tattoo shop swavey’s (where active muse izidora banks is currently employed) as well as being a drug & weapons transporter for katya vaughn’s ‘the lost boys’ cartel. (he was meant to have died as i planned for the vaughn cinematic universe, but i got a lil’ self indulgent & let him live.) he was injured in an car collision with a drunk driver and is now Down Bad, mostly working out of his apartment & ambulates with a cane. kind of wanting more family friends in his corner, courtesy of his mother takima ellis.
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isolctions · 4 years
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@lcvesymbcl​ asked: 2 - rionne, 9 - izi, 16 - pavi
music meme
2. a song i associate with my muse’s past —
keeping in mind that rionne has literally never had a Moment to herself since she was a literal baby and was thrust into the spotlight very young, mixed with the absolute chaos that followed, she’s got a sketchy past. the first song that comes to mind is overstimulated by jhene aiko, because it describes the period of rionne’s life when she was just...partying non-stop. drinking non-stop. taking and mixing a bunch of drugs that she never even knew the names or effects of. it’s also the song in which the lyric for her face tag comes from, so it’s rather appropriate! honorable mention songs include nobody by jhene aiko, note to self by mariah the scientist, and weekend by mac miller. may his memory be a blessing!
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9. a song that would play while my muse is having sex —
let’s establish that izidora, when sexual, is disgusting — she will fuck any time, anywhere, to just about everything. she’s not exactly receptive to like, slow or moody / whispery r&b songs because she thinks that corny and will likely clown her partner for it. but most of the time, it’s chopped & screwed songs? or rap? or some random shit that managed to come on when the music’s on shuffle??? idk. something i think she would personally have sex to is fuck the world (summer in london) by brent faiyaz. and honorable mentions are pov by dvsn, slow motion by juvenile, and not nice by partynextdoor. are they necessarily fitting? no. but do the beats make her ass clap & have her feeling like a bad bitch? yes.
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16. a song that my muse can’t stand —
pavati tries to be open minded when it comes to music and varying genres / artists, and never likes to outwardly say that she hates a specific song or artist. like, that’s rude & diminishing! that being said, she do be hating some songs though. it’s not many, but she do. a song that comes to mind that pavati would probably hate is roxanne by arizona whateverthefuckhisnameis, because it’s just so stupid? like, so what if she doesn’t like waiting in long lines? most people fucking don’t! so what if she spends her daddy’s money? that’s her business! plus, she don’t like you but you still singing about her! get over it! another honorable mention song that she’d also hate macarena by tyga, because do we even need a reason?
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isolctions · 3 years
alright, to expand upon last night’s post now that it’s not shit-late-o’clock.
declaring both this blog, as well as lourdes’ (despite the fact it was already low activity to begin with bc i foresaw smthn like this happening lololol) as semi-active & on extremely low activity. mostly bc my undiagnosed ADHD is ADHD’ing and i still largely am consumed by my silly lil’ cartoon & reading fics all day so i highly doubt i’m gonna be a crumb as active as i was in the past, despite still having lots of free time.
along with activity being significantly lowered, i was persuaded to ease back into writing again by only allowing a small amount of muses to be ran on this page. mostly bc my problem in the past was trying to do too many things with too many muses at once and couldn’t adequately give enough attention to develop everything, so shit was just a mess. yuck. so i’ll prbly only be actively writing like, three muses on main & spend part-time with lourdes when i feel like doing so.
as for the muses i plan on using: i’ve only really still felt like developing a handful. so for right now, expect to see me trying to write with izidora banks — who has been beating people up rent free in my brain for the last six months and mostly at the forefront of my mind, rue castillo — who i always wanted more things going for her and wanted to develop / expand upon her character a bit more, plus j*rja is releasing soon so that boosted the need for a rue revival arc even more, jaira black — also another muse that i’ve always been galaxy-brained over and simply never had enough attention paid to her or had very much fleshed out for her, plus i have an arsenal of resources for her & i hate having them go to waste. (i’m also debating on whether or not i wanna also pull out kidada white or the brigham-reed twins, simply bc their backgrounds aren’t nearly as heavy as everyone else’s so it’ll be nice to have smthn light to balance all this with. we’ll see.)
for right now, it’s prbly gonna be these three i’ll be writing with majority of the time. but i also may or may not have the rest of my muses available by request, so you’ve been itching to pick things back up with me but don’t see the designated muses listed, i’ll more than likely make an exception so that we can continue writing.
anyways, that’s all. i kinda wanna be impulsive and just jump into it with whoever’s available and wanting to write, but i also kinda wanna update any icon folders and get all of the organization bullshit out of the way before i burn myself out. again, discord is available per usual for chatting or development reasons, as well as my personal, and i hope u all have been well and drinking water and receiving sunlight. super excited to (kind of) be back. <3
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isolctions · 4 years
i was too tired to go into detail abt it last night, but here’s the thing about [redacted] vaughn.
so like. i always had this idea in my head that bakari vaughn was...gonna be the sibling to die. i’m talking, late 2016 i alluded to it, by mid 2017 i was sure of myself that it was gonna be him. and it was going to be really in character for him and his personality, and that was gonna be that. then, the faceclaim showed themselves to be a shitty person! and y’all know me, i always find a way to work around things like this. and sure, i could’ve simply put time into finding another faceclaim that i felt embodied who bakari was as a character — because let’s face it, he’s actually one of my favorite male characters to date. i put my foot into developing him. i love writing him a lot, analyzing his choices and the reasoning behind them, all of his development. (and, other than katya obviously, he was my favorite sibling in general.)
and as time went on, i realized that i didn’t even want him to die in a way that was predictable to his profession. i realized...what if it was something completely unexpected, completely different than what he had in his mind and what he trained in his friends and his family and those close to him? especially considering, i’ve written a huge chunk of growth into his character these past two years, from dope boy to man with a family to care for. and considering the circumstances of why his faceclaim is a shitty person? it was honestly just easier on my mental to overwrite what i was planning on doing anyway, than to hunt for a face that was only gonna last for another few months or so.
anyways. a car accident happened, one that could’ve been avoidable but resulted in him and the driver at fault passing. the people in his life are now digesting and grieving something on a completely different caliber than what they prepared themselves to grieve for. and also, i was sick of the discord between katya and their mother takima for his choices. why make things between them even more tense than necessary? that was his dumb ass fault and his misguided choices, not katya’s! so yeah. as a result, zay bennett inherited his tattoo shop and is now the acting owner. his girlfriend, louise samuels, is listed as co-owner and rights to profits. izidora banks (yes, that izidora who i may or may not revive) is now the head tattoo artist / manager. he left a huge fund for the mother of his child, nikita simms and his son amari, in order to pay off nikita’s student loans (and the stress he put her through when they were kids, cause whew chile.) and a college fund for his son. he also pooled money into the vaughn’s ‘giving our mother everything we dreamed of’ fund, so takima is set for life. his family is set. so yeah — just in case anyone really, truly cared about who [redacted] was and the how, bakari’s dead.
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isolctions · 6 years
izidora’s dump.
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isolctions · 6 years
so once again it’s halloween time, which means i want nothing but a fuckton of spooky/cute/straight up horror filled plots so here goes a list of muses i have that are either supernatural, involved with supernatural entities, or have supernatural verses/willing to be involved in some spooky shit!
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aspen meadows — supernatural involved. attached to a demonic entity. currently six and a half months pregnant with ilyssa’s transdimensional offspring. open to supernatural plots.
ilyssa meadows — supernatural. fallen angel turned soul eating entity attached to aspen that can fuck up your whole day in 500 different dimensions, mostly eats men. (message me if you wanna start some horror shit & straight up kill one of ur muses.)
kidada white — temporary supernatural verse. ‘dead’ verse in which they are a ghost that hasn’t crossed over / acting guardian angel.
pavati luca — temporary supernatural verse. ‘dead’ verse in which she is a ghost that hasn’t crossed over.
rue castillo — supernatural. world famous singer / songwriter, barely active witch with second sight, known as the ability to see years into the past as well as the future based on visions. currently an alcoholic bc of it. also experienced in fortune telling.
izidora banks-lane — supernatural. bloodline witch of many abilities, specializes in the filipino magic of albularyo (healing magic) as well as mangkukulam (dark magic) with an immunity to permanent death. tattoo artist & occasional hitwoman focused vengeance and getting even. targets men that abuse others.
jaira black — supernatural. 100 year old bi-sexy vampire who’s also a private investigator. formerly a singer / show dancer.
jhiya saint — supernatural. siren mermaid with ties to greek mythology. cursed by hera.
charon selinofoto — supernatural. 10th century bi-sexy vampire, lives in an isolated 25-floor estate. formerly a painter/artist/historian across various centuries.
ona giardi — temporary supernatural verse. is able to summon demonic forces/supernatural entities during depressive episodes.
teyani nara — supernatural. medium, ability to see and speak to the dead as well as helping spirits with crossing over.
adina morales — supernatural involved. ER nurse. open to supernatural plots.
ezekiel silver — supernatural. practicing witch with the ability to freeze time when angered/frightened, as well as teleport to locations when in solitude.
appollonia “apple” markos — supernatural. fledgling fae in her first verse, still trying to get used to having magic while in a human body. fully grown faerie in her second verse, a whole ass scammer who wears many faces and loves playing games.
ainette riviera — supernatural. plant-based witch with powers of telekinesis.
also, aside from this big ass gang of supers, the rest of my muses are also down for some supernatural happenings so come thru with the plots, babes!
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isolctions · 4 years
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@calldrcps​ asked: 12. on a scar — izi x elijah.
touch prompts
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Not once has she dwelled on the kind of life that she’s had to live. Not the good parts, not the bad, and definitely not the three and a half nightmarish years spent in ways that Izidora still doesn’t have the stomach (or, the emotional range) to speak on with anyone other than her sister who lived it, and Shah, who had a hand in the reason she managed to free herself from it. In fact, Izidora hardly even thinks of it anymore — that is, until the relationship’s deep in the honeymoon phase like it is now. (For the moment, at least.)
The make up’s off, the hair is tied up, and the old, jagged knife scar that ran from the corner of her right eye down towards her chin becomes much easier to spot than she’d like for it to. She could always lie. She could say that the discoloration on her cheek came from school yard fights, or an old boyfriend, or from drinking too much dark liquor and taking on the world like she normally does on a weekend. Or, she could deflect, point out the numerous scars riddled on Elijah’s own skin that she hadn’t been there to witness or hadn’t heard the story — or, the lie, about. But what was the fucking point? It’d been over now. For years, it’d been over. The past was buried right beside their bodies in the bottom of the Hudson, so he’ll be fine if he hears the truth of why Izidora always claimed the left side of her face as the best side.
“Some niggas tried to kill me.” She shrugs, because the answer was as simple and as complex as that. They were trying to kill her — they just were more concerned about making money off of her body first. “They was into some bad shit. I tried runnin’ off, an’ I ain’ do what they want me to, so them niggas held me down an’ cut my face so niggas knew who’s property I was. I wasn’t always the one puttin’ these niggas through hell, you feel me?” Some details omitted for the sake of her own sanity, but Izidora’s more than justified in her reasons for why she uses the kind of magic she does and goes after the people she does, anyway. “But they dead now, an’ have been for a minute, so don’t go gettin’ yo fuckin’ panties in a bunch or start gettin’ all soft on a bitch.”
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ddcjas · 7 years
🎵 — all our ships :)
Send 🎵 for a song that reminds me of your muse.
nasir, regarding paloma:
the beginning… by john legend—last night was the last night you’ll ever spend alone…couldn’t wait, did it in the living room. as soon as i saw you, baby i had plans.
sade, regarding hassan:
eternal sunshine by jhene aiko—maybe i have made mistakes, and been through my fair share of pain, but all in all it’s been okay. i’ve lived well.
katya, regarding nyhri:
peace of mind by partnextdoor—no one wants to lose a love like this. a lady with patience…i did crazy things, and she still waited on me.
dominic, regarding zephyr*:
overtime by bryson tiller—he thought that would keep her ‘round, but he thought wrong. nothing at all, that’s what she got on…and she’ll get up and leave him for me, i know.
elijah, regarding izidora:
past chick by a.chal—you took care of me when i was out to lose, but i was self obsessed, i didn’t see the truth…and even though i’m sorry, i ain’t gon’ lie, i ain’t gon’ change your way.
*bonus song for dom & zeph: we both know by bryson tiller.
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